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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so today i will be going missing for 24 hours so pretty much both ben and dom asked to film with me today so they will be here and then pearson is coming over to film with brent hopefully they will be worried enough to want to come and find me with that being said i'm going to set up a little scavenger hunt and the first team to come and find me we'll win a thousand dollars if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started whoa all right you guys it is now time to set up the scavenger hunt so basically they're not going to be able to find me until the 24 hours is up but until then i thought it would be fun to send them on a pointless scavenger hunt that will essentially lead them nowhere i don't know i just think it's going to be funny to watch them run around in circles all day let's set up the scavenger hunt okay are you down to help us with the scavenger hunt do them down okay so there will be two teams coming here and you'll hand them these two papers as clues all right sounds like a plan okay thank you pleasure so one of the clues for the scavenger hunt will lead them to a destination that is literally almost an hour away so i'm headed there right now to deliver the next clue all right after 55 minutes we've arrived okay so the address is actually to a hotel but the gps took us to the back of the hotel so this is where i'm gonna take the next clue okay the scavenger hunt is all set up now i'm going to stick around and kind of spy on them to get their initial reactions and then once they start the scavenger hunt i'm going to sneak out i literally booked a hotel to really pull this thing off so yeah let's wait till we get here okay you guys so brent and pearson are already here they're downstairs ben and dom should be here any minute let's do this she's not here she uh she's gone she left something for you downstairs though i think yeah downstairs by the tv all right so gather around everybody what is happening looks like ben yeah so missing find me alexa rivera solve the riddles to find me winner gets a thousand dollars the first thing you see when you visit the river is abode but you can't get in without a code so what would that be referring to if you live here you're on my team okay no no don't talk to them don't talk to them i think it's a garage right let's go all right all right we also know what it is okay guys so before you guys go here's a camera to document your journey so good luck with the first riddle you're coming for that thousand dollars we're gonna win right here right now oh yeah all right so we're in the car we're ready to go i think where we can find this first clue the guard gate yeah so brian pearson just drove off i don't know why i think we kind of have a similar clue we think it's the gate i think we're gonna take a shot in the dark go to the gate see if she can help us if she can't it's gonna be really awesome we're really awkward we're gonna try anyways okay you guys so they all just walked out the door from what i heard ben and dom are clueless i definitely have my money on brian pearson so we're approaching the gate right now this is where we're gonna find i think the clue hello hey so we were told that there might be some type of clue here yes she has the clue yay thank you a large container for things you've used but the smell of my contents you won't be amused interesting where are they going they had a big smile on their face i'm thinking they found something they just went somewhere hey we're here for a scavenger hunt oh really us i think this is for you oh my gosh all right that was it we actually found it i was so scared i don't see me like awkward encounter but i got a piece of paper all right you guys i have arrived at the hotel that i will be staying at for the next 24 hours i'm excited let's have some fun see a big container anything anything oh it is strong in here yes we got it i bet you can't resist me on a hot summer day i can make you the pool put it away put it away put it away so we are here right now and i look over brett and pearson are literally right over there go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go what yo this is so this is so right it's not this trash can they were just checking here and there was nothing it's definitely one that's inside go go go go go go go all right you guys i have arrived in my hotel room and honestly now that i'm here i don't know what i'm gonna do all day like i'm kind of lonely where is it where is it you found it go go go there's something in here no no way you're just following us come over here okay go go go i can take you great distances at varying speeds to move even an inch i am what you need a car let's go i wonder if the people on the scavenger hunt are having more fun than me they already own that one what where are they bro i'm so confused okay i'm gonna call the front desk and tell them that it's my birthday can you guys tell that i'm bored hi um i'm just calling to tell you it's my birthday oh is this miss rivera again yeah oh happy birthday to you sorry i didn't realize that thank you so much all right bye oh my god i have to leave i have to go oh my god why did i do that the fact that he was like is this mrs rivera again you