Bitten By The ULTIMA Wolf In Minecraft!

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If she was bitten by the ultima wouldn’t she be a regular wolf

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Professional_Egg523 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
when the full moon rises ultima wolf will hunt only problem is he's bitten me now i've become an ultima wolf and i'll need to find a way to hide my ultimate secret from everyone okay all right time to turn in for the night nice and quiet sleeping and why is nobody else sleeping guys that's what oh no oh it's okay it's okay it's fine just the entire hub is on fire and there's some giant monster that's attacking the hub oh beers right next to my house [Music] what kind of boss do it do such a thing you know ian i'm gonna go check on the end you stay here pierce just be safe put on the fire before it spreads all right put out the fire right forgot okay yeah yeah kim's house oh my gosh that's not good okay what is going on hold on thank you back back i don't know where you are but you are not welcome here what's this okay thanks for being here no problem i got you okay all right if we work together we can probably take this thing all together all right wait yeah you got this hey so um i'm just gonna [Music] uh what's happening i think the thing fit me why are my eyes being so weird huh that's not a good sign [Music] what happened huh wait what what do i have am i a wolf why do i have ears in the back it should be perfectly fine i'll just stop and uh oh hello sheep what are you doing over there oh wait what's up huh i just took it out of one hit wow oh hey are you an ah you're an angry too oh you're attacking me oh no you're me i've never been able to one shot sheep what's going on here stop i'm just gonna get out of here uh you know what no no i gotta put this on i gotta put this on uh all right that should cover my ears right hey buddy i can't believe this dude i know right no i i can't believe this wasn't caught by ian yeah know what you saw i know it was that darn wolf scary wolf caused this to happen oh my god yeah no thanks to ian for leaving me alone with that giant whoa wait well no surprise wait a minute you were alone with that wolf did you get bit no oh well that's good still i can't believe this if he dared to attack aphmau he attacked our hub you could have helped me you know you you really we need to get rid of that wolf and any wolf like it oh hey now i agree absolutely ready my books got hurt i'm in me too that wolf didn't want any tummy scratches yay [Applause] [Applause] um obviously it's posters so anyone who logs onto the server knows we want to get rid of the wolves oh yay ian that isn't going to work now come on we need to take this fight to that giant wolf and get rid of it you know what i i agree that's why we put this up we're gonna find it it's gonna work now everyone look uh look for clues we gotta find something all right fighting wolf clues here we go what are you what are you what are you sniffing for yeah uh i found something oh oh you found some tracks uh yeah i guess i did i think you're trying to have a really great human nose for for that this guys i don't know if this looks safe [Music] this doesn't look safe at all this looks like the den of a whoa yeah yeah let's see we got a we got bones we got um more bones then these are all from pierce's sheep or humans nah definitely sheep bones for sure huh huh what was that guys guys it's back there it is i found you got him there okay i got a plan back you foul beast hat did you have a bow ian come on you're totally doing it wrong you need to do it like this weird that usually works well you know that that wasn't any better yeah any more smart ideas uh here how about this why don't you guys take another pearl uh you guys go round round just get out of here princess don't worry guys we can get safety up here okay okay okay and oh boy we're in trouble look safe oh ian this isn't safe at all how about this it's coming you guys go stand back we can fight it together okay [Applause] good job good luck huh what love you are you kidding me thanks for the ender pearls thanks you did this to me look what you did to me look at this say something i'm sorry i was just you look so tasty and i thought you were food i just uh i didn't mean to curse wait ah you actually could talk of course i could talk wolf so wait you destroyed the entire server because you were hangry yeah i'm not there i'll give you that but you know what i need to get back to normal okay i'll tell you what i'll tell you how to get rid of the curse if you can find me as something to eat it's got to be big you know a regular sheep or cow won't fill me up why you know what just stay away from the hub and i will find you something to eat okay okay have fun do everything myself thanks you're welcome all right food food for an ultima um oh noise probably has animals hey noise what's up hey athena i'm just trying to fix up my house here oh it took me so long to build this and hey did you guys slay that wolf already wow you're upset yeah i mean that thing ate all my animals i didn't want any tummy scratches oh so i guess you don't have any like spare animals lying around right well i mean i still have my pet bunny lady bun bun but uh i'm trying to protect her with everything that i have i know you missed your spots up there can i grab them for you oh uh yeah could you help with that please that's dirt yeah i got this thanks zapmal all right let me see i don't have a ladder on me but maybe if i just did uh don't worry about it you're fine uh can i see your bunny actually just really quick sure yeah i mean she's really friendly and uh i've been meaning to feed her anyway she in your heart this way you should put oh yeah you should put on fire geez i'm working on it yeah yeah i i can't tell so lady bun buns over in here oh and just watch your step watch your step little [Music] there we go nice and easy oh yeah that was really easy hello ladybug how are you doing my beautiful oh you're so pretty you're so cute crushed delicious precious looking