Should Gentile Christians Celebrate the Biblical Feasts?

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[Music] hey welcome grafted family live stream from kansas city all right glad you guys are joining us hope somebody's joining us out there is there anybody out there i can't i can't see a number if if there are tell us where you're watching from and put it in the comments please begin the questions shall begin commence questioning sequence any questions about the fall holy days we'd love to answer them so we also we have a few thank yous to kind of begin our live stream and the first shout out goes to cindy in wichita that's right kansas oh that's right and she has sent out this amazing tiny mug this isn't just a tiny mug i don't know if you can see it on the camera it's a kansas tiny mug with bison which is my favorite animal windmills it's got it all did you know that the latin name for bison is bison bison excuse me i did not know bison was latin well no it's not bison bison is latin is that the genus or the species no but really this mug like how cool is that it's red it's got a it's got a windmill okay side note story apparently i say windmill incorrectly do you remember this does it win meal or milk you remember this years ago tom and i with our wives were driving to colorado and i we were spotting windmills and apparently i say win meal they're yummy you don't eat wind you can't have a wind meal it's windmill apparently it's good but there's a windmill on there so sorry so thank you cindy thank you cindy and i actually have a missouri mug because although i'm not a big starbucks fan or coffee but i love their little mugs and i think that they make them for all the states would be my guess because i have a cool missouri one wow so i'm not saying you should have sent it is that a shameless plug i'm not saying that but if you want to tell us what state you're from by sending a teddy bear i would be upset p.o box another one that's a plug for our website check out our new website and somewhere on there is our post office probably yeah it's at the bottom it's at the bottom we do but we do have a new website and we got the coolest domain name ever so grafted dot family how was that dot family is a i didn't even know that was done did you know that was a dot well no it's then what's after the dot family [Music] it's i didn't know but dot fam i didn't know dot family was a dot what do you call that domain name no matt help me out what is it called address website address web address well it is no matter what it's grafted that oh here we go we got some people chiming on where they're from we've got connie from minnesota minnesota okay we got uh miriam kansas uh angela madison matt matt hi angie hi auntie [Laughter] all right i just did that you did it uh we got what's oh georgia marlene from georgia hi marlene linda from we're scrolling canada all right oh canada that's all i know that's that's a country url tess cox said it's a url thank you appreciate that i i didn't know that two canadas another georgia from kathy moore thank you guys so much for coming and watching this is exciting we've got another big thank you and this is for mary brown in indiana and check this out that's a bible that's a really big heavy bible you know you know this is like regular that's like a normal big bible this is like huge it's a family vibe it's a daddy bible it's really awesome thank you so much mary for sending us the daddy bible it has awesome uh pictures in it and so let's find one thank you so much there you go look at that you see that oh that's cool family bibles are coming back that was like old school 1800s i think they're coming back you know it looks like it looks like that it would be one of those books where it's like hollowed out for something oh to hide a gun i didn't say that but it's not no it's the thank you mary thank you thank you appreciate that all right one more shameless plug before we jump into the questions and that is our brochures if you haven't downloaded our fall holy day brochures you can go to and find that or maybe in the description below we'll put it on there also so i love how these turned out yeah they're beautiful kind of just gives you a brief summary of the holy days and also scriptures so you can dive in on your own personal studies that's always our goal that you would read the words tell you the word more learn about yeshua yeah so like we said in the beginning if you're just joining us we've got 79 now thanks so much for watching uh if you have a question about the biblical holidays put it on there and as we start talking our team will shoot him up and we'll do our best to answer them uh so just get him out there get him get him typing get your typers going all right here is the first question and some of you are asking this in the comments before the live stream started and that is uh should gentile christians uh celebrate the fall holy days good question i think it's a really important question should i say it again gentile christians celebrate the fall holy days and it's not a short answer so hopefully you guys can stick with us on this it's a really important question we feel like so thanks for asking it i'd start off by saying it's really important that we see the scripture from a lens of jews and gentiles yeah so that means god sometimes he's talking to jews sometimes he's talking to gentiles and so you need to understand identity question right and so when we look in scripture what do we see we see some foundational wrestles with this identity and acts 15 comes to mind yeah yeah so acts 15 you have maybe what you could call a gentile problem so there's all of these people coming into the faith coming into following yeshua being disciples of yeshua and they're not jewish because up until that point basically all the followers of yeshua were jews and so they come to acts 15 this what's called the jerusalem council it's the only biblical council and they have this question of what do we do with these gentile people that are following jesus right which is a little ironic because of course today a lot of people will ask this question wow jews can believe in jesus right and they were asking that same but flip-flopped question yeah 2 000 years ago gentiles can follow the god of israel so they actually had to have a whole council to talk about what all the world's together what in the world do we do with the gentiles so but this is really a big deal because their conclusion was and that the gentiles don't have to become jews right it was really an identity question do gentiles have to become jews in order to be saved would have to be circumcised right says and the answer is no and it's not like one guy makes this decision actually all the boys peter and the boys they all get together and paul right and james or jacob and silas and barnabas and the elders and it says that they were all in agreement even the people even the congregation