An Interview with Chris Reed: Journey in the Supernatural

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hello everyone welcome to another edition of the word for the moment video blog a very special edition today i've got a good friend with me today that uh really would like to introduce to you guys his name is pastor chris reed welcome chris glad you're with us my brother i'm glad to be here honored to be here with you awesome we um chris and i have been chatting for the last few weeks just about a lot of common ground that we have it's been very refreshing for me to you know hear what the lord has done in his life and how the lord is using him we have a mutual belief in a message that was delivered to the prior generation i i think before i uh bring chris in and i just shared a little brief excerpt of a experience i had a year ago this month uh in this experience whatever you would like to call it i had this conversation with william branham it was a dream let's call it a dream and um it was a fascinating experience but one of the things that he talked about was the prophetic message the lord gave him there was a clear undeniable prophetic message that i believe came straight from the heart of god and he talked to me about how it grieved him that so much of what he had said and done has been taken to such extremes and he thanked me you know for my desire at least to bring a balance to the message to give him a little space for his humanity you know some people didn't give him space for his humanity on the one end people are extremely critical because he was a human being and he made mistakes on the other end people took every word he said as if it were the pure gospel and you can't do either one of those and what i have so enjoyed about chris is that he has done the same thing that i feel like the lord is uh is saying to us thank you for taking this message unpacking it consolidating it with fresh revelation making it contemporary making it relevant to our generation and uh and re-releasing it with all the fresh and the new basically i look at it chris like it's a foundation for what's coming is that how you see it yes that's exactly how i see it i think that um you know the forerunner uh the prototype was a picture of a company of people who will rise up with that message of jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever demonstrating the works of christ demonstrating his power in the earth signs and wonders and miracles yeah well with that this just maybe um just get into a little of your history um you were a uh preacher at the age of what 14 is that what the is that what you tell me yeah yeah so at eight years old i was baptized in the holy spirit and just at a young age all things god fascinated me i had some really unique supernatural encounters with god even at a young age and so at the age of 12 i felt the calling into pulpit ministry i was kid sitting on the front row of every service and and then at 14 i started ministering and then just by word of mouth um you know the doors began opening wow awesome well let's just jump to um maybe 2011 because we only have maybe an hour or so here and um 2011 you discovered if that's the right word the the ministry of william brown and um you begin to have experiences at night i don't want to put words in your mouth but maybe you can just kind of share with our folks a little bit of how that started with you yeah so you know from the age of 14 up until just a few years ago my ministry was pretty much exclusively in one particular pentecostal denomination that i grew up in it's only been the last well i left that denomination about um a let's see nine years ago and but but while ministering um in that denomination administered in over 200 of their churches before i was 18 years old and um and so my parents were you know driving me to to my meetings before i had a driver's license and my gifting then at that point was god has always been you know gracious and kind to allow me to have a revelatory teaching preaching gift um but also my gifting was i just the lord graced me to be able to you know lay hands on people and they'd be baptized in the holy spirit they would bring me in churches you know where people never seem to get a breakthrough and um and that gifting of you know laying hands on people as they did in the book of acts they being filled with holy spirit was was my gifting up until that point then at the age of 25 i moved from my original hometown of bloomington indiana to where i pastor now in peru indiana i see indiana emphasized because you don't know how many times i've said peru and people think i'm saying the nation of peru but you know it's here in the state of indiana about an hour north of indianapolis but yeah so i i moved here started with seven people in the church the church had been here for about over 50 years but it you know kind of dwindled down to about seven people and we started growing right off the bat and the lord was kind to us but in 2011 and i went through a dark period and just some changes in my life um and you know leaving the denomination that i was ordained in and i started having supernatural experiences with god in the night time it was just really sovereign i mean obviously during the time i was trying to draw closer to god hear his voice make sure i wasn't you know making wrong choices being led astray and um i certainly have learned from a lot of mistakes but um during that period i would go to bed and this went on for about a year brother this from somewhere around the end of 2011 through 2012 there were some weeks five six nights a week um sometimes less uh but i would go to bed and i would feel at some point in the night volts of just electricity pulsate through my body i mean just volts of electricity and and it didn't hurt but um you know the experience was is every time i would wake up i would feel and discern there was a supernatural being in the room that's the only way i can describe it and it got to happening so much that um i would be in a dream like i remember one time i was just standing in my living room and i felt it coming on me and you know how in dreams you typically don't feel things you see things well i would feel it coming on me and i remember one and just in one dream i thought i got a hunker down because this is about to come over me and it would just be you know just volts of electricity go through my body and every time i would wake up i would feel the supernatural presence of god a supernatural being in the room and there were actually people that stayed with us during that time who stayed in another room and you know told us um of some crazy events that would happen in another room in the house on a night when i would be having these experiences like the lights would come on and off the television would come on and off and um so yeah and so that went on for about a year and shortly after that when i would be ministering you know i would just look out over the crowd and i would look at someone i would just know they had cancer you know at first it was hard to explain but i just knew that cancer or they had heart disease or or something and then of course over time it developed more and more in detail even down to knowing the dreams that somebody had the night before uh knowing addresses names sicknesses conversations they had with god in prayer in detail or conversations they had with their spouse on the way to the service i would be preaching at that day and so um you know of course that's not the only thing that come from it but probably one of the most notable things outside of you know just a holy reverential fear and and being impacted to such a degree was i noticed this new um this new gifting you might see that uh began in my life and i've not been the same since then awesome so you know what you what what i've seen in some videos that uh have been circulating is the lord is using what we call word of knowledge um just giving you the secrets of the heart people's names and different forms of