"Super Troll Hill" - Mario's FUNNIEST Troll Level YET!! [funny Super Mario 3D World troll level mod]

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today we play through super trolley 3d world a troll world that was made for super mario 3d world and over here the message prompt that we have is a press it so let's go for it oh oh hold on and the options are red luigi wait plum it's oh i guess instead of peach it's plum that's very funny or todd so yeah let's play as red l i think that will be a good choice so this mod was made for the wii u version so that's why we're playing on the wii u version instead of the switch because this mod wasn't made for the switch version normally we play all the switch version and i make a lot of mods for the switch version but this mod is specifically for the wii u version green vegetables are bad for your health is the name of the level okay so we want to play single player all right let's have a look at what this is going to be oh got a little goomba right here should be able to take that out no problem now then do we want to go in here can we get in there is the question okay do we want to go into the left pipe or the right pipe or oh i was gonna say or do you want to skip past it it looks like you don't want to skip past it because there's a death area okay well wait can you go around this way i'm curious to see if you can go by this way now okay so it looks like you die if you try to go by that way okay so left or right which way do we go which way do we go let's try left [Music] dead okay so it looks like you do not want to go left because you die if you go to the left okay running out of lives here might have a game over in a moment oh no almost ran by by accident okay so let's do this let's try the pipe on the right wait you also die okay so there's got to be a different way that we get by then let's see i wonder if maybe killing the goomba is what creates the death area let's see if we can go by this way let's see if we can do this no you also die how in the world are we supposed to get by oh i think i might have figured it out wait what if you oh no that's not what i wanted to do maybe we have to crawl down through there oh wait wait wait probably if you take damage then you can fit through there that's what you have to do okay i was thinking of trying to crawl through like crawling like this but if you hold the crouch button then you actually go down the pipe so it looks like you have to take damage and squeeze by that area that's really clever the way that that is done so the goombas here you actually have to use that goomba to get through here okay so that's really cool oh i guess we don't want to go over there because that is the death area okay now then let's take damage you know what i was thinking of making a troll level where there are just random death areas everywhere and now i get a sneak peek at what that might be like hey what if we try to go by this way okay what's the deal with going over there do you die if you go that way let's see there's an arrow telling us to go up there i think maybe you die if you go there oh we didn't die what whoa there's a wart box oh okay okay okay okay we're going around a clear pipe now okay zooming around zooming around like this went by the pro wait wait wait is this going to be an infinite loop i think this might actually be an infinite loop now this is what this might be let's see what happens when we pop out of this clear pipe i think we don't have any control oh oh there's a platform here nice nice nice now what happens when we defeat this guy oh okay okay he didn't kill us so that's good let's see what happens if we pop out the other end of the pipe let's see we'll take the pipe up to here and does it just bring us back okay it just brings you back oh man oh and the options are continue or become a chicken all right we will choose become a chicken chicken you will lose any self-respect gain in this level if you leave no okay so you'll have to choose yes okay so let's try this let's see if there's anything up on the other tree okay so we want to go like that because there's a death area over there and we'll go up this way anything up on this tree oh and invincibility sir i wonder if we actually have to use that will these come in handy at all ah just a coin okay nothing in there hey we are invincible oh never mind we're not invincible there's a death area over there okay so let's see we want to go here anything in the bush i do it i need okay so it's the bushes that kill you okay so a lot of these bushes just have death areas around them so if you try to check what's in one of the bushes it kills you but maybe that means that there's going to be oh maybe that means that there's going to be something useful in one of the bushes what if we ground pound here could there maybe be something here okay just coins just like usual you don't want to jump onto that tree because that takes you to a warp box that doesn't help you at all there's one coin in here let's defeat that guy let's defeat this guy now then do we go into this pipe that takes you below the level do we have to avoid all these bushes i wonder if all these bushes kill you if you get close to them okay we weren't even able to jump over those bushes you know what we've got to try the pipe or wait wait i was gonna say we should try sending the goomba through the pipe first to see if it goes anywhere but i accidentally went into the pipe okay now then now then do we have to avoid all these bushes that is the question are all of these bushes deadly could there maybe be something very useful in one of these bushes like a green star man oh man oh man it's so tempting to check these bushes because we are being taught hey look bushes are dangerous if you go into