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today we play sonic 3d world this is super mario 3d world but you are sonic we're going to get every power up face the final boss and complete the game and i hope you enjoy this video so at the start of the game over here instead of mario walking by with his friends we've got sonic walking by with princess beach toad and luigi and our four friends noticed that there's something wrong with a pipe over here so instead of mario luigi fixing the pipe we have sonic and luigi fixing the pipe what a great team sonic and luigi mig and out of the pipe all kinds of stuff comes out and out comes a sprigsy and this bricks he's asking for our help what's going on it looks like bowser has kidnapped all of the sprixies and then next we see some dark energy coming up and bowser comes over here and of course bowser is going to steal this spritzy over here it looks like it is going to be up to sonic and friends to rescue all the sprixies that bowser has taken so let's jump into this pipe over here and let's go and save those spricksies playing as sonic this is a very exciting start to the game that we have over here sonic pops out at the first world over here and what we want to do is rescue the spricksies i actually don't think you have to rescue all the spritxies to beat the game but we do need to collect some green stars so let's go to the first world over here so let's get started with the first level world 1-1 super bell hill an absolutely classic level from this game except instead of playing as mario we are now playing as sonic and we are fast sonic over here so let's go over here to get our first power-up this super bell and when we get the supermale we turn into i believe this is called sonic the werehog sonic that it's like some kind of werewolf sonic or something is this from sonic generations i'm not sure what game this is from people in the comments could tell me where this is from okay so now let's just be careful where we go over here oh oh don't fall okay good job sonic not falling that is fantastic work over here okay let's get this rabbit this rabbit has got a nice green star for us oh you know what there's another super bell here so why not get that just we have another backup super bell okay and we can climb up here and if we catch this big rabbit right here it'll give us a very big mushroom over here and we turn into a gigantic sonic that we can just rush through here destroy everybody grab out here get a bunch of coins over here okay let's drop down in here great place to go get that green star over there go into the warp box okay too bad that you lose your super bell power up by doing that but we can come over here we don't need the top of the gold ball we can just oh my goodness like oh my goodness i keep missing the goat ball but there we go all right let's go to the next level oh first let's see sonic's celebration over here spins around and cores clear very nice all right so now we have access to world 1-2 and there actually is a pretty big secret in world 1-2 maybe if it's your first time playing the game it's a pretty big secret but we are going to do something very special in this level you might think that next we're going to world 1-3 or 1-2 but that is not where we are going to go you guys need to take a look at over here to see where we are going to be going we are going to be going somewhere very exciting oh and and there should be a power up here let's just uh get this guy out of our way first and when we get the fire fire power up look at that how cool is that oh my goodness i like this one a lot this one looks amazing okay so over here you can do the infinite lives glitch but we're not gonna do that right now or i guess it's not really a glitch it's more of a trick we're not gonna do that right now we have done that in some other videos but right now lives aren't going to be a problem for us right we're not gonna have any problems at all with lives okay so we got that green star so let's head in here we get a green star over here for defeating these guys oh boy don't take away my fire flower power please please i worked so hard for it okay then we can get that this is going amazingly all right let's get out of here now then where's the next green star the next green star isn't up at the top there is it i don't think it's up there wait i know that the stamp is over here but wait where's the green star hold on hold on wait yeah because the green star's over here oh boy the green star's right there if i can get it oh boy oh boy oh boy oh that's not what i meant to do okay we can just go like this the fire flower we'll take out these guys that's fantastic goodbye my fellow friends okay and we can take this power up it's so nice that you can have a power-up in stores okay so let's just go here and we can climb up here you can get up here without using the super bell power up but this is the secret that i was talking about we take this pipe and where does this spike bring us you might ask take a look at this we're back on the world map but we are now heading across this way so that's pretty cool that we actually skipped the rest of world one and we might actually be coming back to world one but for now we're going to world to you over here and we get to keep our green stars that's the best part about that okay and uh over here is the second sprixie we're kind of just ignoring the first spritzy right now so well let's just uh head up over here to world 2-1 conquer canyon very exciting times to already be in world 2 this early in the video this is probably going to be a relatively quick video okay let's just be careful go get all the green stars that we can right okay so let's get get the green star play sonic sonic i'm probably going to call sonic mario by accident a few times in this video because i'm just so used to saying like mario mario get the thing mario you have to do it mario okay but we're doing all right it's great that we have another super bell in storage wait wait wait wait hold on is there a green star up here if i remember correctly or is there not i guess there isn't it must have been there in some kind of mod that i played before okay but let's see where is the green star we need the green stars we need the green stars you are troublemakers that's what you are over here go get out of my way okay and we need this guy to break this block right here because this one right here has something for us don't touch me please hey that's the second green star so that's good news okay and the third green star is for defeating this guy captain toad gives us one please give me the green star thank you my friend okay now we can continue on this way and let's skip this stamp because sonic is well sonic and you all know about sonic that he has gotta go fast okay so let's just jump into the top of the goal poll here because if you get this stamp then after you beat the level a little message comes up showing you which stamp you got where your stamp card comes up but if you don't get it then you can go to the next level even more quickly so it's almost like we're speed running this with sonic right now because sonic has got to go fast so we have to make sonic go fast okay and the next world that is appearing we can either go to the statue over there i don't know if we even have enough green stars for that right now because for that level up there oh you could use your amiibo thank you thank you i will be sir i will be sure to use my amiibos okay that one you need 15 green stars so we can't even go to that level okay so let's go to this one first because we don't have enough green stars to unlock the other path we're going to take this one first okay i'm like wait what's going on is the level loading what is happening okay oh i wanted to actually pick up that piranha play but instead we'll come back here we will get this green star hopefully we can get all the green stars without any problems you know what i'm gonna pick you up and hopefully you'll help me because the nice thing about these guys is that they eat some enemies oh my goodness how in the world did that work you know what just for that i'm not gonna throw that guy off a cliff there because he did an amazing job and i'm very proud of him the stamp is down there i don't care for the stamp so i'll go like this oh and you know what let's leave that over there okay because there's just this stamp there not the green star but we do want oh no oh no i can't believe i accidentally did that okay i gotta go through here now hey we took some damage doing that but let's go over here the green star is just right back there normally you want to step on the button and then it gets rid of the shadows but that's another way to do it oh don't touch me fuzzies don't touch me fuzzies don't touch me fuzzies okay before we go through that door let's go back here there's a secret path back here destroy this over here okay now let's just go to captain toad and give me your green star bro and for defeating that little bowser cutout over there we get the green star so that's amazing well we're going through this pretty quickly this really does feel like a speedrun okay and just go like this perfect there we go right into the goal poll and we can get out of here normally if you want to 100 complete the game if you want to go to world crown i think you might need not only all the green stars but i think you might also have to go to the top of the goal poll in every level i'm not sure if you do some people can let me know in the comments if that's right or not but yeah if you're just trying to beat the game as quickly as possible then i think that you don't need the top of the goal poll and it's actually faster to jump into the bottom of the goal poll like we just did okay and really rolling hills this is such a beautiful level and hopefully hold on can we get some more uh we get some more green stars here oh no oh no this is sorry not green stars i meant some more super bells hopefully we can get some more super bells because we're running a little low on super bells here let's see where's the next green star because that was the first one where's the second one i don't actually remember where the second green star is okay i'm just going to hope that all the green stars are in this underground section because i've played so many mods of this game like flores lava and hard mode and all kinds of mods that i've made myself too that sometimes i'm like wait i can't even remember where the real green stars are i can sometimes confuse them with where the uh where the modded green stars are okay so first let's go down here okay it's one of these rooms oh i had a really fun video about this room where i added 999 baseballs and all kinds of goombas over here then i dropped down the goombas or sorry i dropped down the baseballs onto the goombas and then we were seeing if all the balls could bounce around and get up to the top step it was a very chaotic but very fun video it's a super fun experiment i used to do a lot of experiments like that i still do some experiments like that but it's also fun to do just like regular play through speed runs it's lots of fun to do many different things which is why we are called zx many because we do many things on the channel okay so it looks like we have all the green stars so that is fantastic news for us and we can go like this and you know what i think this is what speedrunners do if they jump onto the pole they don't actually climb up to the top even if they can because if you climb up to the top then i think it takes a little bit longer for the character to slide back down so i think that's why they do that all right so there we go another three green stars for us we are up to 15. i think you need 140 or 170 i think it might be no i can't remember which one it is i don't want to guess incorrectly i think it might be 170 green stars to beat the game to go to the final boss level so we still have quite a few green stars that we need and we can do mystery house melee over here this is a very exciting one there's one green star in each room and if you fail then you have to restart from the very beginning but if you succeed then it's a nice way to get some quick green stars okay that was nice we went right into that over there okay we've got something like this again we've seen a room like this before in a room like this in a koopa troopa cave in world 1-2 before hey but and give me the great job great job okay good good okay sure it took a moment there to get this superville power oh i remember this was so difficult in uh may rose flores lava mod this was one of the hardest rooms ever okay wait oh and the mystery box is there okay very nice and that you bros oh no i lost my supermale power up that's so sad uh at least we have another super bell power up in storage ah man it's like you really do want to keep the super bills because the super bells they are super useful super bells are super useful that's why they have the word super in them now they probably have the name super in them because it's like super mario okay and now we are facing off against a mini boss over here is this actually our first mini boss over here big galoomba blockade i don't know if we faced off against any uh many bosses before this one okay let's see knock him over and come like this and bam there we go you are now flattened oh if i had the uh if i used my super bill maybe i would have been able to do that a bit more quickly but sonic is stomping these giant goombas over here and the good news is that we do get a single green star for that which is pretty fantastic news so let's make our way over to double cherry passover here next and now we are going to see double sonic's oh maybe not for very long but hopefully for long enough okay so let's see where are the green stars in this world there's been quite a while oh you know what let's get this then okay we are now double fire flower sonic which is quite nice and hold on hold on there's one in here right somewhere in here is it this one okay this is the one okay you know what why not take another sonic with us why not we don't really need it but we could go like that okay and you only need one sonic to go through the pipe and then the other sonics are also teleported which is good news for us okay and let's uh just group together like this okay and you guys are all troublemakers ah don't judge me don't touch me oh boy oh boy boy that was very scary okay and if you go like that then we get this great star which is fantastic okay and then we can all line up like this oh that's just coins i thought for some reason it would have been either a double cherry or something else okay so we can come up like this you've already got two of the green stars wait wait up here's a is this a stamp up here okay i'm pretty sure that that is actually the stamp up there and not the uh and not the green star okay so let's defeat that fire bro there so that was nice okay i'm taking a bit of a risk over here okay and you might see that over there there's a number four and you think oh no we only have three sonics that means that we can't get the green star but luckily you can do this if you have the super bowl power up you could climb up and there we go we could just go like that okay and now we can just uh finish the level like this that's very nice we got the top of the gold pole even though we didn't need it and i want to be careful to not lose this super bell power up because it is an incredibly useful one doesn't this sonic kind of look like a little teddy bear okay and we are now going to our first castle level and we are actually going to the world 2 castle not the world one castle it's funny that we basically skipped the world one castle for now we will be coming back to world one later because there is something that we need there there's another pipe that lets us take a shortcut back to world one that's gonna be later on so let's see how this goes so sonic pops into the cannon over here and this frixie waves goodbye to us as we are fired out of the cannon towards these tanks over here okay and this is an auto scroller level oh my goodness i'm so surprised that i didn't jump on top of those guys there okay let's see what power-ups are here something nice maybe okay i don't want to lose my super bell power up so let's go like this so that we have our fire flower power up active right now and we're going to be on the lookout for all the green stars over here because we need green stars if there's one thing that we need it is green stars i see anything nice up here where can we get the okay there we go there you go this is where we can get this power up okay and i'm guessing if we get these red coins and we're probably allowed to get uh you know what we're probably allowed to get a another fire flower power up don't really care too much for getting another fire flower power up yeah i actually i don't want to get that one because if i get that one then it'll get rid of my super bell powerup that's in storage okay and what we want to do is defeat these guys here because we don't want their fireballs to hurt us okay this is great okay they're all defeated now just don't go into any spikes we do want to hold on to this power-up because the nice thing about this power-up is that it lets us destroy some stuff there's some stuff that we basically uh have to destroy if we want to get certain things i don't know if we have to destroy for a green star or for a stamp yeah i think that we might have to do it for uh for uh for a green star oh oh hold on hold on hold on let's first go here go like this okay because i know there's a green star in that one and i think the next green star might be at the end is that right first let's love these guys that's great okay and there's nothing in these boxes is this stamp up here yeah the stamps up there i don't want to get the stamp because you guys know why we don't want to get the stamps because if you get the stems it basically slows you down a little bit that's basically what it does okay but we can bring this power up all the way up here and there's something right here that we can break and when you break that that spawns the green star and that is fantastic news for us so let's go down the pipe with our fire sonic with a cannonball thing like this on our head and hold on i can't remember if you can use this to actually damage the bosses let's see oh i don't know if you can but there we go okay we gotta bounce on his head okay now let's just stay away from him don't hurt me please please don't hurt me ah don't hurt me don't hurt me oh what i bounced on his head and nothing happened that's so weird i guess it's because he it was uh before he became vulnerable that was so weird that that happened though i've never seen that before i just bounced right