Absolute Carnage: Full Story | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin okay so I don't how many of you guys have been tracking this but Donnie Cates he went on Twitter a little while ago and said that absolute carnage was supposed to be like the definitive carnage story right like the greatest carnage story ever told and I believed him because like like with his one on on venom like everything he's done on venom it's been nothing short of spectacular uh and the way this first part ends I'm excited to see what happens but for those of you guys who are who are kind of jumping into this for the first time a couple things I would suggest here the first is to go back and watch our videos on venom and and we'll have like Ohio of all the videos down in the description we'll probably a full story video out of it so you kind of have your caught up on essentially everything but then we'll also then also suggest you guys watch my video on carnage explained then went between those two things you can get caught up I did call carnage venom a couple times but people knew what I meant so it's all good but uh but yeah so this is this is this is this is amazing now here's the cool thing about absolute carnage if you choose not to do that to really get caught up on on venom to really get caught up on that the history of carnage you can still kind of go into this and be okay I think it'd be better knowing all that stuff but you know you could still be okay because in true Donny Kate's fashion uh we get this sort of explanation of things that have happened up to this point right so basically we get this idea that at one point in time in the very early days of this universe right before there was any real life in it and all you really have with the Celestials and presumably after they won their war with the aspirins you had that you had no Lola symbiote God now of course as we were told in the the first run of venom of the first volume of venom then no the symbiote God was this being that was just sort of out there right you know kind of existed in this void this little pocket space inside the universe created these symbiotes to essentially serve as his agents tried to kind of spread his influence and chaos throughout the universe now once he was finally defeated once this major battle took place and he was finally locked away this is what nany keeps kind of ties in to what Brian Michael Bendis did right because if you go back and you read guardians of the galaxy by Brian Michael Bendis he introduces the planet of the symbiotes this idea that the Venom symbiote that that runs around earth originates from the this particular planet of the clintus that's their actual name he said that the name of the symbiote is called the Clint are dead originated from that planet where we had previously to just just believed this is where the Soviets were and according to Brian Michael Bendis that the symbiotes basically existed it's like space Knights and then they would bond themselves to a host and they would go on to perform great deeds that if something like the Venom symbiote bonded someone to someone like Eddie Brock who was filled with anger and wrath that he would twist the symbian it would warp its beyond it would be honest original purpose and it would essentially become a bad guy what Donnie Cates is ga'head got back him down as he had said that's not necessarily true now the symbiotes were created out of evil and the planet of the symbiotes is as much a prison as it is a location in the sims that once no was defeated he was locked away inside of his own planet or I guess inside this planet of the symbionts and the planet itself is just a giant ball of symbiotes that exists out there in the universe somewhere and so once he was defeated they kind of began changing their tune essentially became good guys and willingly locked him away as best they could now the issue at this this is kind of one of the cool things that that Donnie Cates goes into is if you go back and you look at the the history of venom and the various symbiote so like toxin carnage so on and so forth shrieking and whatnot you had this idea where whenever a symbiote left an existing host and then went to a new host they would basically maintain information about their previous host right it's one of the ways that the venom Stimme was able to dodge spider-man's spider-sense right like spider-man was the first one to hold a symbian and then cast it off at the advice of Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four and so when it left him it felt betrayed and then turned bonded itself to Eddie Brock who has already pissed off a Peter for costing him his job but it took the knowledge of spider-man with him right so like the knowledge of Peters identity the knowledge of spider-man's spider-sense and how it functions and how to get around it that's one of the reasons why venom was so capable and so dangerous back in the day and so the result is that what Donnie Cates is kind of building on here is saying that like every time a symbiote leaves a person that it leaves a little imprint of itself a tiny little bit of itself now again this is existing knowledge this really isn't anything that Donnie Cates has built off of or I guess really created out of his out of his pocket what Donnie Cates did is he came back and he said these little code X's these little itty bitty symbian imprints that are left on a person's DNA if they're all brought together they can be used for the purpose of waking up Knoll on the simia planet and then bringing him back to life kind of resurrecting him and that really seems to be the motivation or at least one of the big motivations behind the the carnage cult now what what Donnie kaise is kind of been tinkering with kind of annoying with is this idea that Cletus Kasady wants to resurrect null for the purpose of killing him and taking this place taking all of his power and then controlling all the symbionts across the universe and to be honest carnage becoming God seems pretty insane but that's really what happens here right like carnage essentially becomes God in this in this this this bit and and this was kind of nuts is because what it does is it switches over to over to Eddie Brock now Eddie Brock is really kind of recounting all this stuff right like saying all these different things and talking directly to Dylan now again and our first volume we learned about the character of Dylan we learned that Dylan is actually the son of Eddie Brock but Eddie's basically let Dylan to believe he's simply his brother and this is just because of the fact that that Dylan is a son that Eddie never knew he had right that was just kind of dropped off at his father's house by a woman he was with at one point he ultimately ended up taking her own life but because of the fact that his father was so abusive and he wanted to get him out of it I'd wanted to get him away from that from that life and have him live a normal life the downside of this is that as they're making their way in New York City suddenly like all these different you know digital billboards are met with like these wanted posters for Eddie Brock himself and so like the whole world is aware of who he is the whole world is aware that like he's a dangerous man that needs to be needs to be captured now this is a cool thing here because when this happens you basically have Cletus Kasady who kind of pops out of nowhere and then sends Eddie and Dylan flying over into the really unlike the way of this oncoming subway train now this is one of the cool things here is because when any was talking to Dylan about who venom was I'm sorry who carnage was then Dylan was kind of like you know the eyes and ears are like the new person right like the new reader he was kind of a new reader in the story in the sense that people who were just jumping onto this don't really know the history of Congress they don't really know the legacy of carnage they don't really know the madness that came with Cletus Kasady the willful abandonment right like like just just murdering with abandoned all these different people that he came across for no other reason than the fact that he could but it wasn't like he was trying to become some super criminal to amass great wealth or to attain absolute power and he did all these things because he just wanted to because he just wanted to arbitrarily take people out that was the kind of that's the kind villain that Eddie's talking about right now and that's again a villain that's one of these we talked about in our video on carnage explained it's one of the kind of villains that you never really see a villain who just shows up and just arbitrarily takes people out for no real reason whatsoever aside from the fact that it's a nihilist and it just loves to it loves madness and carnage it loves its own namesake and so again like what we end up finding out here is that where Eddie and Dylan were running away from some man in a suit that where where Cletus Kasady was the one who pushed him in front of the Train the man in the suit was actually the Venom symbiote now those you guys were kind of playing catch-up here there came a point during their first fight with what was essentially this giant dragon it's this really old Grendel suit it wasn't really no the symbiote got himself so much is like a facsimile of know kind of like a taste of what would happen if nul ever came back in like full and true form not really as powerful as he could be but certainly powerful enough to like wreak havoc in the city of New York and of course that story culminated with Eddie Brock grabbing the Venom symbiote and because fire is a weakness of the symbionts pushing knoll or at least his facsimile of null into a furnace but also seemingly killing the the venom Samiha in the process and so the result was that they were they were separated for for an amount of time now following this what you had were basically two stories being told about Eddie Brock and then one about the Venom symbiote the simian itself got its story in the war of realms Friday was basically dealing with everything with Malekith and so on and so forth Malekith stark magic which we're talking about here in a second but then you basically had the story of Eddie trying to make his way and figure himself out and that was one of the cool things about this is because when when the van of items to be it shows back up and wants to bond itself to Eddie the response of Eddie is no I don't want to like I don't want to go back to this life again and that's an important thing because when Eddie first got the Venom symbiote he saw it as a tool to be used to defeat Peter Parker aka spider-man for crossing him everything he was hell-bent on revenge and anger and that was basically it and then you started running into these stories where Eddie brought Eddie Brock began to sort of change his tune where he began began to become like a different kind of care he became anti-venom for a little while he began has basically become like a good guy almost like the the reformation of Flash Thompson right the high school bully of Peter Parker who lost his legs in the military and went on to become agent venom it's a it's a cool thing in this scenario because what Eddie Brock is discovered the thing that really is the reader we kind of always knew but any was never really able to figure out for himself that he's highly capable that he's a very very capable person now the guilt of Eddie's past life the idea that he and his friends had hit a kid when they were younger his father got him off these are the kind of things that have sort of driven him that that kind of made him the villain but the idea of coming back in trying to reform trying to be a better person means casting off that past part of his life which includes venom being able to settle down being able to raise his son and to have some small measure of peace is the guiding force behind Eddie the problem with this is now carnage is back and this is no small thing because when carnage arrives here like all hell begins to break loose right because you're talking about about Cletus Kasady who for all in terms of purposes should basically be dead be toting the power of one of the original symbionts as it was created by by null the symbiote God basically meaning it's more powerful than Eddie Brock it's more powerful than venom so this this is one of the cool things is that interesting you because is it's sort of a tribute of sorts at least in the first part I mean not not fully on in terms of the entirety of the story but in this first part here it's a tip of the half to maximum carnage when the carnage symbiote bonded to Cletus Kasady on the blood level and he became just way more powerful than been both Eddie Brock and spider-man uh he was a force to be reckoned with we're essentially dealing with the same concept except amplified even further it's the symbiote joined to - Cletus Kasady on the blood level but it's a more powerful symbiote than Amon the than both venom and and really like any other one that we see out there right now this is an exceedingly dangerous incredibly powerful carnage just running around out there right now and like it really shows because he basically one punches Eddie Brock he punches him in the face he breaks his orbital bone his brain is hemorrhaging I mean in like one fell swoop Eddie Brock's been taken out that's the kind of carnage that we're dealing with back in the day it was really more like Carnage's durability right his ability to create all kinds of different sharp appendages and someone and so forth and his insanity that made him almost unpredictable that's really what made him so is such a such a huge force back in the day and this one it's just like the sheer force of the symbiote he wields the power he possesses is enough to like take out Eddie Brock in one hit and so what Eddie does is respond in kind doing the only thing he can do grabbing elect grabbing the electrical lines of the of where the subway train was and then grabbing Venna grabbing a carnage and then just electrocuting the piss out of him and basically it destroys the carnage symbiote you know in the interim but all it really does is it's really just kind of like temporarily send it into chaos and that's basically it it's a stopgap measure and Eddie knows this right Eddie knows this is a stopgap measure he knows there's no real way as far as he's aware to defeat carnage in the traditional sense and again that makes sense because in the maximum carnage storyline it really took the combined efforts of spider-man and venom to pull it off now even the first time a met before maximum carnage it took the combined efforts of Veneman and Peter Parker you know spider-man to defeat this guy and so again we're dealing with a super amped up very powerful version of carnage and so as a result of this the venom Samiha shuts down the mind of Eddie Brock puts him in a coma to a catatonic state while he basically heals his body and then takes him to the only place the one place where they can get any real measure of help and it's a cool thing because we all knew this was coming we all knew it was only a matter of time before this happened what ends up happening here is that once they arrived to list location the symbiote wakes up Eddie Brock and they knock on the door of an apartment and when this happens somebody answers the door and that's what we end up finding out the person the Venom symbiote took Eddie Brock to the only real person he'd be able to get any help from in this situation or the very least the only one who would listen to him is Peter Parker spider-man okay uh so we are getting back into absolute carnage and and here's the thing so the original absolute carnage ER against the first issue was split into three parts and for the most part it looks like it's what they're gonna do from the issues going forward I have not read the the physical issue number two yet so I'm not interested sure I've been on vacation for the last week drought of the Pacific Coast Highway which was amazing but kind of getting into this one then we'll actually do the third part of the first issue later on this week so what kind of what kind of wrap everything up in the last one it was really like the return of Cletus Kasady right and that was a big thing that was that was people were really expecting and had really been told to us in the events leading up to absolute carnage it was kind of the big the the big take away from it right I mean Cletus Kasady is the original carnage he's a fan favorite has been for a long long time and is one of those things where unless as Cletus Kasady playing carnage people are kind of you know kind of iffy about it the only real exception to that is Norman Osborn when he was the red goblin that was really really cool actually talked about him here in a little bit but what this does is it picks up with Peter and Eddie Brock and then of course you know Eddie's Eddie's son Dylan all basically getting yet getting together in Converse and the reason why is because again when it came to carnage first popping up of course it was fears it was spider-man and venom who fought him and then you went into maximum carnage which was spider-man and venom fighting and fighting him again and and the idea is that with someone like carnage it takes the two of them to succeed because carnage is so incredibly strong right the fact that the symbiote is bonded to the blood of Cletus Kasady is what really amps up his powers beyond what you normally see with like venom or anybody along those lines anybody that normally wears the symbian and so it makes sense that you would see any kind of team up with spider-man now for a long time carnage fans and really longtime spider-man fans this connor has to be a bit of a hit into the nostalgia feels right it's kind of like man this is this is kind of this kind of feels a little bit old-school and that's why it's kind of a cool moment is because a lot of things have transpired in the life of Eddie Brock that Peter Parker didn't know about for example Peter Parker does not know that Dylan is the son of Eddie now of course when Eddie sends doing away says hey look go do something else just don't be here it's adult talking time you guys all remember that for when you were kids it's a chance for Eddie to basically sort of kind of let his guard down right and just sort of let the