a bush it will kill my oh oh oh you actually do want to go into that one okay so that previous clear pipe was dangerous but this one gave us a green star and it made its pop up here okay there's something swirling around there what is that oh that's a warp oh no here we go ah i'm like that stuff looks so familiar what is it and it was a warp box and it's a warp box that brings us back to here this looping clear pipe section or wait wait wait this might actually be different maybe we get something for killing this guy okay no you don't get something for killing that guy okay i had to check to make sure that this was actually a different section because maybe this was just a section that looked exactly the same but like a warp box and a green star spawn when you defeat that piranha plant so i had to check that since this is the wii u version that means that you lose your green stars when you die so we are going to have to get this green star here again oh oh and if the goomba goes into the bush then it is also killed so that's a good way to check if the bushes are deadly you could just lure the goombas into them okay so i don't want to get too close to those i'm also very worried about these okay you know what we've got to break these okay of course of course there's the death area the wooden crate kills you if you go to it of course why am i surprised that everything kills you literally everything kills you if you go up to it okay let's try to get the goomba into that bush there yeah that bush also kills you then and you know what we haven't checked what's up here let's see if we could go up here maybe okay we can get up like that okay and can we get up to the very top from here it's weird not being able to do dives i'm so used to being able to do dives okay there's a very big bush over there and there's a bully over here maybe you have to get this bully to a death area let's try to push the bully over to a death area okay let's bring over the bully to one of these bushes and hopefully that kills it hopefully the bully dies by going into a death area because i know other enemies do let's see come on over come on over okay okay okay i really wanted to check if that final bush was deadly okay come over here come over here okay good that does kill it that does kill okay so now i know that all those bushes are deadly but it doesn't look like we got anything for killing that bully you know what that's actually such an incredible idea for a level imagine having a bully enemy up here and you have to lure them into a death area to kill them okay oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man there's a bully blocking that pipe over there and there are goobers guarding it too but oh and the stamp is right behind there oh and there's a there's a stone block back there so i'm guessing i'm guessing that this bush kills you and you probably have to find a better way around to this stamp let's just okay i really have to check cause maybe the green star could have been hidden in there yeah i haven't tried going back there yet oh cuz there's a bush there that's why that happens that's why it kills you it looks like almost every bush is deadly okay you know what i really want to head over there that's i'm very curious about that oh and there's just a bully down there why is the bully down there for what is the bully doing down there why is it in here i don't understand why it is here i don't think we can do anything with it so i don't think we can get rid of these blocks very surprising that that's there and you know what i've gotta check i've gotta check what's okay so that's what happens it's got an incredibly fast speed and it just launches you out far past the level that is very funny okay let's take out these goombas i don't know if we'll get anything nice for that nope doesn't look like that matters okay so we'll continue up here then hey we've got some goombas here and you want to be careful you definitely want to be careful here okay so we can probably head up this way this shouldn't be too bad and then we should be able to get the stamp from here because the stamp is just right up here and there we go and you can get it without dying which is very nice now then how are we going to continue past here because there's the bully over here and they're really really trying to block off that pipe there so what do we want to just walk across you oh and even if you do get into oh wait a minute there's an invisible wall here i was gonna say even if you do get into the pipe oh it might launch you off to the side and there are also some question mark blocks down there the question mark blocks spell out hi so now then how in the world are we going to get in there oh oh i think i understand okay you want to get in at an angle like this oh it's actually very hard to get in there it's like you want to lure the bully over there and then roll in ah i'd like to get in there i was able to fit in there before come on come on let me back in let me back in okay i made it in like this i can get into this corner i can get into the bottom corners but wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute there's a star power up from earlier am i going to have to bring this star power up all the way over here i think i might have to do that can the star power up go that far even though wait a minute wait a minute unless unless okay here's an idea this will be crazy though maybe you have to get the star power up go down to that bully and then the star power up kills this bully okay so it looks like let's try this let's see how long this star power up can last for us it looks like maybe we have enough time to bring it to this bully i think that might be what we have to do yeah because this star power up it runs out about the same