7 Days Prayer and Fasting 2019 | Day 2

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gravity cannot hold the plane down the same thing happens when you are fasting fasting takes you up like a rocket into the spirit where the gravity of your sin cannot hold you down the gravity of our backslidden stage the gravity of our doubt the gravity of our circumstances cannot hold us down your spirit will just take you out straight to the presence of God amen and that's where clarity comes in and that is why fasting cannot be just for emergency purposes it must be a lifestyle so that our sensitivity God is always on line with God amen you can't it's harder to switch on and switch off all the time because by the time you switch off a mountain of soul is already piling up and then you can spend other three days fasting breaking down your own mountain on the fourth day you become very sensitive and that is why when we are fasting when we are resting before the presence of God don't pressure yourself to hear from God don't pressure yourself rest and enjoy worshiping him enjoy the presence of God when the spirit conditions is right the Lord Himself will come down and speak to you I mean you don't have to tell about what to do he's God he knows what to do amen most of the time we are instructing God what you do he doesn't need instruction we are the one who needs instruction so the moment you take off the pressure from hearing what God wants you to do what is direction all that settle down when the spirit is right the Lord Himself will speak amen now in that way you will enjoy your fasting it is not a pressure don't kill yourself by fasting but if you die straight to heaven Express the gate because you are fasting or make only Rydia in case like just to get some people feel no if I fast I die how straight one won't worry is easy amen I mean my wife is telling the ways they die you gotta die Jesus say you shall die [Laughter] I'm in only share with you this morning this evening the continuation with what the Lord has been speaking to us plus a word that the Lord gave which I don't think so we can finish on time because the time that we want to wrap up is 9 o'clock laterz will be 9:15 so that you know you you don't get too tired when he when you go back to work and then come the next day because it's a 7 days kind of a thing is that ok so don't pray for me I will finish one time Lord speak to the pastor don't do that we covered 7 points or rather 8 isn't it it last night the things that the Lord wants us to do last night's rather yesterday morning message is already uploaded in the YouTube if you have no clue what was going on we shared the different aspects of what the Lord wanted to do this morning this afternoon the Lord showed me the judgments that are going to come in Southeast Asia which I think tomorrow I will share he named specifically the countries and so I just want to get upset thing about it now point number 9 with the Lord says the flesh will deceive many the flesh if you look at officience chapter 5 verse 6 I'm sharing the word of the Lord the prophecies that God has been giving to us so that we will be mindful how to walk in these end times now during examinations for PSLE or Sectary or all level or a level which ever other level you have there is always Singapore being a very education oriented country you have all the past papers and they put together assuming that this is what's going to happen at least the style of the questioning so that what's happened in this end times in this end times we got to put together how God deals with his people you got to read more in time how God deals with his people what are the words which God speaks to his people in the end times how does he warn his people so you can't just hold on to certain things that you hold on now I'm gonna shock you is some thoughts that I know we have been talking about we need the Foundation's you know what Paul said in the book of Hebrews he said let us leave the elementary doctrines the elementary teachings he's talking about the laying of hands deliverance he said that is elementary no let us go unto perfection in other words this is not important this our foundation this our pillars of your heart pillars of your life and your walk with God but don't just sit in there those pillars are given so that you can build up the building I mean it's not meant to be there because if you keep meddling your foundation you will never be able to build up your building and that's what happens all I stick to my jesus loves me this I know great be a baby I will lift you up I'll cradle you I'll put in the Sunday School but I cannot use you to build up big things do you understand I'm saying baby Christians can only be in the nursery I wanted to understand that we all have different things that we hold onto but God is looking for maturity in these end times I mean God is looking for sons and daughters whom God can do something with in this end times and one of the warnings of the Lord said he said let no one deceive you efficient chapter 5 and verse 6 there are a couple of scriptures I want to give and I wanted to pay attention this are scriptures that one do see for yourself that when you say prophecy now how come there is no scripture so find the scriptures look at it let no one deceive you with what you see not every word is substantial not every words are valued some words can be so empty and it means nothing but a problem is we pay or sometimes more attention to empty words than faith filled words are you listening somehow our soul gravitates towards empty words somehow they are more bearing over your soul to create discouragement instead of understanding they are not from the words of God because when you take empty words and when you check it with the word of God it doesn't bear witness in your spirit and the moment it doesn't bear witness with your spirit just crush it and throw it out hello tell her neighbor crush it and throw it out the other neighbor us throw out what don't say you were I remember years ago there was a man of God who make history in India his name is brother DJ Esther Negron he was like Billy Graham of India and he traveled around the world millions of people have been saved delivered and healed a man who walked with God a man who had encounters with Jesus every time he prays he's taken up a man who walks in that tangible presence of God and in India day it's a very famous thing in India that they have what they call the literature ministry in other words thousands of people will write letters to the men of God - these are before the days of Internet where people would write letters and thousands of letters will come per day and so every month they will have the fasting and prayer but they will put thousands of letters all piled up and tied up and they will all will be praying my brother DJ immigrant he will start every day reading the letters one by one praying over it and he will write some scriptures and write quick shorthand notes where secretaries will I type it out what the word of the Lord is saying for this individual person now how he does over the thousands of people I'm not sure but he does it I've written when I was 15 years old and he always have written back those words now one of these letters that he received among the many encouragement he receives around the world well how God has touched their lives or saved even in death paid the debt people have come up come back alive he said once he gets very upset over one letter that