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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel all right you guys so for this week's video i am going to be trapping the boys in an unbreakable box they are definitely going to hate me after this video so be sure to give it a big thumbs up right now also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and without further ado let's check out the box you guys check out this box let me out so yes you guys the box is already pink but i think we need a few more final touches let's get to it all right lexi's box i didn't mean that in an inappropriate way is this temporary or permanent can we take that off so pretty is that a fork or a flower this is a flower i killed it so cute the boys are gonna hate me but they deserve this do they all right the box is all ready to go so now we wait for the boys all right so i am here with the boys hello you guys i have a really big surprise for you but there is a catch okay all right you have to wear these blindfolds oh come on okay everybody has their blindfolds on you can't see right no how many fingers am i holding up all right three two one you guys ready yeah yeah okay one person on my arm and the rest follow the oh why does it mean follow ben right this way all right we have arrived prizes coming soon jeremy you want to get in first uh i guess am i going to be safe am i good yes you're safe this is a good surprise wait what is that the one leg put this leg up yeah okay wait where am i going all right who's next oh you're right you're in here wow down more in jail all right are you guys ready for the surprise yes okay take your blindfolds off in three two one oh no oh no where are we go let me up i need to get up come on come on all right so surprise wow you guys are now trapped in an unbreakable box yeah how do i get out okay so you guys will have plenty of opportunities to get out but this box is is pretty sturdy so yeah the only reason that this is open right here is so that i can talk to you guys and hang out with you i don't want to talk to you and you guys it's also for me to hand you the things that might help you get out so what's the point of this i like that the point is i'm getting revenge on every single one of you why why why what did i do yeah we do nothing we honestly don't even know no okay so first things first i'm going to give you guys two minutes to try and get out on your own before i give you guys some tools oh gosh so uh your time starts now oh my god yo why is this not breaking now 45 seconds oh come on all right boys come on back thank you guys how did that go for all of you terrible yeah harder than i thought yeah are you ready for your tools yes please sure okay a four whoa a spoon i don't want a spoon no i want the knife i have a butter knife and i have a pair of chopsticks yeah how is the chopsticks going to do anything except for pokeben all right five minutes on the clock good luck guys all right the plan is i'm out of carb out of shape this is about to be easy i kind of got this jeremy like you're shanking someone dude i'm trying i don't think this is working at all gonna be here but it's while this isn't working you guys what happened did this even make a dent in the wall hey we need to do anything it didn't even help it's doing something look at that there you go it's like taking some wood off okay two minutes left we're not gonna even need the two minutes because we're not going anywhere yeah come on yeah take these back something better come on you guys don't want the extra two minutes take them back the poor utensils you guys all right i'm going to give you guys an opportunity to get an actually really good tool i don't know if i believe you you don't i don't believe you you're being serious i'm being serious so if you guys collectively get this trivia question right then uh i'll give you guys one tool all right are you guys ready yes what never asks a question but always gets answered okay you guys have 30 seconds to oh i can collectively come up with the answer right but never ask a question but always get to answer it oh a phone right yeah you have to write it down whatever you think we got that all right you guys have won yourselves a screwdriver i don't know if i should be happy or not okay i know this isn't that good but they're going to get better as we go on okay okay you guys have 10 minutes to try and get yourselves out with the screwdriver and if you don't we move on i would highly suggest taking turns wait this isn't working lexi can we just use you to break the box yeah come over here you guys i told you that they were gonna hate me for doing this wait is it working yeah look at all that wood hurry up oh my god yeah you should be nervous andrew's enjoying this way too much one two three one two three four three two one stop take your damn screwdriver yeah i will so now you guys i'm going to leave you here until it gets dark and i know i'm actually worried about jeremy jeremy doesn't do well in closed spaces i don't have claustrophobia all right are you guys ready for your next challenge yes okay so pick one person to play rock paper scissors with me and if they win you get an upgraded tool but if i win you have to spend 25 more minutes in the box with no tools i always lose someone else do it someone else all right rock paper scissors shoot you lost what is that all right rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot you suck you guys have earned yourselves