Surprising My Wife On Our Wedding Anniversary With a New Car-Finnegan's Garage Ep.118

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welcome back to finnigan's garage thank you for hanging out with me do me a favor hit the subscribe button hit the like button comment watch whatever videos you can that helps us a ton here this episode is going to recap our rocky mountain race week adventure this is part two and you're gonna find out what happened after we broke blasphemy and why and uh yeah hemi's wasted again but don't worry i have a way to fix it i have a brand new hoodie and a brand new t-shirt and as you can see as usual the hemi is eating hundred dollar bills go to right now to get yours on the show so so here's what went wrong this is the transmission out of blasphemy this is a geforce gf5r it is a manual gearbox that is clutch assisted what does that mean that means that first gear i use the clutch every year after that i don't necessarily need to use the clutch i can burp the throttle and pull another gear i can burp the clutch pull another gear it's a very fast shifting pretty damn durable gearbox here's where we screwed up at rocky mountain race week to enter the stick shift class which is the class i wanted to run that's where the all the action was there weren't a lot of gaster cars there at that race um cletus was there i wanted to line up with him and leroy so to enter the stick shift class your car has to have two important things first off it's gotta weigh at least three thousand pounds blasphemy does second off you have to have an h pattern shifter well at the time of rocky mountain race week it didn't it had this shifter this is by long racing shifters it's called a vertical gate shifter this is the kind of shifter where first second third fourth it goes in a straight line up and back that's how you shift it it's great shift it works really good i used to have an h pattern in the car um i took it out at one point just because i wanted to try this and see if it was better so for rocky mountain race week we put the h pattern back in the car we screwed up one very important step when we did that which is all of these levers for the trans control the gear shift well one of them we got in there backwards when we change this shifter out and put this shifter in it's missing all the stuff down here and and the linkages one lever got installed upside down and when you do that and you're on the starting line with your h pattern you push the shifter forward for first gear you're actually in second gear and then when you're wide open and you go pull it backwards to get in second gear you're trying to shove it in first gear [Music] the end result was the hemi saw like 10 000 rpm and on the last pass on day one when everything was finally working right and we had corrected that problem with the trans well we had a dent in the oil pan at the end of that pass and the hemi was unhappy all right we're here tearing down uh mike finnegan's uh henny out of blasphemy and uh they've apparently been doing a little uh instead of the one two shift which is how it's supposed to go they've been going 2-1 so they got it backwards it's kind of the or the new way to do things it's a new way to do things they're onto something here i think maybe fair enough um so it's kind of it's a new definition of upshifting right just a new way of doing it and as you can see here kind of didn't work out so good for him it's it's a work in progress i mean we'll keep they're going to keep revising the uh the technique here the up down shift right and uh we're gonna call it the cotton we haven't given up on this yet i think uh maybe they're on to something you know you gotta you gotta work through the tough spots until you you know until you figure it out so anyhow as you can see here we got the problems on so if you look here really it's fine here fine here fine here not so much not so good not so good right there a little i probably got a little extra clearance right that that's a little little funky right there but anyhow like say this is a new process and uh maybe with a little more fine-tuning we can we like your efforts mike uh being that you can't afford a lock up i guess this is a new way to try to lock it up exactly this is a new way um you're locking up the engine right it's not the clutch instead of the clutch so we need to we're gonna have to we may need to have a meeting safety meeting before your next outing and we're leaving cotton at home because cotton we're gonna blame this on you even though we know it's newbern's fault he admitted to it when he dropped it off that doesn't matter i'm still blaming all of this on cotton just because he knows who he is exactly you're welcome right okay so that's it for today and so there was no fixing it i didn't want to go home it was day one this is an awesome event so what did we do newbern cotton myself our friend brandon we piled in all the vehicles we had brought which was square force one the new red ramp truck which we decided to call lincoln hawk and the new 66 suburban that i had just traded the six door truck for we piled in all those vehicles and just kept going with the event so for the next three days we just went from track to track to hang out and watch the racing and it didn't go 100 as planned you'll see right here [Music] [Music] uh we got about i'd say five miles from uh the racetrack in tulsa and the bourbon it just died on