SURPRISING End Times Mysteries in the Feast of Trumpets | Rosh Hashanah Special

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so welcome grafted family to our feast of trumpets rosh hashanah special that's right you're gonna hear the blast of the shofar and we've got a great line up for you i'm gonna give you a teaching that reveals two end time mysteries within the feast of trumpets yeah and our good friend dylan carter is going to share an original spoken word poem with you and sam's also going to play for us his beautiful song called remember jerusalem we also have a gift for you so click on the link in the description below for a download all about the fall holy days the hogsmail joyous festival to all of you i'm going to reveal two end time mysteries that we see within the feast of trumpets mystery number one and that is that the feast of trumpets foreshadows the second coming of jesus we see this within the scripture itself and it's also in jewish tradition okay so in jewish tradition on rosh hashanah the feast of trumpets they read genesis chapter 22 okay so what is genesis 22 it's the binding of isaac by abraham and if you remember this unusual story god asks abraham to sacrifice his son isaac okay it's a little strange story right and what happens is and this often gets overlooked is according to hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 it says that abraham reasoned that god was able to raise isaac up from the dead this is pretty cool because abraham had this faith right he's known as the man of faith that god even if he had to sacrifice his son would raise him from the dead okay so then what happens is he's about to sacrifice isaac and the angel of the lord calls to him from heaven and we know that the angel of the lord is actually jesus himself and tells him not to sacrifice his son so this is this kind of epic moment and then what happens is is he sees a ram that's caught in the thickets nearby in the bush nearby and he ends up using this ram as a substitute sacrifice instead of his son isaac okay so here's where jewish tradition comes in so jewish tradition who says you to read genesis 22 because this is such a significant moment in the bible in scripture and of course abraham is the father of the jewish people and then in in the new testament we see that abraham is also the father of all of god's children by faith it says paul says this and then what happens in jewish tradition they say that this ram is so significant that each one of the horns of this ram are used later to do two significant things these two significant shofar blasts one is the revelation on mount sinai that when god gives the torah when when israel becomes a nation and the very people of god that this rams form because a ram's horn is how they make shofars so that this blast on this one ram's horn is god's giving of the torah of the the ten commandments on mount sinai and then amazingly the other ram's horn is to herald is to announce the coming of the messiah this mount sinai revelation this blast of the shofar on sinai is actually the first use of shofar in scripture which means it has a lot of significance we're going to take a look at it i'm in exodus 19 verse 16. this is what it says in the morning of the third day there was thundering and lightning a thick cloud on the mountain and the blast of an exceedingly loud shofar all the people in the camp trembled then moses brought the people out of the camp to meet god and they stood at the lowest part of the mountain and now the entire mount sinai was in smoke because the lord had descended upon it in fire the smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace the whole mountain quaked greatly when the sound of the shofar grew louder and louder moses spoke and god answered him with a thunderous sound and then the lord came down onto mount sinai to the top of the mountain the lord called moses at the top of the mountain so moses went up so here's what we have at the first shofar blast god came down and moses went up this shofar blast this mount sinai revelation was about meeting god so here we have man and god coming together they are to meet each other and so what do we have here we have this now foreshadowing of what the trumpet blast is all about we have this foreshadowing of the final trumpet blast when the messiah will what come and we will meet the lord now if we check the the trumpet blasts in scripture we see in revelation what do we have we have all these trumpet blasts and then the last trumpet blast the seventh shofar or trumpet blast in revelation 11 is what the return of jesus the return of the messiah so now let's look at that passage and see what it says it's actually recorded in 1 thessalonians 4 16 it says this for the lord himself shall come down from heaven with the commanding shout with the voice of the archangel and with the blast of gods shofar i just had to jump in here real real fast god has a shofar apparently okay and he's gonna blow his own shofar at his return so i don't know exactly how this works but i want to see that shofar someday and we will and then it says the dead in messiah then will rise first and then we who are alive who are left behind will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so we shall always be together with the lord so what do we have here now we have both shofars the same exact things happen that the lord comes down and we go up and we meet god together so this feast of