Sound Professional with these Advanced Verbs | Build Your Vocabulary

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today i want to teach you verbs to help you sound more professional and i'm really talking about work but this vocabulary is relevant to you and everyone else because well we use this in just everyday life situations we have to deal with people at work we have to talk to people who are perhaps in a position of authority but in making an association to work it's going to help you better remember the meaning so that you can use these verbs easily and naturally in in everyday conversation it's good to make that word association let me quickly introduce myself my name is wes the channel is interactive english it's all about trying to help you reach your fluency goals if that's what you'd like to do please subscribe turn on notifications so that you will learn about future lessons let's begin with our first verb which is spearhead to spearhead something it refers to well an individual or a group who is going to lead some type of undertaking or movement and i'm really i'm talking about something big and important that's going on so you might say well you have this new program who is going to spearhead the new program who's going to be the leader or who's going to spearhead this this new ad campaign or who's going to spearhead the event so we're talking about leading some type of of big undertaking next we have the verb for go to forego means to decide not to have or do something even though you really want to have it or do it you basically you basically just have to give it up which is something that happens in life it also happens in business maybe you have to forgo a new business opportunity or you have to forego the promotion i can give you a sentence and say that you had to forego the promotion because the company asked you to spearhead this new project but it required you to move and you couldn't move so you had to forego the promotion and then we have this verb which is one of my favorite verbs because i like to do it every now and then and that is procrastinate to procrastinate means to wait a long time before doing something that you must do so so basically it's like you're just avoiding work and often i think you you may use this verb in the negative and somebody might say hey let's not procrastinate we need to do this now or don't procrastinate or perhaps even somebody like your boss could tell you stop procrastinating and i i do not want to procrastinate either and i want to take a quick moment to tell you about the sponsor of today's lesson which is lingoda so whether you're learning this vocabulary to sound more professional or any vocabulary for that matter you need to practice using it and if you are determined and motivated to improve your english fluency lingoda has an amazing offer because this fall lingoda is getting ready to hold its very first two-month language sprint and if you successfully complete it you can get 100 cash back so why why am i always talking about the language sprint and why it's a great opportunity well there are two main reasons first you you get to improve a lot in a short period of time because this is an intensive language challenge you will take a lot of classes and the second reason is that well this is affordable and not only that you can have the opportunity to get your money back and i'll tell you how you can do that right now because you have two choices when it comes to the language sprint you can take the super sprint in which you will take 30 classes a month for two months if you successfully complete it you can get 100 cash back or you can take the sprint in which you'll take 15 classes a month for two months and if you successfully complete that you can get 50 cashback you must sign up for the language sprint by september 3rd because it's going to begin on september 7th and i i can honestly tell you lingoda it's a great school for learning a language i've even studied with them you can see me right there taking a spanish lesson and i really enjoyed the classes for several reasons lingoda has experienced teachers flexible learning hours these are small group classes there's an interactive curriculum and as i've already mentioned the classes are affordable so if you would like to improve your fluency and join the language sprint and take classes for 60 days click on the link in the description and when you sign up use the code wes 20 to get a 20 euro discount so click on the link down below in the description to join the language sprint be sure to read those terms and conditions and really just end 2021 on a strong note and improve your fluency now let's get back to our lesson teaching you different verbs to sound more professional and the the next verb that i have for you is overhaul to overhaul something means that you are going to examine and investigate thoroughly in order to repair or revise something so it we could use it in the context of education and maybe a school is going to overhaul their curriculum or perhaps a business might overhaul their training manual you could also use this word as a noun has the same meaning and there are some common collocations you could say that you're going to do a complete overhaul of something or a major overhaul great word to know great verb because it really talks about some change that's going to happen the next verb that i have for you is resolve and the first thing i want to point out with this verb and really talk about is the pronunciation resolve notice that s really has the z sound resolve resolve and what it means is that you are solving some problem or difficulty and you're trying to make it come to an end and we often use it with some of those words that i just mentioned you would try to resolve a problem or resolve a dispute resolve an argument resolve an issue and i could use it in a sentence and say well the team has been procrastinating because they have not been able to resolve their personal issues and this is a problem because we're getting ready to overhaul the entire department then we have the verb strategize and to strategize means to think of a detailed plan in order to achieve success and you could use this in in business in sports in war and really when you strategize it's often done with one other person or perhaps a group of people it's a little similar to to brainstorming but brainstorming is really when you you come up with with an idea strategize is when you're kind of taking that idea and you're creating a plan around it because you want it to be successful and once you strategize and you