off of his head and he didn't care okay let's try this now okay and there we go he is defeated okay that was a nice quick victory once we uh saw what was happening over here this is gonna be where the warp spawns right yes it is okay that was funny that we got a one-up as we uh went in there i guess it's because we got yeah it's because we passed a hundred coins i think that's why we got the one up over there okay let's get out of here let's just pop right out to that goal ball right there right at the bottom that is the perfect place to jump into the gold pole all right look how cool this red sonic looks is this another character or in sonic or is this like a specific form of sonic because it looks like red sonic with spiky hair alright so that is fantastic this one is clear we're up to 27 green stars and you know what we actually are getting them pretty quickly we're getting the green stars at quite a fast rate and over here we've rescued this nice little yellow spritzy over here and what the yellow sprigs he is going to do is with its hammer it is going to build a clear pipe while this screen is white somehow that just that just formed over there the spricksies are magic that's how they can do it we have magical spritzes so so far one of the sprixies have been rescued i wonder what's going to happen at the end of the game if we end up not ever saving the first frixie i kind of want to see that okay so here we are world three oh my goodness can you guys believe we're already at world three i'm so excited for this okay and here's the blue sprixty over here i'd love to get some more uh you know what if possible i'd love to get some more of the super bell power-ups if possible okay so let's see where are we going wait wait do you have super bells here no super bowls no super bells oh great and i got hit over here okay so let's go like this let's do this i want this hidden thing back here because this level has one of the coolest things that you can do and let me show you guys hold on hold on let's first pop in here let's get this right there that's what we want okay now you guys can get out of the way let me out let me out if we had the uh super bell power up it'd be a bit easier okay but what we can do now we can go like this crouch boost repeatedly to build up lots of speed and then we can basically fly through the whole level here okay and what we want to do is uh stop the wabbit stop the wax we will have it stop right there in your tracks stop right there criminal scum nobody breaks the lawn my watch ah i'm so sad that there wasn't a you know what there okay there's the stamp we don't need the stamp but what we do need perfect we got that and look at that with this box you can speed run this level so nicely because you basically skip through everything okay and let's go like this it's probably faster to go around like this get the tree okay maybe it wasn't actually faster okay but there we go and we get another one up look at that we have nine lives we're like a cat right now we are cats sonic even though we are regular sonic but we have cat characteristics because we have nine lives and the expression is that cats have nine lives so let's see what the next level is going to be because there are going to be two paths it's probably gonna be three two and three three but three two is probably gonna be a bowser stature yeah and we probably won't have enough green stars for that one yet because right now it's like we're kind of rushing through the game because sonic has got to go fast and well let's just see how many green stars you need there oh we actually have just enough to go there okay but instead we're going to go to world 3-3 over here so let's make our way through here and hopefully we can get some nice green stars maybe even some nice power-ups okay hold on hold on i remember now there's no reason to go down there but hold on we should be able to go in here there we go okay nice because that teleports us to here now we want to go like this get over those guys okay now come on guys i just want to get that green star there don't give me any trouble don't give me any trouble there we go we got it all right amazing okay now let's get out of here okay so we got the green star so that's perfect oh don't bunk there oh my goodness okay and wait does this bring us up to the stamp i think that only brings us up to the stamp yeah that's the stamp we don't care about the stamp we're gonna continue on over here where's the second green star oh wait oh wait second green star is going to be just uh right up here right hold on oh boy oh boy oh boy okay hold on hold on we have to get up here first up that's the thing go like this oh that's actually uh kind of hard to get up here oh stay away from me booze oh no i falling on it i fall i got it oh no no no no no no no no okay so here's what we gotta do okay and while we are like this we get to see the cute adorable little sonic like this you guys get to see the little sonic oh and uh go down perfect okay now these book shelves could move out of the way there's probably an easier way to get up there oh i probably could have just used the super bell power up that i had in storage but i'm actually scared of losing it i do not want to lose that power up wait anything here what's here get the box sonic sonic just touch the bugs please okay it's a fire flower i guess that's uh i guess it's a little better than just having the mushroom power up but it isn't much better okay so let's head up here okay hello there little boo that appears over there i guess it's not a little boo it's a big boo okay let's go this way come over here you want to go into this store oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did i miss it yet hold on i didn't miss the green star yet did i i don't think i missed it hold on yeah okay okay okay it's going to be coming up soon the green star is going to be coming up soon we did not miss it i'm pretty sure i think that there's something that's like over here off to the side if you ride the couch up i guess if you use the super bell power up then you can just climb up and that's probably a little bit faster but yes this over here this ends up being a fake pipe and you get a green star from it like that don't touch me stay away from the sonic the boos are such troublemakers look at them oh my goodness oh boy oh boy oh boy those peoples are quite scary as well okay fine touch me okay that's all right okay now just let me go like this oh that's a fake gold ball i was tricked i was fooled i thought that that was the real one but the real gold poles actually down there that's even better we fell right onto the bottom of the golf ball there this is perfect okay we are making progress through the game we're in world three already and we're not that far into the video man sonic has really got to go fast sonic is doing great here okay so now two paths are opening up for us we could go to captain toad over there or we could go to the next level over there but first let's go to captain toad because the captain toad levels they have got a lot of green stars they've got five actually and it's something that you can do relatively quickly also so let's do captain toad makes a splash over here and you know what this makes me think i should play the captain toad treasure tracker games i think that might be kind of fun oh and i think captain toad can also uh hold his breath forever in this game like it's like once you're underwater you can just uh basically stay underwater forever hold on don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me okay good oh wait where do we go up must be somewhere that we have to go up on do we go back here oh yes we go back here okay now we can come up here oh that's not the one that i wanted to go to wait is it oh cool there's a green star there okay i guess we will go that way okay so now let's go up this way though okay good thing that i uh kind of accidentally got that green star i didn't think to go that way okay but let's go here and we can come across here don't touch me don't touch me stay back okay and now oh where we want to go actually is uh over here this is actually where we want to go we want to go over here wait how do i get down there how do i get down there how in the world do i get down there hold on hold on we have to find a way to get down to their weight the drop down from here yes it's dropped down from here okay that's how it is oh man i haven't done this in a while so i actually uh didn't remember how to do it it's like i have to find out how to do this okay and now we can go down here and then the pipe will bring us up here to the top okay and then there are two green stars left so let's first drop down into here okay then we can get this green star that's perfect and now where do we want to go from here oh now we can just walk around this way this should be perfect as long as this guy doesn't damage us or you know what even if he did damage us it would have been all right it wouldn't have been the end of the world if he damaged us but we can come up like this i get the final green star there we go without a lot of time used we get an extra five green stars here and we need like 170 or so total green stars to go to the final boss level so this is going very nicely over here okay and i think it might be a little bit faster if instead of taking the pipe back if we uh if we teleport back is that right let's see let's see if we do that i don't know if that is faster i i think maybe that'll be a bit faster i don't know if it's actually faster to do that okay but here we go world 3-4 pretty plaza panic okay and what we can do over here of course is uh there's a green star right back here don't worry guys i'm not jumping off the level like that wait is there something here i was wondering if maybe there's something nice for us here uh rabbit stop stop rabbit stop rabbit stop rabbit and give me that there we are okay and there's gonna be a princess peach stamp here but what we want is uh we don't want the princess peach stamp over here we're gonna go over here and get this green star that's gonna be here you know what why not get this power up okay we are now invincible sonic nothing can stop us while we are invincible we will run through the goombas and defeat them all and getting some extra time which is very nice because this is kind of a speed run level it's like you go into the level and you have a timer of only 100 seconds and this block i want to check if this blog actually has infinite coins i want to do uh i'm probably soon going to do a live stream maybe i'll do a video about it too where i just repeatedly hit that block for maybe like 12 hours or something like that because i think that's the longest live stream that youtube saves and yeah i want to see if it keeps giving coins forever i'm pretty sure it does because it's called coin inf point inf which is probably short for infinity though that block should give infinite coins because it's called yeah it's called coin inf if you look at the game's files okay and we're at the magikoopa blockade another little mini boss fight here okay one more oh bad oh man i could have gotten him before he teleported away i'm pretty sure oh man and we weren't even using a power-up that would have been so cool if we did that nice and fast like that without even using a up rosalina is probably a character that you could do this very quickly with all right so what level is opening up for us next i think we're just going to go straight to the cast level i don't think we're going to take the side levels over here unless we like really need the green stars okay so up next is pipeline lagoon all right so let's go get some stars let's see oh sonic that's not a bounce on him uh oh this is getting scary because we are little sonic this is not good over here oh wait wait but there might be something nice over there hold on hold on let's go like this oh okay let's go down now then give me the super bell please give me the super bowl let's see there's no way we can get it it's almost like it's completely random what we get let's see go up and up oh get it ah okay that's something at least so it's better than just the mushroom getting just the mushroom would have been the worst case scenario okay now hold on let's see where are we going are there any more super bells in here i don't think there's anything else over here right okay let's just go through the level this way then i wish there's a way to swim faster you swim so slowly in this and i guess in a lot of games where you swim it's just like you do ghosts like wow you get a lot of points for defeating these guys not that points really matter for anything i guess like unless you're going for like high scores or something okay and where we want to go up here so that we can get this green star right there and that's perfect okay now let's get out of here let's go my fire sonic let's go through this pipe and wait do we pass by the ship over here the two ships yeah fun fact these two ships in the background over here they're both actually the exact same model they're just rotated differently okay so now hold on is there a cannon head thing around here somewhere i thought that there was let's see where are we going oh wait maybe it's in these oh boy oh boy i remember playing a super mario world as a kid and i actually don't want that fire flower i really don't want that firefly wait a minute i thought that there'd be a cannon head power up over here wait is it in here maybe where could it be hold on a second hold on a second oh i don't know if i finished this thought but i was saying as a kid i used to in super mario world always defeat the cheap jeeps with the fireflower i have memories of doing that oh boy good times some of the levels in super mario world were a little tricky okay wait but yeah over here yeah how do we break that where's the canon head power up oh maybe do you get it earlier on i wonder where it is okay hold on which is the one with the green stars is it the third one don't know which one has the uh green stars oh yeah it looks like it's this third one over here because it looks like we can keep going up here okay so let's climb on up here don't touch me get away from them and good we made it we made it okay there's the secret pipe here this pipe let's just go here okay so we are missing the second green star but that's all right because wait where's the green star at oh there it is okay i'm like where's the green star i expect it to be inside one of the crates okay but here we go we've got this okay sleeping goomba here not worried about him let's just get out of here because yeah we need 170 or so green stars and we should get that no problem so let's just go like this and oh my goodness we bunked into it that's like the worst case scenario well one of the worst case scenarios because it's like if you just jump straight into the top then it's like takes you a moment to just slide down the pole and for the points in the top right corner to go down oh nice 4 20 60. if only we had nine more points that would have been perfect but i don't think you can do anything that gives you just nine points all right world 3-7 let's make our way in here switchboardfalls this is a very fun level very wild level a lot happening over here hold on i wonder if we could just uh do like a rolling long jump to over there oh that was so silly oh my goodness yes that was a very foolish thing to do i should have just taken this down just like a normal little i was gonna say a human being but i guess sonic isn't a human being i guess he's a hedgehog that can talk somehow okay let's get that now go here stay away for me zigbee stink these are some of the scariest enemies in the game their hitbox is so weird wait oh i thought that maybe there'd be a power-up up there oh wait i think there's actually a uh superstar power up over there if i remember quickly home what's going on what's going on where are we going where are we going okay we want to go like this let's jump over it whoa nice jump bro okay now come here go like this and i'm staying away from you my friend oh you're not gonna catch up to me because we are going down here yes that is right you won't get us here okay and there's a little island that we can jump to here and in here there's gonna be a green star for us i don't know if this one's a little slow to get but here's what we want to do why don't i just go like this yeah that's a good idea column is the green search is going to be right in the middle where's the green star let's see let's just keep an eye out for it and okay good good it is right in the middle over here okay so that's perfect okay so it takes you a moment to fall like that but we do get the green star which is good news and let's see this might be one checkpoint flag that i actually do want to get which is kind of funny let's go okay then come here all right okay and we want to go down there but wait wait can i jump to there from here i wonder if i can jump to there from here or if i have to go down this way i could i have taken a shortcut to go over here okay let's go like this we crouch here and we get the green start hidden behind the waterfall don't slide off be careful like this and you can get this okay now we want to be careful have these guys touch us there's a green star should i just jump to it i don't know if i can just jump right to it might be nice to just jump right to it i don't know if we can though that's the only problem okay so let's see go like that hit that okay now then do we want to go up because where is that green star i don't remember exactly where it is okay let's see let's see let's see uh duck yes oh and the green stars right here okay that's perfect okay so can i just jump to the end from here hold on hold on hold on what's down here yes okay it looks like we can right right okay nice right into the top of the golf ball that is a very funny way to finish that level all right that was beautiful okay so we have access to that mushroom house over there so if you want some more power-ups possibly if we want some more power-ups you might get just a mushroom though then we can go there okay we're not going over there we don't care for that where we are going though is the world three castle i can't believe we're already at the next castle this is going so quickly hey the bullet bill express oh my goodness this is quite the sneaky one over here and then it goes into another cannon he is launched off and this frixie waves goodbye to us and now let's run along this train over here oh please get up there please don't miss the don't miss that greaser that great star is such an easy one to get wait is this green star normally here i don't even remember that green star oh man it's been quite a while since i've been here but okay and over here we