Infinity Wars: Full Story

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so we are picking up with Infinity Ward's prime number one now I thought about doing countdown to infinity wars but it's totally unnecessary it's basically a guardians of the galaxy story and the Guardians fight the gardener it's not even that interesting of the story the big takeaway from that well they were like two big takeaways one is that Galactus goes back to being the devourer of worlds and Silver Surfer goes back to being his Herald and the other one is that there is a character called Requiem which we'll talk about her here in a minute because I have a pretty solid theory on who that character is but unless initially this picks up with Loki right this is the actual infinity Wars story itself and this is basically the whole event of like a race for the the Infinity stones and different people are chasing after the Infinity stones for different reasons for example gamora's hunting the soul stone because she learned there was a fraction of her soul that was so stuck in it now in reality that's Jerry Dugan and Marvel kind of hitting back to the old jim Starlin stories right like you go read the old jim Starlin comics from back in the 80s and 90s and gomorrah alongside pip the troll and Adam warlock had spent a brunt of their time inside of soul world the issue with this was that it was always believed that when gomorrah came back that it was it was her whole incomplete self but we ended up learning is that a part of herself was still stuck there and it actually aged which didn't really make any sense because in the soul stone nobody ever ages so it's kind of interesting but there was basically an old version of herself that was there and it was the hunt to find that complete part of herself and to bring it back and so the result here is that initially we basically end up joining with Loki now Loki's an omnipotent city and for those of you guys who have been following the Thor comics for a little while this originally made its debut back in 2013 with Thor god of thunder number three I'm pretty sure but basically omnipotent city was this place it was designed by writer Jason Aaron to essentially kind of flesh out the Thor mythos and build on it right there was essentially like this big parliamentary location where originally was built by the Elder Gods before they died off or you know were you know essentially removed for the landscape and that ultimately is it's kind of served as like a house of sorts what this also does is this introduces a guy by the name of flow of which basically he's a tomb keeper I'm sorry a tome keeper now the tome keepers are actually kind of a new concept in in Marvel and the reason why is because again Jason Aaron was building on a lot of things so it takes it makes sense when you're talking about the Asgardian mythos because it's such a huge portion of Marvel Comics right now because you have the war of realms and there are a lot of changes that were made he can't really ignore them especially when you consider the fact that Jason Aaron's Ron is it's multi-faceted run icily going on for quite some time and so a lot of the things that are going on with Asgard either tie into the existing Asgardian mythos or act as a complement to it of course we had like the Congress of Worlds for example and you had like the the you know this sort of multiversal library of all these old books in different things like that but the tone keepers are guys who basically keep all these different tomes these sort of history books and different things like that these books in a wide array of different things now the idea behind this was it originally they were all confined to a singular location but Freya the wife of Odin had essentially made the decision to basically go through and start splitting them off in two different locations and this actually served the purpose of being beneficial when Asgard was essentially destroyed and so because Asgard is gone because now all you have is as Gardea the version of Asgard that Iron Man built after the events of siege what you have now is essentially like all these different locations around in this sort of Asgardian realm that has all these different books on history and artifacts and things like that and what Loki's been doing is if anything from what I can tell is actually poring over what amounts to what if stories basically stories that take place in alternate universes and the reason why is he starts talking about how like all these stories have Marvel characters in them but events basically unfold in different ways so like spider-man never loses the Venom symbiote Captain America and never you know he's never frozen and ice and he basically becomes present United States different things like that but loki is essentially poring over all these books because in none of these does he ever actually take over and become ruler of Asgard look he's always the backup guy he's always kind of the guy that never really leads into a singular place and so the question becomes what's going on with all this like information in your books are incomplete or they're incorrect and we have to go find factual information well of course at this point though a--basically says look you have to go to the god quarry if you want to figure that out now of course close you guys who have been reading fan OHS that god quarry was invented in that line of comics and it's basically this idea that there is a place out there on the edge of the universe on the edge of like the you know the dimensional space that if you can go into the god quarry survive the test of the three witches which is to basically not give in to the illusion that you see then you'll emerge with a whole you know with a heightened level of power now the idea is that it's an enhancement of power what do get seems to be hitting here is basically saying it's not just power it's also knowledge and so it's the idea that Loki can enter into the god quarry and then in turn start looking at all this information that's there and get an actual account of the various universes that just out there now again there's different ways that this can go we know that infinity wars is basically gonna come down to the various possessors of the of the soul stones facing off against one another and likely it'll it may or may not turn into kind of like a reboot of sorts from all it'll likely be a soft reboot ah but it'll be like it'll probably be like a reboot of sorts where they'll use the reality stone to go through and start fixing things making small adjustments different things like that uh how that will impact things we don't know but it could be that other characters from different universes get pulled in because of Loki's knowledge with the god quarry he goes to those different universes grabs them and brings them over one of the cool things is that there's gonna be the Infinity warp which is actually based off the Jaspers warp and is essentially like the merging of characters there's a lot of really cool things they're gonna come out of infinity wars this summer it seems like it'll be one of the better events that Marvel's done in the last really in the last decade which in truth kind of makes sense with the exception of Secret Wars secret Empire Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers taking those into account there's only you know they're like the only a handful of events it have been great everything else has just kind of been there it's just stuff that's happened I still say to the stage secret Empire is one of the best Captain America stories ever written I know people get angry at me for saying that because I don't because I'm not agreeing with him but still like I thought it was an amazing story I thought it was absolutely awesome but of course this basically leads to to you know throw up basically grabbing Loki and the two of them sort of go on a journey to the god quarry which is kind of a cool idea but at this point we switch over to Adam warlock and Doctor Strange now remember when it comes to the soulstone in Marvel Comics Adam warlock is part and parcel to it I mean it's as much a part of him as like an arm or a leg or anything like that because he spent so much time inside of it and so much time wielding it I mean again that goes back to the old jim Starlin stories this idea that Adam warlock was given the power so I'm sorry given the soul stone by the High Evolutionary on and he used his power to achieve various feats but found out in the future he would be driven insane by it which would lead to the formation of the Magus and while this goes into the full publication history of Adam and the various stories and the fence that have taken place over the years he's really found himself instead of entering into a cocoon of sorts to basically regenerate instead he would go into the soul stone and that would be a sort of place of Solace his kind of Zen location more or less and so because of the fact that he's so part and parcel to it but he can sort of enter and leave as he pleases but the idea is that people are gathering the soul stones or I'm sorry gathering the Infinity stones and that's why everybody's chasing after them now for Doctor Strange himself the belief of Adam was that all the soul stones except for the I'm sorry out all the ye all the Infinity stones except for the soul stone had been destroyed following the collapse of the multiverse and its rebirth but dr. strange basically reveals that he has the soul stone now this comes out of infinity wars countdown basically it was the revelation that the scrolls had gotten their hands on the hot stone during the events of that whole thing and like Planet Hulk 2 and so on and so forth but this basically leads to the idea that Stephen strange has it in his possession and doesn't tell anybody about it and in reality this is Dugan and company kind of hitting home at like the Illuminati like Brian Michael Bendis is Illuminati which is to say this group of people who took the soul stones under themselves I'm sorry the Infinity stones Jesus under themselves and said no one else is going to be able to use these things were the only people who are quote unquote capable of wielding them without being corrupted by them with this whole thing in mind what is up happening is the idea is to go into the soul stone and to see what effect the soul stones having basically you don't kind of see how everything's going down and when Adam enters it we're not finding the soul stone is literally being corrupted Adam warlock powers don't work here and so this is really kind of dearie at Jerry Dugan hitting on the idea that things were unfolding at a pretty rapid pace there's a lot of ambiguity here there's a lot of questions that are being asked and a lot of questions that will be answered over time and where dr. strange is on the outside basically has a tether attached to Adam to pull him back out in case of an emergency it doesn't seem to work and so when dr. strange enters back in he ends up finding Adam warlock is like totally impaled and so it's one of those crazy things because what ends up happening here is he manipulates the time stone to basically pull Adam warlock back out at least to try to save his life and of course this leads to Adam warlock basically saying hey look you've had the time stone the entire time why didn't you tell me now this is not the first time Doctor Strange has done this right like you use the time stone in such a fashion by and large the the manipulation of time in Marvel Comics is something that you don't usually like to see people or that people would like dr. strange don't usually like to use and the reason why goes back for a variety of reasons I mean one of the more tangible reasons came out of the events of age of Ultron right you know when you had Wolverine who was jumping back and forth through time it was sort of this revelation the time itself is a physical thing that is slightly like a rubber band if you pull on it and you allow to contract enough times eventually you'll basically destroy its elasticity and it'll snap and that's really what happened with like age of Ultron you know basically the time was quote-unquote broken but when you look at things like this the idea of Doctor Strange is to say the entire multiverse exists as branched universe theory that if you go back in time and you change something you'll create a wholly new different universe it won't necessarily affect the current time but you don't know what kind of universe you'll create what kind of beans you'll lead to because of Marvel Comics you're talking about a wide array of different characters some of whom are multiversal and so what you could end up doing here is inadvertently creating a universe we're like Jean Grey never loses the Phoenix force goes insane by its power and decides to wipe out the entire multiverse in the process you could go through and like inadvertently resurrect the beyonders and suddenly they're dealing with time runs out all over again there's all kinds of different things that could come with the manipulation of time and so Doctor Strange sort of keeping it under wraps saying look no one's supposed to know about this is a pretty big deal the other half of this is that Adam warlock says look you can keep the time stone in your possession just know that there are people out there who were looking for it and you know that one individual in particular will come searching for the Infinity stones it's the nature of who he is as soon as the multiverse is recreated as soon as this universe was restored by Reed Richards in the Fantastic fork that with the restoration of the Infinity stones he would come looking for them this person of course being Thanos and so it's kind of a cool thing because what this does is seem to play on the idea that Thanos is going to basically try to start capturing the Infinity stones again and at the outset it's a little bit like really like Thanos with the Infinity stones again it's happened a million times and that's the the perception that's put off here because it's like this grandiose speech you know I leave the army of the Chitauri the universe is full of weaklings you know I will