The Rarest Dreamcast

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[Music] ah the dreamcast what a console hey guys remember the dreamcast wow that was fun remember remembering the dreamcast five seconds ago good times all right seriously i don't feel like making yet another little history lesson where i just talk about how much i like it that would be too easy but as sega's final console it feels kind of special as someone who had a dreamcast as a kid i was always particularly fond of it it's one of those consoles that was ahead of its time in a lot of ways now i always really liked the sleek white design of the console but it would have been nice if we had some other options too i remember as a kid reading in nintendo power and looking in awe at all the other different kinds of n64s you could get since i just had the regular charcoal gray one like i mean obviously the color of the console doesn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things they all play the games exactly the same way which is the important part but i don't know i just thought these alternate variants were really cool like some of them were made with transparent plastic and you could actually see what the inside looked like holy well it turns out there actually were a ton of cool dreamcast models that i never knew about unfortunately most of these cool console variants were japanese only which i mean makes sense but it's just a shame we didn't get all these cool variants over here too like as great as the standard white console is it would have been neat to get a black version too well that was sort of an option actually in north america the only officially released variant was this sega sports pack bundle which came with nba 2k and nfl 2k the black console and controller are cool but there's this big sega sports logo on it which i mean it's fine it's not like it ruins it or anything but it just would have been cool to have a plain black version since this was our only other option this pack also released with a demo disc called generator volume 2. ah demo discs there's something about a demo disc menu that has such a specific aesthetic this one even has a sonic adventure demo which ends after emerald coast and displays this delightful in-store now screen anyways i don't have time to do a whole demo disc nostalgia bait in retrospective right now honestly not sure what to say about them besides i really like them and i think a lot of people my age have fond memories of them and they're often a great source for beta or pre-release assets and info too god i love that iconic red swirl of the dreamcast logo well i mean unless you lived in europe then it was a blue swirl logo for some reason seriously i always thought that was so weird like why change the color for one region what's up with that well apparently the german company tivola has been using a similar logo since 1995 however i couldn't find any evidence of an actual lawsuit so apparently this was just like a preemptive change to avoid any trouble i'm not sure it's ever actually been 100 confirmed this even was the reason so take that with a grain of salt honestly even though it looks slightly off to my american sensibilities i still kind of like it i mean blue basically is the sega color so it makes sense hey you know the controllers aren't region lock maybe i'll import a euro controller just for that sweet blue swirl let's take a look at the japanese version of the console looks pretty much the same in fact it's nearly identical except for a couple tiny details like the fact this plastic triangle part above the power light is clear on the japanese dreamcast and grey on the american and pal versions there's also one other incredibly minor detail that hardly anyone would ever notice for whatever reason the japanese consoles say designed for windows ce while the us and pal versions say compatible with windows ce now that's some pointless trivia i love to read the internal emails where they decided that change was necessary what's more interesting is the japanese dreamcast boxes you might be wondering who the hell is this guy well i'll tell you it's mr sega real name hidekazu yukawa a sega executive who became the face of dreamcast marketing in japan he starred in a series of commercials leading up to the console's release and during its lifespan keep in mind this was not an actor he was the actual managing director of the time these brief commercials actually told a little continuous story in them he first overhears some kids talking about sega and saying that playstation is better which causes him great distress he works to improve sega's image and eventually the kids come around on the dreamcast they're pretty funny and he would continue to appear in commercials including one where he personally apologizes for the lack of stalk after they sold out and announcing after it came back in stock well perhaps not as iconic as the saturn segata sancho these adverts were still fairly popular enough for him to appear on some little knickknacks they sold like he changed and these prepaid convenience store cards called quo cards there was actually a japan exclusive dlc for sonic adventure 1 where you define six of these cards in game and there was even like a little contest element where the 50 fastest time submitted would receive a 500 yen quote card he even got his own music single the aptly titled dreamcast complete with a music video he also technically has his own game i mean sort of this was like a cheap little promotional game and it was only sold for about a month during which time it was also bundled in with dreamcast for free it's this extremely simplistic little treasure hunting puzzle game where you look around for sega branded items hence the name there was also an online component where you could register these items online for a chance to win them but perhaps his most famous cameo is from shenmue however not from the final game itself but in a japanese exclusive demo disc called what's shenmu you see shenmue is delayed in japan and anyone who pre-ordered the game received this special promotional disc on the day the game was originally set to release and there was also a version of what shenmue released with an issue of famitsu so that's why it's called