can get the tanooki leaf power up and sonic becomes super sonic like this and we can now whack them with our tail like that which is pretty great normally this is like the raccoon mario power up okay and bounce off of them come on go go there we are and come on did i get the green star i did oh no but we got hit after that oh no that's so sad we got the green star but then we got hit that is so sad that is very sad times here and we'll just take any of them out okay just one of them that's fine is there an invisible block here oh of course there is okay so let's turn giant goodbye guys we're now giant sonic walking around on the train over here can't nobody stop us when we're over here look at this nice try bullet bill sonic's like come on what are you guys doing there's no copyright law in the universe that can stop me says sonic oh wait and i think we actually want to go into that pipe to uh you want to go into this pipe to make it across is that where this pipe lets us go okay yeah that is how we get across the case i think that i didn't destroy that and in here is captain toad we don't really need this stamp not worry about the stamp just give me the green star bro thank you very much okay now we can continue on because we got all the green stars and now it's going to be oh oh i thought it'd be the boss right away but i guess first we have to go here into the pipe there we go nice try fire bro nice try guarding that pipe over there and look at this it is now the pom-pom boss fight over here i'm ready for you pom-pom i gotta jump on you right away oh no you disappear before i can get you okay which one is real okay bottom right okay let's see let's see if we can guess which one's gonna be real gonna be left ah it was right okay let's see next is gonna be top left right top left it will be real oh it's bottom right it was the opposite of what i guess every single time that's so sad okay and here's probably gonna be where the oh i wasn't right on the workbox but there we go that's where it spawns all right let's get going that time we didn't have a one-up right as it spawned but we are getting ready to save the blue spritzy blue sonic is getting ready to save the blue spritzy what a great team we will make here okay and we got only 200 points so that's perfect i think that's as low on the goal poll as you can go and i love how the flag is so low over there too that's perfect because it's like we jumped so low on to that and sonic clears the level and saves another spritzy okay so a few more green stars for us we are up to 50 green stars already that's quite a few green stars and of course our blue spritzy friend over here who is a friend of sonic is going to let us continue but wait this doesn't even finish world three i actually forgot that there's a secret level in world three there's a secret final level over here world three dash b i believe it is called okay so let's head over to that one then let's see go like this into the pipe and look at this it's all dark over here because it isn't world four yet it is the secret world three dashboard with one of the coolest songs in the game i love this song so much and you know what when i looked up this song on youtube because i needed to download it to put it in a part of a video a lot of people in the comments are also saying that they really like this song it's a super cool song okay so let's face off against histocrat so normally i use luigi over here because there's a really cool shortcut that you could do with luigi here but i wonder if okay perfect thank you very much for that power up i wonder if this trick will also work if we use sonic what you do is you go behind the boss and then you can basically jump onto the boss and defeat it really easily like that okay so here's the boss out comes histocrat world three secret final boss okay so let's see i look like this get up get up please no please get up here please no no can i not get up oh no it's almost like we have to do the balls as intended or something okay let's just go like this then okay yeah that's the way that you normally want to do you want to get up onto these snakes and then jump on to histocrat like that but if you're luigi then you oh oh i guess you could do it as sonic 2 okay it's just a little tricky okay yeah if you jump high enough you can just bounce onto the boss's head like this okay let's try this again there we go okay the boss is defeated that's fantastic okay wait i don't remember where the green star spawns though oh the green stars up there oh my goodness i bonked into the pipe as i tried to dive towards the green star okay so let's get out of here want to finish level and another really amazing thing about this one of the best things about coming here well i guess we did have to go here yeah one of the best things about coming here was that we got another super bell so not only do we have a super bell powerup active but we have one in storage this is such a useful power-up to have okay so another level is complete and you know what that means now that we are done world 3-b we can now finally make it to world four so let's take this pipe to world four over here and let's see what exciting levels we'll have first first we'll have the ant one and hold on i think there are also some shortcuts in this level i don't know if we are going to save this sprixxy or if we're gonna get past it with some level shortcuts okay so let's go here first world 4-1 and trooper hill okay and we have a super bell all ready to start off so i think there's a kind of little shortcut oh no oh get out of my way and go up here and please go like that okay perfect okay i don't know how much of a shortcut this is maybe it's a bit of a shortcut but we can go like this fantastic use oh boy i am so scared of you all don't touch me okay now come up here get this green star which is lovely okay and you know what there's a superstar earlier but i'm just gonna rush through like this okay very nice ellen can i get up there can i get up there i'd like to just uh pop in here please let me just get in here thank you okay we don't have to wait for the end now then just climb up the wall without getting hurt and you'll be good pants are so scary let's see go now let me up here okay there we go okay okay okay now we can get out of here okay that's perfect because we got that grain circuit now there's just one more green star to go and is that one over there wait wait can i do something like this i go like this and go like that okay but wait what am i gonna do now oh boy oh boy okay i'll take the spike damage over here okay and i'll just finish the level like this that's fine that's fine we'll take the damage just so that we could rush through like that because sonic has really got to go fast and he's really showing us how fast he can go over here that was pretty fast we got all the green stars there that was great work from sonic we're all very proud of sonic and how fast he is going and of his red shoes over here okay so we are soon going to be doing something very very interesting here because there is a level over here i think there's a mystery house in this world that we want to go to later because the mystery houses they've got a crazy amount of stars you get like 10 green stars or so from mystery houses i think but first we're going to piranha creeper creek over here and hold on hold on hold on ah it's just a firefly okay i was thinking for some reason that it might be a uh duper belt the fire flower is also okay better than nothing so let's rush through here that was a good way to take out that piranha plant and get in there quickly okay now let's see the first green star i believe is right over here please just get in sonic oh that's funny that fireball hit him like that bounce bounce okay we lost our fireflyer but we got the green sir that's the most important thing that we didn't miss that okay now then why don't you just uh let me just bro what are you doing here stop camping stop camping ah don't die oh my goodness i am so lucky that we survived through there with our invincibility okay wait is the green star down here yes there's a green star right down here grab that now we can swim on up over here oh my goodness i keep getting hit everything is hurting me everything is hurting me wait wait is there a stamp here i don't want the stamp okay let's avoid the stamp good job sonic my little sonic okay and let's see what's here a superstar ah it doesn't help too much but it's all right i guess oh and we move kind of quickly so this is a little scary let's see if we go like this okay and now then we want to get this actually good that we had that uh superstar over there because that makes this a lot easier as what you want to do get the ball please please there we go there we go okay we have to get all those uh green coins over there how am i gonna make it past here these guys with their pointy noses are terrifying don't touch me oh boy ah go oh man we are all right okay so let's finish level and up there at the top if we climbed up earlier oh wait but we still haven't finished the level yet so it's not time to celebrate yet let's just go like this okay okay sure top of the global that's all right even though it's not bottom of the gopul that's all right we're just out of the level i'm just glad to be out of here we're little sonic i'm a little scared that we might have died there but we made it out oh but as i was saying i don't know if i finished i stopped earlier in the previous room if you climb up there's actually a secret pipe that takes you to the next world so we didn't go there because there is still a mystery house i think a mystery house later on and we really want to go to that so let's just get these few green stars over here and then we're gonna come back there and actually skip the rest of world four by using that secret pipe over there i think that'll be a nice fast way to go about this okay so let's see what's over here roll their block eight huh this should be easy right oh my goodness no i cursed myself okay that that did not work as intended okay so let's see go like that there now that one's thrown out okay now let's go like this okay and here we'll do this the fun way we'll go like this and then crush him and then just throw the last one off and there you go that's easier than throwing all three of them into the lava because it's like you can just use the brolders to crush the other two brolders and i think that's a little bit faster than throwing all of them individually into the lava it's so funny that it's like the one thing that i say this is easy that's how i actually die okay so two paths are opening wait a minute uh this one is three right yeah 4-3 and 4-4 so you know what let's go to 4-4 i think this will be a nice one here big bounce by way and this is also a beautiful level i like this level i really like these levels a lot i think these are some of the coolest levels in the game okay let's see where's the green star at i don't remember where the green stars are is the first green star the one that's over here okay let's make our way over here this level i'm guessing it has uh let's see get me up there please okay and get me up yeah don't miss stop missing oh my goodness okay i'm having some trouble getting up here but there we go okay now we're up here all right so here's what we can do we can go like this get this green star that's the first green star so that's good news we can come along here go here bounce along okay just do some fine bouncing here you know what hopefully we don't need that checkpoint flag i'm really hoping that we don't need it wait what's here is this one just a fire flower yeah it's a firefly you know what let's take it why not have the firefly okay can i bounce up high enough to make it up here okay good we can go like that now wait what is this again wait oh oh for some reason i thought it was catch the rabbit over here no but it's get this and then bounce up like that perfect great that we got that okay now that wait wait wait that was the third green star oh oh the second one is over here actually wait can i do uh this to climb up climb up and we're letting go and oh boy get on there oh boy can i please get up there please please just let me get it okay i have to work so hard for that and that was so silly and uncoordinated okay now let's just switch back to the fire flower as quickly as possible just so we don't lose it okay let's make our way out of this level let's try and get out of here soon i hope wow we're doing a great job with these fire flowers over here taking out with these fireballs over here taking out these guys like i could really snipe them quite well [Music] okay now we're just riding along oh and you know what i wonder i wonder when people speed run this game i wonder at what point they jump to that mystery box over there because that mystery box it is a little far and you want to be careful to not miss it because if you miss it then you uh die and you have to start again hey let's go there we go all right i like how when you get to the goal poll all the enemies that are on screen they get defeated and i guess if you're trying to beat this game with the lowest score possible then that's something that you want to keep in mind because it's like you'd want to lure the enemies off the screen and you'd also want to finish with just one second left kind of funny hey now hold on look at this look at this okay we have a path that lets us go farther into world four but we don't care about that because we are going to be leaving world force soon but first we have access to this mystery pipe or not mystery pipe to this mystery house right over here it is mystery house mad dash and i think it showed that there are 10 green stars to collect here or there are 10 green stars to collect let's see yeah there are 10 green stars to collect here hopefully with our very fast sonic we don't go so quickly that we lose control you know what maybe being able to go a bit faster will actually be beneficial to us like look at that oh boy that was really cool how that worked oh don't slide sonic it's not the time for sliding okay let's run down oh oh let's see throwing some fireballs here and there we go okay now where's the box there's the box okay three out of ten so far and if we mess up whoa then we have to start again from the very beginning which is scary because that would be a lot of time lost and then that would mean that sonic is in fact not going fast and sonic's expression has got to go fast we know that sonic has got to go fast okay we can probably run past these no problem and very good the good thing that there's that fence there otherwise you just like run off if you didn't control yourself oh go oh man good thing that i came back and i waited at the last second i tried to just keep jumping okay let's see where are you guys going let's go go go go go go go go go go just eat all my fighter walls guys okay there we are and what's next okay running across this way kind of similar to an earlier one that we had except it's like the camera's facing a different way okay and here's the final one here's the final one let's go and bam bounce off that guy took him out there's the final great star all right that is 10 green stars added to our green star count that is so many green stars that are being given to us now how many green stars do we have now let's see 71 now right because we're at 61 and we get an extra ten oh my goodness so what we only need i think 99 more right okay and let's teleport to world four even though we're in world four i think it's faster to do that than to uh take the pipe and walk back i think in this case it definitely is faster to teleport back okay what we want to do we're not hitting that box over there because we don't care for that let me up oh you didn't let me up why wouldn't you let me up okay now let's go through here now hold on hold on hold on because there is going to be the uh the shortcut zone soon oh too bad that i don't have the you know what right now i don't have the bro move move bro move bro move bro okay good good you moved okay now let me throw you know what i'll take this in case we die because there's a non-zero chance that we will die not a high chance that we will die but the chance is definitely none zero okay now avoid the stamp because we don't want this step okay and here's what we're gonna do hopefully we get a super bell here ah just a firefly okay but but the good thing is okay we can jump up like this we can climb up over here is where the secret exit is going to be to the other world we'll go across like this go here oh don't go into the poison you die immediately if you go into the poison there we go so that red pipe right there you know what that does you all know what that does that lets us skip this world and go to the next world so we don't have to do that spike level and we are fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it we are skipping uh that castle over there with the previous sprixie we're just gonna go to the purple spritzy now so we're really not saving a lot of sprixies here so let's go to the first level of world five world 5-1 sunshine seaside this one's got some really beautiful music and it's a fun level too okay so let's switch oh wait no no no let's actually keep our fire bell out uh i called it a fire bell uh i meant to say uh fire flower i combined fire flower and super bell i just said fire belt okay but let's see oh okay well it's gone now but i think we want to climb up here right wait no oh oh okay you want to go up here to get this and then it's that other tree over there that you want you want to go into this tree for the get onto the tree sonic sonic please jump onto the tree sonic why don't you like dream sonic why do you hate trees so much okay let's see we can go up here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what do you get oh okay you guys are going so i can go like this here i'll take a ball with me uh actually the ball doesn't reach so i'll just bounce up here like this okay and if we take out all these let's just take out a few more just help out captain toad over here captain toad is doing some good stuff you know he is helping us out a bit let's see give me a green star please thank you very much well that's green star number three that's kind of surprising okay wait what what am i still missing oh i know the one that i'm missing okay so we've got to go like this let's take a koopa shell because that would make things nice for us and then we can go here and throw that in there wait is the koopa right there in front of me am i about to walk into the koopa i bounced off of him let's go oh then it hit me back but i picked it up oh man that was so silly okay let's go through here wait is there a green star here i think maybe this green star might