Super Mario World Playthrough! (Widescreen Mod)

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today we play Super Mario World this is one of the best Super Mario games ever made and this was actually the first Mario game I've ever played in my life there are so many great levels in this game and the difficulty really agrees is as you go along thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoy this video Welcome this is dinosaur land in This Strange Land we find that Princess Toadstool is missing again looks like Bowser's at it again so here we are this is the world map the first level of the game is of course right over here Yoshi's Island one oh boy and I remember I was in Poland as a kid okay and I gotta be careful to not die because the movement in this oh boy oh the movement of this is a little bit different from Super Mario Maker 2 which I'm a lot more used to now the movement is a bit different in both games let's go bam there we go Crush that guy okay let's go let's go like this now bam Crush that guy that's so cool that you can do that Spin Attack to take them out in a single hit okay and those dinosaur coins we want to collect I think three or five of them per level okay so that's how I do that spin attack so we're big so we should be able to break these let's just go like that okay and down the pipe we go but yeah I was visiting uh a farm in Poland and our neighbor actually had this game our neighbor had this game it must have been on the Super Nintendo and I actually came over and I played it a bit oh cool it looks like we're halfway through wait does this give us advice point of advice you can hold an extra item oh yeah you can hold an item in the box at the top okay that's nice now let's come up here wait are there gonna be the moly molies that come out I thought they're gonna be the moly molies that come out okay down here I know that you want to hide because I do remember that you don't want to get hit by that guy now wait can I make it up there what do we want to do here oh I actually can make it up there wait what if I throw this block oh what up cool I got a one up nice what does this block say oh you could just okay that block just tells you how to hold stuff don't hit me okay nice now what are there gonna be any more things coming towards whoa you almost got me bro anything in here yes I thought that there might be a fire flower there ah now look at this look at this we can just shoot up fireballs and oh boy I guess we gotta run up here go go go go okay there we go defeated that one defeated this guy wait oh I guess that must be all the Yoshi coins that we got over there okay that's fantastic let's go bring me up there 27 all right so I guess that's 27 extra coins that we get but yeah I was visiting a farm in Poland and our neighbor had this game and I came over and I played it it was my first time ever playing a video game my memory might be a little rusty and I might be getting something incorrectly because this is something that happened so long ago but yeah I thought I need to get this game this is such a cool game I really wanted it and then we ended up getting a Nintendo 64. uh when I was a little bit older oh it looks like we can collect lots of coins here wow so many coins to collect over here yeah I grew up playing a lot of Super Mario 64. and this game I actually ended up getting the Remake on the Game Boy Advance when that came out that was cool I remember playing a lot of Super Mario World on the Game Boy Advance and Pokemon Ruby those were probably my two most played games on the Game Boy Advance Pokemon Ruby and Super Mario World well I guess it was called Super Mario Advance we hit the yellow switch switch pouch the power of the switch yeah push will turn all of the empty blocks into yellow blocks your progress will also be saved that's Splendid oh this is so cool how you can see all the blocks extending out into the world like that oh and up ahead that's actually world two up there so hopefully we'll be able to make it to World 2 soon oh goodness this is so cool this is also memorable okay first time ever if you have seen or played this game before okay I know that we could grab this I could go like this yeah guys let's go okay another Mushroom in there that's not too important for us because we already have a mushroom in storage let's see anything nice up ahead oh that's nice man the fire flower really helps you out here unless anything nice up ahead are there gonna be charging Chucks now yes I knew it I knew there'd be charging Chucks here oh I just defeated them quite quickly like that okay now they're gonna be the little Molly mollies that come out or what's going on here there's got to be something here can I go down these pipes hey not going down these pipes where wait is this Yoshi yes it's Yoshi my name is oh I'm a red dress with my friends Bowser Chapel in that egg wait so Yoshi got trapped in an egg it's not that Yoshi's just in his own egg oh and you could eat these Apple things too I'm gonna eat this guy when he comes out now wait no come back Yoshi go back Yoshi I remember this happening as a kid too when your yo she runs away you just chase after it you go no I need my Yoshi to come back yes I knew that would happen I remember that there was one of these that came up like this oh wait that's how you jump off of Yoshi and let me up here yes there we go okay now we only need one more of these right I think we only need one more because it looks like we already have four and where could the final one be let's just keep our oh I was gonna say let's keep our eyes peeled but there we go we got that quite quickly that's very nice that we got that now wait does that one do something special because that one was a different color I can't remember if it does and I don't know if any of these pipes have something special because I didn't oh boy oh boy oh that doesn't even defeat him hey hey hey bring back my Yoshi oh no I need my Yoshi I need my Yoshi oh I wanted to use those blocks there to get to the top of the goal but I thought you know what I can't let my Yoshi right away I need my Yoshi because we can bring our Yoshi to the next level with us which is absolutely fantastic oh man this is so memorable oh man I'm so any member he's coming back to me of playing this game all right Yoshi's Island three let's check out this level oh and that's right you can also play as Luigi I almost forgot about that oh boy some of these levels start to get so difficult that it is pretty unbelievable okay so let's see we keep getting these mushrooms that doesn't really matter too much okay we got one of the Yoshi coins there and now wait is there a spot down here where you do want to actually go down oh I guess that is supposed to be a you know what wait can I eat you I want to eat you come here there we go we ate them now I think if we press the uh swallow button or the Run button I think we'll spit out fire now let's see yeah that's so cool that you can eat those guys and then you end up spitting out fire wait what if we come down here oh there's a pipe right down there maybe we actually want to go down this pipe let's see what's down this way because I remember there being something down here and down the pipe there is oh it'd be tricky let's