the freeway just backfired and shut off and it seems like it's a fuel delivery issue so we're gonna jack it up in the gas station parking lot and uh this so i'm driving down the freeway and i'm wondering why you're going so slow in colossus or whatever you want to call that thing and then all of a sudden you like found another gear and took off and then i couldn't keep up this thing just kept slowing down you give it throttle and the motor would shut off so i'm like okay fuel delivery issue so i threw it neutral and it's idling and i pull off the highway and as soon as i pulled off the motor showed off and it backfired and it just blew a giant hole in the motor this thing dude it's off so yeah i figured out how to use high and low and it sounds like the coil what sounds like they call them i mean if it's out of gas it's not gonna it depends if it goes well yeah i mean if it's yeah this lane is going to pop all right we put a new coil in we're gonna try the easy thing first give it a shot ready oh yeah you were right dave i will give you credit you were right you're right and plus his idol and better not vacuum [Music] [Music] i got a feeling another car stereo install stereo in the bourbon doesn't work and uh we gotta drive another 300 miles today to get to the next track and i need tunes man so stopped at walmart again for another car stereo and we're gonna slap it in and we're gonna go the one in the new ram truck doesn't work either can we uh we'll do that tomorrow you want to do stereo tomorrow let's do it all right why not all right we need a stereo sponsor at this point pioneer sony kenwood get at me yeah the new head unit in we had to buy some butt connectors and um yeah we don't have to have a stereo but the suburban came with a sub and an amp and it would be a crime against humanity not to hear that during this road trip right so we got the wires going we got maximum size these are condoms holy love gifts from the previous owner apparently let's save this for later we now have a ramp truck that you can't take into a regular gas station you have to go to a commercial fueling station here because it's too tall it won't fit under most awnings big rig status what do you think this thing's awesome yeah this thing is super comfortable to drive you're going to love it dude the seat is on point the armrest come down you lay your arms on it you hold the steering wheel everything is laid out the seat leans back is so nice dude you i cannot wait for you to drive it it's it's amazing when we were on a highway and brandon passed you in square force one it looked like a damn mini truck next to this thing really it looks so small next to this truck so when we're on the highway i can give it a little bit of gas it picks up 10 mile an hour like that i'm just i'm just i can pass you like it's nothing that's plenty of power i mean like the whole pilot i'm getting used to all that but i mean it drives sciences while we're here just saying there's a skill right there why not why not because uh walt the guy that sold it to us said that with that little bmw suv that was in it he said it was like 23 something in fact he sent me a picture of the scale uh reading so i'm going to use both tanks on each side because i can now i got a pump here pump there we'll do both at the same time oh super fuel um damn i had to get used to that noise um wait it needs a name i've been driving down the road like thinking of like colossus or optimus prime or just something big and not clifford because i don't think we're going to leave it red well that's that was my thing i was like the first thing i thought about when i seen it was i got flipper but if we're going to wrap it or something then we're going to have to change stuff yeah we're going to wrap it up you hawk hawk hawk come on hawk let's go right now what was it what was his name i'm gonna ask you michael though hey what was stallone's name hawk what was his first name what what was stallone's first name in holland at over the top huh lincoln hot lake is thinking lincoln's hawk this is lincoln hawk all right perfect all right the new rig officially has the name lincoln hawk i like it it's over the top yes it's perfect and as she comes by square force one here notice that lincoln dwarfs the other square body i never thought i'd see the day that that occurred all right on your left square force one on your right lincoln hawk it's huge [Applause] yep it's official i think we found the world's biggest square body holy cow it's so big we can't go to regular gas stations because it won't fit under the awnings don't push that button i'm not going to go push that thing you gotta hit the button here bro if i get yelled at by a lady hit the button if i get yelled at by a lady i'm gonna get mad all right it's 20 50 or 20 580. thank you truck has a name we're calling it lincoln hawk what is it is that your favorite movie over the top with stallone dude if we can put one of them things in there of the stallone movies other stallone movies that was like the best family heartfelt movie ever we're calling it lincoln hall all right lincoln hawk i'm in lincoln hawk now we waited what is the weight you think twenty thousand five hundred and eighty it's not what i think that's what the man in the that magical box told me oh that's what it weighs yeah twenty thousand five hundred unloaded it's twenty thousand pounds with the trailer so it's probably twenty is your trailer 500 pounds it's got a lot of stuff in it it's probably 500. 