Solving The MURDER In The Game of CLUE!

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on this night this fancy minecraft mansion hosts a party for me and my friend but when the lights go out we find someone has been murdered but we don't know what happened inside this mansion my friends and i need to figure out what happened here using the clues left behind for us and this mansion is full of trap doors hidden rooms and spooky secrets that we need to uncover before the night is over can we find the right clues or is my friend gone forever let's just see [Applause] i know he said he was gonna pick us up oh my gosh i'm so excited to see his vehicle what do you think he's going to pick us up in i hope a chariot madame miladies welcome your chariot has now arrived hey that's a golf cart that's not a chariot where's the chariot come on i i spent everything else on the setup for the party beggars can't beat jewsers now please let's get in oh we're in the back you guys right in the front oh so ladies are we excited for the dinner party oh yeah oh my gosh right yeah i'm excited okay oh zayn this is a mansion look at this so pretty wow well i only go all out for the ladies when the time calls for it [Music] i've never been to a minecraft dinner party before is anyone else coming yes they should be here any moment only the most esteemed guests have been invited who put that tree there uh it was planted there with the landscaping pierce jumped right in front of me let's go inside the foyer yay what is a foyer it's a like a a hall just get inside uh so who are we waiting on in the maid hey guys wow nice sticks oh this is awesome yes that cologne is that burnt lumber you're wearing a little bit of actual lumber it's called uh explosion number two that's right yes um all right all right uh now that you all are here i am so glad to invite you here to this completely safe completely harmless dinner party that we've all dressed to the nines for tonight it's weird you specified that but all right i'm excited for this very safe dinner party i'm just letting you know it's very nice and very fancy but there's a bigger thing i wish to talk to you about let's talk about it at the table so if you would please follow me okay hey food you're serious assigned with your favorite dishes look at that potatoes it's gotta be me right here for dinner i like it this is so nice can we eat yet no no no not yet because i have a very big announcement as you all know i am incredibly rich probably the richest person on this minecraft server i got some money and you're willing to give us all the money right doesn't count okay but i'm just going to stand on the table because it's a big announcement i wanted you here tonight because one of you will be walking out with all of my vast riches [Music] this is the most important part you need to need i don't know what's going on what wait a minute wait a minute guys we were invited here and yeah now we have to search for clues no i'm sure i'm sure zayn's just playing a prank on us i think he'll be back any second now don't you hurry hey any second now eddie all right second where is that wait wait i think someone here has murdered zayn for his wealth [Music] and did you get there oh no all right guys we gotta figure it out by finding the clues come on let's go okay but first can we still eat can we eat the dinner first oh yeah that's a fair point yeah yeah yeah we we can't we can't find who's on an empty stomach come on i'd like to propose that we oh my god that's happening who's she going to propose to oh my god oh i don't know aaron's not here okay all right so we need to split up into groups and find clues about zayn's whereabouts because there is money on the line minecraft diamond of money lots and lots of money all right um i don't trust you ian so i'm gonna go with you because i have a feeling that you're up to no good just to hunch on my back well i would never i okay you know what that's fine um all right where should we go all right uh everyone split up find a partner or go on your own we gotta make sure that we find some clue wait a minute guys guys did you find a clue i'm pretty sure it says it's it's c for cookie right yeah that's that's it yeah that's good enough for me lukey cookie clue okay so it's a clue but what does it mean it's just a cookie okay well what is it doing here i don't know uh wait a minute no i had a cookie yeah but i still have my cookie from dinner oh it's not mine unless you carry two cookies well yeah i mean normally i carry a lot of cookies but this is the one from dinner oh yeah okay fair enough fair enough uh um how about okay let's split up again like i said okay yeah yeah go find some clothes let's look for more clothes ian let's cover this room okay okay all right that's a fireplace with fire that was here before piano oh can i play the piano uh oh look at you oh talented oh thank you i've been practicing all right um hmm let's see where could we hmm there's a skull here ian this painting's loose what this painting is loose [Music] it's a painting come here what is what is this a secret room yeah look push that button buttons what is this what is this it's back hang on let me try that we're in the kitchen we have some serious thinking to do here look for some clues see if you can find anything all right everything that looks like a clue and a knife and look a golden apple zade must want us to solve we gotta get balls don't tell the others yeah yeah yeah but i think that zayn is trying to make us solve this his death or his disappearance so that way whoever's the smartest will get that money don't tell the others we'll figure it out together and then split the money exactly all right let's take these clothes [Music] no one has died yet but all right let's present our clues okay except who wants to go first i found a golden apple oh oh that's nice it's very shiny i don't know what this tells us but it's you're right it's a golden apple yes um don't eat it all right oh who else has clues oh me um i found uh this pair of shears oh where did you find that yeah i found them in my pocket they're really nice aren't they pierced that's not a clue this is a clue see it's just it just it [Music] we found it in the kitchen on the floor okay all right that kind of makes sense it's the kitchen right yeah i think i think that this means someone was trying to threaten zayn i think i found a clue to go