Super Mario RPG Secrets

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when I love a game I have this urge to know every single thing about it every possible line of dialogue or secret that's why some of my most popular videos are me just going through a game with a fine-tooth comb showing off pointless trivia and minutia that 99.9 of players would never notice in Super Mario RPG is a game I love dearly it was actually the very first RPG I ever played so it holds a special place in my heart so I've decided to make a video which will contain at least one fact about Super Mario RPG that you didn't know I guarantee it I'm going to assume you already know about the basic stuff like the kulix fight and the Cameo appearances and try to focus on some of the more obscure ones you can honestly say you made it through this video and already knew everything I said and I will personally fly to your house and give you one million dollars just leave a comment with your name address and what hours are usually asleep now this isn't going to be like a review or critique of the game although I suppose I could take this moment to address two of the major issues that some people have with it first is that it's too short and the second is that it's too easy and while I would say these are both arguably true they're not even necessarily negatives yes the game is a bit shorter than other acclaimed Super Nintendo RPGs but it's not that short and honestly I'm at the point in my life where an RPG not being some 50 plus hour time sync it's actually more of a positive than a negative and while the game is definitely easy like I mentioned earlier it was the first RPG I ever played and it's a perfect beginner RPG plus when the game was new the genre wasn't as popular over in the west so it made a lot of sense for it to be on the easier side even if you're a veteran of the genre the active battle system with the timed hits helps keep you engaged and there's actually two levels to time hits normal and perfect when you do a regular attack there's a seven Frame Window where you can press the button for double damage if you're slightly earlier late you can still do 1.5 times the damage similarly when blocking physical attacks if you time your button press to hit a five Frame Window you'll take zero damage and again if you slightly miss it you can still block half the damage anyways even if the game is a little easy there are some some difficulty spikes to keep you on your toes like the cake fighter yuridovich as a kid I remember thinking the game was way harder but that's because I insisted on using a party of Mario Gino and Bowser because they're the coolest instead of just bringing Peach along and using her extremely useful healing powers if you want the game to be more challenging I don't know you can just use mallow the whole time plus it's just really fun to jump around the little isometric levels I find the art style very charming and there's some really great enemy designs in this game too the early 3D models rendered into these chunky Sprites gives it an almost claymation kind of aesthetic you could really see it in these old advertisements and renders from the Japanese guide the game just has a very specific kind of vibe and I dig it plus I absolutely adore Bowser's characterization in this game definitely my favorite version of him and yes I know I'm the Sonic guy and I'm making a Mario video get over it believe me I would love to milk this joke but I already made a whole video dedicated to this bit so let's all just accept it and move move on look you want a Sonic connection here check out page 31 of the Nintendo Power guide they literally felt the need to include a snarky remark about Sonic the Hedgehog for some reason that's just what the console wars were like in the 90s man they were taking shots at each other in completely unrelated strategy guides anyways let's just get into the actual video but first have you ever wanted to safely browse the internet without having to worry about your privacy did you ever wish you could see what other countries have on their version of Netflix well too bad [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot all right so let's start with a really obscure fact which I actually did happen to mention in my previous Mario video for whatever reason if you go to overwrite another save and say no more than 10 times and when you finally do say yes Mario will do a little alternate pose either this sad hunched over pose like he's silenced or this angry xor pose I believe the sad pose is for odd numbers and the angry poses for even numbers honestly this is such a weird Easter egg like who's just gonna accidentally click no over 10 times there are a few strange items for sale that most players probably didn't even notice in Seaside town There's a weapons Merchant which sells old weapons which is a pretty pointless feature since there's no reason to keep old equipment in this game so I doubt most people even scrolled all the way down to the Hammer for sale assuming that's identical to the Hammer from the start of the game but it's actually a different item you can tell from the description which states that it's a lucky Hammer you can buy it for 123 coins and it actually doesn't boost Mario's attack stat at all but instead if you do a timed hit on an enemy you get the lucky bonus flower allowing you to double your experience or coins at the end of the battle similarly the little Goomba triplets in monstro town sell an item just called mushroom which isn't even a particularly useful item at this point in the game anyway so I doubt many people would bother trying it out again it can be told apart from the standard version from its item description instead of reading recovers 30 HP it says recovers 30 HP but and there's also