20 000 unloaded so you put any so if you go racing you put any car in it we're at 25 almost 26 26 is when you need a license right all right what kind of license you need i don't know anything about this cdls i think so yeah i don't think you can go to the mail right there just take them right right here you can't take me in the neighborhood why do you know where we're in [Music] not certain bridges why can't we bro look now i've been on this little two lane road then turn in here i'm going to turn right here turn right it's 600 feet turn right onto northern street [Music] oh get some get some little new burns [Music] yeah apparently so well we'll get there one way or another one [Music] do we have seat belts in this thing oh yeah right here turn it left here mr newburg uh this is he's turning he's turning so we're screwed because there's stuff coming down that way all right so i got a minute yeah you got a minute longer than a minute mr newbern go after this car real quick i can go out to this car yeah you gotta go go now you will you nest up now don't go you have plenty of time but you can't drive this thing you gotta warn me i did warn you i can't take it can i go down yeah go out pretty easy there you go it's our easing go go go go well you mean easy what do you mean easy i'm telling you to go let me push it out okay that was a great movie that should have won an emmy that's one of those that i'll watch every single time it comes on oh absolutely sit down and watch absolutely but you know that he would have never beat bull hurley in real life i know he was like three times he was like eight million times the size he was destroying people and and you know stallone was the smallest dude out there but he had that little thing in his head you know he flipped the thumb yeah did the whole so but you got to take your hat don't you have to slow down here jackson he better get on somewhere you got to turn your head backwards yeah i think everybody john [Music] all right she's in the box we are leaving rocky mountain race week heads down tail between our legs because we wouldn't even make it past day one which sucks but once we realized blasphemy was done for the week we formulated a new plan which is get mike home in time for his wedding anniversary which he's missed i don't know how many times thanks to events like hot rod drag week and rocky mountain race week so we're going home plan is to get there by tomorrow afternoon and surprise my wife with her suburban she has no idea we're coming she doesn't even know blasphemy's broken we've just i've been talking vaguely about the event with her the last few days so she has no idea we're broke she has no idea we're out she has no idea we're coming home and i think she should be very happy because she's been home with the kids and she works full-time and she does everything in our house so um i think she'll appreciate us showing up and and maybe maybe even appreciate lincoln hawk probably not i think when she's linking hot she's gonna be pissed or she'll just shake her head but then when she sees the suburban i think she'll go oh you do love me there's our mission get home make wife smile and then sleep all right got an idea right we're gonna pull up we're gonna get out we're to put the wing on the roof of the truck in the middle of the traffic jam it's going to work dude we're going so slow that wing we went through a lot of trouble to get it back something has to be installed we just made a phone call well yeah but it was a long distance phone call okay so how we gonna do this then all right so the next time we stop i'll jump out brandon will jump out brandon's got the nuts and the wrench i've got the wing we'll open the doors get on the door stills you slide over if we have to move just go slow and we'll put the wing back on i mean look the cars aren't even moving it is moving dude this is way to be on channel 5 news for this we're going three yes but everybody that's behind us for three five miles is gonna be like look you can actually be all the way up there you see that everybody see that that's not bumper for traffic well that's because you choose it and dave's up there he's back there dude look look all this traffic behind us you know that's i i i i love all your ideas think about this mikey what we're about to do is good for the environment by reinstalling the og wing on square force one we will once again be affecting the drag coefficient of this thing in turn netting better fuel economy burning fewer fossil fuels reducing our carbon footprint thereby prolonging this giant meatball we call earth for future generations i don't understand what he just said either we'll get better maybe bro you know what i've learned one thing with you mr flanagan you're going to do whatever you want to do anyway so there's like no worries i do listen no you don't just don't eat all the time there's a difference define the word that's listening and acting upon it yes it is i think are we ready okay you ready that's about to move again it's about ready to move and i think this is the worst idea that you've ever had but i know i don't count so i'm just going to hold my boat where's brandon where's brandon at i guess i hope he's on the trailer [Laughter] all right so we got nuts to the right nuts now we just need the lock washers and the big uh washers so we rob these nuts off