trumpets celebration and rosh hashanah is all about meeting god it's all about it's foreshadowing and showing us this second coming of the lord okay so what a day of rejoicing that will be right now it actually gets even clearer in scripture if we take a look at it so if you remember in the springtime every year christians celebrate the death and resurrection of jesus right but these are actually on the biblical calendar meaning god commanded israel and the jewish people to celebrate these feast days on his calendar and we have what death and resurrection of jesus are called what they're called passover and first fruits okay and then 50 days later on the calendar what happens christians celebrate pentecost outpouring of the holy spirit and then what to the jewish people well they were commanded to celebrate shavuot which is the same day as pentecost so god actually gave this this celebration to the jewish people about 1200 years before jesus even comes on the scene okay all foreshadowing and building up to his first coming so here's the key that i want and if you have more questions about this we did a video on chabawell and pentecost and you can check it out but what i want you to see here is that the first coming of jesus the spring feasts are all about him and his first arrival on the scene and so that now paints this picture for us that the fall holy days okay are all about his second coming and that's what we're here talking about today because the feast of trumpets or rosh hashanah is the first holy day on the fall calendar again all about the second coming of jesus so we're going to focus on the feast of trumpets here but really there are more feasts as well we have the day of atonement we have the feast of tabernacles but those also all paint more understandings of the end times and the return of the lord but we're going to specifically look at the feast of trumpets here because many people aren't aware and understand what's happening and the reason for this is it's a little hidden and the text itself actually hides it now there are other reasons that it's hidden we could go into but i won't anti-semitism replacement theology but let's just look at the text itself because the bible actually doesn't say the feast of trumpets and it also doesn't say rosh hashanah okay so this is why this holy day actually gets a little bit lost sometimes to the significance of the meaning so first of all rosh hashanah literally means head of the year okay and in jewish tradition they're saying that adam himself was created of course we know on the sixth day of creation and so they're saying rosh hashanah begins the the creation of adam and so according to the calendar they say was 5 82 years ago god created adam again i recognize this is not in clearly in the text or something but i'm going to come back to that later and you'll see why i think it's significant now the other term feast of trumpets is also not clearly in the text and so i want to take a look at that because the question now is well what does the bible actually say right so if we look in numbers 29 verse 1 the context here is god's commanding israel to follow the holy days follow these events on the biblical calendar and this is what god says to israel on the first day of the seventh month you are to hold a holy assembly you must not do your ordinary work for it is a day of blowing trumpets for you now in hebrew it actually doesn't even say trumpets it just says yom teruah it just says it's a day of blasting it's supposed to be a blast right it's a day of blowing okay but it's just assumed in the context that when you say this word to rule that it has to do with blowing the shofar or the trumpets here so and this makes sense and and the the jewish people uh have interpreted this to even to this day that the main commandment on rosh hashanah is to listen to the blowing of the shofar okay so that's it's very significant now the other passage is leviticus 23 verse 24 and it gives us a little bit more information okay it says that this day on the calendar is to be a memorial of blowing or a zikron tarua a memorial of blowing so when you say okay what is it memorializing what what what is this blasting a memory of and now if you remember earlier was talking about what and this is what the jewish tradition says that this is a memorial of the blowing of the shofar on mount sinai because mount sinai is such a significant event in fact in judaism i would say it's the most significant event to the jewish people so this is the jewish tradition now if you bring these together right is that the feast of trumpets is connected to the giving of the law giving of god's word on mount sinai but then remember it's also connected to the coming of the messiah right so the blowing of the shofar connects god's faithfulness in the past that he brought israel out of egypt out of the bondage and gave him his word gave him his torah and and delivered them from evil and then it also points to this future faithfulness that the messiah is going to come and he's going to fully bring his kingdom fully and bring justice and righteousness to the earth and this makes complete sense right even though it's jewish tradition and not you can't see it all clearly but it actually is in the text right because who is god but he is the god who was faithful who is faithful and he will be faithful who was who is and who is to come this is all right here a little bit hidden but it's there in