Surprised By A RAINBOW Tsunami In Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pheonix_the_dumm 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
all is peaceful on our minecraft server that is until a rainbow tsunami consumes everything this tsunami is almost impossible to escape and if it catches you it'll turn you into a beautiful rainbow but then you'll explode now me and my friends must race against this rainbow tsunami to escape and find a way to use its life powers to give us even stronger weapons can we survive let's find out also be sure to like and subscribe thanks guys you should just give up i'm the best fisher in minecraft so uh uh-huh say such things of course i'm the greatest fisherman in them how come i'm not getting any fish at all that's because you're really bad look at this oh bad at it you're just on the good side i got the dumb side whoa got a fish look anybody stand on the dump side i'm just saying isn't that right cake yeah that's right cake cake is my good dog oh see okay see it's because you're over there okay i'm just getting rid of the board i'm gonna take this spot here for a little bit it's clearly the good spot and you know what um what kind of bait are you guys uh minecraft fishing rod i'm using mutton i need some special bait so let's see i gotta i gotta don't you dare use my dog flowers i got i got i got some dye yeah don't don't get a dog this will work this bait put some of that oh yeah it's bait and it's going to work because fishes like flowers i think i don't know they think they like bright shiny things right i get you yeah here let me let me jump in with you okay here no that's not a good thing to do i'll die in the water bright blue now i will catch you wait wait wait wait wait a fish uh it's just normal i'm gonna do pink rice [Music] [Applause] once and for all that you just need to have good old-fashioned fishing rod okay that's it stop throwing stuff in the water yeah whatever i'm putting more dye in about we are humans we use ways to cheat in order to survive against the harsh realities of the world that's what the real minecrafters do okay eat be eaten or be eaten against uh why am i getting so successful with these fishes huh guys what what's going on guys [Music] get down here down here okay uh uh this looks really bad this looks really funny i got it i'm not dropping the dog but you've got to give us some some place just break through the leaves what are you doing swim it over boy oh come on get out of there everything's fine come on come here take my fishing rod wait i should have cast the rod oh it's actually pretty cool are you fine get out of here over there nice yeah two of each kind of i think he's gone guys he's definitely god there's there's nothing left he's just a pile of rainbow it's fine if i throw that one okay okay it's fine it's fine fabulous it's fine exactly okay uh noise what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do you stay over there pierce pierce calm down we're gonna get this all right what do you have what do we do what do you have in your inventory uh let's see here i got uh i got four pieces of wool i got nine pieces uh nine bits of pocket sand and uh 147 pieces of button what do you got well i have you know actual tools uh i have an iron pickaxe i have an iron x they have a fish well i'm sorry that i'm not set up for an expedition when i thought it was me fishing today hey it's fine it's fine but look look here's the thing here's the thing so what we're on a tree and we can get tools from the tree but we need to use them sparingly to get over that annoying okay yeah i was to say cool but if what's what's tree is gone we are gone it's fine we just we're just gonna make we're gonna make a um whatchamacallit we're gonna make a little stand okay no worries i'm just precariously over top a rainbow lake of dead just trying to help people oh it's it's fine but don't don't don't don't don't get that log that that's a support log you don't want to take out support logs do you want to take out logs oh yeah they're all the walls okay so i forgot how big this tree was okay there you go there we go there you go there you go you know what we should do we should we should get enough logs so we can actually just start to break down ian's house he doesn't need it anymore oh yeah we could we could yes beers hey hi we are in a mode of survival we got to do what we can do i feel you but look see now now we can get rid of these and now we have a little platform right okay little platform that's super cool how's that boat coming guys we're working we're working on it it's fine okay we got this i got this and look look we got a crafting bench now okay what are we crafting uh a boat to get to noi oh boats okay yeah i thought you were building a bridge that makes a lot more sense well we can build a boat or a bridge you know imagination is there we just got to be very careful here i'll just start i'll just start uh building a bridge using the sand i got are you okay i'm okay i'm just building this out