seize the Infinity stones just like I always do and I will take absolute power once again the problem is that while he's making this speech he's completely impaled by somebody with a sword and this is when we get our full-on view of Requiem and it's cool like Requiem looks pretty awesome now one of the small things that have been happening here as part of infinity wars countdown and they were like one page things at the beginning of every story is that this character Requiem had basically gone to a dwarf and said fashioned me this particular type of sword and donned me this type of armor and if you don't I'll kill you and that was basically it and that's what led to Requiem appearing the way it is the Requiem goes through and literally just like annihilates Thanos now the funny thing and here's an important thing to bear in mind danos recognizes Requiem is this kind of like okay I was wondering how long it'll be before you got here now this has led into a litany of theories some people have said that Requiem is like Gomorrah other people speculate direct liam is nebula that is basically like a repeat of Infinity Gauntlet a lot of people are speculating all these different things if I were a betting man I bet all the money in my pockets to all the money your pockets that Requiem is actually file Avella and the reason why I say this is because for those you guys who don't know and I imagine there's a lot of people who don't know file of val is the biological daughter of the original Captain Marvel who of course was one of the members of the Creek now of course the original Captain Marvel died in 1984 but while while different characters went on to take over the mantle final val is one of the most notable versions she eventually went on to become become the newest version of quasar but when it comes to file of Ella's character she was awesome I mean she would do she was badass there was a point where she became a bit of a villain but the whole reason why I say I think it's her is because one Thanos recognizes her - she kills Thanos now this is kind of a mirror reflection of what we saw in realm of Kings when Thanos emerges from a cocoon having been resurrected and immediately kills file avail so like I would say that's probably her but still following this like it's basically a crusade to take out Thanos and everything Dano stands for because we're the laws of combat in the Chitauri society basically say you keep what you kill something is something that can select the Chronicles of Riddick what this means is that she's now the leader of the Chitauri army and in response she kills them all but she uh nya lates them all in their entirety and she basically says this is it this is what's going to happen here you know I'm essentially taking over the entirety of this whole thing I've wiped out Thanos Thanos is gone and we have no real idea what her motivations are but again I think the idea of it being file eval is awesome because if she's the daughter of the original Captain Marvel then what that'll do is it'll bring her in Carol Danvers into direct conflict and basically she could show up and say you don't need to be here and I think it would lead to an awesome fight between the two and so it's just kind of like like man like this is an awesome concept you could do so many cool things out of this it could very well just turn out this nebula and that's it but I think it'd be a little disappointing if it turned out to be nebula because it's too predictable of an idea ultimately the story's supposed to end in October and so in reality you'll find out who it is if it if it is nebula you'll find that out depending on what happens in like Avengers 4 like how the trailer unfolds with Avengers 4 it because that you guys Marvel Comics is kind of copying the Marvel Cinematic Universe and so like that'll you basically give away the ending how this whole thing ends with regards to like Avengers 4 you know that'll really kind of kind of seal the deal here but it's a cool concept and it's a cool idea um I'm really hoping that it's not a brand new character because what Marvel has a tendency to do is to create a brand new character and a writer does something awesome with them you know like and bye-bye Kevin groove oh and then like it's this amazing introductory story and then no one ever knows what to do with him so they basically just get shuffled off to the cornfields and you never really hear from them again whereas if this is a care for this long since lost then you can basically throw them back into the shuffle in the same while they've always been in or create a new one for them and then like everything becomes awesome after that so I'm pretty excited like I'm free height to see how all this is gonna unfold okay so um my girlfriend says I open always hope my videos that way and I never really noticed it before but apparently I do now that I think about it it's like learning about my speech cadence that like apparently I talk a certain way they like it like my voice goes up and then it goes down and I never noticed that before apparently that pattern is what makes my voice ooh think I have no idea we are covering infinity wars alright so infinity wars basically deals with this kind of mad dash for like the Infinity stones right and at the outset and we saw this in infinity Wars Prime at the outset it was like okay Thanos is hunting the Infinity stones again which is kind of par for the course like the Viet the Infinity stones are almost part and parcel to Thanos his character but in that story at the end someone named Requiem killed Thanos and then it was kind of like okay that's insane and so right now what we were what we're doing is we're kind of picking up in the aftermath of that and really the the the recognition from the various superheroes on earth that someone's hunting the Infinity stones now what we do here is we pick up initially with Gamora no gamora's meeting with Peter quill and it's kind of a cool moment because what she says is that a piece of her is missing and to talk about this for a second I want to discuss the concept of soul world inside the soul stone so when it comes to Marvel Comics back when you're really uh jim Starlin was writing the old adam warlock and the old Danno stories and so on and so forth soul world was introduced in such a way to where it was a universal world across the board which is to say it's a world inside the soul stone and it looks the same to everybody in it there is no differentiation there what Marvel's done recently is they basically take in the marvel cinematic universe version of soul world and they've thrown it into the comics which seems to indicate the idea that the structure and the form of soil world is relative to each individual soul that's in it right it's like it's like the afterlife essentially from like the old x-men comics from Chris Claremont when Jean Grey as the white Phoenix meets with death and death basically says we have all these pillars here and each one of these pillars is the afterlife for each individual person changing it now Gamora we that part of her is still stuck in there now the the indication here is that she's always been there that where she and an Adam warlock and pip Patrol had basically sacrificed their lives back in the the later days of the Thanos war back when Jim Stalin was writing it that's where Adam warlock had left completely and so did pip the troll a portion of Gomorrah stayed behind now again as we know that's Marvel's way of kind of working in the end of infinity war into the comic book landscape and then telling a story based off of that but the fact remains here Becca Moore is trying to find a way to basically get that piece of her soul back that's really what all this has been and so she's essentially the first of many people who seem to be going after the Infinity stones for their own individual reasons and what she ends up doing is actually you know taking the taking the power stone along with her now one of the other things to bear in mind here is that of course Peter quill has a power stone as the aftermath to essentially the entire lead-up countdown to infinity wars and so if you want to check that out you can check out countdown but all countdown is is really just a series of guardians of the galaxy stories and they're not super important I mean they're cool but they're by no means required reading but suffice it to say the guardians of the galaxy are basically disbanded this at this point the team doesn't really exist anymore and so with Gamora leaving what we end up doing is picking up with group now for those who guys who are not current the fact that Groot is speaking full sentences will strike you as weird like he'll just kind of be like what you know group can now speak yes that was part of the countdown to infinity wars but it was a battle with the gardener and essentially the gardener was of course one of the elders of the universe and what ended up happening is that where the floor colossi were basically defeated and so on that Groot was adjusted so that he was no longer relegated to saying his own name that he can now he could basically speak full sentences but he's required to say it in the third person which is why he'll say Groot told you Gamora would not join us you know and so what we do from here is we pick up with the actual superheroes of earth proper which is to say Adam warlock and and Raksha destroyer and so on and they're basically meeting up with like all these villains which is kind of a weird scenario it's not something you normally seek but these are not these are by no means like high-profile villains right like you've got Turk you've got bullseye you've got Sandman where you've got what basically are our street-level villains and it's kind of a smart move and the reason for this is because what Doctor Strange is doing is he's calling together the second iteration of the Infinity watch which is what Tsar Lord what Peter quill is essentially showing up to join now for those of you guys who are new to Marvel Comics the Infinity watch is most likely like it'll be the litmus test for the Marvel Cinematic Universe most likely I would wager that those individuals who decide whose contracts are up and who don't want to come back or who want to take a break they'll become part of the infinity watch and they'll be shuffled off into the universe somewhere and you'll probably never see them except for like one or two times but the Infinity watch was a team that was created by jim Starlin in the aftermath of Infinity Gauntlet and then in turn became like actually pretty long-running team for a while you had like moon dragon you had pip the troll you had Drax a destroyer you had Thanos who had Adam warlock and I want to say you had Gamora but basically what had happened here was at the end of Infinity Gauntlet because spanos had gone crazy because Adam warlock was deemed not worthy of wielding the Infinity Gauntlet proper ah in turn the lovely tribunal decreed that the gems would never work in unison again and that Adam warlock had to disperse them so that the gems could still be used where they couldn't form the gauntlets so the mine stone still worked the time stone space stone reality stone so on so forth they all still work independently but in order to make sure that no one would try to you know gather them together again or to make sure that nobody would ever you know get each individual stone use it for their own ends Adam warlock form the Infinity watch and they were designed for the purpose of just safeguarding the Infinity stones that's all they really did Doctor Strange calling this together is done for the purpose of finding a way to secure the stones and his idea here is that the stones have to be removed from the face of the earth they have to be taken away here because if they remain here they're in a centralized location and they're easy to access now Doctor Strange adopting this idea actually comes out of his experience with the Illuminati that was the problem when all these guys came together in form the Illuminati they do one of the first things they did was sit you know seek out the Infinity stones and then keep them in unison keep them together and then in turn disperse each of them to a member of the Illuminati for safekeeping but they were all held on earth and so if anybody decided to show up on earth and then take the stones it would be much much easier as opposed to if they were scattered all across the universe and so that's the response of Doctor Strange here we have to find a way to one keep these things safe and move them all over the place - basically scatter them all across the cosmos so they won't be easily accessible now of course for some of the guys who are here the kind of question is what even is all this because remember for a lot of street-level characters they don't really know what Infinity stones are but then you have someone like Turk Barrett who basically uses the limestone he's kind of a street-level guy he was originally a henchman for for kingpin and then he in turn got a hold of the mine stone and then started listening to the mines of like stockbrokers in people like that and basically started jumping into insider trading and so by listening to you know using the mind stone to realize what was going on behind the scenes what people were thinking about various stocks and so on he would shift his investments accordingly and they made himself super rich was actually a pretty smart way because how else are they gonna trace it to insider trading I mean there's no conceivable way to and so from there like it's people just kind of asking questions now the other part of this is that Adam warlock even chimes in and says there's something going on with the soul stone it's corrupted in some way now for people who've been reading Marvel Comics for a long time the fact that Adam warlock is not the one leading leading the charge is a very big deal and again this is just reminiscent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of those things where Marvel is bringing the college closer in line with the movies because if this is if the Marvel Cinematic Universe didn't exist and this story was published