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let's talk about fall phrasal verbs and i'm not really talking about the fall season i'm talking about phrasal verbs that all have the word fall and phrasal verbs can be confusing for a couple of different reasons you have the verb followed by a preposition and when that preposition changes well the meaning is likely going to change and phrasal verbs many of them have multiple meanings as well and as we go through the lesson i will talk to you about that and the one thing that i will really try to do as i teach you these different phrasal verbs is to give you some context and talk about well how you might often hear people use these phrasal verbs or how you can use them if you're having a conversation with someone else let me quickly introduce myself in case this is your first time here my name is wes the channel is interactive english it's all about trying to help you reach your fluency goals if that is what you would like to do please subscribe turn on notifications so that you will learn about future lessons let's start with our first phrasal verb our first fall phrasal verb which is to fall apart and if you say that something falls apart it's really it just means it's breaking into many pieces or you could use it to refer to something that's that's breaking in general so maybe you you build something it breaks into many pieces you could say well it fell apart or if i have something like maybe a table somebody could say well yeah this table it's really old it's falling apart it's not literally breaking into all these different pieces you're really just saying it's kind of breaking down in general it's not it's not working very well you need a new table because this one is falling apart well we could use the extra money and this house is falling apart then we have fall behind and this means that you you fail to do something fast enough or on time or even that you're you're just able to maintain some level so i think people often use this with work and maybe they have a project and they have other things that they need to do and you could say yeah i'm falling behind with my work or in in the context of education especially when you're talking about trying to maintain a certain level if you're having difficulty in a class and you feel like all the other students are getting ahead of you then you could say well the class is so difficult i i think i'm starting to fall behind and i'm not able to maintain a certain level fall behind spring session you'd be expected to tutor so it doesn't fall behind in that respect your classroom experience may actually be of use fall through this phrasal verb means that something is just not going to happen and i think quite often we use this to talk about plans we have things that we want to do we hope that they happen but if they don't then you could say this weekend my plans just fell through and it's not going to happen that was great what are you doing here something fell through so i was able to come back a few days early then i have a three-word phrasal verb for you which is to fall back on and what this means is that you use something especially in the form of financial support when everything else has failed and you might say that well i'm i'm i can't find a job right now and that's okay because i can always fall back on my savings and i have that financial support that i can fall back on uh what's your financial situation like do you have savings to fall back on do you come from wealth or no no no and then i have a very common phrasal verb which is fall down it means to well just fall to the ground or floor and you could use this to talk about a person or a thing now it is a little similar but also different than fall over which really means in that case that something is well falling on its side that when it was vertical so if i were to use them maybe interchangeably i could say i i tripped and fell down it's the same as like well i tripped and fell over because i'm no longer standing and i'm on my side if i were to say something like i hung a painting and yesterday it fell down because it's probably falling to the ground or floor you're not going to use fall over in that case and because of that i think it's so much more common to use fall down fall down an elevator shaft what the hell does this mean i fall down an elevator shaft i don't know i just bring the scripts still it's good to be a little more specific depending on the context if you want to say something is on its side it's not vertical anymore it fell over what you doing down there i fell over what you fell over i don't do it on purpose and then we have fall off which has a couple of different meanings so the first one is that something becomes detached or separated from something else i hung a painting and then the next day it fell off the wall and often i think people will say what what this thing is falling from you could say the leaves are going to fall off the tree what do we do when we fall off the horse we get back on the next meaning of fall off is when the rate or quality of something is becoming slower or smaller and often i think you may use it in this context when talking about business and you could say that well sales are starting to fall off it's becoming slower or maybe new memberships have been falling off recently and hi so you can use fall off in that context of business do you have anything you want to add the next phrasal verb is fall out it also has a couple of different meanings that i want to teach you the first one is that well to come out of something by falling you could say that that something falls out the window the second meaning of fallout is to become loose and separate from your head or mouth so think about it this way you could say that somebody's hair is falling out or maybe you have a tooth it's a little loose and then it falls out so in this case when talking about well like hair or teeth you're not going to use fall off you will use fall out mrs simpson there's no physical reason why your hair should be falling out then we have fall four also two meanings the first one is that well you you develop romantic feelings for someone and you could say if somebody were saying well i'm falling for him or i'm falling for her they're talking about developing those romantic feelings oh my god you're falling for him i am not the second meaning is to be tricked or fooled by something and a very i think a common expression you might hear in a tv show or movie is like oh i fell for the oldest trick in the book and that just means that you were tricked or deceived by something that you should have known better because it happens quite often the ring i can't believe you fell for the oldest trick in the book and then there's fall into also a couple of different meanings the first one is that well you go into something like somebody falls into the pool or you could also say that you suddenly have a condition and you might fall into a coma hey michael did you fall into a koi pond uh i can't really hear you i i think we sort of have a bad connection jim did michael fall into a koi pond look like the cabin depressurized and fell into a coma or something oh i'm fine sit sit and then there are some useful idioms that have this phrasal verb you could say that something falls into place that things happen in a satisfactory way without any problems and things just fall into place doing this mall tour and he came here to our mall it was like everything was finally falling into place you know like it was um fate you could also use the idiom to fall in someone's lap and when something falls into your lap it really refers to well something happens in an unexpected way that you were not planning for you weren't trying to get this it just it just falls into your lap and you're often referring to something that's positive something desirable maybe you could say well i wasn't looking for a new job but this opportunity just fell into my lap it's up to you to make the best of it and it's not like opportunity is just going to fall into your lap i hope that you found this lesson useful i hope you learned something new and that you can well now go out there and try to use some of these phrasal verbs in everyday conversation they are pretty common they are very useful and i hope that it you understand it a bit better talking about some of the context in which we use these different phrasal verbs if you enjoyed the lesson please hit that like button as always thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 32,387
Rating: 4.9766278 out of 5
Keywords: interactive english, learn english, learn english phrasal verbs, english phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs with fall, phrasal verbs and their meanings, learn english vocabulary, build english vocabulary, build vocabulary, phrasal verbs important, useful phrasal verbs, learn phrasal verbs, fall back on meaning, fall behind meaning, fall apart meaning, fall for meaning, fall into meaning, fall off meaning, fall over meaning, fall down meaning, fall through meaning
Id: XUa637ZuDh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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