Supernatural Unity | Matthew John

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[Music] hallelujah the previous time when i gave my sermon i only gave the title of the message in the middle of the sermon but i want to repent now all right i will give the title now itself hallelujah and the title of my message or the message that the lord gave me is supernatural unity and i didn't realize that this is the same topic that pastor barnabas was preaching the previous sermon i did take down notes and all these things but i didn't know what's the title but when it came out in the youtube i was surprised so it was it is kind of a continuation of where he left amen you know supernatural unity is not born out of the natural supernatural unity by its very terminology is born from the spirit of god it is the spirit of god which gives us the supernatural unity amen and if you look at our current world our world is divided in so many ways you have the usa and the china fighting over a lot of things and you have those group no they are fighting over vaccination or non-vaccination and there is another group which says you know we got to follow the government of we got to follow this and that there are so many divisions even within the world itself and the church must stand as an example in these turbulent times to show the world what is unity but sometimes it seems as if the world is so united but the church is not you look at singapore the moment the pandemic comes they come up with a lot of campaigns and they show their unity they show their human unity and how much more power does the church have when we show our unity because our unity will break the curse upon this nation will bring revival in this nation that is what the unity of the church which is supernatural unity born out of the spirit can cause indonesian one of the key ingredient of revival is unity without unity we can fail in many things man in the book of acts you know when they were together the spirit of god were poured out do you think if you look at the book of acts apart from the 100 out of 120 only 11 of them knew really knew much about each other and i was wondering how come they were all in one accord at the scripture says and when the spirit of and the spirit of god was just poured out like i was just wondering how come lord the 109 of them they didn't really see the 11 disciples i probably think they may not have known each other but on that day when the lord's instruction came they all came together in one accord one place their one accord came even though they are different you know the one accord is caused by the fact that all the 120 of them each and every one of them their eyes were fixed was fixed on the author and the finisher of their faith who is none other than our lord amen in galatians chapter 3 verse 28 it says like this there is neither jew nor greek there is neither slave nor free there is no male and female for you are all one in christ jesus in the message version of the bible it says this way in christ family there can be no division into jew and non-jew slave and free male and female among us you are all equal that is we are all in a common relationship with jesus christ so the question we need to ask ourselves is that are we in a relationship with jesus christ that is the key question that unites us we can have difference in our opinions difference in our arguments difference in our points because we are all just different that's a revelation right amen in fact the greek word for the word one you only hear a revelation the greek word one means one nowadays you have to speak a little bit of greek a little bit of hebrew but i tell you something the word of god is spirit and life you need the holy spirit to descend the holy word of god not necessarily greek and hebrew all the time amen and we are numerically one him and this is even illustrated in the trinity god look at how wonderful the triune god is the father the son and the holy spirit they are three and yet they are one they are one in their purpose they are one in their unity they are one in everything that they say whatever that the lord says he gets it from the father whatever the holy spirit says he gets it from jesus none of them will contradict one another and yet we have people saying that oh god spoke to me oh yes god spoke to you god spoke to you something in the beginning then suddenly he changed his mind and at another point of time he spoke something else can you see that there is a lot of there is no coherency in the fact that they said that god spoke to them in exodus chapter 25 verse 36 in the niv version it says like this the butts and branches shall be all of one piece with the lamps then hammered out of pure gold and what does the word lampstand represent in revelations chapter 1 verse 20 the word lampstand represents the church the buds and the branches are all the different members that mix up the lamb stand and in the book of exodus when the lord was giving to moses to make this lamb stand it was a very important instruction because he said the buds and branches shall be of one piece with the lamps and we we have to be of one piece with the church there is no such thing as you are isolated you are just in your own world and you do not need the church or i am the church yes you are the church but but the thing is you got to come into the family of god so that you can play your part together with the church don't sit down at in the house saying oh this is the church now i'm the temple of god you know and all these things so do you think god made a mistake in the old testament when he built the temple you know god god built the physical temple right so did he make a mistake when he built the temple in the old testament no the old testament is a mirror of what is happening in the new testament we are