a typo in the word recovers these special mushrooms actually inflict the mushroom status when eaten making them pretty worthless but I still love when games have stupid gag items like this for Flavor now here's a truly bizarre item that I doubt even 0.01 of players came across naturally first you have to spend 200 coins on the mystery egg from the toad in moleville then you have to buy the the tub ring from Marymoor hotel and equip it on Peach then you need to have Peach use the mystery egg 10 times in battle only Peach can use it otherwise the counter will reset after this a sheep will hatch from the egg and it says you're a great Shepherd and you receive the Lamb's lure item which is a reusable item which can be used in battle to turn an enemy into a sheep which then flies away this doesn't work on bosses and some large enemies but we're not even done yet because once you use the Lamb's lure 48 times it says the flock is full and it turns into a different item the Sheep attack which is essentially an upgraded version of the Lamb store which affects all the enemies in battle instead of a single Target honestly it is really not worth the effort note that you don't get any experience points or coins from enemies turned into sheep even if you really want an item that lets you skip out on fights you can just buy the CIA the Frog coin shop in Seaside town instead of having to use some item in battle like 50 times it's practically the same thing and gives you a guaranteed escape from most battles technically there are some spots where the Sheep attack has an advantage like in Bowser's keep where you go through the long hallway of unavoidable fights you can't escape from alright even if you did know about the Sheep attack did you know that if you use it on a boss that endlessly spawns enemies like the manager better than the game will sort of freak out and display the placeholder text go world that's a pretty obscure little tidbit hey you know something I absolutely love about this game frog coins just hearing that sound effect triggers an instant release of dopamine in my brain like they're not even that important really but getting a frog coin is just one of the most satisfying things in the whole game I mean sure you can use them to buy some pretty decent rare items but I enjoy collecting them more than actually spending them there are a lot of ways to get them but I think my favorite has got to be bouncing off the wigglers enough times in a row you can also get them from bouncing off these ant lion guys too Alright I know it's not that obscure but let me briefly go over the deal with great guys casino because there's another obscure item I want to talk about if you didn't know then after beating them you can find knife guy hanging around in booster Tower you can play as little guess the hand a juggling game to win mushrooms which are usually crappy but eventually if you keep winning he'll give you the bright card which you need to get into great guys Casino which can be accessed via a secret path and Land's End there's actually a toad in Marymoor who wants a bright card and if you bring it to him he'll offer to buy it from you for a hundred coins which is frankly a horrible offer considering you can sell it to a shop for 777 coins if you refuse to up his offer to five frog coins and if you refuse again he'll give you his final offer of 10 frog coins now if you sell it to him you can actually buy it back but he'll only sell it to you for 15 frog coins in the casino there are three games two toad dealers where you can play Blackjack and slots to earn frog coins or you can talk to grave guy and play the stupidest [ __ ] game ever created look the other way it's basically just a random 50 50 chance whether you win or not usually you get the same crappy mushrooms you would get from knife guy but occasionally he can give out some rare items like rock candy and red Essence however the interesting thing is if you somehow have the patience to win a hundred games not in a row obviously he gives you the star egg which is an item which deals a hundred damage to All Enemies which is not even that good really but it is usable and I do enjoy the animation I wonder how many kids out there actually found this thing I mean yeah Super Mario RPG is a very linear game which makes all this weird optional stuff feel even more special again this one's not too obscure but one of the dreams you can have in the Nimbus Land Inn is Toad revealing himself to be a monster when you wake up toad will give you a red Essence which is a very powerful and rare item which makes you invulnerable for three turns I always thought this item sounded so mysterious like red Essence what even is that well it turns out in the Japanese version it's much more clearly related to another item Yoshi Aid which you can get from the little fat bastard Yoshi that everyone on the internet seems to love so much I don't love him you know why because I never like that stupid [ __ ] Yoshi racing minigame where you have to tap the buttons in a rhythm but anyways the Yoshi 8 is an item that boosts the party members attack and defense in battle in Japan it's called a Yoshi X like Yoshi extract I guess meanwhile the Japanese name for red Essence is red Yoshi GX so I guess it's not some mysterious magical Essence it's just like the red flavor of this Yoshi drink apparently or maybe it's extract from a red Yoshi so not entirely sure but at least I know canonically these two items are related here's one actual complaint I have with the game some of the item descriptions are total dog [ __ ] specifically the equippable items often leave a lot to be desired like yes you can see the stat changes when putting them on but a ton of them have secondary effects which are often not even mentioned or barely alluded