see let's go fast and yes okay good thing we went there because there's a Yoshi coin that you need very good thing that we went there hopefully I didn't miss one earlier maybe I did if we don't get all the Yoshi coins it's not the end of the world that's okay let me swallow you actually yeah it's very nice one fire flower you know what let me take that now we have a fire flower in storage and we also have a fire flower the leaf power remember the power up that lets you fly it is also a very useful thank goodness there are these platforms down here so it's not even a very big problem if you uh fall [Music] oh boy I think there's a lot more slippery than I'm used to than in a Super Mario maker give me the guy oh I can't have the guy that's okay wait what in the world is this I don't remember this block oh it just gave us one point I wonder how those blocks work I think I remember how they used to work but I don't remember anymore oh my goodness and we got all the Yoshi coins again we are doing amazing actually we've got every single Yoshi so far uh and this music plays when you complete the level is so nice to it I love the little when you finish a level like that that's so nice oh and it's a water level now man I remember just whenever I had to go somewhere with my parents whenever we had to go to I don't know like renew your oh no why did I take that I forgot that that replaces your other power up oh I guess that works and there's another one of those that's very nice yeah I specifically remember playing this level when my parents had to get a new license or something now how can we do this what do we want to do here do we want to take the top path or what oh I guess we probably want to hit that switch because if we hit that switch hey let's go like this oh jump off like that okay now let's go here oh that's not what I wanted here's what we can do here's what we can do I've got an idea go wait I have to get onto Yoshi so I guess I gotta throw that away okay let's go like this jump off Yoshi to get up here now I can run to here grab this and now if I step on this switch the coins will turn to blocks and the blocks will turn into coins let's go like this oh you guys gotta move oh no Yoshi give me my Yoshi thank goodness we still have our Yoshi I was so worried oh wait do we want to keep going go get up Yoshi no don't lose my Yoshi don't lose my Yoshi don't let me lose my Yoshi thank goodness I was so worried there I was so worried that we would lose our Yoshi those spiky pigs are so scary okay oh and I guess that means we got all the Yoshi coins I didn't even realize that we were only one away and is this gonna be the end now we are actually playing out of our minds today we're playing so nicely oh okay and I got that 24 coins very nice yeah I remember when my parents they were renewing their license or something and we were waiting in line I just had my Game Boy Advance with me playing this game oh oh oh now we get to do this wait a minute this is kind of like one of those timing mini games but it doesn't seem like it's going too fast but I'm talking so I okay that's weird I went through I don't know if I'd be able to get these all oh we're doing pretty well over there okay now I'm just going through them what in the world is going on he's not hitting them they're just going right through me what in the world is going on okay sure we've got a few of those that's okay and a few of those do we get anything oh there's still one more to get okay too bad they aren't all stars because I'm guessing the amount of lines that you have that's the amount of one-ups you get yeah okay there we go we get two one-ups that's nice and I don't want to jump off my Yoshi I want to keep my Yoshi look at how Yoshi's just going through the wall like that we are at the first castle of the game Iggy's Castle I can't believe we're already here because I remember as a kid it would take me very long to get here whoa no bring Yoshi into the castle okay and it looks like you can kind of drop down onto these guys wait and I think there's also a way to hit these guys I can punch them through the fence like that which is kind of cool oh no whoa you turn you turn this game oh I didn't know that that happens in this game oh maybe it's actually different in a Super Mario World [Music] like in the NES version maybe it's actually different okay I don't know if I actually can go get that now hey should I bring this switch with me maybe I should bring this switch somewhere uh maybe I can't bring it anywhere oh you know what I could do yeah I could just go like got there we go now we've got another nice fire flower here I'm gonna hit you bro don't hit me love able thank you very much for letting me through hey now where do we want to go I'm scared but let's go like this perfect I'll hit you and now wait do I want to go on to the other side so cool you could just bump these guys off like that okay there are coins up there anything else up there doesn't seem like there's anything too crazy there okay so let's go up this door uh the reason that I said oh oh oh oh don't get squished yeah the reason that I said let's go up this door is because you have to hold up when you're at a door to um to go through the door okay let's not get squished here if you get squished you do die I don't think we really need that that's just for some extra points you want to stay kinda towards the left not too far you don't want to get squished oh wait this could be scary ah should I go please oh oh it's not moving anymore go through the door thank you we made it wow you're jumping bro oh wait do I have to push him down into the lava I think I have to push him down into the lava let's see I'm getting you broke I'm getting you bro yes yes we pushed him off do we win no okay that is so nice we won the first boss battle that is fantastic and I think we have zero depth so far too I get to have my Yoshi back or no oh I actually forgot about these cut scenes over here that's so funny Mario has defeated the demented Iggy Koopa in Castle number one and rescued Yoshi's friend who is still trapped in an egg together they now travel to Donut to land so Donut Land is going to be the second world of the game oh that's so good we oh and we get to keep Yoshi that's amazing okay so donut planes number one I think I might have had some difficulty at this level before yeah cause I remember there's this guy here no no no no oh no I didn't get the tail because some of these guys when you defeat them then you can get that uh flying power up oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I keep losing my Yoshi oh and you throw stuff at me oh no oh no oh no I just want my Yoshi I want my Yoshi I want my Yoshi there we go and we get to have this flying ability that's amazing can I eat you yes I could eat those that's amazing okay yeah because these things that get spit out like that they're a bit dangerous they're a little bit difficult to go around but it's so nice when you hold the a button you fall more slowly like this and you know what oh we just crushed him I was hoping that we'd get another one of those flying power-ups anything nice in here oh I think it's like uh eight wrong order and do I get something special now hey okay so if you can guess the order correctly