Playing As a Baby HACKER In Minecraft

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this little baby is the smartest hacker in minecraft but she's all alone that is until she hacks herself in a new family but when they turn against her she's saved by minecraft players who decide to raise her now these players are about to find out what raising a baby minecraft hacker means will these players be able to control a pro minecraft hacker or will they be hacked out of minecraft hey i've had the subscribe button just click it whoa cool thanks this is so exciting you're so cool with your villager abilities and you with your steve abilities and me with my hacker abilities i hear someone coming oh oh he's so lucky i don't see anybody else wait a minute oh somebody's coming someone's coming hey baby [Music] will surely come for me right right rain i'm gonna hack this rain and make it stop let me see let's go and let's turn this off and uh there we go fine you know what if no one's going to adopt me i will dock myself i'm just gonna hack this open see uh there we go perfect okay you know what like you said i'm not getting [Music] robot parent things lacking programming do not know how to parent well i i guess i am the hacker and i do need to program them but i'm just a baby i don't have a family and i don't know how grown-ups act oh but i guess i can try to think of something let me think what would a responsible grown-up parent do with their kid to have fun [Music] oh the villagers need to get into their houses how about a half the gravity and gravity up look at them go up up to the sky to your houses wonderful job daughter oh thank you robot parents i knew i could wait a minute huh you sent stuff all right let's take him down wait wait is this it looks like somebody might have beaten us to the punch here no what we were going to rob this village yeah i don't hey hey no hey you know who's coming for this and she was just sit down nowhere um wow oh it's making my stomach move all right get back here [Applause] what's going on down there are you a hacker baby [Music] guys i think she's lonely i'm so sorry for me while i'm getting a robot in my face get those server wheels out of my hair [Music] stop literally picking my time [Music] [Music] she could like i don't know teleport us over there so like she was doing before huh that's a great idea [Music] that's okay we can work on it and here we are this is going to be your new home does it have to be of course yeah i'd really rather not why did you just go back to the other village i mean she had a robot parents mm-hmm stopping ugh [Music] i mean you know as long as she gets to like i don't know stay in the well because you don't have a home oh we can put you in my house oh no no no she couldn't offend for herself as we saw so she can make her own place a baby with magical hacking powers yeah so you ignore them they're being silly i will hack in my own health because i am a smart baby what's going on over there bud hey [Music] that is my very specific roof specifically designed to not have dump babies on it well it seems like there's a flaw because there's a god baby on it that's just fine come on we get that we can't have a baby hacker in our hub it's against minecraft tos hacking isn't good and you have to think to be a good hacker and babies can never be good because the brain and babies they can't think brain so baby hack no what he says baby you're so cute with how you can hack your own stuff but normal babies live with their parents and you should too you can still use the treehouse as a playhouse but you can live with me here i'll grab some stuff from ian and pierce's house and make you a small in my house what you do you like it we have to take our stuff come on [Music] i kind of really want this room to be like no you should better appreciate it since we gave this out of the goodness of our hearts yeah or maybe just as long as i guess i'm not getting that bed back [Music] she's so talented by little hat so talented but probably not talented enough to just didn't even get her own farting and then the little hacker hacked herself a little prince charming and they lived happily ever after the end did you like it so nice bedtime story i've never had a bad time have a good nap i'll come get you later sleep well [Music] you know what i should leave a little version of me here so she doesn't get too oh you look worried like me okay maybe i need to work on that head a little bit but you know what i will do something later there we go okay all right let's see uh let's see oh is there something going on in this house [Music] how do i get inside maybe if i just go through the door like a normal person trust me you smoked me what are you doing here you're supposed to be taking a nap aren't you uh well you're supposed to be taking a nap too mr cranky pants so i'm grown up i can nap or not nap whatever i want besides i just wanted to come out and hang out with my friend pierce because we're friends that's what grown-ups do i don't know where he is not in his house he's actually down below [Music] if he was down below his house that means he'd have to have like a secret base because which is impossible because pierce would have told me if he had a secret base because her friends and friends don't keep secrets from each other and it's not true piers where are you are you home be [Music] what