information um you know i remember you know i know you remember well you know brother branham's original commission when the angel came to him on may 7th 1946 you know the angel you know tells them fear not from sent from the presence of almighty god i wonder why the angels always have to say fear not for the first words because i'm pretty sure it's a fearful thing but anyway if you're not from sent from the presence of almighty god to tell you that you procure your life in your misunderstood ways or because you're to carry the gift of healing to the nations of the earth and he says how can i he said you're going to pray for kings and princes and monarchs and brother branham says you got the wrong guy i mean he didn't say that but i mean essentially i'm an uneducated man i'm a poor man i live among poor people how in the world am i going to pray for kings and princes and monarchs and that's when the angel said as moses was given two gifts you'll take them by the hand and discern the illness but here's what i'm leading up to the angel said if you're faithful and humble in that the lord will eventually allow you to discern the very thoughts and intents of the heart and if you can get the people to believe you nothing will stand before your prayers so uh would you say a lot of the model of what you're experiencing now is that these words of knowledge and uh different secrets that are being revealed are to get the people into the realm of faith so they can believe for the supernatural yeah because what was interesting when these supernatural experiences were happening at night time that led about to these changes in me or an activation of something in me right i was studying the ministry of william branham i was listening to his messages and obviously anyone that has an unparalleled level of authority and gifting you know i think it was um f bosworth or gordon lindsay one of the two maybe perhaps both of them said that they there was not a ministry with supernatural markings like brother branham's since the days of the apostles and you know when you think about people who were greatly used like john lake you know a.a allen um on and on we could go that's quite a statement um but um but nevertheless his ministry was what i was studying when these supernatural experiences and it just all became very very real to me and i think prior to that i had avoided his ministry just because you know a lot of people a lot of his message has been under misunderstood um you know statements that perhaps he might have made from a cultural era or um you know from his own personal experiences and upbringing that influenced how he had personal feelings about things a lot of people just disregarded anything that god was doing in him when in reality he was the first of a kind right that uh the spirit and power of elijah to turn the hearts of this generation the last day generation back to the early book of acts fathers um and i believe that's what his ministry began and it's not stopped it's i believe god is going to do that with a great company of yielded and surrendered people who say lord i lay everything down it's not about me furthering me it's all about you and we want to hear the inaudible we want to see the invisible and feel the intangible yeah yeah and that's really what we desire absolutely you know um one of the worst sins of all you know people look at certain things and say oh this is a terrible the worst sin of all is unbelief would you agree with that i think the scriptures teach that that yes the bible says when he the spirit of truth comes he will bring the conviction of sin sin because we do not believe in course hebrews deals with the issue of unbelief with israel coming out of egypt and and such and you know i had this word that that i've been sharing a little bit lately that one of our mandates or one of the focal points of the holy spirit for right now is dealing with the issue of unbelief um and we have uh i feel like in many ways excused unbelief and i feel like the lord has challenged me to to say you know it's not okay to not believe the word of god you know we get in these circles where uh we're in a maybe a mixed group of people with different belief structures and we say well you know it doesn't matter if you don't believe in healing as long as we all believe jesus is the messiah and he shed his blood well that's really not a true statement because the bible clearly says jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever and healing is taught in the entirety of the gospels you know and throughout the epistle so to not believe in healing is is sinful it's unbelief or to not believe in the baptism or to not believe in gifts or to not believe in prophecy and so what i think the lord is using you chris at least in part initially because things are going to progress is to begin to deal with unbelief you know um by sharing things that are undeniably true now you mentioned something i'd love to get your uh your take on it you know i've been doing this for quite a while and i've been trying to fight this battle that people said well william branham thought he was elijah well you can't prove that by anything he said but i absolutely believe he was anointed with the spirit and power of elijah what is your take on that yeah so just to add on to piggy back to what you said about about unbelief i believe the lord is restoring that which he never took away and i think with that being said you know you said that a lot of the the problem is unbelief i i would even go so far as to say that the root of all sin is unbelief you know when people live in sin or they commit uh immorality or sin or live in in a moral way it's because they don't believe enough if they really believed the word of god what the word of god has to say then obviously they they would find a place of repentance but but yes i do i believe that the the ministry of uh elijah you know the spirit in power not that brother branham was elijah by no means but the spirit of elijah was restored into the earth by his ministry and the thing that a lot of people have missed with that idea is that it didn't die with elijah a lot of people would have liked for it to have died with elijah but the fact is he had a school of the prophet so they were the sons of the prophets right and if you remember the the fact is is that when elijah died and you know i believe the ministry of brother branham was the restoration the malachi four five and six uh the the spirit and power of elijah to ris to restore the church back to the original book of acts church but instead of dying with elijah it went on to double with elisha right and so there was a company following of sons following you know elijah and ultimately it doubled the number of miracles the amount of the supernatural double in elisha because there was a passing on but but the one that was closest to and reverenced and honored elijah got the double portion and i think that's connected to a restoration and i think that's the reason why this happened i don't think i'm anything special i don't think there's anything uh unique about me but i think because i honored the spirit of elijah it became a generational thing from elijah to elisha and man just to think that that could double and that it will double is really something you know i'm sure you're aware but some of our viewers may not be but there was a a prophetic word that brother branham brought where you know he was he was more prone to see things in vision form but he felt inspiration come on him one night and the voice that he often heard speak to him said pick up your pen and write i'm sure you're familiar with this prophecy so he began to write out a prophecy and the essence of the prophecy was that what was coming would be the joshua and the elisha and you know what the way i've taught it for all these years is you know brother branham was commissioned on may 7th 1946 and the angel specifically said as moses he was commissioned in the order of moses and you know moses brought the people out