whole thing kind of be out there and say hey look like he's my kid and this isn't really even about me it really it's not even really about me stopping carnage it's about like stopping here to make sure that my kids safe right because if carnage gets his hands on my kid he'll kill him and it's really just protecting people outside of myself and that's why it's a really important thing right because Eddie's been a bad guy he's been a good guy he's been a victim of circumstance spider-man seen a lot of things transpire with the character of Eddie and this is kind of the newest take for his character insofar as he's out there and coping with a few things and it works and it is really cool to see because it kind of makes spider-man a little softer to him and say okay you know I guess I can kind of get where you're coming from but then suddenly they're met with a news broadcast and there's this mass grave that was essentially dug up out in the middle of nowhere it initially is kind of like whatever man nobody wants to see this they turn it off Eddie Brock starts freaking out spider-man's like what the heck is going on and he was like everybody who's ever been a symbian is buried out there like they're there in that mass grave right and that's one of the big things that we recall from what we've been told both during the pre loot stories to to absolute carnage and by the interviews that the Donnie Cates has done himself that you have this circumstance or Cleatus he is basically going around and grabbing what are called these code X's right these little codices pieces and is designed to basically like kind of recreate the whole right it sort of been that way ever since Noll popped up in the sense that like when Noah was there it was he was the guy that created all the symbiotes they function as a cohesive unit and following his defeat they've kind of been separated ever since and as the current symbiote basically grabbing all these different iterations of either itself or venom Emmons combining them all into a singular unit which will amplify his power even further and then presumably try to take on Nolan and you know destroy Nolan to become like god of the symbionts which makes sense to be actually really cool to see if carnage like took over all the symbionts and became their new god ah but it's a cool little thing here because what you get is this revelation you know where Eddie is freaking out he's kind of panicking the big thing to really come out of this is he saying like Annie's body is buried out there somewhere now for those of you guys who have not been keeping up with Donnie cases run on venom and really aren't longtime readers of of the spider-man comics the person he's referring to Annie she's actually a character that appeared back in amazing spider-man 375 in 1990 93 and this is Annie Wayne now any weighing is actually the second person to host the Venom symbiote and in fact she used the name she venom at one point in time but she's also the biological mother of Dillon and for those and the reason why I say Donnie Cates run is because in the early part of his run when he basically got the introduction of Dillon's character it was amy was pregnant with Eddie Brock's son she didn't want Eddie to know because of course he was venom he was a bad guy at the time and so she basically gave birth to the kid dropped it off at the father of Eddie Brock's house and then just kind of left it there and then originally she went and jumped off a bridge and died but the idea behind it is that basically his ex-wife is out there and that she can basically be be used by carnage to become one of his henchmen or what have you it's kind of a crushing thing and that's reason why any sword starts to freak out now again this is one of the cool things about his character because if we're talking about like 1990s venom lethal protector you know and weird is sort of like he's doing his own thing and being a bad guy he probably wouldn't have cared about that but the nature of Eddie is that over the years his characters become a lot more dynamic has become a lot more intrigue and he's grown a lot in terms of what writers have done with him and in kind of how he views the world but it's a cool thing because it's kind of like okay so like the notion that Eddie Brock has a lot more on the line than Carnage's back let's fight him it's cool is it something that I'm really really digging about the way his characters being handled that's why I love the venom run from from Donnie Cates so much because it's almost kind of seems to be more focused on Eddie than it is on the symbiote itself right I mean the Venom's to be a super popular that kind of makes since and so in response to this with everything kind of popping off the way that it is there something burglars at busting and spotting man takes care of him quick fast and in a hurry and it's kinda like okay you know cool whatever and then he's like we need to go see a guy they could basically help us get this stuff sorted out and of course that's when they basically go back to rush Strickland's safe house of course rush Strickland being one of the previous hosts for the Grendel's Indians um kind of the precursor to venom basically and then of course they're essentially talking with the maker now this is kind of a cool moment because the idea of the maker meeting spider-man is a cool little thing right because in Marvel they never actually met before like they've never really met I mean even with spider-man there during the events of secret Wars like his dealings were with like Miles Morales and with with the molecule man Owen Reese and of course you know Reed Richards from his main universe but like that was basically it you know the maker kind of being out there and and being part of the equation and everything it's kind of a cool little moment here because you know when you have Eddie show up here one of the things we end up learning is again the mysterious benefactors the people that that maker works for that we don't really know who they are it's basically like hey they had a lot of interest in using the carnage symbiote or even the venom Sumida itself they want to know how to like use them for their own ends either weaponizing them using them for new technologies whatever the case happens to be but like they've been working on a means to extract the symbiote from individuals already and then do it in a way that's saved that can preserve the life of the person who was infected and so was kind of a cool moment here because when this happens you basically have like Spider Man talking to him but then also bringing in his godson Normie as born now Normie Normie Osborn okay this characters interesting um he almost kind of has the Franklin Richards effect in the sense that like he first popped up back in like amazing spider-man 2 85 and then like nobody really did anything with him after that not for a long time Norman Osborn really had his big moment during the red goblin storyline and we never actually covered that the go down swinging storyline we never actually covered that I feel like we should if for no other reason than the fact that like it ties in pretty neatly with absolute carnage but basically Norman Osborn is the son of Harry and the grandson of Norman so Norman Osborn as most of you guys know is the Green Goblin right in the big moment he had over the course of the entire publishing career was throwing Gwen Stacy off the bridge and in certain circles there's still a debate that goes on over who actually killed Gwen Stacy if it was the Green Goblin who killed her before spider-man got there or if he was spider-man shooting his webbing into her foot and they're like her neck snapped right because it goes both ways there's actually there's an actual onomatopoeia in the comic it says like snap like her next snaps and then in the same comic you know the Green Goblin is like I killed her before you got here so there's fans I kind of go either way and really kind of the argument rages still to this day ah but following that really like the the next big moment I would say in the history of Green Goblin like the really huge landmark kind of character shifting moment came during the events of Dark Reign right you come out of Secret Invasion Tony Stark is kicked out as director of shield after the fact that Neil Scrolls have been replacing humans and various superheroes and Tony Stark didn't know um and so he's replaced with Norman Osborn who had a key piece of information that turned the tide of the secret invasion war that basically led to humanity winning and so he dismantle shield he basically creates hammer and he goes forward doing villain things because he's a bad guy and then tries to like basically conquer the United States and eventually the world now ultimately he's defeated he's thrown in jail and then along the way the Green Goblin kind of bothers him a little bit kind of harasses him and then ultimately he recalls hammer makes his escape and then he was kind of free-floating after that and then you go into basically the red goblin story which is kind of a kind of an attempt to bring Norman Osborn back but then modify it right so given the current symbiote and basically become a combination of the Green Goblin and and the carnage symbiote which is basically red Goblin I mean it was a cool thing but during that story what he did is he's actually kidnapped Normie and then basically you know put a piece of the of the symbiote into Norman Osborn and then turned him into what was called goblin child and it was kind of a cool little little segment it was a crowd of those a culo thing it didn't really last long enough to see where it went just because of the fact that you're coming up on the end of dance lots run and that basically went into the new era of Spider Man with Nick Spencer but it was a cool little thing it was it was a cool moment and a cool bit of storytelling but that really Norman Osborn's just kind of been in Ravencroft ever since when he never since the events of the red goblin story when he was defeated he's just kind of been locked up and in prison but that's why Normie Osborn is here is because because of the fact that he held the Simeon at one point that codex is there now remember the codex is really dotty Kate's way of explaining how it is that the Venom symbiote could leave Peter Parker and then go to Eddie Brock and still remember everything about Peter Parker right it plants a little piece of itself a little memory a little little tiny knowledge fragment a little nugget of information in Peter leaves it there and it always happens from one host to the next as was basically carnage going around and trying to take each one of those individuals into himself and capture their codex by default and so initially the idea of the maker is well if this kids been exposed to the Codex then let's basically take a blood sample and see if we can't find a way to you know find a weakness or you know what this codex means and if we can use information there to take out carnage of course the response the Spider Man is absolutely not I'm not gonna let some crazy guy who is an alternate reality version of Reed Richards take a blood sample off of my godson because I don't know what this guy's gonna do with it if he's gonna create like a thousand clones of this kid kudos like this guy's kind of bonkers at in reality he's right the maker is kind of crazy but as a result of this the makers like well then fine give me somebody else give me anybody else out there that you know of off the top of your head right now who's held the venom or the carnage symbiote and then bring them here and there's only one person that these two guys are aware of there's only one individual that these two guys know that they could basically find locate bring them back and then use that person as it means to achieve this goal and we'll find out in the next video okay so the power supply for my EGP you fried my macbook pro had a hardware failure that I had to take it in and have it shipped off for repair everything's failing in my home right now what's going on guys this is Rob and we're covering part three of absolute carnage in part two really parts of 1 and part 2 because remember part like the the first issue split into three parts the first two parts it was basically panic mode right it was the idea that Cletus Kasady had essentially returned now the way that Donnie Cates had written this is a Cletus Kasady had been coming back for a while it's just that right now Eddie Brock just realized what was really happening right he just realized they liked Cletus Kasady he made his return and I love the way the Donnie Cates wrote that right because before the person who's kind of getting into carnage and doesn't really know anything about the character it's like cool a new symbian for people who are familiar with with carnage it's like cool in old symbian and a lot of people are going to die but it's one of these things were kind of like your dedication and and your sort of time spent with the character of Cletus Kasady over the years it's kind of rewarded right because like this is the return this is like the joke if the Joker got the venom Samiha right like a crazy person becomes venom and then like loses their minds but the idea behind this is that we're basically dealing with with them going and grabbing Norman Osborn now we talked about this in the last video and what kind of refresh it a little bit for those of you guys who are you know kind of coming into this so if you're watching the full story version of this what kind of be repeating ourselves for a second but the idea behind Norman Osborn becoming the the really the red goblin I the carnage and the the Goblin concept was to kind of try to reinvigorate Norman Osborn right to kind of like give him a new status quo after the events of Dark Reign INRI you don't really need to write there are some villains out there in the realm of comic books the Joker Lex Luthor characters like like Norman Osborn who's probably well he's not certainly the most iconic spider-man villain I'd say he's probably the most important and so what they did is that his Marvel basically said let's give him the card symbiote and then in turn have him bring back the Green Goblin so he basically becomes the red goblin and it was really popular for a little while right like it's one of the more popular stories involving the various symbiotes I would say it's more popular because it involves a symbiote as opposed to just the Green Goblin himself but again he's a legacy villain right so it's one less thing you'd have to really change all that often what you end up having here is spider-man and you have venom who basically race off to grab Norman Osborn and this is kind of an important thing here right because with Norman Osborn as the red goblin I wouldn't say he pushed the symbiote to new heights by virtue of like his intelligence of so on and so forth it was really more like merging with the Green Goblin and the Venom symbiote that kind of pushed to new heights but Norman Osborn is not an unintelligent guy and the real question the idea behind this is that with venom really realizing what's going on and this idea that Cletus Kasady is running around and tracking these code X's right like trying to kill the various individuals who have been the simian host the question is we kind of have to save Norman Osborn now it's interesting here because on the surface you would say well then let him die right I just let Norman Osborn die and it's one of those funny things because it's really more of the moral quagmire of venom and spider-man what kind of superheroes would they be if they just let Norman Osborn die but I mean that's kind of the issue that you run into here what kind of heroes would they be if they let this guy die and that was basically the end of it and so again it's kind of intriguing because in the midst of all this suddenly you end up having spider-man who goes nuts and this is one of the more important things that Donnie Cates is doing here again we talked about this in the first couple parts and it bears repeating here but the idea is that in in years past right going all the way back to like even you gotta like David McLean II is um original like venom lethal protector but like you go all the way back to like when when carnage was first introduced and even before that when venom was introduced and all the various simius between them right like scream and and riot and all those guys the way this always worked and was kind of etched in stone by venom is that when a person becomes a host the symbiote can leap right like if by you know by whatever manner and whatever means if the symbiote leaves the sumia takes memories of that person with them right so that was the case of venom knowing the identity of Peter Parker the venoms to being here bonded to Peter it was cast off a lemon spider-man 45 and then it bonded itself to Eddie Brock taking the knowledge of Peter the identity of spider-man win it and so the reason why that's important is because what this does is it basically allows Donnie Cates to build on that concept and say actually what happens is for all those individuals who have been a host of the carnage symbiote it leaves back at least behind itself a kind of sample right like a kind of little genetic code that the the current Samiha that Cletus Kasady can tap into now the big question to ask here this is kind of a big thing to come out of this kin venom do the same thing can they tap into and can they basically control the minds of other individuals by using that genetic code one of the other big changes that Donnie Cates is making here is Carnage's ability to spawn more symbionts what Cletus is doing here is basically creating these little mini pots and then they're forcing themselves into various prisons going into the bodies of those particular prisoners and then basically creating more symbionts so to speak now it's kind of interesting here because these aren't really carnage symbionts in the traditional sense which is to say they're not really like duplicates of himself they're really more akin to like children and that's why this is cool because if you look at this it looks like you literally have Donna Cates building up this army of soldiers more or less for carnage who in turn can allow him to try to defeat null the symbiote god that's kind of