Super Metroid: Exploit Patch | Romhack Competition 2021

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is the final romack of the contest that flew by we played nine ever played eight this is nine um as far as i understand this is um pal i did uh make sure it worked a little bit so as far as i know it looks um well as far as i do know um vanilla plus so we'll see how it plays out yeah so one thing is i'm playing a pal version um which has been updated to be played on um ntsc so you're gonna notice that this is vanilla minus oh no you're gonna notice that samus is moving a little bit different and um i'm not gonna play it on s9x i'm just gonna deal with the uh movement change and since mr mv hosts sometimes i will play with french text because i might have some french viewers in here aka you're only going to get to see some french on the start so le metroid all right so let's start vanilla minus the last metroid is in captivity a frame burglar metroid uh yeah i don't know don't care at this [Music] uh thanks for the nine months jouer trois metroid it's dude yeah i don't know [Music] butchering it oh of course i'm butchering it dude i can hardly speak english [Music] okay is that exterminate or examine [ __ ] i don't know less [Laughter] is [Music] you just gave up yeah i just gave up dude all right so as you can tell he's butchering the language dude chill out i'm just i'm just having fun so i move a little bit faster quite a bit faster because pal is a 50 frames per second game updated to 60 frames per second to be played on ntsc samus is schmovin you teach me some french we um yeah no so i played a little bit earlier just make sure it works so the timer the timer is still running as it should but now it's just sped up so yeah it's not gonna be very good [Music] so no matter what i do i'm not gonna get a good time [Music] gonna be quite difficult [Music] [Music] because the timer's still running the timer's actually sped up right now so i don't think it's like it's not a normal jesus you see you see her flying past oh i like the audio do you think it's funny come on catch up audio come on thank you damn do you hear her little her feet all right so as far as i know this is vanilla minus straight up so no tricks so vubot has taken away all the tricks of the game essentially it's a great send-off yeah vanilla minus tricks exactly what tricks yeah this per this version want to be the pal [Music] um this this pvm is uh 20 l5 jeez i'm moving but um i think this is so this is what you have to take the intended version so we get to see croc yeah i don't even know how you go about patching moonfall i'm sure you could because it's like an underflow thing you'd have to like change well maybe you couldn't actually i don't know you'd have to change that moonfall works like you wouldn't be able to jump out of it or something i still got it baby on pal let's go [Music] geez louise i'm jumping okay this is weird [Music] calibrate the screen oh on the side there's like little buttons that just aren't lit up right now oh okay see take away alcatraz this is if uh dear force wasn't any fun at all is the way this is uh appearing um can i skip this now [Music] yeah but this is a weird version so close another thing on the pal the internal clock is different so enemies act different as well assuming that that still translates over to yeah so so this is the pal version it's just essentially just made possible with ntsc so it's just sped up so you'll notice that all of the um um all of the wait i can't yeah i can't all of the enemy locations are different as well [Music] or they can be different 20 l5 [Music] like this the waiver is normally not there these waivers are on the bottom normally because the internal clock is just running different the pal version has actually got some interesting changes to it there was nine hacks we've already played through most of them yeah this is if twin galaxy made the rules um this is what the speed runner would look like or the game you can tell me what ep stands for yes okay so i'm assuming i cannot do this no the exploit patch oh my god yeah x viewbot is working with twin galaxies like yeah this is the way the game should have been played wait why did that break too that's weird oh because you took away oh my god you okay all right respect you're crossing away all you're crossing off uh yeah no more moon dance let's save because i feel like pal uh sposebo is gonna hit hard i'll find a way to break it wait what else did uh retro studios patch from prime other than scan dash jackal thanks for 39. all right we're gonna pay pay a visit that is a long time thanks jackal what what why is that what um wait why is that there [Music] what could i possibly sequence break with that you don't think super duper metroid's as good as some of the hacks in this count there's been some really good hacks so i don't know like i'm really impressed and it's gonna be a hard choice [Music] uh yo linux thank you very much [Music] thanks for 29 how you doing um give me at least like four or five days i don't know i might have it decided by tomorrow i might take um tomorrow off because it's been a long not a long competition but i don't know a lot of good streams and i might even chill tonight a little bit earlier but we'll see but yeah it's been uh it's been good it's been a good contest a lot of awesome hacks so