in jerusalem was in agreement and then most importantly it says the holy spirit was in agreement so i mean this is talk about massive unity yeah it's possibly the greatest unifying moment in the bible maybe mount sinai would be another good example uh because you have the mixed multitude and the jewish people yeah and they're all saying that we hear we don't want to do wow but this is a unifying decision that gentiles don't have to become jews so we're saying all this kind of as this preface when we're asking this question on do gentile christians need to celebrate the holy days so the the simple answer is here is no they don't so this is a kind of offensive sometimes to people right because it sounds like we're saying oh the jewish people are better or something like that but that's not what we're saying in fact again we have a council decision in the bible that says what that there's distinctions between jews and gentiles so there's this this theological phrase that we really love called unity with distinction it's not even so theological i guess but unity with distinction like our goal is to be unified but with distinction and that's why on the grafted channel we're always talking about the unity of the family yeah but to have true unity we actually need distinctions you have to you need to know who you are in order to be unified with someone else yeah and we don't want to be someone that we're not created to be so it's important that we get to be who god created us to be so that's our our heart that's our goal so sam i heard that although you help uh you're an elder in a messianic jewish congregation but i've heard that you're actually gentile is that true it is true it is true has it so help me understand then why do you celebrate the fall holy day well it's it's a good question and it's i think we share the same reason and it's a difference between uh calling and commandment what do you mean so as a gentile i'm not commanded to celebrate these feasts but as a gentile i'll feel called to be a part of a congregation that is made up of jews and gentiles and to celebrate these things together unto the unit of the unity of the family onto hastening the the day of the lord okay wait so you're saying no no i'm just going to jump in here so you're saying that every gentile should do this then right no you're saying that every gentile is called to do that and that's the ideal and everybody should do that is that what you're saying not at all don't put words in my mouth huh no and and that's and that's important to note too i think you know you're saying it funny but it's super important that some could feel called to do that and some don't and that's some gentiles some gentiles exactly don't and that's okay right totally okay right in fact i would say the majority of gentile christians are not called to celebrate right the feast they're not called to uh observe the holy days but what they are okay with and are okay invited or invited into is studying about them totally because the holy days are all about yeshua yeah but the thing is it says when you look at the holy days is that god actually gives these to israel and the jewish people yeah he never commands the gentiles to celebrate these days and remember it says in the text too that these are holy assemblies or solemn assemblies and what that means is that they're communal yeah by definition to observe or celebrate the holy days it's a community gathering so in order to do that it's something you do by yourself at home yeah it's a family gathering and that's why uh it's to be done with messianic jewish believers right so and you can't do it on your own and plus we don't want to replace the jewish people right so if what you're saying is if you do it apart from the jewish family of messiah then or the jewish part of the family of messiah then you're actually taking some of those identity things yeah taking identity or you're you're putting on things that that aren't yours right and look this is important because christian history there's a lot of good things and there's also some bad things in there right it's a mixture and so the bad part is how the church treated the jewish people throughout the centuries there's quite a bit of that yeah and telling them they couldn't remain jewish and love yeshua yeah and so and they actually had to not observe the feast and they had to eat pork so we don't want to swing the opposite way and now we do all those things and then we demand that all other gentiles do that too so then all of a sudden there aren't any jews anymore is that everybody just becomes jewish and there aren't any gentiles it's back to this heart that we have uh to be unified but with distinctions so again it's it's this difference between calling and commandment so the jewish people do have this covenantal responsibility that god has given them right and gentiles have different callings different functions but all unified and also no one is better than the other in this whole distinction if you will and a good example is within israel herself because people say this seems unfair or whatever but when you look at the levitical priesthood of israel right in scripture there's a precedent for this distinction and that is that they had more commandments that they were to follow than the danites or the judahites or the other tribes right so this is not um new no this isn't something new there's and women have different commandments than men as well in scripture right and it takes all of us to come together to reflect the beauty of the infinite god right is the bottom line so israel remaining particular actually demands that the uniqueness and beauty of the individuals and all the different ethnicities in the world right and that because that's not something that the lord calls you to to come up become a part of the messiah and become a part of the body of messiah and lose your identity right right that doesn't make any doesn't make any sense it's not just an amalgamation of of you know peoples and colors and you know it doesn't just all fizzle away right that's not the picture that scripture has i think it's also important to know and to use uh paul's language in romans 11 is that as gentiles were these unnatural branches grafted into the tree and to remember that that the roots support you and that the that not not the other way around right and paul encourages gentile believers to just remain humble yeah don't be arrogant don't be arrogant unless you could be cut off right that's that's like really heavy languages that's not me saying that like that's paul saying that right and so that's in all of this it's important to remember this this unity right with distinction knowing that there's different roles but we're unified we're grafted into this tree together and we're partaking of this nourishing sap and it's it's beautiful but arrogance is a temptation right it is and that's a good warning sam i'm glad you're