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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay guys so for this week's video my best friend pierson and i will be turning into babies for the entire day this should be pretty interesting so if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started so pearson has no idea that i'm gonna make her turn into a baby for the day so let's break the news why are you filming so this is gonna be your outfit for today do you have any guesses as to what we're doing what on earth is this so pearson my proposal for you today is can you become a baby for the day wait what you want me to become a baby yes like an infant do everything for me right i'm down wait no no i'm not down oh no okay pearson are you all dressed yeah okay come on out oh my gosh okay i think you're missing like one thing though no no no no yes no no no i think we should change this video title to embarrassing piercings per day i think that's what it should be why did i agree to this i don't know the challenge starts now so basically pearson starting now if you break character like if you stop acting like a baby then you lose this challenge okay i have to act like a baby all day okay then i'm just gonna whine all the time i'm hungry help me i think i just poked my pants i'm never having babies oh who's this oh hi this is baby pearson she's 925 weeks she's a little big to be a baby don't you think [Music] [Music] so i finally put baby pearson down for a nap thank goodness she's been crying all day what's wrong are you hungry i think it's time for baby pearson's first meal see if she wants some food okay open up all right you guys we are now going to get people's reactions to my baby pearson let's go you guys i had a baby she's right here oh she's kind of cute so this is amy pearson hi baby pearson [Applause] oh my god i think baby pierce and pooped yeah what is that oh no it's just french that's not funny she's the one with the diaper so here's some wandered off by herself outside and i'm literally watching her talk on the phone last time i checked little infant babies do not talk on the phone so let's go confront her because she's breaking character you broke character no i didn't babies do not have full conversations with someone on the phone i hate to praise you but you lost this challenge you broke character since you were character pretty early i think that you have to pass on your diaper your diaper i will do that right now okay here you go i don't want it anymore okay baby food was crap okay you guys so since pearson broke character pretty early on i think it is now time for me to become a baby and um we're gonna have my friends take care of me so put this diaper on baby lexie is ready okay so this is actually like humiliating but let's find a babysitter so i'm on my way to bands right now and ben i'm sorry in advance it's gonna be a rough day for you all right i'm gonna get in this little baby holder and pretend like somebody dropped me off on ben's doorstep and we're going to see if he takes me in and babysits him he'll be so confused what are you doing then i'm a baby no you're not a grown woman why are you sitting in a freaking car seat you want me to take care of you or something oh yeah will you okay just for a little bit i can't be your freaking dad here okay okay oh my god that's a big baby okay you sure you can't just walk yeah i'm pretty sure i can't walk yet stop crying oh anything else you need like well what do you have planned for us today i think i didn't plan on baby lexie coming over well why not how do i stop people crying you can take me to the park all right are you serious okay you can sit in the seat normally i'm a baby yeah that's right i forgot you need a car seat all right we're at the park are you happy here we are okay at the park what does that mean it means i want to go on the slides okay [Music] all right well we're having a fun day at the park and all but i think it's time for you to change my diaper okay nope nope nope i am done being your dad oh how the tables have turned up [Music] hello hello how's it going good good what in the world audrey's adorable oh never mind oh what are you doing what are you dressed as a baby or a barbie doll or uh i don't understand what's going on that's emmy's uppies oh is it like this wow what did i do wrong so jeremy i'm gonna give you a little hint okay i'm a baby okay and i'm a little bit upset because i haven't eaten yet this is a tough journey if you ever have kids one day you're gonna need your dad because of this video right here that one's true all right let's go to the kitchen you ready okay let's go here we go jeremy thought he was coming over today to be in a video but now he's babysitting yeah now i got a babysitter that's dumb all day jeremy i'm a baby she barely even knows how to walk you mean to open this for you i can't do it myself oh my god jeremy i'm not supposed to be talking this much oh yeah i'm a baby i don't even know how to talk all right here you go oh yummy yeah this is really good you know what wait why does it smell like that all right open wide it's very good for you big muscles what the heck is wrong with you you're gonna pick that up pick that up right now you can't remember the baby i can't pick that up no i'm already making a flipping mess get in the corner right now head in the corner now don't even look at me yeah sit there okay hey get out of timeout get out of timeout come here hopefully this will shut her up all [Music] right you need to learn to stop spitting stuff out did you stop okay no that's it that's it you're going in the closet you're in the closet there you go and don't come out thank the lord no you're staying in there you guys jeremy is never allowed to have kids lost me in the closet yeah because you're crazy i'm a baby okay you know what this is one big nightmare here you're going to sleep come here come here you are going to sleep right now now go to sleep there's a blanket there you go uh here's a pillow to shut you up and all right and i'm out of here you have fun with her right oh my god you were the worst baby ever you're the worst dad i quit bye okay you guys i am now in brent's room and basically i'm going to sit on his bed and cry super loud to get his reaction let's do it you don't even need to pretend to be a baby you already act like one oh my god yeah i said it oh my gosh dude i am not dealing with it hey i'm not babysitting you just take these and have a good time okay brent was definitely the worst out of the three boys all right you guys the day is finally coming to an end which means i don't have to be a baby anymore and i'm pretty happy about that thank you guys so much for watching this video i really hope that you guys enjoyed it and if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i will link everybody's channels down below subscribe to them as well and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys next week bye
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 14,401,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bcFg6hr2V08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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