then you get a one-up I guess hey that's wrong how about this and let's do Oh wrong okay how about this then right okay that was wrong also hey at least we got one one up that's something oh now you're all coming towards me where are you guys don't like eat that one okay watch out watch out too many of you guys are coming by there are too many of you guys you need to stop this okay that's a one-up because that's supposed to be a Yoshi there I've got to defeat this guy get out of here oh oh I can do this no let me up here let me up here okay let me jump off this Yoshi for just a moment Yoshi don't you worry I'll be right back Yoshi don't you worry Yoshi I'm not gonna abandon you Yoshi my sweet sweet little Yoshi I will take care of you don't you be afraid I will attend to all of your needs in just a moment Yoshi hey now what about this guy stop throwing the balls that we would lose the Yoshi okay but we've got this oh now wait a minute hold on can't you run up this well when the green blocks are lactated oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I'm getting hit by so much give me this I need that okay now let me through let me through don't let me lose my power up and there we go okay we got that oh it is funny that you don't really need the top of the goal pole in this game it's like Super Mario 3D land or Super Mario 3D World it's just you have to get all the Yoshi coins I'm guessing they're called Yoshi coins I'm calling them Yoshi coins oh man and since these levels have red dots that means that they actually have some secret exits oh and I remember this this one is one of the uh Auto scrolling levels okay is there another leap for us here or something it's just one of those I actually don't want that because that would get rid of our uh you know what there we go okay that would get rid of our fire player oh no oh no please let me out please please before we get squished please please please let me out hooray thank you oh don't touch me I want you yes thank you okay now don't squish me here anything nice in there okay just a coin that's fine that's fine we have to be ready to react to whatever may be here wait can I get up there oh watch out bro uh maybe I was supposed to bounce off of that guy so that I can get that high in reach up there I don't know if that's the point oh I don't know if I couldn't get onto that one or if I just didn't okay let me up here no take away by Yoshi yes you came back you came back hooray thank you Yoshi hey can we go I don't know if I wanted to go up there because I want that uh you know what I want that Yoshi coin that was up ahead actually what in the world where are you bouncing bro don't give me back my Yoshi I swear to goodness if you make me lose my Yoshi you will suffer a fake worse than death okay thank you now what's here oh there's a blue shell here what do we want to do with the blue show what's the point of the blue show oh maybe if I let my Yoshi swallow the blue shell something special will happen my Yoshi has wings I Can Fly let's go fly up here oh I guess this is where the secret exit is oh no oh no I lost my Yoshi okay you know what let's go through why not we are here so might as well take it we're not gonna take every secret exit but hey we thought oh that's the green switch Palace okay so it's good that we did that I actually didn't know that that was there that's so funny let's come down here let's throw that what the he just took the shell oh no and I'm little I'm little I'm Stuart Little go hey give me this oh I think I was only supposed to come down here just for uh what UPS basically but I just ended up taking some damage and using up my power up okay so that's fine so we'll just go through this pipe and let's go and activate the you know what let's try and dive up high or jump up high Oh I thought that we'd be able to dive up by and then slam down on this but we can also just go like that gently come down onto it wow so now we have the green switches or the green boxes activated that's super cool I wonder what other colors there will be in the game because so far we've got yellow and green yep and there we go now the green boxes are spreading out every I hope I can get another Yoshi soon it'd be a nice we could get another Yoshi okay time two come over here I guess oh and I guess I could hey I was gonna say I guess I could have taken that mushroom but I didn't think that I would need it so soon already okay you come down I'm just gonna bounce off of you to get that high that'll be nice I'll throw you down there maybe you'll defeat something over there maybe not hopefully we don't get squished and hurt too badly can I run by you I want you I want you yeah oh and you get to keep your Mushroom in storage that's super cool that it works that way and if you're already big and you get another power up then you end up having a mushroom in storage which kind of does make sense go all right that's so cool how I pulled that up into him kind of it doesn't make sense since uh you turn little if you take damage with the power up in this game but now I guess oh that's amazing give me that yes good good okay now I'm not going into that pipe again but where we are going to go is we're gonna take this Yoshi coin right here okay so that's two Yoshi coins collected so far that's amazing I'm very very happy with this now what are we gonna do do we want to go up this one maybe we can't go up that one there's another Yoshi going for us good it good whoa is it gonna come back is it gonna come back the shell okay guys oh block I was hoping that it'd be a Yoshi because we already have a feather in storage oh no where do I go where do I go to not get squished okay it doesn't come that low okay so that's fine that's fine it didn't squish us that's very good but nowhere okay there's another one of these now is someone gonna come from the right are you gonna squish me wait wait don't squish me don't squish me bro it would have squished me it would have squished me it's a good thing that I didn't go so soon okay now let's see now this part must not squish us right what the oh the guy woke up I need the power up now and I need that I need that I need that right there oh maybe it wouldn't have squished us okay let's go like this yes okay we got all the amazing now do I go down here oh wait you're gonna start coming this way right right we go down this pipe or the green pipe that is the question hey well we can't go down that pipe so let's go through the green pipe and that is the end of the level right there amazing donut ghost house we are almost at the end of world two and here it is it even says ghost house right on the door like that Arya looks up at the sign heads through the door is he looking up at the sign or is he looking up because you have to tap up to open the door hey do you have any advice for us this is a ghost house can you find the exit don't get lost yeah some of these ghosts are a little terrifying to deal with it's very easy to take damage here no no no no no no no no no stay back stay back guys stay back okay thank goodness we didn't take damage there that's very nice go through the door hey there's enough of those ghosts now now these ghosts I think they come towards you when you're oh boy I'm pressing the wrong button I'm