We're STRANDED By A Lava TSUNAMI In Minecraft!

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our minecraft server gets taken over by a lava tsunami this super rare natural disaster chases me and my friends out of our minecraft houses but this lava tsunami isn't just dangerous it also comes with super rare diamonds as well along with some really cool armor we will be able to save our server or will we crash and burn all right socks this is looking pretty good look at this we've got this almost protected enough let's see oh god hey why are you guys over here right now why are you over here right now this is my house that's why i'm over here right now i built this house uh-huh oh i'm sure he built this house yeah i know he did i actually did okay all right five five five what do you guys want what do you guys want i'm trying to protect somebody on top of that that looks funny okay so this is where i put my diamonds in okay because i'm tired of you guys coming over and trying to borrow diamonds for me which you never give back all right because you guys been really sneaky lately on the server i don't know what you're doing over there i don't i don't want any of it we don't want your diamonds don't i mean i just i'm just casually walking my eight chickens today what what do you think we're doing uh-huh you to know why we don't want diamonds why why don't you want diamonds cause we already found the hottest thing on any minecraft server look flattery isn't gonna get you anywhere either all right no diamonds for you guys this is my diamond we're not interested in diamonds look fine we found the coolest lava in minecraft oh okay cool what do you mean coolers that love that is wigs oh you mean the stuff that we found oh yeah yeah yeah what i mean okay yeah yeah no we're good we're good we don't need your diamond stuff you guys are playing with lots we'll see you later yeah okay did you do that it's fine professional minecrafters we're very careful with lava it's fine well as long as you guys don't bring any lava like to my place i don't want to see any lava i don't want to see anything careful guys guys is lava spread we only threw a little bit of guys guys guys guys the love is spreading what do you mean is [Applause] oh my god oh my god oh my god okay all right uh okay all right all right you know what hey you know what there's a lot of cool lava now yes there is okay all right um oh wait my diamonds my diamonds what what my diamonds are fire four they're drop dead gorgeous they're they're beautiful what's going on no no no all right you saved your chicken you saved your dog i saved my socks okay all right so uh-huh so okay all right so we gotta get we gotta get to high ground all right we gotta get to high ground and i think really i don't know this seems pretty safe to us let's just live here the rest of our lives safe okay all right so i'm gonna be careful because putting down the dogs is very difficult all right so what we're gonna do can i can i have a landing pad of safety for borks and wells here maybe here here let me see what i can do here i i need help for darollo here oh my god hopefully this works i hope you're saying oh yes all right de rollo all right yeah all right so so so here's the thing here's the thing here's the thing so all i have in my inventory are um it's like literally some netherrack and some ice what do you guys have i got a steak and a bucket pierce i got nothing okay oh my god all right fine here here's some raw mutton i have some ice yeah i'm using it yeah yeah i have a bunch of ice all right so i don't know how this is gonna work but let's see if this will work okay so here's my plan we're gonna go over there because there's a house up there okay all right right okay oh yeah look at that you guys unleash a lava tsunami on the server okay you make it sound like it was supposed to be this big this big thing that we're trying to make we're just playing with regular lava right that's a pretty big difference you guys are playing with lava does that sound cute though that sounds not smart okay i mean just look at it look at uh look at the landscape look how fun it is some people just want to see the world burn i guess you guys want to see the want to see the world burn i just wanted to see some love are we there yet yes we're here all right oh okay cool okay all right i mean hot i have a ladder is this this is a ladder okay it looks like i got burned in the process so we got to be very careful with it all right thank you get up we can get up all right all right let's go get the doctor be brave watch out watch out watch out be careful what do you mean where are you going a path of safety all right i'll go make it safe all right go that way there you go i'll be here enjoy your trip back socks come on let's go oh i got socks i can't believe you guys have a lava tsunami on the server okay oh my god guys there's too much oh my god oh boy boxy go to oh my god sucks you seriously going to scare me where's your chicken okay there's a chicken i got it i got i got it all right hold on make the chicken roll out sit good all right all right guys our world is on fire looking like 20 20 up in here okay all right so where are we guys if you think this video is just on fire be sure to leave a like and subscribe thanks okay all right so guys i think i think we're protected i think we're perfectly fine it looks like a lot what did you guys do exactly like explain to me because you did a terrible job explaining all the ice water of the ice that we go out here which is gone all right well listen we found the special lava fall we wanted to have some fun and put it in a bucket poured it out a little bit but you know guess we don't even need the bucket anymore i don't want to oh my god you need lava oh my god wait did you just did you just burn lava in the lava honestly i think we are still okay if we stayed down there look i didn't know that yeah i just barely i didn't want to rise it sucks it was cutting close that's for sure okay okay here's one not today lava what happened to your chicken yeah why is your chicken uh what do you mean it's like a it's like a little chicken i saw him pick that chicken up but that's not the right chicken no no no this is definitely my chicken i would know i mean you guys come on okay all right exactly okay all right all right this lava oh there we go sucks be careful sucks be careful please don't be dumb please don't be dumb oh my god okay all right there's enough dumb in here with you and around oh sorry okay all right so look look look all right say it to his face like that i didn't say it to his face said it behind his back all right it was does that being polite better i have an idea it's always always always with these tsunamis there's something there's some trick behind them all right so what is it maybe it's taking a swim oh my god it's not swimming oh he died why don't we offer the lava a better sacrifice dude what does that do oh my god how many do you keep getting okay all right