where I hope this is going to but you end up having carnage in spider-man and venom all teaming up to face off against null and then like truly and successfully to feed him like it'd be kind of cool but it's kind of one of these funny things because as that goes off you know as this begins to go down you end up having a course a sound system is triggered and then with the sound system being triggered as we know with with symbionts they hate like loud sonic vibrations and so where Eddie goes to take them out it allows him and Peter to basically team up and try to face off against the forces of carnage but that's where things begin to go awry because at the outset you simply expect it to just be Cletus Kasady right now you expect it to just be him and go walking in because the reality of this is that you go back and you look at like maximum carnage the maximum carnage storyline you go back and look at the time that like Eddie and and spider-man first fought venom before maximum carnage and you're talking about a simian out there that's stronger than the two of them right so Cletus Kasady alone would be enough to overtake and to basically defeat spider-man and venom and so this is designed to illustrate one or two things or possibly both the first is that it's designed to basically show that like all these different characters are designed to show up and basically cause absolute pandemonium right like bolstering the numbers of carnage forces the other half of this and this is what I think is actually a little more interesting is that Cletus Kasady is getting arrogant I can send my forces forward and have them do it for me now in reality if Cletus Kasady is getting carried away for themselves and if he's being arrogant Dennis with good reason because you basically have like all these different forces that are pretty much overtaking venom and spider-man and they're doing a pretty darn good job at it right I mean that's kind of the nature of things is you're talking about these exceedingly strong and powerful versions of carnage really like more of the Grendel's than anything else they're just kind of ripping things up and so in the midst of all this or Peter kind of get to see no throne to you know thrown to the side he's met by the arrival of Cletus and that's when things really get scary right because Cletus is a man without reason and that's what makes Cletus so dangerous is because of the fact that he's a believer but he believes that what he's doing is right he believes that what he's doing is the correct thing to do and you can't sway him from that belief he's a guy that just cannot be changed and so what happens when you give a person who cannot be changed the power to force change onto other people they're gonna do exactly that they're going to basically create a litany of reasons for why you're wrong and then force their entire perspective on D right so either you can reject it or you can accept it but you're not going to be able to get them to change what it is that they're doing and that's what's so cool about this is because you basically have like like venom fighting off against Peter and it's one of these cool little moments because when that happens then I'm actually sort of chastised as Peter for a second and says stop being clever stop being funny stop cracking jokes this is time for business and that's an important thing but one of the things that Dan Slott established during the original spider-man renew your vows as part of Secret Wars is there's a reason why Peter does this but there's no reason to do it here one of the big questions people had all the time for it for years and years and years Peter would crack jokes in the middle of fights and and people always sort of attributed that to the fact that Peter was just a character who would joke around but there's a reason for why Peter does this so really it took decades to get to the point we could actually get an explanation to it but during the original renew your vows Dan Slott stated that the reason why Peter does that is it because it throws his enemy off right it frustrates is enemy and makes them angry because the enemy believes Peter doesn't respect them right like I'm not I'm not taking this fight seriously because you're not really anybody to worry about this is business as usual and you're of no real concern to me that's the message Peter puts off right the I had the other idea is to kind of keep things loose and they keep Peter from getting carried away keep him from getting like super overexcited and and to kind of keep him grounded and in moment but it's as much to like screw with the other guy the issue with this is that with Cletus Kasady that don't work that dog don't bark right because Cletus Kasady doesn't take the bait that's the nature of Cletus Kasady is about as crazy you know I'm not really as crazy he's crazier than spider-man so like cracking jokes going on about nonsense it doesn't really work and that's why Ivanova says it's not the time to be clever it's not the time to be funny it's not the time to like crack jokes and be your usual self this is the time to be serious because if we're not we could die here today and Peter knows that but venom doesn't know that Peter knows that it's just Peters way of doing things it's kind of how Peter is and so following this the two of them are basically like knocked out of the cell you know sent flying out into the hallway and that's when Peter basically begs for carnage not to kill Norman Osborn and that's what he says I'm not here to kill him I'm here to add him to my forces it's literally carnage absorbing Norman Osborn into himself and basically turning Norman Osborn into one of his various henchmen now Norman Osborn does not have the Grendel insignia on his forehead and the indication here is that Norman Osborn is something wholly new like it may be that he's something wholly different and wholly new probably not he's probably just just like all the other ones right there's nothing really special about him but I have a hard time believing Donnie Cates wouldn't do it wouldn't have him depicted in this manner if he wasn't different from everybody else so I'm really excited I'm really curious to see where it goes okay so we are a little behind on absolute carnage and you would think that we would be caught up right like you think we would have it all caught up and everything because I really love this event but I took a vacation all last week except for like two days in one of those audios was already just kind of out there so now we're actually getting back into the thick of things brightly actually getting back into the meat and potatoes of recording a lot of you guys are probably also wondering why I haven't done full story videos recently I'm actually saving them towards the end of the year and I'm just gonna kind of like do a month where I just dump a whole bunch of full story videos from what we've done so far and just kind of go from there right so absolute carnage will probably come out in like November and it'll be like a few others here and there so yes absolute carnage part two okay so what Donnie Cates is basically written so far is this story where things are in dire straits right I mean and here's a funny thing about absolute carnage is in this issue and this this really technically it's a second issue although it's like the fourth part more or less it almost kind of feels like spider-verse meets like carnage I mean we're not dealing with multiversal versions of carnage but it does feel like that and so far as anybody who's ever held a symbiote is this we being tracked down by carnage and being consumed now this is one of the things that I kind of wanted to toy with in the last video and we kind of want to bring to light in this one is that really Norman Osborn is not fully under the control of carnage right and it's something that a few of you guys pointed out in the last in the comments last video for those individuals who were totally under the control of carnage they have that little spinning us neo spiral thing on their face for Norman Osborn he doesn't have that now why he doesn't have that is not explicitly given to us right because looking at this author of the top of our heads what we've seen so far those individuals who carnage has consumed are under his control right but the individuals that we've seen him consume so far at least in the first few issues have just been those these basically taking a portion of himself and put it inside of them so we don't really know at least at the moment at least the time I'm making this video anyway like suspend your disbelief for a for a second but the idea behind this is that it doesn't look like Norman Osborn is totally under the control of carnage and this is cool because it allows Norman Osborn to basically maintain himself it allows him to kind of keep the personality that we've all kind of come to know and love over the years the kind of rebellious guy the guy that like you can't tell me what to do because what you basically have here by virtue of Cletus Kasady and carnage is you've got two roosters in the hen house that's essentially what's going on and one of them's gonna have to go that's basically what's taking place here now of course for spider-man and venom fighting off against these massive numbers of carnage forces there's no way they can win right and it would be a foolish measure to try and stay it would be stupid I mean there's there really wouldn't be any sense in it right they're throwing away their life for something dumb if they were to stay here now remember spider-man does not know all the changes that have gone on with the venom Simmi he doesn't know everything that's happened here and so this is important because for any Brock himself of course having come into contact with null basically sort of expanded the powers of his symbiote which in turn granted him of course the power of flight by use of wings spider-man doesn't know all this stuff right so he's kind of coming into this thinking this is venom is I've always known him we're standing at the top of like you know Ravencroft asylum if we jump off we're probably gonna be dashed to pieces on the rocks we're screwed we're basically gonna die and and it's cool because Eddie Brock basically flies them to safety now this is where the Norman Osborn part begins to come in because where you have you know Norman Osborn asking the question why are we going after them the response he's being given by it by Cletus Kasady is well because there's other people for us to go after now this is kind of a cool thing because Norman Osborn stance is what we got to take out spider-man and we got to take out venom because they'll come back and they'll just later on and in reality he's not wrong the funny thing about this is that they're actually looking at the same goal from two different perspectives right so like Norman Osborn is looking at this from the from the perspective of like what we saw with Dark Reign take out the heroes right off the bat like give them out of there as fast as you can and there'll be nobody staying nobody to stand against you Cletus Kasady on the other hand seems a little more subversive right his stance is we won't go after them we'll just amass our forces - such a huge amount that we don't need to worry about them right it's like when they come calling with whatever forces they have it won't make a difference it's cool in terms of how their approaches work because both of them have merit now the problem with this comes when it's venom and and Spider Man kind of transitioning back to these characters again what is venom in Spider Man and it's what do we do next right like where do we go from here because they're both in pretty dire straits right I mean this is basically their worst nightmare right in a lot of different ways it's the worst thing they could have seen happening the most insane character they've ever come across bonded to one of the most powerful symbionts in existence probably the most powerful short of of nolza symbiote God himself is now running amok in the city of New York and marshaling its forces it's pretty bad that's this it's pretty terrible you're talking about a crazy guy so he's leading the show he's running the show here and then he's creating a whole mess of people like a whole army of people who can avoid spider-man's spider-sense it's the most horrifying thing ever because at any point spider-man could die and he'd be dead before he heard the sound - killed him so it's one of these crazy scenarios and now for Eddie Brock himself things are a little bit different the cool aspect is that because of the fact that this is really what Donnie Cate seemed to be seems to be going with it he can kind of go two different directions right but venom himself can kind of feel the forces of of carnage it doesn't mean he knows he can pinpoint them exactly where they are right like he's no Molly Walker from heroes but it but it's one of these things where you can kind of feel you know feel the fact that they're out there and they're kind of making their way towards him so and almost kind of seems to be an empathic thing how it is it he picks up on that again it can kind of go a couple different ways it can go by way of the fact that all these forces are being marshaled by a Grendel symbiote which is kind of a precursor to the the symbian of Eddie Brock and have like the Venom's to be and all that kind of stuff we can kind of go that route or we can go the route that I think is a little more interesting is that basically carnage is spawned directly from venom and so because carnage is spawned directly from venom and because carnage bonded was Cletus Kasady on the blood level even though he's using a Grindle symbiote it kind of seems to carry over and it allows Eddie Brock to basically feel the offspring cletus kasady in the form of all these different forces out there so it's kind of a cool little moment here but ultimately they end up settling on the idea that spider-man is essentially going to marshal the Avengers right because remember spider-man is an Avenger and he has been since the New Avengers by Brian Michael Bendis it's one of the things a lot of people tend to forget that spider-man is kind of easy he's out there and he does his own superhero thing but unless you're reading an Avengers story that involves him being part of the team it's easy to forget that he is a member of the team the issue with the Avengers comics as you usually see them is that they often focus on the core Avengers rosters right the ones who were there day in and day out now again it's kind of a cool little show by Donna Cates because in this day and age and the age of crossovers with Marvel it's the one question a lot of people would ask is like why didn't spider-man get a hold of the Avengers right so like he nips that right in the butt like we'll call Captain America will call Wolverine those two guys specifically because they dealt with a Grendel symbian in the past and they kind of know how to defeat them or at least have a much better understanding of how to face off against it the problem is that in the middle of all this suddenly Eddie Brock basically gets a call from from the maker Reed Richards from the Ultimate Universe now the idea here is that read this this version of read the makers con just been safeguarding Dillon right the son of Eddie Brock albeit Dillon doesn't know and so one of the funny things is that he you know literally the maker says I've been combing through the FBI's database here and like an weighing was not in the body and like the mass grave that was dug up right like she was her herb her corpse was never there and that was a big concern of Eddie Brock because remember we talked about this in the last video but an weighing was basically his ex-wife more or less right I mean you know it was one of these things where Donny Cates kind of kind of threw it in there so that she was pregnant with Eddie's child and just we never knew ah but it was is one of those things where basically she was the Venom symbiote for a little while and then eventually I drove her crazy Eddie Brock drove her crazy a whole bunch of things drove her insane and she jumped off a building into her death right like in-between that time period that's when Donny Cates came in and said actually she was pregnant with Eddie rocks kid and the result is I did that kid is here now the issue with this is that if and weighing having been a host for the venom Samiha at one point did not have a codex in her body and the question is who has it and what the maker says is she passed it off to Dillon now this is a very important thing because what this means is that a codex can leave a person and go to someone else in reality this is a way out for Donny Cates because what he could do here is at the end of the story he could basically say all the codex all the codices are now inside carnage and where carnage would seek to rule as right hand of nova symbian and kind of bring darkness to the universe no it would kind of be like yeah now and then just kill Cletus Kasady take take everything and take all the codices to himself and then boy everybody probably end up dying anyway because he would be returned to full power but the fact remains that a codex can be passed from one person to the next now we don't know if the codex is a physical thing we know it's written into a person's DNA but as we know when it comes to offspring it's not like a mom gives birth to a child and then all her blood goes into the child and all her DNA goes into the child and she loses everything about herself it's more let's just kind of copying her DNA and the father's DNA into that baby and this is kind of a combination of both and so this creates a really interesting scenario here because normally you would look at that and you would say well the codex is kind of copied from her into into Dylan but instead it just went into Dylan entirely so it's kind of a cool little revelation here I mean there's a lot you can extrapolate from these small little things and that's why I Donnie Cates is such a great writer because you can bring these small little bits and pieces into this stuff and just kind of throw it in there now from here of course you basically deal with Eddie Brock facing off against like all these carnage Grendel guys who are all running up on him it is like as fast