guys i've been calling every single person at the hotel just because i want someone to talk to okay so it looks like basically what was on my car is just literally an address let's look it up i say you go and dig through the trash can what no way bro yo we literally just opened this up and this is in there right here that you can't resist me on a hot summer day i can make you burn and feel cold at the same time i dare say it has to be the pool the pool go go go go go go so basically the last clue we got to go to a hotel but this place is 55 minutes away it is so we're gonna have to drive ahead of us all right guys so now i'm just hanging out by the pool you know relaxing a little bit such a nice day the next clue is literally in the middle of the pool how are we supposed to get that bro we don't have time to wait they're ahead of us dumb um i'm gonna have to jump in and get it we don't have time we actually don't have wait actually dude i want the thousand dollars we don't have time to wait for the drift over here it's literally in the middle of the pool guys there's no other way all right oh yeah [Applause] i can take you great distances at varying speeds to move even an inch i am what you need i think it's a car i think that's right yeah we are on our way we're like 30 minutes out jesus okay so we're about 30 minutes away this will be fun yeah okay guys next letter here we go it's an address oh what go go go go go go go go go go all right i hope that they're having a good time with the scavenger hunt they're probably really really mad at me right about now but oh well i'm enjoying myself over here and plus two of them will be getting a thousand dollars tomorrow so it's all good but i am getting a little bit hungry now so i think it's time for some room service hi yes can i please get the six degrees of chocolate and i also get the grilled cheese but instead of the soup can i get french fries thank you bye you guys this has been the best day i think i should go missing a little more often we got the goods room service has been served okay so we made it i don't know where we there it is there it is there it is two notes right on the back of the wall oh my god no way it's literally brent pierson they just pulled up they just pulled up yeah all right we gotta get the note okay what does it say get away from here stop we found it first we found it first no we're gonna win this challenge okay okay read it ready to come here come here he's gonna attack you stop okay read it read it hurry now go back to where you lay your head it's not a pillow it's a blend get some rest come back in the morning for your final rewarding wait what she wants us to go back to bed we did all this searching just to go back to bed wait so all this was for nothing we literally just drove an hour for no reason you freaking suck ben she's literally not even here we just drove all the way over here you have to go home how annoying is this oh my god we had plans i was gonna film today we're going there early in the morning and we're gonna beat wait we just you guys for 4 30 a.m in the morning okay you guys so today has been quite the day but i think it is time for me to go to bed i have a big day tomorrow we're gonna find out who the winner is so yeah good night guys all right you guys so i just arrived back at my house as you guys know i told them to come back here in the morning to find their last riddle and get the reward it is currently 8 a.m right now so i guess we'll wait and see who finds me first okay you guys ben and dom just arrived they are the first ones here they're gonna win the thousand dollars okay they're walking in oh lexi dom there's two of them which means we're the first ones to get it no we're the first ones here no way it says good morning hope you had a good sleep now go to the place where my house meets the street which is the sidewalk right yeah that's the sidewalk there it is the thousand dollars let's go and i'm not missing anymore i know you guys missed me oh i didn't i didn't actually miss okay so pearson just walked into the house i think she's gonna see the riddle and probably go wake bren up so let's get into the box all right guys so i just got here it's pretty early oh oh there's a riddle okay i don't think brent's awake yet so let's wake him up i cannot believe this girl yesterday was a total waste of time and now i'm awake way before i should be oh oh good morning okay okay i found another coin all right here we go all right good betty get in what is that i was not here when i first came in what the heck wait did we win wait what we didn't win then what the heck is the confetti for me wait how did we it's so it's still so early no you don't get the thousand dollars but i'm not missing anymore should we go back to bed brent let's go we'll see we'll see you later okay okay okay you guys you guys that is going to be it for this week's video i really hope that you guys enjoyed it and wasted our time lexie if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i will link everybody's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next week
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 14,012,457
Rating: 4.6934328 out of 5
Id: n_1MItMEekY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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