thinking wait why am I not doing the jump that I want to do I don't know if we want to go down there if there's an invisible door or something wait a minute wait this isn't just the same thing repeated is it hold on hold on hold on what do we want to do with this switch grab the switch stay away from me stop following me everybody okay everyone come here come follow me on Twitter follow me on Instagram okay come here come here booze I shall run this way now you shall never find me okay let's hit the switch oh there's an Arrow showing us to go this way oh and now there's a door right here for us to go through and if we go through this door hey there's a block the block is a path of coins wait what if we got all the coins okay I guess we just got all the coins now if we go through this door we're back at what seems like the same kind of area can I break this well I can't break that one interesting okay let's go through this door then and we've got another switch wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's go through this door again okay okay I'm sure what's going on but we're over here now so that's fine that looks like we are able to continue now I don't know if that's the same room repeating or if there are multiple rooms like that I wasn't high enough to reach that that's okay and we're little so that's not too great that we're little we might be having our first death soon actually pretty good that we haven't had any deaths yet though guys how far in the game do you think we'll get before we die and that's so cool how the world opens up like this as you progress through the game okay donut planes three you're moving fast I almost died right away actually okay what's in here now yes wait okay I was thinking wait is it gonna come back down where is it going it should be coming back down Okay so we're at donut planes now oh and there were no Yoshi coins in the previous level that's something that I was aware of and I was wondering wow you're jumping high oh stay back maybe yeah okay that was so much colder than I thought it would be are you a Yoshi oh no Yoshi's here unfortunately let's see where are you going bro back okay that's fine that's fine I don't have to defeat you we break those ah now where do we want to go let's go here okay and now oh boy you know what I'll jump to this one go like this nice is this harder or easier than Super Mario Maker 2 cause you know what there's there are some levels in Super Mario Maker 2 that are very easy there are some that are very difficult oh no don't touch me don't touch me okay now I need to hit this I need to otherwise we'll fall off hey you stay away stay away stay away and yes very very nice okay we're at the checkpoint and we have two of these oh that fuzzy looks like he's gonna be a very big Troublemaker look at him look at his little mouth oh but I guess if I just stay to the left or right then maybe I could kind of avoid them oh stay back please stay back please thank you very much it'd be amazing if there's a Yoshi in there Ah that's okay too yeah sure I'll take one of those that's fine now do we take this path or the bottom path I guess we probably wanna oh oh go nice stay back and let me in the pipe do I go down the pipe anything in here I went down the pipe oh another one of these sectors that's so funny I didn't expect to see another one of these okay that's nice oh nope that was incorrect wait I wonder oh okay I was gonna say I wonder if you have to do it in a specific order or if it's just the timing every time am I only going to get one okay we got one again but now we come out here hopefully when you go through a pipe like that it doesn't make you miss anything important uh what do I do now what do I even do now okay let's go like that that's fine that's fine okay anything nice here oh I didn't get all the Yoshi coins that's okay we got three Yoshi coins okay so I think that's the first level where we haven't gotten all the Yoshi coins yet but we're almost at the world 2 castle are we going to the world 2 castle right now let's see or is there one level before wait donut planes four oh so this must be the level before the castle I'm guessing yeah yeah because this does not look like a castle oh that guy's Invincible I think well kind of invincible Invincible in some sense like some he's invulnerable to certain things let's put it that way I think that's a more accurate way of putting it now I can come across to here what am I gonna do with you bro you Hammer thrower you oh well I guess that takes care of you oh cool we just flew up to here nice looks like you can actually skip a lot of the level by just going here and someone's throwing hammers there okay we're halfway through the level now so that's nice I remember when some levels were too hard I would just fly across like this to the end just like this oh oh there's something up there actually let's get that uh and I did miss one of the Yoshi coins earlier oh no oh no no I can't wall jump you can't wall jump now our first death that's actually okay that we had a debt there though that's fine oh look at these are these actually galombas instead of goombas Yoshi okay I'll gladly take a Yoshi here give me that hey let's go oh oh oh oh oh oh and if you time this nicely you could get a nice power up give me that that's what I want oh it keeps changing I didn't expect that it would keep changing and we actually barely made that jump over there let's see give me that jump the invincibility music's kind of funny oh man how did that work that was so strange I have no idea how we made it up there but that worked okay so we're little but we have Yoshi but wait we can't even bring Yoshi into the castle level I guess now we're just gonna be little Mario going into the castle level all right let's go we Hop Off Yoshi right yeah we do that spin-off Yoshi and the castle music is so cool in this game Mario looks up the door opens up for him into the Fortress we go Castle number two oh wait what do these do again oh that's right that's how these work oh boy okay and watch out for this spinning ball thing did I hit that whoa be that give me whatever's in there I don't want to get hurt give me that yes give me that mushroom now don't get squished good now come on up the door Mario and what's next okay I guess we're going this way now don't squish me oh you're up there too I almost walked into him I don't want to get hurt by the lava bubble out of these guys go on a cycle or is it when you walk by they get triggered okay now we've got a dry bones here this is a dry bones right kind of looks like a dry bones because modern Dry Bones look kind of different to this oh I remember this section I vaguely remember this yeah there are these things and then there were some other parts where sometimes the coins would appear and uh you also don't want to get squished wait can I slide through on this side I think that maybe you can get a nice power up here yeah I thought that you'd be able to get a feather here now let's come on up here up here don't get squished okay doing pretty fine we're doing not bad I think in this playthrough it seems like we're doing a not bad playthrough over here could be going much worse definitely better than my first playthrough as a kid now do we want to Blink