to in the description like take the aforementioned the tub ring from earlier actually first off what the [ __ ] is a tub ring why the hell is it called that in Japan it's called The Love Love Ring which doesn't really clear it up although it fits the marymore theme a bit better oh yeah if you were wondering where these images come from it's from the Japanese guide crazy that over here we had to use our dumbass imagination and still wonder what these items look like meanwhile over in Japan they had full renders of them a lot of these are really great like look at the quartz charm you get from from culex it has the four little crystals on it also makes me really wonder what a kerokero cola tastes like anyways the item description for the tub ring says you'll win her heart with this which doesn't even hint at the fact that it halves damage from Elemental attacks The Amulet you can win from booster also does this or here's one the description of the safety badge says prevents mute and poison attacks which is technically true it's just that it also prevents all negative status effects which is kind of misleading and makes it seem worse than it actually is similarly the safety ring says guards against Mortal blows but it also makes you immune to all Elemental attacks and negative status effects the Troopa pin doesn't just give you a speed boost it also makes you start every battle with an offense up bonus doing 50 more damage here's another great item description the Fright bomb says fear attack on all enemies when it's actually a single Target item now obviously some item descriptions are vague on purpose like the muku cookie which by the way is a super [ __ ] weird item you can buy them for 69 coins in Seaside town but only before you free the Toads then you use it in battle and he like comes and freaks out and he throws a bomb and hurts himself and then he cries and then for some reason all of this heals your entire party for 69 HP and removes status ailments gotta be one of my top favorite items in the game you can actually also get these after beating urdovich by using a Yoshi cookie on a mukumuku in battle I don't know maybe this was obvious to some people but did you know that the bonus flowers you can get from enemies are determined from the type of enemy you kill like shysters have a 20 chance of giving out an HP Max for example and that's the only kind of flower they could ever give again I know there's not some mind-blowing Revelation but hey I never really thought much about those bones flowers I just thought they were like totally random or something now obviously getting the lazy shell is one of the game's bigger secrets so it's not that obscure but can I just take a moment to say how [ __ ] [ __ ] it is you have to find this invisible path like what the hell how are you meant to find this I feel like most kids who found this legitimately had to have just like stumbled across it by accident or something how about this I remember being surprised when I first learned this one it's no secret you can purchase fireworks in Moville for 500 coins you need to do it to trade for the shiny stone to Open kulix's Door however the amount of fireworks you buy can actually affect the end credits buying two will make a mushroom appear at the end three will make a fire flower and buying five or more makes a star appear alright how about this weird guy you can talk to in the Mushroom Kingdom who's creeping behind the side of a building everybody knows about this guy right his dialogue even changes later in the game when you come back with peach like a bunch of other NPCs in the town but did you also know there's a guy behind this house in Rose town he even tells you about yoster's aisle after you get the star piece there's actually one more guy behind the house in Rose town but only while it's still raining arrows he tells you about the mushrooms in the forest this one is actually kind of hinted at by his wife complaining her husband is missing and after you save the town you can find him back in his house did you know that you can reset the game by pressing start select L and R at the same time I bet you didn't because I mean if you needed to reset the game you can just like press the reset button you know okay how about this one on the menu you can hold L and R and then press a directional button to change the direction of the scrolling background you can even make it a wiggle around in circles see now obviously everyone knows about the beetlemania mini game or if you talk to this gamer toad after finishing Marymoor he'll sell you his Game Boy for 500 coins adding a game option to the menu or you can play it but did you know that the background of the game changes depending on who's in the middle slot of your party well now you do I'm not going to show off every Hidden Treasure Chest but I just have to mention them because it still cracks me up that there's one missable hidden chest in the entire game and they put it before they even teach you these things exist like what were they thinking just remember to jump off this toes head of the start of the game all right I'm not gonna show off every piece of Speed Run Tech and pretend like it's some kind of Epic secret but there are two really neat glitches I learned from watching the speedrun that I want to show off here the first is called Max skip which is exactly what it sounds like it lets you skip the first boss with a series of precise jumps it's definitely harder than it looks but it's not too hard to pull off with a bit of practice although I'm sure it's very annoying to mess up during a speed run but in addition to the obvious benefit of being able to skip a boss you get to watch part of this cutscene play out with mac and the shyster still in the room which is mildly amusing the second