but he never really took them in you know and i get some criticism for this statement but brother branham brought us out but we didn't actually go in i think we could have um maybe there were a few there's some remnants but i mean if we look at our brother battle has been gone 55 years now we're not in there yet we're not in the promised land yet we're not seeing a community of people functioning as sons of the kingdom and doing the works christ did in greater works than these and or even doing what we saw brother branham do and which i believe as you said he was a forerunner what if he's a forerunner there must company that come behind so for years now i have been looking for the joshua elisha a community of people you know that that do have a double portion and and i wholeheartedly agree with what you just said that there was something about joshua hanging around the tabernacle you know joshua embracing the message of moses that qualified him to carry on the spirit and power of moses elisha refused to leave the side of elijah you know um and and so forth and it qualified him he believed what the lord was doing and therefore it qualified him to carry on and so i do believe there is this issue of honor that's very important yeah well you know it's been said that there's there's two ditches on both sides of the road road to life liberalism and legalism and i think that's true when it comes to honor uh to on the left side of the road of honor i think honor is the the right balance the highest part of the road is always the road the ditches are on both sides but i think on one side you have dishonor or apathy on one stitch on the side of honor and then the other side you go the other extreme and it becomes worship and i think that there is got to be and i think god is doing this this is what i believe god is doing now with honoring and the spirit and power of elijah elisha got a double portion now he didn't worship elijah and he certainly didn't dishonor discredit or minimize eli you know let me let me just say this you remember the lord greatly used when the children of israel were in the wilderness the bible tells us about when they were they were bitten by the um the the serpents i believe it was and the lord told moses take this brazen serpent lift it up and whoever looked upon the brazen serpent you know would be healed well there's an interesting story later on about 400 plus years later god calls one of the kings of israel um to address idolatry because they had taken the brazen serpent something that god had used greatly at one time right and they were actually burning uh paying uh you know obeisance or or or honor or they they were worshiping pretty much in the temple or the tabernacle the brazen serpent and of course i believe if i remember right it was jehoshaphat i could be wrong about that uh if i'm if i am but one of the kings by the word of the prophet they they they destroyed the brazen serpent and it wasn't that there was anything wrong with the brazen serpent it was just what god used at one time became out of balance and i think that anybody who subscribes to brother branham the message that he brought the message of healing and and and revelation uh and the end time understanding of the word of god they have either you know i've always said it you either find people who have to discredit everything about him or they almost make him deity and some of them have went and i'm not criticizing anybody i'm just simply saying the fact is is it was god that was using you know the brazen serpent but instead of the worship going to god it became about worshiping the brazen serpent but the other side of the ditch is to disregard dishonor disannul what god was doing so the pillar of fire is always moving we have to follow but there's no doubt that the spirit in power elijah with a forerunner message was displayed in the ministry and life of william marion branham and i think that that message that he brought that was perhaps perverted or became out of balance or his influence by culture or upbringing is going to be purified and restored in these last days all right well then let's just uh just go ahead and prophesy it then that we're moving into a season of time now where we're going to begin to see greater demonstrations of the spirit and power of elijah amen amen amen that's what i believe and so maybe you're starting to see the introductions of that in a little bit um because just the videos i've watched you know the lord has been gracious and you know i know your heart because we've had some lengthy conversations but your heart is to give the lord glory and that's part of the qualifying factor wouldn't you agree oh yeah the humility that's necessary and yeah put the show on the road you know and let's build a big ministry and get a big you know i'm hoping there's a remnant of people that have learned from the past and let's say let's don't try that again it hasn't worked let's just give honor to the lord and give glory to the lord and see his name lifted up and you know and um and just from my conversations with you so far i can tell you have a heart to see the sick heal you know if you have a real heart of god you have compassion and we don't like hearing these testimonies of people living in pain and broken-hearted you know i've said this a few times that i feel like at least the lord is telling me there's going to be a revival for the brokenhearted you know where he binds the brokenhearted because there's so much of it there's so much of it um and i know you've been through a little of that yourself so we can identify you know some of some of that um so i'm i'm encouraged you know by by what i'm seeing that we're about to move into a season um i'm gonna put you on the spot a little bit here and we haven't discussed this but kind of you have any forecast for 2021 any perspective of how the how 2021 is going to look so i really believe that 2021 is going to be you know and and here's the important thing before i say that the most important thing we want is to have the lord's endorsement on anything we do yeah and i think that jesus modeled that out and in a great way when he said you know i only speak what i hear the father speak and i only do what i see the father do and and even brother branham acted that out he wouldn't go pray for someone until the vision you know that he saw the prayer it had to be in the right place the right color of carpet you know the the right setting because he was only wanting to do what what god was doing and when god was doing it and uh and i think knowing when to speak when god is speaking and knowing when not to speak when god is not speaking when we try to act and speak and do without the lord's endorsement then we enter into presumption the sin of presumption and i think that just creates a whole new difficulty in speaking regardings to prophecy i think that you know to say this that if we even um or anyone was to prophesy something or to declare something uh and the lord isn't saying that but out of presumption or whatever it might be we we do it then what we run into is when we get the spiritual warfare that comes with proclaiming those words but we don't we didn't have the grace to release the word that came with it so the heaping amount of spiritual warfare that we we experience is is is unnecessary and unneeded and never want to enter into that without having the grace that comes with it but as far as 2021 goes i i see it as a year of exposure and i think we're already coming into that not when i say exposure i don't mean you know embarrassing people or belittling anyone no but but i believe and brother branham talked about you know that there would be in the last days carnal impersonators now i am in no way slinging mud towards anyone but just as sincere as i know how to be i believe that that when jesus said um you know that in the in the last days there would be um false prophets and and and many who would prophesy uh that really is a picture of where we are i'm not labeling anyone a