Adam warlock o Butte was most likely be the one assembling the infinity watch but the entire success or failure of the defeat of Thanos and infinity war in Avengers 4 rests on the shoulders of the plan of Doctor Strange and so it makes sense a Doctor Strange in the comics would be the one running the show because Marvel's trying to make sure they're kind of caught in there they're kind of brought closer in line here now it's kind of crazy because remember when it comes to the Infinity stones you don't have to use them all in unison you can use a couple of them together and that's what Doctor Strange does Doctor Strange actually uses the time stone alongside the reality stone and piers and essentially grants himself cosmic awareness momentarily only to discover that Thanos has been killed and that's what that's that's the whole basis behind this because if Thanos is hunting for the Infinity stones which is what all the rumors had been indicating that it made sense to form the Infinity watch but if Thanos has been killed then the question becomes who in the hell killed him and so from there what we end up doing is picking up with Loki what Loki is doing here is traveling to the god quarry and the reason why is because even Loki himself has questions about what's going on with the bigger picture and different things like that and it's gonna be kind of interesting here because what Jerry Duggan's gonna do is he's gonna tease something pretty important what ends up happening is when Loki gets to the god quarry he ends up running into the coven the three witches now for those who guys who don't know the the inclusion of the god quarry here is a little intriguing because when Jeff Lemire introduced the god quarry in the Thanos line of stories the concept seemed to be that those who enter the god corium it's kind of a place where old gods go to die so kind of like it's kinda like the bar of the fulcrum for the Celestials was like where they go to die and then pass on to whoever Celestials go in they die but for this it's basically various gods but a person can go to the god quarry and they can submit themselves to the test of the quarry and what it'll do is it'll basically put them through a psychological and physical test kind of you know bending reality and giving them like the one universe they always wanted to exist and if they pass the test then they're given the power of the God Cory if they fail they're locked there forever but the fact remains that when Loki gets here and he starts talking to the coven the coven's initial response is like everything is at an end like eternity is ending and then in response the god Cory seems to be destroyed and the coven is basically gone that seems to be what's going on there because what ends up happening is you end up having this version of Loki who crashed lands into the main Marvel Universe he's got a hammer he's got Thor's hammer and he has the Infinity stones which is kind of crazy here but this is an alternate reality version of himself but this is exceedingly important this is probably one of the most important things we're gonna have here because what happens is when the main Marvel Universe Loki starts talking to this you know uber version of himself god Loki or whatever you want to call them infinity Loki I think it's kind of infinity Loki I think is a cool name what you have is the infinity Loki refer to something called the original universe and this is kind of crazy here because Marvel hasn't done this yet now this is kind of a cool moment because what this seems to indicate is maybe the role the Infinity stones has shifted and what I mean by that is in Marvel Comics the Infinity stones are only relative to the universe they're in right like you can't take the Infinity stones from you know the main model universe and then show up in the real world and use them or like show up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and use that right it doesn't work that way Thanos can't leave the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the Infinity stones take them to the main Marvel Universe and wreak havoc right the the power of the Infinity stones can only be used in that particular universe and we know that from a variety of different stories and so what goes on here as it seems like the Infinity stones are almost like inability to gain passage from one universe to the next that khana seems to be the case and that would make sense because if what this guy's saying is true it if what Jerry Dugan is hitting on is true then it would seem like all existing Infinity stones all across the cosmos all originated with the original universe and if that's true it would almost be like creating a bridge to access that original universe because notice the way the jury didn't write says this version of Loki doesn't say you can't access all the other universes without urines Finity stones assembly the statement you can't access the original universe so it makes sense and so what ends up happening is is this version of Loki goes back to his own universe you know kind of teleports back to the battle that he's fighting at which involves like all these superheroes right like the Avengers and and like the Asgardians and so on and so forth and why there they're all killed by a Soul Eater like they're all basically wiped out completely it's kind of crazy because switching back to dr. strange and switching back to the the various members of the of the infinity watch as they're formed what we end up doing is is the whole group is met by the arrival of like Thor and Iron Man and it's kind of the question of what in the hell is going on here right now like what is this and so where you have like the villains who kind of break into a fight against the heroes and nobody really trusts anybody and so on and so forth then they're met with the arrival of Requiem the person that killed fan OHS and all eyes turn to whoever in the heck this character is and it's kind of nuts because from here like like Requiem basically has the power stone in their sword and so that's what the question kind of has to be asked if Gomorrah took the power stone then did Requiem kill Gomorrah and take it and it's kind of cool because if that's the case then recrea is insanely dangerous because Gomorrah was one of the most powerful fighters in in though in the Marvel Universe and so people begin asking the question who in the heck are you and of course Brooklyn responds by saying tano's referred to me as his Requiem and so that's what I am like I am I am Requiem and the various characters start to go on the offensive right like roots the first one to attack roots the first one taken down Peter quill uses his freeze gun like all these people start firing on Requiem then rocket racoon comes out of nowhere and blows requiems helmet off only for us to find out that is been Gamora the whole time and it's just kind of like damn because like Gamora killed Thanos and it makes sense right like it makes perfect sense victim more would be the one to do I mean again Marvel's Rowling the Marvel Cinematic Universe over into the comics slowly and slowly you know a bit by bit and so of course given what's happened in the MCU it makes sense that Gamora would be intertwined and she'd be the one to take down Thanos which I don't know if that will happen in Avengers 4 but if I were a betting man I'd say Gamora will be the one to kill thanos but even then as long as a history as she's had in Marvel Comics and as long as she's been an enemy of Thanos in Marvel Comics it makes sense that she would be the one to kill him or her or nebula like Neverland might be the one to take Fanus down but at the end of the day it ends up being like a Maura who is the one who kills him and what she ends up saying is like I did this because I'm on a quest for the soul stone like I'm on a quest for the Infinity stones and the soul stones himself and so if you can't do this to me if you can't help me out if you're gonna get in my way then I'll take all of you out like that's just the way it is like I will take out every single one of you like I'll destroy you all and Gamora will Peter quill goes to collar bluff right lay-oh Peter Quill's like well no you're not like I've I fought with you forever like I fought with you for a long time we even got into the galaxy we've been lovers together like I know not gonna kill me and her response is yes I will Peter and she plunges her sword right through his chest and impales him and it's just like wow Gamora just killed star-lord it's pretty crazy okay so we're getting into infinity wars oh really infinity Wars part two this is basically coming off the heels of like Gamora capturing the Infinity stones which is kind of weird the idea that Gamora was basically a character called Requiem who killed Thanos honestly I felt like it was way too early for a reveal I'm not really sure why Geri Dugan decided to drop the reveal so fast but maybe there's other crazy stuff in store the only thing I can surmise here is that Avengers 4 is gonna end with Gamora taking out Thanos and so it was more like an editorial mandate because we know like like Marvel is kind of adjusting the comics to copy the the Marvel Cinematic Universe and so it's kind of interesting but the fact remains here that what this does is kind of pick up with the past a little bit and it really kind of gives us like this continual journey with regards to Gamora scare to remember she's part of a race called the Zen wall beerus and her people were wiped out by another group I think it was the oh god what was it it starts with a be the badoon I gave a rough top my head anyway it's when she was an adult she went back and wiped out the people who wiped out her people so when she was younger of course Thanos taking her under his wing really taught her to be pretty hardcore I mean basically turning you know helped to turn her into like one of the world and one of the universe's most you know four-digit assassins really the most dangerous woman in the universe but one of the things that Thanos talks about here and this is kind of interesting one of the things he talks about here is the idea that basically everything ends you know that everything will die at some point or another and he really follows this ideology that like only the strongest life you know only the strongest live survive know this is kind of uncharacteristic of Thanos as character and the reason why I say that is right now in Marvel Comics in the present day Thanos is kind of abandoned the idea of mistress death right he walked away from that and said she's basically a lost cause and say didn't want to have anything to do with it but then like when you go back and you look at that hose in the past he was very much enamored with mistress death and so it wouldn't really make a whole lot of sense for him to adopt this mentality that like only the strong deserve to survive because the governing factor of Thanos and everything he did was attaining the affections of mistress death and so it would make more sense here if he said well I I killed him to please mistress death you know because death wants death like you know the the sacrifice of life or life is meaningless because of course he's a nihilist or something along those lines he doesn't really say that he's kind of hints to like kind of an extreme social darwin it's perspective that only the strong deserve to survive and it's kind of a funny thing because Gamora by saying well I mean if that's true then the time will come when you will die I mean you told me as much but like somebody will kill you and Thanos recognizes it and says yes that's the nature of things the universe is grooming someone to take me out so again it's not really characteristic of Thanos for us to hear him talk that way and that's why it's so treated so intriguing because there's obviously a lot of influence here coming from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is being copied over into the comics or I guess the comics copying over into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and so again you know picking up with Gamora killing Thanos what we also find out here is it wasn't so clear-cut you know where she well no pun intended but where she she cut off his head that Thanos actually began speaking to her telepathically now this is ambiguous here and we don't really know exactly how this Falls with Thanos sort of walking away from mistress death and really kind of leaving her behind ah Thanos going his own way Oh what this basically meant was it seems like Thanos may have been barred from the realm of mistress death and if that's true his Kapoor I guess his essence may continue to live on but historically speaking in Marvel Comics when someone like like take for example Deadpool is barred from from the realm of the Dead or even when it comes to comes with a nose himself who was banned from the realm of mistress death there's simply just immortal they just can't die their spiritual essence doesn't live on their physical body just can't be destroyed it's impossible to kill them because there's nowhere for them to go and so it's kind of crazy here because of course you know Gamora responds by wiping out the rest of the Chitauri army and that really kind of brings them to a reason to a close and so it switches back over to the really with a the last story left off when Gamora killed star-lord when she killed Peter quill now of course if you want to want to know what's going on there check out the video down in the description of course so you know we also have the infinity war playlist and so on but where she goes to impale him what we end up having is Doctor Strange invoking the time stone and stopping time now this is kind of an intriguing move because of course this is obviously again you know the Marvel Cinematic Universe being rolled in and Doctor Strange basically saves Peter quill and of course he doesn't heal him that doesn't happen right off the bat I said he just basically kind of saves him and then from there you know he actually goes to the process of healing him you know as soon as all that's done but it's intriguing here because not everyone knows how to react and so what you end up