bringing this up because the temptation when people begin to study the jewish roots of the christian faith is it oftentimes leads to pride and arrogance and isolation and division right because all of a sudden they're learning this new information and new knowledge and knowledge has this tendency to puff us up right and then oh well no you know my pastor didn't tell me that and so and now i'm better than he is because i know this or something like it gets weird really fast right and it tends to isolate us and cause division so i like to tell people look if your new revelation about yeshua leads to pride and arrogance and isolation and division then i don't want anything to do with your revelation like it has to lead to the unity of the family right so that's why we emphasize this so much because the jewish roots of the faith should lead to if you're jewish being more jewish and if you're gentile being more gentile and even more so all of us becoming more like yeshua yes as this diverse beautiful unique family that's why paul talks about the body analogy you know the arms and legs and eyes like we're all different parts of the family right and yeshua is the head and he's exactly he's the head hallelujah so we would encourage you if you do want to celebrate communally uh and you you're feeling called to that then reach out to a trustworthy messianic congregation uh you can even do that online many uh many congregations like our congregation kingdom living messianic congregation you can reach out you can watch and participate online you can connect with the organization that our congregation is a part of is called tikkun global in tikun america and our website is and i believe so i think so so we can put those in the descriptions if you want to check those out uh there are other uh trustworthy organizations like the the union of messianic jewish congregations the mja a messianic jewish alliance of america uh so i would say it's important that we connect with trustworthy messianic jewish organizations it's good hey i just want to just want our mind a lot of people have jumped on since we started so we've got about 170. thank you so much for jumping on thanks for joining us we're going to be talking about more about the fall holiday holidays holy days when you when you mix the two it becomes holy days holy days holly holly days uh so if you have questions you have uh you know comments just post them over there in the box and we'll do our best to answer them and uh we've been we've been taking a little bit of time here to discuss this question that we were seeing beforehand is should gentile christians celebrate the fall holy days and so that's kind of what we've been dialoguing about here for the past 10 or 15 minutes or so but if you've got questions post them there and we're going to do our best to get to some here in just a second yeah so one more thing i would just add is this passage i really like in colossians chapter 2 verse 16 it says therefore do not let anyone pass judgment on you in matters of food or drink or in respect to a festival or new moon or shabbat these are a foreshadowing of things to come but the reality is messiah so even when we're talking all about the fall holy days we always remember that the the reality is yeshua like yeshua is always the answer and in the holy days help us understand yeshua so we are encouraging everyone to study the holy days why because it points to yeshua and it helps us to understand a biblical worldview and the end times i mean when we're talking about the holy days we're the fall holidays in particular we're talking about the last of the last days right so it helps us with our understanding of eschatology as well yeah so should we take a question or sure sure let's take a first question so liza or i'll just say liza martin what do you mean we can't do it alone because i don't know any messianic jews but i want to do sukkot great question yeah i mean i would say then try to connect with an organization trustworthy messianic jewish organization or congregation because again like i said when you look in the text these are communal celebrations sukkot especially i mean sukkot is the it's the foreshadowing of the wedding banquet of the lamp so you can't go to a wedding by yourself uh or i guess you could go by yourself but there's gonna be other people there it's a big it's a big party so you're this is though i think god did this on purpose so that that we need each other he's saying you can't do this by yourself you need the rest of the diverse family in order to celebrate these things so i would say reach out try to connect try to even develop a relationship with trustworthy messianic jewish friends and organizations so that you can celebrate those things and and i think our team is going to be posting some links to uh some some websites that will kind of help you find out if there's a congregation even near you even within the tikkun network which we're a part of and there's others as well so if you if you if you don't get something like that holler back and we'll do our best and we live in a digital age yeah so it's also interesting the lord's releasing revelation uh in this digital age where it's possible to connect with trustworthy messianic jewish even congregations and organizations yeah around the world so [Music] all right next question from terry as gentiles what is your relationship to israel and the feast days good question terry yeah i mean we we kind of were just addressing this but because sam and i um feel called to a messianic jewish uh organization and congregation specifically then yeah we we do celebrate the feast days as a part of our community with the rest of our like he said it's a a mixture of messianic jewish families and and gentile families so yeah that is a part of the rhythm uh of our life and and shabbat as well because again we feel uh called to that but we don't feel like every gentile christian is called to that like you know the baptist church down the street they're they're not called to that and that's okay they they bring whole i mean they're you know the baptists are so they study their bibles they're so they're way more organized than we are they do evangelism better than we do i mean one of the cool things about the diverse families you'll see how different flavors do things really well and better than you do so our heart is hey let's partner with the people that are already doing things really well and starting right you know instead of starting a new soup kitchen right why not partner with the the denomination in your area that's already doing the soup kitchen right right and it is it's a mutual blessing so even the congregation that we're a part of we meet inside of a baptist church so they meet on sundays and we meet on saturdays and it's not there's not rivalry it's actually they they come to our services at times you know and there's just this this beautiful uh you know