if i do um cut her short tonight i'll probably work on it tonight and tomorrow the grading getting too comfortable with all the subs audrey thanks for the 32 what do you mean i'm too comfortable i would be definitely super uncomfortable with about five or six hundred oh oh you're saying because i um talk about taking some time off yeah no i only have like 2 400 subs right now it's a lull for me pathetic all right i'll assume okay i was gonna say i'm gonna assume you did some weird stuff here yep no fun allowed super metroid ep no funnel out it's good though this is the change we all needed oh okay never mind i hate this hack dude i just wanted some missiles that's all [Music] mock ball should work yeah zero fun basically it is vanilla minus so it takes away the um potential early sequence breaks or like any sequence breaks or anything so you have to play um the game as dear force intended through brute force yeah i know i know is that why it's on pal is because the pal version came out first is that why you did this mm-hmm dude i hate it oh yeah why don't i just bomb jump bomb jumping's gonna be so weird dude on pal oh god what'd you do about bomb jumps huh uh [ __ ] my platform okay i don't even want to try that because i guarantee there's something up there that makes it impossible [Music] all right we can still get space and we're good this is a sequence break this is technically a sequence break yeah wait a minute okay that's that's that's plus one point game improved many told me this is a bad idea nah there are no bad ideas okay what'd you do here that was impossible to patch well you'd have to come up with some really creative work around to where like that door is locked until you get high jump boots or something you know what i mean or like i wonder if you could like create a gate that only opens once you get high jump i could just bomb jump there but yeah true [Music] why am i trying to give you guys ideas why am i giving you an idea you're like oh nice okay version 1.1 version 1.1 will have the uh unlocked gate once you get high jump boots and craig's door will just be locked oh you could remove wall jumping yeah that's you can remove wall jumping um on those walls no no you you can remove wall jumping on certain portions it doesn't um just have to be removed while jumping you're working on a new patch all right i suggest making it yes um to improve the [Music] um you know linear aspect of this yeah definitely make those walls um non-wall jumpable wait no what am i doing i want to keep to the original game what do you mean you want to keep to the original game you see what happened after spore spawn that ain't original what about that huge ass brick wall blocking those missiles original [Laughter] okay you want people to break it gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah i'm jonesing dude i don't know how the crate i don't feel like i'm going to get the crate quick kill here this is going to be weird potentially uh hey thanks for 11 months only making the game more miserable well that's what i was saying like you might want to try to make it even more miserable yeah it depends on what your idea is here you know [Music] i don't yeah i don't know missiles missiles travel faster i should have done the charge method the charge method i could have at least held the the mouth open not had to worry about missile speed [ __ ] [Music] [Music] yeah no this is uh this is pal updated to be played on ntsc could your hack be next we can maybe try to load it up albert sorry i've been i've been forgetting about it just because it's just so good man cruising [Music] what's the story with this one um story is uh twin galaxies got a hold of this uh game and they saw that um there were some sequence breaks and they decided to make some changes because that would be fun and it would require more skill and so they yeah all right so i guess let's just do this let's save because apparently viewbot was saying that it can crash [Music] wait why is it like that where's like the low note on that is the way it was intended oats no low note on the save station no base note what really i'll cry all right intended perfect this is um exploits prevention or whatever is what ep stands for oh yeah only the lava rises fast and tell exploit the exploit patch yeah as i said let me guess um i mean i could i could bomb jump even though i hate bomb jumping with this version so let's just do this normally the way it was intended go ahead no you're probably gonna make a fool of me somehow you're too optimistic about that yeah go ahead give it a shot no yep big red flag when someone tells me to do something in the chat yeah come on man it's easy this is the exploit exploit patch is what ep stands for yeah or extended play uh no we're good like nails on a freeway so flat tire [Music] what do you know well to be fair i am supposed to have um [Music] i'm supposed to have grapple before i do that so oh oh yes see this is what i'm saying oh yeah give it a shot i would have tried to bomb jump up there and i'd be like oh this is why i don't trust the chat and i was right [Music] damn i'm cruising what am i gonna look like with speed is there gonna be like some weird glitches [Music] just grab some items why not [Music] yep speed limiter oh i wonder if you took away no you didn't take away a short charge okay hit the door [Music] still