everything's good it's good and a lot of materials you know that's all i got that's that's it that's the whole thing be careful be careful okay oh water's moving in look out but i'm very nervous it's not moving in it's not moving and just be careful just be careful okay all right i'm gonna start taking apart the trees this tree is coming apart we need to get out of here it's okay get up here i'm getting up i'm getting up i'm getting up i'm trying i'm trying there i broke up though i broke up the leaves come on go go go go go go go all right i'm getting some getting some getting this and then i'm gonna come up here and then we're gonna break you broke the ladder this yeah i gotta break the ladder so i can get the wood oh you playing a tough game here did you pick me up did you save me uh sure yeah yeah that's me yep mr savior that's that's what i do i definitely didn't try to throw you into a piece any sort of color based gods or anything like that no okay okay all right all right you know it's fine we're taking this with us all right yeah and uh let's let's get in the boat okay let's get in our boat oh you did make a boat cool i made a boat okay wait hold on hold on do you have one boat yeah i have one boat but we but you carry it you carry cake and then you get in the boat okay okay okay all right it's kind of pretty now but is it safe i'll try it you know knowing we're coming don't worry i do it right now i'm carrying precious cargo so there you go pierce come on in come on in here okay okay and uh okay you did it all right let's go let's go oh this is crazy okay all right hold on a second we got to be careful yes i will get this very careful we got this you first do first you get out all right getting out oh i got out oh i'm gonna try to try i'm gonna try here uh oh you gotta keep it cool go go go go go hey guys welcome to us yeah trying to save as many as i can yeah i'm glad i didn't skip arm day speaking of sleeping animals look at myself kill a chicken my sheep or something over there this is why i build houses on stilts everybody's like oh sure appears you know you don't have to worry about floods look at this we got plenty of chicken lots of beef to hopefully keep us up what are you doing at bob i'm throwing the eggs all right chicken just got in the way all right how many chickens you got we might be able to survive see one two three people finally just put this one down and wait oh no oh no oh yeah oh no your chicken oh hey your chicken oh look at this chicken pretty it looks like it's doing okay we should be fine uh we can we can restart you know we can go to my house it's going to take a bit to get through you're up on the mountain okay yeah yeah yeah yeah i i got enough wood to make a boat all right i'm gonna i'm gonna start building a cross i got a little bit of wood from before yeah start building across we're just gonna keep going it should be fine but nobody got it apart your house it's already pretty much gone yeah i i understand here we go it like a rainbow aquarium this is simultaneously the prettiest and most disturbing thing i've ever seen yeah come on do the surface uh i don't want to go under i think i'm gonna stay up here yeah i'm staying out of there that's the nightmare fueler though yeah right here those sheep are about to be ticking tie bombs though look out ah i think they've already been oh no i think all your sheep are gonna explode hey uh what i know you're with pierce but where's he oh um so ian um he tasted the rainbow yeah he got swallowed up [Music] he's got swallowed up and we'll remember i guess maybe it's more accurate than rainbow tasted him pierce can we tear apart your house it's almost gone anyway uh yeah i mean maybe stick to the lower floor so we can still have the top upper area oh okay you're just digging that's fine great yeah whatever let me check downstairs and see if there's anything i'm missing over here do you have anything worthwhile wait a minute what yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on hold on look take a look take a look i got what this and this yeah this and that look at this that if i took a dip in this i'd stay safe and wake up i could swim grab ourselves materials and build a bridge all the way back to your house yeah it's enchanted the water's enchanted pierce i think it's a great idea don't you think so magic i mean that's not very nice let me try it hold on i got it i got it i think it's working guys i i'm feeling pretty good oh pissed on whoa look what i'm standing on excuse me uh hello that makes sense but oh ian has always been under the tsunami okay he's probably having a bad time out there isn't he yeah okay yes he feels life is better done with its weather okay let me see if there's anything else left out here tsunami already came it got higher got higher it's gonna get higher again we have to prepare for the worst okay if it doesn't get higher great we can survive wait hold on what what from barrio i thought you were gone what i had one of my sheep on timeout he was being he was being a nasty