i know right she's so precious let me go get some food for her yeah oh my gosh she's so delicious wait what am i what am i thinking you're just a little bunny where you are yep now you want some carrots too uh no thank you i'm just gonna what happened oh my gosh put it down put it on spit around ladies i can't believe you made me do that you stay here right now oh my gosh oh this is getting out of hand this is getting really out of hand they're gonna find out i am like the ultima or something like that or like hey ultima i don't know it's fine huh michelangelo you better survive this one i got nothing left on the server yeah we still haven't found them [Applause] all right they're gone hey stop it you need to stop i'm trying to get your food here sorry but you've been taking forever awesome okay look look i turned into this okay how come you're so big and i'm so small well you just got bitten by me you're not gonna get big until you accept the fact that you're a wolf no but wait wait wait wait you said you could teach me how to change back i can if you bring me food i don't like sheep but i'll eat them before i don't get anything else fine fine just don't come back to the hub okay i'm already trying to get people off wolves oh you squeak too much fine all right get back to the hub hey hey guys guys thank goodness i've been getting your final sheet beer for you thank goodness gears i really can't afford any more of these wait what [Music] it's a monster that ate you and then spit you back out dumb wolves they're going to eat all of our pets if we don't stop them we need to protect the animals they must be destroyed at all costs oh yeah i'm alive maybe michelangelo's so terrified and i am too which is what i'm good at come on guys okay oh hey guys what are you doing all right yes we're all set together [Music] yep we are all set huh what what'd i'll go get some things for this thank you to be nice then you guys should be nice to watch if you see one yeah specific and strange yeah yeah i'll be really nice with my size [Applause] you know what how many blocks high do you want this wall again we should do four blocks i need two huge wolves can be really nice so how about i do something like this where i transform into a wolf there we go and then show them just how nice they can be okay okay what is that guys [Music] that's a strange looking attack i don't know yeah i don't it's a strange way to maliciously destroy our animals she's putting that dirt down so menacingly i love this destroying the grass oh no now the wolf is trying to hunt down that innocent bunny [Music] [Applause] [Music] no so weird after i ate that bunny you just cheat i wonder i wonder if i fill all those bars what happens no no no no no no everyone's mad at me i gotta find a way to make this better okay i think this is all set up and it should be good to go for them okay this should be a good piece offering from the wolves to the humans um and whoa you guys you guys really built up that fortress huh oh yeah we're gonna be ready for those pesky wolves anyway uh yeah yeah what was it you wanted to call me over for oh so i found this offering that the wolves left for you guys [Music] what there's cake there's cake and gold and a gold offering because the wolves aren't bad all right they just want to be nice and have some food and you know like you do you should love them [Music] [Laughter] well i'll tell you obviously you think those wolves caused the chaos to the hub no way that was me i just blew up some things and the big wolf was there so i figured why not blame him no one suspected a thing not even you you anyway what anyway um hey uh did you always have those ears um and that tail wait a minute ears tail guys i've been throwing i've been working with a werewolf and she's working with them let's go let's get in there oh [Music] all right guys everyone she's retreating through her house let's get her charged let's get her then okay okay who's got tnt i had some of my houses oh i gotta get out of here come on get in here buddy where is she show yourself that now gotta go buddy go be free be free most of all saw it right she ate okay wait tonight am i uh can i at least say thank you for saving ladybug bunny is okay she found your buddy what's herself ladybug was right over there she's alive she's she's alive oh that's right i mean she had some she had some slobber on her but because i have to take her out of your house look guys humans werewolves wolves ultima's we can all get along together if we just work together to be better we can uh be good too okay i'm still sick i think i'm still following you oh yeah yeah yeah finish this where are you going yeah let me go to your animals to make sure everything is okay over here together yeah yeah i guess oh i guess um yeah yeah take down the whole fortress now just stay right there you know what i guess we don't need to keep all the animals in here i'll relax [Music] [Applause] hey humans [Music] uh i'm gonna run now running running running ready that's not really something i can do what you tricked me yeah i'm sorry about that um i've got a thing over there i can't curse it's the ultimate stupid bite all right guys it's not we still have one chicken yeah we must defend it from the wolves that i'm honest i bought it oh man um i'm gonna protect this one your friends are looking really tasty thanks i guess i think i think i may have to uh eat you guys that chicken doesn't look as good anymore oh so you admit that i'm a full course meal none and i you you're still a snack
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,214,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau was bitten, aphmau aaron werewolf, aphmau bite, aphmau bitten, aphmau bitten werewolf, minecraft werewolf, aphmau bitten by ultima, aphmau ultima wolf, aphmau ultima werewolf, aphmau ultima were wolf, aphmau bitten by wolf, aphmau and aaron, aphmau bitten by aaron, aphmau werewolf curse, aphmau is a werewolf, aphmau playing as a werewolf
Id: 5vA1bXrbeWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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