false prophet but i think when i say exposure i think that the true sons and daughters of god with that seed of destiny that seed bright are going to be exposed to the world the ones that perhaps have been hidden in secret who feel like they've been dormant or tucked away or hid away i believe that that's this is going to be a year that they are and will emerge and yet at the same time the ones who are not being sincere or not being genuine i think that uh there's going to be a an exposure in the sense of decrease in other words god is going to reveal those who really have his heart and i sure want to be on the right side of that no matter what it takes absolutely uh you know um there may be many things that come out you know for 2021 but one of the words we had was that there will be a year of cleansing which is kind of what you're saying cleansing the prophetic uh we have an opportunity to cleanse our garments uh we see in the book of revelation you know these people that have that have robes they're believers but they have stains on their robes well that's a that's not a good condition to be in um and so some of that is from unbelief or embracing traditions of men but i think this cleansing thing is going to be very far-reaching and i think the prophetic will be a part of that and i agree with you wholeheartedly malachi 3 there is about to be a distinction among those that truly serve god and those that do not um and you know i'm in agreement with that um i'm not sure if you're prepared to share you know something that's happened to you but you know amy and i were talking last night you know you had had this experience about seeing the veils and i was having i've been seeing this cleansing of the garments and i'm i'm beginning to think those are one and the same that we have they we have veils over us i preach this you know and thrones of the soul people don't realize that the veil to the holy of holies has been rent but we we have veils because paul said that he does you know that there is this place in god where we can begin to behold the lord with an unveiled face and so i'm thinking you know after we had this conversation yesterday that you know the removal of veils is the essence of cleansing our garments because the veils can be fleshly issues or they can the unbelief issues are embracing a lie for the truth or even embracing the traditions of men even the lord himself said he could do nothing in an atmosphere where the traditions of men supersede the word of god i'm just going to kind of throw that out to you and let you kind of go wherever you like to go with that yeah so i actually ministered sunday night and i told you about this in a in a meeting down by indianapolis and um i was ministering to leaders and and other pastors that's what the meeting was for and i had told you i think yesterday that um some of the stuff that you had wrote in um thrones of the soul that the lord gave me a bit by the way that's an excellent book um if somebody hasn't got it i encourage them to to seriously get it um but you know the the vision that i had was i was in a church i was ministering to people and i looked out over the crowd and i saw black veils over people's faces and each veil some of them had the number five on it some had the number one some had the number seven i saw one that had the number 15. and it was like there was a bright light in the room but based on the number that was that was the number of veils that they had over their face and the more veils the black veils they had over their face the harder it was for them to see any light and you know when we talk about revelation and i know you know this we're not saying that god is revealing some new truth that's not in scripture what we're saying it's like when you walk in a room and the lights off you know you can walk around and stumble stub your toe or bump into the couch or the whatever it may be but you turn the light on and you see what was there all along right you just didn't see it because it was dark and you couldn't see what was there all along and so you know i just um i began to realize that in this vision that um the the word of god being washed by the water of the word and humility you know there's something about power of the word of god and i think that you know we make these spiritual disciplines that almost in some perhaps christian circles they almost become rituals well i gotta you know pray 15 minutes today got to read the word for this this many chapters but it it becomes alive when it's not just a routine or a ritual when it goes beyond just becoming routine something happens like you can go into a service a powerfully holy spirit anointed service and come in with the weight of the world discouragement and just frustration and then the word of god is preached under the anointing of the holy spirit with excellence in speech and there's something about it it just has a cleansing effect over you and i think that's what the word of god does is is because in the vision i i saw someone with a veil kneel down to wash the foot of another person sitting next to them with a number of veils on their face and as they and i don't i don't think it was about washing feet i think it was an act of humility and act of service and by doing that and then they were washing their pouring water over their feet and i the lord showed me that true humility and being washed by the water of the word are because in the vision a veil fell off the face of the one doing the washing and the one being washed by one person's act of humility and being washed by the water of the word and i really believe god is raising up a true restoration i know there's a great prayer movement going on but i just believe god's raising up one that's not gonna die off one who understands that reading the word and spending time in the secret place and intimacy with god the bible says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avail with much availeth much so so i i think that these veils in our soul whether it be a work of the flesh as you said or doubt unbelief these actually hinder us from you know ii corinthians 3 18 but we all with unveiled face i think the king james says um a little bit different but the original wording would have said you know but we all with unveiled face behold the glory of the lord and we're changed into the image by the spirit of god so the more we behold him the more we become like him but as long as there's veils over our face or areas in our heart that are not surrendered and yielded to the lord and an area or a department of our life that something is sitting in power or enthroned over that part of our life other than the lord and that's an area of our life that's not yielded to the lord and he he's off limits there and i'll just say this there's some there's a beholding principle there's something powerful about beholding the lord and as i said you can't do that with a veil over your face right but as the veils are removed and we truly can behold and see the glory see angels see visions see dreams you know when we behold the healer we become the healed when we behold the hate the savior we become the saved when we behold the deliverer we become the delivered and i truly believe that god is wanting us to not be focused on you know with the election or uh and i mean certainly be praying about it not focused on a lot of these things that are vying as paul said there are many voices in the world none of them without signification but truly becoming completely focused on beholding and seeing him and the word of god reading it putting yourself in that story that story coming alive you know i've had many visions and experiences with the lord by reading the word visualizing the inspired anointed word of god and i was caught up in the spirit like that because the word of god becomes a gateway to the realm of the spirit absolutely it's a portal it is a portal and you know something i'll share with this well last uh i'll say about that is you know revelation four and one after