uh do we want to bling do we want to bring this trampoline up with us maybe we do let's see let's see can I I don't know if I can run fast enough to make it up I go like this maybe I maybe I can get enough running speed to make it up yes okay okay uh but we were able to fly up to this one that doesn't matter as much as being able to fly up to the other one I guess okay I was thinking for some reason that I should bring the trampoline up but I guess I could wait does that not bring me high enough oh oh There are there are things that come out there okay so it looks like this should be enough yeah just the trampoline should be fine I don't think we have to bring the trampoline up with us maybe life would be a bit easier if we did bring the trampoline with us but we should be fine without bringing the trampoline up yeah we should be able to just go like this now hold on don't get squished here I'm getting squished aren't I let me through let me through there let me through here bro oh my goodness that was quite scary hey now do I have enough time to finish this level that is my next question because where do we want to go next guess we want to come up here oh and you don't want to fall onto any of those oh that's so nice that we have this right here okay but wait oh I was thinking wait how are we gonna make it up but this comes out I I care of you and in there is another one of these that's perfect okay now I guess this is the boss we have 100 seconds to beat the boss now how am I gonna defeat this boss world oh I think I remember what we have to do he jumps down and there we go okay could I jump on him again that was weird because our jump earlier didn't work okay so I need him to try and drop down on me like that and then we could hurt him like that okay I don't know if I could jump on him multiple times before he starts climbing up the wall again hey go fast now and is he defeated that's three hits yeah look at he gets flattened out like that goodbye sir all right Mario has a really cool pose over here the way that he's turning around like that and his cape is fluttering in the wind that's Castle number two completed already thank you thank you oh and if this one Mario kicks the castle like that and stops it down instead of exploding it Morton Koopa Jr of Castle number two is now just a memory the next area is the underground vanilla dome what traps await Mario in this new world but will become a Princess Toadstool it's interesting how they say Princess Toadstool instead of Princess Peach and it's also super cool how while you're moving around like this you can also see other parts of the world oh man I forgot how good the music here actually was and for some reason this area reminds me a little bit of Pokemon Snap maybe it's because in Pokemon Snap there are some cave levels okay I'm trying to walk off this ledge here please thank you thank you for letting me walk up the ledge oh boy okay I didn't hit that block but that's okay can I eat the bats okay I'm not eating the bats that's fine oh now this is super interesting now which one do we want do we want the one that lets us fly or do we want the one that lets us spit out fire let's see I guess we could go like that and spit out some fire okay maybe that does absolutely nothing though let's take this one and now if we fly up well that should be an easy way through this level right oh wait unless uh what are we gonna do here yeah cause how can I get by these guys if we fly oh don't give me trouble oh Yoshi swallowed it already that's so sad so sad that Yoshi already swallowed it okay wait can Yoshi swallow the Buzzy beetles or no I don't know if Yoshi can swallow the Buzzy beetles oh he can that actually didn't know that you can swallow the Buzzy beetles okay that's nice but I guess uh if we come up there for that coin then we have to go back this way can I eat anybody anybody here to eat oh actually I don't want to want actually but I don't want that I just remember that we actually don't want that and the reason that we don't want that is because that would replace our feather that's in storage oh now over here there are Red Blocks interesting wait can I do this maybe this be an infinite live streak okay I'm not risking it I don't think that'll work I don't think that those blocks are close enough to give us infinite lives so let's just come on through here and we really don't have a lot of Yoshi coins in this level oh and now we're in another one of these spots oh cool yeah I'll be Invincible okay let me be Invincible now let's run run fast go over that and go yeah we got that one okay that was super cool the way that we were able to do that I was very focused there just making sure that it would last long enough wait do we go down here then anything back here oh looks like you just die by going into a pit if you go back that way okay it doesn't seem to be anything here let's come on up with Yoshi oh and if you're little I guess you could squeeze through there or hold on can I go like this I don't know if I can squeeze through there as regular Mario or if I have to be little no can I not get back up now oh no oh no I am little uh should I just go for that did I go for it I almost lost my feather you know maybe it'd be better to just take Yoshi and head across this way what the did we get hurt there or what happened does it seemed like we should have gotten hurt but it didn't seem like anything did hurt us so I was a little confused by that okay and we are running low on time I guess we don't really have to worry too much about getting that dinosaur coin because we didn't get the previous one oh come on up oh and again that's so weird it's like when you attack with your uh oh oh it's because we were about to lose our Yoshi and then we got our Yoshi back that's why it looked like we didn't get damaged I see now let's go like this and wait what if you go past the gopal oh it automatically uh ends the level if you do that okay so that's what happens if you jump over where the top of the goal pull is or at least that's what it seemed like it seemed like the level just ended okay it doesn't seem like there are a crazy amount of levels in this world but there are of course going to be a bunch of secret worlds that we can access here hey look it's a Magikarp Magikarp stop stop using Splash attack Magikarp give me back my Yoshi please please please please please please please please please please please ah Yoshi Yoshi oh and earlier I said something about we didn't have any deaths I think I might have accidentally said that we didn't have any deaths because I forgot about that one pit that we fell into there was that one pit that we fell into and I tried to fly across the level so there was one death that we had or at least one I think that was our only death so far let's just lie on up here and be careful oh nice and the Fireballs are so nice anything nice here I don't want another one of those to be honest oh boy let's go let's go very nice ah church and Chuck's coming here why don't you just smash through these come come yes there we go okay that's very nice now we can just come down here and uh Fred that's not what I wanted I didn't want that to happen but I guess it's all right cause now we've got a feather here where are you going bro