having Doctor Strange basically doing is taking like taking Turk Turk Turk Barrett and then whisking him off to another to another dimension now what Doctor Strange is doing here is basically pitching a kind of a middle ground and the reason why is remember Turk got the mind stone and what it allowed him to do was read the minds of like stockbrokers and things like that and start investing his money in a way that turned him until I get a man who is worth you know mountains and mountains of money worth an absolute fortune and so dr. strange response is we have to get the Infinity stones off the planet Earth if we have them all in a singular location there'll be that much easier for Gamora to access so we have to disperse them all across the cosmos and turn it into a hunt that would take her thousands of years to finally figure out but remember this is one of the things that that that uh no fury Dugan seems to forget or if you just do it in the story and dr. strange forgot but remember the Infinity stones want to be brought together we know that from Brian Michael Bendis is Illuminati run we know it from Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers run if you have one stone it'll lead you to all the others because they want to be reunited remember they all hail from a singular being this constantly trying to reform itself and where we would think that Gomorrah would still be a neo basically a lost ball in high weeds trying to track these stones down remember she has the power stone in a power stone in her sword so she already has a kind of homing beacon for the rest of the Infinity stones wherever they happen to be the smart is decision by dr. strange would be to scouted and scattered them across different dimensions to take them to like different dimensions now that may very well have been the plan and it seems like the most likely thing at least given Doctor Strange is power because in that case the more would never be able to find them but neither would anybody else it would literally be everyone relying on Stephen strange to make the decision to reform the gems and then presumably reform the Infinity Gauntlet if the crisis was bad enough but again it's it's pretty cool here you know it's pretty intriguing because in the middle of this fight that's continually going on between the guardians of the galaxy and and you know this sort of hodgepodge of our superheroes and the various villains who were there we end up having like Iron Man who arrives on the scene now again this is coming down with the big guns this is when the big guys are stepping in and saying look this has gone on long enough we're in this kind of a situation we've basically been dealing with like small fries for the most part I mean you got Doctor Strange who's not really a small fry but for the most part it's it's really you know small fries through everything else and this of course leads into like we're showing up to meet with Peter quill to meet with uh meet with star-lord Carol Danvers makes her arrival as well this is kind of a cool thing and I like how Jerry Dugan does this is he doesn't really pull any punches with the character of Gamora and the reason why is because she's extremely capable I mean she got super street superhuman strength speed and durability and all those different things and while she's not necessarily a pound for pound match for Carol Danvers or at least it doesn't really seem like she would be do be really kind of like amps her powers up a little bit and actually says yes she is now of course this also comes my way of her wielding the power stone and that gives her kind of a boost to the energy that she had before remember the power stone is basically like power given form so energy projections superhuman strength anything that involves a a power based element it would allow a person to amplify their abilities multiple times over whatdo gun also seems to do is sort of limited limited in scope because the Infinity stones are not finite stones the Infinity stones are literally infinite and so wielding the power stone gives you infinite power punching Carol Danvers knocking her unconscious it seems pretty straightforward this of course leads to Thor throwing his hammer Captain America throwing his shield and everyone's looking to try to face off against Gamora and take her out this is actually a genius moment here it's one of the one of the one of the coolest moments of the story and Jerry Dugan really kind of pulls a rabbit out of his hat here the way this goes down is you end up having Carol Danvers grabbing Gamora and whisking her into space now Carol Danvers depending on the story depending on the circumstance she can tap into her binary powers occasionally and it'll allow her to like breathe in space and different things like that when she flies Gamora up into the air it resumed ibly knocks her out because the oxygen is so thin and the result is that she basically brings her back down but notice this it's so cool because you end up having dr. strange who goes to bind goo goes to bind Gamora and that's basically the end of that and of course she's she's basically tied up but then she starts tapping in Morse code and Captain America immediately picks up on this and that's when he realizes that they've basically switched it's actually Carol Danvers who's laying on the ground and it's Gamora who's who's essentially you know appearing as Carol Danvers and the reason why is because Gamora has the reality stone this is one of the coolest uses of the reality stone in Marvel Comics history because you never really see it used on like a small scale you never really see someone distort reality in such a way to make them appear to be someone else and when Gamora realizes that Captain America you know understands what's going on she simply says I really didn't want it to happen this way all you had to do was play along not ask any questions from there Gamora single-handedly dismantled the entirety of the Avengers team she takes them apart piece by piece and this is really kind of like a love letter to the Gamora fan saying hey look she's just as dangerous as you think she is even though she's kind of you know falling back to the wayside after the events of like annihilation conquest even though she hasn't really been relevant for was essentially like 12 years he's really been more of like a background character a supporting character she still is incredibly dangerous and she still is incredibly capable in terms of her abilities and it's cool to see because you end up having Adam warlock whose head is cut off because gomorrah knows he'll just continually fight over in over and over again black widow who jumps in you end up having like black panther who shows up and then she just freezes time and she stops everything and it says like everything is done and then of course you know you end up having Thanos who appears to her for a moment and so what she does is she basically you know once when she gets the soul stone from Adam warlock she opens a portal to soul world now again this is interesting here because this is this is again Jerry Dugan really hitting at the idea and creating a story by simply saying that Gomorrah wasn't really as free as she thought as we thought she was now again he's also shifting up the nature of the soul stone in the sense that what he seems to be doing here is saying that unlike years past where you had soul world inside the soul stone and soul world was universal meaning everybody saw the same thing they could interact with each other it'd be like walking around the city of New York instead the interior of the soul stone seems to be relative to the person who's in it and so nobody can interact with anybody else because they're in their own their own individual version of soul world and that's probably what you'll end up seeing basically with with the events of infinity war what you're gonna end up having here is is what amounts to like marble generations combined with like the events of soul world and then like the ribbon or the Nexus or whatever it was from Star Trek generations that terrible movie oh you're gonna have this scenario where like you have all these everybody who died in infinity war they're gonna be in their own individual soul world most likely and they may not want to leave they may think it's like you're actually an absolute reality so again it's it's it's kind of cool and it's kind of intriguing because it leaves I'm almost lit on it you know unlimited possibilities but when gomorrah goes to merge with herself her response is now I'm going to use the Infinity stones I'm going to bring them together and I'm gonna use them for a singular purpose at which point Loki appears and says actually I have a much much better idea on how these things can be used effectively okay so picking back up again with infinity wars the third installment infinity wars part 3 this really feels like it kind of spoils the ending of Avengers 4 although probably not but a good more again has the Infinity stones now again this is weird when it comes to get more scared she's always been solid like a more has always been like pretty soft but it seems like such a sudden shift it's just kind of weird to see your shift up like this but the idea is that she's wielding all the Infinity stones and basically Loki had tried to find some way to barter with her now this is kind of the funny thing is because gomorrah's been the round she's been around the block more than a few times so she's familiar not really super familiar with Loki but she's familiar with people like Loki and so we're lucky pup sup and he's just kind whispering these honeyed words and so on and so forth she immediately sees right through it cuz rumor the goal of loci is to to figure out what in the world is going on here in terms of how to basically stop it all happening because when he got we received a vision I guess really when he was met with an alternate reality version of himself we ended up finding out this battle is raging this this exact kind of battle is raging across the entirety of the multiverse and in fact the way that this plays out if Stannis's kind of essence or his invisible spirit you know it's consciousness or whatever appears to Cumorah assist with the Infinity stones you would be able to peer into other universes and see if this is true now this is new this is not something we'd ever seen before the Infinity stones historically never allowed anybody to do anything that wouldn't that would any former fashion impact other universes it doesn't work that way that was really kind of solidified during Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers when Captain America tried to push another universe away and destroy the gems in the process so it's just one of these things where Italy allows you to manipulate and control the fundamental forces of a particular universe so in reality it's really kind of Jerry Dugan cooking the books a little bit noir to tell the story but it works because when they appear into another universe there is a character that's known as Requiem but it's not Gamora it's somebody else entirely now who that person is has never revealed to us but Gamora herself really kind of like disregards this and says I don't really care like that doesn't have anything to do with me I'm controlling this universe right now this universe is the only one that I'm worried about now this is kind of cool because under normal circumstances somebody else may have gone to investigate like someone like Thor or somebody like Captain America or somebody along those lines even a villain like Ultron may have may have been like well if I can look into other universes I can conquer other universes and just kind of go from there but for Gamora she's very on-the-nose very cutthroat and very straight and narrow and so in this circumstance it's basically I'm only worried about what I can see and what I can do here I'm not gonna be distracted by anything else which is kind of cool because following that she basically releases everybody from the time stone because they've basically been frozen in time this whole time she releases everybody for the time stone and then says all of you guys are gonna end up getting in my way I'm gonna fold space onto itself now we're not really that's kind of the crazy thing we're not really given a motivation for why she's really doing any of this she just is and that's why it's kind of crazy is because her pursuit of of the Infinity stones really that the soul stone seemed to be based on the idea that she was trying to reclaim a portion of herself that had always been trapped in there ever since she Adam warlock and patrol first entered and so that made sense now she's just doing it for the sake of doing it and there doesn't really seem to be a reason why she's just kind of folding the universe in half because whatever the story needs to be told so it's kind of it's kind of strange that she would be the one to do all this it's kind of a weird scenario but nonetheless and going through and basically saying that you guys have become more than more or less a hassle you as superheroes I'm gonna fold the universe in on itself and then whatever happens happens what she doesn't foresee is that they all begin to kind of merge into each other this is Jerry Dugan really grabbing a page out of the old amalgam comics those guys who don't know what that is back in the day Marvel and DC had a couple different crossovers you had Marvel vs. DC and then you had jla/avengers Justice League of America and the Avengers the the model versus DC was actually the better one jla/avengers was okay but what you ended up getting out of that was you basically had amalgam and it was a universe where the heroes were merged where you had like dark claw which was Batman and Wolverine merged into a single person just different things like that and it was cool for what it was but this is kind of a page out of that the difference here is that it's isolated strictly to Marvel comics and so where these characters are really just kind of relegated and they're sort of confined the first person we end up picking up with in this kind of new universe here is really like Captain America and