the message to the seven churches in revelation chapter three john said you know i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and i heard a voice trumpet saying come up hither and i'll show you things you know i was reading that here recently and i think we were discussing this yesterday but something that stuck out to me that i never noticed before is we read about this door and the original word would have meant portal you know and people think when you say poor you're getting all new agey if you actually use strong's concordance to look at the word door it actually the first definition is a portal but i noticed brother that when he went into that door the door was never shut behind him no and i think the door is still open waiting on us and posture ourselves in resting and in intimacy and in reading the word that we can go into that place in those throne room encounters as well and be changed as we behold him you know i had uh a dreamlike thing happen several years ago now but you know i was just at the time meditating on moses you know this amazing man that knew the lord face to face as a friend speaks to a friend there's not anybody that loves the lord they wouldn't want that and i went into this um dream like thing where seemingly the apostle paul was standing in front of me a little short man he had a bony finger and he was poking his finger in my chest and he and it was a challenge he was challenging me he said if moses could stand before the lord face to face and speak to the lord like a friend speaks to his friend under a covenant seal with the blood of bulls and goats you have the covenant sealed with the very blood of jesus christ so what's your problem that was what he said to me yeah and in other words he kind of flipped it i'm thinking oh i want i want i want to have what moses had and paul turned it around and he says why aren't you you have a better covenant you have a covenant you know we come to the father through the veil of his flesh we have the covenant sealed with the blood of jesus christ we are a new creation in christ we are a multi-dimensional person when i say we i'm not talking about just you and i chris everybody that is a true genuinely spirit-filled born-again christian is multi-dimensional that's just the fact of the matter you have an eternal seed that abides in you that comes straight from god and so you know i don't know how that looks for everybody else i'm sure the way it looks for you is even different than the way it looks for me but the reality is the lord desires to meet with all of his kids he desires to meet with his his remnant company of people that call on his name and i think this issue of the veils that you saw is monumental it is critical we have to deal with these issues if we're going to begin to encounter the lord and because the only way that we can really truly genuinely be transformed is by beholding him with an unveiled face and with the removal of every veil the more clarity we have and the more clarity we have the more removal and it's just this ongoing cycle until eventually we are fully restored the way god intended man to be and every throne of our soul is enthroned by the holy spirit and it's been a big issue for people to realize you know you can be saved you can be your sins can be remitted but you can still deal with some issues i mean you know we've seen people that um that were truly saved but had lust issues or lying issues or anger issues or whatever and there's a remedy for that there is a washing on the water of the word until eventually you know um you know i know you're just now discovering our stuff but in second corinthians 12 i love the jewish translation of that scripture you know this very famous passage paul's speaking i know a man in christ who 14 years ago whether in the body not in the jewish translation instead of saying i know a man in christ it says i know a man in union with messiah i know a man that has been fully integrated with the messiah that has come into a union abiding experience with the messiah and of course he was speaking of himself um you know that is really what we're after i i know we want to heal the sick and i know that we want to see the law saved and we want to have healing crusades and events those are wonderful but i think first and foremost our quest should be to enter into union with the lord and having an abiding experience then i'm pretty sure following that the healing meetings will come and the crusades will come and the evangelism will come uh any thoughts on that absolutely uh i there you know i mentioned a minute ago and and then you said so much better than me but the beholding principle is so there's so much truth to that and and you know so many people who have had life world-changing ministries usually those come about with a commission like there was a moment in time they had an encounter with god and something came out of that encounter where their ministry was different they were in a whole new level of gifting authority and power you know a.a allen uh met with the lord in the closet when his you know in his his book and he said i'm not leaving till i hear and the lord i think told him was the 13 things that that he would need to do before he could walk in real genuine power with god and then of course brother branham and may the seventh 1946 he had the encounter with the ancient lord in the cabin in the woods you know um and from that he had had a ministry before that but something was definitely different after that commissioning and talking about the holding principle i'll say just a couple of things you know there was a story i think it's in the book of luke and this is just off the cuff so i don't i don't have this exact verse in front of me but it was after peter had denied the lord three times and he was you know cursing denying that he i don't know him i don't know him you know and the bible says that they begin to lead jesus away and the rooster crowed and that and the bible specifically says this it says and peter turned and looked upon jesus's face and the scripture says he went from being a cold you know denying cursing person to he looked and beheld jesus's face and the bible said he ran and wept bitterly right there's something powerful that happens when we get in a place and posture ourselves to behold the face of god he went from being a cursing denying backslid you know person to literally in godly work worketh repentance and it all came about by beholding the face of the lord and then of course there's the the other account and i as i said this is all just coming as we're talking i didn't have this planned out but remember in the book of genesis i believe the bible talks a story in genesis i believe it's genesis 31 where there were the um i think the bible calls it the striped cattle and then the spotted and the story was that there that when the um the wooden um display was put in front of these cattle and maybe you can help me fill in the blanks here because it's but but the point is basically though the one type of cattle every day when they would come to feed at the trough had this image put in front of them this is in your bible and as they were looking at this image it literally created a genetic influence in them that don't when those uh cattle i believe it was uh brought forth their next litter they actually produced what they saw right and there is something powerful about what we put in front of us i think of job when he said i will uh i've made a covenant with my eyes i'll not look lustfully to me you know the proverbs it says set no wicked thing before your eyes so it's really about what has captured our attention not just about it you know including what we're physically looking at but when life distracts us and builds and jobs and and responsibilities get our focus and there's something about when we put our focus back on to seeking his face that something transforms by the beholding and and the last verse i'll say second chronicles 7 14 if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face