will criticize him how can you say this how can you say that and then he will jesus will stand beside him every time and he's reading the letter and the Lord will say write to this person this scripture and then he will say Lord look at what they wrote and one day's a lot told him there are thousands of letters encouraging you you didn't say anything about that to me one fella writes something about you wrong and then you are talking to me you know what the Lord said take the letter Ted and through because that letter is not the truth how's that hey listen your deliverance he says fast as throwing that paper into the rubbish bin that's how fast your deliverance can be but instead of throwing it out we park it in our soul because why our image is being heard our reputation and our ego is being checked jesus said when you are in the spirit when we are walking with God died to this reputation because we are not that to impress people we are trying hard to obey what God wants us to do in the midst of that being human we will make some errors the sooner you realize you're wrong apologize and walk away are you listening let no one deceive you with empty words because jesus said the flesh is going to deceive many so I need you is it okay for others to deceive us it is absolutely stupid for deceiving yourself isn't it you cannot say I'm washed by the blood of Christ I'm reading the Bible then your other part of your mind is deceiving you that's that's really ridiculous and so you need to make sure right now to surrender your mind to Jesus surrender your heart to Jesus surrender the trouble is if some of the one of the reasons why we have all kinds of empty words coming through because they need to watch the type of books you are reading the type of sermons you you you are watching or listening - are you listening to people of faith are you listening to people all the time in text in textual eyes no no it's not a word intellectualize yeah that's the right word paul intellectualize the sermon to a point it is so intellect but inside the spirit it is empty are you with me after listening all of that intellectual sermon when your brain there is so much of emptiness you know it is not meant for you listen tell your neighbor feed your spirit isn't it you see let me qualify that statement while you are watching online let me we'll call it by my statement God when God wants to educate your intellect and your reasoning God uses a certain number of men of God for that purpose at that time it will be so powerful you receive it because you are shaping your mind and your intellect towards the things of God are you with me then when God wants to educate your soul then another group of men and women of God will be attractive to you you are listening that today and sometimes God once that season is over then you'll be educating maybe your body your body is working against you so you are reading about healing you're talking about these you're talking about that and then there is another season probably you need prosperity you need to work out from discouragement or poverty and so God uses another set of ministries to educate your circumstances but then when your spirit is starving you need to find men and women of God's ministry that educates your spirit towards the Father's will I mean you cannot eat on the same diet all the time but then some of us we are from different tribes when you are from a certain tribe that only men and women of that tribe can fit your spirit and that's understanding you need to have if not you are eating the wrong food hoping that there will be some strength in you then nothing happens there was an excellent book years ago was introduced to me it's called eating according to your blood type do you know this book or not that didn't make sense don't worry I your one read or you won't follow because we Aisha we eat ice kacang jindal we mix everything he crutches anyhow don't worry about all these we like to eat baba cha-cha and Rajah everything makes you forget about your blood type right but the truth is this is the truth the book says you can eat anything you want but your blood doesn't absorb the vitamins of everything you eat it will only absorb what the blood likes or what the blood wants so you can eat for your desires you can eat for your appetite but when you eat according to your blood type your strength is at optimum level and that's what bodybuilders do that's what people when they trim your body they only eat what the body needs and they keep fine-tuning their body until muscles can be seen I was like that like Arnold Schwarzenegger before Bastien years ago so I decided to now walk it spirit you see I say I'm inspiring so many people I'm happy let no one deceive you with empty words now the moment you see that what empty now you know how to identify people yeah they are great people they've got a good heart but I've got a big mouth they are great in enticing they are great in talking but their words means nothing to my spirit are you with me because God wants us to pay attention to those who speak a lot more empty then substantial to your spirit man because the more you pack you see words are like that if you don't know how to filter it it will talk himself inside your soul it will not filter and go down and that is why sometimes when you are talking to people like these people are no choice life to listen right so you are listening on yamaha yama yamaha yama yamaha you are filtering out just draw those people are usually your family members or usually they are closely related to you where you cannot just walk out because if those are not related to you won't be bothering to pray you'll just say sorry I'm not free isn't it sometimes it could be the right advice coming at the wrong time because they their love and concern comes more like negativity are you with me so God is saying to us let no one deceive you with empty words because these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience so empty words and deception comes together work together now in 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 now Paul said let no one deceive you again the same thing are you there 1st Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 can we read the first line together 1 2 3 go let no one you know a phenomena I just wanted to read that line let no one how if any one of you among you thinks he's wise in this age let him become a fool that he may become wise what is this why is that two word wise let him become a fool when you say to yourself God my knowledge means nothing compared to the wisdom of God then the wisdom of God takes over isn't it let him become a fool so that he may become wise and the point in order to do that the first thing says do not deceive yourself it's possible we read all kinds of books all kinds of garbage people think they can grow in faith by reading Google today no one is asking for revelation you know they don't understand a passage they type in Google and find Google Answers whenever there is a little bit of a headache disease what are the symptoms of hearing and someone say gonna die tomorrow and their faith gets shaken instead of going back to God the present day generations faith is more shaken than those days why because you bring it before God and you put it into the treasure box of God until God releases a word but today you let your opinion everybody's opinion destroys your face let no one deceive himself and that's the challenge today listen people talk about the life