just relationship there even with staff and pastors and members it's it's it's a mutual blessing god bless new city new city church and matt miller we love you guys pastor matt is awesome and and they man they are so amazing they are what a blessing all right next question all right jerry haddocks here's my question the 10 days of awe i understand what it is but as a gentile christian can i celebrate it well i mean first of all the 10 days of awe is not it's not biblical necessarily i'm not saying that it doesn't exist but it's not like it's in the bible that says the 10 days of all but it's the the rabbis the mess or the jewish rabbis and messianic for that matter have recognized that between the feast of trumpets and yom kippur is this kind of a solemn somber time leading up to yom kippur so i don't know about celebrate because it's it's it's more of this like uh reverential time um so again i would encourage like if you're wanting to kind of enter into that to try to connect with uh with messianic jewish community because they're going to help you understand even a deeper revelation about what the days of all are really about because of course days of our lives heads into the day of atonement which is this uh really this great and terrible day of the lord and so again that's why there's this this fear and awe actually in hebrew the word for awe is is your a and it means awesome and it can also mean fear so you even can see the like great and terrible or this this awesome day but this fearful day uh that is the day of atonement uh when the lord is coming and he's really uh bringing justice and righteousness to the earth so thanks that's a good question i think it's a side note too in case you in case you're just catching up and you don't know what we're talking about we're talking about the the biblical fall holy days or holidays which are rosh hashanah or yom teruah yom kippur and sukkot so those are that's kind of the framework for what we're talking about if you're if you're new to it and you don't know those words and you know we can we can help you understand that but just wanted to put a little context in there so let's let's hit the next question ariella cardiff shabbat saturday or sunday well that's not one of the fall holy days actually yeah hey hey breaking the rules but good question uh i'll answer it shortly i don't want to spend too much time on shabbat because i think we're going to do a like a shabbat special at some point but i would briefly say i would say that the seventh day uh is uh well it's friday evening actually this saturday evening uh that that is hashabat or the sabbath and again i would say somewhere we were saying earlier god gives this commandment to the jewish people and it's not like it's not a covenantal requirement for the gentiles and so that's why if gentiles want to take a sabbath on sunday or monday that you know god has blessed uh the gentile church for taking a day of rest on a sunday yeah so i mean god's much more gracious than than we are in that sense right um so but i would say that i would encourage people to at least consider a day of rest but i wouldn't say again i wouldn't say it's a covenantal requirement or something but i you it is helpful it's probably good for you right we'll talk more about the sabbath in in upcoming episodes yeah i i do want to say too that it's to celebrate on the first day of the week i mean in my opinion is a beautiful thing because the scripture says that yeshua rose on the first day of the week and so it's a it's a commemoration that he has risen and so to celebrate and worship on that day is a really beautiful thing right and if you live in the west then i would say because sometimes people are like oh the church is doing it on the wrong day right but my guess is you probably get the weekend off from your work so there's something to really be thankful for that the church did sunday because without the church observing sabbath on sunday right and the jewish people on saturday there'd be no weekend so saturday sunday sounds like a great deal yeah another question before we go to another one is that because we had a few of these questions um in the before we went live here is people were talking about that we talked about rosh hashanah and that god said that that's not the new year okay so i want to talk about that just briefly because um people said that we we got it wrong hey happy new year yeah thank you so much [Applause] [Music] so it's true that in the first of aviv or the first of nisan in the bible is actually the first month and that that is a and new year a new year and a new year it's like and unicorn it's it's i don't think it's like that uh but i would say that there are multiple actual new years in the scripture and so what you have is in in the fall holy days it's also the feast of in gathering and it says in it says i think three different times uh that it's at the turn of the year is the feast of inn gathering and it also you think about this because this is the sh when the shmitah is which is the seven year after you know seven years the arrest for the land and in fact according to the rabbis this is entering into the shemitah year right now oh yeah i don't think i knew that one yeah we're at the seventh according to the rabbis counting so the point is this is actually when they would set the captives free in scripture it says when when people who were in debt slavery uh the jewish people they would go back to the land or they were set free and then if you had land it would go back to the original owners it would happen uh during this time of the year so it is a new year in that that agricultural sense right of the land going back and also this is when the early rains start to come so it's also kind of the beginning of breaking up the follow ground agriculturally so it i think we don't have to be so dogmatic about uh new year because it's it's different than how we understand even like we think of new year's day as like one day but the fall season is really this unified season so it's it's cool it's hard to separate the feast of trumpets from the day of atonement from right from sukkot like it's all interconnected so it's a new month year it is it's a new year's month but it's clear there's no doubt this is the seventh month on the calendar as well right so but the lord also calls it the turning of the year so it's again we don't have to be so dogmatic about things the scripture is actually a little more complicated but also that i would say if you saw our special go back and listen to what i was arguing about the one new man uh in nehemiah chapter 8 where it says so there is this it's a little mystical but there is this illusion there to the one new man which is connected back with rabbinic jewish tradition that the feast of trumpets the the first day of the seventh month is the birth of adam and eve well i think it's kind of fun and maybe this maybe this is inaccurate