not his hands his face you know then will i hear from heaven and i will heal their land and forgive their sins so once again we see a humility a repentance and a seeking his face i think there's a lot of people that are praying perhaps a lot of people seeking his hands but how many are really seeking his face because that's what peter saw in that state of denial and he changed and repented by beholding the face of the lord you know it's funny you say that i mean not funny but it's interesting that you say that um because i think many of us maybe you and i included have been through a little peter experience maybe we haven't denied the lord but we've went through something where you come out on the other side a different person i saw that in a vision a few years back where you know when peter denied the lord he he literally in my vision at least that i saw he was rolling on the floor in complete agony just wanted to die he just begged to die didn't want to live he had denied the lord he had denied his friends and i think you're right when he saw the lord's face just provoked this repentance and for three days yeah it wasn't just for a couple of hours for three days he agonized on a level of grief that probably few of us can even understand and then in my vision i saw it that when the lord was resurrected literally peter was resurrected as if from the dead and in many ways he was he he wanted to die and he had died to something and then we jump over to first peter chapter five you know where if you'll remember though the night before his denial the lord says to peter the devil is asked to sift you like wheat and he says don't worry i prayed for you well that's not the answer peter wanted you know peter probably said but i won't let him do that the lord didn't say that he said i prayed for you and then over in first peter 5 peter says the devil lurks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour i'm believing he's thinking about that experience you know he's thinking okay i got sifted like wheat i know what it means when the devil is lurking around like a lion wanting to devour you but he says in verse 10 but after you have suffered for a little while after you have suffered for a little while the lord himself the god of all grace who has called you according to his lord is what he says will himself perfect comfort establish in whatever other word he is four things and what i liked about that the lord gave me that you know through after my surgery and i thought pretty yes i was gonna die um he said after you've suffered a little while the lord himself not an angel not a good prophet not a word from bob jones or paul king you know the lord himself will come and see about you and can comfort you and perfect you and encourage you and establish you i really believe that is where so many of this remnant have been that you are referring to that are coming out of obscurity the hidden ones that have been like peter maybe they didn't deny the lord but they had another kind of experience you've named a few uh you know mariah would without her you just agonized of the death of her children um you know and she has this encounter in her cabin and it just goes on and on you know uh every single one of them have had had an encounter where the lord himself came and transformed them and brought them into a whole new dimension of himself and i think that is the secret to this last day company of people that uh that are emerging and you know i think hopefully we're seeing some of that well chris we're getting pretty close to an hour on the you know i could do this for another hour very easily if you happen to get anything for anybody that happens to be watching or any kind of encouragement or prophetic words by by all means share it but uh anything else you know we were going to talk about the seven spirits of god we'll have to do a follow-up and talk a little bit more about that sure i feel like it's a vital subject one that i love if we're going to do the works jesus did we need the anointing jesus had um i feel like the first corinthians 12 ministry is an earnest ministry but the sevenfold spirit of god is the fullness ministry and um you know we're eagerly awaiting our adoption our placing of sons i believe the placing of the sons of god the huiophysia adoption that's what the word is romans 8 23 is the the maturing of the sons that have had the seventh whole spirit of god placed upon them and you're welcome this comment about that briefly or we can continue on i don't know what your timeline looks like here this morning but i know that's a vital subject it is you know i i um just uh you know to finish up on the subject of beholding and being captured by the lord uh giving our real true time and attention carving out out of our life busy schedules to focus on him you ever thought about we we read so much about the story about moses the plagues the rod parting red sea the ten commandments leading them out of egypt but this whole story start off with a man who was 80 years old wasn't too old to be used by god and he spent the first 40 years of his life with a silver spoon in his mouth so to speak and then the next 40 years god hung him out in the desert to bacon the sun for four years you know he left egypt running from the law buried his mistake in the sand literally and then to think about all the stuff that wouldn't have happened if when the pillar of fire or the lord consumed that burning bush the bible says and moses turned aside to see to behold a burning bush what if moses would have just kept going about his business and he wouldn't have turned aside think about think about the bring the red sea let my people go the ten commandments mount sinai coming down with a veil over his face because his face shone so bright none of that would have ever happened right if even at his age and all he had been through the lord could not capture his attention in his everyday life and routine tasks of taking care of the sheep and i really believe that's what god is saying right now yeah and give us eyes to see the burning bush in our busyness the lord's trying to capture our attention and to add to the seven spirits of god i'll just say this and then we'll we'll do another one at some point if you're open to it but i had a um and maybe we'll share this on the next one but i had and i'm not somebody that always is having a visitation every week i want to make that clear but here lately you know i i had one that i was you know shared on sid roth and and and you know about some specific events of our time different things but i'll tell you something something significant happened when i encountered the angel of the spirit of the fear of the lord the the spirits of god can often come to us in the form of an angel um but i really believe and maybe we can get into that at some point but but i'll say this this company of a bunch of jesus's in the earth or what what the forerunnel forerunner of the spirit power of elijah and the ministry of william branham modeled i i truly believe paul keith that it's going to take more than just words of knowledge it's going to take the spirit of knowledge yeah it's gonna take more than the gifts of healing we need the spirit of might that's fine we need more than a word of wisdom and i'm not minimizing the gifts please don't misunderstand me i'm just simply saying a gift of the spirit is a momentary word of knowledge for a specific situation that may come and go but the spirit of knowledge is is when you are constantly walking on and i think brother brennan manifested this um to where you know there were times that the angel would appear and nothing could be hidden but there's so many stories about where he would just be around people and and he would be able to tell the dream they had the night before the what they're going to be doing in their life in 15 years from now and just secrets of the heart that was a regular ongoing thing and i think that's what now and i'm not at all minimizing the gifts i'm saying