what's shenmue well the full title is actually what shenmue search for former senior managing director yukawa the demo is just a short taste of the game you can only explore a small area and most of the paths are blocked off there are some noteworthy differences like being able to crouch in this build for some reason and also very interestingly some characters who wouldn't actually appear until shenmue 2 are seen in this demo the plot of the demo is that rio is looking for yukawa and he asks around about him he eventually ends up bumping into him and chasing him down in a qte sequence before finally catching him it turns out it was just a misunderstanding as some other guy was hassling him about a disc and rio beats him up and the two have a short little conversation then it's revealed the whole thing was actually just a dream yukawa was having he wakes up in his office sees a poster for shenmue and is filled with determination presumably to release shenmue and sell dreamcasts he actually does appear in the final game too you can win yukawa figures as a raffle prize and once you have both of them if you go to takara sushi on the 9th of any month after 8 pm you can meet him briefly and in the japanese version there's even a little dialogue where ryo seems to seemingly recognize him from their last meeting he also has a few other small appearances like he's seen on these battery boxes but that's pretty much it anyways all this talk about japanese dreamcasts and rare exclusive has me thinking what is the rare stream cast but how do we determine the rarest well luckily this is something plenty of nerds before me i've already spent a lot of time pondering and debating has the system they use to give each variant a rarity score by taking various factors into account like how many models were produced and some other probably now i don't want to get too hung up on exact prices since obviously it's something that'll change over time anyways but let's just say some of these variants can be pretty expensive now we get to ask the fun question what should even count as a dreamcast like for the purposes of this video we're just talking about the actual console so this doesn't include something like a prototype or dev kit which of course is inordinately rare and expensive although before getting into the actual list proper it's worth mentioning this thing that wound up in the hands of a private collector the dreamcast sfl 2000 p1 control unit this piece of hardware was apparently used in japanese internet cafes or sega centers back in the day but what's really interesting is what this unit was originally designed for something called fish life this was a virtual aquarium based on dreamcast hardware designed by sega to be used by restaurants hotels hospital waiting rooms among others it featured a touch screen and even voice commands but there was no end state or goal beyond just interacting with the digital fish it was actually advertised as being a kind of interactive interior decor or healing art as the brochure says there's not much publicly available info about this it's not even known how many of these units were produced but it was a fairly small amount according to sega retro it may not have passed its location test it's interesting seeing how sega was trying really hard to experiment with non-video game uses for their hardware apparently one can be seen in a japanese comedy from 2001 so it wasn't a real thing there were different versions of the software which are outlined in the brochure essentially they have like different fish and environments on display but they would have all shared the same basic experience there was the playful edition available in red sea or amazon versions as well as the basic edition which was divided into three episodes if you're interested in fish life at all check out this website dedicated to archiving and preserving it there's a link to in the description it's surprisingly comprehensive and features a lot of interesting information about its development history thanks to this site we have a disc image for the amazon playful edition you can download so now that we've gotten that out of the way let's take a look at some rare dreamcast models unless stated otherwise these were all released exclusively in japan and let's present it in a list format people on the internet really like top 10 lists so this should help with the viewer retention number 13 hello kitty console blue version check out this extremely stylish clear blue console with hello kitty branding complete with a matching controller vmu and keyboard oh yeah and it also came in pink you know if you're a girl or something but that version is slightly less rare apparently so it doesn't quite make the list that sick keyboard is what does it for me it really ties the whole package together there was also a hello kitty game that came packaged with these consoles and this was actually the only way to get this game is it wasn't sold separately it was called hello kitty no garden panic it's some kind of puzzle game i'm not 100 sure how it works exactly but it looks to be some kind of take on battleship weirdly enough where you try to attack bugs and the computers attempting to attack your flowers there is unsurprisingly not too much english language information about this game online it also came bundled with a disc called hello kitty dream passport 2. so what the hell is that well in japan the online functionality of the dreamcast was much more heavily emphasized each console came packaged with a disc called dream passport which was used for basic internet functionality like checking email and browsing web pages over the course of the system's lifespan this pack in disk was eventually replaced with newer versions of the software dream passport 2 and dream passport 3. there was actually a system where you could trade in your older version of the software for the new one at a local retailer so hello kitty dream passport 2 is just a hello kitty themed version of this application as cool as this console is hello kitty is pretty popular all things considered so this is the least rare of the rare dreamcast that made it onto the list i think it's pretty neat but particularly in japan i doubt seeing this would really blow anyone