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what is going on nothing there's smoke coming out of your window what is going on are you smoking hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so today i will be testing out viral youtube pranks on my friends and we're gonna see who falls for them and we're also going to see if these pranks live up to their reputation if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started all right you guys so first things first we are going to be getting brent with the starting an argument then passing out prank let's see how this goes all right time to get angry bring it come down here come down here you ate my tune in the fridge it had my name on it huh where'd it go there was no food yes it was it had my name on it what are you talking about i didn't eat any food where is it i know you ate it what's wrong with you i did not eat any food in the fridge can you give me water water i didn't eat any food this is my attempt at the starting an argument and then passing out frank um it went viral on youtube so i just had to give it a shot how do you think i did i think you did not very good okay it is now time to attempt the crying with the door locked prank i have it been andrew and jeremy coming over i will be attempting to prank all three hopefully my acting skills can pull this together and uh let's see who falls for it hey one second i'm on the phone no seriously just stop like i heard you the first time not funny anymore i hear you i hear what you're saying i get it no i don't want to i don't want to talk about that are you okay no just go away no like i really don't like that's the last thing i want to do just go lexie can we talk no how was my acting performance let's see what i feel like is everything okay no not everything's okay yeah but i don't want to talk about it okay i'm just trying to be here for you what happened do you really want to know what happened yes well i'm i'm i know it oh my god you fell for him for a while 80 of it was me falling for it i wanted to make sure you grew up i know i honestly felt so bad well thank you for being there for me i know that there ever were an instance where i was really sad that you would be there for me not anymore okay andrew's downstairs right now no like i don't want to do that that's the thing no like because i have a choice and the last thing i want to do is that if you could just like listen to what i'm saying okay whatever i'm not doing this i'm just not yeah are you good no talk or anything just go away you sure i don't want to talk that's the last thing i want to do i'm going to sit out here and wait for you to come out so you can walk okay oh my gosh i was like okay like i'm gonna give her you know her space yeah and then you slide your camera under my back so um andrew how did i do it honestly i really thought like something happened like you're gonna have it like this wait i'm gonna close the door i'm just walking okay lexi are you okay okay jeremy's here hey lexi hello how are you i'm good i wanted to from this because i am kind of like confronting you about something what yeah confronting me so last week you said something about me behind my back and it like kind of hurt my feelings what yeah i never talked bad about you no but you did and like what you said was like just what i need a second lexie who said that life yo i promise you whatever they said is not true you're the reason i'm so upset come on i think you need a hug jeremy go away he just walked out the front door he literally left okay jeremy it's literally been gone for like 10 minutes you guys what jeremy literally walked out the front door i guess we know who really doesn't care about me yes i got you something what did you get me come look you have to open up the door no just tell me what it is i can't it's a surprise you got your favorite order oh my god you're kidding me this was a prank wait what i literally just went and drove and got that for you i know okay don't actually cry don't cry no don't do it don't don't leave me alone all right next up i'm going to be trying the smoking a cigarette prank i'm going to be doing this one on my mom because i think that she'd get the best reaction i literally have a smoke machine and everything to really pull this off so uh please pray for me because she might try to kill me all right you guys so i am backing into my driveway hey can you help me get something out of my car okay hold on all right bye i'm so nervous what is going on nothing there's smoke coming out of your window what is going on are you smoking no it's nothing what do you mean nothing i see it right there or what the cigarettes no we're just smoking lexi you know better than that hon what's the big deal here do you want do you want to try some what do you do it's a literal piece of paper where is the smoke coming from we have a smoke machine in the back oh my god i can't believe you think i would do such a thing well the smoking prank was a success and uh sorry for scaring you oh my god now let's go get some actual cigarettes [Laughter] okay it's time for another youtube prank so this one i will be doing my makeup horribly to see how my friends react let me know if you want me to do your makeup just hit me up all right you guys my look is complete i am i don't think i've ever looked worse so that's a good sign what do you think about my makeup i think it's gross you heard it here first all right first up lexi hensler hey what you doing tonight what's your face what it's not working for you really oh my god you're so straight up lexi i love it oh my god she's so straight up i think i'm gonna have to go cry with the door locked the next step we're going to call pearson hey what do you look like i mean did you make a difference yeah i did a little different like i just put on like more blush and like a different lip color i think the blush might be a little much oh okay um i'm sorry i just didn't think i thought it looked really good this is a brain piercing was really good oh well thank you i've had my fair share of practice today all right thank you pearson i love you all right so pierson and lexi both did not like my makeup they were very honest which i appreciate because this looks really bad yeah prank successful all right you guys that is going to be it for the testing viral youtube pranks i really hope that you guys enjoyed it and if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i will link everybody's channel down below so you can subscribe to them as well and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next week bye [Music]
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 14,938,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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