of Joseph Joseph faith or the circumstances change because he had no choice but to tell his brothers and his father that dream that he had yes how many brothers did Joseph huh leverne are those who don't know just listen to your neighbor what do you are saying then say what was the dream about everybody will bow before me and so now he has got to tell his brother yeah there are two sides of this story number one you shouldn't have told them because you told them they throw inside but on the other hand if I don't tell my brother's I tell who they had no friends no Facebook no update no fun to phone call and tell anything they are such a close-knit community anything God speaks to one another they just share with each other you know it so happened whatever the plan was evil God turn it around I mean so who do you say your dreams to your vision to there is a time of conceiving and that is a time of conception in the spirit until God formulates ideas and wisdom into your spirit before you say doubt because if you say doubt too fast a time it will die in the fetal stage it will die in the conception stage there are many destinies stolen by the devil because we open our big mouth and say at the wrong time and more words say to the wrong people I with me God is saying let no one deceive you with empty words when the soul when our mind if it's not spirit educated then it will work by default in the natural way the natural mind the natural man doesn't have faith the spiritual man has faith Paul said the natural man does not understand the things of the Holy Spirit so when you reason with the natural man when you reason with the natural line about the things of God the natural mind will kill the fittest of the spirit are you following what did you understand this processes there is a time where you need to consolidate in the spirit what God is saying and what we've got in some of us we are stimulated our mind we are very in telling me we have reason it very powerfully and and the Spirit is still like a baby and so when the baby is speaking the intellect will put it down but when it go to God and you spend time with the word this baby is growing up to a point this mind this spirit man will educate the mind one to do and what not to do and this is what happened to Peter when Peter interrupted Jesus Jesus rebuked him and he said you do not mind the things of God but you are minding the things of men you get what I'm saying whenever God speaks to us anything it requires the spirit man to carry out in the womb of the Spirit and pray through when we say out in the flesh she dies and so we open ourselves the deception and that's one of the things that the Lord said the Lord said I will not reign in the life or I will not control rain raining in the life that is walking in the dictatorship of the flesh come and dwell with me and in me in me there is life says the Lord in me is my presence one of the things that very profound to understand when Jesus comes in when he speaks it is like listening to poetry it is like listening to parables just very few lines but in that few lines when you meditate there is a depth of volume in what Jesus is saying come and dwell with me it's something so simple you know but how everything because it's not about a formula it is not a technique it's about a relationship that Jesus wants us to follow I mean you know what the beautiful thing that he said that brought tears to my eyes when the Lord said that early in the morning at about three o'clock three something the Lord said you are my garden now some things I mentioned you yesterday morning I'm only sharing review what I think is applicable to all of us I mean certain things is for me but as I'm ministering to the church it becomes part of the family blessings that means when the father prospers the family prospers yes or no yeah it just symbolizes that one when you have more money the family is enjoying when you go through a hard time the family goes through our time it's the same but there are some things were the Lord says specifically to me you my son and then I have filtered it out that's not meant for all of us by all those things that are filtered out has got no prosperity in it so don't worry about it all that one a filter has got to lose their sufferings and the challenges that one is not meant for everyone you are my garden the moment the Lord says you are my garden you know the love that he exercises to us someone we bring my your attention to Isaiah chapter 58 verse 11 and was 12 what happens when the Lord builds each one of us why does he say you are my garden someone told me don't be so sentimental you're a man you know he's telling you or a garden it's not about that he can't say you are my main this is the language of God that means he's nurturing you he is caring for you I mean I've got my neighbor he loves God and He loves plants he's very predictable I know what time he comes out in his praise I've got another neighbor on my right side she lives in a house like an Alcatraz prison by the time she opened the door I take 15 minute do nothing dumb dumb dumb do exactly poo I will tell the children see I know she oh come on booms you open the door huh when she goes in the same thing too long too long 15 minutes but that she locks in and go see and when I knocked the door recently her husband just passed away suddenly it's my neighbor no one knew and I said what happened our husband died so now we are a little real building a little bit more Frenchie before we share food and you know when I press the bell it takes ten minutes for her to open the rod it is predictable the moment Jesus say you are my garden that means his watering us is watching over us is nurturing us during the times of the Phillipines ministry we were staying in a house where this lady's hobby was looking after bonsai plants and each pot the plan is few thousand dollars in all throttle how she's got many plants and so you know just to divert her conversation every time she asked me a question how do you handle this plant then she'll start the story why do I do it he comes up once I plant she said must pay attention if you don't know then she starts a story again you are a well watered garden when I think about this can we all read together one two three and the Lord will guide you and satisfied make your bones strong and you shall be like a like a spring of water whose waters do not fail somebody say the NIV translation says are well watered garden if Jesus is the gardener of your family if he is the gardener of your soul you can only cultivate your soul that much you can only pray that much you can only take of your soul that much you can be so careful that much but Jesus is saying I'm the one is watering it don't worry about it I'm the one who's nurturing you and the one who's satisfying you I will satisfy your needs I will guide you always I will strengthen your frame which is your physic you'll be nurtured by me you'll be placed in a in a near the spring where your water's will not fail look at the promises God is giving do people you are my garden and look at verse 12 of Isaiah 58 verse 12 and the Lord says your people look at the NIV if we can can we read together your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the old age foundations you will be called and I wanted to pay attention the wood repairer and restorer he see when God is looking after your garden when you are being nurtured by the father he releases an anointing upon his people to rebuild and to raise