be a little slow oh but i could probably go like this wait oh that's so weird how you can't ground pound on those but over here oh they almost killed me they almost killed me okay okay okay because i'm little so if they touch me i'm dead okay let's get these these these these this one and this one and the green star's at the bottom right yes it is okay i'm scared because i'm almost dead okay let's get that and let's get out of here i think there's another green star that's faster but i i missed it i didn't notice it it was probably like up by one of the trees or something okay but you do have enough green stars i think i think we'll have a good amount of green stars by the end for now sonic it is your time to ride plessy and i'm actually so surprised that this is the first time in the game that sonic is now riding plessy i'm so surprised that we didn't ride on plessy sooner i'm so surprised that it took us this long to actually finally get onto plessy okay and i think if you stay on the right side then you'll be able to make a jump to go get a stamp but we of course don't want to stamp because while the stamps they do slow you down a bit and sonic has got to go fast of course make our way across here don't fall yeah right there is the stick we don't want that stamp normally if you're playing through the game and you're trying to 100 complete the game then yeah you will do that but right now sonic just wants to beat the game and defeat the final boss we are getting out of here you green stars and let's just head on over to right there okay 400 not 200 so we are a little bit too high but that's all right next up is the captain toad level and we are going to be getting even more green stars here okay so there are some paths that are opening up here but first first the first thing that we are going to do first we'll do go to this captain toad level here captain toad plays peek a boo because there are booze in the level of course no let's see where's captain toad coming out and all right let's go get some green stars all right so let's go through this door over here okay and then we want to get up here right okay get the first green star right over here oh i can't remember which door it is let's go to the right one and no that's not the right one okay you want to go into the left one well by it's not the right one i mean it is not the correct one i should say okay and then wait oh okay i thought that we dropped out i'm like what in the world is going on okay then we want to run around here we can drop down here wait a minute does touching that do anything that moves that okay then what then do we want to go down here i guess okay then we can go like this get on to that okay bring me up please i'd like to go up okay thank you very much there anything in there ah let's touch this block okay then we get the star please bring me back thank you very much okay and you know if we take damage that's all right that's all right because now we can just run up here we can come here and now just stay away from the ghost over there this spooky spooky ghost and you turn around and it gets shy and then we get the final green star okay so this is fantastic work over here thank you for helping up mr sonic my dear captain toad oh and look at look at captain town just waving at sonic there okay this is great okay so hold on hold on i'd like to go here but we don't have enough green stars for it yet but but there is something very nice here hold on i just have to remember where it is holding i don't think that's the one is it hold on because there's a secret pipe around here somewhere is this the one that i'm looking for let's see that brings us to here okay and then what's down here let's see this brings us there we are okay we're back at world one over here okay perfect okay so we can't go to the castle yet because we didn't clear those earlier levels but we can go to this captain toad level so here we are we are back at world one for a moment over here captain toad goes forth because the captain told levels it's a nice way to get some green stars very quickly you could get five green stars from them and you can finish them quite quickly too oh and we didn't have a message popping up telling us about like hey welcome to the captain toad level here's all the captain toad level works uh but it's because we've already uh already been to a captain told of i didn't get that one down there maybe i should have gone for that one first okay wait but hey there's one over here so let's get please walk through the whole captain toad okay there we go we can go through there very nice okay and come across here get onto the platform yeah we made it in time let's go okay ed grab this one and come over here and then the last one we just need to drop down here and there we go we got them all very nice that's such a nice little jingle that plays and then captain toad goes okay so now we should have enough stars or wait wait wait wait let's go like this where's five there's five okay so you just teleport back to five now and now you'll be able to access this world right over here world 5-3 world five oh my goodness it kind of just hit me that we're in world five already all right and in this level you only have 100 seconds so you do have to move fast hold on there's a thing here to ground pound right there's our first green star that's great news okay and there's something else for us up here great news okay then one down here go across please make it now that's so sad that that jump didn't work i would have thought that it would have worked maybe if we do like something like this yeah if we did something like that then it would have worked oh man yeah a rolling long jump it's not as powerful as you'd think if you have to make like a horizontal jump from one platform to another and they're both at the same height doing something like a spin jump might be better spin jump with a dive possibly because if you're using a spin jump then maybe maybe you'd be able to you know do a wall jump even okay so we're not worried about the mushroom house to the side oh and i also could have used the uh super bell power up but i was like rather not use the super bell power plus just keep it in storage for when we might possibly really need it okay let's go like this and oh i thought that we'd be able to crush those together okay it was cool how some of the earlier ones we crushed two together i think the first two charging chucks we took them both out together but yeah normally you want to jump on them and then their helmet comes off and then you jump on them another time but if you ground pound them then it just takes them out in a single hit all right i am ready for our next level that is coming up over here let's go too wait sprawling savannah yes okay and the great thing about this level is that we should be able to get some more super bells here so you know i'm just gonna take my super bell right from the start over here i'd like your super belt please hello little aunt's friend oh uh and by little ed fred i mean like the enemies they're ant crawlers i wasn't making a reference to small ants specifically right there okay but oh you don't want to let me up huh huh you don't want me to go up like that oh boy oh boy yeah i don't know if i've ever gone up that way before letting it through okay good we avoided them okay yeah because normally i climb up first and then as i climb up i realize that i missed the green star that's normally how that goes okay so let's go here now hold on there's gonna be a wax we with a wabbit over here with a green star right hold on where are you where are you where's the green one right there right there right there give me that one this is the one give me that green star there we are okay and hold on hold on there's a hole over here i remember that we have to go into let's go into this hole over here and is this where the green star is or this stamp i hope this is where the green star is no that's the stamp i don't care about this stamp i don't want your stamp oh i just remembered the green stars at the end it's the there's a coin that you have to get basically or not a coin the green coins if you know what i mean okay let's go like this okay i waited a moment over there just so now we could uh mash through this oh i don't think it would have mattered anyways but yeah we have the star active so we didn't have to worry about that okay now let's go like this uh okay get this okay one two three [Music] does this let us get a super bell maybe that'd be so nice we could get another super bell i guess it launches this forward a bit wait wait you guys just have coins guys i'd love a super belt oh my goodness it's like the game never lets me have two super bells together like as soon as i get a second super bell i take damage that's what seems to happen [Music] i could just never be safe with my many super bells hey let's be a bit more careful this time and move bros there we go okay now we've got everything let's just get out of here and there we are okay oh it's so sad that we lost the super bell so sad now it's just regular sonic over here so sad of course clear so sad okay so there's our three green stars so that's lovely but let's see what's next okay but let's first go to cakewalk flip over here world 5-6 i think this will be a nice choice i hope and let's see oh hold on hold on hold on because last time i almost missed out on a green star over here i gotta keep my eyes open you gotta keep your eyes peeled your eyes they're like a carrot you gotta keep them peeled a red sonic oh boy well goodbye red sonic i guess okay let's go like this and right here is a green star okay so it's good that we didn't miss that now what is coming up next coming up next oh my goodness i didn't know that you can get up that quickly that was incredible okay oh wait wait wait wait but we also need uh you know what oh wait actually maybe we don't need it because that's the stamp over there i'm just worried about the green star okay let me let me in here hey we took out that guy okay and now we are here okay so let's go let's go let's go here's what we need gotta go like this okay and then when the ball comes here go like that no no i just watched it slowly fall off to the side okay bob but we should be able to retry this right it looks like you could try this as many times as you want hey wait how should i do this should i go like that maybe uh fall that way okay sure that's one way to go about it okay i can just go like this and now i don't even have to jump because now it'll fall straight there perfect okay there we got the green star that's what i was worried about now we're all right and all we have to do is just get this over here we just have to survive this madness okay where are the things okay one two three four [Applause] then it's five six and yeah give me that seven eight right there let's go okay that's perfect that's everything okay and we don't even have to worry about getting the double cherry actually because that platform over there is just for this stamp this is amazing okay so we're out of here okay so we have access to 5-7 now so let's go through here then this will be lovely search light sneak oh boy oh boy but some of these green stars i remember them being kind of tricky okay so let's run by wow we are nice and fast over here and let's just make our way across over here you know what you guys want to shoot your bullet bills at me fine shoot all the bullet bills you want see if i care let's bounce on him okay good let's just come along like this i'll bounce off of you and throw i wanted to throw the trampoline at the green star i think that's one of the funniest ways to get the green star instead of using the trampoline to bounce up to the green star just uh bounce just throw the trampoline at the actual green star itself okay now hold on hold on gotta keep our eyes peeled here wait wait can i get a power up here somewhere no power ups where all the power ups at fun is there something back here why was i thinking that there's something about their home there's got to be something around here there's something that i need that's around here somewhere okay that's very specific what i just said there's something around here that i need somewhere that just gives so much information okay let's see come up come up come up and there we go nice try my bullet bill bros over here let's just get all these let's see what power up do we get oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy yes yes okay that's nice that's nice okay this is an alright power up to have here in fact it is quite a good power-up to have here you know what oh get me up oh bounce off of the guy get up oh my goodness everything failed everything was not very effective it was like a magikarp using the attack splash it just did nothing okay i'm here blow those up blow these up that's the wrong one to blow up come here there we go thank you thank you okay now we got this okay now we can continue okay now let's just see where we want to go i want to go over here come up up to fall oh my goodness leave sonic alone okay but oh wait and we can just drop down like that perfect okay we're out of the level that was pretty fast there were a few little problems over there but we did get to complete the level which is well you know that's the objective right we want to get out of here want to get the green stars that we want to get out of here so next up is actually the cast boy i'm little sonic so i might die this is actually terrifying all right so here you go oh wait but world five isn't going wait is there a secret boss in world five i think there might be if i remember correctly yeah there's motley boss blobs soon isn't there oh look at the little sonic running into the castle that's so funny okay so let's see don't squish me my bros and we will all be happy and we will all get along oh and and more good news right here this is a super bell power up for us but since we just got a super bowl power up that means that we are probably going to take damage soon because the game never lets me keep these for very long oh i should not have done that the way that i did did i have wait this is going all right didn't get them right there we are okay good good good we did get it and now just get the star perfect okay and this is amazing okay and i do remember where the second green star is i probably don't want to uh avoid that actually i probably want to actually use that oh oh okay we're good we're good we're good okay oh boy what about you what about you my bros okay come here okay now where's the green star gonna be let's see there's gonna be a green star here right there it is move i need that yes thank you for the help charging chuck thank you so much for the help i appreciate that very much you know where are you going bro let me up here okay oh go through and the final green star should be up here right perfect and wonderful sonic you are doing amazing i'm so proud of you now all i have to do is take on the boss if we can defeat king ka thunk the boss over here without taking damage that would also be so nice because then we would not only have a super bowl power-up active but we would also have one in storage so that'd be amazing okay go here okay good one hit on the boss that's great news all we need is three hits if we could get him on his first drop every single time that'd be perfect okay let's see come here come here are you going therefore why would you do this okay and we could see the parts of the level are starting to fall apart so let's see where are you going next my bro come here top right or top left okay good and bam there we go we got him i was worried that we wouldn't fall fast enough but we did get him so that's fantastic hold on is the warp workbox just gonna be right here in the center perfect or should i say since we are cat sonic perfect because it's cats get it very funny joke okay and purple's frixie over here in the purple castle let's just make our way to there oh i dove into it so sonic automatically i think he automatically climbed up the pole because he dove into it i don't think i was holding up i let go of my controller hey but there we go cat sonic or where sonic or werewolf sonic saves the purple spritzy so that's another spritxy save so you might think that we have access to the next world but there still is going to be the world 5 boss first i believe so we got a nice three green stars we're up to 99. excuse me green stars that's a lot and we've got our purple spritzy here and she's got a nice little wrench over here and she's gonna build a clear pipe here and that clear pipe it's not bringing us to world six yet i think that we still have to take on the boss and this is a boss where it is really really easy to get damaged so let's just see how this goes let's see okay oh wait wait wait a minute hold on there isn't a bus no we just go straight to world six okay wow okay so it's after this world that we have the boss all right so let's go to the first level of this world and a lot of people were actually telling me that this is either their favorite world or one of their favorite worlds like i was so surprised when i made a video of my playthrough of this game that uh this was actually one of the most popular videos in my series my playthrough of world six over here okay so we can get this green star over here which is very nice let's go up and then this way now go there and down and hopefully sonic goes exactly where i tell him to that would be the ideal situation let's just make our way up okay not worried about you oh no i didn't want to go there okay go down no go down go down go that way okay okay because what i actually wanted to do is go here that we can get this now don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me get me out get me out good good good good okay so normally there's a stamp up there if you go uh on top of the pipe over there you could have seen the sparkles there just a little bit but we don't need that we don't really care for that what we are going to do of course climb up over here and it's so nice that with the super belt power up you can just climb up like that okay there's another star that we could have gotten if we went the other way don't snap at me you little snappers you ah oh why did i go that way i should have gone the other way oh no oh no okay let's see uh you know what wait one more time and now go and go up and this way now go left good there we go okay and now what way do i go now let's see this is a little tricky uh do i go for it uh wait one time and go now we're a little sonic i'm taking so much damage we lost it we lost it we worked so hard but we lost it i can never keep my super bell power up for very long why does this happen this is so sad playing through this game without taking any damage would