so you can you can tell me later but the lord's really into making all things new right and so i like that and so for you know new year's new things new man right and then at the end of the story he says he's coming to make all things new so i don't know there's something about newness in the lord that the lord i mean we become new creations in messiah right like he's he's really into restoration right and so i mean that's you look at passover it's about from slavery into into freedom and sonship you look at the the the fall face that's in gathering it's like in this new man it's like there's just so much newness and life to it that you know to be dogmatic about it sometimes you might miss the beauty of it this is what we were talking about earlier like that sometimes people they they start uh journeying into their jewish roots and all of a sudden they just immediately they start like saying you got it wrong you're not doing it right well there's it's pretty complicated when we get into the calendar i don't know anything more complicated than the biblical calendar than other other than maybe eschatology maybe percentages and that's because they're connected [Applause] excuse me how do you do 15 i just don't i ruined your floating dude [Laughter] but really i think it's it's it's very complicated and so let's let's have some grace we better go to a different next question good question new question all right shenandoah oh i love that name cool shenandoah schwartz for gentiles who don't necessarily feel called to celebrate the holy days would you encourage us to attend some of the festivities attending sata really helped me see jesus connect old testament and new testament yeah i mean there's absolutely nothing wrong with attending a passover seder studying about passover studying about the holy days i mean that's what i'm encouraging us to do because i do feel this messianic jewish worldview is essential is foundational i mean this is why god it says in romans chapter nine uh maybe i'll read that i think i have it here because i think it's significant yeah romans nine verse three paul says this he says for i would pray that i myself were cursed banished from messiah for the sake of my people well which i mean i don't do we have that sort of love for the jewish people wow then he says the but the jewish people my own flesh and blood who are israelites to them belong the adoption in the glory and the covenants and the giving of the torah and the temple service and the promises to them belong the patriarchs and from them according to the flesh the messiah who is over all god blessed forever and amen amen so what am i saying here is that god has given these also says earlier the oracles of god to israel and the jewish people and the temple service and the covenants and the scriptures and and so god has given it to a particular people why so that we don't get off so that 2000 years later we don't think that this is a a greek or an african thing or whatever it's like it is a whole world thing but it gave it to a particular people group so that we could not get off in our interpretation and understanding so that's why i'm saying we need to really seek to understand the scriptures from this messianic jewish perspective yeah we made a video about about this a little a while ago but the understanding the jewish jewish jewishness of jesus is important because if you want to know more about him you learn more about his family where he came from who you know what his lineage is and what he did it's just it's like getting to know a friend right and so studying more about him and learning more about him and his peep and his people his family it's it's an invitation into intimacy too right and so i love that about the scriptures is that you continue to dig into them and you learn more about him and his plan so sam how do you think our live stream is going so far well um if i had to assess um would you say so far so good you set me up for that i didn't see it coming ah how did i not see it coming oh i'm really frustrated did i see that coming but really i think it's good it's good that's good it's fine let's see let's who do we have thanks mike and debbie and rosalia and sandra thank you guys so much for jumping on eliza cathy thanks for jumping in with questions all right aurelia you want to read that one in the chosen we see them build a sukkah was it really like that good question that's a good question uh i don't know that i know the answer to that well i will say that it's so long ago it's hard to know for sure what the well that's what the sukkot looked like in the first century uh possibly likely i mean when you when you get into the the rabbinic jewish writings there are there are a couple hundred years after the time of yeshua so i'd say most likely um but like are the ones today uh i mean you know i don't think that a huge two by four probably not right and all the the plastic decorations broccoli but temporary dwellings so they were building a temporary dwelling and i will say that the what they laid on on top of the sukkot uh it makes sense what they would do because the date palm trees uh during the time of sukkot in the fall right about now is when you you cut them back and so the the date palms uh were our perfect uh temporary roof uh to use or your your sukkah hey imagine that it was set up yeah exactly lord knew agriculturally and these are going to need to be harvested or cut back because this time it'll be really useful for this temporary dwelling and if you think about in in cycling is reduced for youth recycling sorry so if you think about in the the gospel accounts when yeshua comes riding in a donkey into jerusalem on the palm palm sunday palms are date palms okay and they're they're waving uh you know hostiana to the son of david and the reason they're using these date palms is because in in the first century jewish understanding the messiah would come in the fall wow yeah and so they're grabbing these palms and they're waving them he's here he's here connecting in with sukkot actually even though it's in the spring so they're like don't worry about it we'll just grab a date palm let's go right messiah's here so there's a lot of scriptures that they're they're understanding but boy it was hard to you know hindsight's 2020 right hard to understand oh there was two comings of messiah and you know it's even now it's hard to understand for sure good question great question all right next next one drum roll please miss shell treadwell hein i arrived late to the park welcome to the party welcome welcome to the party no hats some streamers later maybe it's a surprise i ruined it if you've already discussed this please ignore we're not ignoring you that'd be rude uh were either of you brought up messianic and if not what drew what drew you to it a guy named drew um sorry uh no actually neither of us were were raised in the messianic movement so great question