the text about the feast of trumpets this is what the sound of the shofar is to remind us of the faithfulness of god so when we hear it we enter into the past and we bring it into the present and we connect with the future amen pretty amazing so to summarize that although it's hidden underneath the surface a little bit the feast of trumpets is about when god comes down and we go up it's about when we meet god together and so there's actually an annual holy day on the biblical calendar that announces and proclaims the second coming of jesus so the feast of trumpets is this huge celebration that god is coming to meet us on the earth okay so before we get to that second mystery i want to reveal within the feast of trumpets i'm excited my very good friend dylan carter has an original spoken word poem for us about how the nations are grafted into the olive tree of israel our story starts and ends with trees these good old unseen characters rooted all around us older than all of us species and subspecies branching and contorting toward the light digging deeper into the soil for life they cover the earth and no two are alike our forefathers sat under them when men still gave themselves time to thank our story started and will end with trees he walked among two trees in the garden and was nailed to one tree on golgotha's mount he said there is one tree for the healing of the nations in one tree that bears the name of his people that ancient olive tree that has weathered persecution prunings and pilgrims and yet this olive tree stands at the center of history and great men and women have eaten of its fruit and drunk from its roots but the question remains can our soft modern hands handle the grain of this story our scholars tell us that covenant means conditional and not irrevocable that grafted in means we've taken over instead of been included that one unfaithful people has been replaced by a different unfaithful people and yet the remnant's blood cries out from the ground saying it's never been about your faithfulness my friend and beware if you think it is the roots support the branches and the branches drink from the trunk of a six thousand year old tree the one true man has made one new man bringing together jew and gentile black and white brown and yellow grafted into this one old gnarly tree that still provides pressed olive oil for the nations history is told in the rings of this tree and it isn't a short story my friend it's a long striving between god and men the one who gives name changes wants to change your name too jacob to israel simon to rock names born out of this wrestling match born into a story that needs remembering because what happened before you happen even though you can't remember it even if you try to ignore it a people that forget their history aren't a people worth remembering so let's read the whole book acknowledge this great cloud of witnesses recall the ancient paths listen to the old honest tales that tell us he is faithful despite our unfaithfulness he is coming to the mountain he wants sweat blood upon and this jewish story this inclusive olive tree is his family's story [Music] all right so the second end time mystery that's revealed within the feast of trumpets is actually that nehemiah 8 gives us a picture of the end time kingdom family so let's read nehemiah 8 verse 1 and here's what it says then all the people gathered as one man into the plaza that was before the watergate they said to ezra the scribe bring out the torah scroll of moses that the lord commanded israel ezra the priests brought the torah before the assembly which included men and women and all who could understand what they heard and this happened on the first day of the seventh month the first day of the seventh month is rosh hashanah it's the feast of trumpets so it's it's hidden here so you have to know what day of the month and what day of the calendar that it is it's the feast of trumpets and again this is a foreshadowing of the second coming of the lord so now we're going to look at it and it says first of all what it says that the people or the family was gathered and in hebrew it says it says as one man one man so if this should connect some dots for us because one man one man language is similar to in ephesians chapter two paul there is talking about how the family of messiah jew and gentile come together as he says one new man one new man so he's talking about the unity of the family of god that's necessary now that jesus has given his life for us okay and then if you rewind a little bit jesus himself has this great unanswered prayer do you know that jesus has an unanswered prayer that we know when jesus prays it's going to happen right it's perfect sir his prayers are perfect so what does jesus pray he says that we would be one as him and the father are one and he's talking about jews and gentiles being one new man he's really saying the same thing that paul ends up saying later in ephesians so this oneness of the unity of the the family of messiah this one new man is foreshadowed in nehemiah chapter eight and of course again this is connected with the blasting of the shofar this return of the lord so it's it's suggesting here that we have to be this unified family so that this final trumpet could sound so that the lord would return now if you remember earlier i talked about how in jewish tradition rosh hashanah is the head of the year and it's the day that god created adam so this is pretty