be incredibly difficult i think okay so there's another two green stars that we got over there that is going fine over here so next up okay thanks for the tip on how to use the map when i already did use the map to teleport twice but we're now going to world 6-2 spooky seasick wreck so let's just go into some of these boxes over here wait wait wait wait wait wait i know that there's a i think that there's a green star for defeating some enemies but i can't remember if it's these guys or someone else hold on is it these guys over here whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on hold on hold on guys let's go guys guys you gotta cooperate with me here you gotta cooperate no you're going the wrong way we gotta knock you off like this whoa he ran off i almost actually dove into him but i would have dove him dope what's the past tense i would have dove i was going to say dovan but yeah dove already is past tense uh there's a green star ah man i'm dead yeah you know what there's a green surfy going to this warp box you know what why not get it let's just get it it's a little bit out of the way but i think we oh oh it's not even here hold on it's later on you know what i don't care if we take damage i'm just rushing through here that's what we are doing oh oh but we might die now uh oh uh oh uh give me the star that is here please no no no okay here's what we are going to do here's what we're gonna do man and these boots are really quite big troublemakers okay that's fine you can go like that look what i've got i can go down here now let me down okay i'm getting the green star i didn't touch it i gotta get out of here now i'm not invincible anymore don't touch me please okay okay we are safe okay finally finally we are all right okay there's the checkpoint flag okay that's one of the most important things okay now then gonna be a green star right over here for us perfect and let's just get out of here without falling perfect perfect that's amazing okay now then you oh you've gotta go don't knock me off oh my goodness i maybe could have recovered that okay this has definitely been the level with the most deaths so far is the camera going to change or no it's actually so weird that the camera didn't change because normally you go like this one does the camera not change i could have sworn that the camera changes oh oh maybe you have to change it yourself for some reason i was thinking that the camera there changes by itself that was strange okay but it'd be okay now don't don't don't don't you're bad you're you're bad you'll go into the hole that's what you will do okay you have to defeat those guys so that the warp box here spawns and then we go into the warp box that teleports us to here then we can just come along here it's nice when you're uh oh boy my ape was so off i was gonna say it's nice when you're basically trying to speed run the game because then it's just like you could just run into the bottom of the pole you don't have to worry about trying to climb up and go to the top of the pole but it's funny that if you play it badly like i just did then it might even take longer than just jumping to the top of the goal poll okay now our path splits into two so it should be 6-3 there on the left and probably 6-4 on the right let's go over here we've got another one of these sneaky piranha plant levels over here and this one is actually one of my favorite ones in the entire game i love this one so much okay and we should be getting a super bell also if i remember correctly if we play it nicely let's go like this okay give me that thank you okay now just come on up here okay then we can go across like this we can go across here wing across okay then we can go nice and fast here because look at this look at this look at this if we're ready to go in here okay i don't want this stamp actually i just want to go here oh we almost missed it okay but if we go through there there we are there's the first green star that's great news for us okay and let's just run to over here and climb up here you can get these look at this whoa whoa it moved it moved you are bad oh boy what am i doing what am i doing okay now then can i make it to there still let's go and please don't hurt me okay and you're going away you're going away you're gonna wait you're going away wait where's the oh and the last green star is right up there okay so now we're gonna ride this across i don't know if there's a fast rate maybe if you're a princess peach and you can float then you can do like some vectoring or some crouch boosting over there and then you can float to the end over there and save some time i wonder if that's what they do in speed runs of this but this sonic over here he doesn't have enough speed to do that okay so what we want to do is climb up here get that and go into the warp box and there we go what a lovely little level we have here okay and we'll just stand on the gold pole like that and there we go so now we only have to slide down a little bit like that and there we go level complete that went about as good as i thought it would i thought it'd go pretty good it didn't go better than expected maybe it was a little worse than expected but yeah it's a super fun level to go through quickly like that all right what's coming up next over here we've got prince bully blockade this is a fun one and since we have the cat power up this could be a nice one but another nice thing that we can do is go like this and push him in like that okay now where's he going oh he popped out right over there i didn't expect him to pop out over there okay let's just go like this get him in there okay and he just pops out over there i wonder if it is luck based where he pops out and i wonder if this is the fastest way to do it using uh motion controls like this wow i was pretty lucky that all of them were basically all close together like that i didn't know if they would actually be uh close like that because sometimes it's like he has to spin around to the other side so it's a pretty nice fast one all right so let's see what are our next options going to be because we should have a bridge over here that lets us go to the next club right yes a rainbow bridge okay and we've got two options over here let's see which one are we going to do we can do six six or six five let's do thick six over here even though six five is a super fun one we are going to go for this one over here and let's see let's see how are we gonna do this i guess uh just climb ah okay i'm like sonic why are you not climbing why did you stop climbing what did the world happen there okay that could have gone much worse than it did but it went all right let's see let's climb up am i missing any green stars hold on because i'm going through the level quite quickly there's got to be like something up here somewhere that i'm missing right hold on this how can we just climb up like this you can't just climb up forever is this the first one okay i guess that's the first one okay so we're probably not missing anything if that's the first one because we're not worried about the stamps okay you know should i get this in case we fall suddenly because maybe that will be what happens oh and right here is this okay oh oh wait wait can i go like that okay that's a great way to get that one that's a very fast and nice green star and let's just climb up here and all we need is just one more green star and then we have basically everything that we could ever want in this level well not ever want maybe there will be a time when you hold on hold on i guess we'll climb up this one because this one's going up vertically and then we can go across like this and get that and that's perfect okay yeah there might be a time where you want this stamp but for us no we don't want this tape we just want to go like that we want the green stars and get out of here quickly sonic is so fast oh my goodness this is a lot of fun this is making me want to speed run the game it's like right now this isn't really a speed run well because it's like we're using a mod and it's a character that is moving faster so this isn't something that would be allowed in a speed run like on any kind of leaderboard or anything but it is something that's very fun to play through for a youtube video like this like some of my videos where i play through games as different characters those are sometimes some of the most popular videos i'm so surprised at how many views some of those videos get okay and we are now at world 6-7 fuzzy type mind let's see we just want to stay away from those fuzzies basically that's what we really want to do over here and i guess we want to be careful cannot lose our power ups not losing our power-ups is one of our objectives and another one of our objectives collecting all the green stars okay so we don't want the stamp in there in there you can get a stamp but we do not want this stamp i want to in fact stay away from the stamp you do not want to collect it run through good job my friend my friend i mean sonic now let's see where are we going where are we going we don't have any green stars yet okay there's a green star over there let's go here ground pound in here and there we go we got our green star okay now hold on where do we go up i guess you go here to go up whoa don't squish me push me no squishing there's no squishing allowed this is a no squishing zone pushing is strictly prohibited how did i not get damaged there i am so lucky that i did not get damaged okay wait is there a green star up here for some reason i was thinking that there's a green star somewhere up here there oh there is oh my goodness and another goomba was so close to damaging me but it didn't that's happened twice in this level now what is happening or these enemies are so close to me but they're not damaging me i don't know how that is happening okay let's climb on up then okay wait wait let me down please i'd like to go here i don't want to climb up that wall okay open up now oh oh right there perfect hey now jump jump jump i jump again oh oh oh no yeah that was not only so sad that we died there and that we have to redo this but one of the saddest things about that was that that almost went perfectly that was just so close to going perfectly oh my goodness if only i knew that those clouds were there to the side i didn't know that they were there oh man oh and look at sonic's spin like this okay and i spin like that into the goal poll no i even bonk into the gold paw okay but there we are okay and we did get a tanooki leaf power up from one of the boxes here since we had to redo this wait wait what is this going to be down here that we unlock is this the mystery house right here hold on hold on it's a pipe wait where's the mystery house does this pipe bring us to the mystery house can't remember where the mystery house is hold on that does bring us to the mystery house okay let's do this then okay so i just took a little break but here is the world six mystery house now mystery house throwdown and this quite the nice one if i do remember correctly okay this is the one where we have to throw some balls okay let's be careful okay so this first one is just right down there okay i was worried that we'd miss it but there we go okay what's next okay grab this and jump jump and throw and there we go okay we got that that's fantastic okay is this the tricky one now hey this is this one's a bit tricky let's see jump throat there we go we got the butt oh my goodness i bugged myself with the ball over there okay oh oh and it's over here i thought that it'd be on the left for some reason and all right let's go here and go bam there we go okay i bumped myself again but that should defeat all them perfect all right and final one oh oh and this you can just do that that and now you move and there we go okay we got them all perfect all right i like how sonic was spinning a little bit during that cutscene because i did like a rolling log jump there so he partially did it all right now it is time to go back to the world oh my goodness 119 green stars we have so many i can't believe that we're making so much progress so quickly all right and now it's time for the castle oh and it's funny i guess the castle doesn't have a green star requirement i think uh some castles do have a grain star requirement but i guess this one doesn't oh man this one's hard oh no okay so we are getting launched over here hopefully we can get all the green stars i remember there is one green star here that i was really struggling with when i played through this recently hopefully it doesn't cause me too much trouble this time okay and let's see bam eat my tail and now what's around here let's see i don't want that i don't want that actually okay let's go like this then okay just so i don't lose it by accident and now hold on you don't need to explode this do you hey well we did anyways now hold on hold on is the green star up here the green server isn't up here is it is it let's see let's just let's just go across to here okay there's a hammer bro bam we just dropped down on him wait is that the green star up there i don't know if that's the green stuff there okay but let's go like this we got some bombs okay and throw that there and bam oh no the bombs exploded me too okay it's like my uh minecraft and mario video oh look at the little retro luigi right there right by where we are okay now you come here mr bob um and i'll go like this okay took him out that's fantastic okay now then oh oh oh we actually do need a bomb on hold on oh no oh no i don't know if this is reaching please reach please yes okay good that spawned the green star okay that was the perfect way to do it okay great yeah because i know that you have to explode this block right here there's a block up here you have to explode it with a ball bomb if you uh want to get that green star okay but this is great this is great we were just able to do that okay now let's just drop down and let's just make our way across we're almost there don't touch me guys where are we going oh everyone is going for me everyone oh no oh no oh no how do i stay safe where do i go to stay safe don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me oh no oh no i need that wait wait and yes now don't hurt me don't hurt me stay away bob um good now don't hurt me fireballs okay shoot two fireballs now stop oh why are you running therefore where are you going bro hi you are god okay and we don't need to explode that because it's just the stamp back there oh now i just have to be careful to not die and you know what i'm actually so scared should i use my power up oh boy oh boy because if i get hurt if i get hurt if he touches me once then i'm dead and i have to redo this level from the very beginning and it's a pretty long level too this really is quite scary let's see oh boy i don't know if i should use my power up or if i should keep it in storage i'm so scared let's see go let's see where are you going next oh boy there are two of them now oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay good good good okay he's dizzy now i need one more hit on him can i do it are there gonna be two shells now or just one wait he's not invisible why is he not invisible that's so weird i would have thought that he would have been invisible now whoa whoa whoa okay two shells now plus him spinning oh no oh oh where are we all going where are we all going where are we all going oh my goodness oh no okay and oh that was so scary that was such a frightening moment oh my goodness but we did it i'm so glad that we don't have to redo this and that well uh i still have to uh reach the goal poll i guess i can still fall off and uh have to redo the level before i reach the goal poll so it's not time to celebrate yet let's just be careful right here and there we are okay now it is time to celebrate we rescued the light blue spritzy over here and it's funny this rixie is about the same size as sonic because we've got our little sonic right now a game that i've been wanting to play for a while now not a super long time not like mario galaxy or breath of the wild but a game that i've been wanting to play somewhat recently that i've heard of someone recently is sonic generations and i was actually going to play that somewhat recently but sonic origins came out so i thought hey i should make some videos about this while this game is new and then sonic generations can wait for another time in the near future so here is our light blue springs on you guys let me know is sonic generations a good game i've heard some good things about but i don't know i haven't heard a lot of people talk about it like sonic generations and sonic mania are two games that a lot of people have been recommending to me two sonic games that people have been recommending to me okay and this boss fight here is gonna be quite this scary one at least we have nice music playing over here [Music] very nice music playing over here one of my favorite themes in the game and we are little sonic so this is very very scary so before we can go to world 7 which is world castle we're going to motley boss blobs big battle over here hold on i think if i remember correctly we could get some uh we could get a double cherry over here perfect very nice that we have a double cherry over here now let's just hop on oh boy i already almost lost one of my sonics okay okay so with the sonics we just ride down over here and of course we're going to face off against this guy over here this little jester who transforms into this big blobby thing this big boss blob very creative boss over here quite the interesting boss too okay and if we get hit then well we lose our sonic we might actually uh die even but perfect and we got one more sonic great great so we've got three sonics over here this is good hopefully they're not all squished together if all of us get hit together then we die because all of our sonics are sonic clones they can only survive one hit and my main sonic can also only survive one hit okay but there you go okay so we lost our third sonic but we just got back another third sonic okay so we are now three little sonics three little sonics jumping on the bed you've got to be very very careful that this motley boss bob doesn't mess this up okay come on come on get ready ready where is he go there yeah we got him all right let's go let's go i have to pay attention i'm like wait wait wait what is happening did we do it we got the green star now let's go through the pipe there we go there we go okay let's go everyone through the pipe there you go okay i'm like is everyone through the pipe what's going on okay and now we all pop out over here look at all these little sonics running together it looks so funny to see all these little sonics running together they run so fast we just see all that smoke coming from behind