can you break that where are you going bro bro what are you doing this is madness it's absolute Madness don't go like this and yeah I don't know if that guy can charge through there or not where is he going he's just chasing me like he is a wild hunter he's a hunter and I am his prey Super Mario World Hunter versus the hunter hunter versus the hunted and I'm the hunted one all right you're gonna come here too bro you're gonna come here bro you ready to jump well they split into three there triplets but we completed the level I actually can't believe how much progress we're making in this game in a single day like this because this is a game that took me months to beat as a child I would bring my Game Boy Advance with me everywhere and I would be playing it and yeah it took uh whoa boy it took a lot to beat it let's go through now and some of these jumps are a little close to the booze for comfort you can move I can come up here let me up there to get that one very nice wait a minute did the other boo house not have Yoshi coins or was I just really bad I wonder which it was look at this guy this guy's face is just so familiar it stands out a bit from the other ones but can I go like this yes now I want this one and I also want the other one because I don't want a fire flower I'd rather have this than a fire flower let's go there we are okay now then when is a good time to go there perfect I was kind of hoping there'd be a Yoshi I don't know if you even can bring yoshu into the uh into a ghost house because you can't bring Yoshi into the final Castle I was thinking that maybe you also can't bring him into a ghost house game now do these bubbles always take the same path oh boy what are these bubbles even I don't remember what these bubbles are you can stay back stay back do I get hurt if these bubbles touch me there's an X bubble come on it's gonna be at a really annoying spot isn't it oh that's actually uh not too inconvenient not too inconvenient uh oh you're not going up that high that's nice okay are you luring me into a false sense of security and safety now is that what you're doing oh nice one of these switches I guess I'll bring that with us should I go through the door oh you know what I think it is this is what I think it is I think you got to get those coins and when you hit this that door appears and that's gonna be the door that you have to go into oh and there's that there's one Yoshi coin that we're missing unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it but the level is complete all right what is the next one vanilla ghost house is done now it's vanilla dome three okay this looks like an area where we might be dying because we are on lava oh don't touch me I don't know if those ins to kill you or if they just damage you I wonder if that one up there has something nice yeah because these guys seem like charvargs and in a lot of Mario games one hit kou like born Trail in Pokemon okay go I was wondering if maybe the shell would collect the coin for us if the shell came in contact with the coin if it would collect it for us hey now then I think there's gonna be another Char Bar coming out here that's very nice it's so nice that you can have a gentle fall like this by holding the jump button and where are we going okay we're coming down here okay I'll just jump up here then that's fine wait is there an invisible block here yeah okay of course there's an invisible block there and in here there is nice another feather okay we already have one in storage and one active so that's fine not that big of a deal but these guys they don't seem like they would instant kill you even though in a lot of games they do in this game I'm not sure if they would why did I do that oh that works I guess I wonder if you can go through any of these maybe you can okay so now let's do this now let's not slow down too much let's get you out of the way okay you're defeated let's come on down here okay now we want to ride this across there good thing there's not a piranha plant or something your own we can go down the pipe oh it brings us to this ice area I don't know if I've been here before it's so slippery here actually Hey Now what's past here oh I gotta bounce off that guy let's see let's see how can we do this how can we do this go I thought it would hurt me I thought it would hurt me but we got it that's unbelievable that's actually unbelievable I can't believe that that hit worked the way that it did hey now let's run up like this what in the world is that man doing I've got to get rid of this shell now though can I just throw it up okay perfect and now we could run up here that's very nice I wonder if maybe that could have had a Yoshi there that one question mark block that I didn't hit watch out for the trevorg keep our eyes out for the charvargs over here man what a lovely game this is what a splendid game this is and I heard this game was also apparently remade in Super Mario Maker slash Super Mario Maker 2. that could be really fun to do a remake of this game in Super Mario Maker 2. I'm so glad I didn't fall onto the charvar because I did not want to find out if these insta kill you or not okay now you know what and I want to check what's in these pipes ah man I don't know why I did that I should have I should have just waited I should have just waited Coulda Woulda Shoulda as they say oh I'm surprised you can't go down that pipe let's bring this with us where are you going sir oh and there we go we got all them well it's been a little while since we've gotten all of them oh and get another one of these I'm actually surprised at how many power-ups are available in this game they're a lot more power-ups than I was expecting that there would be you go up this one I was thinking that maybe you could go up that one because that one it seemed like there wasn't a piranha plant coming out of it okay now do we oh there's the goal oh I should have tried to go past the goal again because it's kind of cool it's funny that in Super Mario Maker 2 you actually can jump past the goal pull and then you have to go back and actually reach the gopal but in this game it seems like if you go over it then the level just ends okay here's vanilla dome four are things gonna oh I remember this I remember this part there are these things that are kind of like candles they're bullet bills being shut out they're these little flippy boards over here that flip you a little bit if you jump on them nicely so where are we going to be going let's grab that one right there perfect now watch out and watch out for that one man these bullet bills really are coming uh oh boy oh boy oh boy watch out watch out yeah don't touch base stay back so we don't need another one that's okay and these bullet bills they just have no mercy they're just constantly coming from one side in the other okay duck I'll go I want to bounce off you I want to come up here wait where am I where am I I'm a pie I'm holding the float button just to make sure that we don't go somewhere crazy bullet bills come up now man bullet bills are coming from every which direction you can imagine oh my goodness and I'm guessing the ones that are coming up vertically from down low I'm guessing that oh don't touch me I'm like trying to outrun him okay what if we