got it okay um i'll gift five subs if you get that full horizontal spark shine sequence that goes through like 10 walls wait sex master well i don't even know if we can go for that but remember to save okay i will i'll save before then i'll save to the left [Music] oh my god [Music] okay it's really hard to short charge and pal samus's feet are just quick um right um i'm doing it right now dude i'm starting to get itchy man [Music] [Music] all right so since i don't have okay so the first power bombs you're supposed to get i'm slightly confused the first power bombs you're supposed to get are the crocodile power bombs but we can't go there aren't they the no those aren't the top alpha power bombs are at the top or the yeah red tower never mind we're good i was i don't know i was thinking that buy followers imagine being so much of a loser that you buy followers okay dude i forgot [ __ ] okay no you can't do anything to the ceiling here those are crumbled blocks and once we go over here the gates close well i think you could have clipped that if it was two tiles all right [Music] no this is vanilla minus because i i need grapple so we need to we need to go damn is this the actual order that the game brings you in you go do all this you go get power bombs and you just turn your ass around and then go down to get um you literally forgot yeah okay geniuses how long do you think it's been since i've played this um since i've played this game with the intended route guess how many years at least 20 okay so what are you guys talking about oh it's oh my god you don't know dude i have i have like 12 000 hours in speed running a route that isn't intended he's losing it now viewbot knew war would break out okay these are okay these ones oh it's just getting worked up wait a minute alpha power bombs death rooster 14 cheered x 300 i think whoever made this hack is getting a rise out of annoying you quick okay so they're on betas or what ours i'm soft locked they have to be here okay did you really forget yo these are called beta power bombs alpha power bombs are on the bottom which the creator even said that there was a mistake okay yeah how to get the beta bombs first yo is that like an insult of some sort i'm starting to get i'm starting to get paranoid worked up and uh quite frankly not too happy because i think that's what you were intending there that i had to get the beta power bombs first why's that huh all right so let's save yeah he's playing innocent yep okay so i mean i can check but there's no way no way the these this is probably a grapple block here jas neo thank you very much for two months dude why it's just like the little things i can't even jump normally can't even jump up here normally you had to like when we do this this is this rom hack is just to trigger speed runners because our muscle memory is like okay i'm just gonna jump up here and you just [ __ ] make us bonk our head and we're like oh oh dude oh my god we're fast okay well let's see here let me see what this looks like the nub underwater nub all right okay not a chance am i gonna have to get spark suit or spike suit just as a spite viewbot here oceanfly there's nowhere to get a short charge you can't there's nowhere to get a short charge 200 hey odes are you still up for my gift offer that i mentioned yesterday oh wait what was the gift someone was asking me about a ps4 um but yeah no you um there was ledges right here there were ledges that i um were jumping over but they they were like this this far so i couldn't short charge and to the left those were crumble blocks i guarantee there were crumble blocks which means i can't even try to store uh yeah store a charge and then go through you know [Music] all right well we have to go this way and get grapple now as is intended x-ray i'm not even gonna try to peek into x-ray without um without grapple how this is going grapple is 100 necessary for everything that has a grapple block in the general vicinity don't ban me no don't worry i'll have to ban you for something else oh man don't worry i'm not mad viewbot comes in tomorrow says hey oh it's how you doing band wow how dare you ask me how i'm doing man he deserved it um okay trying to go for 100 no i just yeah he's being belligerent this green gate glitch can't do it now i gotta go all the way around again don't tell him chad don't tell me what oh [ __ ] i don't have okay i need to go this way [ __ ] okay i need to go okay not not wave i was zoning out thinking i can get wave now but uh no we don't have grapple yet okay okay first of all yeah i need to get missiles a bunch of missiles because there's no way i can do zepatite skip so imagine if we get to the end and then all of a sudden i save at the end for some weird reason and then i'm soft locked and in taurean [Music] i'm not gonna 100 percent it well i mean i can this is the this is the finale i don't know i mean i could [Music] oh you know what i just realized we have to take forgotten highway i'm not too mad about that a beginner beat this hack you should be fine yeah because a beginner didn't even know what the hell was going on all right they're like oh this is intended but me i'm fighting my i'm fighting my brain right now thank you for the 350. you can't hear texas speech [Music] all right we got a battle brewing here hold on i knew it [Music] damn it not like it would have mattered