the inside of lincoln hawk we bought lock washers next time we stop it's on we will complete the installation jogging you wanted your workout buddy how many push-ups you do today cardio in all right you ready ready wanna be great for the door here you got a wrench there you go go we're in traffic and they're installing the old wing on the truck while we're rolling let's see how bad it is back there oh my it's bad back there bros wash your neck [Music] we're about an hour away from my house in georgia and uh now it was right about the time when my wife would be picking the boys up from school and they always facetimed me as soon as they get out of school and so she was blowing my phone up all around the interstate and obviously i can't answer it because i'm in square force one not blasphemy that would give away what's going on so we pulled over real quick i want a face timer and then we'll carry on with our charade for a few more hours yeah guys i don't know surrounded by a lot of greenery but i don't know exactly where we are all right well i know you got to go i'll let you roll i'll give you higher tomorrow i'm how to stretch the truth just a little bit [Music] hey woke up this morning everything's good wow so it was already rusty and when i backfired it it just blew the bottom out of that muffler that's awesome [Music] good night okay i'm at the end of our block um what we'll do is the big red truck's gonna pull up i'm gonna pull behind it where she can't see me and then i want you to go up i want you to go up to the house and tell her that someone's delivering a big truck here for mike and they need you to come sign for it and then uh she'll come down she won't be happy about it she'll probably call me and i'll wait for her to call me before we move the red truck and i come out and say hi okay so uh i'm walking towards the street now okay and so uh once we're in position go go up and get her and then um and then as soon as you're walking out with her start you know start trying to film so you can get whatever reaction she gives okay she came outside about 10 minutes ago and put something garbage but she's back in now all right cool we're uh we're heading your way then okay bye-bye thanks oh man this is exciting i'm super nervous i don't know why i'm nervous but i'm nervous i mean i know she'll be happy i'm home on her anniversary i know she'll be less than pleased about this big truck and uh i think she'll love the cute little suburban i hope so we'll see it's not like she exactly asked for a suburban but how can you not love this thing i love it just kind of have a rough go of it this trip while i was away with all the kids and school and life so it was a good idea to come home on our 15th wedding coverage okay there's mr quinn he's hiding all right i'm going to hide this truck behind this truck hopefully nobody comes here and then i'm just gonna just get out and wait for the drama that way i can see it i don't know why i'm so nervous for me dude i'm so nervous why are you so nervous i don't know i don't know why you feel like a little kid don't you i don't know why i'm so nervous but i am it's like you tpeat somebody's house and got caught yeah it feels like that they're going to come out and yell at me i'm gonna look like a ben do you know what you're doing there she is yeah she ain't happy she's like what the what the hell she's got her phone it's her phone or a drink it's a drink okay now she's coming out here dude so this might i need to drive away i need to drive she's coming here right now all right i'm going no no don't go yet she's coming i want to see if she'll go if she comes up to the door then go what are you doing what are you doing here it's our anniversary happy anniversary oh okay that's not a stick shift uh so it was originally a stick shift and then um it got converted to automatic and like this right so it still looks like a stick shift but it's automatic so it works like normal you just push the button and pull it backwards it's in park reverse control drive okay and the lever on the side will slide the seat up if you want i think if i'm not shifting i'm okay um i figured we could go to the driving in this go to the grocery store kids will like this yeah because it's lower too yeah i'm gonna put air conditioning in it that's like the one thing it doesn't have it's got everything else is nice yeah my friend sean he's much more like it babe yeah i figured you know you didn't say you wanted one of these but i thought man this is so cool i think i could see you driving this i could see you going to the grocery store or picking up the kids from school i can see you doing it i found a drive-in theater that's open this weekend we can all take this if you want you making plans [Music] i couldn't warn you i couldn't warn you you always look good i wasn't worried about it it wasn't like you were going to come out in a track suit you know it's impossible [Music] [Music] how do you turn this thing around i'll do that hit the button you have to edit this out mike this is
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 837,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOT ROD, roadkill, street outlaws, wedding anniversary, surprise, new car, classic car, broken, drag race, hemi, twin turbos, supercharger, ramp truck, mike finnegan
Id: WIpnVvzoVi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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