time that we get to the bully so it's like what else could you possibly want to do with it so i think what we have to do is run along yes okay and you do get another star power up i was right i was right but then once you're here you have to be fast enough to make it to the next bully oh man that is going to be very very tough you have to be fast enough to make it to there then we are going to have to be fast enough to make it to the next bully oh man this is actually ridiculous this is becoming more of a kaizo mod than a troll level because we are going to have to make it all the way up to there and reach the bully unless we can somehow fit in there if only there is a way yes yes yes yes we fit we fit we fit we fit i squeezed through oh but we don't have the stab oh no oh there's the checkpoint flag wait if you die after getting the checkpoint flagged you ah i didn't even get the checkpoint flag i was wondering if you keep your green stars after the checkpoint flag i don't remember if you do or not if i try like right from the edge here yes yes yes yes yes okay okay okay so that's the way to do it okay so we are through i don't think i want to go for the checkpoint flag i wonder if the rabbit is going to give us what we want let's catch the rabbit ah no i forgot about the bushes the bushes kill you no oh no okay so here's what you do you line up like right on the edge and then you can sneak through okay so i could do that really easily now okay so that's nice that's nice that is quite the relief we could go through so okay let's have a sneak peek ahead okay it looks like there's just a bunch of charging chucks how bad can it be it's just a bunch of charging chucks how bad can it be can't be that bad can it okay what does that guy give us just a coin okay that's expected now then ah do those i'll kill us do all those bushes kill us do the trees kill us or are there wart boxes on the trees let's see there's some suspicious stuff up there okay let's explore let's check this tree okay nothing here i am really really really expecting the trees that if we walk up to any of the trees that it'll just take us into a warp box that will put us in an infinite loop okay do you die if you go into the water okay you don't die if you go into the water that is quite the surprise ah but you know maybe there's something hidden in one of these bushes maybe we have to check one of these bushes you never know you never know there might just be something in one of those bushes okay do i go into that pipe do i dare go into that pipe do i dare see what is in this pipe let's do it no no i've had enough of this room okay let's see if this actually is the same room again or if this is just a copy of the room because maybe maybe maybe maybe this is actually a different room that just looks similar ah i heard that sound and i'm like wait is something spawning but it's just a one-up mushroom okay so we know to not go into that pipe so let's climb up this tree and let's see what could be up here at the top some rabbits to catch oh oh and you really want to not touch the okay that one just gives a coin you really want to not touch the bushes that's very important to not touch the bushes oh what up wow i'm so glad that we got a one-up mushroom okay that brings us up no no no no no no i thought that we'd get taken somewhere useful but we are brought back not only to the beginning of the level but we are put back into the warp box from the beginning of the level oh no you know what i'm starting to become very curious about i'm really wondering if going off to the right there actually does kill you what if it doesn't kill you what if you want to pop out over there what if that's actually what you want to do okay so was there something else up there i can't remember and you know what while we are here let's break these crates a green star is that green star number two okay that's green star number two that's great that's amazing and there wasn't anything up here was there i don't think there's anything else up there you know we can get the extra time what if we just do yeah we don't want to head up there okay so let's head down i wonder uh oh i wonder if this guy's still going to give us a super bell or not oh no oh no oh no oh no no no let's take him out let's take them out there we go nice nice nice and very nice now then can we break those we could break those oh if you head down there though there's a warp box if you head down there and i'm guessing that wartbox is going to be a troll oh and the charging chuck can just break all the crate sports so we don't even have to break them charging chuck come break these crates please okay fine just do that okay let's just break through all these here cause maybe no actually i don't think there could be anything useful in here i can just dive along them like this okay let's break these crates here okay what about these capcomers do they give us anything let's see meow oh man i almost got killed by it actually oh man hey let's try this okay just coins just coins what about back here what could be back here anything back here okay just the one up mushroom and you know what i'm not going into that warp box yet because i think it is a troll i don't think we need it yet okay i'm very curious about that coin over there do we have to like drop down there or something why would there be a coin right there oh wait there's an invisible platform there maybe we have to go there for some reason okay what could be down here do you want to drop down here is that tell me there's gonna be a death area or an invisible wall it doesn't let us through oh just a bunch of coins actually okay but okay there are a lot of wart boxes to choose from i'm guessing if we go into that one then it'll just shoot us through all those