is a technique called skill Swap and it's actually pretty cool although it takes a very specific setup you need to be at one of the few star locations in the game and the characters you want your party at a very specific experience threshold because as the name implies the trick is if you activate a star and then swap your party members around you can get them to learn a skill belonging to another party member now normally you can't open the menu when a star is active but if you jump then immediately Press menu you can pull it off the timing is actually pretty easy then if one of them levels up and learns a new skill it's actually the other party member you put in their slot who will permanently learn that skill this can be used to give Peach some powerful offense spells like Shocker from mallow or genoblast from uh Geno sometimes these moves can look pretty funny because of the swapped palettes like Peach will turn into a pink Geno when using one of his moves this is useful because she has a really high magic attack stat but learns your only offense spell at level 18. so this is like actually really important to the speedrun to be able to pull off so they have to Route their experience gains precisely there is some more Nuance to exactly how this glitch works so be careful if you actually want to try it because you can mess it up but it's kind of complicated to explain so let's just move on this isn't a tutorial I'm just letting you know it exists now here's a funny glitch if the star in the volcano runs out while you're standing on lava and you get interrupted by a level up screen you can enter this weird glitch state where you can like fly around out of bounds going through a door will reset you back to normal mallow has a relatively useless ability called psychopath which lets you see the enemy's current HP which is like okay cool great good to know but you kind of wasted a turn you could have been doing damage to it however what saves this ability is the overwhelming amounts of flavor and soul it brings by letting you read the enemy's mind ostensibly this could be used to reveal weaknesses or something but the vast majority of enemy thoughts are just total nonsense even enemies from before you get mellow like the Hammer Bros and the Terrapins have psychopath quotes my buddy Gamers Tavern actually made a video where he goes through every one of these psychopath quotes in the game and I provide the voice of the enemies so check it out if you're curious surely everyone knows that with proper timing genoworld is capable of dealing 9999 damage to non-boss enemies and also xor for some reason that's like one of the most iconic things about Geno I remember I almost never got the timing right as a kid so when I did finally see that 999 pop-up I was like holy [ __ ] I mean 999 is so much damage it's like the only time you're even gonna see a damage number with four digits in this game so it really leaves an impression on you makes you go damn Chino is a badass a gameplay Oddity that I wasn't aware of as a kid was a property of Mario's special move to jump I feel like normally once you get the other special moves like fire orb and super jump people just stopped using this move because you know it's Mario's weakest special move however there's a special attribute to jump where every time you use it it gets a little bit stronger you can see this by using it twice the damage amount should go up it does eventually cap out of course after like 255 jumps or something but if you use jump a lot instead of conserving your flower points it can actually be a pretty useful move here's a fun little soft lock if you sort of Corral the Yellow Yoshi who moves around randomly into the top right part of the map then jump on his head with Y you can actually get past the trigger which automatically Dismounts you and leaves the area while riding Yoshi unfortunately this does not allow you to take Yoshi out of the map it just puts Mario in this glitch state where you can't run jump or bring up the menu and with no way to jump back on Yoshi you're just stuck like this until you reset it even persists if you leave the area you know I always liked how the members of smithy's gang had a weapon theme going on Mac is like a sword guy hence the name referencing Mack the Knife foyer is uh he's a [ __ ] bow obviously so both of those names make sense so what's the deal with jaredovic well Yari is actually the Japanese word for a spear which makes sense because he's like a spear guy so for whatever reason they basically just like didn't localize his name I guess it is a pretty memorable name I always [ __ ] hated this guy as a kid for being one of the only remotely difficult parts of the game here's a tip for fighting him when he creates the copy of himself your cursor will always automatically select the real one so Mac has his little shyster minions and Bowyer has his little arrow guys but what's the deal with these guys well there's actually evidence to suggest they were meant to be yarendovic's little minions I always Associated these guys with Smithy directly because you can fight these green ones called jabbits in the factory you never actually fight the red version called drill bit you only ever fight the machine made version of them but there isn't unused enemy which is a fight against a regular drill bit and it has the psychopath thought this is for yuridovich also one of the machine made yuridovich's Moves is splitting up into these four machine-made drill bits so I guess it's not some huge Revelation but I don't know I just never really Associated these guys together but yeah looking back the design and the name Jabet definitely seems like they're related all right this next one is not only not a secret it might even be considered the opposite of a secret because