them but there we go our baby sonic survived this is fantastic view okay so we have defeated this boss so we get to go continue now let's make our way okay please go into the pipe sonic there we go all right and here we are world castle is up ahead oh my goodness very scary bowser gate up ahead over there and lots of lava everywhere very big castles let's make our way through here there's going to be a lot of lava in this world and first up is fort firebros and we're still little sonic so this is a little scary oh wait but oh oh oh i didn't mean to do that okay but there you go okay this worked out nicely okay let's be careful here oh wait we don't even have to worry about that really go like this uh why are you trying to damage me huh huh what did i ever do to you okay now we can go like this go across here okay that guy's taken care of that's good news okay and and i remember this because last time i couldn't remember where this was if you go like this oh that's the stamp okay so we don't care about that oh man that was a nice snipe over there i was thinking for some reason that would be the green star that was actually this stamp over there okay so where we want to go is get up here get me up here please thank you very much okay now we have seen one level that was slightly like this one before this is a little different we saw something like this in the cake level oh and look it's a luigi ball over there sometimes you see a nice uh luigi ball like this go up oh no i didn't know it was bouncing so much that's so sad because sometimes you get a luigi ball it's not always like right now you can see there's just the regular green ball that's something that happens sometimes sometimes you get the luigi ball like that oh go like this okay then come across here and there we go now we're gonna get the green star no problem and we can get out of here then we can go and get the final green star oh and the final green star i remember what it is it's one of the oh can i recover this okay good good i almost died there that was very silly oh i fell down there but oh oh and i actually don't want that power up so you know what i'll go through here does this bring me to the it brings me to that one i was hoping that it wouldn't bring me there okay let's just get all these green coins quickly oh boy oh boy okay we got them all great that is fantastic okay let's just get out of here now go in here and the level's almost complete now we just gotta take out that fire bro that is up there how are we gonna do that when we don't have any power-ups ourselves let's go like this go go get him okay finally okay we did some damage but we made it through we ended up being all right oh i wonder if we use the super belt we would have been able to just skip to the end oh boy and that fire bro there could have killed me too because i was little sonic that was a little scary all right let's see what is appearing next we've got some more choices now coming up as this path is spilling into oh wait is the right one the speed run one because if we go to the speedrun one let's see is it i think it is oh man okay red hot run let's uh let's go for uh whatever we can here because i kind of have some trouble with this level last time i was here it was a bit more difficult than i remember it being quite the uh quite the tough level okay hold on do we want to go here let's see okay we can go like this all right oh boy oh no huh if things go badly then we might actually get a game over could you imagine if that happened oh boy oh boy imagine if we got a game over on sonic 3d world okay but one of the scariest things last time was that we were small but now we are not small okay good good we made it through there okay this is good we got the first green star we can get the second green star on the last time i played through here i accidentally found out that you could actually drop down here and you are safe look at this you can go in here then there's a yeah like a star with a bunch of goo buzz to defeat there i never thought that that would be there that really surprised me i didn't expect that to be there uh well the first time i found it i didn't expect it to be there but now since i know that it's there i did expect it to be there and i would have been or surprised if it wasn't there i don't want the stamp oh we got the stamp oh no uh go here oh i did a jump okay so that is not only double bad news but this is basically triple bad news this should be a fast level we died we might have a game over and we got a stamp that's a lot of bad news all packed together and we're little again okay okay okay one thing hits us and we're dead you know what i might not even go for the last green star because i think that we do have a few extra green stars there are some that we might not necessarily have to worry about so let's just be careful i don't have to worry about avoiding the uh stamp now yeah you know i'm not going for that green star there it's uh too scary that green star is a little bit too scary you can just go across like this and however we get the gold pole we'll be fine just like that okay we're out of here that's all right that's all right we're one green star i want to say one green star behind but i think we might actually be a few green stars ahead oh and there's our first stamp it's so funny to see the stamp card with just one stamp like that this far into the game but yeah as you can see getting a stamp it does slow you down a little bit the more stamps that you can avoid uh the better in terms of what we are doing right now okay so let's go up here okay thank you thank you very nice that that's spawning over there but i'm not going to go there where we are going now is world castle dash four boiling blue bully belt hey we need to play this like professionals that's what we need to do here's what we're gonna do we're gonna just go like this okay and then we know that we're going here just like that there we go okay now is there a fire flower for us thank you for the fire flower whoa whoa um oh that wasn't scary at all i mean um okay very nice now just get these i like how it uh speeds up while the green coins are active that's something that's quite nice about it okay and this doesn't seem like it's too bad either oh boy that's the stamp i didn't want this stamp but at least we didn't die and we made it in here we could just get the green star oh and this is a super easy one all you have to do is get that guy in there and there we go okay okay yeah i'm like come on let me back what are we gonna go back okay now let's just get out of here this is great okay so the only downside here oh my goodness i'm so glad i landed on that before it disappeared yeah so far the only downside here has been uh oh get that oh boy go go fast go fast go fast mr sonic okay so far the only downside here has been the stamp but otherwise this has been going super well oh and we even have the fire flower here which is more amazing news and that is not sarcasm oh boy you know it's funny if you see someone leave like a youtube comment or anything written in text if someone says something nice and they go and that's not sarcasm kind of funny to tell if it is sarcasm or not because someone can say that's not sarcasm but they're being sarcastic and it's kind of hard to tell over text sometimes all right let's see what is coming up next are they gonna start to be okay there we go we're starting to see some mini boss fights over here let's see rolder blockade is back or prince bully which one is faster uh you know what i'll do prince bully blockade just because i think that it's a bit easier for me i think speedrunners might normally go for a brolder blockade but i'm gonna go for prince bully here because he's super easy i could just get him in like that it's no problem at all okay and i see him coming across here there we go i wonder if when he's in can mode if i could damage him with a uh with a fire flower fireball actually okay let's see where is he coming to now over here okay we almost missed him but that's fine you know let's just go like this get him in there quickly okay and coming across one more time where are you going did he come out of the same one all three times [Music] okay perfect very good very go i was gonna say there we go and very nice but i combined them but there we go there we go oh no i made a mistake i made a big mistake i should have done brolder blockade because it unlocks that path on that side that's why you're supposed to do that one i was thinking i'm like oh we have to do one or the other okay why not choose the easier one but it isn't really that simple i want that ball please thank you very much don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me don't hurt me okay you know what why don't you throw some more rocks throw some more rocks spawn some more rocks please spawn rocks will you spawn rocks or no or do i have to get rid of this one before you spawn some rocks bro come on just spawn some rocks bro come on bro come on bro you know if you're not gonna spawn rocks i'm gonna have to throw this one at you okay i guess he's not spawning rocks maybe i actually have to do that okay whoa hold on i want to try and push i thought that i'd be able to bounce those guys off i thought that i'd be able to push them off with uh with this motion control ability here hey spawn some rocks bro come on spawn some more oh it's because i'm calling them rocks i gotta call them brolders there now he spawned them he wouldn't spot them until i called them brolder she's like rocks you think that we're rocks that's what you think we are i actually almost jumped off into the lava there could you imagine if i jumped off into the lava after beating the boss and mocking him okay and the reason that we wanted to beat the brolder of course is because that opens up this path it's not like each of those mini bosses converge into a single path each of them converge into their own level like this and after we beat trick trap tower we will have access to yet another toad level which will just be fantastic please squeeze me under there yes we made it okay good but uh oh you know what this is gonna be a time where i gotta take out my you know what i'm gonna take out my uh my super bell over here maybe we can do some climbing maybe we could get somewhere nice over here and start to get some green stars you know okay we can come up here i don't want the stamp i don't the stamp stay away from the stamp let me climb up here a little more okay hello hello and hello nice defeated all three of them that was a nice way to defeat them okay so we get a green star for defeating those three guys so that's good news okay now let's just pop in here oh wait you actually don't have to do this oh my goodness i'm actually uh slowing wow whoa whoa whoa i didn't know that we would have that much momentum there that's pretty funny okay let's go like this come on up here okay dive through that guy okay hello there sir out there sir no zapping over here remember no zapping allowed in this zone okay i need that because we need all these key pieces and what about you oh no i thought that maybe as the cat guy maybe we'd be able to you know wipe through them but i guess you can't do that i guess you gotta wait for them to stop so we lost our only uh super bell power up that we have right now okay so now that is unlocked which is good news but these guys are chasing after us it's a good guy it's a good thing whoa that was cool how he slid there that was actually uh unintentional but i don't know if that's actually faster or not okay let's go like this now over here and we are much faster than the thing that was trying to catch up to us so we didn't die so that's the good news now just come right over here wait a minute hold on i wonder if in a speed run if you can just actually climb up the tower to the very end here i wonder if there's like a death area or an invisible wall stopping you yeah that'd be really interesting to know if we could just climb up to the very top oh but there is bad news the bad news is that we have no super bell power-ups or super bowl power-ups in storage right now okay so let's go here but there is good news the good news is that right now we can come over here and we can get some more green stars so that's the good news we're probably going to have more than enough green stars by the time we get to the final boss let's see how are we going to do over here okay where are we starting and we are going to be starting over here okay so let's go get under there and let's go get that green start right there and get out hey nice we got it and we didn't get squished whoa and those guys aren't touching us wait where do we go next in here now what oh now i'm up on this guy okay hold on there's a green star right over there oh i missed it i missed it going perfectly up until then oh don't squish me okay now i'll get on to you over here and then i'll come across here you know what i'll let you hit me i don't mind we're not going to die there we are okay just two more one more green star now wait where am i going where am i going okay i gotta get up on to this guy now just don't kill me bullet bills don't kill me don't run into the bullet bill oh yeah it looks like you do go a bit faster than it so that might actually happen if you make a mistake okay and now there we go you got everything pretty good time i think i don't know what to compare it to but i'm happy with how that went i did that pretty quickly relative to my standards and how i normally do that okay goodbye mr toad thank you very much for your help mr captain holden thank you very much for the stars right 141 oh my goodness that means that we almost have enough yes so it's got to be 170 that you need for the very final boss okay so let's go here first what is this here this is simmering lava lake all right and this is a fun one this is a really nice one i really like how the lava comes up like this wait where are the power-ups gotta beat some powers oh boomerang oh and there we are i think this is our first time oh boy well i guess we didn't get to see it for very long but maybe we're gonna get to see another one in this uh in this play through still oh good thing that the lava wasn't up here okay but let's see where are we going oh oh oh oh i know what to do we're dead okay but there is good news here we are almost out of lives that's not the good news but the good news is maybe we'll get another shot to have this boomerang power up with us for a little bit longer maybe that's what will happen okay so let's just go here let's be careful you know what you know what no being careful that's not what we're gonna do go away you okay let's go like this okay there we are and hold on can i go down here where's the green star there's a there's a or wait wait i think that was a i was thinking of something else i was thinking of a step okay let's get that one okay go like this and there we are that's fantastic that we got those okay nothing oh oh there's this one area that it's like under lava or well lava can cover up this one area but it's like that's where a stamp is not a green star yeah that one right down there that's the one that i was thinking of okay and love is about to come up so we'll stay here for a moment okay we can get another one of these power-ups probably jump to here and hold on hold on hold on get this oh don't touch me stay away stay away everybody and there we are okay this is great this is great we have a power-up whoa i almost ran into the lava okay okay okay let's just be careful not having those guys killing us oh and there we go bottom of the goal pole that's amazing it's so funny because i'm usually used to saying top of the goal poll that i'm happy that we got top of the gopal when you're trying to get through the level quickly then you're like yes bottom of the goal poll and the boomerang power up sonic is pretty cool it's cool that he throws boomerangs okay so we've got 143 green stars it is time for us to head to the world castle castle now to the castle of world castle over here let's go we need at least 130 green stars we've got 144. that's perfect we could head in here and we can show bowser who is boss i know with the fire flower power up that you could damage bowser's car but i don't know if you can do it with the boomerang power-ups this is going to be interesting okay so we go into bowser's castle over here and the eyes on the bowser statue light up in this cutscene okay so we've got to be careful here wait you don't give me a power up do you wait i think it's one of these guys i don't know if it's one of them or if you have to defeat both of them wait oh okay there we go there's that and now our first green star is right down here so let's be careful okay and perfect nobody's damaging us here okay and there's gonna be a green star up here and you actually have to be careful with this one if you don't have the super bell power up because oh my goodness get up here sony come on come on come on get me up there there we are okay nothing can we just continue like this oh ah don't hurt me anybody please oh how oh man we did finally take damage okay and hold on hold on is there a green star here that's off to the side yet looks like there's one here off to this side so let's just go like this go like this and we should be able to just grab it like that please reach it thank you for reaching it don't come to me it came to me oh no oh no but but if you jump right there there's another boomerang power up for us so this is all right this could be much worse oh whoa where are you jumping to go it might be right yeah there we go the boomerang was eaten by the hammer bro okay now you can go over here and it is time for the boss of this level we have all the green stars so that is the good news okay now let's just do some long jumps here fljs instead of bljs instead of backwards long jumps you did forwards long jumps up the stairs and look at this here's bowser in his car and it's so funny that this is actually really similar to the first boss of the game but uh we didn't face the first major boss of the game okay let's do it this way let's see give me some balls bowser come on bowser let's go like [Music] yeah there's one nice hit on him okay if we could get three hits on him like that that'd be amazing okay you don't want to go too fast because then the ball just gets like pushed up who's a good bowser who's a good bowser bowser bowser hey now give me whoa whoa i didn't realize that the ball was coming towards me oh boy or not the ball the fire here's some more balls come on bro come on bro what are you doing come on bro yeah there we go let's go ah that was just a little one uh oh uh oh uh oh it didn't go high enough to hit him if it hits his car then it's a little hit but if it hits actually bowser ah