Superbook - The Test: Abraham And Isaac - Season 1 Episode 2 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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abraham look up into the sky and count the stars if you can that's how many descendants you will have i am almost 100 years old how can i become a father sarah your wife will give birth to a son for you you will name him isaac and i will confirm my covenant with him and his descendants as an everlasting covenant this night i give you this burnt offering my lord my god [Music] that's right isaac one step in a time throw it with all your lights on what a strong young man abraham go get isaac your only son the one you dearly love take him to the land of moriah and i will show you a mountain where you must sacrifice him to me on the fires of an altar you you wish me to make an offering of my son isaac [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm the most fearless bounty hunter in the galaxy got him on the run now joy yeah what are you taking for that by the way why not try a couple of these wow virtual benders hollow nine is beyond awesome yes and it's sold out everywhere but you can bet here at walmart we have the lowest price in town if we ever get any more in stock i've begged and pleaded for my mom and dad to get me one of these of all the things you could want in the world chris do you realize you want something that isn't even real it's a hollow helmet [Music] what's that you mean that sound like a big machine about to explode sure let's walk toward it [Music] surprise whoa how did you get one i called in a favor from a fellow inventor at virtual bender oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh i just don't know how to thank you i'd say you're doing pretty well hi chris speaking of games i have been uploading some cool new games myself what has this thing got that i do not have chris oh just mega ultra combat 9 interplanetary zombie quest armored ninja smackdown bionic rock band revolt oh those hi debbie what's up hi phoebe uh listen i've got a really sick boy here in the unit and more than anything else he's wished for one of those fancy new hollow nine things well the hospital's done everything to grant his wish but the games are impossible to get anywhere do i remember you saying crispin knew someone at virtualbender oh i'm sorry debbie my husband already called in a favor with a friend to get a hollow knife for chris oh well it was worth a try thanks phoebe i'm sure i'll think of something else to boost his spirits [Music] enjoy the game son what's the matter chris i don't know this game is my dream come true and somehow i don't really feel the way i thought i would [Music] [Music] chris i know how much you care about your hollow nine so i will stay here and garden because i am certain you would not want anything to okay not good [Music] when we are being tested is when we learn the most about our relationship with god yes where are we according to my geosensors we are somewhere in the hills outside ancient hebron and thousands of years away from my new hollow 9. man what a time for a super book trip guys do you hear that oh my son my son i wonder what's the matter with that man he seems really sad about something i wish there was something we could do perhaps his son is sick i wonder if there's a doctor nearby it's super book why so soon [Music] joy guys we've got to get these animals back i am on it chris come on move along [Music] [Music] are we now how on according to my chronometer superbook has sent us backwards in time by a little more than one day you mean we're only one day before we saw that man crying near the tent that is correct and by my calculations [Music] don't make any sudden moves this donkey has a kick like lightning but i have the powers of a heavenly warrior uh you might want to run away now [Applause] now that was faster than i expected [Applause] cannot catch me you're going to have to run faster than that i'll go high you go low [Music] works every time and so the fearless warrior takes yet another prisoner in his quest for victory there is definitely something about this guy i really like whoa nice job thank you my new friends i am isaac you seem to be expert shepherds we uh isaac father my beloved son whoa that's the man we saw crying outside the tent do you think isaac is the son he was so worried about remember superbook has moved us backward in time so whatever is going to make him so sad has probably not even happened yet [Music] [Music] isaac what is that it is called an abacus my father gave it to me as a gift and told me to try and count all the stars in the sky cool a computer before computers were invented computer uh never mind isaac why does your father want you to know how many stars are in the sky because before i was born god told him that his children and their children for generations to come would one day number more than all the stars above and that was not the only time god spoke about you my son for years sarah and i waited but god's promise that we would have a son was taking much longer than we expected then one day my lord i will return to you according to the time of life and sarah your wife shall have a son why did sarah laugh does she doubt that she can have a child in her old age i am the lord there is nothing too difficult for me i will come back next year at the time i promised and sarah will already have a son i i did not laugh you did laugh [Music] and that is why god named me isaac for isaac means laughter now come it is time for us to eat here joy why don't you use my abacus to keep count of the sheep tomorrow cool [Music] it's so hard to believe what is hard to believe chris that something's about to happen that will make abraham so sad yeah and there's nothing we can do because we don't know what it is [Music] all right look at how far my stone skipped i think i will go and get a little sun [Music] follow me i'll show you where the best skipping stones can be found they're here but we must dig for them [Music] no these are perfect come on [Music] oh that does not sound good perhaps i had better run some internal diagnostics [Music] abraham go get isaac your only son the one you dearly love take him to the land of moriah and i will show you a mountain where you must sacrifice him to me on the fires of an altar [Music] isaac i need you to come with me where can my new friends come along i will wake them your friends cannot join us this is a special request from god you and i must go alone good morning chris isaac where are you going so early i am accompanying my father we are going up the mountain to make a burnt offering to god i believe it will be one of our finest lambs this abacus is so cool hey guys where's isaac oh he said he was going with his father to make a burnt offering to god it was gonna be one of the lamps but all the lambs are accounted for that's weird shouldn't we be one short gizmo what is the matter with you he's been acting weird since the sunbath yesterday what is that wow it's one of his auto record archives gizmo logs everything going on in a 50 yard radius 24 7. abraham go get isaac your only son the one you dearly love take him to the land of moriah and i will show you a mountain where you must sacrifice him to me on the fires of an altar why would god ask that come on we've gotta help isaac [Music] okay which way now um that way maybe this way [Music] father we have the fire and the wood but where is the sheep for the burnt offering [Music] my son god will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering [Music] lord give me strength as i do what you ask of me this day okay maybe not okay here's what we're gonna do which way should we go ah now gizmo and that's why we're going this way now that is a good [Music] [Music] father [Music] my son god will provide for himself the lamb for the burnt offering [Music] [Music] oh no we should have taken the other [Music] you can't hear us this far away if they can't hear us at least we can see them [Music] [Music] abraham abraham do not lay a hand on the boy do not hurt him in any way for now i know that you truly fear god you have not withheld from me even your son your only son is that god speaking to abraham [Music] oh my son my son father [Music] isaac get the ram and we will offer it for the burnt offering the lord has provided through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed all because you have obeyed me [Music] god was never gonna let anything happen to isaac what sacrifice was always gonna be that ram don't you see joy you mean it was all a test god wanted to know if abraham would give up the one thing he loved most in this world for him but his son wow i can't even imagine having to make a decision that hard in my life yeah i've never been tested like that but you know maybe i'm being tested in a smaller way right now hello hi mrs sweetman it's chris quantum [Music] chris i can't thank you enough for this you've done a wonderful thing here well thanks it feels pretty good oh i almost forgot now it's not a sure thing but the latest holo 9 systems are arriving at the mall around midnight and i just happen to have stood in line all morning for a raffle wristband this is yours now i'm in the running for a game unit i can't believe it oh it's gonna be so fun for us to camp out at the mall all night and i've heard the new hollow knights come bundled with twice as many games twice as many games uh say did i mention that i have installed the latest version of guitar star [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 5,690,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Test, Abraham, God, Jesus, Angels, Superbook, Gospel, Superbook Full Episode, bible, abraham, isaac, superbook full episodes, animation, kids, super book, superbook cartoon full episodes, christian cartoons for kids, abraham and isaac animated bible story, abraham and isaac sacrifice, abraham and isaac, abraham sacrifices isaac, abraham sacrifices isaac cartoon, abraham sacrifices isaac the bible, abraham sacrifices isaac video, superbook episode 3 jacob and esau
Id: xAFMg09bido
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2017
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