as they can it's kind of chris is like a cool moment cuz it's like Venom's last stand and so it's pretty badass I really dig this because here's the thing here here's the thing all right Donnie Cates is venom it's cool because the way he writes it I feel like Donnie Cates writing venom is about the most awesome he's been in a few decades and I say that understanding what it is that I'm saying right I mean he was basically saying like venom hasn't really been cool since lethal protector by David McLean II and I would kind of agree with that I mean there's been some cool moments but venom himself being cool I don't think it really happened for a long time and I'm talking about like when when things like scorpion when Max the organ was venom and stuff like that I mean I guess maybe I guess fans of Flash Thompson of agent venom will probably get pissed off about that I don't really care I never really liked agent venom all that much I was never a huge fan of him like he was cool and it was a cool concept but I'm old-school Eddie Brock all the way right like I dig Eddie Brock it has been and so Eddie Brock is venom hasn't really been that cool because he hasn't Leben venom for a long time but still the fact remains it's one of these awesome little these little moments because what it does is it switches over to Miles Morales and to scorpion right now again scorpion was a previous host for a Venom symbiote which means that he's basically got the Codex inside of it right I mean you know Mac Gargan being venom that came during Dark Reign right he was one of the Dark Avengers or at least one of the dark guys the Dark Avengers with all the villains playing good guys essentially and so this was a cool thing because you end up having like like Miles Morales holding his own against all these guys now this is an important an important thing to talk about here because for those individuals who are new to Miles Morales they would look at that and they would still see him as like the new kid on the block and a lot of ways he is in comparison like how long Venom's been I've been ocular how long spider-man's been active and how long Cletus Kasady has been active he is kind of the new kid on the block right even looking at like other spider characters right like Miguel O'Hara spider-man 2099 looking at like Cain looking at Ben Riley but you get a lot of those carriers who were out there yeah I mean they've they've been there and and they're there they've been there for a very very long time so really Myles is the new kid but miles has a lot of experience under his belt that really helps him catch up right the entire events of spider-verse right fighting off against the inheritors it's PI 2 versus 2 I mean there's all these these cool moments these cool story lines that he's been a part of where he's faced off against some pretty heavy hitters so grabbing a lot of experience rolling it under his belt the entirety of Secret Wars by by Jonathan Hickman all the events that transpired in there so he's grown up pretty fast and gained a pretty solid understanding of what he's capable of and so again using his his shock he had all that kind of cool stuff facing off against these guys he's able to hold his own to a degree more than you would expect which is kind of cool for a little mile so go miles you got it little buddy but he's he's doing a great job but uh but of course Mac Gargan tries to escape and venom forces him back in again the issue is that as soon as that happens they're basically met by by carnage who's like okay cool smash this guy up and drag him and and I'm sorry bye-bye actually it looks like Norman Osborn to be honest doesn't really have the thing on his head but they basically end up snatching him up and of course they manage to impale him but of course he ends up getting away when miles goes to attack and this is one of the crappy things that goes on here because what takes place is that where this is revealed to be Cletus Kasady and it is actually him going through and and trying to capture Mac Gargan we end up having him capture Miles Morales and this is kind of a big moment because we haven't really seen him capture a spider character yet and so that's why it's really seems to feel a lot like spider-verse because it kind of seems you moving in the realm of the inheritors the question to ask here is what will Miles do in relation to beefing up the power of like you know Carnage's forces like will it kind of be spread all throughout they're more religious beefed up the power of colitas Cassady how's all this going to work the other thing to bear in mind here is that there's a lot of information the miles has a lot of places to get to right like the the what is it the the spider the spider folks out there the what was the multiversal spider-man team I don't know what they were called nobody read it some Marvel canceled it but uh I guess I'm not alone in that regard but but nonetheless there's a lot of cool things that could come out of this a lot of information that could be extrapolated and could be extracted by cletus kasady from Miles Morales on how to defeat these various characters on how to take all them out as far as I'm aware my house does not know that Eddie Brock has a son Dillon and so as far as were aware I mean I know that the carnage kind of knows but there's nothing to lead carnage to know that that Dillon is one with the Codex right I mean we don't really know that yet I mean I guess he's just kind of tracking down inherently but still it's a cool moment right I mean because what this does is he goes into the one shot of Miles Morales being taken over by carnage is a cool moment like it's the story's pretty solid like I'm really digging it so far okay so absolute carnage just keeps getting better and better this story just keeps getting ridiculously good it's absolutely insane and what this one does is it gives us like one of the coolest moments ever in the history of of venom and and all that good stuff now initially this picks up after issue number two I'm still debating on whether or not I'm gonna cover the tie-ins I'm not a hundred percent sure that's one of the reasons why I'm doing this issue by issue is because if we decide to cover the tie-ins we can do that later on just by like you know or at least I've done like covering that video and then throwing into the playlist and then just kind of being done with it but it is cool because this comes in the aftermath of basically carnage taking over Miles Morales now remember carnage is going after everybody who has in any former fashion either come in contact with a with a symbiote which grants them a codex meaning that the semi it leaves its DNA behind or a person that he could add to their rank add to his range in order to basically bolster his abilities and use them as a means to achieve his goal right so it's really kind of - full technically there wouldn't be a reason for him to grab Miles Morales but Miles Morales is a spider person and very capable in his abilities and so using him to his own to his own ends that allows him to basically go against spider-man and the rest of the superheroes a little more well-armed than he was before instead of just relying on a huge amount of forces for him to use it as disposal now in reality like for the most part in comparison to earth superheroes numbers Trump's powers almost all the time the only exception you get with that era like characters who can like warp reality or who have powers that have a huge area of effect right a huge AoE so like if you're talking about somebody like storm who can control like all the well the numbers don't really matter right because she's just like you get lightning and you get lightning and you get lightning everybody gets lightning you know we're as it was some like Ice Man he can just like freeze a ton of people at one point but somebody like Wolverine it's kind of like hack and slash his way through each individual person right so like you know numbers for the most part will trump people with huge amounts of abilities that's why stories like this are always kind of intriguing but Eddie Brock has to essentially leave Miles Morales behind right but this is kind of a funny thing is because the simian sort of starts to turn now this is what I love about Donnie Cates handling of the Venom symbiote right the fact that Donnie K is sitting down and he's writing the simian in a way towards his own distinct character this is why I say I think Donnie Cates run on venom will turn out to be one of the greatest runs on venom ever written right on because you look at it and it's like okay so you get these these cool progressions things like that but the idea of Eddie Brock in the simian fighting against each other in the sense of the Simbi it's just like we need to kill as many of the forces of carnage as we can and that includes Norman Osborn and his response is no we can't kill him because he's not under it's not under his control right he's operating under what what carnage wants him to do not what is that he wants to do and the response to venom is it doesn't matter and that's kind of the you know I kind of saw it with venom on this one but I mean I'm curious which side you go with but I'm honest I side with venom on this one like sure he's about operating of his own accord but it doesn't make him any less dangerous right it doesn't make him want to kill them any less right I mean he's like his desire is to kill them like to take them over incorporate them into into the the carnage symbiote and then to kind of expand their numbers right like knowing that he's not able to operate under his own accord it doesn't matter right like he still wants to take them out and so that's why it's kind of like you know you do what you got to do right people who win wars or one is willing to do whatever it takes to win the war not the ones who take the high ground right so it's it's it's kind of cool right like you got to fight fire with fire the Allies against the Germans for example right like both sides killed and then we saw how that worked out so it's a it's it's it's cool when it comes to this because what is up happening here is Eddie actually tries to turn his back on the Venom symbiote for a minute because the symbiote goes in and tries to kill Norman Osborn and the responsive Eddie is you can't like if you really want to kill them fine go on ahead and do it like I want a head like I'm gonna go save somebody like I'm gonna go be a hero and this is interesting because what it does is it hits the symbiote in a way to where it basically has this its own moral struggle and that's what I love about this is cuz the the Symbian is now as much of a person as Eddie Brock is right the CVS and a spot worse like okay yes like Norman Osborn can't operate of its own accord basically he's doing what the what the carnage symbiote tells him to you know it's part of the the Grendel and all I kind of cool stuff he's not operating of his own will and yes he still wants to kill us but it's killing him the right thing to do and ultimately like venom settles on the fact that he does it does not believe it's the right thing to do and in turn ends up rebonding to Eddie grabbing a Mac Gargan grabbing scorpion whose spine was broken by the forces of carnage and then fleece basically takes off and goes back to Rex Strickland's safehouse which is of course again where Eddie Brock is operating out of now again remember like when this whole thing went down basically Eddie Brock told spider-man to get out of there and like to go find the Avengers right to like bring the Avengers together and so of course that's exactly what Spiderman did now of course we get Wolverine and we get Captain America to old school members of the New Avengers when Brian Michael Bendis wrote them we also end up getting a Ben Grimm who again is a heavy hitter and it's kind of what they need and then we get the mind of Bruce Banner and the reason why they need them or why they need him is because when it comes to human biology for the most part like you do kind of have a hierarchy right I mean you got Reed Richards valaria Richards Doctor Doom at the top who trade like the number one spot depending on who's right in the story and then you kind of start going down from there but just because someone is like the third smartest person in the world does not mean their overall the third smartest person Reed is the smartest person in the world across the board that's true but when it comes down to like specializations like Bruce Banner takes the cake when it comes to human biology especially gamma radiation and so he's the guy that kind of takes that takes takes that stance when it comes to technology it's Tony Stark I guess it's these these cool little things that you kind of see with these specialization of characters that can sort of lend themselves to telling a particular type of story and that's what's been going on here is that the the science behind the maker in terms of curing the son of venom of his codex works right like the Codex is now gone from the son of venom arms are gone from another son of it I'm gone from from Norman from from the son of of Norman Osborn and so basically I'm sorry the grandson of Norman Osborn but it works for that for the purpose that it served because what it means as this technology can be used to basically cure all the various superheroes of their codices now what it does is it removes one half of the reason why venom would wear white corners would want to take them right I mean if these various characters have been hosted the Venom's to be into some form or another and the codices was left behind on them then in turn like Connors would want to take them in order to get that codex where that codex being removed now carnage doesn't have a reason at least as far as that goes to take them but the power and the knowledge of Captain America the power of like Wolverine the power of Ben Grimm would still serve as an asset meaning carnage could still take them if he chose so again like is there there's still motivation there for him to basically capture these guys and snatch them up and run away and so as a result of this you basically end up having you know having these different guys kind of thrown into these tubes of sorts that are designed to basically remove this codex from them now a really cool moment happens here because when this takes place spider-man walks up starts talking to Eddie Brock and it's a really sort of heart-to-heart conversation and this is interesting because what it shows is that there aren't really any hard feelings between Peter and Eddie Brock right and indeed there really weren't I mean ultimately it was Eddie that kind of came down to constantly tracking down and constantly want to take out Peter ah but at the end of the day it's one of these things where they're basically allies and this is why stories like this are so cool it's because what it means is that going forward Eddie Brock could become and probably will be a tried and true good guy right like I wouldn't be surprised if you sort of seeing Eddie Brock I'm more like Avengers stories different things like that because of how capable he is and because of the fact that he's essentially turning over a new leaf the issue with this is that when Peter basically asked ask Eddie are you gonna tell Dylan about the fact that you're basically his father that Eddie for an instant seems to not know and then Ponder's it and then in turn the real Eddie comes running up out of nowhere he's I do Peter get away from that guy only for us to find out this is not Eddie Brock this is carnage and it is amazing I love these twists and turns man I love what Donnie Cates is doing with this new Donnie Cates man this guy I swear to god man this this guy's like right up here with Hickman for me like the writing style is totally different the ability to create epic stuff exactly the same like it's it's amazing you're Donnie Cates man everything this guy writes is gold like it's it's oh my god it's incredibly nuts I guess it's Donnie Cates kudos to you man I am diggin what I'm loving what you're laying down man this this is awesome because in turn like carnage basically summons all of his forces in and starts attacking every single one of these guys and the response of like look like like I told you what would happen I told you we had to take these guys out I told you we had to kill them and I told them what would happen if you were a half-measure if you didn't do what needed to be done in order to win and that's ultimately the coolest thing about this is this like those who can't do what needs to be done in order to win lose and that's just the way it is it's always that way right like you know it's it's it's it's cool to take the moral high ground and it makes you feel good at the end of the day but at the end of the day you lose and that's just the way it is so I guess if you're okay with losing then the moral high ground is fine if you're not okay with losing then do what it takes to win and that's the response to venom if you're not willing to do what it takes if you're not strong enough to do what it takes then I will find someone who is I will find someone who's strong enough to be able to take this threat head-on and not have any reservation about killing the various forms of carnage that are running around out there and so in response to this the Venom symbiote abandons Eddie Brock and bonds itself to Bruce Banner following that like hardens is kind of like I don't know who this loser is whatever who cares let's focus on the things need to be focused on but instead he basically craps his pants when he's when he comes face-to-face with what I think is probably one of the most cool characters that we've ever seen in the history of comics venom Hulk okay for those of you guys who are watching this video and who are a fan of the boys you are going to see that video later on today that one is like three or four issues this one's a one-shot so I'm having my editor work on this one first and then send the boys out later on tonight so don't worry you know the unser servers will be on patreon today and the censored version of course will be out on YouTube so I haven't forgotten about you not leaving you hanging but any event so absolute carnage the immortal Hulk this is a really really cool story that goes into why it is that venom merged with