i think we're gonna go from a gift to an abiding mantle of the sevenfold spirit of god and that's what we're believing is gonna happen to this overcoming company joel's army gideon's army whatever you want to call it this many-fold company of believers who are going to manifest the power of god uh in in in its greatest capacity with the greatest revival and a new model that the world has ever seen and it's coming soon i believe it so would you uh then just uh maybe equate the living word when it says the spirit of the lord is upon me it produces wisdom and revelation counsel and might knowledge and the reverential fear of the lord would you maybe when you say the spirit of the lord is upon me the living word is upon me there is a different administration of the living word than it would be of of course for first corinthians 12. in other words it's the perusias the elohim and that's what it the center branch the elohim the spirit of the lord the living word the very person of the lord jesus christ um you know we might want to make this clarify clarification many times i'm asked you know you know in the meetings was it an angel of the lord that stood by brother battle in the meetings when he began to openly publicly do what you were just describing discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart he would say the lord jesus christ is no more than two feet from where i'm standing right now well that takes everything to another level you know that's not just a nice operating of a gift of the spirit it is the lord himself which brings this sevenfold spirit of the lord to the meeting and you begin to function in a entirely different dimension i'm probably sure you're you've heard t.l osborn tell the story of when he first encountered brother branham in 1947 but he said he had it that night in portland oregon he saw he had a second vision of the lord when he looked down on that stage and he saw the lord step into brother branham and someone asked brother branham towards the end of his life what was your greatest gift the gift of healing or the gift of the word of knowledge his response was neither he said my greatest gift was the ability to step aside so the lord could step in that's a whole different dimension that's a whole different realm of understanding and ministry and i believe and i've committed myself the last number of years to sharing this i believe that is the model for the last day ministry not just gift oriented ministries but presence driven ministries that steward the very person of the lord jesus christ who comes to the meetings as the living word bringing the manifestation of the seventh holy spirit of god now that's a mouthful i get it i know that and i remember one time i was sharing that chris and a lady came up to me and said to me you know how is that going to happen you know that's tremendous and i'm thinking to myself lord how is that going to happen how do i answer this woman and the lord said you tell her there's power in the blood you tell her before the end comes there will be the full manifestation of the power of the blood of jesus christ that's how it's going to happen the lord is going to appropriate the power of his blood in a body of people and we're going to do the things that were prophesied i'll even go one step further chris and say it has to happen the end cannot come until these things happen because it's in the word of god is that the way you see it it is it is and and if i could add just this i i think that like you said the living word we have the word of god in seed forming us and as we pray and fast and read the word and behold the lord and he captures our attention we're nurturing that seed until ultimately there's another trumpet sound at some point and that seed is going to grow and and to the point to where this corruptible is swallowed up right you know um within us and and but but this power of the spoken word is different than a word of knowledge you know exactly right the hebrews 5 hebrews 4 says 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful sharper than the two-edged sword piercing even to get this to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and the marrow and as a discerner and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart one time the lord spoke to me and he said immerse yourself in reading my word and let my word envelop you you know and it just became start off as just reading a couple chapters a day but over time as you read the word under the anointing and it comes alive it actually assimilates into your soul into your very psyche and when the word of god is assimilated into our being something happens paul and here's what happens it does what it naturally does when the word of god we are so captured by it it really captures our attention and we look upon it we build it we study it with with the spirit of truth guiding us right and it assimilates into our mind then it will do to us what it naturally does what does the word do through us when it assimilates into our being in our mind it discerns the thoughts and intentions that's why you know brother branham would get up there and and the word or jesus would step in his being as t.l osborn said that was the the voice of william branham he would often say to the you know he would say enough if you can still hear my voice when he'd be going into a vision you know and he said that it would just be trailing off and he didn't even know what was said when it was when it was done because it wasn't him speaking jesus used his mouth at that point and what did the word do it discerned the thoughts and the intents of the heart it discerned down into the bone and marrow that's discerning sickness to where you can discern the difference between bone and marrow thoughts and intentions soul and spirit the word of god assimilated into him and it does what it naturally does through him and it will do through us if we assimilate the word into us it will discern the secrets of the heart the the the difference between thoughts and intentions knowing even down as deep in the bone and marrow what the disease or sickness is that's what happens when the word is assimilated into our being and not just ordered knowledge there's a whole new level that's kind of stirs me up a little bit man i feel something right now talking about it i do too i do too well why don't you pray then just whatever the lord gives you to pray that we can move into that or however the lord gives it to you just to fill your mouth right now because you're under the anointing yeah well thank you father just for who you are and what you are to us and lord just as sincere as we know how to be we we just humble ourselves before you lord i know that i am nothing but i know that within me there dwells no good thing but lord as as brother branham said it's about the yielding the ability to yield to you and uh and i just pray right now in the name of jesus christ that there would just be a sovereign release to every single person yeah who watches this broadcast that something will come alive and then that may have been dormant they may be you know their their struggles may be capturing their attention their the things are going through uh there's someone right now that will watch this video later who just got a notice of eviction i'm telling that person right now to get your attention off of that letter and just turn to the lord and watch him do miracles in and through your life lord i thank you lord for my dear brother brother paul keith davis i thank you lord even now i believe he is going to raise to a level sin to a place of favor with god and with men that when you do it through him no man's going to be able to take credit for it or be blamed for what you're going to do through him and i thank you for a renewing and a strength coming to this great man of god who has my full confidence and and i have confidence in him and the god that's in him and i believe god what you're gonna do is uh is a great new thing in the earth and i thank you for my connection