another one that hit only him that's not good it's in fact bad okay but now no matter what happens now even if i if i get a bad hit it still counts as the second major hit on him because you have to either get three big hits to do one damage or uh or sorry you need either one big hit to damage him or three little hits to damage him and you have to damage him three times yeah so right now no matter what happens oh wait no oh boy i almost pushed it back at myself that would have been horrible okay come on bowser come on bowser come on come on just throw another soccer ball there we are and okay those were not good hits so you know what i might have to take a risk the next time that he throws one the next time that he throws one i might have to do just a rolling long jump into it no matter no matter what even if there's fire i might have to roll into the fire let's see unless there's spikes right behind him so he might actually uh jump over them it looks like he's about to jump over those spikes here jump over the spikes oh he doesn't jump over the spikes i thought that he would go no i am in big trouble go yes there we are okay we were a little sonic a fireball was coming towards us but we have defeated bowser over here let's go all right oh wait and this is the stage i think this is the final spritzy that you save if i remember correctly okay so let's have a look at what that is going to look like yeah and bowser doesn't even come out of the fire over here so the game tries to make you think like ah you defeated bowser for good he's not gonna come out of the lava this time but let's have a look at what's going to happen to sonic over here oh and i just realized oh oh and there aren't very many spritxes there but yeah the thing that i realized is i guess you don't want to get the extra time because if you get extra time but at the end of the level it takes longer for the for the time to turn into points if you have more time they probably want to avoid the extra time unless it's absolutely necessary to clear the level i really want to see what happens if you get to this point of the game without eddie sprixies at all i think that'd be really funny to test that okay and because look at this we did skip some of the earlier spricksies so now they're not here there are only one two three four five sprixies here that's it wait a minute hold on hold on how many does he have yeah he has just the five here it would be so funny to see this with a bowser stealing zero sprixies if that would be possible if you like remove this rixie from this level and then bowser's like ha ha i stole all zero of your sprixies alright so this is actually not the final world of the game the final main world of the game before the final bonus secret worlds it's actually going to be world bowser which is up here if we can go into the pipe please thank you sonic all right and here we go ah this is such an exciting one look at this it's like we keep just going higher and higher we are ascending and everything is all dark here and you might be thinking wait a minute what is going on where's this rainbow pipe taking us and then bam all of a sudden everything lights up and look at that up ahead world bowser i can't believe that we are already here this is unbelievable okay so the first level of world bowser spiky spike bridge and i just recently played through world bowser in my videos where i'm actually doing a 100 playthrough of this game though i should be familiar with this and i should know how it works oh you know what you know actually dropping off right now is a good idea and here's why because even though our lives are going down like this we you notice that when we first hit that block we just got a mushroom but now we get a super bell which is even better okay so let's see we probably want to go over here oh i thought i went into the box there we are okay and first oh hold on can i do something like this this would be very risky and scary but perfect we can just make it like this i was so scared that i would have gone into the spikes there okay and let's just make our way over here bam there we go your fireballs will not hurt me today okay and get up here and go please good job don't hurt me bam there we go we got him okay and let's go here and we are already at the checkpoint so this is good news and hold on i think oh that's just the stamp over there not a green star okay so let's come here is there a another one yes yes we had no super bells but now we have two what are we doing here oh oh i remember this one when i first saw this i'm like wait wait where do we go okay and ideally we can go just like this perfect okay that worked out nicely okay now let me out of here please okay now where are we going let's go over here and into the workbox we go that just brings us up to here and now there's gonna be a green star that we would like to get right here that's nice now just don't get damaged step one is don't get damaged step two is don't get hurt step three is be careful that nothing damages you and step four is also do not get damaged and be careful to make it into the wart box there we are i wonder if you even need that wartbox or if you could just make it to the end but for us we can just go like that and let go of the controller and cat sonic will come down look at that that's so good that we got back our super bell power-ups well i guess we didn't get them back i guess we got new ones but it's so nice that we haven't all right let's make our way to okay cog works instead of plus he's downhill dune because we only have to do one of these levels so let's do this one over here oh man remember when i did the prince bully level earlier and i wasn't sure if you had to do it okay so over here this is a nice chocolate level we just did something like this uh recently actually we played through hold on what was it that we played through super mario odyssey we played through a mod of that oh get up no why would you log jump there oh my goodness what in the world is happening there this is complete madness okay let's just go like this and there we are okay we got that now we can continue okay things are starting to things are starting to go fine now wait maybe we can go like this we can just climb up here and then that way we don't have to go around that way maybe that'll be better that way we don't have to take that thing there don't touch me stay awake stay awake stay away everyone's stay aways no okay good good good they're not touching me okay so these guys are little troublemakers i'm not worried about this stamp that's down there but down here hold up hold on there should be uh you know what over here yeah one of these boxes we get in here oh oh whoa hold on hold on hold on oh don't make me lose my power up good job i'm so glad that we did not take damage there that's amazing that we didn't take damage there okay let's just head on across here okay and i don't know if we should get the last green star in this level because it's a little bit out of the way it's down there on that island right there that we can see you know what why not go to it maybe it'll take a bit of time but maybe i'll miss a later green star so hey it'll be nice to go over here and get this one if i can get it please please please please please oh my goodness yeah rolling long jumps are really causing a lot of problems today i almost fell off with that earlier i bumped into something it's like am i doing rolling long jumps instead of just regular jumps okay but make our way up here jump on up and oh wait why am i going into the top of the goal pool i thought that i was just doing a regular playthrough of the game for about but no we are sonic so we have gotta go fast sonic has to go fast okay next up if i remember correctly it's the train level so let's go and see the train level that is going to be up here and yes it is the train level oh and oh okay yeah we don't need that slot machine over there that's just for extra lives wait actually maybe we do maybe we're actually running out of live soon hey but it's time for the bowser express there was one thing in this level that i was struggling with like crazy the last time that i played through this so hopefully we can go through this all right i really like the clown ferris wheel in the background there okay let's climb up this is nice super easy first green star so easy so easy it can't get much easier than that okay now just don't get hurt by this and you know what stop it stop it stop it good good good good good good good and very good extra good double plus good i should say and now let's just swipe our way through these normally with the fire flower power up those goombas have a nice way to get through here but we can just go through like this on these bullies we don't even have to ah please oh boy i was gonna say we don't even have to defeat them oh my goodness i was so panicked there oh my goodness i can't believe that i can't believe that we almost lost our uh our ups no no why am i doing rolling long jumps i need to stop doing rolling long jumps that is so sad that we lost that power up because that is such a useful power-up to have oh why why did that have to happen why do i have to keep losing my super bells why oh why does this happen here's what i wanted to do all i wanted to do is line up like this face straight to the right and go like this because that's a nice way to make it across here oh and and and what we're gonna have to do i wanted to touch that like this get these go there and get these and that's perfect okay and hold on hold on is there green stuff there or is it this stamp oh it's just the stamp so it doesn't even matter yeah if you want then you can actually uh ground pound on this and then it'll bring you up and then you can get the stamp but we don't need stamps so i'm not worried about that wait is the last green star in there is it in there it looks like it's in here move bro bro don't kill me now because i'm little don't kill me i'm little i'm little do not kill me oh boy i have my super bell power up but i don't want to use it because i don't want to lose it i'd really like to save it okay it's just pom pom though it's not boom boom we should be able to do this without taking damage right can we do it oh there are so many oh okay good good good okay hopefully we can win this without damage that'd be amazing okay where is it right here go ah no i missed okay this time things should go better right oh look at that i even sniped him with the fire flower there okay this time this time things will be fine because now we mean business we're not a little sonic now we're a fire flower sonic we're not afraid of no pom-pom over here we're going to take out this pom-pom wherever the pom-poms are going to jump onto them just like that just like that without any problems i might even do some rolling long jumps in this fight over here where are you over here oh boy okay we're damaged once okay okay all right this is all right though this is fine this is fine we just need one more hit and there we are okay so we did take damage we did lose the fire flower power up so it's not perfect but it is all right our lives are running a bit low we're down to just four lives oh why did i do a rolling long jump there i shouldn't do them anymore i say as i do another one right away okay but that's the bottom of the gold pole so that's good oh man oh man oh man okay so let's see what is opening up next over here okay it looks like we're at a path and now this is a path where you actually do choose one or the other well i guess the one on the left it opens up something to the left and the one on the right it opens up something to the right so let's go over here 8-4 foot light lane this is the one that we are going to do and the music that plays here is quite nice and wait wait what power up do you get here a boomerang power-up okay nothing too crazy a super bell power-up would be the best but i guess this is fine too oh my goodness move please sir sir please do not stop me okay well there goes that power-up that power up is gone now how do we want to go through here let's see how we gonna do this are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way i guess we're doing it the hard way can i jump to there oh get up here and go oh wait but there's a you know what right there a green star you know what let's get this we'll turn big we'll drop down is there ground here yes there's ground here okay then we can go here come back here this is fine stop coming close to me okay everybody please stay away very nice okay now this oh stay back this is an area that is a little tricky because there are some parts here that are arranged in some slightly unexpected ways over here let's see like this over here oh wait this one's actually a lot easier than i than uh i expected like the last time that i did this i'm like wait a minute i thought that this would be a lot harder but it ended up being just super easy like that okay but over here i think we should be able to get a boomerang power up okay if we do this then we should be able to get a boomerang car up because if you're little then all you get is a mushroom so that's why i took out my super bell and i risked it for a moment this is how we are going oh oh that was perfect how that went now we can just go here and what's up ahead here there's a mystery box there oh and i remember this mystery box it uh tricked me a little bit before so let's just go like this i was so tempted to do a rolling long jump there but i had died to rolling long jumps so many times that i thought okay we're not doing a rolling long jump there okay and this time that's how you get it without dying on the first attempt that's how you do it okay so we are going to go is up here oh actually we're going around this way whoa whoa whoa whoa where are we going where are we going whoop where's the ground okay and let's see just right up here this should be the end of the level right what a cool little level okay and we don't want to go into that we just want to go just like that okay and 400 not 200 so i think maybe it could have been a bit faster if we jumped sooner and then landed and fell onto the 200 point pull grab instead of the 400 point pole grab there but overall that ended up being not bad at all okay so there's a stamp house there to the left we don't need this stamp house the next level that is on our direct path is a beam in the dark oh let's go through this spooky spooky level over here grab one of these oh and i like how sonic has a red one it matches his shoes it's red because well right now sonic is replacing mario and this is uh normally the color light box that mario has okay so there's a green luigi button over there but where we want to go of course is down here rolling long jump please please bring me there okay good we made it we made it why do i keep doing rolling long jumps they are so scary and i die so many times when i use them why do i do this why do i do this why do i make things so difficult i like how it's not only moving but it's also slightly rotated like you could see that i'm not touching sonic right now he's not moving but he's actually rotating oh goodbye and yeah these dry bones they might cause some minor problems for us oh maybe i could have gotten that red ring and we could have gotten a power up maybe but let's see uh can i run and bounce off of you and then go to there oh that was way too scary maybe i could have done it oh what about you what about you oh i lost it i lost it my power up has gone oh actually we still have a boomerang power up which is good news and grab another one of these and now there's gonna be something that we want on the left if i remember correctly let's just keep an eye out for this i think this one might actually be mostly used as a backup but let's just go in here let's go like this and oh boy actually that's a little scary go and come on come on [Applause] and come on okay that was actually uh much closer than i thought it'd be yeah you want to shine your light on all them okay now let's get out of here and which door is it center i can't remember which door it is okay it's left then now it's the final door that i checked oh my goodness i checked every single door but i didn't know which door it was okay so let's go here now this is a tricky area we want to be careful to not fall here oh i know where the last green stars the last green star is not too far ahead but the dry bones might cause some problems man i wish that we could do something uh wish that we could be a little floaty being floaty around here would be nice because then we could bounce along on the dry bones and skip some of the level that would be very nice if we are princess peach being able to bounce on these guys and float from one to the other that might be a good way to go across for now just gotta just gotta play it safe with these guys here you know no that's how it is we are safe okay now what about you guys don't jump off oh what is happening what is happening everyone is coming here no no okay jump to there stay away from the dry bones okay and let's go here whoa i didn't mean to bounce on that guy go eat my light and there we are we got the green sir okay perfect perfect let's get out of here let's just finish this level and over here i don't know if it's actually faster to uh just drop down on the top of the goal pool or if it's faster to fall down beside the gopal and then grab the bottom of it that'd be really interesting to see which is faster but there we go boomerang sonic has cleared another level okay and not only can we continue through but but but over here in the side over here on this side i should say not only do we have a very nice view of the level but there's a mystery house level over here and in this mystery house level this is mystery house claw climb so you do want some uh you doing some super bell power ups and i'm pretty sure that you can also get super bell power up so let's start off like this let's just start off by getting one over here perfect thank you very much and let's just grab that and where's the mystery box right over there perfect okay so we have a super bell and a super bell in storage so this is just amazing things couldn't be going much better for us okay oh and there it is okay so that's two out of ten we don't want to mess up because if you mess up then you have to restart from the very beginning and you know it's something that i was thinking about because i played through this level somewhat recently and i was thinking for this level can you do it without a super bell power up and i was thinking like that one over there that really high one that might be a tough one or impossible one with luigi but it seems like some of these maybe if you use luigi maybe you can climb high enough and still reach or sorry maybe you can