with the Incredible Hulk right because remember when it comes to venom merging with the Hulk and really in more recent years it's usually one of these things where you kind of give permission right where's kind of like I'm willing to bond with you and so when venom successfully wanted to the whole really kind of the background question was like why did the hawk let it happen and what this does is it basically explains that but it's actually al Ewing building on some pretty big things here it really goes into the notion of like the one below all and no the symbiote God and this is pretty significant and probably one of the biggest comics are one of the most important comments is gonna come out right so that's why um for those you guys who are new to comics when you come across a story you like it's always important to at least skim the tie-ins for different events that are going on because a lot of times like tie-ins for the events will be really really big right I mean we saw it with like original sin and Jonathan Hickman's of vendors and New Avengers you learned that Captain America was originally part of the Illuminati and you had to know that if you were going to understand everything that came after right so just small little things like that small little moments like that this also actually kind of has a pretty big explanation that comes in it as well but what it does is it initially picked up with Bruce Banner kind of in this dark room now in reality this is Bruce Banner inside of his own mind which is something to kind of point out here but it's cool the way this goes down because occasionally we see this in Marvel Comics you see that like Bruce Banner is is having like some kind of internal conflict or he's having some sort of discussion with himself like with the Incredible Hulk or something like that and it's been depicted in different ways I like the idea of him basically being in like a big black box right because it's just sort of the inside and the darkness of banners mind but of course he's basically speaking to somebody off handle and simply saying hey look like me we should talk about how I got here and now initially I expected this kind of be like a run over of everything we've seen with regards to immortal immortal Hulk so far but we don't get that and it's one of the great things about a Ewing writing right like a Ewing does not usually retread water if you see kind of a recap of something that happened before it is because within that recap is something that you didn't know before and so it's a really really cool little thing here because what it does is it picks up with the events between the immortal Hulk the issue that we lost covered in the issue before that right so like basically between his conclusion and what we end up getting is of course Bruce Banner waking up in this hotel room out in California for those guys who were following that story when he comes to there's a couple different things that we get here the first thing he does is he talks to like the Venom symbiote at more or less as it is who it is that he's addressing and he simply says like when you bond to a host you know everything the host knows right like you're awake 100% of the time when the host is sleeping you're awake when the host is awake of course you're awake but you don't really forget anything he says with me as the Incredible Hulk whenever the Incredible Hulk comes out or any version of the Hulk I don't remember anything i black out now that's kind of a really really big explanation to offer here because what it does is it is a basically shows Banner does not know what the Incredible Hulk does and over the years and Marvel Comics that's been kind of waxed and waned and played with by various writers right like some writers will say The Incredible Hulk always knows what what banners doing a banner always knows what the Incredible Hulk does and it can be a little bit frustrating because what it does is it kind of creates a situation where you're kind of asking the question if banner doesn't know what the Incredible Hulk does then why is it like three years ago in the story there was written by the about the Incredible Hulk the banner knew what the Hulk was doing when he was going about and engaging in his own action and it kind of works that way right like if you go in you look at world breaker hawk for example Greg pack really seemed to pitch the idea in such a way that the Incredible Hulk was able to reach that higher level of power because he and banner were kind of in agreement with each other that the Illuminati have to pay for the suffering of everything that went on you can also interpret it as banner was never part of the equation he had no idea what was happening but banner references the events of world war hulk any references like some of the things he did right so it gets kind of crazy in terms of how all this sort of fits together but the big takeaway is that at the moment right now in the immortal Hulk stories whenever the hole comes out banner blacks out and doesn't know what the Incredible Hulk was doing and so following that you know where he basically sits down and watches the news broadcast about the you know that mass grave that was dug up at a military graveyard what it does is it asked the question is general Thunderbolt Ross a person who's been dug up but his behind his body been taken and says that was initially the kind of question that was there was asked here by banner and it was if that's the case and thunderbolt Ross's body isn't there anymore then should I tell Betty Ross right like the daughter funderbolt Ross issue with this is that Betty in her heart before I'm really in her inner inner Red Hulk heart before she's so far removed from the person that she was before she can turn back into Betty but she doesn't want to but she doesn't want to be that human part of herself she's so far removed from that from the person that banner knew they doesn't know how he how she's gonna react and in fact when he talked to Jackie McGee the reporter that today are this kind of following everything that's going on and really sort of an ally of vanarin and the Hulk at the moment she says the same thing you don't know how she's gonna react she could freak out and like destroy you or she could want to know there's no real way to know here and you're really kind of taking a risk with regards to everything sort of popping off and so as a result of that when he basically spills the beans and tells her he's kind of like how long could it take you to get there like do you want to know she says well it would take me 10 hours if I flew alone with you I don't know it would take too long and we would be seen so he basically says fold me up write essentially kill me fold me up and then like let me go on when that happens the Incredible Hulk will manifest you know after some time if the you know with incredible knowing what's going on the Hulk will manifest and when that happens of course my body will be healed because of the healing factor of the Hulk and everything will be fine and so ultimately they end up flying out to this this place in North Jersey to find the body of Thunderbolt Ross being there and it's kind of a crazy thing because you end up finding out that what he ain't what the federal government had done is as soon as this mass grave more or less was dug up that Thunderbolt Ross his body was taken as it was kind of one of these things worse like is this body out there preparing to be used by someone are they going to resurrect him you know and that's one of the things that banner says is that for those of us who were game of mutates we never really stayed dead right like always usually end up coming back in some form or fashion now with the Incredible Hulk it's easy and it makes sense if somebody goes to shoot or kill the physical form of Bruce Banner The Incredible Hulk will manifest in an instant basically he'll banner from his wounds and then go on a rampage but for other characters they really always seem to kind of make some sort of return even if they lose their power stand up giving their powers back somewhere along the line now it really is kind of value and kind of communicating with this how like writers treat mutates treat like you know mutates like they always come back some writer always brings them back somewhere along the line or something like that but even within Marvel continuity they always end up making their return as it was kind of a cool moment it's kind of a cool little thing there because following that it is the Incredible Hulk saying okay if this is the case then like we have to somehow figure out what's going on with venom like how venom ties into this and all that kind of good stuff right and so when that happens like when that goes on when the Hulk is watching the police investigate the site they say the reason why it was dug up is because there was basically a younger guy by the name of Angelo Fortunato who we've talked about in our videos on all the Verge's versions of carnage and venom and so on who ultimately had a venom symbian right so venom in early saw you know carnage will or venom or somebody hosting a symbian is involved in this which breezy Incredible Hulk to kind of confront and figure out what's going on and so inside Bruce banners mind for a second I want to talk about this he's in he's met by a couple personalities the first one is a personality of Joe fix it and it's kind of cool to see a version of Bruce Banner and his Joe fix-it form right because you never really see that you never really see banner when he's Joe fix-it into Joe freaks of personality all you ever really see is great hulk and it's cool to see like the human form of great Hulk right like how does that personality manifest this is also kind of a big deal as well because when you look at the versions of Bruce Banner you look at the verses of the Incredible Hulk all you really see is that you've got like banner as as a singular personality and then like all the other personalities are incredible hulks but inside the mind of banner is basically a whole bunch of banner personalities that can turn into their own versions of the Incredible Hulk it's cool is it's a really really cool bit of a revelation here you know it seemed kind of like a version as your fixer that looks like banner it's kind of Awesome you know it's a pretty cool little thing to show now you've also got like The Incredible Hulk who shows up kind of you know offers his own little tidbit here it's kind of like it hurt like hell to get crumpled up like that it's a small little thing but ultimately you know this journey of banner or I guess of Hulk and banner trying to figure out what's going on with venom and how he ties into all this leave them into confronting spider-man now of course this little segment of the story takes place during absolute carnage when spider-man leaves Eddie Brock to go find the Avengers rifle as you guys who were following that story and with banner running into him and basically saying hey looked like we'd have a conversation tell me about venom tell me everything that you know about venom basically like like finally I kind of recaps carnage you know the events of absolute carnage and says like essentially could his Cassidy's back in all hell's breaking loose and there's this guy Knoll the symbiote god he's some kind of a cosmic Satan and this immediately resonates with Banner and this is when we started to get into the what seems to be the relationship which we know all the symbiote god and and like the one below all because to refer to null as a kind of cosmic Satan for spider-man to do that drives banner to basically say like it makes me think of the one below all know the semi of God has some kind of affection simile or is like is basically the one below off but in a different form and here's the thing that's entirely possible take for example the character of the fulcrum in Neil Gaiman's Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics now sorry not saying man US Allah not Celestials Eternals comic there we go the fulcrum is this being that kind of resides at a bar this sort of like where were Celestials go when they basically die like when they pass on and the fulcrum is this this astronomically powerful being but you don't know anything about him the only real sort of indication you have is in those eternal stories itself where it's like he might be like an aspect of the one above all and even then it's just sort of guesswork right there's nothing that definitively says here is what the fulcrum is and here like the Volcom doesn't say like oh I'm just an ass back to the one above all is basically all I am like I'm just kind of here to hang out you never get that it's just kind of left to believe that's the case but like that happens right at least cosmic beings eat these super powerful entities creeks kind of like fetch similes of themselves or work through individuals and that's how banner sort of perceives this in his mind no the symbiote God and this is entirely possible nova symbiote god is either a being being worked through while by the one below off or it is an aspect of the one below off no maybe an aspect of the one below off but it's autonomous he can go out and do his own thing he owes own motivations but he he possesses a fraction of the power of the one below wall or the one below walls working directly through him and saying like like controlling him that kind of a thing but because of the relation between the two the question is asked like how does all this tie together and that's why Bruce Banner ended up allowing himself to be bonded with the Venom symbiote at the end of the most recent absolute karna storyline because banner wants to know are the one below all and all the same thing are they two different beings is a coincidence is it really just Peter Parker ran off a name and banners reading too much into it we don't know but Al doing is really kind of teasing the idea that like they're somehow in cahoots or related to one another or somehow the same beam as it was a really cool thing because what it does if that's the case then it could be a scenario where we're literally the one below all has all different kinds of fact similes that are out there all different kinds of version of themself that exist all throughout the entirety of the multiverse right because if the one above all is the supreme creator the top being of the multiverse then the one below all would be like at the very bottom of it all but like he's a multiversal entity as well it's cool and it's a really interesting idea because it kind of goes forward like asking the question how close are they how involve are they I'm excited to find out like I really want to know it's a cool thing to tease and I'm really excited to see the answer for it okay so we are continuing our coverage on weapons Plus and here's a funny thing about this right weapons Plus is probably the most important comic book that Marvel is releasing right now that no one's reading and it's kind of a shame because there's so much going on in in this whole weapons plus comic and here's my bet I would bet all the money in my pockets - all the money in your pockets that this is all going to go towards the Marvel Cinematic Universe in some form or fashion what other reason is there to release and basically revamp the entirety of weapons plus if it's not going to be incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe it's gonna make any sense right because nobody was really asking for and that's one of these we talked about in the first video nobody was really asking for like a revamp of weapons bus just came out of nowhere now Marvel could be doing it of their own volition but I feel like this is gonna be a model cinematic universe kind of thing but the idea behind this and in the first weapons Plus it we had talked about it and this this one of the things that kind of came out of this is weapons Plus was historic leaves it was it was kind of a weird thing right now weapons Plus was originally just a Wolverine thing and that was really all it was then it turned into with with Grant Morrison's run it turned into weapon one which was Captain America running all the way up to web and X which is Wolverine and that's when the official weapons Plus program came to an end unofficially it continued on while you got Deadpool you got the The Stepford cuckoos with you know there were basically clones of Emma Frost you got all kinds of stuff that came after came after will rank but the officially sanctioned weapons Plus program as it was operated as a joint venture between Canada and the CIA was basically disbanded like it was essentially gone and so the funny thing about this and what this did at least in the the first the first video that we did is it basically established that weapons Plus was alive and well Ryley it was commit was keeping on keeping on and the extent of it we didn't know and still don't know but the crazy thing about this is that that what it does is it basically has like this weapon v facility right this and it's interesting you could call it weapon five and that really kind of seems to be the case it's sort of seems to be like a dual meeting between weapon weapon you know five and like weapon venom but what it does here is it basically says okay essentially like during the events of absolute carnage when you know cletus kasady and his various mini counterparts more or less we're kind of terrorizing throughout the city of New York and attacking various places that what Cletus Kasady has also been doing is striking at the heart of these various facilities because remember the overall theme behind absolute carnage as a Cletus Kasady is going after anybody who's ever won a symbian right because anybody who's ever wonder Cindy it gets this kind of codex that's basically bonded to their genetic material and in turn Cletus Kasady in order that increases strength to become this wildly powerful being for what seems to be the purpose of going toe-to-toe with Knoll the City of God all really seems to be rooted in this idea of gaining like these these codices right these little codices that have been bonded to people and so what ended up happening is somewhere along the line he attacked this Weapon 5 facility now what this does is it jumps directly to Clayton Cortez now here's thing about Clayton Cortez right I would say