all one in christ amen and the church you see if you look at this scripture exodus 25 36 and this unity is produced when you're hammered out of pure gold hammered you go through the trials you go through problems you go through the both things to buff out the unity so unity is not something that comes just like that amen hallelujah in galatians chapter 6 verse 15 it says like this for neither is circumcision anything of any importance nor uncircumcision but only a new creation which is the result of a new birth a spiritual transformation a new nature in christ jesus what are some of the questions that we can ask ourselves to check if we have strayed away from god since we choose certain stance in certain topics like vaccination etc etc say please don't divide the church or divide anybody or stumble anybody because of your own opinions because today we have many opinions floating around we have many fake news floating around the moment you open the facebook there is something that is attractive wow really yeah true huh and a lot of people instead of meditating on the word of god they are meditating on youtube they are meditating on fake news and there are also some men of god who are spreading all these fake news or sometimes he can be true news as well but the thing is that we are not called to meditate on them but rather on the word of god let the word of christ rich dwell in you richly that's what the word of god says right amen and sometimes what the media is presenting may not be true all the time and media is a massive influence man he can just influence you just like that you just hear youtube all the nonsense in just one week i'm telling you after that one week you will feel so filthy in you what remains in you is youtube not god's word what remains in you is the is all the garbage that is out there anything other than the word of god is garbage you have just wasted so much of time spending your time in youtube and these things and and all the reading all the articles i've got people saying oh i was reading a lot of articles this week and i'm so troubled why are you reading the articles that makes you feel so troubled why don't you read the word of god that brings in you the peace of god that transcends all understanding you don't need to be troubled by the things that are going on in the world if you are really troubled then cry out to god intercede don't get yourself into an unnecessary mess by meditating on things that you're not supposed to meditate that is causing a stir in your spirit man unnecessarily filling your spirit man with all kinds of garbage and then you are saying that oh i feel troubled you are the one who caused the trouble not god god has told you very clearly to meditate on his word and i wonder where these people get so much of time i really wonder because sometimes you know the famous uh reason in singapore i don't have time we are busy being under satan's yoke a man no nobody wants to agree all right okay not everybody is practicing that all right but the thing is that what are we doing with our time right what are we doing at our time instead of focusing on the things of god we are focusing on the things of the world in ephesians chapter 2 verse 14 to 16 for he himself is our peace and our bond of unity he would make who made both groups jews and gentiles into one body and broke down the barrier the dividing wall of spiritual antagonism between us by abolishing in his own crucified flesh the hostility caused by the law with its commandments contained in ordinances which he satisfied so that in himself he might make the two into one new man thereby establishing peace that he might reconcile them both jew and gentile united in one body to god through the cross thereby putting to death the hostility you know what the hostilities that is between our different opinions has been already been put to death at the cross let us not resurrect it back by meditating on things that are not necessary you are putting the son of god again on the cross and crucifying him he died for our unity that's what this scripture says you know he put to death the hostility through the cross meaning he died for a supernatural unity to come into the church and what he died for is very precious because jesus didn't die just naturally just like that he was tortured he was bruised he was beaten and nobody in the world has ever gone through such a terrible lashing in his physical body 39 stripes which carries the 39 different categories of disease that is being healed so much of things has been done on the cross so let us not take the supernatural unity that god bought with his precious blood at the cross for granted because this unity is going to produce a revival in the end times in our times amen hallelujah let me share with you a testimony that happened you know a story that happened in the communist country it happened in russia in a russian city called rostov-on-don a group of people know many of them were crowding around the little house and i think in this little house they're preaching the gospel and out of the gospel preaching 80 people were converted on that day and out of these 80 mostly were young people amen and out of this 80 23 of them were former members of the communist youth organization 23 of them they were converted on that day and these new christians they crossed the entire city walking towards the river dawn there's a river just beside the city and they have to cross the entire city they got to walk all the way all the way there where believers were baptized and suddenly as they were involved in their baptism they saw automobiles no vehicles loaded with the communist police arriving the police surrounded the believers on the bank of the river they wanted to arrest the 1500 leaders in charge of the church other than the 80 who were