this may have been obvious to everyone except me but punchinello is not associated with smithy's gang for some reason as a kid I don't know I just thought he was because you know he's like guarding one of the star pieces and he's like a bomb guy and a bomb is like a sort of weapon right but I mean he never mentions Smithy and there's no machine made variants of him in the factory and he's the regular Boss music not the music that plays against a member of smithy's gang and he's not mentioned by the clerk he's definitely not related to those guys which again I know this might be obvious to some of you but I genuinely just didn't put that together as a kid he's just like some random [ __ ] psycho so when you save this guy in the Mushroom Kingdom he'll ask for the wallet you got from Croco back I assume like everyone just says yes and he gives you a flower tab as a reward but you can be a total dick and tell him no you can even sell the wall out of the store for 123 coins then if you go back and try to give it to me a special dialogue where he's mad at you in the credits you can see booster and Valentina together but if you actually climb all the way up booster Tower after Nimbus Land you can see a little scene of them together speaking of booster Tower there's an obscure little thing you can do by intentionally losing to The Apprentice who wants to be sniff it for that you can fight in the secret booster pass obstacle course I mean I say intentionally lose I mean I guess it's theoretically possible to actually lose to The Apprentice but they're pretty weak so I don't see that happening anyways if you do lose then true to his word that sniff it actually does become sniff it for and you can go find him in booster Tower you can actually do this four more times having a sniff it five six and seven show up as well unfortunately the guy who thought he was going to be sniffing eight gets rejected apparently booster only wants seven sniffets even though you can clearly see eight Snippets in the credits so again this one is pretty well known it's one of my favorite secrets in the game so I'm just going to include it anyways if you repeatedly sleep at the deluxe suite at the Marymoor Hotel without having enough money for it then you get in trouble and you have to work at the hotel which features a cute little sequence where Mario has to act as the bellhop you can even get tips from the customers you can get some pretty good stuff even a flower box I love this little NPC walk that he does too a very cute little event that I doubt many players would experience if they didn't already know about it one more thing of note about the hotel is that you can buy a Caro Caro Cola for 150 coins from room service but they actually sell for 200 coins each so I guess it's a way to make money if you want in Land's End there's this cave you can jump in which actually connects back to the Cairo sewers but do you know it's actually possible to get into this pipe early if you run away from a fight and then jump off the enemy's head while they're flashing you can get up here unfortunately this little part of Land's End is a dead end but you do get some special dialogue from this shy away telling you to turn around which is pretty good advice because if you try to find him it'll probably kick your ass when you're at such a low level anyways funny enough this chest which is supposed to have the cricket jam and it only has a flower instead you can only get the cricket jam later unfortunately now it's time for everyone's favorite part of the video the stuff I got directly from The Cutting Room floor actually I also got some good stuff from the Mario Wiki and the immaculate smrpg Secrets dot too I won't go over everything on the page obviously just the really good stuff like there's some interesting unused material still left in the game you can find leftover tile arrangements from the original design for Bowser's keep as seen in this early screenshot there's also a slightly different early earlier version of the Mushroom Kingdom which still has the arch in front of the castle as seen in this free release screenshot there's also a version of Melody Bay which looks quite different from the final game there are a number of unused enemies in the game although they're mostly all just pallet swaps of existing enemies but some even have unique psychopath thoughts they're even more unused enemy palettes programmed into which never even got assigned to cut enemies the most interesting cut enemy has no stats or even Graphics but it does have a few surviving animations there's actually evidence this would have been some kind of cactus guy called Sahan who can be seen in a pre-release screenshot and this concept art of the game's enemies speaking of unused palettes apparently every item in the game was given a red green blue and yellow palette some item types used all four palettes but these ones were left unused there are also some alternate weapon colors for some of Mario's weapons and mallow symbols there are even unused palettes for the axum Rangers teleportation effect for whatever reason in the final game they all just use Red's teleportation Sprite I won't go through every little unused animation but I thought this one was funny during the end credits on yoasters aisle you can see these big ass flowers well apparently they were supposed to be doing a little dance but sadly they don't move alright again I know this isn't really super obscure information but I'd still like to briefly go over some of the regional differences between versions like there's the obvious one of Koopa being renamed Bowser and Princess Peach being renamed Princess Toadstool yeah for whatever reason in the west they wanted to keep the Toadstool name it took them a while to come around on Peach another