Doctor Strange out really steeped you know private Steven Rogers who have been merged into a singular being together and it's kind of a cool thing because this creates a whole universe unto itself now this is very House of M in terms of how all this goes on the difference here the didn't between this story in house of him his House of M was a lot more complex it was a lot more sprawled out it was a lot more a lot more in depth and there was a lot more going on there I mean you mean you read like the main house of him stories it's like seven issues long or six issues long or having many issues is maybe like 12 I can't we're off top my head you read all the tie ins you're starting you're getting into like the 150 issue range and the tie-ins expand the whole thing they give you like this whole universe of House of M the whole reality and how everything had changed and all that stuff and it was pretty cool for what it was it was reminiscent of like Age of Apocalypse or something like that but for Gamora she didn't actually expect this to happen she didn't actually expect that the characters would merge together and this is a small but noticeable thing because what it means is that Gamora did not consider all ends and that makes sense because when it comes to someone like fan O's he's wheeled he's been in control of absolute power a whole bunch of times but he's also lived for so long Thanos is all these thousands of years old also when you're talking about someone who is that old if you're talking about a guy who's been across the universe who's had a lot of time to expand his knowledge expand his experience and who's coming to the table with more than just I want to have the Infinity stones and I want to wipe out half life the universe maybe you have a guy that has like far more motivation and it's far more complex and in-depth than that and so he's able to view things from perspectives Becca Moore couldn't consider because she hasn't had the experience to give her a reason to consider it and so it's kind of cool because from there you end up having Loki who basically says look what you have there is you have the God for you know on the far edge of the universe you've got the God court below that is the quarry of creation and it's basically a new concept really kind of seeming to hit on the idea that all the universes that exist in our comics all stem from the quarry of creation now we don't really know what it is we don't know how how this whole thing functions we don't know what process it serves and and we'll find out you know as the story goes on but it's kind of cool because from here haven't got more a peek out of this universe that she's basically made and looking at everything that's going on we have like like Iron Man and Thor who merge into one you've got black panther and Ghost Rider who merge Black Panthers riding like an actual Panther which looks pretty badass you have what looks like Scarlet Witch and x-23 homers it's kind of a cool thing it actually looks pretty awesome and it sucks it is so short-lived I mean we do get through the Infinity warps which give you the story of all those characters and so on which we will cover up but still with Loki trying to more or less swindle his way in book passage alongside Gamora in order to access the god quarry and the quarry of creation ultimately he's basically set aside by by Gamora her responses you are not coming here because you are dubious you are a person who tricks you're a person that cannot be believed and ultimately I believe that your your bases are near or your entire distance isn't a Farias and so Loki himself is confined to this new universe now it's kind of a weird thing because the way this is done we don't know exactly how Gamora resides if the universe has been folded in on itself that would mean she was folded along with it but there's no indication she stands outside of the universe and if that's true if she does stand outside the universe then things get a little hairy because at that point technically speaking the Infinity stones should shut off they should just cease to work and she's just a person kind of floating out in Oblivion so it's a little strange in terms of how this happens but again the other half of this could very well be the universe itself isn't properly folded she just screwed up all the heroes which serves its purpose and it works for what it is but from there you basically end up picking up with her traveling to that to the god quarry alongside alongside the guy that basically you know with Loki the chronicler more or less and then you end up having Loki who travels directly to go see the x-men now this is where Loki kind of goes back into being his normal self where he goes to visit what passes for the x-men here and actually comes across a dupe pool now do pool is a combination of dupe and Deadpool and dupe is amazing - I love dupe he's like this Omega level character that just like never got fully fleshed out and he had all kinds of crazy powers he was part of X statics for a little while but doop doop is awesome due to all do I love doop but he's like Wolverines the only one who ever understands him like it's one of the craziest things Wolverines the only one who can understand his language nobody ever understands anything he says but Dube is awesome like like I love the character of Duke I feel like we should do a character do a video on him you know just like like like cover his story or something along those lines at the origin of Duke I don't know if he actually has a definitive origin or not I guess we should look that up but still with Loki showing up to meet Wolverine we end up finding out that this is basically Wolverine and Emma Frost merged into a singular person which is kind of strange because you would think it would be in frost in Cyclops but it's basically Wolverine and emma frost merged into a singular person which means that is all the abilities of wolverine combined with the really Omega level telepathy this super powerful telepathy of Emma Frost which is kind of cool because when it'll fall scans the mind of Loki emma frost i guess really wolverine realizes Loki's telling the truth but ultimately shuts his door the faces says I don't want to have anything to do with what's going on here you know let sleeping dogs lie let our universe be the way it is so again it seems very House of M in the sense that Wolverine has no idea how things are supposed to be instead he's just kind of like well you know like this is the universe the way it's always been the difference is that in the house of in the universe Wolverine woke up realizing things weren't right like he woke up realizing things aren't the way they're supposed to be and he was a way to for business to kind of write it into the story but here it seems like Wolverine alongside everybody else it's totally aware of what's going on like he's totally aware of the fact that like this reality seems to be an absolute truth he doesn't know anything outside of that so it's kind of cool and it's kind of interesting but again it's really left to Loki to try to find some way to basically save his universe and kind of you know set this one back to the way that is supposed to be it's kind of crazy but honestly I have no idea what direction that's gonna take okay so we are getting into infinity wars part 4 and again this is kind of interesting this is uh issue number 4 is a little strange it's more of like plot building but it's kind of crazy because in truth it feels a little bit rushed jury Dugan does here is he actually kind of takes a couple concepts from the House of M a lot of people know what House of M is right it's a story where Scarlet Witch whoops reality and then creates a new one and then really she eliminates a current reality then creates a new one where like everybody's most subconscious dreams come true essentially but in this one Gomorrah with the Infinity stones had basically merged all these heroes together so quote-unquote cut the universe's population in half by like merging people together and then threw them all in soul world and then created like a whole universe within soul world as it was kind of interesting because initially Dugan didn't really seem to explain that traditionally soul world is like its own world I guess it has like rivers and streams and mountains and so on and so forth and it was always depicted a certain way then Marvel came back later and basically turned Sol world into the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Snow world and so what it kind of happened here is it was like Gamora had sent all these characters into Soul world and then built a house in Soul world and then put them all inside the house so they don't really know what soul world looks like they're not really familiar with it and said they're all just kind of residing in this universe she threw in there now by merging them all together Marvel gave us infinity warps at the end of the day it wasn't really meant to be taken seriously and I may or may not cover it I don't really know I mean I don't really care much about the characters and so in infinity warps but one of the characters that was or really a couple characters that were merged here were Wolverine and Emma Frost and of course we talked about that in the last video that was Wolverine and Emma Frost being sort of merged together is Wolverine with Emma Frost telepathy and initially Loki was one of the characters who had been thrown into this universe when everything when when Gamora sort of changed everything and so look he was like the only person that truly knew what was going on but in this instance out with Loki speaking directly with with Wolverine it's just kind of this thing where like Wolverine had scanned his mind he basically read his mind to see what was going on not only that one of the things that Jerry Dugan introduces here is something called Devon drew and of Ondra is essentially this object or this this concept is created for the purpose of like consuming the occupants of soul world now again this is Jerry Dugan sort of making things up or at least creating new things because remember soul world was a very peaceful place can't you know contrary to the way in which a person would arrive in Seoul war which is a sake this soul stone would literally siphon off their soul until the whole thing was was absorbed and then their soul resided in Soul world proper and this Devolder is kind of like this this being that was either created by Gamora or has always existed and we'll talk more about the world of underplays and you know with regards to the story here in a little bit but like Devon Nerdist kind of shows up where at least one of the aspects of Devon drew shows up and of course it's basically fought off by the combined efforts of Loki and Wolverine and Emma Frost brought together and so what is up happening is that sort of in the middle of all this you end up having like like Wolverine who you know Diamond patchy basically says look I'll send a thought to myself y'all remind myself of something so ii thought to myself to a version of myself in the future of this universe which basically merges with the phoenix force now this is not new this is not Jerry Dugan sort of just grabbing it out of nowhere this is actually going on in the in the Thor comic books the Mighty Thor comic books as a backup feature but nonetheless with this version appearing out of nowhere is just kind of like hey look you know I could basically fix this for you or at least you know separate Wolverine and Emma Frost and then just sort of go from there now this is your redoing kind of playing it fast and loose with the Phoenix the Phoenix's power has always been ambiguous for those of you guys who are who are new to Marvel the Phoenix's powers are really one of those things worse just like whatever right a writer wants the Phoenix force to do is what the Phoenix force can do its power is technically limitless like that's kind of something that's been established over the years the other half of this is the Phoenix force or at least this future version of Wolverine with the Phoenix force also has the power stone and so that's one of the things that's kind of hit on here and that's where you sort of get a little bit of Secret Wars and a little bit of a house of em brought in here and there since that in Secret Wars you had an affinity gauntlet that was assembled because the the Secret Wars event the battle world basically dealt with like all these different universes sort of housed together and so it was a different infinity stone from the various universes that were all brought together to create a unifying Infinity Gauntlet in this instance if a new universe is created then a new a new set of Infinity stones has to exist in that universe now I remember it didn't originally work that way when it came to the Infinity stones back in really back in in the Thanos quest stories the phallus had basically laid out the origin of the Infinity stones like some being existed before all things and it was lonely and then you know basically channeled its energy or love the fastest of its energy into the Infinity stones and dispersed them across the universe and then that goes into the future stories of Marvel where every universe has its own Infinity Gauntlet and the Infinity God will only work in that one universe this changes that what the entire basis behind infinity wars does is it changes it entirely and says well the reality stone will actually let you jump from one universe to the next which technically is not supposed to happen so again it's Jerry Dugan sort of shifting things up but with the Power Stone being used this allows you to again amplify their own power and manipulate the powers of others and while it is kind of a stretch here Jerry Dugan uses us to say that a person with the power stone can split those who were merged to split him apart and so this is kind of Ari from House of M right like the house of an event basically established like a new universe was created nobody remembered how things were supposed to be except for Wolverine and then Wolverine basically woke up like well really well along side Leila Miller woke up Emma Frost Emma