go down here oh we can't go down that's kind of surprising okay but we can come down there and get that one so that's three so far let me up please wait why are there no bullet bills coming out here that's so weird where the Bullet Bill's at is that like a safe spot or something what's going on hey welcome here there's another Yoshi coin I wonder if we'll get all the Yoshi coins in this level because that's number four oh I guess not because this is the end of the level oh and can I go past it let's go let's go yeah if you go past it then that just happens we would have gone past it there it looked like we would have gone past it you just get one coin instead of getting a bunch of coins from hitting the bar and we're already at the castle these castles are going by so quickly it's actually kind of unbelievable so I think it said this was Lemmy's castle is that right well let's see what the castle is will I remember oh boy I remember these guys giving me some trouble okay now then because I don't want to whoa boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay that actually worked out okay yeah cause I remember that being quite difficult uh now hold on do I want this what do I do with this block let's see I know what to do I know what to do but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I just want to put down this this switch let me put down the switch I don't want to uh accidentally let me up let me up let me up okay good good now put it down don't put it into the lava okay that's okay uh can I get up there now can I get up there can I get up there let me bounce off you I couldn't bounce off you let me up here let me up here bro you gotta let me up there I'm close and very scary oh boy I was just so focused on getting there and we actually made it am I too late I might be a fool for doing that but we made it through oh my goodness that was nice that we had some bold movement there and it paid off and now we want to go in here we want to go up here is there a reason to go up here do we just go through all the way because I'm guessing we are safe like this weird that it isn't Auto scrolling you'd think that maybe this would be a section that auto Scrolls don't touch me don't touch me lava bubbles stay back lava bubble there's one section over here somewhere there's got to be a section over here where when it moves you actually have the chance to get a you know what to get a Yoshi coin over there there's one of those power-ups I don't really care for that go here then are you going all the way down tell me you're not nice you're not going all the way down that is Splendid you're going like this and so we can just jump across like that no problem hey friend oh let's just come on up here oh that little dry bones gonna just attack you like that with my little Cape here I just knock you off the map here as if you try and walk into me then I'd get hurt and if I just jump on you then I can't take you out if I get another one here beautiful beautiful no through the door we go oh no wait how does this one work that's not the real that is the real one okay okay I know how this works now I remember so there's one real one and two fake ones there's the real one get him I'm almost dead I'm almost dead that's fake that one's real oh no oh no I didn't get him where is he real one's there I didn't get him here's the real one yes there we go okay two hits two hits we gotta be careful careful there's a real one we got him are you defeated are you defeated tell me you're defeated bro tell me you're defeated tell me you're defeated yeah look at that Mario looks like he's doing a little dance over here I like hop right in the middle of the screen by the text right there looks like 160 times 50 equals Mario zero and Mario rescued another one of Yoshi's friends thank you now what is he gonna do Mario has the hammer just like in Paper Mario oh oh it's also like a Donkey Kong Mario has triumphed over Lemmy Koopa of Castle number three Mario's quest is starting to get much more difficult have you found the red and green switches yet I found the green switches but I don't think I found the red switches yet I wonder if that will make life more difficult okay let's go through this pipe that brings us to up here oh man oh man wait can we just reached Castle 4 very quickly like this or are there some other secret paths that we have to take because it looks like there's another Fortress up there actually okay so this was called I think cheese Bridge or something and yeah I remember this being a section where I died a lot because yeah there are these saws that come at you like this and there are moving platforms and you think wait which platform should I stay on which would be a nice platform for me to stay on I don't want to get hit by a saw I don't know about you but I don't want to get hit by I saw there is a Yoshi coin that we could have gotten there too bad we didn't get that one maybe we can get a nice power up here okay dead again okay so that means two deaths so far not bad that we made it this far into the game and we only have two deaths so I think that's not too bad at all not too shabby if I do say so myself now hold on was the Yoshi coin on this one or the lowest one oh boy how in the world okay that's okay what okay this is definitely proving to be our most formidable challenge yet but despite that we shall be able to overcome it oh oh man how in the world am doing how in the world am I doing what I'm doing okay that's the farthest that we have ever been this is pretty unbelievable and I actually have both of those Yoshi coins now I okay yeah there's no way I'm going for that one down there this is absolutely wild I'm just gonna stay up here where it's safe that's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna stay right here or no one will give me any trouble next and we turn big oh I think that's only for Yoshi actually those wings over there so if you have a Yoshi oh oh a knife to jump off actually those wings would be nice for Yoshi wow we would have gotten actually almost all the Yoshi coins if I had just gotten that other one there now then this is a bit strange how those ropes only go side to side like that I wonder why that is kind of suspicious oh no oh no don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me let me go down here ah man we're only missing one Yoshi coin that's actually so sad don't hurt me don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me please don't hurt me oh this is the end this is the end go okay we're done the level wow we're only one Yoshi coin away so we almost got all of the cookie Mountain okay so that was just cheese Bridge area now it's cookie Mountain all these levels with the names of food in the name of the level don't hurt me I'm dead as I was saying all these levels with the names of food go yes there we go all these levels with the names of food in the title seems like these are difficult levels okay you're gonna roll down there I'm gonna get this one perfect now just come on up here yeah they are my little moly friends hey hey where are you going you little Molly molies come little mollies oh don't hurt me little mollies don't hurt me little more [Music] little Molly friends hey come here little mollies I shall defeat you