away like of course there's a hello kitty dreamcast it would honestly be kind of weirder if there wasn't one number 12 c-man console so c-man is a game where you oh wait i forgot i can't flex my sega nerd credit about c-man anymore since this game isn't really that obscure anymore i mean even the angry video game nerd has made a video about it right am i wrong about this surely you've at least heard of c-man but indulge me and let me briefly explain it anyways just in case it truly is a unique little game it's one of those virtual pet games requiring you to check in daily to feed your sea man and adjust the temperatures after the first few stages of its life it eventually reaches this form called the gill man resembling a fish with a human face in addition to feeding it you can now talk to your sea man using the dreamcast mic accessory yes all sorts of personal questions about you and you can talk about a variety of subjects from politics to religion and even technology in the internet so tell me do you use the internet do you ever use email do you think the internet should be censored there are a lot of really amazing things about the internet but as with everything else it's not completely perfect think of it this way you can do almost anything on the internet workshop chat get the news play games listen to music and pretty much anything else you want to do that's all terrific but pretty soon people won't even need to leave their homes in order to conduct their daily business you humans are going to get lazier and less mobile and forget how to deal with each other face to face i think things could get pretty ugly a few decades down the road do you think the internet is dangerous well i don't know about you but i've enjoyed this little chat about the internet it can be a wonderful thing for the first time ever people can finally communicate with each other and not have race gender or culture prejudices get in the way so in that sense it can be a great tool for removing biases and bringing people together after all on the internet nobody has to know i'm a sea man on the other hand like i said it can be very dangerous because it removes the need to interact directly with the outside world especially with other people it's up to all of you humans to decide how to use the internet intelligently so that it won't harm you not bad for a game that came out over two decades ago like plenty of people aren't even aware this game actually has a bit of a story and an ending like i don't want to spoil it but after evolving into a frog man all of a sudden near the end c-man dropped some crazy lore about like reincarnation and ancient egypt and stuff and it ends with you helping him free into the wild all in all it's a very interesting game i mean thinking about how few games are actually primarily focused around talking even to this day the console itself has a nice clear transparent look which is cool it's adorned with a c-man logo and there was apparently a version of this bundle that comes with a lot of goodies like c-man mugs the drama cd because of course that exists as well as some kind of program for windows called cmail this can actually be found on funny enough thanks to some hero out there who decided to upload it i think it just sort of functions like a little clippy-esque buddy to help you compose emails and schedule or whatever and apparently there's two versions out there this is the one with the baby gill man but there's a version with an adult guild man out there too i always thought c-man was a dreamcast exclusive but in japan it was actually ported to the ps2 at first i thought the most interesting thing about this port was there was a version which came with this weird ass controller with a built-in microphone but there's actually much more to it than that there are quite a few major differences it is a different beginning which cuts out the nautilus you just catch a baby gill man from the ocean and has a different way of ending you take your sea man back to the ocean to mate with a sea woman then after evolving him into a frog man and freeing him from his tank the game doesn't end there in fact there's this surreal scene where you actually meet the sea man from the dreamcast version and they end up mating and there's this entirely new stage to the life cycle where he's like a c-man iguana and the game eventually ends with you releasing it into the ocean what a strange little game god i wish they made a sequel oh wait they did it's also for the ps2 and it's japan exclusive of course and somehow it's even weirder than the first game featuring like god game elements but considering it's not a dreamcast game it's kind of outside the scope of this video maybe i'll have a chance to talk about seaman more some other time number 11 code veronica console for the release of resident evil code veronica these special dreamcast models are made to promote the game it's a red translucent console with a matching controller as well as some other resident evil merch well biohazard merged technically since this is japan actually there were two models this red one is the claire version and there's a black stars version with a logo as well only 2 000 of these variants were made 1800 were the claire version while just 200 of the stars version were produced you can see them numbered on the back so the stars version is rare but in my opinion the red one looks cooler which is why i made the list if you want to purchase one of these for yourself don't worry you can find them on ebay for only a few thousand bucks like look at this listing for the stars model for 18 000 dollars i mean it's just a listing like it's not gonna sell for that much probably but still goddamn just to even see someone asking you that much is insane number 10 divers 2000 series cx-1 console now this one is a very cool little oddity it was designed as a joint project between sega csk and fuji television the console is actually built into a little blue crt tv you can open up the top to swap discs there are also these cool little leds on the side that light up in relation to the audio it comes with a remote a cool transparent blue controller and keyboard it also came with a microphone and a dream eye camera accessory this could be used with the