is this he shows me over there come on let's go oh he's got a nice little setup here look at this has a secret base oh i feel so lied to i mean what is this okay you know what i'm going to use some of my hacker skills to get across this because i don't want to just see if i can do something like this i can jump in the air oh i can jump in the air too over here wait wait what oh a blue room of course it's protecting his mutton i'm sure that's what it is i have a butt that can help me aim at it there we go wait so wait you what wait so what what does that do [Music] what do you mean it's just it's it's not what it looks like it's just it's just my own goal there's just i just found it i was just gonna play it around and i was gonna share with you eventually yeah you know it's your favorite after all right yeah yeah yeah it's my favorite you know what else is my favorite what what kicking pierce thank you very much hey i like your women friend have you ever betrayed me like this think about all the things that we've been through yeah but but how many times have you like hidden something away from me or something it's me come on i thought you were different i thought oh and now there's cake all over my goal you're gold come on right this way i don't want to go oh it's gonna be fun they're not gonna hurt you anymore all right listen up youtube you've been really mean to my sweet little happy hands and she's got here so i think if you two spend some quality time with her you'll want up to her yeah yeah pierce and i were talking about it and we agree we want some time sure hey you guys are gonna have a great time together i'll be back later [Music] bye have fun [Music] yeah yeah this will be great we can go fishing have a great day just have a waterfall okay she's hard enough yeah finally okay you have been nothing but trouble ever since we got here from us you took our stuffy route of friendship that's not the point there's nothing more important do it just too so we're what we didn't work on that stuff actually sorry yeah we we definitely need it yeah you guys care about this you're terrible at this all right that's enough that's enough all right i think this is a good spot for fishing so here's here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take this fishing pole and um i'm gonna give you the fishing pole and uh i'm gonna get in pierce's bus and uh we're gonna leave you out in the middle of the lake [Music] good luck swimming back to the dock i cannot believe they've done this they know babies can't swim all right let's break the cake just got a zip on bag yeah i got some cookies to the very least from before once you hack them right you can have some of those i can actually i wonder how that kid is doing that yeah what's up oh here's you want to turn the boat around yeah yeah yeah excuse me miss miss miss are you here huh dear baby hacker casey has demanded that we give you a bath you're terrible at babysitting so we are keeping casey captive until you give in to our demands take a bath i don't want to take a bath you know what it's fine it's fine it's fine i i can find them if they're holding that nice lady captive i'm going to make sure i meet them all right let's see i can use my vision to see where they oh there we are look at that let's see so they are down there oh no i don't know what's happening don't worry miss i'll come save you okay they're right down there in this this is not a secret place do they even know how to make one ah amateurs are sweaty though whoa this is pretty cool but i won't tell them that that's right you will sit over there oh look who showed up hey little hacker girl huh we were just expecting you no no because we're tired of doing stuff for you but also i mean so you read the note didn't you i mean uh wait can't she read i i mean i imagine so i mean she's like a big hacker girl so imagine she knows the numbers for like words nobody asks you well nobody asked you if you asked me the point is you need to take a bath yeah no do it make your choice miss hacker girl either lose your caretaker take a bath [Laughter] oh [Music] [Music] what [Music] we are here to assist you there you are okay you know who invited them [Applause] [Music] i told you to stay out of the shark tank i'm sorry i gotta be fun zip what do you think i'm doing down here thanks for rescuing me yeah no problem come out here so i can explode the whole place oh but not my house right no no no no no no i'm gonna smoother baits just explode the space so it's never seen again this they're still here now that hurt my everything hearts gold down there oh my whoa that's weird my beautiful wolf throws that expensive gold's throat you know much time and love and attention it took to grow all that well you know how much money i put in that night undervalued okay
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,226,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, baby hacker, baby minecraft hacker, aphmau baby, aphmau hacker, minecraft hacker minecraft, aphmau hacks minecraft, hacking minecraft server, how to hack in minecraft, minecraft hacks, cheating in minecraft, aphmau became a hacker in minecraft, aphmau hacking minecraft, can you hack minecraft, how to hack minecraft, minecraft account hack, aphmau pranks her friends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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