but i would have actually been pretty impressed if i got that [Music] i don't know actually because i was just gonna say like yes because it's just sped up but that's a good question because spark suit has to do with like the amount oh it is possible in pal oh it's even more lenient oh interesting okay i didn't know if it had to do with the knockback frames and if that mattered you know what i'm saying so that's that's cool to know [Music] don't know if the knockback frames were different for some reason sped up pal so it's probably just as hard but who knows [Music] yeah the extra layer of protection i didn't even ask because i didn't i didn't want you guys to think i was triggered so it is what it is [Music] out of bounce room clip [Music] oh you just made it so we can't do the ball bounce dude like like we do like our actual ball bounce strat [Music] okay okay yeah i have to go this way okay i'm used to this 100 map completion baby um ep stands for exploit patch so basically it's yeah taking away all the fun okay okay if this is what i looked like the first time i played super metroid i would have i would have already been a god all right if this is like my first time picking up super metroid and doing this [ __ ] okay well [Music] um let me see here so i'm just gonna go back up this rom hack takes away all the about all the exploits forcing uh forcing intended route in a creative way it's actually not so bad so far other than like annoying the piss out of me when i try to okay did you do okay what is this dude okay well i'm jumping over there i don't know what you did but i'm jumping over it that's vanilla i've never had that happen in vanilla interesting okay interesting okay cool i mean that's cool to know yeah i've never never seen that um so now [ __ ] no i want waves i want wave beam [Music] [Music] i am warning you okay i gotta gamble more smilers oh no you guys have a niv hooked on gambling i gotta gamble more look mom i'm gambling no son no this is this would be great for a first time play through because it like literally tells you like what you're supposed to get not get this is this is what super metroid would look like nowadays if um if this is what it would look like if they made it nowadays and we'd like have to find pseudo grapple [ __ ] you know it's like dread we'd have to find some weird stuff although dread was i do have to say dread was very open and pretty good honestly um in that regard like i got lost for a couple hours at a time but um it was um it was good it was fun but like the path was still obvious i was just being dumb ass okay we'll we'll just um we'll just get that later um no let's go to the bottom you haven't heard a single person dislike dread do you have a twitter account can i introduce you to david jaff the creator of god of war [Music] yeah albert you didn't see my tweet um oh yeah he yeah he created god of war he directed it and uh well he didn't like produce it but like he he designed and um directed correct he he didn't sit down at a computer and like you know you have programmers and [ __ ] to do that but yeah he was the um uh no it wasn't it wasn't even hard he was just uh yeah he's just being salty that's it all right let's just get this then which i get like a part of me was like oh man where do i go here i didn't like get that part initially right away either but i didn't complain about it but anyways we've talked about him to like no end and the dude's just buried his head in the sand yeah you don't have to you don't have to like dread games are just subjective enjoy what you enjoy dude i would have been so upset if i got here yeah see this is why when you guys told me to go um get x-ray that i waited until i had grapple [Music] because that would have happened wait what was that that wasn't even x-ray okay this is the one time i'm upset about not finding x-ray is x right here hello is x-ray in the room with you right now i think it's jaffee but i just always call it jeff don't call him jeff oh it's even won an e-tank all month that's a weird way to put it ultra guy thanks for the uh two years how are you doing okay wait did i get that item down there yeah i got the extra item right funny number energy nice dude high five all right well i mean i'll just try to grab what i can while i'm here i don't know if i'm gonna 100 that but maybe well yeah because this lens is like 300 bucks all right [Music] no you will not be told the individual scores because i do not want to put people on blast if they get like lower scores on their rom hacks i am simply going to take some notes i am like loosely scoring stuff right now with some like light notes and then i am going to um if i take tomorrow off i might i am going to sit down for a few hours and actually like write notes write it out once everything's done you know get a better understanding of how everything feels now but i'm not going to release the scores i will however if the creator wants i will send them the notes if taken which i'll probably write notes for everything um even if it's just like hey i really like this um if they want i will give them the notes but oh it didn't work hold on um the light thing is up are you sure it's just not cued it says there's an empty cue right now um hold on let me just restart it that can happen when i like when i put my computer on sleep and then i come back that'll