with it because i felt what blood an entire block of oh my goodness i got you guys i got you hold on i got this pierce brought a pickaxe uh that's that's suspicious to me there we go okay okay you always come to a dinner party prepared you never know what you may have to buy to the set or the or i'm just gonna go sit down did you find anything casey uh i did i found cake where is it uh i hate it you ate your clothes it was tasty was i not supposed to all right so we have to make an accusation and someone has to do it okay i'll do it oh you're gonna do it so we went okay we went in the painting we found the secret room that led us to the kitchen where we found the knife so whoa i i think i know who it is it was cool pierce with the shears at the front door [Music] it says you're disqualified this round wait what what um i think i think i'm stuck to my chair melodical pathetic probably i can't get out of we've nowhere had one possible murder all right all right well why not a double feature all right got some food ian are you sure you're gonna be fine this round sitting here by yourself yeah yeah you know uh pierce gave me some extra mutton so i think it'd be okay for a little bit just all right it's fine it's fine all right you stay there uh scream if anything happens okay sure thing uh gotta find clues gotta find clues uh focusing focusing are you okay uh yeah i'm fine just just book will reveal its secrets to me i know you did something you can just read it but it don't got any pictures okay you keep going pierce you do that i'm gonna look around okay don't you give me that sass book what'd you find did you find anything no i just found this guy and i don't like him he's suspicious you looked at me funny oh man i lost the staring contest i think it's just an armor stand casey i i think that um well it looked at me funny okay you can you keep on there all right i'm gonna go look around noise looking around pink pony black pony red tell me your secrets are you care you keep them from me you found a clue yeah yeah yeah yeah okay let's go let's check it out yeah it's close spooky this is pretty cool where's the kill where's it going it's a hallway aha the most suspicious of all ways um yeah you keep looking for clues up here i'm gonna look up wow look at all that pierce pierce pierce oh a secret was that is that blood or red stone i could never tell it might be ketchup i don't know what is this maybe oh it's red stuff yeah it's red stone what's a clue there's so much of it too look there's one here and here and oh oh no oh no i think it's a blood that's that's not a good sign i'm taking it i'm taking it because it's a clue okay i'm going to take one too just in case okay all right let's let's head back uh [Music] [Music] wake up wake up wake up wake up what how's it going what are you standing so close to my face war because i'm trying to wake you up all right it's terrifying we need to figure out our clues all right oh let's start with noah no what'd you find um well a lot of books about horses and a suspiciously comfy bed i don't know how zane could have a bed that comfy i mean very suspicious very suspicious indeed i should investigate that for the next eight hours just in case pierce what'd you find okay well you are checking out other stuff and i'm sure you'll bring up your clue in a second uh in the in the mischievous hall of ways i found some cobwebs but no spiders look at this just cobwebs all over the place suddenly and uh oh guys i found some redstone which led to a gray stone which means it's dead yeah there's there's a there's a tombstone up on the top of the house and it's very scary and like you said no this looks like blood how'd they bury a body on the balcony um yeah it's definitely weird also like what is i'm trying to figure out what this tells us what i knew it what what i'm going to excuse that [Music] are you stuck in your chair okay so these clues what do they mean what have they been i know nice and where do we get more maybe there's something upstairs we didn't check upstairs a whole lot also you know like we keep searching for for zayn and or you know taker slash murderer of zayn but what if what if he just started looking for his treasure have you considered that what if we just talk about that okay um but here's the thing zayn is our friend okay and we need to find him okay okay counterpoint zane is our friend and we should watch after his treasure i wonder what's over [Music] huh an armor stand oh okay okay ooh i found oh oh oh i don't know how are we gonna get through this how are we gonna get past this barricade i put your traps in there we'll get you out hold on i i left the pickaxe downstairs i found a way in there i'll look for clues in here okay ooh there's some cool stuff in here okay if you find any treasure give it to us please no i'll let you know i'll let you know i just i haven't found anything yet ouch guys i found some clothes oh cool okay uh grab and then grab okay okay all right oh nice uh are they shiny all right you guys have any clues uh i mean kind no okay i haven't made a discovery that i can't find treasure anywhere i know there's a disturbing lack of treasure in this treasure house all right i'd like to speak to the manager okay all right um let's see let's oh no oh guys all right everyone back to the room all right i can say okay hi did you find anything um yes i found some clues all right first first let's go over what uh ian pierce you guys are searching what'd you find well you know obviously yeah go for it obviously not much treasure uh but i do have an idea about that yes okay i think that pierce is hiding the treasure for me you know we were searching together but then you had to go off and do your own thing and i was in there hey what could my buddy pierce be doing betrayal well i also found something very surprising is that for a moment ian disappeared when i looked back he was smiling and when you smile it means that you've got something new that i don't slander wow okay both of you are being suspicious in fact i'm thinking we don't have just one culprit i think the both of you were working together both of you took out zane i found this room inside the grief and you did something to make him disappear with it didn't you didn't you i don't i don't think so yeah they're great [Music] oh no i think you're gonna get stuck here one free question which means that noise gonna be here goes