up to repair and to restore in somebody shout you see if your soul needs repairing now is the time to submit it before God if your soul needs restoration now is the time to submit before God and I declare over Jesus my king I declare over the ministries that is related to this church you shall be rebuilt and you shall be raised up by God remember when we are talking about the church I'm not talking about the sound system I'm not talking about the building I'm not talking about anything else I'm talking about you when you are strong the church is strong when you walk in love that means the church is walking love when you pray that means the church is praying when you give then the church is a giving Church when we care then the church is walking in love are you listening these are God's foundations these are foundations that will repair and rebuilt your spirit man when the enemy will test us God is saying you are my garden the very first time I read was years ago I cried and I wept and I cried over this scripture because why you know sometimes walking with God becomes very burdensome sometimes you struggle in the spirit because just to maintain your spirits it's a lot of things you need to do you need to fast you need to do this you need to walk right in to be holy Muzzin thing these it was indeed read the right books of to speak to the right people until you become such an island no one cares for you anymore you don't know how to normalize yourself you don't like to go to shopping more lawyer the whole world is there you forget some people on earth Christians they Billy behave like extra knots like they are in some space they cannot see evil touch no evil can all go shopping mall cannot see these cannot say that cannot shake another person's hand if you are like an astronaut Jesus placed you that you and I are a light of the world I mean Hey are you listening the light can only be seen in darkness you know don't please pray God help me to shine and no he switches off the light hey now you're shining hey don't oh no God switch on switch on but you just sprayed well lord help me to shine darkness will show even the lightest flicker of a flame will become a guide to someone I mean you know what's the problem with the church we had to compare with each other how much we are shining but the point is not to compare with you and me it is to compare with darkness you are the light of this world and that's our challenge we use all our gifts in the church when the gifts of the Spirit are not meant for the church it is meant to heal a broken heart the more you go out and do the works of God then you know you are a seven of our Lord Jesus it's not meant for inside or you want to prophesy to one another and do what the other day you know I told you this many times humorously i'm delia again this sister came to me please give me just one word your fasting before God one word and she was so the way she said it was very like pulls this compassion out of you I was so compassionate towards her I said take my entire Bible and go why asked one word take everything that's more than thousands of words inside take it and go I have prayed over this Bible I wept over this Bible Jesus points to me is the Angels turns physically take this Bible and go are you with me are you listening you don't have to beg God for one word his love and his presence ministers to you he's a tension over your circumstances ministers to you and the Lord said you are my plant you are planted in my garden cultivated when you pour water it will grow in your tree cultivate the garden and grow I told you sometimes furniture life can become very burdensome when I read the scripture the same similar scripture you are my garden is also in found in Jeremiah as well that you are a garden planted by the rivers of living water the first time I discovered that I wept and cried because he took away this pressure of performance he took away this pressure that my spiritual life responsibility belongs to me yes I have a part to play but Jesus is the one who is cultivating me making things grow in me it's not my job the Holy Spirit makes it grow my job is to look after things that I can but there are many things beyond me the Lord will look after me I am being watched by God how's that I tell you what was happening while we were worshiping just now I saw the eyes of Jesus watching over our congregation and the Lord said my eyes will be upon the service while you are preaching and I believe the eyes of God is watching over heart summit watch over our soul I saw a vision I was taken to a place in heaven yesterday I mentioned a little bit last yesterday morning I was trying to find some trees probably in the Google Maps see where I can show you the nearest I could find is the tree in Avatar if you watched the movie called Avatar it's not an Indian movie sounds like butts Don do you know what is our dar not some holy Jews don't know what the movie right because that's the Tree of Life they kind of go there and their healings and but then he was never too close IIIi asked Samuel and but I kept saying it this is not like it's not even close to what I saw this tree of life that was brought was such a huge gigantic tree of life that every vital energy that goes in and out emanates the life force of God every air in heaven carries a redemptive healing of Jesus you can be sick in heaven you there is a healing virtue in the air that they breathe I think few months ago I shed review I was brought to a to a place in heaven while I was in prayer where I didn't know why the Lord brought me that I couldn't recognize the place when I brought I told the Lord this looks door new what is this location and the Lord said just see look down and I say walked you know when sometimes when you're walking down the street or in a grass patch when the whole block is walking through the same grass patch the grass patch all the leaves dies leaves open to dry sin isn't it there's no life because everybody's stepping onto it the roots are deep and sometimes when you walk through a grass patch the leaves will bend and then he will just come up seen that are you sure you saw that that means you're walking everything you turn around see yeah I saw that because I see other people walking next time please observer you need to be observing you know I saw this because the Lord said look so he was walking and I saw oh this is how it's happening and there is no death in heaven the life form just comes back as though no one stepped onto it and asked lot what is this place he said there is a place in heaven when he learned how to walk there you learn how to live in the when you learn are the caliber calibrate your spirit men to walk in the tunes of heaven your body will rejuvenate itself now you can ask the question then why are we dying we will die we have to die because that's the law of life do you understand no one lives forever imagine you're 400 years old imagine how it looked like some 30 ready looking like 300 yeah when they drink and they smoke you know the body ages you know I've got some of my friends all we we all are the same age when I when I look at their photos they look like 75 80 years old I don't know something i look at 90 why because a lot of drinking and a lot of smoking so the body ages it it dies faster you know what happens the body's energy that is stored stored for you for a later age will use itself up to preserve you early and they die faster it's a principle of heaven some law of life that is reserved