we're actually both from uh the same non-denominational charismatic background just years apart i mean yeah years ago who do you think's older maybe in the comments you can one of us is nine years older than the other one [Applause] what so what drew you to the messianic movement though uh wow it's it's a long but short um tell the 30 second version 30 second version is i i think i was pushed into it my brother introduced me essentially and to me i just i didn't know anything about it and what drew me was learning more about yeshua yeah and his family yeah and and really the faithfulness of god in history i was really into history so my background was in education and being a history teacher learning about the history of the jewish people and framing that first century context i think really exploded my heart because i i mean who didn't want to know uh actually one of the questions i always had when i was younger was you know what were those first centuries like and and you know how did they come up with they what they came up with and so learning extra biblical writings jewish writings that helped understand the first century that got me really excited because i know how important history is uh for helping us understand yeah so yeah that was way over 30 seconds that was way yeah sorry next question sorry sandy frankenstein frankenstein wow she's not for sure she said that thomas is older tom is the old tom is the oh please come is it because of i'm not i'm not even going to suggest yeah i don't know it's the the beard moving on uh a brodsky hey just wanted to say hello from philadelphia hello from kansas city uh thank you both for what you do question do you plan in the future to sponsor a trip to israel would love to learn all of these things with you in israel oh man it just made me so excited that oh man we'd love to uh we've led tours in the past and but right now if you've been following uh obviously we've been having some coveted restrictions in israel actually a whole lot of covert restrictions in israel so they're not really letting tour groups in they were for a tiny tiny bit yeah but so the answer is we want to hopefully stay tuned yeah uh but it's probably gonna be a year from now or more right so yeah i wish it would be sooner but it's not looking likely yeah but we stay tuned it's definitely something we've talked about and we would really love to do this yeah if you're interested i've told people before uh you can sign up on our newsletter if you go to and we'll we'll keep you updated on any upcoming tours yep another question please just jane m i love the morning and evening prayers that i've heard on the chosen are they correct where is the best best place to find them and what do you recommend again not a question pertaining to the topic but great question just messing i'm just i'm a messer so i i would say um those are mainly rabbinic jewish tradition uh and it's difficult to know what were the exact prayers in the first century so uh they're i think it's i'm i'm glad they do it because i think it helps you uh understand the rhythm of jewish life and gives you a jewish feeling to what life would have been like i would i don't know if those were exactly the prayers they would have prayed in the first century going by 2000 years again it's really difficult to know for sure um but what you know there yeah if you get any any uh messianic jewish sudoer uh which is mean siddur just means prayer book they're gonna have the morning and evening prayers and the afternoon prayers as well so yeah if you i don't know that we have that resource we do on our website i have a link to remember and remember we have a learn page where we have recommended resources messaging jewish resources trusted organizations uh you can check that out oh yeah the the tree of love uh tree of love three of them tree of the life bible here also has messianic jewish prayers in it you can if you get the tree of life version which is a messianic uh interpretation from the original there you go uh hebrew aramaic and greek text so there are messaging jewish prayers as well a good resource great resource uh i think it's called what is it the bible society tree of life from bible society another question rose thompson hi rose in these end times are non-messianic jews looking for the same messiah as are the messianic jews uh well i mean i guess the short answer would be no but then partially yes i mean they're def the the you know non-messianic jews are looking for a messiah figure they're looking for someone to save them from the oppression and from all the troubles of this world right but they wouldn't have the understanding that messianic jewish people do right about who the messiah truly is and so i mean we have this huge advantage right of studying the the new testament the new covenant scriptures that tell us so much about the messiah right so we have a huge advantage that we're able to study those scriptures help us understand the end times even more uh but but so much about the character of god himself coming in the form of a man so i'd say yes maybe yes and no is a better answer i think one one clear way that you could say is messianic jews are waiting for yeshua to return and so that's that that is the messiah right and so now a a non-messianic jew would be waiting for the messiah right and so hoping and longing for the messiah they may not realize who it is right but a messianic jew is waiting for yeshua the messiah to return right yeah it could be a simple way to put it then another one rosalia earhart how does your congregation celebrate yom kippur well yeah i mean most messianic jewish congregations they'll get together and there's a lot of prayer so i think the two main things that happen on yom kippur are prayer and fasting so uh tradition you know depending on your messianic synagogue you could have a prayer cert like five different prayer services you pray in the evening and then pray all day the next day our congregation we will have a evening service where we have prayers uh and worship with music uh sam's are one of our worship leaders maine worship full-time worship pastor right um and then yeah some sort of teaching or exhortation yeah but then fasting is uh how the the passage actually says in leviticus to afflict yourself and that's been understood in jewish tradition as fasting and then also you see in the book of acts uh that's called the fast so there's this reference to yom kippur there in hacks so that's the main thing our congregation and many congregations as well uh will break the fast uh at sundown the following day uh by taking the lord's table actually so and having the this connection with yeshua as our ultimate atonement yeah so that's a really special way to observe yom kippur from this new covenant perspective yeah and we usually do that in smaller groups of of gatherings and so different small groups get together and break the fast together in homes