included copy of visual park which was a program that could be used to view and edit photos send email record videos and even video chat which is actually pretty advanced for the year 2000 sega was really trying to push the dream guys as more than just a game console in japan they wanted to be like a little pc replacement or something this is actually the only known product that uses the dream my accessory overall it's just a really cool console i'll have some links in the description to videos of people who actually own one of these and show it off more thoroughly including a breakdown to look inside number 9 dreamcast partners console this is a fascinating little variant this special model was available for pre-order to members of the dreamcast partners program dreamcast partners was a japanese membership service which was the successor to the sega partners program these dreamcast partners had access to exclusive dreamcast and sega related content and there was even a series of demo discs called dreamcast express which were only available to members these consoles feature a little personalized label with then president of sega soichiro ira majiri signature as well as the buyer's name engraved underneath i don't know i just think it's kind of cool how each one is unique like if you ever stumble across one of these in the wild it'll have the name of the original dreamcast member etched right into it number eight c-man christmas console oh you thought i was done talking about c-man guess again first of all let's take a look at this snazzy red console and controller with those nice colorful buttons very cool looking it also came with some other goodies like festive stickers and a certificate for your limited edition console you can see they're numbered out of 850. i guess christmas c-man isn't really the most surprising thing like sega has done this sort of thing before with the christmas nights demo however that was just a little demo with a christmas skin this is actually something much weirder and there's not too much information about it online you see it's not actually a game at all it's something called a message kit you see christmas c-man is apparently some type of communication software used to send holiday wishes presumably to your special someone it comes with two disks a message disc which you keep and a present disc would you give to the recipient i believe there was a way to order more present discs if you wanted to back in the day again i'm not actually 100 sure on all the details about how this works i've had to piece this together from what little information i could find online and some pictures found in the manual and a magazine article but i think that's basically the gist of it unfortunately both of these disks required you to connect online to the dreamcast network servers to work and because of that you can no longer access the content so the disks are basically just a collector's item now apparently you would talk to c-man your message would be uploaded to the servers and then after giving them the present disk they would use that to connect to the server and download the message and presumably he'd share some of his trademark c-man wisdom with you as well as having some christmas-themed dialogue it seems like the servers to transmit messages for christmas seaman were only operational from december 16th to december 26th in 1999 just 11 days total and the game was only sold from the 16th to the 24th as well anyways because of this i swear to god there is almost zero footage of actual christmas c-man gameplay anywhere on the web the best you'll get is people opening it up and looking at menus i found exactly three clips an old japanese commercial a short little tv spot about it and some japanese youtube channel there really is so much strange c-man lore out there like c-man originally came out in 1999 in japan then in 2000 it was released in america and then in 2001 they released an updated version exclusive to japan and apparently this version was the one they use as the basis for the ps2 port honestly now that i'm looking at it the ocean area from this version of the game features realistic fish which kind of remind me of fish life but if you thought c-man c-man 2001 christmas c-man message disc and christmas c-man present disc was all there is you'd still be wrong because there's also the c-man essa disc which was apparently bundled with a c-man guide and can be used exclusively to give c-man more food apparently honestly i just have to stop here because there's just too much deep sea man lore i could be here all day well that's what i would say except as i was working on this video i came across some new sea man lore i don't mean like i discovered some ancient forgotten relic but there's new c-man content coming out in 2022. apparently the japanese coffee brand mount rainier will be offering soothing water themed asmr tracks via qr codes on their drinks and these tracks will feature c-man occasionally saying various things so yeah seaman will never die apparently if you're in japan please buy one of these and let me know how it is i guess anyways let's move on to the next console number seven disney magical racing tour top airbrush console alright this one might seem kind of strange but hear me out these were officially commissioned airbrush consoles by sega of germany yeah it's actually a pal console for a change they commissioned an artist called torsten rachel who worked for top airbrush to make a bunch of these based on various properties supposedly there were five of each kind made i just picked the disney one because it was the funniest to me but honestly some of these are pretty rad like i really dig the jet set radio and choo choo rocket ones most of these were for games but apparently there was a ferrari one done too for some reason i couldn't find too much info on these needless to say they are exceedingly rare number six majora console in 1999 sega commissioned 500 of these iridescent green and purple looking consoles majora is a brand of chroma flare paint produced by the nippon paint company you see this chroma flare pigment is most commonly used for cars but it can be used for other hobbyist items like guitars as well originally shown alongside other unreleased