little boy but look he's still okay oh he's still loud nice i am so happy for you but look we gotta get your wood okay all right so how about this yeah no fine that's fine i don't have time all right so we enjoy if we can go over to my house um where is okay we got some oak wood oh we got a lot of nice oh we got a lot of wood nice all right so all we got to do is we got to just get over to my place okay uh here let's start building a bridge um if we go this way there we go okay uh what app belt where's cake oh yeah i'll go i'll go get cake yeah go get cake go get cake okay all right bring cake over let's try to get over here okay all right good oh we're almost there see all right come here cake maybe i can keep you alive okay i'm gonna put this away there we go okay all right we gotta go we got cake perfect guys is that rumbling what [Music] oh it's getting close keep going oh oh good we have cake oh it's getting it okay huh okay i'm going okay i did it okay all right come on come on come on come on come on oh okay it's fine it's fine it's fine okay we're good we're good we're good we're good uh where do we go from here uh up i guess someone somebody has to dig me up i can't kiss the catch where's your sheep my sheep yeah i don't want to talk about it oh no oh no pierce it is um it has just taken over this is crazy yeah uh okay well let's keep moving up we gotta keep moving we can't stop here yeah i don't like what's coming let's go all right my house is up this way come on come on pierce okay i got cake okay right up here you got cake okay cool oh rainbow creepers we'll go this way come on secret passage yeah secret passageway all right oh there's so much cave here come on let's oh hey look over here over here over here okay cool cool cool let's get out let's get out let's get up come on i don't like being a place where i can't see the the impending rainbow of doom i'm not sure i like being in a place where i can't see the impending rainbow of doom okay we're at my house now um all we gotta do is just i don't know figure out what we see up here all right so yeah it's uh it's spreading still um there's a lot going on here uh let's just let's start uh getting some supplies just in case okay okay okay i'm keeping cake here up on the roof okay all right yeah put ketchup on there all right be careful be careful all right all right thank you thank you there we go all right uh let's keep let's start getting some stuff come on yeah i'm gonna grab three dirt seems important fantastic you guys forgot important stuff guys i have a really bad feeling about this so oh the color was taken from my couch but for real i have a really bad feeling about this i think we just need to grab whatever we need to get and then just get ready to leave okay because i have a really bad feeling yeah just i'm trying to grab some soil so if we need to grow stuff later on we can be good okay grab some soil i'm grabbing everything else because this might be the end of our minecraft server like this be the end of the world okay grab some seeds grab some stuff we can grow i'm grabbing stuff just in case you never know i have so much stuff i can't take everything with me hey guys it's fine what's up pierce i think it's time i think we gotta go wait what uh what we gotta move i think we gotta get out of here it's coming it's driving faster get up get it go go go go go go go go go go go it's been fun guys it's been real fun a pleasure doing minecraft with all y'all but i think i think this is it for us we're safe it's stopped what's wrong yeah yeah yeah yeah it's been fun okay i got cake i got cake let's go sit down sit down for this news okay sit down for this news okay sit down why sit down we got things to do okay all right long story short um there's only two seats on the plane and that's for me and someone else so you guys gotta duke get out okay what uh all right i guess it's been fun noi sorry p.s just gonna steal you up hey dad no no no no i don't have any weapons so i gotta i gotta just keep you away while i get to them no no ow hey stop that just wait what's what's that noise wait wait hold on oh cake is the second passenger [Laughter] you know well i feel moderately betrayed if it wasn't cake oh it's coming it really is coming through oh here it comes
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,764,350
Rating: 4.8281903 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft rainbow Tsunami, rainbows in minecraft, minecraft rainbow tsunami aphmau, how to get rainbows in minecraft, tsunami in minecraft, minecraft mods, rainbow, tsunami, minecraft, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, rainbow attack, surviving a rainbow tsunami in minecraft, giant rainbow tsunami, ocean of treasure, minecraft challenges, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, tsunami minecraft, rainbow tsunami mod, minecraft treasure, treasure tsunami, free rainbows in minecraft
Id: cC7ARg-Uv44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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