Blessed By A DIAMOND TORNADO In Minecraft!

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it's a beautiful day in minecraft until a mega tornado made of diamonds invades our server this tornado is almost impossible to escape as diamonds said to blow us away now my friends and i must find a way to survive this diamond tornado will we be able to save our server or will we get buried in diamond let's find out be sure to help my friends turn it on okay come on come on come on it's just a little bit farther come on almost there yeah you'll see patience patience come on it's gonna be really really special though what i want to show you but it's gonna be super cool hey hey it's for your eyes only just so you know we got to make sure you got to keep it a secret of everybody else okay yeah a secret wait why are you trusting me well kind of hate to admit it but you definitely kind of that was trustworthy on the you're not going to servers me are you no no no no no no of course not i don't know instead i want you to help me figure this out because um i think i got something that's going to make us rich it's going to make us as many diamonds as you could possibly need oh i'm interested yeah look hey this thing it's called the infinity diamonds all right take a look at that yeah a what so the way it is if you take it in and throw it in the water it's supposed to give you a million diamonds oh do it do it do it okay okay it's working it's doing it it's time today yeah that is pretty awesome uh pierce oh it's getting a little windy hey i mean it made a few diamonds which is fine but like wait what happened to all the diamonds i was supposed to get a whole bunch and i don't know what's going on anymore you don't work out hard anymore to get that i got to hit my back what hey hey i stole all of noise chickens without you hey what's up do that with you i wanted a part of that that gift well i couldn't find you what by the way uh everybody well we didn't need the pie after all really really surprised by that honestly i thought it would be very popular hey so what what is going on uh you see i i got this new mod go ahead where we could uh get a whole bunch of guys and stuff and what guys look up look at that okay what is [Music] what is that i'm like yeah what is happening [Music] what is that it's a tornado it's a diamond oh my gosh uh okay i don't like it it's moving it's moving yeah oh we gotta go let's go [Music] [Applause] wow ian you got a lot of nerve coming around here um uh uh hey noe how's it going man crazy how your sheep are flying huh yeah uh yeah real crazy what the heck did you do this time i didn't do anything it was pierced it was actually fierce this time i'll vouch for ian look look the tornado is uh see if we do this oh no uh okay let me get my cookies i think it's uh going to eat your house i uh i've got a safe place under my house in the basement okay all right let's go okay it's not made out of cold is it no not yet okay great to hear okay come on everybody we gotta go hey wait what's up [Music] don't worry i i will swim and make it i uh oh uh oh hang on guys guys guys what do i do what do i do oh no no no no no why get inside get it oh there's no booby traps are there no okay come on let's go all right welcome to uh my safety basement yeah you know it's a it's a working process not everything i wanted but you know um do you have so many bathtubs in case i want to take a bath more than once next to your dinner table i mean it's all all the better to be clean for dinner oh that makes sense wait a minute you know what what we could do with these oh ian co you think i could borrow these bathtubs uh sure if you want to be squeaky clean sure yeah yeah yeah look at this look at the ccc we just throw this like that and then maybe we're at the storm though do we have to wash up again yeah i know maybe i don't know let me see if i can just jump in here give me a second um let's see if i just do something like like no no i try again this one try again this one and i'll try this one all right let's see let me see let me see something like this all right now i feel super squeaky clean now what uh no no we we can ride these right i guess the tornado comes down here can you move you can move a little i can move a little kind of you know a little look okay all right come on the tornado's not going to make it down here i made it super strong and safe down here um there's winds there's winds awesome cracking and grumbling yeah there's a lot of uh yeah now what no his pierce is mod i don't know pierce is gone he got sweaty oh there goes my you house actually actually it's uh not a bad view up here yeah it's not yeah i gotta agree with you it's not too bad okay where are we going are these tubs gonna survive if we land um sure [Music] [Applause] bathtub million pieces yeah we'll make it up to you we'll make it a gold bathtub or something i like the idea of that look at all this diamond whoa oh guys yeah how are we gonna fight a tornado no that that's not gonna work i'm gonna shoot it with the photo what i don't know who else is on the server um wait there's zayn and kc all right well uh we tried we tried let's let's go build another home somewhere else right all right that might be a good idea at this point okay but guys we have a problem okay so while we're not getting sucked up if we don't get too close casey is in her house taking a nap that's not good oh hey let me try oh i think she found out oh they're gone guys we gotta savor casey all right i don't know casey are you in there yeah i'm upstairs hold still not the tornado oh no i think it's a little light for that we [Music] stay down here where are you what we're gonna go we have we have grapple okay so we can pull people in noise yes you're gonna have to you're gonna have to fish us out okay we're gonna go in there for her yeah all right fine okay guys all right do you see her i am oh yes i see her i did the tornado all right well here's the plan you wrestle casey and then i'll grapple you okay okay hang on i gotta find her uh let's see how's it going guys pink one she's flying really fast i got her got her i'll get you we're really high up uh we gotta find a cave there's got to be something there's got to be something down here down here quickly guys come on oh all right right behind you kind of you scrap look at it [Music] how long is this tornado going to last i don't know what paris did just let's