happen sometimes all right yeah so even if you find a way across like this dude i would have been so upset okay i'm starting to catch on now all right i'm catching on to the tricks burger blocked yeah a nib is yeah in rare form tonight thanks for breaking the game so i could fix it there's a collective effort of breaking don't worry [ __ ] didn't work uh one month for free thanks for tier one you probably you probably forced slow slow didn't you oh yeah pal version of the game holy [ __ ] pal version has different um uh phantom patterns okay gotcha i mean it's it's kind of interesting that they're not touched because i i the patterns are different is it going to open up right here or wait [Music] because that was a that was a slow left the slow left should open up right there so mid is going to open up right here ish or like right here or no later all the patterns are different because of the clock speed difference so fast opens up a little bit further to the right that's interesting [Music] oh i have you got a license for that pal version [Music] all right anyways yeah pal has some interesting changes voice since what that's not how you say version or maybe voices i don't know anyways the superior video standard it is superior in a couple ways isn't it i've done a little bit of uh research on pal um but i can't remember why wait what do you mean uh fps alone oh you're saying because it's slowed down it just has better performance it's 50 instead of 60 so there's more frame surrender per second oh we already got this but you also have i mean you just have less frames in general though not that 10 15 or 50 to 60 matters that much but [Music] all right yeah because pal version runs at um uh 25 frames per second interlaced so it's 50 and then yeah ntsc is 30. so yeah it's interesting wait did i forget the supers did i not grab hold on i'll just get all the way back [Music] uh let's open this up even i don't really need to oh yeah i um this pc that i was building my brother over there which might actually be my pc now and i might give him my other pc has a has an i5 like a a um i-512 uh was it 12 700k is that how much better is that than the uh i9 9900 or six hundred i don't know since we're talking about that i'm just curious uh ixion thank you so much how's it going how you been okay [Music] i don't think there's any argument to be made that pal performs better well no it makes sense it makes sense that pal performs better simply because there's less frames to process per second that's that's the argument being made unless wait did i misunderstand maybe not i don't know this is vanilla minus well yeah but i does the interlace have anything to do with the processing because it's 25 versus 30 frames per second interlaced but it's 50 point whatever and then 60.09 yeah so i mean even if it's five frames per second difference that's still performance yeah it was um it was kind of cheaper so i just got that from my brother but i um like i said i got a motherboard i was a dumbass and i got a motherboard that requires ddr5 ram and i didn't realize that ddr5 ram was a um entirely different slot so i had to like purchase some and it's not going to be here for like a couple months so i'm just going to give him my other pc and slap my uh 2070 super in it for forum [Music] but yeah this pc over here i was building for my brother it's um yeah 12 600k um it was going to have good ram um just a couple of m2 or nvme whatever all right um i'm using the 2070 super all right so let me see here let's get back to the game probably gonna give it to him i think we're supposed to go back here [Music] i think yeah tickleton i found some that was a little bit over msrp but it was going to take like two months to get here so i'm like well this is this is so stupid i just bought it and then i'm um building i'm kind of reworking my other pc a little bit because yeah i couldn't find anything other than like one that wasn't being too skilled yeah exactly it's forcing me to be a casual and i hate it [Music] get off your pedestal all right i'll get off my pedestal and come down to your level then [Music] um i can't i don't know what's gonna be required here what i was just reiterating what chad told me what are you talking about toxic he said it interesting okay well yeah i'll probably use that then you recover from your burnout no not even close but yeah i'm gonna give my brother the pc with the um uh 3000x and um 2070 super it's a good pc it's just every part right now like every yeah computer parts are so expensive so all right um um yeah burn out is uh something you just don't recover from in a couple months like i played through a lot of burnout as well [Music] but that's not bad equalizer [Music] wonder how that happened yeah dude you probably shanked some dude out of like a best buy [Music] all right let's go [Music] yeah i mean it's that's a gift anyways but um yeah i know it's a damn good gpu okay so the intended route is probably not this way actually piano blast that's a thing yeah piano blast your mama niv [Music] a nib just got piano blasted wait why is this so weird looking um i can technically get spring ball now let's just do that [Music] [Music] gotta be [ __ ] me dude [Music] let's go baby intended no but i'm gonna break i'm gonna break this rom hack a little bit because you've been breaking my self-esteem what's up emmitt it's