for you to a lifetime but you use the energy up too quick now I'm saying in a very simple layman terms are all qualified doctors are sitting there go and ask them scientific example in heaven there is a process and that's what the Lord told me when a seven of God when it's time for them to see Jesus the natural law of life is allowed to come so sometimes certain things will happen to take away the life force away from them sadly life you know for some of them the doctors have to always tell you how they died so how did I is the easiest way to say heart stopped so they died no one say Jesus took them away they can't say that right so they have to create some kind of a medical statement I are you following so that's the reason why but then we read listen carefully are you listening every do this do this okay even those who are watching live do these are okay now I will give you an illogical explanation we read in the book of Revelation in the book of Revelation says there is no death we read that verse and we pray now Lord your word says there is no death there is life continuity therefore we pray there will not be death and there's life continuity because theologically that is meant for Saints who are living in heaven you are bringing it now to pray to say that there shouldn't be sickness that should be life force in me that should be strengthen me I shall be renewed and I shall not die any time or whatever is that the thing it works half of the prayer was right half of the prayer is not meant for you why you are taking something which is off heavenward trying to bring it forward that doesn't work every man who is born must die do you understand I'm saying so don't get discouraged when you are cutting wrong scriptures here and there because faith teachers and we all have that I've done that I've spoke about that where we we take a lot of promises that are meant in heaven word for saints which are dwelling in heaven we draw it now we leave yes you will leave you will experience the glories of heaven given your lifetime when the time is up you have to die some as I mentioned to you yesterday morning have worked with God in such a close proximity they are no longer worth for Earth and so God took them away the Bible says no one walked with God so close he knocked what we've got so close and God took him away look at the the life of Elijah he I don't know whether that close or not but I thought God said better rescue him the chariots came took him out how many of you won the chariots doana scary right because the cherries doesn't tell you when is coming you're having your favourite me soup suddenly come boom oh he just don't know when the cherries go so it's more scary please do not think wow these are encounters of go wow wait till it happens to you then you know so it's more pleasant when God speaks to us there is a part that you and I can claim listen if you are living for the glory of God you have all the rights to walk with the presence of line it and that's what I'm going to encourage you God is releasing an anointing about our church to repair and to rebuild broken walls listen my brothers and sisters if you see cracks in between a church don't fall inside rebuild it I mean you know there are people who observe cracks but there are people who build up and cover those cracks so that others shouldn't fall some people always want to point out but there are some who'll repay and so God is saying you and I need to repair broken walls and restore the streets we've dwellings I mean and that's anointing we need to have yesterday morning while we were praying there are some people in our church here the Lord says this is your year of restoration this a year where the anointings you thought you lost are going to be restored to you so that you will start fulfilling the promises that God has made over your life I mean I was brought to this tree everything that touched this tree was a life everything I thought that this tonight I can share with you the excursion trip that I had that's the way I could find out the term I was trying to think what is the word that I can use so I rather prefer the word excursion that I was brought to see the different parts of heaven that I've never seen before I was very surprised very thankful I thought tonight I could share it but I didn't have the peace so maybe tomorrow the Lord said do not dwell between two opinions when you are following God my brothers and sisters just like how Adam and Eve had the option beside The Tree of Life was the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of leaning towards this tree they were leaning towards the other tree and sometimes we are forced to by default design when God speaks something you check revelation by Tree of Knowledge the other side and then it doesn't bear witness to you the problem is when you check too much to the other side it kills your spirit are you with me and sometimes this is what God wants us to have listen tell your neighbor the king has the final say when I going through troubles what does the king say when they're going through your challenges what does the king say when they are going through healing process what does the king say listen my brothers and sisters when your time is not up nothing can kill you when your time is up nothing can save you you know that right hello tell anyone the same thing you know that right just tell your neighbor you know that right this is the time whoever don't have neighbor you're the host nothing can save you when your time is up Kenneth Hagin the Lord told him today I'm gonna take you up and he told his wife today the Lord said I'll be taken while he was having breakfast he just went off he just fell off Derek Prince just one week after one big before the Lord said today I'm gonna take you the same way he was taken Lester Sam Rell's wife when the wife died the Lord told him now is not the time here and there puncher and spoke live a boom she can became alive from the dead body but when the time was up the Lord said now is the time and she just released my brothers and sisters there are men and women who have power with God who walk in the radiance of heaven and it is not men for you it is meant for all call in the name of Jesus but it requires their level of faith it requires that level of consecration I'm given to the will of my father I've given the will of my father to serve my brother is like that natural enamines doesn't work on him I don't know why all of us will be freezing under coal he like normally hello your system worker his system doesn't work I don't know why he doesn't feel cold he walked without shoes in Tibet can you believe that for years I have all the letters in 1980s I don't have shoes ok buy one no I don't have blankets can you pray no the Lord will be my blanket what's wrong with you Allah and then the next full paragraphs reply for you all cannot scold him but that's the way the Lord trained him the Lord becomes the fire so when I was in winter the Lord said I told the Lord I like him use me Lord my anointing was frozen it was not moving I told you this testimony remember in Australia I was in the outback -8° they all waited for me to prophesy nothing was coming up all frozen they thought I'm this Pentecostal guy shaking my hair you know shivering really hey my coordinator is still alive is 7000 years old in in Brisbane I can call him and you ask him what happened that day so you know what was the solution they brought a portable heater and they put it on the pulpit to