all I shall just stomp on you one at a time like this come yes and there we go okay actually that wasn't one at a time I stopped on about three of them together there no that looked dangerous man that warning that we got about the game suddenly increasing in difficulty after completing that last castle that warning was very appropriate oh and I could probably just use this to take out these guys very quickly what a good little red shell that makes sense that's probably why the Red Shell was put there okay so now oh I'll just damage boost through here then that's fine oh no how am I gonna deal with you guys no apparents me checkpoint flag I'd like that don't hurt me you little chumper piranha plant you there we go you know where are you all going all you little holy molies let's go like this I guess I'll climb up okay there's one for us and what's up this way one up for Yoshi okay just a one-up too bad it wasn't Yoshi anything in here okay nothing too crazy there down this pipe we go and in here okay we're swimming but so what I guess we have to swim to the left wait did I enter at the end of a section or something no no tell me I don't have to jump over another one of these fish I do I can't get past you guys yeah this game is getting a little bit more difficult but it's super cool that there are some kind of fast ways to get past some of these sections and there's some stuff that it seems like it was added specifically for certain reasons like this shell is oh boy oh boy this shell is obviously for taking out these Monty moles here and if you do it nicely then they're actually just enough to get a one up there I think okay now we've gotta watch out for these fellas over here don't turn to me I would like to get that there don't burn me don't kill me okay that's okay this is nice this is nice now we'll get to be big and wooly moly stay back [Music] okay let's go like this come on up now come on up now we can just grab that one that's beautiful oh and last time we had a lot of trouble with this pipe I almost forgot about this it's been a while since I've been here and I do this pipe as little Mario there's no way this will work right whoa whoa go yes let me up here now where will this take us will this take us somewhere nice please tell me it'll take us somewhere nice oh we're up here and this is something special happen up here oh oh we got a one up and is that all bad we're back here oh no why did I even go there for oh no oh no this isn't good hey let's go like this hey mommies you're bad Molly mollies I shall go up here and collect this and we only need one more just one more and where shall the final one be let's see my Molly Molly friends wait how can I hit that do I need a shelf thank goodness you didn't spit out that fire at me oh yay thanks we got that beautiful so we got all the Yoshi coins don't hurt me I want that but I don't want to go through the fire and flames to get it oh nice we just have it like this boost me hey bro why are you busy you're supposed to busy okay but there we go 27 Stars oh uh yeah this is getting a little bit difficult I think and oh my goodness it's the castle already yeah here's Ludwig's Castle wow I didn't think that we'd be here already [Music] on wig's Castle here we come open up please open sesame oh I don't really remember this one too much wait a minute how do I even deal with these guys what do I even do I just have to jump over them when they're not spiky like that but like that okay what are those enemies even called yeah I do vaguely remember them but man I haven't seen them in so long oh boy Crouch here okay nice come here I am not hit somehow I am not hit somehow I'm not hit somehow let's go okay cool I made it through without getting hit that's amazing oh boy switch go the other way oh boy oh man no matter man they were not hitting about a sudden difficulty Spike uh get it Spike because there's spikes up there come on where's that where's that where's that come on come on oh man and we didn't get squished yeah cause look that would have come all the way down okay let's go through this door and that brings us to an area where we have to do some climbing now because everybody loves climbing climbing is a favorite pastime of many well why are you doing this to me why are you doing this to me why are you doing this to me Mario why are you like this get out of here okay I'm not getting hurt I'm not getting hurt I'm not getting hurt Gary let's go up here Gary oh boy watch out watch out watch out my friends I wanted to give you a warning so that you could all be very careful here as you do not want to get hit by the Koopa Troopers no Siri nobody wants to get hit by a Koopa Trooper all right through the door we go time to face the boss isn't it off we go and gonna be a hard boss fight where is he oh you're gonna blow fire at me huh oh is that all you're gonna do bro oh oh now you're in your shell I wonder if I have to find an opportunity to attack you when you pop out or what in the world where are you going bro no yeah I got you bro okay okay now where are you gonna go this is kind of like boom boom it reminds me a little bit of the boom boom boss fight actually and now you're going there the sound that he makes when he jumps is so funny There we go got you good I went into your fire Through the Fire and Flames that's not where I want to go you build Dragon Force away from me you're a strong dragon and I do not want to see the force that you have I just wanna go through the fire and flames let's go I went to the right on purpose that time to try and avoid the fire and we avoided the fire horse cleared we're little Mario Another Castle done four castles done in a single day that is unbelievable to me oh and look at this we get see another one of these little animations thank you and we're expl Oh Oh I thought we'd explode the castle but it looks like it flew off but it looks confused about it too goes into the distance like that and ah yeah I remember that and then it makes a little bandage mark on the hill there Ludwig von koopa's days of composing Koopa symphonies in Castle number four are over the force of Illusion lies ahead Mario must use his brain to solve the puzzle of this perplexing Forest I really recommend you watch my video where we play Super Mario Maker 2's story mode is an incredibly fun game and I'm so surprised that over a million people have already watched that video so thank you so much for watching I hope you have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody thank you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 143,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, zxmany mario, zxmany mario odyssey, mario, super mario, super mario odyssey platthrough, let's play super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey gameplay, mario odyssey zxmany, mario odyssey gameplay, funny mario, mario memes, funny mario videos, mario videos, zxmany super mario odyssey, zxmany super mario, all kingdoms, mario odyssey all moons, super mario world, mario world, let's play super mario, super mario movie, super mario bros movie
Id: VTdPf8sRIq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 55sec (3355 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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