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okay take off your blindfold it's tiny dinner what the heck wait who is that ariana grande hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so today i will be surprising my friends with their favorite celebrities but there is going to be a little bit of a twist so stay tuned for that if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started whoa so i kind of have a feeling that i know who my friends favorite celebrities are but i want to make sure so i will be sending a brent undercover today to go and ask them so that they don't suspect anything from me are you ready brad oh yeah let's go all right let's find out all right so if you could be in any movie in the world what would it be can i say like ice age that's an animated movie but sure if you can meet any famous person in the world who would it be justin bieber justin bieber yeah so after finding out who my friend's favorite celebrities were i decided to pull some strings so please welcome justin bieber i get my peaches out in georgia all right let's go [Music] all right pearson wow do you know why you're blindfolded today i have no idea as per usual okay well i'll give you a little hint um it's a surprise that you're really going to like oh okay and i know for a fact that you're gonna like it because you mentioned it yesterday okay are you ready i'm ready okay i'm gonna go get her did she say get him wait a second [Music] hey baby [Music] oh my lord so um i heard from lexi that if you can meet one person it would be me justin bieber the real justin bieber not the walmart justin bieber oh no honey this is the real deal uh-huh you look great in person i look better in person you look better in person and you know what i have to say my singing is also better in person i think you use a lot of autotune in your songs i guess because you do not sound the same at all okay well um well that's it have you seen lexi by the way i haven't seen lexi okay i'll keep looking but have you ever seen justin bieber and lexi in the same room now that is a good point so jeremy what's going on i have a question i want to ask you and what's that question name your top three favorite celebrities are they in the back of the car right now no you can't just name them um ariana grande billy alice okay and selena gomez okay nice lady gaga's gonna come out now all right cool thank you very much that's it nice job that was it all right all right let's surprise jeremy with ariana grande [Applause] wait who is that ariana grande oh my god [Music] this is ariana grande oh my gosh yeah you forgetting about your auto tuners oh my god i love you so much and that is why i'm pretending to be ariana grande yeah i think you forgot your auto tune a little bit there yeah i left my auto tune at home yeah i feel like you're like your off day or something because you weren't sounding too hot when i was walking down the neighborhood okay well jeremy i heard that you are a really big fan of me yeah i am and you know if you can meet someone you would want it to be ariana grande i don't know this is exactly what i meant by like meeting ariana but it's all right though it's all right what yeah that's reported so do you have any song requests for me maybe to uh maybe that one song called uh never sing again because you're not gonna mess at it please oh no make it stop [Applause] oh my god i'm getting out of here all right bye jeremy i love my fans all right so ben i'm gonna ask you a couple rapid fire questions you have to answer them as fast as you can okay ready all right what's your favorite color blue all right what's your favorite food pasta uh favorite celebrity kylie jenner cooler beach cheese all right that's it nice job i don't know why i'm here but it's great all right you guys please welcome kylie jenna i went all out for this one i got the butt pads and everything so uh let's go surprise that storm stormy all right all right so ben do you know why you're blindfolded no but i'm very nervous okay well i have a surprise for you okay and i have a feeling that you're really gonna love it okay okay so she's pulling up right now so keep your butt hold on lexi who's pulling up keep your blindfold on okay ready yep take it off what the heck okay what oh excuse me so a little birdie told me that you're a big fan of me i'm kylie jenner no you're not [Laughter] [Music] anyways kylie i'm a big fan are you i love you you look a little different in person though i look a lot better in person this is crazy from far away in the car it looked really good when you come closer up you know you look um like a witch okay now you can say that you met kylie jenner yeah i met kylie jenner i'm gonna tell my mom do we get a selfie of course oh my god you can see my light in the picture your butt oh my gosh hey that thing is hanging nice to meet you um kylie tell stormy i say hi i will storm tell travis scott that um you guys should get back together no all right you guys this is going to be it for this week's video i really hope that you guys enjoyed it and if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already a big thank you to kimberly for doing all of the looks today i will tag her down below and i will tag everybody else's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next week bye stormy storm justin you're married you're married [Music] you
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 9,085,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7s8msF5TqPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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