Superbook - Baptized - Season 5 Episode 6 - Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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for those of you just tuning in to gizmos totally Gizmo Weather Network I repeat stay indoors there is a dangerous cluster of powerful storm cells raging across Valley View you're very likely witnessing the Storm of the Century it is oh man can you believe rain on our baptism day steady drip drip drizzle today isolated right here and Valley View Park so our River baptism's a total washout as you can see everywhere else is Sun Sun and or sun people we may never see the sun again it's like we've been waiting forever for this day everything was set everyone knew the time and place and now all our plans are ruined I just don't get why this had to [Music] uh what is he doing gives turn off the wind machine and come inside what what the wind machine I can see from the lab window you know sometimes you have to work to make the weather exciting [Music] [Music] thank you so much for being able to share our baptism day with everyone we better start calling the people we invited and tell them there's going to be a change of plans whose name did you write cross out write again and then cross out again oh that was Ellie remember the girl from school we ran into on the ski trip you were thinking of inviting her yeah but I mean I don't know she was pretty interested in her church group but she isn't Christian so finally I never did call her do you think I should have I don't know is there a reason you felt so strongly that you wrote her name down and crossed it out twice just anything I was feeling drawn to do [Music] I am never going outside ever again [Music] I am taking you to see what it means to be Fishers of Men what is that [Music] it's [Applause] going on it's okay and Gizmo I was at home studying and then where am I there is nothing to fear really Superbook is completely safe and we always return home safely after each time travel time travel yeah Superbook Landings take a little getting used to oh what is going on listen to me here over here Focus remember at the ski slope when you told me that you've read some of the Bible well let's just say the Bible is about to come to life before your eyes according to my geosensors we are now in Galilee during the time of Jesus early first century are those wait the percentage we're really back in time and you've done this before yes but usually by ourselves this is amazing I don't know but this has got to be a shock so let's keep a close eye on her huh they see a but first I usually do a facial recognition scan to determine if there is anyone we have met before oh look that man is Peter one of the Disciples of Jesus and you know him the disciple of Jesus Ellie uh the thing of this is uh we have these Amazing Adventures and we remember everyone we've met but whenever we return they don't know us so we get to meet them all over again [Music] after Jesus asked me to follow him I was so excited I told Nathaniel we have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about his name is Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth but I said Nazareth can anything good come from Nazareth I told him he had to come and see for himself but Jesus had already seen me standing beneath the Fig Tree when I went to him his first words to me were now here is a genuine son of Israel a man of complete Integrity I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you I knew Jesus was the Son of God the king of Israel I am thankful my friend Philip here brought me to Jesus we both became followers that day um hi I'm Ellie is Jesus here now he went up the mountain to pray alone we are all waiting for his return now you must all hear my story when Jesus first met me he changed my very name from Simon to Peter but the day he was preaching to the crowds and asked me to take him a little way offshore in my boat that was the day that my life changed a multitude had gathered by the Sea of Galilee and listened to Jesus preach for hours put us out a little way from the land I did as the Lord requested and he sat teaching the crowds from my boat [Music] oh [Music] now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets to catch some fish Master we worked hard all last night and did not catch a thing but if you say so I will let the Nets down again foreign [Music] and come help us help us foreign [Music] like this Lord please leave me I'm such a sinful man [Music] do not be afraid from now on fishing for people and when we had brought our boats to shore we gave up everything and followed him and we will always follow him now who will help gather firewood the night will be cool we will go Peter I know where to find some we can help I will go with you Joy Chris it's so I can't believe I'm actually meeting people I've just started reading about in the Bible and to hear their stories firsthand yeah it's it is amazing are you okay it's just hearing Peter's story and what Jesus did joy and I were supposed to get baptized today and with all that rain back home it's a washout oh I'm sorry Chris it's really important to you huh yeah it's big Pastor Aaron put it this way we die and are buried with Christ by baptism so we can rise to a new life just the way Jesus was raised from the dead by the power of God Joy thought about inviting you me but she wasn't sure how interested you'd be I would be Chris I mean I am do I have to do something very interested I mean I've never been to a baptism what should I do nothing just be yourself you'll see what it's all about but maybe let Joy ask you it's been on her mind have you children been friends a long time not very long kind of new friends have you and the other disciples been friends a long time some of us but others are new