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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so today i am going to be exposing my fake friends so obviously i love my friends so much but today i'm going to be putting them to the test and we're going to see who's real and who's fake i if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started all right you guys it's time for the very first test and this one is gonna be on my good friend ben basically for this test i am going to be in the pool pretending that i'm having trouble swimming and if ben jumps in to save me he's a real friend and if he doesn't he's a fake one so let's see what he does all right he's going to be here any minute so let's get in this pool help okay i can't [Applause] what happened why thank you wasn't actually drowning and why did i jump in the pool because you're a real friend and you're fake i'll put a pushy bathroom bro why would you fake that oh technically i'm the fake friend right now yeah a fan okay so then you jumped in to save me when you thought i was you know possibly drowning it's realistic though because you can't swim okay like that's why i believe it okay not everyone needs to know that okay carry on um i am very proud to announce that you are a real friend and you pass the fake friend test after that i better pass and he jumped in with his clothes on everyone so you also get this uh little trophy okay dude he wasn't so bad after all so congrats then you are a real friend and hopefully everyone else in the group can live up to this friendship standard uh i don't think everyone's going to get this trophy okay you guys so now pierson's going to come over we're going to go to lunch but on the way there i'm going to list a bunch of facts about me that just aren't true and we're going to see how well she really knows me and if she's a real friend or a fake friend let's do it hey pierce is here but anyways um so you know my birthday is coming up like march march 22nd so i was like oh it would be really large is it yeah no it's not yeah march 22nd what is it and then i was like oh it would be like super cool to have like a dinner with everyone um at this really cool steak restaurant that i loved because like their steak is just like like it melts in your mouth like yeah best steak i've ever had and so um i asked my brother bruce i was like can you have a reservation okay pearson so this trophy is for knowing that i don't have a brother named bruce it's bryce and my birthday is not in march okay but um you did miss the whole steakhouse thing because i don't eat steak oh i'm dumb but with that said you barely passed the fake friend test here's your certificate you were testing me you weirdos so this was all a test you could have just asked me if we were friends i would have said yes so um you know that my birthday's not in march but um do you know when my actual birthday is i'm just gonna take my trophy thanks so much for a great time oh wow i'm gonna walk home give me that trophy bag all right it is time to put jeremy to the test so brent do you think jeremy is a real friend or a fake friend i have a fake friend really no i think jeremy's a real friend i thought jeremy's pretty real he'll make a couple mistakes i think if we test them with something i don't know if he's gonna pass yeah so basically what we're gonna do is i'm gonna send jeremy like three random tick tocks and then right after that i'm going to be sending him this one friend tess if you sent this to a friend through text and they don't send you a video back of their hand like this then they're probably not watching all the other tick tocks you send them and they're not a real friend and at this point you should probably throw them away okay so basically if jeremy does not send back a picture of him doing this he's a fake friend no we're doing him dirty all right so i just sent the three tick tock and i'm about to send the fourth so all right so now we're really gonna see if jeremy actually watches the tick tocks i send them we'll see okay so jeremy just texted back okay the results are in oh my god he just liked all of them you guys you literally liked all of the links i sent him and then just said ha ha ha ha ha wow wow i was not expecting this big friend ruby's a fake friend so jeremy's coming over in a little bit so we're definitely gonna confront him and i'm definitely gonna fail him on this fake friend test get him all right jeremy's here let's not say anything jeremy yeah what's up what seriously why are you backing me down like this are you serious what what's going on what did i do just really disappointed in you to be honest what did i do what are you talking about i just can't even like call you a friend anymore at this point this is a joke you don't watch my tick tocks jeremy you don't watch the tick tocks i send you what do you mean all you did was like them go ahead go pull up our recent text messages will you please let's talk to you something right yeah the tick tocks i sent you and go ahead and watch that last one i said ha go ahead and click on it and watch it oh fake friend test oh okay with your hands like this then you're probably not watching all the other clues all right listen lex hey you didn't say i have an explanation i was drunk you're such a liar well okay i have a little something for you you little fake listen i was driving like this is your result here's your present no come on really you failed you know i'm a real friend and you know what this is a pretty big deal because you are the first one out of all of our friends thus far that has failed this test get out of my house you're not invited here anymore okay jeremy i'm sorry um you should be i am gonna give you one last shot to just prove your loyalty to me and this friendship that we have okay all right what do i need to do you have to help me with andrew's test oh so basically we're gonna be filming a video and i'm gonna come down in this obnoxious outfit and hairdo and then i'm gonna walk away and see if andrew talks smack on my outfit and my hairdo oh that's good let's do it you're there good perfect yeah here we go there she is okay so basically since you guys already did my makeup i thought it'd be fun to do your guys makeup so i have oh wait i forgot my powder bag yes oh it's um yes you guys like this outfit i don't know how i feel about it i think it's it looks good actually really what about the hair i like did it kind of differently oh i think it's like a little different and that's not what you're saying earlier yeah andrew telling the truth or not wait what no yeah it looks it looks different that's not what you said earlier let's just say they're like what the heck is [Music] you were saying that she looked bad and then jeremy was in on it no so jeremy redeems himself with um helping me out here but as far as andrew goes i don't think we can be friends anymore hey look okay i didn't wanna i don't wanna yeah right look what she's wearing i don't know maybe you know butterfly me and andrew aren't friends anymore what okay you guys that is going to be it for this week's video so obviously some of my friends are real and others are fake i'm not fake i just didn't want to be mean okay you talk smack behind my back i'm gonna be honest right now please think that i'll phase that if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i will link everybody's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next week bye you
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 22,057,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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