wart boxes and then bring us to the final area where we just die anyways i'll i'll go into it i'll go into it let's see okay so it just brings you to there okay okay so it brings you to there brings us back to here of course of course so i wonder what all those other wart boxes on the side are for now then i'm very curious about all those warp boxes down there maybe one of them wait a minute you know what i've even wondering if this clear pipe is actually to bring us out there let's see of course it doesn't of course it doesn't of course it doesn't of course it doesn't bring us there can we get up in this game can we get up there without using a diet because normally i use a dive to get up there but if we can't dive how do we get up there do we have to bring over this guy and bounce off of him no no tell me we don't have to bounce off that guy oh wait maybe if we go over there let's see because there's a platform right over there but can we reach from here that is the question where should we go from what if we go like this oh ah no i was on the platform i walked off in okay let's try heading on over to there okay okay we actually made it up here can we get up to the top though from here or no let's see oh you can actually make it up like that oh man and i almost went to that bush i'm guessing that bush kills you like the other bush i wonder if that coin kills you if you collect it let's see the coin doesn't kill you if you collect it okay but the charging chuck got me so that's sad oh man that was so close i was so close let's do this oh bed okay okay okay okay let's get away from these charging chucks let's just get away from them very far away from them and of course the gold pole isn't here so where could the gold pole be and where could the last green star be also because we are missing both of those i wonder if it's with one of these bushes are all of these oh the gold balls just right over there and hold on that bush is looking a bit suspicious there's a warp box in here i think is there a wart box here oh no that was just the stuff behind it but where's the final green surf that's the goal pole oh there's a lot of wart boxes down there there are a lot of war boxes down there i wonder if this is a real or a fake gold pole i'm really wondering but where could the last green star be let's see anything up here a mushroom bro that's crazy i wonder if you actually need that mushroom let's see if there's anything up here nothing up there anything back here okay anything up on this tree nothing up on that tree oh you know where we haven't gone we haven't tried taking this pipe down i wonder if that also kills us oh okay it just brings you back that's very funny actually could the last green star be may be buried here nope that doesn't look like it now does this bush kill you if you go here [Music] it looks like there's something there doesn't it look like there's something there guys it really looks like there's something underneath that bush like if we move around these bushes doesn't look like they have something there but in that other bush it does look like it you know what we've got to check what this is because it looks like there's something there that's the real goal pull so that off to the side was the fake goal pull that i'm not expecting green star 3 to be before green star 2 in the level so let's try this let's just try going down here what happens okay then you just see the blocks that say hi okay so it doesn't bring you into a useful warp box or anything ah man imagine being killed by a goomba you know what it's actually so funny that all the bushes kill you except for the very final one that has the real goal pull okay it's good that i was suspicious that that's the fake gold pull hold on hold on maybe we do need this mushroom so let's take that mushroom [Music] and then let's drop down into these wart boxes because there are lots of wart boxes here so let's see what they do hint wait hint oh i think this is meant to give you a hint that like this bush over here that you have to use a bush to get to the gold pole but we already found the gold pole all i need is the final green star now that's actually such a nice way of adding a hint to a level you know what maybe just maybe we have to drop into the warp boxes that are over here because there are a lot of warp boxes here so let's see i don't know if this is a troll or or if you have to go into these oh i wonder if that's the way that you're supposed to get up here that green star was a lot simpler than i thought it would be i thought that those war boxes would just kill you okay and there we go oh man incredible level this is the most fun troll level i've played in a very long time this is so much fun fantastically made incredibly made huge shout outs to king what the for making this level i had so much fun here and if you guys would like to see more custom levels and troll levels by both myself and others you might enjoy some of my other videos i hope that you all have an amazing day ahead of you thank you so much for watching and take care everybody [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 4,104,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bowser's fury, super mario 3d world, mario, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, troll level, mario troll, funny mario videos, funny mario animation, mario animation, mario animations, funny mario, funny super mario, super mario videos, super mario animation, mario troll level, funny mario troll, super troll 3d world, super mario 3d world troll level, zxmany troll level, zxmany troll, zxmany mario, zxmany mario 3d world, zxmany super mario 3d world
Id: 2QzeO5lugms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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