amazing right because jewish tradition is saying that this is the day adam was created and then here we have the suggestion that this is when the one new man or one new adam is renewed this is when adam the family of god comes back to its original purpose that we get renewed and we're now unified and how do we become unified well only in messiah jesus only in the last adam so this is all coming together on the feast of trumpets that then ushers in the return of the lord okay so the passage continues in nehemiah chapter eight i'm in verse five it says ezra opened the scroll in the sight of all the people for he was above all the people and when he opened it all the people stood up and ezra blessed the lord the great god and all the people answered amen amen as they lifted up their hands and then they bowed down and worshiped the lord with their faces to the ground they ate dirt again okay and so here are the two things that we see the people are being rooted in the scripture they're excited about the scripture and if you remember in jewish tradition this goes back to the first shofar blast right and it's also in scripture a memorial blasting so on the same day they're remembering what that god gave the revelation of his word on mount sinai so they're connecting literally in with his word right here and then it says what it says they worshiped they bowed down right so this is giving us a picture of this end time family of god of what we're supposed to look like we're still supposed to be rooted in his scripture and worshiping him until he returns and then lastly if we jump to nehemiah 8 verse 10 it says go eat choice food drink sweet drinks and send portions to those who have nothing ready for today is holy to our lord do not grieve for the joy of the lord is your strength so again what are we saying we're seeing this foreshadowing of god's end-time family and then it's giving us a picture of what it looks like so what do we have he says be generous okay be generous there are people who are in need send them food and this reminds me of my favorite one of my favorite passages which is in 1st peter chapter 4 and peter says the end of all things is at hand therefore show hospitality i just love it's like the end of the world is here show hospitality like what but that's exactly what uh ezra is saying here in nehemiah he's like okay this is again it's it's the the last shofar and he's saying be generous all right send food to the poor help people out show hospitality just love that and then it says the joy of the lord is your strength this is an end times passage that the joy of the lord is to be our strength he's also saying don't grieve which is interesting because this the greater context here is repentance and so shofar is always connected with repentance as well it's to to wake us up to meet god in order to meet god and be judged as favorable to be blessed with him forever and ever we need to repent and so sure enough there's this calling to repentance within this but we're not to be grieving over our sin we're actually to be celebrating his goodness why because the joy of the lord is our strength so just to summarize here we have this this picture of god's end time family that we're to be this unified family we're to be rooted in his scripture or to be worshipers or to be generous and we're to celebrate his goodness for the joy of the lord is our strength so the feast of trumpets is all about heaven coming down and heaven and earth coming together us meeting with god it's this day that we proclaim and we prophesy in the return of the messiah so help us lord to be your unified kingdom family to be rooted in your word to worship you to give generously to show hospitality to celebrate your goodness to be strengthened by your joy until you return moran atta our master jesus is coming bo yeshua [Music] [Music] or sing me a song for the city of david yes draw me the course for the gates that he bit [Music] let's join in the songs that his great pain roll [Music] yes sing one more time for the city that shines in darkness still [Music] jerusalem i will remember [Music] god i will not forget [Music] yeah my tongue will not stick no my hands forget cause i i will remember [Music] oh to see [Music] solemn and splendor [Music] or to work alongside the builders of ezra so bring forth the cedars and raise up the pillars the glory of god it dwells among men ones we'll see [Music] jerusalem [Applause] i will remember [Music] [Applause] my song will not stick no my hands forget cause i i will remember [Music] all you people sing loud for the sake of the city one day we'll join with the charms of our brothers [Music] yeah we'll sing hand in hand the songs of our fathers oh no rain will be found if we don't sound that trumpet loud [Music] jerusalem i will remember [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah my song will not stick nor my hands forget cause i i will remember oh jerusalem [Music] i will not forget yeah my song will not stick no my hands forget cause i i will remember [Music] coming at you i just i just shoved it in in the dirt oh man morning sam
Channel: Grafted
Views: 12,095
Rating: 4.9784484 out of 5
Keywords: grafted, remember Jerusalem, messianic reaction, Rosh Hashanah, feast of trumpets, yom teruah
Id: O83HjLJUlkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 6sec (1926 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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