Frost are using her telepathy to wake up other people and that led to you know the house of him being changed back to the main moral universe in the scholar which took away all the mutants powers or at least 98% of the mutant populations powers it really kind of invokes those things and brings them in it's just one of those things where stories kind of build on each other in that capacity now following this with the Power Stone being given to Loki Emma Frost takes it because she's kind of like I don't trust you man and there's no reason for her to not only that Wolverine goes to basically open the refrigerator and another aspect of d'von drew shows up and this is one of the things that Jerry Dugan doesn't really explain he doesn't really tell us if Devon dray is more of like a hive mind concept you know like we are all Devon draw all these different you know spiders kind of soul eating entities that exists out there or all just Devon drew is kind of like a hive mind existing in different aspects or if there really is one Devon drew out there and these are all just like fractions of itself we're not really given an explanation to that but wool rain kind of faces off against these things and then basically seems to get eaten and then you have Emma Frost who takes the Power Stone as she alongside Loki basically leave now at this point we switch over to Gamora now where everything that goes on that Lisa we've talked about so far takes place in Soul world where Gamora is is in alternate universe in this alternate reality this is one that we talked about before where this alternate universe version of Loki had basically managed to access or at least pick up Thor's hammer and then is powered by all the Infinity stones the difference here seems to be like Gamora taking the hammer of Thor which is interesting to see that she's worthy but it's kind of fudging the numbers a bit we know just from like Jonathan Hickman's Avengers of New Avengers that not every hammer of Thor and every universe is the same we saw like a different universe where there was a version of Thor who was unworthy and the hammer was made for an unworthy Thor so we've seen them like shift around and change around a little bit but Gamora taking the hammer of Thor seems to give her the upper hand on this version of Loki and in turn she goes in a taxon and of course she kills him in the process now in this alternate reality in the previous video we'd also talked about how he had file eval and we had we moondragon and I want to offer a little more of an explanation on these characters so in Marvel Comics originally you had the original Captain Marvel marvel of the Kree Empire and he was popular for a time but where his popularity started waning Marvel killed him off in 1984 with his own self-titled death book which was written by jim Starlin and so following that there wasn't really a Captain Marvel for a few years I mean you had like Monica Rambeau who took up the mantle and then after her you had genus Val and Judas felt was okay I mean he wasn't really like that great of a Captain Marvel it was marvellous him to basically try to find a way to like replace the original Marvel ever the most part they didn't really seem to enjoy the character until you got to file a valve and the way this played out was that in 2004 as part of joke Asada's grand scheme to rework Marvel Comics entirely what they did is they had the the fourth volume of the Marvel series that starred genus Val he went nuts and he was manipulated by cosmic entities and then like recreated reality and in this new universe that was created you essentially ended up having like the version of you know Alyssia I think is Alyssia or Elysium who originally created genus fel who created another version called Phi Laval and so as a result of this you kind of had two versions in the same universe and then when everything was set back to normal Phi Lavelle came with him and that was basically Morrow's it's him to kind of back in a new Captain Marvel with the intention of killing off units Val and having phyla vel take up the mantle for herself that was mobile comics way of of introducing a new version of the character going into annihilation the whole idea of of Dan Abnett sort of consolidating the entire Marvel landscape the entire model cosmic landscape which came with annihilation so that's why you had like a lot of those huge cosmic scopes that were going on with annihilation annihilation conquest the restoration of the Nova Corps than its entire decimation and so on and so forth that's why oh that story's so singularly important but father Vale was very very very very very popular really she still is depending on you know in at least in certain circles now of course moon dragon has a far more in-depth history than Phi Laval moon dragon is Heather Douglas she's the daughter of Drax a destroyer and it was believed that she was killed when Thanos showed up on earth for the first time to kind of access the Cosmic Cube and it killed Arthur Douglas who is resurrected as Drax for the purpose of killing Thanos Heather was taken to heightened by the father of Thanos and then raised to be someone who could defeat him she's one of the most powerful telepathic characters in Marvel Comics but she died a long time ago she died and there will not really a long time she died during the events of annihilation conquest pretty sure is when she was killed but the fact remains that that for her and file of ELQ they were a romantic couple like they were together they had a really strong amount of chemistry which is one of the things you didn't see that often at marvel at the time and people really really did enjoy it but again you know kind of enough expose about these about these two characters what Jerry Dugan does is he actually plays it pretty smart because of the fact that the reality stone is missing from by Lavelle you end up having like Gamora who kind of reads her mind with the intention of finding its location and then in turn like moondragon sort of engages like this telepathic battle and the result is that Gamora learns the location of the reality stone and then moon dragons more or less overpowered and then in an effort to try to destroy Gamora file of Elle jumps into the conflict and ultimately of course Gamora comes out on top and so that leads to both moon dragon and file of Elle using the powered their disposal to basically kind of crack a whole crack a fissure in the in the alternate reality and then enter into soul world now the question is why does this matter because this is kind of a backdoor way for Jerry Dugan to bring these characters back to basically say okay so like now they're in Soul world so when quote-unquote everything gets set back they'll come with it presumably they'll come with it but following this it really turns into Emma Frost and Loki just travelling around and waking people up so of course you had Kamala Khan miss Marvel who was merged with Kang the Conqueror kind of a time-traveling villain The Incredible Hulk who's merged with ant-man so it's like a mini Hulk we're just kind of cool he's like talking so much trash and he's like three inches tall but again like like you know when they're split up it's one of these things were like infinity warps was very very short-lived now Lucky's plan is to to kind of create not really a new infinity watch but to bring back individuals who are particularly suited to wield the Infinity stones each one of them are going to wield an infinity stone and that's one thing to bear in mind the Infinity stones aren't attuned right it's not like those individuals who are really really strong telepaths are best suited for the mind stone those individuals who are like magic wielders are suited for the reality stone it be cool if mod will kind of lined them up that way but that was never really the case it was just kind of like hey man you get an infinity stone you get to be part of the Infinity watch and it's like her ray you know and that's that's really about it but again you have you know once they actually leave this sort of pocket dimension inside sole world and then travel into soul world proper Adam warlocks basically being like eaten by one of these giant spiders and Scott Lang tricks down jumps inside the spider rose to a gigantic size and then frees Adam warlock in the process it's pretty pretty fast-paced and so in response to this Emma Frost stands is what we mean more people like we need more people to fight alongside us and so she basically starts waking up are really contacting all these people and infinity warps and then just kind of breeze them all into the in the end of the larger conflict and we don't really know what the basis behind this is we can largely assume she's forming an army and then she's gonna split them all and double their numbers set them back to the way they were before that kind of a thing uh but again it's very akin to to house of em in that regard wicking characters up to who they truly are separating them so on and so forth and so from there you go to Gomorrah and flower again you know the guy who is from Asgard and basically like going into the well of creation and when they get there what we end up learning here is that from d'amours perspective this dove andra entity the stuff Andra being which it doesn't seem as though she created will basically go through and consume all these souls inside of this dimension in Soul world and when it's hunger satiated it'll basically spin a new universe and so it's it's kind of strange here and it doesn't really seem to make a whole lot of sense it kind of seems like Jerry Duggars just kind of tell the story for the sake of telling the story uh but when this new universe is created Gomorrah will in turn enter it and then take control of it and then created according to her own whims and wants which really kind of begs the question why didn't she just do that with the existing universe inside of soul world I have no idea the story has to be told I have no real clue here again it may be one of these things where like dude is kind of going through and then it'll like the final issue will be a kind of tell-all in terms of what all is going on here but it's very confusing is very cloak-and-dagger it's really kind of all over the place and this one seems to be kind of just spinning its wheels ah but again you know what we end up having is that with with Devon or going through and is kind of consuming all these souls again like normal human beings insides inside this dimension and soul world there with a lot of the superheroes basically making it out alive we end up having like Gamora is kind of biding her time and just sort of waiting for devon drayton finish what she's doing at which point the entire set of events is being watched by the watchers now we don't really know what this means again there's a lot of unanswered questions in this story we don't know if the Watchers being here is for the purpose of just watching things unfold we don't know if they're actually going to act because remember when the watchers appear in Marvel Comics it's basically like a huge thing is about to happen there's gonna be like this huge paradigm shift but we don't really know what all it means you really walk to the watchers been dead since the events of original sin so there's one here who actually looks exactly like we're watching the one with the fire coming out of his head he looks exactly like who watching which means this version may have come back or it's just a whole different version of his character we don't really know a lot of unanswered questions this is this seems like one of those stories at most writing for the sake of writing it just kind of like set everything back to rights so it's kinda like hey so what if Infinity Gauntlet ended with like a reboot more or less like what if we did we were supposed to do after the events of secret Wars and actually reboot the universe we don't know if that's the case it's kind of strange in terms of how all this is happening but again you know it's one of those stories worst is kind of informational in the middle ground not a whole lot really happens and just kind of set in the stage for things to come so picking up with infinity Wars part 5 again in this part we really kind of pick up in this in soul worlds now again these guys are all fighting to vondre and and again this is kind of a new introduction here by Jerry Dugan and that's one of the crazy things is a lot of stuff is being changed here that's one of things we talked about the previous videos is a lot of things are being changed here so world never looks like this now of course we can basically attribute this to the fact that Marvel the Marvel Comics is now copying the Marvel Cinematic Universe as opposed to the Marvel Cinematic Universe copy Marvel Comics but the overall gist here is that with Devon drah is basically this entity that exists to kind of go through and consume everything inside of soul world which is kind of strange because for what we've gathered so far Gamora has basically acquired the soul stones for herself to kind of recreate the universe but in order to do this or to get the heroes out of the way she can find them all to soul world and then accidentally merge them all together in the in the first place which kind of begs the question why didn't you just wipe them all out with assault with the infinity gems you know with with the Infinity Gauntlet probably because we already saw the annals do that once and I guess you can't do the same gag twice but nonetheless while all that fight is going on between the merged heroes in and of Ondra you end up having Emma Frost miss Marvel Kane the Conqueror ant-man Scott Lang Loki and the Incredible Hulk who were kind of off on a mission of their own now we don't know the specifics of this mission is just one of the things where Emma Frost is just kind of like hey we have to go to this particular location now that's one of things to bear in mind here Jerry Dugan does just kind of there's a lot of hand waving in terms of like why things are happening likewise Emma Frost go into this location how do all these things unfold it's kind of well I mean you know they are and that's