jump high enough and still reach i really wonder if you can do this without the uh super bell power up go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go good good with five seconds left okay we don't want to mess up if you mess up you have to restart from the beginning well that is scary but this is good yeah and some of those jumps might be difficult i don't know if you can make those but i think the most difficult of all if you don't have a power up will probably be the very last one like this is a tricky one over here like we can barely reach that well not barely reach it but maybe if luigi did like a wall jump then he'd be able to reach okay please get the good you got that that's what i needed okay and i'm back to using rolling long jumps oh here's the final one yeah this is one where i don't know if you could do this without the super bell power-up because it'd be really tricky because look even like that we still barely reach it in time we reached it with like two or three seconds left we'll get the little bird down there okay so we get 10 more wait a minute we already have over 170 okay that means that we don't even need any more green stars anymore okay that's perfect okay so let's just warp back to here now all we have to do is just complete the levels because i'm pretty sure all you need is 170. yeah so it looks like we got a lot of extra green stars that we didn't need now we don't have to worry about any green stars any stamps all we have to do is finish the levels and then uh take on the final boss oh you guys aren't allowed here goodbye sorry oh whoa i'm sorry oh no my super bell we're back down to four lives oh my goodness you little skip squeaks you i've died again you know what maybe i'll just leave the skip squeaks alone i don't mind what they're doing they can do whatever they want i don't mind hip squeaks who cares what skip squeaks hey guys this is not a hard level this is not a difficult level this isn't a difficult level don't worry it's not a difficult level there's no way that we're getting a game over in this play through over here there's absolutely no way that that's gonna happen actually it's quite possible that it will happen i really hope that it doesn't really hope that we can just uh oh no okay what in the world is going on here have i been playing for too long am i just completely falling apart now what in the world is happening hey let's just focus we just gotta focus just take it easy take it easy no need to worry here okay look at the blocks look at the blocks you know where the blocks are gonna go and you just have to walk that way and then you'll be fine okay hey piranha plants don't give me trouble piranha plants okay okay be a good piranha plant okay hey i don't care for the green star i'm not going for the green stars okay cause i don't care about green stars we have enough green stars you guys are just gonna leave me alone okay all right deal deal eel i said deal you guys aren't agreeing i guess they don't want to leave me alone okay let's be careful because man that love it just kills you instantly okay and hold on hold on we're almost at the checkpoint flag right okay this power up might help us a little bit i just got to be careful to not accidentally do a rolling long jump and then run off and die and lose everything okay so it says that we have one life but technically if you uh oh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hammer bros hold on hammer bros keep your hammers to yourself throwing hammers is a workplace violation okay if i die now then uh it's actually game over unless i somehow reach 100 coins before i die okay if i die then i'll give away a copy of super mario 3d world and bowser's fury on the nintendo switch to a random person in the comments and i'll post the rules in the comments if i die and i get a game over that's what's going to happen or if i get a game over in this play through i should say that's what's going to happen let's see let's see what's going to happen let's see okay not dead yet all right all right all right all right because there still is a chance that i get a game over because i am at zero lives right now so if i die while i'm at zero lives and it's game over i really hope that it's not a game over here please don't be a game over here please please like come on come on we're so close the end of the level is actually unbelievable okay but this is a tricky part okay go here oh no no no no okay i'll put the rules i'll put the wait oh it's not a it's not a game over it's not a game over because i reached uh i reached 100 coins so i got an extra life oh man i was about to say like okay i'll put the information in the in the comments now but hey phil is quite possible that we will get a game over oh boy he almost died there let's see let's see let's see i'm not at all worried about avoiding the hammers i just want to uh not die that's what i'm trying to do okay you do get quite a few coins there but it's not like guaranteed that you'll uh it's not guaranteed that you'll you know what that you'll get enough coins for another life okay let's see oh we meet again we're at zero lives over here so if i die it's a game over let's see oh boy oh boy hey now come up here okay then here okay oh what are you guys doing here don't mess with me my bros don't mess with me my bros please don't please don't oh it's going that way i didn't think it would go that way i thought it'd go the other way why are you dropping down on me don't drop down on me that power up is gone i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared are we going one more okay are we going the other way now sure sure come like this okay goodbye you guys they fell off i didn't though and hold on hold on hold on are we flipping more i'm not ready to flip i'm not ready to flip oh we did it we did it we did it oh man but but there still might be a game over i'm actually terrified of this oh my goodness oh man all right let's see let's see we've got some more levels opening up here oh and these are actually some boss spikes over here this is a little scary over here oh man i am so nervous about how this is going i'm just so glad that we made it through that level that's one of the levels that i'm happiest about making it through okay monthly boss blobs encore why did i choose to do this level first i should have gone for the other one what do we get here okay we get a double cherry it's like as long as i don't jump off we should be fine all right let's see i'm ready for this boss over here so motley boss blobs encore so this is like the previous motley boss blob fight but it's a bit more difficult and the colors are different also yeah so now he's gold like this and the clothes that he had on were different colors also and when he jumps it sends out waves i guess that's probably something that's a bit more important even but there we go that's a nice hit on him and we've got another double cherry so that's even more good news for us now we've got three sonics running around just three regular sonics not tiny sonic so that's even better and uh if we get heard of it now that's fine wait oh there's another hit on him okay but i lost almost all of my sonics okay but we did get another double cherry okay so we've got two sonics here and we need one more hit on him to defeat him this is such a hard boss to do without taking damage my goodness okay and let's see are you going my bro bam there we are okay oh what he still damaged me even though i was that small uh not even though i was that small i mean even though we uh even though uh we defeated him that was so weird okay and i guess i didn't have to go for the green star in fact i probably shouldn't have gone for it because we already have enough green stars but here we go oh oh and the other thing that also makes this very very scary is we're still at zero lives so if we die it's still game over and then i have to give away well i get to give away a copy of this game okay okay first major roadblock cleared now there's just one more major roadblock and then the final boss did i say roadblock like roblox i meant to say road block maybe the d wasn't very pronounced there okay now hold on is this just a coin or is this actually a power-up okay it's just a single coin so if i die you guys know what happens let's go let's make our way down here here we are all right and hold on what boss is this is this histocrat returns okay histocrat returns oh i've got a good idea i've got two good ideas actually okay first we'll take this and we should be able to go like this okay that's the first good idea now the second good idea is there should be probably some super bells spawning around here i'd like to get some of the super bells if they spawn around your home but first let's do that okay there we go that's two hits on the boss we need just one more hit now i just want one more super bill so i could put it into storage we could have a super bell in storage before we go to the final level and that'd be perfect let's see any super bells around bro where the super bells at i need super bells i don't see any super bells where are the super bells hey hey stop spitting that fire i want super bells you have a super bell no why don't you all have any super bowls does this boss not give you super bells i thought that these snakes they sometimes spawn super bells let's see maybe these snakes don't actually spawn super bells okay i might just have to go and defeat the boss then okay let's just not get hit by the fire let's see yeah it looks like none of these are giving me super bells okay so i'm gonna go back here i'm gonna go like this oh oh oh oh boss is hiding okay so i don't want to jump into the boss go like this and there we go okay boss defeated okay and i'm not gonna get the grain sir because we don't need the green star i'm just gonna oh wait i actually almost went for the green star right as i said that without thinking okay but here we are this boss is defeated we've got to be careful though cause we have zero lives zero lives you know how many lives we have f-zero that means if we die it's a game over that is terrifying i am so scared that that might happen i really hope that we don't get a game over this is getting so intense this is so intense and if i don't get a game over then i will also do something to keep people watching if i do get a game over then i will give away one code for super mario 3d world bells fury on the nintendo switch to a random person in the comments over here i'll have the full rules either like on screen or in the video description but if i do complete the game without a game over then i'll also do something but i won't say what it is yet okay so here we are the final level of the game the final level of the main game i should say so let's take it on let's take on final bowser the great tower of bowser land all right here we go we've got our mechanical bowser over there everything is all lit up we want to go up that great tower over there and we want to save the sprixies oh i'm ready to get started let's go in here imagine if i just died right now if i just like couldn't make it on to this thing okay okay let's see is there a power up in here maybe nope no power-ups here that's fine i'd love to get one more super bell power-up that would be so nice if we could get one more super bowl power-up somewhere it would just be amazing if we could get another super real power up okay launch me please thank you very much cats cat goombas take this no they didn't have wait maybe one of these has yes thank you thank you there's this one zelda character it's something i'm getting away from you because you are scary okay that's what i'm doing you know what you can go away oh oh and i can actually stop the entire ferris wheel i didn't know that i could do that okay there you go that was a nice safe way to do it oh i don't want to stop them i just wanted to push the guy off and one more even okay but i don't need that so i'm just gonna leave that there there isn't a checkpoint flag in this level oh yeah there is there is i was gonna say there isn't a checkpoint flag is there but there is but it's uh a bit later on okay so over there is the great tower of bowser land we're just taking our ride down here and let's pop out here and look at this there's a bridge over here there's a bowser symbol this reminds me very slightly of the squid game and right before we get to the tower look at this who's gonna drop down it's boughs they're dropping down over here let's go time for the showdown with bowser in the rain he's got a super bell he puts it on his collar over here and bowser is going to transform into meowser oh man i really hope we could do this without dying there are so many spots over here where you can die and it is so easy to die so i really hope that we don't die in this ultimate battle against meows or over here let's see hopefully sonic does all right let's see let's see let's see because bowser's gonna be like dropping down at us i don't know from where probably from the right first right okay yeah from over there yeah sometimes he comes up and sometimes he comes down it's quite tricky we gotta stay away from bowser okay let's pop in there that brings us over here but wait where do we go next where's bowser coming from next in here where's he oh he's there he's there oh oh he almost touched me oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man okay let's climb up climb up here good we made it up to here that's good news okay and you know what i'm not gonna go for the green star because we don't need it yep we're not going for any more green stars all you need is a 170 green stars and we already have more than that many okay now let's see where's bowser coming from next you going over there i'm popping in here then because we'll be safe here we'll come through here we can go like this climb up oh this super bell power up is so useful to have over here thank you so much super bell powerup for all that you have done for me okay let's just run along here wait where am i i can't see where i am and see where i am okay let's run up ahead very quickly over here wait is there was there an invisible wall stopping us or what was that okay but there we go we defeated bowser but that's not all because this comes down it's time to go to the next part of the level maybe i should have taken that extra time maybe i'd actually need it but we are climbing up the bowser up the bowser up the tower here through the clouds we've got a meowzer chasing us over here meows or roars we see some red light down there meows or pounces another meowser pounces how many of these meowsers are there you could actually add quite a few of these okay there's a checkpoint flag but what use will it be to us if we die and we almost have enough coins for another life but we're still at zero lives this is so scary i am so terrified here okay i was just gonna come out of those cracks over there gonna break through there let's see where are we going though that is the question i think maybe staying on the left side is a good idea for us let's see because we don't want to go up that way let's just come here we'll be safe here okay jump on the wall oh boy i almost got touched by that bowser there it sounds like a song touched by a bowser don't want to get touched by bowser okay there's some cracks over there so we got to stay away from that this is a good place to be wait wait oh oh oh go here go here go here please now get up yes yes we avoided all them and we didn't get hit okay and we are still cats sonic this is amazing okay let's climb up we got to climb up quickly because all the meows are chasing after us okay here we are let's get up here any enemies here wait i thought that there'd be like uh some kind of enemies here like hammer bros or or fire bros or something i guess it's like all meows okay now i mostly have to be careful to not accidentally run off the level if i don't run off the level that'll be great okay this is it this is it everybody this is it let's go one two up three and hit number four there we go we got him we got him let's go okay we should be able to beat the game without getting a game over then i'm gonna say what happens if we beat the game without getting a game over this is going to be some very exciting times over here oh my goodness bowser is defeated the spritzes are saved let's see how many of the sprixies we saved over here oh man what a relief oh my goodness those last few levels were so intense especially grumblump inferno oh my goodness i was just glued to my seat there metaphorically of course i did not actually glue myself to my seat oh man oh man oh man oh man but luckily what we can do is just head through here it still is possible that we die we might just like accidentally jump off the level or something and you know what i'm not going for the stamp over there look at this it looks like some of the spricksies are missing because well we haven't saved some of them so they're not here yet which is kind of funny but go right here and wait can i not step into the gold pole oh okay there we go and there we go bottom of the gold pole we did it sonic has saved i was going to say all of the spricksies but i guess like some of this spring seas like what kind of an ending to the game is this it's like you don't even save all the spricksies you can see that there is he's missing what about the other sprixies that bowser and his minions still have captured we're just like yep beat the game since i made it to the final boss and i beat the final boss without a game over i'll be giving away two north american game codes for super mario 3d world plus bowser's fury on the nintendo switch the full details will be in the video description so make sure that you read that and follow all the rules if you want to be a possible winner of that i really recommend my video where we play red plumber adventure it's like super mario and roblox thank you so much for watching i hope you have an absolutely fantastic day ahead of you and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 990,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, sonic, super mario, mario sonic, bowser's fury, sonic's fury, mario all bosses, sonic all bosses, mario vs sonic, sonic vs bowser, sonic vs mario, mario animations, sonic animations, full game, bowser's fury full game, sonic mario, mario custom power-ups, bowser's fury ending, super mario 3d world, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, full movie, bowser's fury all cat shines, mario full game, mario full movie, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany, zxmany sonic, zxmany mario
Id: NdWrJFsaOi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 17sec (8237 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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