to release warm and it took me 20 minutes for the oil then I was prophesying frozen he doesn't work which meant only for my brother [Laughter] this year my brother's my question is are you struggling in your face over two opinions in your life what God said and what my uncle said what God said what my wife is saying what God said what my husband is saying what God said what my father is saying what God said what my mother is saying what God said and what my company is saying what God said and what the country is saying what God said and what trauma saying who cares what many saying what God said Metis is if you dare to take that faith challenge God dares to make you as a testament of his promises today is that day that you make one stain you take that traits thing people used to tell me Steven are you sure going knock against the wall see whether pain or not while walking in faith I demonstrated the damn thing a jalapeno but I choose to walk in faith you know sometimes it took to a fool you got to speak like a fool they do not have any understanding what it is to walk in faith people's faith level is so shallow they have no clue when they look at a man or a woman who's walking by faith they take them like fools but Paul said let us be fools unto Christ so that Jesus is being preached to someone I mean my brothers and sisters today it is call upon us to cultivate a life of faith that you and I will not run after two opinions my brothers and sisters I'm not sure I think most of you would have read the SMS that is going around that United Nations document that is now made public and it's circulating to every other Christian organization by year 2030 the whole world will have to carry a chip have you read the document or not going search these are legitimate documents that is circulating released by United Nations now by the year 2030 how many more years to go by year 2013 I wanted to calculate how old will you be by year 2030 the whole world will need to wear put on a chip and I'm so proud to announce to you that Singapore will be one of the first nations in Southeast Asia to adopt that system so can now I wanted to imagine how old will you be 11 years from now and now let me ask you would you be jumping between two opinions would you take the chip or no have said no you see the voice all drop already now because if you don't take the chip are you don't have medical care you can't draw it your CPF you probably I'm not sure whether you can still own a house I don't know sure whether you can draw your bank money or not I'm not sure you'll be accepted as a citizen because your IC will be replaced where this option may or may not be given I'm not really sure would you take your IC would you now take the chip because you can't get going in and out of the country I'm not sure whether passports will be replaced whether it's now just put your your show your thumb or sure whatever you know and the chip now electronically they have said this is the most probable area the soft tissue area when they will put the chip in because today today view you are in the passport office are you going to immigration it is no longer just fingerprint not just biometrics now's your I scan huh you got to smile at the camera it's Kenny now the new passports all having eye scan have you seen it that means everything is now into a international database how long will people take to hack a system like that my brothers and sisters 20 30 is your timeline now and it takes time to cultivate your spirit man to make a stand for Jesus today what will happen at that time please do not think on that day you'll be a fake giant no one becomes a giant in a day it takes a lifetime of cultivating faith in your life because it's about Providence is about healing it's about else so in other words if no one come to a point we give you one year to convert into the chip and those who do not shall be declared as stateless then what happens to us you can't buy and you see you can't buy your favorite food think about it for a minute you understand what I'm saying hello are you listening it's pretty quiet at this moment God is warning us years ahead before time because God knows it takes time to cultivate a garden I mean it takes time do not dwell between two opinions justice just choose one the Lord said walk with me and serve me and the Lord was there was a tone of a rebuke in the Lord said why is it so difficult to follow me when you when you murmur at what I say is that obedience then in verse when the Lord is saying something to prophecy you go around to another person and you murmur about what the Lord you know how difficult it is you know you know isn't that is that obedience that's why a lot of prophecies that you receive from men and women of God falls down to the dry and fall down to the ground and die because your spirit or you are not worthy of that promises so qualify yourself today and that's the reason whereas my rest my rod oh you see I brought my rod it's men today but we shifted tomorrow but since I'm a little bit in the mood that is the one because I told you how Jesus showed me he came he assembled a group of people which we will do a few days later he took his rod and he pointed how dare you do this and he pointed this and I know that the Lord is seriously going to reconstruct some aspects of our walk with God I mean the Bible says whomsoever he loves he disciplines you know it's easier to handle the discipline of Jesus then the absence of his voice I say rather Lord even as call me scold me but don't be quiet that's the only thing I cannot handle why are you so quiet so you know where women are getting their gift from they want to kill their husband just be quiet can kill him instantly because when they talk the husband reacts when they are quiet the husband bowels please lie what's wrong so certain part of DNA is coming from the Lord as well he's quiet this is a year of accountability point number 11 to 0 1 9 the Lord said I'll be strict her to my servants walk in a straight path my light will shine only if you walk in the assigned paths which God has for you those areas that we walk and that path is not a sign for you you will not find a light of God shining there are many things we can do as a church to make the church grow but making the church grow is not our job the Bible says God gives the growth we do the planting we do the watering but who gives the growth because you cannot break the natural order of life God gives the growth God plants and convicts not my job my job is not to preach to convict that's the Holy Spirit's job my job is to preach what the law wants me to do some people needs conviction some people need say encouragement some people may need a rebuke some people may need an affirmation the same scripture coming forth but the Holy Spirit will bring the variety of his ministry to different people I mean but our job is to make sure when we worship the Lord's presence is with us when we worship the anointing of God is there we are not worshiping to inspire you we are worshiping to touch the king are you is are you listening Hey worship ministry is not a jukebox to sing what you like because I know in some churches they do that they give their favorite song leads to them watching can you sing this song it's my favorite song usually I will cry when you sing the song people give us this kind of requests but it's not a jukebox it is not a chorale case session while they are worshiping you mimic no no no no they are not replacing you we are touching