supposed to be baptized there were also this 1500 leaders who was in charge of the church who was just standing there and baptizing these 80 of them see just imagine 105 000 leaders came in unity and they were baptizing these 80 and the story doesn't end it the believers you know immediately the moment they find they found that the police the communist police were about to arrest the 1500 leaders they immediately fell to their knees and in a fervent prayer they ask god to defend his people and permit them to have their service going on look at the church there look at the church that is in the communist countries they are hiding you know they are not free to worship god like us they are hiding but look at their devotion immediately they will just bend their knees they are just so trained to bend their knees today if such a situation happens i know what will happen in singapore i know let's call for a meeting let's analyze the situation let's bring in the statistics and let's do let's do all the mumbo-jumbo items and then do and then try to work things out but look at how they they responded they responded in prayer they responded to god first because they completely have nobody to help them in those countries they are completely helpless you know what happened then the brothers and sisters the 80 of them who just got saved they surrounded the 1500 leaders standing shoulder to shoulder hoping to prevent the police from arresting them look at the unity when the spirit of god comes upon 80 of them who don't even know each other they are united for another thousand five hundred leaders whom they have not really met before and that is called spiritual or supernatural unity that is born out of the spirit of god and that is the unity that we are talking about today see unity is not sameness it's not being the same it's not having the same opinions it is not uniformity but unity in diversity now at the tower of babel they all remember the tower of evil you know they spoke in the same language but their purpose was of an evil nature and they went against the purpose of god they were united is human human human human unity you know there is a difference between human unity and supernatural unity let me tell you the difference human unity they will do their own purposes and their purpose can be evil can also be good it was evil at the tower of people so it doesn't mean you know in our country or even in other countries they are singing some songs via zoom they are like ha no doing all these things doesn't mean that unity is going to fulfill the purpose of god there is just a natural human unity but the unity that comes from the spirit of god they are united for god's purposes so that's a big difference between the natural unity and the unity that the world shows that's the natural the unity and the unity that the church shows the supernatural unity and at the tower of bevel what happened we all know god confused their languages but do you know when the book of acts when 120 were set down god gave them different languages this time round they spoke in different tongues and different abilities was was brought upon them but they had a supernatural unity even among the different tongues that they were speaking even among the different gifts they were carrying even among the different things that they were doing for god and that is supernatural unity and unity is not person driven it is not driven by any preacher it is not driven by any location it is not driven by any ministry it is it is not driven by any man of god but it is driven by the god of that man amen it is not person driven unity is distinctiveness going in the same direction to achieve a common purpose in other words unity is not persons driven but purpose driven and differences are divinely designed to achieve a goal apart from sin apart from sin it is okay to be different you know you know how in our houses you know what's the main problem the problem comes because we are different right we are trying to change each other we are trying to fight and change each other oh this is not right oh this is not right and therefore quarrels break out at home we are trying we are different in our own ways but that becomes a problem in our homes how much more when we different families come together in one church definitely 100 there might be problems but even among that problems there's this thing called forgiveness in christ there's this thing called reconciliation we can always reconcile back you do not always need to leave the church some christians are so immature just because of one problem you leave the church shame on you hallelujah why because the church should be exemplary in our forgiveness brother i don't agree with you yes thank you for telling me your honest opinion i don't agree with you as well nevermind it doesn't matter if you agree with one another or not do you love jesus yes do i love jesus yes come let's give a hug that's how the church should be man don't be childish don't be childish because this church is brought is built by the blood of jesus it's not built by any human hands and it's very sad so these christians are probably immature amen when everyone begins moving towards their purposes they will be automatically be conflicts why they are moving towards different purposes and differences are critical listen they are critical they are essential they are eternally determined it is important to be different because our god is a creative god our godhead doesn't only have one particular thing to do he has so many different things to do so we need different people to do the different jobs i can preach but i may not be able to sing like brother gideon you might not want to attend the worship is it okay right we all have our different skills we all have our different gifts we all have our different