another e-tank nah no way that yeah it's not actually an e-tank is it too much tax no different than anywhere else really well i mean it is but you know anywhere you have to pay more taxes like in the midwest and like cornville i had to pay a lot or you'd have to pay a lot of property taxes if you bought a house in cornville you know nebraska i don't know why i think those oh yeah also um the health insurance sucks so you know yes this is the last rom act yeah so like health insurance here is way cheaper so i'm gonna you know paying a lot less overall [Music] [Music] not as fast as we have here [Music] all right let's go no no way you just sneezed am i gonna yep that's game over [Music] hey omaha's a nice city omaha's i don't know i really liked it all right so what's different here can i short charge this it's gonna be hard [Music] oh my god dude the two tap works did to tap it that's normally four tap we [Music] no that can happen that's that can happen with super missiles that's like green gate glitch kind of stuff unless you guys start with something else uh thank you so much for the 14. all right easy [Music] i have spring ball nice uh no i've never been too big of a fan of rbo [Music] [Music] man you really make sure that the player needs to get grapple huh [Music] we had a corn storm right now are we just blessed [Music] all right [Music] i could probably try to get every item we'll see we'll see how i feel depends if i really get annoyed by something that'll be the make or break [Music] did you just take away that moon fall all right okay all right maybe we won't take away the moon fall adjust that platforming so we hit everything on the way down no it's it's it's supposed to be annoying so it's understandable [Music] dude [Music] what's different fun oh god it's so fast [Music] to stop you from freezing probably that and just to like trip you up all right [Music] not a problem okay let's get this now let's get this now just in case i don't know what i'm gonna how i'm gonna route this seriously oh hello nat [Music] real men drink the gnats in their coffee dude there's always like one nat that finds my coffee per day [Music] yeah we've been through this there's we have a ton of plants in the house okay [Music] yeah no yeah completely taken away [Music] i'm saving just in case something bad happens [Music] [Music] yo viewbot so did i miss uh some super missiles in wreck ship did i just not grab those or what i remember you saying something about that okay my niece says you're boring well your niece probably watches nothing but like roblox streamers that like screech at the top of their lungs for no reason so yeah but probably like probably right [Music] okay i'm a little off on the timing so [Music] oh god it disappears so quick [Music] all right looks like base game you mean looks like based game yes [Music] where's x-ray [Music] [Music] oh yeah i still use the sony a6000 with a um sigma uh 1.4 16 millimeter lens good luck for today bye trash okay what kind of toxic ass [ __ ] it's a block spike suit what do you mean where don't be rude oh they said goodbye okay listen here don't don't start that don't be don't be that annoying today it's not today it's in your buck home yeah i did yes it was forced world record is eight hours in this rom hack by you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no albert doesn't know what he's talking about albert just wants to be involved all right we might come back through if i feel like getting 100 but we'll see i already missed an item and wrecked ship i don't know if i want to go back for that i have not no no albert just wants attention that's it [Music] okay so we can go kill yeah ridley that's it right that's it yep killing the riddlers [Music] [Music] is baby block skipped probably no yeah one no it is why am i saying probably it's skipped or it's uh it's blocked um [Music] the g5 statue yeah [Music] oh god dude space jump should i tell them no it's up to you tell them what i don't even know [Music] uh uh okay why though why not i was wondering if you had a tunnel above but at that point i know i could break it so [Music] once i saw that i was like okay probably a tunnel [Music] oh yeah the um there's a pal version of the game so it's it's but it's updated to be played 60 frames per second it's really weird i don't want to skip screw them in what way samus's movement in the pal version is sped up despite the slower clock speed so when you try to then um up the speed to 60 frames per second samus is like really like quick and just like quick foot you know it's just kind of weird i'm not getting double hits here i got stuck in the door bird blood uh live from studio c thanks for two months no i'm already over it okay does this look like the face of someone that's mad no [Music] actually yes the face of meth okay [Music] all right now i'm just i'm just upset now you guys are making fun of me so we're not doing 100. pretty close to 100 them beth gives me knowledge well i don't even know where x-ray is to begin with could be could be [Music] x-ray where x-ray was was an e-tank yeah i mean it's probably somewhere around here it's it's obviously swapped [Music] but we'll get this i'm sure it's in the game [Music] all right yeah i'm not sure how you'd go about that i'm not sure how viewbot did this with pal but you probably just get the pal version of the game