the heart of the King worship brings us to him and the word of God is now being preached when Jesus is manifesting his power and His grace I mean I will take from Isaiah chapter 33 I'm gonna share verse two verses and then we're gonna pray together it's already nine o'clock Isaiah the prophecy part word-for-word I'm stopping there so that we will leave some scriptures in your heart are we are we learning something tonight my brothers and sisters hold on to receive a breakthrough on the seventh day as we wait before God don't rush for it because whenever God does something it will permanently recite in your spirit man when we rush we will interfere with the process with what God is trying to do Isaiah chapter 33 I heard the Lord Jesus voice he said weep Isaiah 33 he will read of all the things that I'm going to do in this end time I'm going to share a few words and then we will just build up along the days as we come together verse 1 ah you destroyer you yourself have not been destroyed you traitor whom none has been betrayed when you have ceased to destroy you will be destroyed when you have finished betraying the day will betray you I wanted to understand the first thing that all he's saying how he's going to punish those who are not working right with God those who have a habit of betraying others now please do not read this text with a theological frame but we are not taking that this is talking about those Aryans we're not talking about that now we are talking how to apply it prophetically to your life and to your spirit there are people who have a habit of destroying they have a habit of betraying trusts and covenants that they have made with God sometimes covenants that we may give friendships it reminds us two husbands and wives it reminds us to have parents and children and I want to address all the children you haven't made a covenant to only your father and your mother live up to that covenant it is not a friendship agreement it was a covenant that God made in your life and the Bible says if you want to live long you don't have to take supernatural vitamins you just have to only your father and mother many more number of days shall be added to your life it is written in the book of Proverbs I mean he says easy as that just over some you know some parents are not working right with God and yet children are honoring what about your parents who walk with God how much honor must you be giving and those who serve among you you know what the Bible says give them double the owner especially those who watch over your souls now I'm not just talking about a pastor now I'm talking about your your spiritual parents are watch over your soul your parents who pray for you your brother and sisters who have mentor you they are watching over your soul they deserve double honor are you listening because if not you will allow the spirit of betrayer the spirit of craftiness that was in the serpent to come and destroy that very divine relationships God has given to you and God says if you go around doing that I'm going to destroy you when you're done and that's the warning God is giving to us today it happens to many nations that are going to suffer when they break the covenants Saudis ation tomorrow I will tell you which are these nations more insert more and more you know what I know I'm gonna get into trouble whether you like it or not my proper sign needs God was not afraid to say somewhere along the line you got to pull up your guts to say what God is saying in it the Lord is saying this the sort we use against others will come against you the Bible says my brothers and sisters the words of an idle man is like a sharp edged sword that will go deeper into your soul be wise in what we are saying from today onwards don't tear people down don't destroy them walk in love and holiness keep your words little if you can if you got a reason reason wisely in the framework of God's love do you tap people down and you betray the trust God is saying I'm gonna do the same thing to you now because the Bible says with the measure you measure it shall be measured back to you in it are you listening think about it for a minute it brings a lot more fear right now when you're thinking about it because this has scripts you see the Bible by itself is like an Old Testament we have read all these things many times you know but until the Holy Spirit releases anoying this words becomes alive Wow it speaks to me now you get what I'm saying that's what revelation means God takes a text that is meant for thousands of years ago he uses the text and speaks to you I will be tree and look at verse 2 Oh Lord be gracious to us we wait for you be our arm every morning our salvation in the time of trouble so I'm going to give you four things you need to develop for this endtime in verse two O Lord be gracious to us we wait for you be our arm every morning our salvation in the time of trouble for things for you to develop for this end time living number one learn to wait upon God cultivate that's a knot let God's wisdom guide you now be may say waiting upon God yah be quiet and wait no it's a art you need to develop in waiting upon God Sam's 40 verse 1 says wait upon the Lord and He will answer you you're not waiting for the miracle you're not waiting for someone to say yes I'm praying that they will say yes they're not praying for them to say yes you're praying that God will say yes because when God says yes no one can shut the door but when God has said no no one can open the door isn't it number one wait upon the Lord develop that skill number two the Bible says be our arm i'm always speaks of strengths now say god I'm going to cultivate a dependency on the Lord's strength in my life these are for in time living I shared with you church in the context of what I'm saying four times I was taken to the time of tribulation while I was preaching the Israel three or two times was Israel one was here in the midst of the preaching I was transported out I was there in the land of the tribulation where if you receive the cheap you can't buy anything that means your faith is going to provide for you I looked at a remnant that was hiding in the forest without food and I was wondering God who is going to provide for them and then I saw angels coming down we have a lots of baskets of fruits I could see them in the spirit but I was thinking in my heart but these are in the spirit how are they going to eat and the moment this angels came like a portal and there was a stack is the moment they stepped down it became natural food and all these food by the way will heal you while you are eating it will not kill you so don't worry about sugar Allah you know it all readjusted don't worry where they got cholesterol or not heaven knows how to take care of you by the way you know you you you know that you need some sugar in your you know that right you know I don't know so you cannot make your body zero sugar huh you got more headaches after that you cannot make your body zero cholesterol you got more eating after that you know all these right so don't play no lobby my body's zero sugar then you will just drop when they give the food it becomes health to your body then imagine when I develop and cultivate to depend on the Lord strength today when I need it I will have the strength that requires for that level of walking in faith because no one becomes strong overnight it requires to cultivate it second thing to remember let God become your arm and the third thing to remember in the