hold on uh yeah yeah he kind of got pulled up by the tornado and we haven't seen him since i don't know what he did and i don't know where he went but oh gosh okay all right we got this let's just stop here and think for a moment okay oh casey i'm so sorry about your house it's not going away oh it's okay at least it wasn't just my house yeah if it makes you feel better i can at least give you a mildly soggy cookie wait a minute guys guys guys i think it's is it gone it's it's like calming down a bit it is it is wait um i don't trust this huh no yeah it's it's like still raining i can't still kind of see it out there yeah you know what we may be in the eye of the tornado that means the center of the tornado oh okay okay okay well so i i have a plan you know obviously the the underground base didn't work and all of the houses are being torn up so we need to get far away from here and i have just the way to do it we can go to my super secret airport and take one of my planes and out fly the tornado wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what we're going to fly around a tornado that is insane dangerous totally crazy uh yolo at this point yeah i knew you'd be into it no way we don't have any other options we've been running from this thing since like it's fine it's fine it's fine okay so um let's think of a plan all right so first things first how far is this how far is this airport of yours see that's the thing i was going to build a secret tunnel from my base to the airport it's far away i haven't built the tunnel yet so great we're gonna have to go above ground to get there oh wait zayn has a lot of carts in his garage perfect we can drive there by the way let me go check on something guys be back in one second okay all right you do that come oh i'm not gonna go out there i don't trust it okay all right so zayn has a lot of cards oh zane isn't he on the server too oh yeah he is oh no do you think he's okay i don't know uh so my house is gone ian your house is gone casey your house is gone yeah um noise house is gone pierce is just gone i don't even know what happened pierce himself is gone guys guys oh i found betsy she's safe oh we have dinner for at least another few days once we upload this storm is so great oh good girl you managed to not get sucked up by the tornado [Music] [Applause] i think it's a little late for that that's fine let's get the cards oh no oh no no no no zayn i'll come save [Music] it's storming don't yell at me i know but it's hard okay okay uh maybe that's uh uh okay let's go let's go let's go come on let's go everybody get in let's go wait what now you're all going to leave me in my own car as long as i think isn't coming after us is it coming after us oh probably no it does not no i think we should be fine right we should be good i think we're fine you know i i i i know i think we're doing okay is it coming okay follow me the airport is this way oh it's coming it's coming it's coming get out of here okay uh no my car's gone can i get in can i can i get out of your car yeah this drive is drive you know where it is perfect i know where it is don't worry i will lead us to safety see this is why nobody wanted to get in your car yeah [Music] who fueled up this car uh you did no i fueled up the other one maybe guys it's coming i thought you were failing up this one don't worry i got another gas can guys hang on i'm trying guys it's coming closer am i gassing up yeah oh my god [Music] we're almost there we can make it we will survive okay okay this is they're all taken by this tornado of diamonds i know and we are not gonna get taken we will survive we are survivors okay we we are safe we are safe and we have made it to my safety airfield how long how long though don't worry oh oh it's um it's fine it's fine you know the plane it's fine it's science but it's better don't worry let me let me just fix it ah it's good to go okay perfect perfect so ian there's a problem with this what what um there's only one seat on this plane yeah that that's my seat where's spicy um you can uh hold on to the tail okay um so i'm assuming that we maybe have to battle this out right wait wait what no no no no no no i don't want to do this i don't want to get uh pulled up into a tornado okay fine how about this i'll carry you and i'll pilot it okay no it's my plane i want to fly it i got you don't worry wait what no no no no no no yeah let's be realistic let's be realistic all right what happened what happened with the cough cart are you got struck by lightning all right obviously some minecraft deity somewhere is like come on you know that wasn't me i don't get struck by lightning ever i'm ready let's go let's go let's go no no okay okay let's just go okay all right we got this we're good okay now do you know how to fly a plane um i think so i got this they're running into a wall don't worry ian we're going we're going we're going oh i don't like this this is scary i can't control this oh my god don't fly into the tornado i'm trying not to hang on hang on is there another seat belt in there um yes no that's my plank all right i gotta find my friends wait what oh what the hey athmo what are you guys uh just kind of flying around riding out the storm you know wait so are you just saying you're back in the oh my goodness are you on a trip oh hey f uh just found this up here and join the view okay there oh oh ian are you okay in there yeah it's fine okay i know we'll just stay in these and we should be fine all right all good in the world uh but how do we get down good point let's just stay up here forever okay look we have at least at least we'll be really rich after this so you guys want a tornado cookie sure all right i'll throw it to you ah you should get in about two or three rotations perfect
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,837,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, Minecraft diamond tornado, diamond tornado aphmau, getting chased by a diamond tornado in minecraft, apocabuckets, minecraft apocabuckets mod, diamond tornado bucket mod, how to escape diamond tornado, minecraft pranks, minecraft pranks aphmau, running away from diamond tornado, natural disasters, minecraft natural disasters aphmau, natural disasters mod, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, minecraft mods
Id: eygMcocT8Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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