talents but we are one in christ we are doing the same we are going in the same direction we are going towards the same goal that the lord has achieved for us amen hallelujah are you learning amen okay i'm just going to give 10 points from the book of ephesians chapter 4 and i'm going to end the sermon because i only have 6 minutes left and this time round i have repented truly so that i don't take more than an hour all right it is possible to speak within the time limit is possible amen in the book of ephesians chapter 4 i'm going to use the amplified version of the bible all right i'm going to give you 10 points on how to cultivate the supernatural unity among us now please listen carefully i may not be able to dwell on them very much explain much however i'm going to just run through the points and may the holy spirit help us to be united amen number one verse one to three so i the prisoner for the lord appealed to you to live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called that is to live a life that exhibits godly character moral courage personal integrity and mature behavior a life that expresses gratitude to god for your salvation with all humility forsaking self-righteousness and gentleness maintaining self-control with patients bearing with one another in unselfish love make every effort to keep the oneness of the spirit in the bond of peace each individual working together together to make the whole successful now this whole this entire ephesians chapter 4 when i was waiting upon the lord yesterday this is what he was giving us for our church so please listen carefully in fact this is the main emphasis of the whole sermon number one walk in a manner worthy of his calling if you are called to be prophetic then make sure you are very disciplined in fact the prophetic community they are very disciplined community they are very disciplined in prayer they are very disciplined in their work they walk in humility the true prophetic people are not those who are just prophesying and prophet lying in fact okay they are not prophetic they prophesy from the heart of god they walk in humility they know what is gentleness they know what is submission these are the characteristics that comes out from a prophetic person so if someone is prophetic and and they are showing things that are not of christ then you already know that that is pathetic not prophetic hallelujah just to make you laugh i added in that word even though you all are so quiet all right so walk in humility forsake yourself righteousness walk in gentleness maintain self-control be patient bear with one another's mistake we need to have patience you know why some of us or even me or even one of our leaders might make a mistake we are not directly no back from heaven no we too can make mistakes so we got to bear with one another the scripture says make room for each other's faults there's another scripture that says that make room that means you must have room for another person's fault so that you can forgive that person i know brother you just didn't mistake it's okay you know put your hands around him and encourage him and lead him forward amen and make every effort to keep the oneness of the spirit through the bond of peace make peace with one another today if we or if i or if any of the leaders we have offended you in any way or sometimes even in our preaching we might have offended you please forgive us we are not intentional we are preaching of a lot of good intention our job is to deliver the heart of god our job is not to perform here it's okay even if one sees our sermon as long as what the lord spoke is delivered we are happy so make peace with one another call call out and ask forgiveness humble yourself humble yourself man god is going to do something greater than all this petty things that's happening in the midst of us god is going to pour his spirit like never before you will see young people rising like never before there are some young people in this church they are dormant i'm telling you god is going to release the ezekiel army through that young generation that's rising up don't think you're just sitting down there god is speaking to some of you right now god is going to raise some of us up some of the young people up get ready get into his presence bend your knees get prepared for the outpouring of the mighty holy spirit when they come i think probably people like me will be like a powerful man this bow this boy this guy oh god that's what is going to happen in the end times amen number two submit to the authority of god in the church it's very important church verses 11 to 13. okay 11 to 13 it is talking about the fivefold ministry submit to them you know why we need to submit to them so that we can be equipped for the works of the service so that the church can be built up so that we can all reach oneness in our faith so that we can become a mutual believer and so that we can exercise our spiritual gifts in unity there is no such thing where the fivefold cannot exist together in a single church there is no such thing jesus made it that way so that they can equip us all this while for the past many years i think seven years or so we have been equipped by a prophet and now is the time we are equipped by a pastor so we have to respect that divine timing of the lord and the different seasons of the lord that the lord is bringing us into you need the prophet and you need the pastor they will balance out each other if not the prophetic people will just be wild they cannot be tamed they are just blah blah blah just blabbering anything but the pastor comes and he balances out the whole thing he guides he shepherds he gives us a kind of a compassionate heart and now it's time to reach out to souls because when the souls come in we need to have a very strong pastoral grace to