with this precious man of god and lord we just thank you that every person watching something's going to ignite in them and they're going to pick up the word and start reading it again after they've spent time in prayer and the word's going to come alive and it's going to be a portal a gateway and i just release the angelic realm the visionary realm the dream the trans realm lord every person that watches this lord in the name of the lord jesus christ that they would just receive an impartation lord now in jesus christ's name amen amen you know i just want to speak into these veils too that uh for those that are watching the lord would release a grace to have these veils lifted whatever they may be whether they are deeds of the flesh mentioned in galatians 5 or whether they're strongholds of the enemy or are lies or deceptions or traditions of men whatever they may be lord i i feel some grace right now even through this broadcast to speak a word so that those that hear it number one can be awakened okay i have a veil i want it gone i want it removed and that you would give them the grace lord to begin to experience you with an unveiled face that through these words that we have spoken that supernatural hunger and desire uh chris i really believe like we've been speaking to a lot of people that are battle weary um they've been through the grind they've they've been in the battle and and it's been long the delay has been difficult and and just what you prayed for me i release on them that there would be a strengthening a a quickening of the holy spirit um for this remnant of people to to stand up and be strong and to be rejuvenated and refreshed for the days ahead these days of promise these days of prophetic fulfillment i pray lord that you would real have the real genuine prophetic ministers of god emerging today with serious authority that there would be a distinction between those that serve god and those that do not that the people can see clearly what is the revelation of jesus christ and not be confused or not to be discouraged by what they have seen and heard grant that lord i also pray for chris lord i thank you uh for this young man that you would just increase more and more and more to live before you with all the veils removed that you would open his eyes to see what enoch saw that's what i'm going to pray i know that's a big prayer but i've often prayed lord i want to see what john saw i want to see what paul saw but i heard i just heard chris to pray that you'd see what enoch saw i don't know i've ever prayed that for anyone but but lord that you would take us into that realm uh to become the oracle of god on planet earth uh so completely sold out to this this incredible kingdom realm that we prophesied directly from it grant that lord in jesus name i want to see if i can say one last thing real quick there is a woman there is a woman that will watch this and i believe her name is cheryl and i believe her last name is either matthews or mathis but there's going to be someone that's going to watch this and the lord is about to visit you the verse that comes to my mind cheryl and i got this by by revelation the verse that comes to mind is surely the lord will visit you and you have uh waited with great expectation for an encounter from the lord and you've been asking him for this i could hear you praying uh like uh on this couch love see sofa kind of thing and the lord wants you to know he's heard your prayer and in the next 90 days there's going to be a real happening happen to you in the night seasons of dreams and visions and the lord is going to open up and your faith is going to go to a whole new level and you're going to receive a commissioning to accomplish all that god has called you to do in your family your city your region and the naysayers and the critics and the previous bass past religious experiences of people that have hurt you all that's going to be washed out of your mind and you're going to rise up with courage all confusion or doubt is going to be washed away and you're going to accomplish all that god has called and purpose for you to do that's the word of the lord to this woman amen amen praise the lord i don't know her i don't i've never heard of her but that was what i heard the lord but i hope uh when you hear this word cheryl that you'll write us and let us know we'll just take a minute chris i mean i'm not in a hurry at all if something else the lord has to say we want to hear it you know you know there's so many that are sick we just release healing to people you know um you know as i said that i feel like there's some spinal issues lord wants to deal with long-term spinal issues that i feel like the lord will quick and we had a few reports of some healings on sunday night i'm praying the lord will just open the floodgates as we speak words that people will receive them with faith and this long-term pain issues that have been been there because of compressed discs or even the sciatic nerve we ask lord that you heal them in jesus name do it lord yes amen amen anything else lord yeah i just saw one last thing here and i believe this will be the last thing there's a woman in um one of my meetings and the lord just brought her face uh before me who was born with she's i think around 50 years old when i met her at the meeting she had a parts of her heart that never formed they never actually formed and she had a valve that was leaking and her it would it would gush out blood that would be carried through her body and she would come into moments of weakness would walk 10 steps and have to sit down and had this her whole life and she had x-rays and and and just all kinds of pictures taken beforehand she came into the meeting by revelation i didn't know i didn't know anything about the woman knower and i the lord called out an address and it was the address of that her late husband lived at who was killed in a four-wheeling accident and when that was called forth she said it was like an egg broke over her head and she was baptized in the holy spirit and she literally day or two after was walking miles along the beach down in alabama well here's the thing about it she went back to the doctor the doctor took the pictures and images of her heart and parts of her heart that had never been there before and after pictures there was a creative miracle and the weakness and all everything was fixed in normal their heart there's somebody here who has had a heart condition that's going to listen to this you have had a heart condition it's not just congestive heart failure cardiovascular disease but there's a defect actually in your heart and when you hear this and i just speak it and declare it now in the name of jesus christ that part of your heart is going to grow and that part of your heart is going to be fixed and no matter your age you're going to walk with a new heart when you hear this now by his stripes you are healed receive it in jesus christ's name praise the lord praise god we look forward to hearing from whoever that is or the multiple people that that might be lord do it that you might receive glory well obviously chris we're gonna have to do this again um we only barely scratched the surface you know but that's kind of the way it is when we talk you know it just seemed like things float i appreciate you doing this we'll set something up for those that are watching now be on the lookout in a week or two and we'll do another follow-up and just kind of continue on in the same thing i just pray for chris and i pray for his church there in peru indiana and all the meetings he'll have coming up that revelation will continue to flow and that the lord will get glory well amen well thank you chris and look forward to the next time bless you thank you my dear brother you
Channel: WhiteDove Ministries with Paul Keith and Amy Davis
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Length: 74min 0sec (4440 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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