just kind of these kind of have to run with it but the locations are traveling to is basically where you have child Gamora hanging out now again we don't know how child Gamora got here from that from what ravines here what were being told here for what we seemed so far that the older version of Gamora who was confined to sole world she was there because in the the old-school comics when you had Adam warlock and pip the troll and Gomorrah who operated as kind of the early days of the infinity watch when they were confined within Sol world Nick amor when she left had left a piece of herself behind so it sort of made sense that it worked that way and it just kind of always been that way why child Gomorrah is here we're not entirely sure but the explanation is offered almost immediately and that's kind of the cool little bit here what we end up finding out is that when Gomorrah basically took all the various heroes and put them inside Sol world that included a portion of herself a piece of herself now again it's one of the things where Gomorrah didn't really seem to recognize it didn't really seem to notice it and again a little bit of hand waving going on here but one of the things that we have is child Gomorrah playing with a set of Infinity stones now this is new this is really Jerry Dugan just kind of cooking the books a little bit and that's one of the things to bear in mind again we've talked about this in previous videos but when it comes to the Infinity stones they only work in their own universe and a universe only ever has one set of Infinity stones the Marvel Cinematic Universe only has one set of Infinity stones the main Marvel Universe only has one set of Infinity stones he ultimate universe all these different alternate realities there's no universe that exists in Marvel Comics where you have more than one set of Infinity stones but because of the fact that Gamora had basically created kind of like a duplicate so to speak of the main Marvel Universe and then threw it all into soul world that came with the Infinity stones as well so she basically created new stones using existing Infinity stones that's not supposed to be able to happen you know it's like wishing for more wishes when it comes to a genie sure it's a cool idea to have but at the end of the day it's not something that can actually be done from there Loki ends up basically dispersing the Infinity stones among the various members of the team of what's really kind of like this ramshackle infinity watch now it's kind of interesting here because what Loki says is these stones the Infinity stones themselves aren't operating the way they're normally supposed to that they're kind of different from what we're used to and so what he basically says is that what we would normally expect Emma Frost to get the mind stone because she's such a high-level telepath but we would expect the Incredible Hulk to get the power stone because he's just draw infinite strength instead Loki starts switching things up it says actually Emma Stone or Emma Frost is gonna get a different stone the incredible hulks gonna get of it you know get like the space stone different things like that that it's all gonna kind of shift up from the normal status quo because each stone serves a particular purpose and so what seems to be going on here as Loki's hitting at the idea that they're there is basically getting the stones because they're serving a purpose as opposed to you know something that inherently would to build on their own powered which again is kind of a part of the status quo but it still works not only that these stones because they basically manipulate the universe basically allow them to leave soul world now in truth that's possible that's entirely possible for example if you had the Infinity stone the space stone you could use that to enter Asgard if you wanted to that's entirely possible as one of these bear in mind guys is that what you have if you if you were to imagine like a plate for example you know just like it like a dinner plate and on that plate you have them that that plate is like the main Marvel Universe then on that plate you have like Asgard and you've got Olympus where the Greek gods dwell and you've got the realm of Dormammu using the space stone you can go anywhere in that universe you can hop skip and jump anywhere within the realm of that universe to go for like one dimension to another we've never really seen anybody do that before because the story's never called for it but it's entirely possible and it's within the possibility of those Infinity stones to pull that off and that's the reason why in this particular story while the Infinity stones are using do originate in Soul world the O soul world itself is still part of the universe so they're basically inside a dimension inside the main Marvel Universe they can just leave that dimension and go back into the main Marvel Universe and that's exactly what they do they immediately enter into the realm of Gamora who's basically hanging out at the quarry of creation fighting you know Phi Lavelle and and and moon dragon of course this leads to the arrival of Emma Frost and so on and so forth all of whom start facing off against against Gamora now under normal circumstances they would never be able to stop her they would never be able to defeat Gamora because of the stones she wields but because they have Infinity stones that make them her equal then what this now means is they can use them for her you know they can begin literally go toe-to-toe with her and ultimately come out on top now this is also a very important thing to bear in mind here is that when it comes to the Infinity stones just because a person possesses them does not mean they can use them to their full potential that's one of the big differences one of the things that Thanos head-on during the original gauntlet story up by Jim starlet Thanos has been around for a long time for like hundreds if not thousands of years he's been around for a very very very long time he's acquired all kinds of knowledge on a wide array of different things and so using his intelligence when he accesses the Infinity Gauntlet he can use it to its full potential because he's so durable he could withstand the extreme power it possesses he won't go crazy by you know manipulating reality using the reality stone that was established here in the events of Thanos quest when he first gained the gauntlet in the first we started going through and tracking down the stones but then you look at someone like Parker Robbins you look at someone like 20 Stark you look at members of the infinity watch like Hulk or somebody like that and they can't really use the stone to its full potential because in truth they're just not smart enough they don't really have the mental faculties to pull it off someone like Reed Richards could do it you know we've seen him wield the Infinity Gauntlet but again you know for someone like Gamora she is I mean she's not dumb but she's certainly not on the same level as like Thanos in terms of intellect or the capability necessary to handle the full-on mite of the Infinity Gauntlet so while she can do some pretty impressive things she's not using the stones at like 100% she's using him probably like 70 or 80 percent or something like that as a result is that she's able to hold her own but if this was Thanos in this situation he would have destroyed them all he would have found a way to destroy Emma Frost and all those different characters and they wouldn't have wiped out you know quick fast and in a hurry so again gamora's overpowered pretty readily and it's kind of cool to see The Incredible Hulk with a space stone literally just like ripping her apart like just flying basically and throwing her into everything but the other half of this is remember Loki's got a mission of his own to basically capture you know to kind of recreate malt-o-meal near or at least gain some version of me linear and gain his own Infinity stones you know gain the Infinity stones for himself and that's what he does while everyone is facing off against Gamora what Loki does is he starts travelling around and basically snatching the Infinity stones off of people basically just like palming them and tricking people into believing that he's just kind of working on their side he steals from Miss Marvel he steals from Scott Lang does the same thing that came to conquer and Emma Frost literally takes all their Infinity stones and then teleports away and so and then just kind of okay well then one the world's going on here not only that when Loki gets to whatever this dimension is that he's at you know inside what seems to be this quarry of creation it's lined with Infinity stones there's a ton of Infinity stones there so again the plot thickens we don't really know exactly what it is is taking place here you know this is kind of the quarry of creation of like the multiverse but we don't really know to what extent all this is being beginning to unfold not only that the stones themselves are powerless inside the quarry of creation so again this seems to exist outside of the multiverse which makes sense you know I don't know how you really create the multiverse while you're inside of it you kind of have to be outside of it like to be on verse or something along those lines and so it was kind of a tail in here again things are left pretty ambiguous we basically end up picking up with like Drax a destroyer with Arthur Douglas but this is back when he was in his human form now if those you guys were not familiar with this the character of Drax a destroyer was a guy named Arthur moon dry and is his biological daughter named Heather the way this originally played out in Marvel Comics was that Thanos had launched an invasion against earth and when he did he had come across Drax a destroyer and destroyer come across Arthur and like destroyed his car in the process and when that happened Arthur was dead heather was believed to have been dead and of course the wife was killed and what ended up going on here is is we basically had Heather who was taken away by the father of fan OHS and then her telepathy was essentially unlocked and she was trying to become one of the more one of most powerful telepaths in Marvel Comics and then you ended up having Arthur Douglas who is basically resurrected from the dead by Chronos the god for I guess one of the cosmic entities and in turn was transformed into Drax a destroyer and given the sole purpose of basically tracking down Thanos and destroying him this situation does not unfold the same way they do crash into a tree but when they do the tree is grouped and that's when Arthur basically begins to say things like I know this tree I know this guy so he's basically having flashbacks to his life as Drax the destroyer so again this seems to take place inside of soul world but it's very very ambiguous there's a lot of cloak-and-dagger going on here we don't really know exactly what's taking place it's very very far-fetched it's really kind of out there and even a little bit confusing but it is somewhat interesting it's one of these stories where Jerry dude is just kind of like things are happening and like you'll have to read the next issue to find out which is of course the finale again it's kind of crazy to see this whole this whole scenario unfolds kind of Wow to see it all take place but let me know what you guys think down in the comments section okay so jumping back into the events of infinity wars to kind of get you guys caught up for a second essentially what's going on here is we only really have like three worlds going on right now like like from the perspective of this story we're only dealing with three universes there's still an infinite number of universes out there but from this perspective we're only dealing with three universes right now the main Marvel Universe has really just kind of been annihilated in its entirety then you have soul world and then you have of course the quarry of creation and again like like we've talked about this in the previous previous videos that with with soul world it was never so it was never a whole universe right like soul world was just like a little pocket dimension like imagine that you lived in a universe that was the size of like New York City and that's basically what soul world was it was a tiny little localized space inside of of the soul stone and it was kept small because so few people ever wielded it that the the space that was needed to house them was always very very small but I thought you means Loki had basically taken the the Infinity stones as they existed in the the real I'm sorry in the main mobile universe and basically stole them everybody in Soul world but then you've also got a second set of Infinity stones that reside within soul world and so what it basically gone on here is that with Loki taking these stones and then leaving for the purpose of trying to achieve whatever this greater goal happened to be with us never really being told what it was as soon as he gets out into the main Marvel Universe what we end up finding out is there's nothing there anymore that all you really have heard is just kind of like this huge vast empty space and then you have the Celestials themselves and the Celestials never talk and that's one of the things to bear in mind when it comes to Celestials in Marvel Comics and that's why when Loki addresses they may never speak to him and instead one of them just kind of points over to a particular direction Loki goes and looks he looked into a mirror we don't see what Loki sees as that's never offered as an explanation to us he's basically you know it kind of pulls back the tapestry and he sees what awaits for him and then he basically just kind of quits he basically gives up and says yep that's pretty much it and it's kind of lackluster in reality it makes sense if that's something that's revealed later on down the line but it's not Loki just pulls back the tapestry and just says ah yep so this is basically kind of like a zero sum and then leaves and it really seems more like Jiri Duggan's way of just kind of saying okay we have to wrap this up somehow and we can't really explore what goes on with Loki