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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel if you guys are excited for this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up right now also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and without further ado let's get into the video all right you guys we're gonna do a little challenge okay so i have two states here and one of them has a thousand dollars in it while the other has a can of sardines so basically if ben and jeremy can break the safe they get to keep whatever is in it but they have to make sure that they pick the right safe first what are you doing here is jeremy here yet no he's not here yet it's just you and me yeah okay what should we talk about um that's up to you it's your video do you ever think about your ex when you're with me [Music] alex you are my ag if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be anywhere but here right now anywhere but here how many kids do you want um with me see it one zero zero one where is jeremy all right ben and jeremy okay so i have a challenge for you guys okay yeah so obviously here we have two saves one of them has something really really good and the other not so much okay so first you guys pick which safe you want to work with anyone in there should we do any mini money mode let them go so that's what we do so we don't do that when we do this one right so you guys want to do this one yes so if you break it you get to keep whatever's inside all right so again you guys are working as a team and you have 10 minutes to try to break this safe are you ready yeah yeah go i need to find some tools let's go okay i got a hammer and i got a bat is there any way to do this what are you trying to do yeah one two three four five six how dumb oh do you think i am i know what it is it's probably six nine six nine okay you know what come on we kind of broke it open a little bit we need to find your tools [Music] uh you guys have two minutes and 36 seconds okay we gotta go i have an idea follow me so i have this giant forklift where did you even get this it's not as cool as i thought it would be yeah give us a second give me a second all right you guys time is ticking you guys it didn't break no way it didn't break we threw it from like a hundred feet come on yo that's mine i got 300 how much you got 500 000 oh here we go okay so this is kind of hard to talk about but a few days ago i was yet again trying to convince pearson to date brent making her my sister-in-law when she said something along the lines of my sister i [Music] and then i said what did you just say and then we got it from our chairs she pulled my hair and threw me to the ground okay so this is the part that my camera didn't quite capture so let me explain in detail what happened after this pearson proceeded to spin me around and then she threw me off a cliff okay so none of that actually happened but we're just gonna pretend like it did because today pierson and i are going to be getting into a nasty argument in front of brett and andrew to get their reaction let's do it all right pearson are you ready to do this i'm so ready okay so you're gonna got up to brent about me and i'm gonna gossip to andrew about you oh it's not like we've never done this before oh my gosh and then we're gonna put on a show let's do it do it oh i've been so annoyed really yeah here's my last name stop i'm serious kirsten yes she's been so annoying i've never like seen her like i feel like she would never get in a fight with anybody like she would never like be annoying well we're kind of mad at each other right now dude you need to talk to your sister well i'm just she's been annoying me all week like she gets mad at her little things like the other day i parked in her in her parking spot and she yelled at me for like 20 minutes what i know like it's ridiculous she's being so annoying yeah dude she's been wearing the same tops as me every time i wear a top she like copies me she's been taking my parking spot and she's been talking about me [Music] you need to talk to her okay i didn't know that was happening you just have to like be straight up honestly harrison lexie see my name on your mouth oh look lexi i found your nose it's in my business again you sound so stupid right now i have to sound stupid so that you'll actually understand you know what person remind me the next time i see you not to talk to you you know what that reminds me hold that thought was she talking about me oh yeah oh my god [Applause] are you okay [Applause] all right boys so we're sorry okay like you don't know what i think i think we should get some revenge okay sure get that what's in there where are you going are they going to the kitchen where there's knives [Music] you
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 6,635,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MEh1qqZq00s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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