and then start with that you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay i'm curious why pal why the pal version of the game the colors more vibrant i don't i've never heard of oh x-ray i've never heard of um oh universal healthcare okay oh that's right i've never heard of um pal having more vibrant colors i didn't know that was a thing i i assumed it was just the frame rate because what would be giving it more vibrant colors your capture right so unless like the only way it could have more vibrant colors is if like the rom is just different in general yeah because you know i'm using the same capture device and everything i don't know yeah but i'm not going to see that difference on my tv though right because it's standard i bet you do want to see that uh usb 3 cap upscaled with an ossc god dammit [Music] well i'm just gonna wait until um ossc pro or when's that thing why is the pro flop you don't know yeah i figured you didn't know segmented speedrunner too much time playing metroid dread okay i'm not even convinced anymore that a niv is a bot i think a nif is real [Music] yes [Music] yep i was a dumb ass i thought a div was real totally they mean great job what did i do [Music] oh world record pace oh [Music] thank you thank you sub two oh yeah sub two pace let's go [Music] go good emmitt bop close enough dude [Music] [Music] albert emit has a significantly better time than unsm and destroys you with his like fourth uh uh character his backup backup character and uh in melee like dude there's a time where you just gotta throw on the the towel and just give it up [Music] that's nice albert three games is good albert clinging to his 49 all right oh actually no this isn't possible because of the charge time it is not possible [Music] and because of this so a couple of different reasons it's not possible that being the main reason but just watch me i'm gonna get sub 44 next year oh you better start now then champ the final hoo-rah we'll get the two missiles i'm really surprised you didn't force a double um you know double loop there [Music] that's too far yeah it is kind of that's kind of cruel um ep stands for um exploit patch so basically it's just like a trolley way to make us play the game as intended um yo corbon thank you very much for the five gifted subs thank you thank you thank you you want to modify the game fair enough modify as little as possible yeah thanks for the five i don't know i was contemplating on um enjoying um the rest of tonight off but i might take tomorrow off because i have some stuff to do and i want to grade all these um more extensively now um we'll see though we'll see i'm gonna save just in case we had a good good week of romhacks it was a lot of fun well i'm not like grading papers but you know i want to actually put some thought into it because there's a lot of money on the line i'm on my knees oats that's pathetic albert much money 2 500 first place a little bit more than 25 because the prize pool right now is 5075 but about seven eight months ago [Music] okay timing's all different let's see here the timing's different on the movement i don't know how to adjust for it [Applause] okay it doesn't matter all right so everyone just shut up speed on the bottom i could have maybe powerbombed but zip skip possible no idm old ladies dammit okay okay i'm not saving yeah nope not possible all right um the second zeb skip still requires a platform up front which i could have made my own platform with the zebite or the uh with the rinka but that's just way too precise to try to mess with yeah i'm not gonna sit there and try to pixel perfect freeze darinka you know oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] i can still do the stand-up glitch [Music] down [Music] um her neck doesn't fully retract all the time and that's actually a good thing you want that when you're speed running it's faster you can also look at the uh the toenail position as well yeah okay i don't trust when this is actually gonna like activate [Music] [Music] uh bombay re okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nah that's all normal we good we good ah [Music] [Music] it's not every day i get to play the pal version so i wanted to see the uh animals see if they like moved funny or like you know did some weird stuff [Music] that's a world record world record [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Music] this is the music you were conceived to um how do you know that so watch the video oats [Music] this is the final rom hack we are com we are done yeah pj i'm reading the discord waiting for oats to announce that the real winners were the hacks that we made along the way yep and i get to keep the prize money let's go that's actually fantastic idea thank you pj for that no winners we're all winners actually
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 15,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, metroid dread, dread, romhack, competition, 2021, romhack competition, samus, sprites, custom music, metroidconstruction, p1, part 1, super, metroid ep, super metroid ep, super metroid exploit patch, exploit, patch, exploit patch, sm exploit patch, sm ep, ei siuela, xviewbot
Id: p6vwR_5UxGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 24sec (6684 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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