nothing what there he goes oh wait wait guys guys i i didn't even get to present okay so my clues i found another sword okay i found the restoration i wish we could just leave but there's no way to leave this house i'm starting to get crazy in here it's fine it's fine hey uh where's pearson ian have you seen them no i haven't caught them actually what was that that was something yeah oh that was oh my gosh yeah okay up there guys [Music] you guys blew up uh sane's mansion yeah we bought a chest full of gunpowder it was really cool if he's alive he is going to be so mad also is that a clue the gun oh i don't know i mean it was it was definitely in this chest that's now officially gone but hey give me gunpowder okay okay so hey we could use this to blow up the rest of the house oh i don't care all right could you please do that after i'm not glued to my seat please and pierce it's obvious that you two are not responsible you're like irresponsible so me me and casey here we are completely responsible casey you take ian pierce to come with me come on let's go okay nope the mansion all right come on come on pierce this way let's go okay okay stay away from that eating it's a bad idea i like the scheme of this one this is my kind of room oh look at this whoa look at this oh look at this whoa cool but you slid it over to reveal more wall wait what's what's what's behind them i don't know [Music] oh this is cool look at this secret secret room i love it blue oh there's a clue it's the chair oh i've been waiting to sit down for a while get give it here no no no we're not we're not okay uh what is this is this is this his diary i don't know wish i knew how to read oh i'll read it pony okay prancing over hills only happy thoughts never ever sad you understand okay all right you can take that um i don't want a clean lousy poetry oh i'm gonna take this it looks like it's close i'm gonna take it uh guys do you find any clues no i i not yet [Music] you're getting crazy not bad no what it's fine come on i'm just having a little fun okay it's evident that something is going on here and i have a bad feeling that if we don't solve this soon something bad will happen i mean something bad already happened yeah you guys blew up zayn's room okay great no that wasn't the bad thing the bad thing is that we don't have any money yet where's all the treasure none okay no money all right what what what'd you find what did you guys find i mean they're they're still the gunpowder that you know pierce and i found what you know while while kawhi chen was looking at the armor stance i may have found something a little special but wait no no no no i i i don't want to i don't want to tell you what we're going together on this what no no it's i i don't want to share with anyone else it could be helpful later i'm just gonna just gonna hang on to it for a bit that's all suspicious so redstone trapdoors then i found a pony and then this chair i found a chair okay right here this chair right here zane's diary guys who do you think did it i i don't i don't know i mean someone has to make an accusation wait you know what i think i just realized it what all this time we've all been listening to one person talk to all of us about all the crimes that we've heard right now person is bow you've been speaking this whole time and also no one has accused you yet so i figured i would accuse you oh i was getting a sore butt don't worry pierce i thought you were very smart thank you thank you i will take my binding seat of honor all right guys i think i've put the clues together pony look we have a knife okay a knife which says that zayn was threatened we have the redstone which says that something was activated at least that's what i think the sword i really haven't figured that out but i found it with a trapdoor which was pointing down and then the chair is there so the chair secretly stabbed zayn with the knife sword and then celebrated by eating cookies guys look there's another chair like this right here right at the panel there are lots of chairs i can't see someone tell me i can take it out guys there's there's a button behind here where does it go do the button thing button ah wait what did you didn't do it it revealed something i'm stuck [Laughter] you finally found me dad what were you doing oh well i was hiding in the trap door there this whole time [Laughter] so you were fine yes i was fine i mean i got a splinter in my hand it hurt pretty bad good i just wanted to see if you all could solve my riddles with teamwork or would you kill each other in the process trying to get my riches marriage managed to make it happen with some leadership of some kind you're welcome [Laughter] so half mal you figured out my ruse and that what did one of you blow up my freaking room oh what we no no gabe okay yeah it's a very nice way but i was about to give you guys some riches but since you all can't be responsible i'm going to give it to the only responsible one here which is half now that's not fair now you have earned my treasures after all the work we put into not blowing up the roof you mean this pony [Music] oh so that's why they're all the book clues about ponies oh and the bad poetry it is art it is art of the written word and i am working on it okay just leave it alone no here's the point it's fine it's all fine saying hang on i'm confused i don't understand uh anything you just said so i'm gonna make a new accusation what no no the game's over ian it's done i accuse ain't quiet no this is my moment i accused that it was me the whole time with what you didn't do anything oh oh didn't i it was me in the basement where i found my special clue which one i have a basement lot lots of tnt wait what and now you all are trapped in my planet oh okay sure uh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,283,480
Rating: 4.8892164 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau game of life, aphmau master of games, aphmau funny games, aphmau minecraft games, aphmau family friendly, no swearing, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau friends prank, funny minecraft moments, aphmau clue, minecraft clue, minecraft murder mystery, aphmau pranks, clue board game in minecraft, board games, aphmau friends, aphmau noi, aphmau, ein, zane, kawaiichan, pierce
Id: iFHlQRHnllI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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