so we'll just kind of write it off we'll be done and then Loki will leave and that will be it so he essentially comes back with the soul stones from soul world you know because of course they work within that localized space and and work within the quarry of creation and when he brings them back they're basically given to what's left of Adam warlock infinity watch team and then Loki does kind of jumps on his boat and then just sails off back to omnipotent city and that's the end of that it's kind of weird it really kind of seems to come out of left field but the fact remains that that going back to soul world again you have Devon drew that's kind of interesting thing there's one of the interesting things at jury duty in did he's very much taking a page at a jim Starlin and what i mean here is that for years and years for decades Galactus just had this hunger and more often than not the hunger of Galactus was attributed to the fact that he was born out of a dead universe into a new one and the role he plays is two main basic aaliyan sure but like the celestial population doesn't doesn't go unchecked when they plant there their seeds inside of a planet so that that planet will give birth to a new celestial Galactus goes around and consumes planets so the Celestials don't just plant their seed everywhere and then you've got a universe overrun with Celestials when jim Starlin came along and wrote the Thanos miniseries what he established was that the hunger of Galactus was actually like an other dimensional entity now it was a terrible story it was a terrible idea but jury did is kind of taken a page out of that by saying that the reason why the soul stone hungers for souls is because it houses the being Devon drew and that have never really been explained up to this point it was just the being Devon drew is there and we were never really given an explanation of what of what world of Andra plays outside of the fact that it just consumes everything inside and what seems to have gone on here is that where the soul stone came into existence when the entity nemesis scatters essence across the universe in the form of the Infinity stones that when the soul stone came into existence Devon derp was born inside the soul stone and when that happened to von Drake had a constant hunger to consume souls the difference here is that when infinity Wars happen and Gomorrah basically took all the life in the main Marvel Universe put it all inside of of the soul world and then bent it onto itself to basically start merging people in order to essentially conserve space that what this did is a basically open to von der up to the idea that there's just like all these different beings that are out there now that it can eat so we're just kind of went on like a like a feeding frenzy consuming like everything it could come across until it happen to come across the heroes here and so the result is either basically fighting off against it as best they can and that's really kind of just what's going on at the moment they're just fighting off against it as best they can and so again things get wrapped up pretty quickly because you know in order to kind of deal with this threat what the Incredible Hulk does is use the the space stone run up onto von der it create a black hole inside the entity which literally just like sucks it into this singularity and that's the end of the Fondren it gets wrapped up like that and again that's this kind of a common theme in this story is that they just kind of get wrapped up in like one page and it's just kind of like okay and so then you turn around you have Adam warlock who sits down and says the main Marvel Universe has basically been wiped out all you have is the universe inside soul world and then like they've left the quarry of creation so all this left right now is the main Marvel Universe fold it onto itself in Soul world and so Adam warlocks idea is to basically restore everything back to normal the quandary that that Adam warlock has and what Jerry Dugan kind of toys with here is what the aftermath will be will it certainly be a reboot which is what Marvel should have done out of Secret Wars or is everything gonna go back to normal and the reality is that everything's gonna go back to normal everything is gonna kind of reset the way it was the thing that you take away from this is that the Infinity warps universe is basically copied right so I mean imagine it's a piece of paper a piece of papers just been folded onto itself like that's what Gamora dish you take a piece of paper which was a name of a universe fold it onto itself and then put it inside sole world and that's finiti warps that's the universe that exists in soul world what Adam warlock is gonna do is he's gonna copy that folded piece of paper and then he's gonna take it out of soul world did he's gonna unfold it and that's gonna be the main Marvel Universe going back to normal and it kind of makes sense in terms of just fixing everything the issue that they have here is that there's basically like they can't leave infinity warps inside the soul world forever like they can't leave it there for all time and so what they end up doing is creating basically like two universes and then in turn just sort of dispersing everything among those two universes and so it restores infinity warps and it restores the main Marvel Universe now what this does going forward is it lays the groundwork for Marvel to start exploring infinity warps which in reality I mean they kind of tease it a little bit with regards to the actual infinity war story I didn't read any of them because none of them interested me but you know it does leave the door open for them to start exploring that or to do whatever they want with that universe turn it into the ultimate universe or anything along those lines they can essentially do whatever they want here and so once everything goes back to normal then Adam warlock kind of has this second the second struggle which is can we go back and undo all this like is it possible to change all this and that's one of things he kind of deals with you one of these to bear in mind and this is one of the things that jim Starlin discuss and infinity i can't which what it was but it was the one where Thanos enters the mind of Adam warlock and Adam warlock enters of mind of Thanos to see how the other views all of creation how they view themselves and how they be the universe and so on and one of the things jim Starlin established in that story is that Adam warlock is a being of order and structure if the universe were left to Adam warlock if he had total power and he could create the universe in his own image it would be rigid and structured there would be no real free thought there would be no real freedom of choice or anything like that there'd be no free will and so Adam warlock is kind of struggling with that internally in terms of yes I think I can make everything the way that I want it to be or I can go back in time and stop this but there's always consequences remember branch universe theory so if Adam warlock goes back and he changes things then what that means is there's a universe out there where he didn't change anything and the question has to be asked here is which one will become the main Marvel Universe and so it's just kind of a risk it's a gamble for for Adam warlock but at the end of the day what he does is he makes the choice he disperses Gamora sins are out there here's the Infinity stones and says like I'm basically removing her and sitting her to a place where she can quote-unquote do the most good whatever in the heck that happens to me and then in turn what he does is he gives the infinity of Jim's souls rila he goes right back to the point right after they get there and he gives infinity of Jim's Souls and he basically says each of these Infinity stones can now make their own decisions they can go live their lives freely and kind of disperse now Jerry dude is not pulling that out of thin air right that's one of the things that was established and Brian Michael Bendis is iluminati run on some degree they have some measure of sentience because they all want to be reunited it's one of the rate of the ways that business explain how it is people always end up acquiring all the Infinity stones that if you acquire one of them it will lead you to all the others and the more you gather the easier it will be to locate the others Adam warlock kind of builds on that and says now they're sentient beings now they can go out there forge their own paths and do their own thing then what it does is again that sets the stage from all over to start focusing on people arbitrarily getting the Infinity stones introducing new characters some character we've ever seen or heard of before who suddenly gains an infinity stone you know the other half of this is again gyum or has basically been whisked off to another location we're not sure exactly where it is on some far-flung distant planet where she ends up uncovering this this really kind of a tomb slash casket made of rock which houses the magnets the evil future alternate personality of Adam warlock and this is what I want to kind of talk about for a second when it comes to count when it comes to stories that we cover by and large I usually try not to throw my opinion in there in the extreme right like I throw it out to you guys explain what's going on give you guys some history on the characters who were there how it all kind of ties together into the history of Marvel Comics and then you guys come to your own conclusions but in reality I don't know what the point of this story was except I guess maybe make money it just kind of didn't really seem to serve a purpose because in a nutshell here's what happens Gamora gets the Infinity stones because she believes she could fix everything she does this by taking the main Marvel Universe folding it in half throwing it into soul world this introduces infinity warps basically characters from Marvel Comics superheroes from omec how many super villains who have emerged into a singular being which was kind of fun I guess if that was your thing what's left of the heroes basically band together and they start fighting off against you know what's essentially the hunger of the soulstone given physical form in the form of Devon drew Gamora wants to go to the quarry of creation to recreate everything only to find out she can't the heroes are still fighting to von der for a little while they finally make their way out Loki's there somehow doing something but we never find out what it is because he never does it and then he leaves and goes home and then this story ends and that's basically it in a nutshell it doesn't really seem to have served a purpose at all and more often than not here's here's one of the important things I mean if this is a story that's a stepping stone to something much bigger didn't did it wasn't really felt because in Marvel Comics and and really a couple books as a whole DC Comics Marvel Comics the whole nine yards when stories are stepping stones to something bigger then is obvious when you feel it right like you got I can you look at Chris Claremont's x-men it was nothing but building blocks that's all it was one builds to two builds to three builds to fork we got more modern stories and and you you look at these events like Loki becoming sorcerer supreme which happened three months ago in in Doctor Strange and the stories serve the purpose of building on top of things I'm setting the stage for something else and is tangible and you can feel it when you're reading the story for this like everything like this crazy event happened and now nobody remembers and it's all basically undone and it's kind of like okay so like we're right back where we started and so it's kinda like what was the point of it all so I don't know maybe it's maybe one of you guys got something out of it more than I did I'm not really sure me I don't mean to be negative and overly criticized it's just as a person who's been reading comics for over 20 years I see stories like this and they never usually bode well they never usually have longevity because they don't lead to anything it doesn't actually go into anything instead as a story 5 or 6 arcs down the line you get basically just say well we can you can just ignore that and Burton didn't exist like weird like it's like spider-verse right like technically speaking you can pretend like spider-verse never happened because it happened between two issues of superior spider-man like issue 21 and 22 like it's not like there's an aftermath to spider-verse where I saw like spider-verse happens and then it has a ripple effect throughout the rest of superior spider-man going into all-new all-different or I guess the return of Peter Parker and then all-new all-different amazing spider-man Spidey verse is never referenced again I don't know I mean you know even now is with secret empire it's still referenced you know I mean it was just it was referenced in the superior octopus one-shot for you know for the spider getting tie-in so again I don't know I mean let me know what you guys think down in the comment section I'm curious what your take is because again I don't normally do this but I don't normally read stories that in this way like stories don't stories don't usually happen like this in Marvel comic so it's kind of crazy and again it doesn't really seem they're sort of purpose at all so with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to come this explain make sure you guys are the sub button to become part of the Rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 626,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, infinity War, Infinity Wars, Full Story, Compilation, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Thanos, Gamora, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Warps, Fusions, Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, 2018, Crossover, Hulk, The incredible Hulk, Loki, Thor, Thor Ragnarok, Event, Marvel Legacy, Marvel Fresh Start
Id: Cw7h98F9xRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 4sec (4924 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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