a hammer good luck are you ready wait wait yeah okay so even though i trapped you guys in an unbreakable box today i still care about your safety so here are some oh headphones so it's not too loud oh you're so nice i'm so sweet of you wow and then some gloves for your hands oh wow and lastly some goggles to protect your eyes wow all right i'm going to give you guys 10 minutes with this hammer so have at it here we go holy crap oh what the your box sure is cute but it's definitely not unbreakable yeah okay we don't know that yet that's a tiny hole what the heck come on boys i can hit it harder than that oh yeah yeah right yeah you can't how are you coming here yeah come in come on wait there's chain silver yeah you still have to get through the change you guys aren't even close why did i try to punch that i'm starting to feel bad yeah this is your fault for chopping us in here why can i keep this hammer for nothing in return no dagging i'm grabbing the hammer back no hang out for a second what's going on i'm trying everything you guys have been in the box for too long hey are you guys ready for your next challenge yeah can you hurry it up all right we're gonna pull a prank on the boys all right so if you guys all can complete whatever you spin then i will give you every weapon that i have oh no at this point i'm rooting for you guys okay all right first person to spin the wheel jeremy either good luck touch here we go any second come on wear a bra what no it was wearing a bra it definitely snapped how are you already wearing it he is he's already wearing one okay sugar what went on through oh i don't even know how to do this this is the worst time of my life oh my god this does not fit him and all right let's see okay so jeremy you have to wear this for the rest of the time you guys are in the box you look good unbelievable okay so now andrew's going to spin andrew if you complete this then you're you guys are halfway there here we go oh duck oh hell no oh my god okay let me explain this so andrew you have to sniff everyone's armpits that um is in the box with you bruh everybody's sweaty like hella sweaty give their sweat you guys this is probably the worst one because they've all been trying to get out of this box like you know like hammering stuff like working hard they reek i'm so funny have fun andrew all right andrew take it for the team oh my god no uh just smell oh four five four three step two one okay oh are you ready jeremy's gonna be the worst eww oh [Applause] andrew's like i would have done that without we're all telling you so are you good i can't smoke now go ahead lance drop a comment if you want andrew's throw up all right so jeremy and andrew both completed their tasks so that means you guys are halfway there halfway to getting all the tools that i have oh come on we're so close come on here we go okay raw onion do it do it do it do it if i would have got that i would have actually like thrown up really that's the one who got smelling one's armpits well jeremy's are but smell like onions yeah hey hey come get some i'm gonna get that bra back and it's gonna smell like onions all right friend i have your raw onion oh and don't touch your eyes after this because it'll make you cry oh my god come on dig oh oh my god oh no oh yeah oh yeah come on jay manchester there we go hector zeroni over here they must really want to get out of this box ben i think you're up so ben this last spin is kind of all on you you pretty much have to complete this because if you don't you guys probably won't be getting out of here by tonight come on please i don't want to shave my eyebrow oh what is that i don't know that's on the border which one what is that what is that oh it's ice bucket you'll find out all right ben are you ready to take one for the team i'm doing it for the sake of my team three two one ah it's freezing i have a brain freeze yeah this is the epitome of a brain freeze all right so all of you guys completed your test from that last challenge so here are all of the weapons that i have oh i'm taking that oh i don't know i've got that hey what i get the worst one i'm wearing a bra right now all right so since you guys have been in this box pretty much all day and it's getting dark i'm going to give you guys as much time as you need with these tools so uh escape you might need many many hours yeah 24. this is going to be hard that pickax really is definitely helped some damage now they just have to get through the wire oh look at ben's face ben and brent are like what's going on hey i don't think anyone can take jeremy seriously when he's wearing that bra look at him trying to get yeah i did oh all right you guys have officially escaped the unbreakable box and i hope that you guys are not too you're going back down here come on i've learned my lesson never doing this again [Music] jeremy got a splinter it's so bad you just pull it out let me get it let me get it it's not allowed you just take it out you just pull it out like that get it boom you do it yeah okay close your eyes wait no just close your eyes two one ah did you get it you're good jeremy i'm bleeding guys all cause of you it's true guys drop a like down below he's not crying that's just the onion that renee yeah right right
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 18,806,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wO9IHi13qNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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