all right so so so what if we gave it a potato look at this wait whoa what interesting perfectly good potatoes what i'm saying oh my god pick it up pick it up what is it it's a fire diamond look at that forbidden potato oh my god oh guys guys guys how about some wheat guys but oh how about this another fire diamond oh my god this is blessed it's still normal all right oh i just keep getting more and more of these look at this i want [Applause] yeah i want to make myself a neat hat so that this chicken just stops clogging my hair oh probably a good idea that's not even your original chicken at least ian and i have our original socks and you're your dog are you sure that it's not my original chicken i don't know i can't trust you guys we're lit oh my god we're so lit look at this now let's have a testimonial fireproof all right all right um here let me borrow this and then hang on let's talk about this okay um good news they're they're mostly fireproof i'm still hurting okay you get back together you need to get back it does work get back in time i'm not gonna get back [Applause] what did you do excuse me are you not wearing a shirt sir oh my god all right well uh obviously that wasn't a good good enough was that a good enough sacrifice lava are you happy now i have some extra diamonds you need a shirt oh no oh no lava's gotta take the lava oh no why do we sacrifice oh my god okay all right oh my god oh my god oh my god oh every person oh i can't do that no no okay oh my god i can't believe it i can't say it okay all right okay this is hard all right is it yeah i think it's stopped for now all right i think we've got this guys i think we've got this yeah the original is doing fantastic oh my god i don't know how many chickens you have the original girolos this i mean yeah oh no oh no oh no go back go back this isn't the right way oh my god wow oh my god i'm sorry socks oh my god about this sir darolo you have survived your journey and now you can join your brethren enjoy what if we release them all there we go no no no no no it's not fair that they're not free they do chickens ought to live their lives however yeah gold chickens all these things that's how they were staying safe oh my god i guess i'll just take to rollo and we'll be on our way which one's derola we i don't know i have derola what are you talking about now i have derollo now how'd you find darollo hey guys hey guys guys i'm the only one who's allowed to pick up chicks all right this one duolingo oh my god okay all right all right i don't know what the rolo is but let's see all right so obviously we got to get higher guys all right so if we can make it all the way up there to the top i think we should be fine this lava tsunami won't take us all right guys we've got this we got this all right all right uh let's see let's see all right so i need to use my iron shovels to uh oh uh wha what what iron shovel huh all right uh maybe we should build out this ice bridge just a little bit like maybe give it some more thickness uh because this is not ice at all that's that's just an emergency stare i'm sure we'll never have to use it we'll live the rest of our lives here on this nice plateau i would like to live oh my god how about yeah i don't want to live on chick toby i'm fine with uh with what but think of all the chicken nuggets oh my god yummy all right we gotta make our way okay we gotta make our way that guy is just all about chickens over there look at him he just likes chickens way too much she's having way too much fun he really is hey hey don't shame me for living my life all right all right i want to live all right we won't have a life to live if we keep what do you think the lava is going to keep coming come on what could possibly go wrong oh hey guys welcome back to chicktopia i'm the mayor sir chickerton hopefully everybody's doing a great guy i'm leaving uh yeah i i i i i i wait no come back really don't worry don't worry i'm crying oh my god it's coming oh okay and i'm the one that's trying to help us live okay i was helping okay oh my god all right ice didn't last too long didn't we haven't made it enough i want to get to better safety but be careful be careful all right all right guys guys guys we got this all right we got out we got our socks i heard i heard you you got duolingo right okay there you go all right uh let's come over here it's a roll i don't know come on we got this let's take it oh my i can't believe they survived this whole time original cookie company what just keep just keep moving just keep moving up to the top okay get all of that guys guys guys guys there's a plane what what oh there is a plane look at that sucks we're safe we can finally make it i have i have an announcement to make however okay uh it looks like the plane has a seats for one um well uh you know it's been really fun i've been enjoying our time together but i think it's time for madarollo and i to depart wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let's talk about this guys all right the lava the lava tsunami is probably going to come up once more oh wait a minute is that oh what is he doing oh my god oh no one full step in one well oh yeah i got the rulo oh okay all right guys let's talk this out all right there's one plane from one of us all right yeah and and honestly honestly let's see uh socks sucks all right so sox and i want to talk to you guys all right so okay calm down all right how about you tell each other how you feeling why do you tell each other how you feel okay uh when you throw my dog right i feel fire you feel fire i i understand your frustrations yeah and i am sorry when you hold de rolo like that i feel safe wait a minute weirdly enough just listening to this i could just do it i mean i think derola's happier with me you know i got you know we got together [Laughter] oh you're right you're right wait hang on did she uh you know i just realized why you guys were arguing i could just take us off she took off and let guys what happens when you fight okay you better be finding us the way out of here i'm trying all right but there's nothing else inside i can go get some more planes and come back for you guys how about that that'd be great sure all right all right oh oh no oh no oh no well you know what i love it to you guys [Music] i'm done see ya all right just leave duolingo here okay it's
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 16,813,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Lava Tsunami, lava tsunami aphmau, aphmau minecraft, getting chased by a lava tsunami in minecraft, apocabuckets, minecraft apocabuckets mod, lava bucket mod, tsunami mod, minecraft tsunami, how to escape lava tsunami, minecraft pranks, minecraft pranks aphmau, running away from lava tsunami, natural disasters, minecraft natural disasters aphmau, natural disasters mod, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges
Id: jUQxYxxQfE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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