and homes that's how we do it at our congregation yeah so i that there's a lot of different ways yeah uh to that that different congregations enter into the holy days so which i like the the beauty of the diverse family that's a good uh little side note here is that the the jewish community and the messianic jewish community are very diverse so you know it's kind of like a some of you probably been to a passover seder but really every seder is different i've been to so many seders and i've never been to the same one twice you know i mean they all have different flavors there's different customs right depends on who comes where the the different jewish uh families grew up right so i think it's similar to congregational expression uh also even within the jewish community it's the same way you have orthodox and conservative and reform and so there's just all uh different uh expressions uh yeah of how to observe the holy days hey it looks like we've had a couple donations come in sandy thank you so much for your donation you're so kind we really appreciate you and looks like paula davis thank you so much super sticker you you're such a blessing to us thank you so much we really appreciate your donation thank you paula all right next question just jane again hey just janem okay i'll stay on topic you're funny what's your favorite biblical feast and why that's a good question i want to hear your answer to this oh my goodness you're gonna make me go first yeah you want me to go um do you have do you have an answer right away yeah go first for me uh feast of trumpets well see i knew you're gonna say that feasted trumpets and the reason is is because i feel like every year it has this anointing on it of just heaven and earth coming together right and i could always just feel the lord coming in the clouds of heaven and this this heralding through the shofar blast of his return and it it creates so much excitement in my heart uh i can like feel one foot in the age to come and yeah and also because it's such a prophetic act but it's a corporate family prophetic act that right that like communal celebration for me is it's like heaven on earth yeah yeah i mean it's so fresh because we just did it was that that was this week it was on monday well long week a few days uh but it was like we had our service and it was i mean it was incredible the you know the blasting of the shofar and the the worship and just the congregational participation the unity that was there was just incredible and so you can actually go we live streamed it on youtube if you go to kingdom living messianic congregation on youtube yep you can find the service yeah it's on the just rosh hashanah service under our live streams um but yeah i mean we're kind of we're kind of all about the return of yeshua it's i think it's in first or second timothy where paul says something to the effect of like to all who have loved his appearing and i read that the other day was like yes like we just we desire and long for his appearing and at that at that trumpet blast he will return and talking about the faithfulness of god like you were talking about it earlier the covenant on faithfulness of god if he said he's going to come he's going to come and and so just just that anticipation and the intercession that goes with that and and also just the the reality of god's presence with us so you know he says he's coming down and one day that he will dwell among men right that god has come to dwell among men and it is it's like heaven pressing down is what it feels like on that day and so i i agree i agree with you i will be your god and you will be my people yeah i mean that phrase always gets me wait are you saying it is your favorite am i convincing you i wasn't trying to wait no no you're not convincing me i'm agreeing i mean sukkot is also like it goes crazy it's it's like so powerful i love passover though too so so so but for for me i still think i'm a feasted trumpets guy you're you're a shofar guy either or yo yo the day of blasting because let's be honest it's a blast [Music] you know i mean even the name though even the name is a cool name like right the day of blowing or the day of blasting right like it's halloween like because if if you go and watch the special rosh hashanah is not in the text it's called the day of blasting but like that's how funny it's a funny name like and you know we're all about uh joy and theology mixing together you know so to me to me that the day of blasting has that even in the title itself it does so that it's a little hidden it's a little secret it's kind of funny yeah yeah that's good all right we have we have another question okay trudy hi trudy my brother is a messianic gentile and he keeps pressuring me to believe him he says the people of is the people in israel are not really jews so it's hard to know what to believe about messianic gentiles well you are wrestling with it it says the people in israel are not really jews okay well uh i would just say that that they are jews in israel for sure so i'd say that he's he's not correct about that i don't know what he means that he's a messianic gentile exactly um but yeah there's been a remnant of the jewish people that have uh lived in israel going back to the first century so um we yeah we know that's true i mean and they definitely are the jewish people and they've become a diverse family over the centuries but yeah i would just say they i guess i don't know how to answer i mean i could give you a long explanation but um yeah the sometimes people say well the jewish people aren't jews in israel um you know because they're not they're not perfect or because you know there's sec so many of them are secular or whatever um but it's it's it's similar to when you look in scripture it's like the jewish people were imperfect in scripture uh the jewish people are imperfect today but you know headline uh gentile christians or have been imperfect for 000 years they're imperfect today um how dare you so there continues to be are humans humans they are there's you're saying there continues to be jewish people uh back to our lands that we talked about to start off this year we're talking about it's so important that we read the scripture with this lens of jews and gentiles because that's how the scripture is written it doesn't say christians and non-christians uh it means that some jews love jesus and some jews don't love jesus some gentiles love jesus and some gentiles don't love jesus so that continues to be the story today and our goal is to grow that family of yeshua that that loves him in in allowing the diversity but that unified yeah family hey i just looked over to the to the comments and i see elaine davies from the uk that's so fun we can connect with people overseas thanks for being awake thank you so much blessings to the youth i just glanced over and saw uk and i was like oh cool we got we got any more matt okay we're gonna do one