about a year ago Greg Pak had this really really cool idea that marveled is kind of wasted and the idea behind this was to essentially introduced something called weapon age now weapon age was a cool idea like when it first popped up it was a cool idea but like I was always I was considering covering it the problem was I was looking at the entirety the Marvel landscape at the time and as soon as I saw that come out my immediate thought was Marvel is not gonna do anything with that and the reason why is because what it ended up turning into his marvelous grand reshuffling right so it was like during like the old you know damn slot spider-man 1 when Peter Parker went back to being spider-man and it lasted like 12 to 14 issues and then we got Secret Wars so it was like okay so Peter Parker's back but none of its gonna matter because we're basically getting Secret Wars so you're gonna have to wait until Secret Wars is done to see what happens with all of this of course and we end up getting all-new all-different amazing spider-man and so on but you know looking at this I was like okay I've seen this a million times right like some character is introduced basically it like the the the precipice is what's gonna be like a huge reshuffling at Marvel and usually Marvel ends up wasting them and that's what they did here and they wasted Clinton Cortes the idea behind this is that William Stryker had his own kind of weapons Plus program going on not not tied into like the overarching weapons plus thing but basically his own sort of weapons weapons Plus idea and that was really predicated on the notion we gotta kill mutants so what does use weapons press technology in order to do it and so what ended up happening is is William Stryker gathered together at the genetic material of essentially the entire x-force team at the time and then in turn had them all bonded to Clayton Cortez now there was Weapon beta and then Weapon alpha or at least Weapon H beta and Weapon H alpha or whatever you want to call it H beta H alpha it was kind of a weird thing but the idea behind this is that Clinton Cortez is basically Weapon alpha weapon H he was the prime version and this is a guy who essentially has adamantium bonded to his skeleton he's got the incredible whole concept Rights was not unlimited strength but it is like an insane amount of strength and then he's also got Wolverines claws right so he's a merger between two of these characters along with some other characters too right like domino different things like that and this it's an amazing idea like it is it is a super cool idea but Marvel be Marvel wasted I imagine as time goes on he may become more prominent but the reality is that weapon H is largely just a Greg Pak concept that's really all in it but it's just only Greg patch thing and so as a result of this it's kind of crazy feels you guys who are new to comics want to talk about this for a second so those are guys who are new to comics Marvel Comics operates very similar to like the WWE from wrestling you have a character who hits their peak usually the championship belt and then for the most part they just kind of fall to the wayside to make room for the new guys and that's basically what happened with Greg Pak he's an incredible writer and amazing writer but the idea here is that he basically peaked for lack of a better word with his run on the Incredible Hulk but because it was selling so well what was kinda like do your own thing man so he just sort of gets shuffled off to no man's land but has total control over what he wants to do right so he's like to Starling with the infinity saga but the idea here is a Clinton Cortes you know some six minutes into this video the idea is that Clinton Cortes ends up arriving back at his family home where at least where his family's kind of residing at now this is an important thing and the reason why is because after he became Weapon Age and after he fought the Incredible Hulk Wolverine and then essentially left them and went to go do his own thing he started going from eaglestar facility to eaglestar facility and essentially wiping out all the records of himself the reason why this matters is because eaglestar was the the group that clinton was part of before he was forced into Weapon H an eagle spar was basically just kind of like this military contracting team right these guys would just go out and take care of these various schemes and that's actually where you end up getting into this this little segment is that you end up in this scenario where Clayton's basically confronted with like his old boss where it's like we were supposed to wipe out the whole village you didn't so forth you know in a search though they're the base we capture him there there to like to grab him and bring him in and the reason for that comes by way of a guy named dr. Andrew Breen now we'll talk about Andrew Breen here in a minute because at the moment he's just kind of there any becomes more important as the story goes on or at least once we get towards the end but what he does is kind of give us this timeline of weapons Plus and this is a very important segment here and the reason why is because in the first video is kinda like okay here's the timeline of weapons Plus based on what we know and what this does is essentially clear all that out and the cool thing about this is it really kind of goes back to what we originally talked about right this idea that what you had in the early days is you basically just kind of had this idea that existed out there that weapons Plus was basically the reason for the creation of Captain America but the problem was that once Captain America was believed to have been dead then the question became what do we do next and so that kind of went into what we talked about previously where you had these weapons projects that were being created weapons two and three and four and so on and so forth but the big thing was that in 1965 this is what we don't what we kind of talked about and absolute cons have sort of been hunted up but it really kind of gets consolidated here which is pretty nice but in 1965 as such they shield led by Nick Fury along with a handful of others ended up coming into contact with what was basically the Grendel now of course those of you guys who were following Donnie Cates run and those of you guys who were following absolute carnage are aware of this but for those of you guys who were not the grin was kind of like this leftover remnant more or less of when know the symbiote God was kind of rampaging throughout the universe right and so the idea was that was essentially frozen on earth and and just kind of stuck there this led into the concept of the sim soldiers right so the idea of like Rex Strickland and so on and so forth over at Donna Cates venom run as well as what we saw in the first weapons plus weapons Plus video and this idea was that when you know with this kind of culminating with Russia's Department X which basically gave us like the Winter Soldier it gave us the Red Room which produced women like like a Black Widow and Natasha Romanov and so on and so forth because of the fact that weapons Plus which for the most part only really focusing on Russia when they came across the Grindle what they realized was the threat that's criminal host and so as results that what they ended up doing was basically extracting sections of the Grindle off whether these small little bits here and there which were essentially you know the the precursor to the venom Samiha and what they ended up doing was bonding it to guys like Rhett Strickland right so this goes into that whole thing following that what we end up learning here and that's what we didn't know before we ended up learning here is that where it was previously believed that weapons Plus at least as part of it you know being a kind of government-sanctioned organization was essentially gone the reality is that's not the case that weapons Plus still appears to be a government sanctioned organization albeit operating in like a super super deep clandestine way but characters like anti-venom like like Flash Thompson he's a byproduct of weapons plus what this is doing is basically grabbing the entire venom mythos as it exists both by way of what Donnie Cates is doing as well as people before him with the introduction of like Flash Thompson as agent venom and so and so forth and is consolidating all of it down into a singular timeline and that's a genius idea because what this basically means is that every iteration of the Venom symbiote has appeared in Marvel Comics as part of any kind of military team or any kind of specialized operations team like agent venom has all been sanctioned and secretly controlled by the weapons Plus organization and this is cool like this is really really awesome because from there like what it means is is it literally kind of brings it all together right and that's that's one of the things that Marvel's been focusing on a lot recently it's creating more cohesiveness not only that what we also end up learning is that while Kirk Hart who's basically the direct supervisor released was the direct superior of Clayton Cortez when he was part of Eagle Stark while they had essentially gone underground and they still exist as a team they're now simply referred to as like Mars team as opposed to like the Eagle star group or anything like that it's a way to kind of cast off the previous name and then sort of operate as kind of a blackops wet work team and then to essentially stay off the radar without anybody heating them up for like contracts or anything along those lines but the idea here is they were the ones that were originally at the weapon v facility when carnage first attack in the beginning of the story and then they basically made it out you know by the skin of their teeth but they're launching this attack yet again and that's why they're bringing in Clayton Cortez because Clayton Cortez is a heavy hitter right like he's a big hitter and so that's when you kind of end up switching over to Cletus Kasady who's actually sitting at a bus stop and the idea here is is that Cletus Kasady is ultimately drawn to these guys and this is a cool little a cool little bit of a revelation here right because this is where the reasons why tie-ins can oftentimes really expand and make a story a lot more interesting the Kudus cassidy is traveling all over the world to find anybody who's ever hosted the venom Samia and the fact that these these these you know former Eagles starter know Mars team guys are these we sim soldiers meaning that their harnessing the power of the Grendel means they all have codices and so as a results of that carnage is going after them as well and that's the cool thing is it's not just about super-powered beings and it's interesting to see because when this bus comes cruising in right this bus comes flying in please Cassidy of course is on it but he's killed everybody there and this is one of the funny things that goes on is because what this really shows is that the in terms of the government's perception at least weapons pluses perception of carnage and what is it he's capable of now they're painfully ill-equipped right they're painfully unprepared and the reason why is because all they really know about what carnage is capable of at the moment is what they seen in the various footage from the from the Battle of New York because they're not really there as well as the existing knowledge they have when it comes to the simius but remember the Grindle's are cut above the rest this is not just your regular venom Samiha these guys are really bread and Android the Grendel's the Grendel concept itself is really designed to be like this kind of uber symbian which of course serves the the will of no Allah symbiote God and so with carnage walking around with this sort of power and then in turn these sim soldiers walking around with something akin to this power their initial thought is okay so simians are basically weak to sonic and fire so we'll use that neither of which work right I mean neither of those bring him down the carnage just comes running out and it makes sense right like the entirety of absolute carnage would be kind of a bust if it's just like so all they need is fire okay I'll just go get pyro from like the x-men and just watch how fast he kills kills carnage you know like pyro shows up and he's like somebody give me a lighter you know or bring in like like you know Ghost Rider or anybody who can manipulate any kind of hellfire and they would totally destroy carnage and so it's cool to see that that's not the case instead what you get here is it's pretty knock-down drag-out fight between Weapon H n and carnage itself and this you know while this it's not the grandiose thing ever this is really Marvel just kind of proving a point and showing us where carnage is and the reason for that is because when you read the absolute carnage of in itself and you see him face off against various characters it is interesting but you can kind of chalk that up to the nature of carnage right there there really isn't a whole lot this happen that it's just like okay so just here's how far he is above everybody else you have really seen a whole lot of that yet and the reason why is because a lot of the conflict that you've seen has really been confined like the spider base and the venom base characters right so so it's big you're fine till like Miles Morales and to like spider-man and to up venom and things like that but these are characters that while they are powerful in their own right seeing carnage against the Incredible Hulk was more of Carnage outwitting the Incredible Hulk as opposed to out fighting the strength of the Incredible Hulk and so again it's kind of cool in that regard but what you're seeing here is a knock-down drag-out fight between what's effectively The Incredible Hulk and Wolverine merged into a singular person and carnage now again there are limitations here right Clayton Cortez does not have infinite strength it doesn't it doesn't really go on that way and then that's when you start getting to what's going on with dr. Breen and dr. Breen what he's been doing is that where he's been putting eye drops in his eyes and the idea here is that he had some sort of you know vision impairment or something along those lines that he needed those for you know him series he was wearing glasses the realities that he's been dropping the Grindle into his eyes and the reason why is because he said he wanted to see the world the way the Grendel does and this is kind of a cool thing because what it does is it basically says that like you've got the Grendel out there this this Grendel symbian thing more or less is out there and little pieces of it even siphoned off over the years and that's what the SEM soldiers come from but essentially it sees the world in a different way in so far as is governed by a singular ideology and that's what Breen had picked up on Breeden essentially gone insane really whether it says like he's absolutely lost his mind but the idea here is that all he sees when he when he puts you know has the Grendel in his eyes is God is coming right like god is on his way here everybody's basically going to die and it's essentially all kind of pointing to this notion that no the symbiote god is going to return which makes the most sense it's really the direction everything's going in and and after the carnage would kind of be a bust if like Knoll never returned right if it was just like no he's not coming back he's just been dead this whole time there'd be kind of a bust right it'd be kind of disappointing and so it's cool to see that that that kind of things showing back up here the results of this is that because of the fact that Clayton Cortez had never actually worn a HD beta itself and because Clayton Cortez doesn't really care right he's kind of out doing his own thing he ultimately just ends up leaving Mars team to itself right it's just kind of whatever I'm gonna leave and he ends up taking you know taking taking somebody with him and basically bailing out and that's basically it right like he grabs a step-mom and they end up leaving it's kind of a funny thing because the stepmom hates him but to see them kind of reconcile is interesting but that only really matters if you're reading what they eat right if you're not reading Weapon H none of that really matters to you it's not really relevant to you the idea and kind of the big takeaway that seems to be coming out of this is Weapon Age it looks like Clayton may end up joining the Avengers but that's the nature of right the nature of this is that this guy's trying to go on and do his own thing and doesn't really want to be bothered with the rest he kind of wants to just stay off the radar and stay hidden and so it would make perfect sense if he didn't if it was just like him fighting carnage which is kind of a cool little thing in reality if that's the case all this is really designed to do my Marvel is to get you know him out more into the public eye and get people to read his comics more but it is it is a it is a cool concept right because this entire conflict was basically being monitored by weapons plus you're watching this this whole thing go down and ultimately weapons plus season it's just an interesting concept but at the end of the day they're like we've got other things you want to worry about namely weapon 30 right like weapon xxx and this is kind of a cool thing because it's like okay so like what other weapons are they focusing on but the overall gist behind this is that it still continues that kind of mystery behind the idea of weapons plus it gets him he's a mystery behind what's going on with it and how all that's kind of unfolding here's kind of a cool thing here is this guy this this person who's overseeing it is actually just drinking from a from a Captain America mug right and it's kind of a cool thing because well you do have one of his guys off to the side he's basically reporting to him my question and this would be really awesome here if it turned out to be Stiebel evil Steve Rogers from like secret Empire that would be amazing and be like this amazing revelation where he's basically rebranding and reworking and running the entirety weapons Plus behind the scenes I would love that okay so I still have a head cold right my mouth rotus sore and I've got got a whole roll of toilet