difference is the Japanese version has a different save select screen divided into four quadrons instead of four rows I always thought it was interesting that in Japan the super famicom controller had multi-colored buttons instead of the two shades of purple we got with the Super Nintendo but you can see these changes reflected in game on both the battle menu and in the Bowyer fight so in the English version Gino's true name is heart music note exclamation point question mark basically it's just a stand-in for something unpronounceable but it does does use recognizable symbols whereas in Japanese his name uses four totally unique alien characters presumably in the star language or whatever and here's one everyone knows but of course I gotta say it they changed Bowser's Victory pose because his original Japanese one kinda looks like a rude gesture so you can buy the jump shoes pretty early on in the game they're a piece of equipment which allows Mario to damage enemies with his jump abilities that would normally be resistant or immune they also change his jump animation to make him spinning around probably never thought twice about this but ever wondered why he was spinning well in Japan they're called the spin shoes so it was a little less of a surprise for them however the weirdest thing exclusive to the Japanese version is an Easter egg there's actually a fake cheat code you can enter on the menu press down up right left select start select start B and Toad will show up according to a translation courtesy of tomato what he says basically translates to secret code found now let's take a look at your status wow nothing's changed at all but what about your experience points nope nothing's changed there's no point looking for other codes and the result will always be the same I'll play with you as many times as you like though secret code end again this only works on the Japanese version I wonder why they didn't bother the translator include this in the English release an example of something that was not localized you ever noticed a little scribble above the welcome sign of booster's tower that's actually the Katakana for buki which is booster's Japanese name in fact in a preview for the game by a British publication they actually assumed this character's name would be localized as bookie this is Nintendo magazine system issue 38 page 70 by the way similarly if you ever wondered why the Royal bus has JB written on it it's because in Japan it's called jugemu's bus with jugemu being the Japanese name for lakitu of regional differences if you know that the pal release of the game on the Wii U's Virtual Console modified exactly one line of dialogue they changed Croco saying bugger to pest due to the word having a slightly different meaning over in the UK to my knowledge the only other changes in the Virtual Console version are making some of the special attacks less seizure-inducing and for whatever reason moldville seems to use a slightly darker palette apparently kazuyuki kuroshima the monster character designer and character supervisor of the game has tweeted out some really interesting pieces of concept art a particular note are these rejected prototype designs for Geno seems like they originally intended to have him use a sword even posted an old test animation of one of these designs on Twitter which is really cool hideo minaba designed Geno and mallow based on ideas submitted from the dev team and even in this concept art which is basically identical to the final version you can see Gino still has his star sword there's actually some pre-release videos of the game in an early state which are quite fascinating they showed off some prototype footage at the 1995 V jump Festival in Japan first of all you have to Marvel at this beautiful CGI Mario head you can see in this footage Mario is a slightly different looking Sprite and even shows off some battle arenas which didn't make it into the final game it shows off some early designs for a few locations like you can see Mario grab a 1up mushroom and a version of Mario's pad which has some Terrapins hanging around some Japanese show called Game catalog 2 also aired some beta footage on September 23rd 1995. it has some interesting tidbits like a different version of the chancellor and some kind of unused cutscene with Bowser but I think my favorite part is this early green Croco design it looks so goofy compared to the final version now not to bombard you with every pre-release screenshot from Nintendo power but some of them are pretty interesting in addition to the screenshot of an early Bowser's Cape which I showed earlier there's also an earlier design for Nimbus Castle there appears to be an early version of the wonderful event and here's one with Knife Guy juggling for some toads this appears to be an early version of yoasters aisle without the racetrack and here's Mario in some kind of cellular dungeon with peach crying on top of it there's some good preview picks in this video games magazine too love that cover by the way anyways the most interesting by far has to be this dinner scene with Valentina that was apparently going to include Luigi I would have loved to see how this sequence would have played out so you might be thinking wow cyber shell you clearly really love this game have you ever done a 100 run no no I have not I mean first of all it's kind of a nebulous term like the game doesn't exactly keep track of percentage completion like that but regardless there's one challenge that would prevent me from ever being able to claim I did everything in this game and is getting the goddamn [ __ ] super suit to unlock this piece of equipment you need to bounce off an enemy 100 times using the super jump ability it's good to practice on enemies immune to jump attacks like a spiky or Jagger