scripture it says every morning be my strength the beautiful dependency on God every day every morning I preached a message before let me ask you a question in Singapore why do you really need to depend on God every day no reason you know because everything is there for you there's no reason for you to say God where's the money go to ATM Google tells you you are lost where my Google tells you where you I don't have to pray God show me show me where it's stupid look at Google no no God doesn't tell you that we and that's why sometimes our phones break down then you found out God is speaking isn't it Lord please Lord help someone to to to pick me up and stop the car we don't have to break grab you know what people do now grab the pastor every single thing called grab the pastor app so modern technologies is taking away our dependency on God you know when your faith level is the highest when you go on a holiday why because you know no one you don't know where things are you are afraid of every single thing so you are praying all the god bless al Miele you help me help me your faith level is at the highest mission trip laggy hi Lord heal the food of all diseases when I eat go toilet or so you are afraid I told you this toilet story many times when I went to Nepal they said don't mind going to the toilet in the forest you just must pay attention to the hissing sound I say reco you sing sound in the toilet you see the snakes will come so your faith is level at the highest you know Lord I build a wall of fire around me every morning regardless of the blessings you have around our country depend on God how you depend on God is your problem I understand your faith is not dependent on your bank balance hello your faith is not dependent on what you eat every day you are so thankful to God lord thank you for giving me this money thank you for giving me this food and if the Lord wants you to share give it to someone and don't worry about it because when you give you are provided for you know why we don't want to be provided for it humbles you when someone invites you to come in eat in their home it humbles you to say yes because our pride takes over no no no I have I have but you are lying what about you humbling yourself and say thank you are you listening it humbles you my brothers and sisters listen there's going to come a time we are all going to be dependent on one another to provide for one another in this endtime the remnant will learn how to share as it was before the third one the fourth one rather and the fourth things that we have to develop salvation in the time of trouble how prophetic and this words be in this end time for us cultivate a faith to grow in your life that you will know how to exercise faith salvation for another word is saving you from a trouble moment salvage Salvation grow in faith for things let me remind you number one whereupon God it means let God's wisdom guide you number two be our arm it means depend on the Lord's strength number three every morning it means every day number four salvation in the time of trouble it means growing faith for things for us to cultivate now I'm not talking about ABC Bible study now I'm talking about a culture we must shape in Jesus my king we don't have to be a complicated church we can be simple and walk in a stronger faith we got to demonstrate by missions we must demonstrate by going out and touching people slide out they're not in our comfort zone I mean many people don't have the luxury that we have but they are strongest their faiths are much more stronger than us I mean therefore we depend on God to use us for his glory I want to encourage you by going by reading this entire chapter and coming back tomorrow if the Lord wills I will complete it as much as I can because today this afternoon as I was thinking about all this Angelina and I we were prepare the room to go and pray while I enter into the room the moment I passed my dog the Lord said another chapter so that is what I'm preparing now the other chapter that is there then I can't wait to share with you the excursion trip of heaven so that you and I will know the things I was given the privilege to see the Angels called the Watchers in daniel the book of daniel there is an in gellick called the Watchers have you ever paid attention to that you remember seeing that word if you are using new King James Version King James Version it will be there other newer modern translation do not use the word anymore okay but this is a higher order class of angels I will talk to you a little bit about it as the Lord will permit have you ready to pray come let us pray right now father we pray in the name of Jesus can we all stand up together listen this is only thing I'm gonna ask you right now for five minutes let us pray in a way that gives breakthrough in your spirit man would you do that in five minutes pray like a warrior don't back don't say please pray like a warrior in the spirit and create a breakthrough over your soul let your spirit man take off like a rocket and touch the throne of Jesus go straight pass your problems straight pass your blockages straight pass your mortgage your bills that need to pay students go straight past heaven don't worry about the exams don't worry about which school which a teacher don't worry about your job your job is not your provider God is I'm in no faith needs to break through and in this night God is going to give us a supernatural rocket to take up are you ready to pray I'm just gonna ask you for five minutes pray little area can only the spirit will you be mother wash all day [Music] today [Music] this one day soon [Music] every sin that break quietly we got [Music] neutralized [Music] do the seven days her angel seconds to come and be in the service I see them all standing in the stage whereas the Lord is just for today No do that faster deserve a beer condition to come and stay with us Shalaka decent I was asking that I whatever the engines did wonder tell me he just said we are spiritual beings click to a conservation I protect my brothers and sisters cultivate spiritual huh when you come for the meatiness answer God give me a break look at my eyes that I can see [Music] you are annoying and I'm just approach the ship will ya your lives good evening I know what six that is the treasure that has been sent from heaven this crap this treasure box will open the second day and the seventh day when we fast [Music] you will open the treasure box what this entire year will be filled with the vectra's of heaven listen I'm not saying about breakthroughs in this role I'm talking about breakthroughs in your relationship in heaven [Music] and the natural order of your life experience [Music] wishing yourself that breakthroughs with God we are pushing on the cell to wrestle with God like father Trey tonight all the families whatever you and there are spiritual families there watching online the motifs with such a persistent faith so we will become the recipients of your penis we thank you thank you for healing George thank you both today [Music] you know a spirit as we come before you again tomorrow night in Jesus name we pray somebody's head theirs today I will see you tomorrow evening seven-thirty shop
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,930
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kEte_H5HEJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 23sec (4883 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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