more question uh thank you so much for joining us we got about 210 people on we just want to say thanks thanks for watching uh if if you'd like to subscribe to our youtube channel share with your friends if you want to learn more about us about what we do uh you can visit our website at uh yeah so last question rose thompson according to messianic jews are we to look for a new jerusalem at the second coming or will the present jerusalem be where yeshua will begin to rule so i would say sorry we had it i don't know what you saw we had a screen come up it was like are you so sure you want to continue trying to make sure i understand this question um i would say that that heavenly jerusalem when we look at the end of revelation 21 22 we see there's this this new jerusalem coming out of heaven from god and so heavenly jerusalem and earthly jerusalem actually come together as one so god's the the abode of god um his house uh comes together uh with the earth so that's back to what sam was saying earlier about him dwelling among us i mean his dwelling is heaven capital h heaven and then he brings his home uh to the earth so sometimes people talk about you know us dying and going to heaven which is true for those who who love the lord but then we forget sometimes that heaven's coming to the earth and so and jerusalem is the eternal capital of his kingdom uh you know yeshua says in the sermon on the mount that uh jerusalem is the city of the great king so it's this eternal capital so earthly jerusalem in fact there's this this amazing thing where jerusalem we did a video about this about the significance of jerusalem uh but you see that that all these significant events happen in jerusalem you know this is the capital of israel this is where abraham bound isaac uh this was on mount zion this is where the the uh the temple was built the first and and the second temple this is where yeshua died and rose again this is where he ascended and this is where he's coming back to the earth right so like all these significant events happen in jerusalem and then and maybe most importantly this is his eternal throne right you know so this is i would say it's both um heaven and earth if i don't answer the question i think so i i think part of what was what's interesting to remember too is that when he says in the same way you see me leave i'll come back it's like that he's coming back to a physical place and so the physicality of his return is important to remember too that it's it's uh and he is coming to rule and to reign and so his his dominion and his authority he's coming back with that uh and zechariah 14 other passages are pretty explicit about that so looks like you're going somewhere i'm always going somewhere what do you mean [Music] well i would just say that uh like this is a part of our inheritance like god says to abraham like that that there you're to inherit the earth and so this is the inheritance is this earthly inheritance and yeshua says the meek shall inherit the earth so it's back to this importance of the earth and making a difference on the earth and because we're gonna rule and reign in this uh millennial kingdom with the lord so in fact we didn't really jump into the eighth day but because this is if you if you downloaded the brochure that we put together i mean this is the kind of the almost the hidden secret holy day that that nobody talks about because sukkot's actually it says it's seven days and then other places it says it's eight days so which one is it history it's it's seven plus one and this eighth day is really all about the new heavens and the new earth it's all about heaven and earth coming back together it's all about it's when yeshua gives the kingdom to his father this is first corinthians 15 and what will that even be like my goodness i mean so extraordinary and of course when he gives them the kingdom what is the kingdom the kingdom is made up of people people right it's not just this esoteric like thing it's like it's us yeah and so he he gives the father the family this diverse family that he always wanted yep back to the garden he makes adam and eve he wants this family he's been his plan from the whole time from all right so shocker the father gets uh what he wanted from the beginning and yeshua gives it to him as this representation of the perfect representation of the earthly family yeah that's good well i think that's oh strike the way what hey i know that guy hey strike the way taylor what is your favorite band favorite band wow we are i well since you guys now know that i'm older then don't don't then you might you might have guessed that i'm kind of too old to answer that question what do you mean i'm gonna be too old to answer what your favorite band is that's that's like an ageless question a timeless question he's a musician we'll let sam go first favorite favorite band you got to pick a genre taylor no you got to decide um all right i'll go first i'm going with are you going no you said you said you're going first i'm gonna go with josh garros josh and carols josh girls okay so my my favorite and i'm good he didn't say your top two uh i was okay so so i'm an in the moment person so my favorite band right now okay uh there's this guy out of new zealand his name is strawin and i love i love his stuff he's a believer and and he's great and so it's spelled like strahan like michael strahan but strong because apparently you can't say like a kansan you have to say it like a new zealander so a kiwi that just ruined the accent there you go taylor good to see your face man uh one last little plug if you go to our website you plug in your email we'll we'll send you this for free it's free free 99 that's my favorite price uh all about what we've been talking about today uh so thank you so much for joining us all 220 some of you i just appreciate all of you coming on and one more thing and putting on your comments and all your questions and all your knowledge of scripture and one more thing and that is that we are getting ready to review react to react to to the chosen season one i know so uh that's coming out soon and in our days so we're can we tell them when is that okay i don't know i don't know where it's coming out within the month within this holy day season so let us know too if you like these live streams if you want us to do more or if it's like you know maybe not just stick with just recorded stuff so let us know thank you guys love you guys so much thank you everybody for giving supporting us you guys are awesome i almost fell backwards in my chair so we're going to turn this off before i do that joyce festival season to everybody love you
Channel: Grafted
Views: 4,605
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: grafted, biblical feasts
Id: jMuU0xlztoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 57sec (4077 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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