paper right basically my tissue paper to blow my nose I've got my Vaseline to keep my nose from drying out you can't stop greatness son we have pick it back up again with absolute carnage now here's the thing right the last thing we picked up with this like The Incredible Hulk became the new host for venom which was cool it's really really awesome to see like I definitely dug dug see in that the issue is that it just ended with the Incredible Hulk becoming venom so we had no idea what he was capable of we had no idea what it was that he could do and the reality of this is we get to see this play out in the next issue like in this this particular issue of absolute carnage but here's the thing about absolute carnage as much as the story is titled absolute carnage it's about absolute carnage in so much as he's just the villain who's there the story's about Eddie Brock and that's what I really dig about this right I mean of course it has carnage and of course he's the main villain and you get to see like a really good display of his character in terms of how he's handled by Donnie Cates but in reality I'm not really seeing anything here from from carnage that I haven't seen before what I like is the evolution of any Brock and nothing really shows it better than this moment that he has a Peter as soon as it all goes dead right because with any losing the Venom symbiote he's just a guy now and there's nothing he could do to stop carnage he's hopelessly outmatched against carnage and even with venom he was still struggling right so what little hope he had was basically gone here Peter Parker himself the best he can do is bob and weave and dodge carnage right like using a spider sense to try to get the upper hand but he can't outright defeat carnage because of how powerful he is now right so but the cool thing about this is is that what you end up having is is a really cool it's actually a really really great reference here what is up happening is Donnie Cates references the jury now the jury this is an organization I haven't heard of in decades right in a long long time the jury was an organization created by David Nicolini and Mark Bagley back in a venom lethal protector number 2 and 1993 or whatever it was that story came out and the jury was actually kind of like this anti-venom task force is really what it was right so the idea behind this was that you had a guy named oral Taylor I think was oral oral Taylor anyway he was a general the military his son was a prison guard and he was actually a prison guard at an institution that was essentially the wrath before the raft it was for supervillains essentially and then it made his escape and and Hugh died in the process and as a result of that Orwell ended up gathering together all of Hugh's friends and creating a task force to track down and try to destroy venom it didn't succeed but it was a really cool concept and the fact that like Donnie caves is gonna reach back to like 1993 and say remnants of this group are still around it's cool and the reason here's a reason why it's so cool here's the reason why this matters is because what it does is it creates cohesiveness and cohesiveness is something that oftentimes is lost when it comes to writers crafting stories especially events that focus on a character that they're taking over because so much emphasis is put on how they perceive the character that often times like old-school stuff is lost and so is it's really cool to see a writer kind of say hey look like remnants of this old school stuff is is important here when I guess it's a significant thing it matters it's awesome to see these throw backs it's awesome to see these really really cool moments where it kind of hits back and harkens back to the really the old school stories now the other cool thing here and this is why I say like Donnie Cates handling of Eddie Brock I think is second to none this is the single best handling of Eddie Brock that we've ever seen in Marvel Comics and the reason why is because he sits down and talks with Peter and he says I can't protect these guys you know I can't do it on my own like as a singular guy I can't do it on my own and right now it's just you and me and somebody's got to protect the boys somebody's got to keep them safe that's your job you stay here you keep them safe I'm gonna grab some of this jury Tech I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna fight off carnage out Carnage's doppelganger forces as best I can this is awesome because one of the cool things that comes out of this is is literally like any broad gets out there and he's just like all I hear is the screaming of these carnage things but it's almost a little bit of like a reprieve right it's almost kind of like Zim like in peaceful because he's like the one thing I don't hear is a voice in my head I don't hear venom telling me what to do I don't hear venom giving me orders telling me Eddie don't do that Eddie you have to run like I don't hear that it's just me and he's like I'm Eddie Brock like I can be a hero I'm a good guy and by god if I'm gonna go down today I'm gonna go down swinging first one of the coolest moments of his character like ever in the history of like Eddie Brock do it's so beast because what you're talking about here is you're talking about a guy who's basically gone for like an arch an arch enemy of Peter Parker who wanted to kill him to a guy who's now putting the life of his son in the hands of Peter to keep it safe and is gonna put his life on the line and knowing full well he might die get out there and take as many of these carnage guys down with him as he possibly can it's a whole sail revamp of Eddie Brock and that's why I love it so much that's why it's so awesome because it's a total reformation of a character who in reality had this coming a long time ago I guess this really should have happened a long time ago but it's cool to see it happen now now the big question a lot of people had is how would the Incredible Hulk with the Venom symbiote fare against carnage first things first The Incredible Hulk looks amazing is venom right like he looks obese and I definitely want to see it make its return but here's the thing about the Incredible Hulk all right we're not talking about like Doc Green Hulk right like the super genius version of The Incredible Hulk we're talking about what's essentially the immortal Hulk assuming that this falls in line with what's going on with with Al Ewing's immortal home run this is not the sharpest tool in the shed immoral Hulk and end savage Hulk they're like forces of nature just like punching and pummeling things but they're by no means the sharpest tool in the shed battle tactics strategies these things are lost on the Incredible Hulk in his most pure savage and current immortal form and it's kind of a cool thing to see because when you end up having Cletus Kasady who's been around the block more than a few times and is by no means Captain America but is by every means more capable than your average superhero he gets the one up on him like that in the blink of an eye and it will be really easy to look at that and say what a waste like what a huge colossal waste but I would say this is really designed to highlight just how capable carnage is that even when you have one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe and just sheer physical strength who puts on a symbiote which amplifies his power even further and still gets taken over by carnage it's a sight to behold it's just like wow because what it does is it illustrates the gravity of the situation and it says what hope do they have and all this really begins to come by way of Eddie Brock himself and the reason why is because using one of the devices that belong to the jury which I believe it wasn't the shock right here what's gonna belong to it but it's one that emits an electric pulse what he does is each handle two channels it through Captain America's shield now people who are knowledgeable about Captain America shield will say okay so Captain America shield is a proto adamantium /drive rhenium iron alloy that was created by Myron McLain accidental right attempts to duplicate Captain America's shield is what led to the creation of pure adamantium the adamantium has founded the Wolverines skeleton and so because it's a vibranium alloy technically speaking it should basically absorb the electric shock right I mean it can absorb kinetic energy almost all different forms of energy it should basically absorb that but you would look at that and you would say either the shield would absorb it but it wouldn't like electrocute Miles Morales Lee's it's not not something that we're familiar with the answer to that question is actually yes it can now the reason why is if you go back and you look at Captain America comics number 78 1954 I love being able to pull out little nuggets like this because I feel like people are just like what holy cow how did this guy know about this then Captain America comics number 78 1954 there was a character who was created called the like the electro monster something like that model would reuse the concept later on when they introduced electro in the spider-man comics but this was a character who's created by the Russians for the purpose of like defeating Captain America now EDD Brubaker's run all that kind of stuff not really Steve Rogers doesn't really matter the fact remains when they go and they fire this electric shock at Captain America shield what half the American is up doing is absorbing it and amplifying it back now we get how to go with that or we can ignore and the reason why is because if you read ed Brubaker's run on Captain America basically every version of the character that we saw after the end of world war ii was not really steve rogers and it was not really Captain America shield they were frozen and ice basically we found that out in Avengers number four so you can ignore or you can go with it you can say well at the time the story was written it was Captain America it was Captain America shield it wasn't until we got into the mid-2000s whatever Baker changed all that so you can do whatever you want with it you can you can ignore to you could choose to go with it like the idea of going with it because I think it kind of makes a scene makes sense a little bit more or you can just say the electricity passed through the shield in shock miles my house doesn't really matter regardless of the scenario because electricity fire things like that are weaknesses to symbionts and because of the fact that Miles Morales had previously used his venom blast to kind of jog Eddie Brock out of being controlled by carnage this is basically Eddie Brock recalling that and then using it on miles and then bringing miles back but this is a huge moment because we would look at this and we would say okay cool one more ally to Assad now they have a chance miles is just like - we're so screwed and where the questions like why is like because literally like being credible Holt taking the Venom symbiote or at least a Venom's to be a bonding itself to the Incredible Hulk and then it fighting against carnage The Incredible Hulk doesn't have the wherewithal to intellectually overcome Cletus Kasady physically yes but all Cletus has to do is out think him that's exactly what happens when that time comes Cletus Kasady is gonna seize control of the Venom symbiote and when he does the venom stimulus got ivory bond itself - Cletus and it's gonna amplify his power even more because each time he takes a codex he becomes more powerful and so it's just kind of like okay so like literally at that moment Cletus Kasady strips the Venom symbiote off of ruse mannered when he like forces the Incredible Hulk to revert back to Bruce strips of venom simian off of him amplifies his power even more and then essentially just kind of like no one can stop me now and for the most part they can't write like by that point with the 10-minute window that was bought by Eddie Brock in order to basically allow the superheroes to wake up from their code X's being removed they jump in as best they can but they're no match for Cletus Kasady I mean he takes them out with a quickness not only that will we end up learning from Miles is that where the maker the ultimate universe version of Reed Richards at the beginning of the story who is basically you know claimed that he was extracting these codices and then destroying them wasn't doing that he was actually saving them he was basically putting them in this great big huge storage device more or less and so the result is that like all these codices are they're all cars would have to do is break into it and so the result is that like by all standards of measurement Cletus Kasady has more or less one but what is up happening here is Eddie Brock seems to make the sacrifice to say okay fine if that's the case if that's where all the codices are then let's go get them and so Eddie Brock in like this amazing heroic moment but he's literally going through and saying all this he's like he's like under all the noise and under all the chaos of it all the panic and it all like the fear and all this rage and everything that's going on like all of that I can feel somebody that I haven't felt in a long long time I can feel hope and so what he does is he literally breaks into this entire storage facility and basically absorbs all these codices into himself and when he does it amplifies his power up higher than it was when he was originally venom and then from that point he basically goes forward and ends up chasing after Cletus Kasady at which point the story ends okay so we are a couple weeks behind but we are finally getting into the conclusion of absolute carnage I feel like every kind of bug youtuber in the world besides me has covered this it's all good so so here's the thing about absolute carnage right this gives us the conclusion to the entirety of the event but it's actually done in a really interesting way and in a way that has kind of been the source of debate among fans and you guys will see why here in a little bit but what it does is it picks up hot off the heels on the last one in so far that we kind of had this massive fight that takes place between venom and carnage now Donny Kasich kind of build this or really kind of kind of built this up in a couple different ways the first is that either it could be like this massive fight and this final fight between the two or it could be the next in a long line of fights regardless of how you choose to interpret it though the big takeaway from all this is that it's really just Eddie Brock fighting for more than just himself and that's one of the reasons why I've always said absolute carnage is not really the story of Cletus Kasady trying to awaken no the symbiote guy right I mean it is to a degree but it's the rise and fall of it I guess the the the return and rise of Eddie Brock for I like Eddie Brock kind of coming back and being like this amazing hero as opposed to like this villain that we've seen him be over the course of of his time in Marvel Comics now the big thing is to remember Cletus Kasady strength is not what he used to be right I mean he's much much stronger now than he was before and it's a pretty huge leap combined this was the fact that there were all these forces that he has at his disposal that are basically going through and tearing apart all the superheroes and things pop off pretty fast but remember what makes Cletus Kasady so dangerous here isn't so much the fact that he has the crown of symbian it's how he uses it and how he manipulates people and that's why I say I love this version of Cletus under under under Donny cage because he uses mind games to mess with Eddie Brock right like what he's literally stood there talking to him like I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna take the codices that you have off of you and then I'm going to basically wake a wicked Knoll and I'm gonna grind this world to a red mist like I'm going to kill everything you know and love and where any broad really charms back in and says like I don't want to I don't want to hear this I don't care like for once in your life shut up I'm tired of hearing you go on about all this nonsense at the end of the day Cletus just keeps talking and that's what makes him so interesting is because he's a guy whereby he messes with your head as much as he does when he's fighting it's very Deadpool asked very Spider Man asked and that's one of the things that makes characters like that so dangerous when it comes to facing off against them in Marvel Comics is because you're not just fighting them in a straight-up battle they're messing with your head and it's one of the things that we've seen over and over again like take spider-man is a really good example it's one of the things we've seen over and over again and we never really got a full-on explanation as to why until we ended up getting renew your vows by Dan Slott is part of secret Wars when basically spider-man revealed that he does that because it throws his enemies off kilter they let their emotions get the better of them and so it's kind of a cool thing here it's a really good way for Cletus Kasady to kind of be elevated beyond just like this answer the question what if Joker became venom and instead turns into like what if he really becomes like this super dangerous guy now the superheroes do get some help in the form of like Carol Danvers and scream and an iron fists and a handful of others who were all basically teleported there by cloak but these guys are if anything just a stopgap measure at the same time that's going on you've got spider-man basically protecting Norman Osborn as well as Dylan and is really all he can do but I mean he's holding his own as best he can and ultimately he ends up passing out because of the strain of the conflict this all seems to kind of point to the idea that everybody's being overwhelmed all along the way but something to point out here something to notice here is that that Eddie Brock while he really kind of makes this claim of like I'm not getting baited into your you know thing and I'm not you know I'm not getting emotionally caught up he is because he's totally swept up in his fight with carnage and isn't really thinking about the fact that like Dylan's out there by himself spider-man won't be able to last forever I need to go back there and save