have that plan then you're going to need to implement the plan and to implement something means that you're you're just going to start using something you have some plan and now you're going to put it in action and you can you can implement a plan a policy an idea and then well once you implement it you want it to succeed you want it to be successful and that's why you really need to execute to execute means to perform or accomplish something such as a task a plan or an order and i i often think that this verb is kind of associated with success you want to execute in order to achieve success and hopefully hopefully you will not have to improvise to improvise means that you're having to deliver or invent or or do something without preparation so for example maybe you have to give a presentation and you're not prepared and you're going to improvise the presentation that's not a good idea in business but sometimes uh at work situations may change and people people may need to improvise i could say well we we strategized for weeks and we we came up with this new plan we then implemented the necessary changes we were executing well and then all of a sudden conditions changed and we had to improvise then we have the verb champion and it's it's very different than the noun because to champion something means that you are going to support defend or even fight for some belief or principle and relating it to work you might champion maybe a new policy or you could champion workers rights that's pretty common or maybe just champion an idea or suggestion and really get behind it and support it next is the verb restructure and to restructure means to organize a company a business or even some system in a way that it operates more effectively and i think in it at work it could be a good or a bad thing because it could be good because restructuring may mean that the the company could have more success in the future it could be a bad thing because when a company restructures it it could mean that some people are going to lose their job to troubleshoot which means i really like this verb to try and solve a problem for a person or organization and usually you you're often finding why maybe a product or service is not working correctly and often i think it may refer to something technical or logistical like with computers but uh i think when you troubleshoot something you're really referring to maybe a smaller problem and what i mean by that is if you have an entire system and something's not working when you troubleshoot it you're you're fixing the one thing that's wrong and then everything starts working again that's what i mean when i say a smaller problem and i could i could use it in a sentence and say the business has been losing money and we could not easily troubleshoot our problems so i championed a proposal that would restructure the entire company from the top down then we have a very professional verb which is network to network means to try and meet people who might be useful to you especially when it comes to work and this this is something that happens at conferences at parties at events and and people will try to network you want to meet others that might help you get ahead in in business and i there's an expression that goes something like it's not always about what you know it's who you know it's that that who you know when you network that often becomes more important and could even eventually help you become more successful now i want to talk to you about some verbs that you may already know but i think they are also still going to help you sound more professional and use them instead of some more basic common verbs like uh the first one is to attend to attend means that you're going to go to some event or place you're just going to be present somewhere and i think it is a little more professional instead of using the verb like go and you're going to go to this place so you're going to attend a meeting or you're going to attend a conference uh the same goes for the verb assist to assist it just means to help and i think often these are they're interchangeable they're basically synonyms but i think it's a little more professional to use assist instead now in my opinion and this is just my opinion i think one difference is that i think when you ask for help then it's almost like you're having trouble with this thing maybe you just can't do it on your own i think if you're asking somebody to assist you it's like you it would be nice if they helped you but it's it's like you've still done the the primary part of the job most of it's done but you just need a little help and you want somebody to assist you that's just my opinion but in general i think you could use them as synonyms but to be more professional use assist then we have the verb submit to submit something it means that you are giving or offering something for a decision to be made by others it's it's a little similar to hand in which i think is more informal it makes me think of high school and you would hand in your homework submit a little more professional you might submit an application or you could even submit a letter of resignation and then we have the verb commute to commute means to make the the same journey regularly between home and work and it's very similar to travel but i think commute is definitely more specific we're really talking about work and you may often follow it with a preposition you might commute buy something like by train or by bus or you could commute from one place to another place and i could say something like i submitted a request to work from home because it just takes too long to commute from my home to the office all right so i hope that you learned some new verbs in this lesson i hope you can use them at your job at work so that you can sound a bit more professional if you enjoyed the lesson and you did learn something new please hit that like button as always thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
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Keywords: interactive english, learn english, learn english vocabulary, advanced english vocabulary, advanced vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, work vocabulary english, work vocabulary advanced, business vocabulary, business vocabulary english, learn business english, learn business english vocabulary, learn advanced verbs, learn advanced english verbs, advanced verbs in english, english business verbs, useful verbs business english
Id: LqqE6g0r2ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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