friends all so different but with one common belief that Jesus is our Messiah and we are all made stronger being together like this as iron sharpens iron so a friend sharpens a friend you know George I was very confused by that fishing story Peter was telling from now on you'll be fishing for people I mean what sense does that make fishing for people I do not believe that is possible so a rambler simulation program and created a demo for exactly how that my prayer [Music] I don't think that's what Jesus meant no no Jesus was speaking to Men Who spend all their days fishing giz they're fishermen so I think he just used fishing as an example they'd understand oh I see no I do not Jesus was asking them to give up everything and follow him and if they did that they'd have to become Fishers of Men catching taking bringing other people to Jesus as well so the disciples were being told they had to go find other followers just the way Jesus had found them I think he wants all of us to bring others to him giz [Music] yeah I think that's definitely what he wants [Music] no come over here [Music] the master is back [Music] Joy it's Jesus [Music] Peter Matthew Andrew James John Villa Bartholomew what's he doing it appears he is taking disciple attendance very much like in school James huh what he does I read this part I read this in the Bible Jesus is choosing them from hundreds of his disciples he'll pick just 12. the 12 of you will be with me and I will send you out to preach [Music] there's so many things I've read that I want to ask them about why did Peter deny Jesus the night before he was crucified why did Judas betray him Ellie wait no you can't Ellie can we talk what Ellie this is Jesus at the beginning of his ministry you can't just walk up and ask everyone about things they haven't done yet but they I mean the stories in the Bible oh time travel can be very confusing I have begun a database of all our past Adventures so when we land I can place us in a timeline and Chrono scan back and forth so we know what Biblical events have already taken place and which ones haven't I get it to have a chance like this to ask the disciples themselves about Jesus and it is Ellie would you ever want to come to one of our Bible study meetings at our church you mean the kids you went skiing with that day Pastor Aaron and most of them are going to be at our baptism whenever that storm back home clears out you could come too meet some of them there you know if you wanted I would I'd like that I do have a lot of questions about things I've been reading there really is only one question Ellie who do you say that Jesus is [Music] well from everything I've been reading he's a great man a teacher respected by people wherever he goes and [Music] where did all these people come from we have come from all over because we heard Jesus is here I came from the Sea Coast of tires we heard in Jerusalem that Jesus was here I pray he will heal my son there he is Jesus thank you Ellie [Music] master I'm Healed I'm Healed teacher please my son has been crippled since birth [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] God blesses you who are poor for the kingdom of God is yours God blesses you who are hungry now for you will be satisfied God blesses you who weep now for in due time you will laugh what blessings await you when people hate you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the son of man when that happens be happy yes leap for Joy for a great reward awaits you in heaven [Music] here you are thank goodness for a time we thought we had lost you Ellie are you okay Joy you were right there is only one question and only one answer Jesus is the son of God [Music] do you think Ellie made it home and does she remember anything gee away remembered but when your mom traveled with us she did not it could go either way guys hi it's me wow that was no Hulk because uh I want to go with you to your baptism thank you Joy I want to ask God forgiveness for my sins tell the world I'm accepting Jesus as my savior she remembers look it's passing oh and I so wanted to get back to my ongoing coverage of storm again [Music] I [Music] am Danger Chris to be born of God's spirit is the new birth into Christ do you accept Jesus this day I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior Chris I baptize you in the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit [Applause] joy to be born of God's spirit is the new birth in Christ do you accept Jesus this day I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior [Music] savior [Music] oh cry out and shine he is [Music] our declaration there is no one like our God [Music] thank you both of you and this time traveling through Superbook it'll be our secret you mean our secret just like with Jesus the group of followers keeps getting bigger [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the Lost forgive me now of all my sin come be myself [Music] for you changed my life [Music] answer again to save the Lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior and Friends [Music] [Applause] help me Lord to live for you [Music] thank you it's the new Superbook Bible app fine it's packed with games activities and Superbook episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun Daily Devotional and answers to your Bible questions plus an easy to understand Bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own Superbook characters it's the new Superbook Bible app free downloads on iTunes Google Play and Amazon [Music] thank you [Music] yourself [Music] [Music]
Channel: Superbook
Views: 248,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6320499563112, superbookyoutube
Id: FfgU6Oz9aIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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