my son instead he's totally immersed in this fight with carnage so again really bringing out the human element of Eddie Brock the funny thing about this is that Dylan doesn't need protection because when the various forces of of carnage start closing in suddenly Dylan sticks his hand out and just eradicate one of them and Dylan doesn't even know how that happened right Dylan just passes out as it was a cool thing because we've never seen anybody do that before who didn't have some kind of telekinetic telepathic or even you know either minor or expansive reality-warping powers the ability to manipulate biological matter is not something you see every day and the ability to destroy a Symbian in that regard is actually pretty intriguing the only time we've seen somebody do that is NOLA Symbian guy it's a pretty big development here albeit we don't know exactly how this is gonna go now one of the cooler things about this comes into play when the fight basically makes its way back to the doorstep of Dylan after he kind of wakes up after passing out or at least seems to and Cletus Kasady finally reveals his move and this is absolutely genius because what it does is it basically seems to engineer a situation where Cletus Kasady went right the idea of Cletus was to gather all the codices together in an intern awaken know the symbiotes God let Anil do his thing and just be there as the entire world metaphorically burns right that was the idea of Cletus Kasady to inflict as much death and destruction as he possibly can and to awaken Knoll to make that happen when Eddie Brock shows up here I guess when the fight ends up coming back here Cletus Kasady basically says here's how this is gonna go down right like you've a you've absorbed all these codices are out there the ones that I couldn't get my hands on you took those you've put them all in one centralized location so here only one of two things is gonna happen either you kill me you take your symbiote back mine comes with it you reconnect to the hide and you wake up No or I kill you and I kill I kill Dillon and then in turn I reek I reconnect and I possibly wake up all right like the idea is that if Eddie kills carnage and Eddie succeeds in doing that and takes his symbian back then ultimately he's going to wake up no where as if he lets carnage win and he basically sacrifices Dillon but there's a chance that won't happen right because Eddie's got all those those codices to himself he could just like leave earth right jump into some spaceship and take off leave earth and then no we'll never wake up and it's kind of a funny thing right it's a gamble in that instance I so it's really intriguing because in response to this you know any kind of picked up on the fact that this is what you wanted but then he basically says fine that's how you want to be that I don't care like what I care about is my son I care about trying to keep this keep him alive I don't care about anything else and this is cool because this is really like like Donnie Cates kind of putting us in the mindset of like a parent right like what parent wouldn't let the world burn in order to save the life of their kid right I mean if you were a parent who was not willing to sacrifice the world in order to save the life of your kid I would argue you're no measure of a parent at all and that's the cool thing about this is because Eddie's willing to do whatever it takes in order to save Dillon the irony of all this is that if Eddie does kill carnage and he does take the symbiote back it does wake up no didn't buy all centers of measurement though from what Cletus Kasady saying assuming that what he's saying is to be believed that Dill's gonna die anyway right because nobody can stop no because he's just so powerful but at the end of it Eddie doesn't care he does one of the coolest things ever he literally pulls off part of the carnage or a part of the symbiote creates a sword cuts Cletus Kasady in half reabsorbs a simian unto himself and then in turn everybody else is essentially cured right like Cletus Kasady appears to die when it's just his skeleton falls down the simian is absorbed back into Eddie Brock and the simian immediately starts talking to Eddie and says dude what have you done you've literally doomed the world like you're reconnecting to the hive I can hear everybody now I can hear all the other all the other semi 'its that are out there Nova symbiote God has woken up like you just woke up and all the symbiote got in effect Eddie Brock just doomed the world and Nola's on his way to earth and is the coolest thing because what it does is it sets up the next event that comes after this and it's a it's a it's a really really cool revelation because the funny thing is that in that whole attack with Cletus Kasady like any broad basically shouts like I'm not going to let you kill my son and then of course he kills Cletus and so when all the litigants he kind of settled down and spider-man goes off to do his own thing basically Eddie's left with Dylan and Dylan's question is did you say I was your son and so what this does is it switches over to venom number 20 and this is a really really cool thing here because you would expect this to focus largely on Eddie Brock but in fact it doesn't what it does is it focuses largely on the maker right on on the ultimate universe version of Reed Richards probably in one of the coolest ways ever because the way this goes down is is this ultimate Reed was watching the events unfold and absolute carnage and it's talking to some people that we can't see on there that are basically off panel and it's the coolest thing ever because what they basically say is like what's going on with this kid like like how does all this unfold and basically the re kind of begins to hypothesize now this is the important thing here is this is a possible explanation it's not definitive ultimate read essentially says it as far as he's aware and the best that he can tell that Dylan is not really human that instead Dylan is basically a living symbian is essentially what he is right like he's what would happen if the carnage symbiote if like the Venom symbiote or any one of those essentially was born and then took on a human form and then went forward into the world and the question becomes how could this happen but if that's the case how could this happen now one thing I do want to sidetrack here for us this is huge this is absolutely massive we've never seen an instance where anybody's ever done anything like this before right the makers argument here is that the venom Samia is unique among its kind but the venom simian isn't really like all the other symbionts that exists out there because of his experience with humanity and because of all the things that it's been through he then capitalizes on that and says look at all the times where the symbiotes have popped up the CMEs have popped up at a time when there was a massive crisis that threatened the universe or the earth or whatever the case was but the symbionts had to basically respond by bolstering their numbers that's why you always saw symbiotes popping up whenever there was a major event taking place in Marvel Comics and as it's a cool little thing yet because the response in the end the question of Reed is if the symbian if the situation was so incredibly dire that the symbiote basically sat down and said okay so it seems like we always kind of spawn randomly but instead we need someone that's particularly special right we don't need like just another semi eight out there bonding itself to a person we need someone that's a cut above all the rest then it basically means a situation is that dire and as the situation is that dire then what could possibly be coming after earth that the symbiote would manifest and respawn in such a way that's wholly unique and has never happened before to create a kind of symbiote super soldier more or less in the form of Dylan and that's where that's really where Reed it doesn't really know that like Knoll is coming back to earth this ultra powerful multiversal being basically it's kind of a cool little thing that goes on there and so what you end up getting is the super heartfelt moment see this is why I love then I'm by Johnny Kate so much you get the super heartfelt moment when Eddie starts talking to Dylan right because it deviates to the two of them for a second and Dylan asked the first question that any kid will probably ask in this circumstance why didn't you want me and is crushing right like it's a crushing experience because Dylan is basically coming coming to terms with the fact that his father is Eddie Brock and the question is like where have you been all this time and if you were out there as a superhero and you were protecting people and you were saving the world why weren't you saving me from like an abusive person who I thought was my dad only to turn out it was my granddad who was beating on me and different things like that why weren't you protecting me like why weren't you helping me and it's it's emotional and it's raw and it's vulnerable because it's a legitimate question like why weren't you helping me and and it's it's it's so amazing the seat this is why I love Donnie Cates venom so much because it humanizes Eddie Brock it takes him away from like the guy who has a venom Samir and fights people and then he gets defeated and the story's over it takes it away from all that and it turns it into like a character-driven story which I absolutely adore and so the response he says is I will always protect you no matter what happens I will always protect you and I will always keep you safe and so there is the so the statement is no more secrets between the two of us the entire time Dylan keeping a secret from Eddie Brock you know keeping a secret from him and so it's kind of funny because it's like you know tell me about my mom talking about this this leo and just the two of them kind of bonding which is a beautiful moment between the two and I really want to see how that comes out and so in response to this we jump back to the maker again right we jump back to ultimate Reid and basically this disembodied person who we only really see a portion of and basically says okay it's cool that you discovered all this but none of this has to do with project oversight so give us information on project oversight how's all this progressing and that's when we learned that what ultimate Reid has done is he's basically constructed the bridge now the reason why I say the bridge is because during Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four run what had happened is Reed Richards from the main Marvel Universe the one that you guys are all familiar with he constructed the bridge and the bridge basically allowed him to look into and even enter other universes right it really made its return during the events of Avengers and New Avengers those two guys who saw that portion of the story with the New Avengers run and we were seeing like all these alternate reality versions of the Illuminati that was them just looking through this kind of bridge and seeing what was on the other side and looking into all these other universes that were out there but what what ultimate read has been trying to do is recreate the bridge for the purpose of getting back into the ultimate universe now those are guys who have a minute keeping track of Marvel the alternate universe has been back for quite some time in fact it returned during Brian Michael Bendis is spider-man two story which came out quite some time ago I want to say year maybe a year and a half ago so has been back for a little while Marvel hasn't really done anything with it has kind of been like maybe it's referenced here maybe it's referenced there and that's basically it but we do know that it's back the issue is that Reed can't really access it so that's the idea is to try to find a way to get in but a way out is a way in and so what this means is that when he constructed the bridge while he couldn't really pass through the dimensional rift and make it to the other side something else did come through which is the Ultimate Universe version of the venom Simeon now when it comes to the ultimate universe version of venom it's not like the main Marvel Universe right where the the venom samia is an actual symbionts basically an alien race called the Clint our instead in the ultimate universe it was biologically engineered now a lot of that's because of the fact of the ultimate universe was designed to be more grounded and less like fantasy sort of you know we didn't like fantasy and sci-fi and so the way that's played out is originally you had two versions of the Venom symbiote suit you had the original suit that was developed by richard parker and eddie brock senior which was ultimately taken by Trask industries when they were tricked out of their ownership of the original Simeon following that they developed a second version which reached stage two now the original semi it was destroyed by Peter Parker when he was thrown into a smokestack the idea behind this is that the stage 2 version of venom is actually really cool the way this works is that instead of it basically avoiding Peter Parker's spider sense and actually overloads it it enhances strength it's basically a strength augmentation suit it has insane healing factor abilities because it was originally designed to be a means to like cure disease and different things like that so basically the person that it bonds to gets a ridiculous healing factor they're able to overload spider-man's spider-sense the difference here is that because the suit was originally designed for Richard Parker the ongoing idea throughout the ultimate spider-man comics is that it always wanted to bond itself to somebody in the in the Parker family line and because Peter Parker was of course the next person after Richard it was always trying to try to find a way to bond itself to Peter and would actually abandon its host in order to bond itself to Peter but basically what this means is that this version of the venom Simeon as it's been brought in by Reed Richards from the Ultimate Universe appears to be partially incomplete insofar as it's just a sample of the original suit we don't know how in-depth this sample is but by virtue of what Reed says because was partially incomplete the reason why he was trying to siphon off all those little bits of the symbiote codices in the beginning of the absolute carnage story was to essentially complete this puzzle more or less to take those bits of the codices and to merge it with the Ultimate Universe venom suit essentially merging pieces of the main Marvel Universe venom suit with the ultimate venom suit and kind of create this hybrid suit and then in turn use that for whatever purpose he ended up ended up wanting to use it for it but the idea is that Reeves always been trying to find a way to return back to his universe and by successfully creating a bridge to the ultimate universe would allow him to essentially achieve his goal and it would allow him to complete project oversight whatever that project happens to be whatever its end goal is we don't fully know what the end goal of that project is but we do know that it involves the return of the Council of Reed's think I am so happy to see the Council of region now here's one thing to bear in mind this is not the original council you'll notice that because well at least as far as we're aware it's not the original council because you don't have the version of Reed Richards who has like the long beard the the three of them who had that like the Infinity Gauntlet things like that there are versions of Reed here but they don't look like the original versions of Reed now for what I understand and I was actually talking to amazing zero who's one of the one of my fans who's in the discord server before what I understand I think I think you mentioned the Marvel two-in-one explains the return of the council of reeds as well as dance slots Fantastic Four I stopped reading Marvel two-in-one a while ago when the Fantastic Four return under dance slot but I feel like I should cuz apparently I'm missing out on a huge amount of stuff let me know down in the comments if I'm really missing out because if I am I'm gonna go back and read it but uh but yeah it's cool to see all this return right because what this does is it sets the stage for the next big event and that's one of the reasons why I said at the beginning of the video the ending of absolute carnage number five and really the any of the absolute carnage story was kind of controversial among fans because some fans thought and and I was always among these some fans thought it was going to be like a definitive beginning middle and end and when it was done it was finished and it was on to the next guy this basically ended were they kind of to be continued feel and essentially this sort of continues on to whatever story's coming next so would that be said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to come this explain and make sure you guys at the sub button to become part of the rob4 if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and yeah I will catch you all later peace alright so as promised our shoutouts for the producers of the comics explained videos our patrons I want to give a shout out to Jason see Austin s Jason s Austin H Phillip and Austin B we have lot of Austin's and our patreon as well as G gnosis 916 de gnosis didn't give us the first and last name so we kind of had to roll with it I didn't mention your last names but I want to say thank you to you all by the way your rob four rings should be on their way for our honor guard members of the Rob core for these special patrons your custom Rob four rings should be on their way they're being shipped to me after that I will have them shipped to you stay tuned keep your eye on patreon in your messages and you will hear about them coming to you thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 801,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Absolute Carnage, Full Story, Carnage, Venom, Knull, Knull The Symbiote God, Gorr, Thor, Eddie Brock, Spider-Man, Avengers, Hulk, immortal Hulk, Weapon H, Thanos, Iron Man, Captain America, Symbiote
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 38sec (6518 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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