keep them in the church if not we will lose the souls so we need to identify which face or which office is the lord using right now in our church is very very important and submit to it i'm telling you the blessings of god will come the souls will come amen number three do not be affected by every wind of negative doctrine verse 14. i'm not going to read out the verses because i'm running out of time number four speak the truth in love there is always a way to speak the truth in love you may not agree i may not agree but let's pick it up in love how's that let's not lash out at one another thank god we don't have such people you know in our leadership in our leadership thank god even our opinions are directed in a way that is respectable i respect that and i'm learning from that as well amen number five grow as a body together so we have a lot of trainings coming up teaching with style and then the prayer meetings in gelang come and join together amen number six do not entertain the devil do not allow him to lead you in the scene by holding a grudge or nurturing anger or harboring resentment or cultivating bitterness why do you think people leave churches it doesn't just happen in a day you know they have been harboring something in their heart for quite some time and then when that thing reaches its climax and they say now i'm leaving the church oh god spoke to me really i'll be asking them really god spoke to you brother oh yes but what god spoke to you earlier oh he told me to build a church of god how come now god is speaking a different thing so you judge for yourself whether god is speaking or your soul is speaking or your flesh is speaking it's very important no because among the prophetic community one of the things that i always hear god's book god's book jesus book the holy spirit if the lord really spoke yes let it be but if you are using the lord spoke god's book as a tool to just back up your own soul soulish issues then that is absolutely wrong right absolutely wrong right it's the pure voice of course the precious voice of god number six oh yeah number six do not entertain the devil number seven speak things that builds up if everything that comes out of your mouth is not going towards building up the church then let's stop speaking sometimes i know we get angry we get angry and then we went out of frustration if that is happening let's exercise self-control and stop speaking number eight do not grieve the holy spirit we grieve him by our bitterness and rot and anger and glamour perpetual animosity resentment strife fault finding and slander among along with every kind of malice all spitefulness verbal abuse and malevolence we are grieving the holy spirit if you are not united as i told you earlier jesus died for the unity number nine be kind and helpful to one another be tender-hearted and compassionate you find that the brother is struggling go and help don't talk behind his back go and talk right in front of him i don't like what you're doing okay and then reconsult with him help him it's very easy to sense all the things oh i sense that this person is a spirit of lust i'm sensing my my dear brothers i'm sense that something is inside this brother praise god for your sensing but do something about his problem well i sense that the devil is upon this particular breath oh really then go and cast the devil out correct you know you got to cast the developer you cannot say i sense this i sense that and you you sound very prophetic but you're not doing anything about that brother number 10 very important point forgive one another readily that's what the scripture says you know forgive one another readily let me spread verse 32 here forgiving one another readily and freely just as god in christ also forgive you amen hallelujah so these are the 10 points that we need to cultivate among ourselves so that we will have the supernatural unity that god intended for us amen hallelujah so let's stand up for a word of prayer this is my fastest sermon hallelujah thank you lord i've never preached less than 45 minutes before never let's close our eyes father we thank you father you've spoken to us today about supernatural unity father we pray in the name of jesus lord that you'll bring about a supernatural unity in our church father in our leaders of father father we pray that whoever we have offended father lord we release that person into your hands right now father we forgive that person or god and lord we make a decision in your presence to reconcile with that person or father lord we do not want to grief you lord we want to be working together we want to be going in the same direction and we want to achieve the same goal the same purpose father that you have made for us god lord help us to stay together just like those members in the communist church father that we will stand for one another father no matter what father lord despite our differences father which are very important father father we pray that lord will not look at our differences and we will lash out at each other but lord we will love one another father just like how you have loved us father so that the world will know that you have sent us father thank you father lord just like how you and the father are one lord let us be one father let us be one in our situations in our problems or father in whatever arguments or stands that we have made father we are one in christ father and that is what you have died for and no devil father at any level will hinder that in the name of jesus father thank you father father we thank you in the name of jesus we pray amen [Music]
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 218
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: fMb-Z_qZVu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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