in monstro town do you know there's actually dialogue for losing to Jagger like you might have inferred that because their special dialogue for losing the Jinx but seriously who the hell would ever lose a jagger there's also dialogue for running away where he mentions the super jump and even tells you what your jump record is so let's take a look at the render of this so-called super suit looks more like a jacket huh well that's because in Japan it's called the super jumper get it good one game good one note that the very first bounce doesn't actually count because I guess it's like you can't fail to get one so you need to hit a hundred bounces after the initial hit the first 13 jumps are easy as the timing window starts off pretty generous but it slowly shrinks until after the 13th jump you have to hit that three Frame Window 87 times in a row now I know some of you [ __ ] freaks watching this right now are thinking oh wow 3 three frames that's not even hard because your [ __ ] mind has rotted away from watching so many summoning salt videos you forgot you're not the guy in the video pulling off 50 frame perfect tricks in a row all blindfolded three frames that's one twentieth of a second I'm gonna put a green square on screen for three frames did you manage to pause on it here I'll do it again did you get it no of course you didn't and if you did well la di da good for you now go back and do it 86 more times in a [ __ ] row I'm telling you this [ __ ] is [ __ ] impossible man it is not [ __ ] possible I refuse to believe anyone has ever done this the entire [ __ ] internet this is one big Truman show-esque prank on me trying to convince me that this is possible if you're one of those [ __ ] speedrunners that can pull this [ __ ] off then you shouldn't be speedrunning [ __ ] video games you should be like a fighter jet pilot or something you're [ __ ] hippocampus should be dissected in a laboratory and studied I know some of you are rolling your eyes you think I'm just playing it up for laughs but I don't know man something about the fact this game is like easy enough for [ __ ] babies to beat it but they they decided to cram in one of the hardest [ __ ] challenges I've ever seen in any video game ever just as a joke it's not to make a man a little crazy look I am not bad at video games okay I did the b-sides and the seasides and Celeste I beat godhand on hard mode all right I admit it I have a terrible sense of Rhythm I've always been bad at Rhythm games even though I think they're pretty cool is that such a crime don't deserve to suffer and be labeled as a fake gamer for eternity just because I can't super jump 100 times it definitely doesn't help that I'm doing this on an emulator and while recording software is running in the background the emulator usually maintains a solid 60fps but it does occasionally dip down to 59 for a brief moment which is like totally fine normally it's basically imperceptible but it kind of matters when you're doing this [ __ ] but trust me it's not like this is easy on actual Hardware either and I don't want to hear one [ __ ] word about this in the comments unless you're attaching a video of you pulling off 100 super jumps capiche alright that's enough of the 100 jump thing let's move on to the final piece of pointless Super Mario RPG trivia I have for you there is no way that you know about this I mean mean like there's no [ __ ] reason to know this I don't even know why I know it other than I saw a gif of some guy doing it like a decade ago and it never left the back of my mind so you see this freaking guy at the end of booster pass this spikester let's just say for the sake of argument you hate this spikester maybe you killed your whole family or something I mean I know he's a fictional character I'm not entirely sure how the logistics of that would work out but regardless let's just say you hate the spikester and you want to kill him with a star I might be thinking that's impossible because there's no stars in booster pass well a little known attribute of the stars in this game is that they actually persist even if you exit the area to the world map so you could for example go all the way to the star and Barrel volcano get it and then haul ass back to the entrance and you really need to be precise here there is not much wiggle room in the timing but if you do it just right you can actually get out go all the way back to booster pass and then you can quickly run into the sky and kill him I actually didn't even realize this but apparently it soft locks the game too because I'm just stuck down here now there might be other enemies you can kill with this technique unique but they'd have to be really close to the entrance of the map because they have like one second of star left anyways I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new about the game I mean I feel like there's no way you didn't learn at least one thing from this video unless maybe you're like a Super Mario RPG speedrunner or something in which case I can see you're like a god compared to me you can do the hundred jumps and I'm just a lowly peon compared to you if you're wondering why I didn't mention the Remake at all because the script was actually like mostly written before it was announced I couldn't really figure out where to put it in so uh here's one last Super Mario RPG secret for you there's going to be a remake you know if you didn't hear I guess the game's not just gonna be for 30 year old Boomers like myself anymore anyways thank you very much for watching and an extra thanks to my beautiful and lovely patrons thank you
Channel: Cybershell
Views: 539,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jKdkWTbUkIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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