variants at the auto 1998 tokyo game show this variant is coded in the majora andromeda paint 500 units were created total the first 300 were available to order online from the majora site and the other 200 could be won at certain motorcycle racing events and were signed by tarahiko taira a driver from taira racing whose team was being sponsored by majora as well they might just look kinda sparkly but pictures don't really do it justice it actually appears to change color depending on the light source and viewing angle it's really cool so shout out to the three guys who have uploaded videos of it to youtube but how is such a thing even possible well according to their website the chroma flare effect is achieved by interfering with the reflection and refraction of light and this is done by adding tiny synthetic flats about one micrometer thick constructed of aluminum coated with glass-like magnesium fluoride embedded in a semi-translucent chromium you see instead of traditional absorbing pigments they use a light interference pigment the color is created via the refractive properties of the flakes kind of like how you perceive rainbow colors in an oil slick this effect is actually similar to one found in nature as seen in a peacock's feathers for example these feathers are actually pigmented brown it's the microscopic structure of surfaces fine enough to interfere with visible light that makes them reflect blue in green light but anyways we're getting a little off topic number five sega toyota console these toyota branded consoles were sold in 160 of its 403 dealerships across japan as an attempt to draw customers apparently there are some earlier models that lack the sticker on the lid a simple car sponsorship might not seem that interesting but this is yet another example of sega attempting to integrate their hardware into businesses the console was installed in toyota car showrooms and specifically made pieces of software would play showing 3d demos for various models of toyota vehicles these japanese exclusive dory cats series are some of the rarest pieces of dreamcast software out there this is what these virtual showrooms were like they allowed you to customize the car and see some demos of what it looks like driven around this console apparently also came with a special toyota version of dream passport which had some exclusive features it's just neat how sega really wanted to push the dreamcast is not just for games but also as like a business tool they were clearly willing to try all sorts of unconventional stuff with the hardware like the aforementioned fish life number four 78 console look at this rad blue console these were sold exclusively through dreamcast direct sega's official online store only 78 were produced as a nod to the rx-78 gundam in kiddo senshi gundam renpo vs xeon and dx which released on the same day anyways this game is actually a somewhat confusingly tidal compilation you see first there was the arcade game kiddo senshi gundam renpo versus xeon and then there was the updated kido senshi gundam renpo versus xeon dx and then they released the dreamcast kiddo senshi gundam renpo vs xeon and dx which had both versions okay i'm not going to pretend to be some gundam edge because i'm not one maybe someday i'll take the plunge and become some kind of huge mecha nerd i mean i do think giant robots are cool of course and i do really like some mecha shows like gren lagoon although i'm aware that's a super robot show not a real robot show like gundam but whatever and honestly the game itself seems pretty cool maybe you'll have to check it out sometime apparently it had cross platform online play with the ps2 which i didn't even realize was a thing but here's an advertisement showing they had it for capcom vs snk 2 in japan but i mostly just think this console looks sick like i really dig the deep blue of the console's body controller and the red buttons with the yellow triangle it's just a really nice looking console am i right number three sonic 10th anniversary console this one's another pal console for a change this model was produced to celebrate sonic's 10th anniversary 50 were made total and they were given to internal employees of sega of europe and 10 were sent off to french magazines to give away 40 were even signed by yuji naka they also come with this very stylish sonic themed controller which i really dig there was a lot of cool stuff produced for the 10th anniversary but i never actually seen these blue consoles before they're pretty neat but i might be slightly biased here as a massive sonic nerd i thought i'd have more to say about this one but yeah that's basically it i like it because sonic number two swatch console this console comes from a collaboration between sega and swatch if you've never heard of the swatch group they're actually the largest watch company in the world based out of switzerland and back in 1998 they announced the creation of swatch internet time also known as beat time as part of a marketing campaign to sell their new line of beat watches they proposed a new method for counting time instead of minutes and hours the day would be divided into 1000 equal units called beats making each beat 86.4 seconds well they're called beats but they're always written as dot beat for whatever reason and this time would be expressed using the at symbol followed by a three-digit number so time of at 500 would be noon as it's exactly halfway through the day at 600 would be 224 etc another major part of internet time is that there would be no use of time zones internet time would be aligned on what they called beal mean time or bmt based on the company's headquarters in beale switzerland so midnight there is a line to at zero zero zero obviously this so-called internet time never really took off mainly because the concept of time telling as we know it is not really a problem that needed fixing people are very comfortable and familiar with minutes and hours and asking them to learn an entirely new system was kind of a tall order also decimal time isn't even actually a new idea this was tried briefly during the french revolution internet time attempted to look forward to the digital age and provide one time zone so everyone could be on the same page but we already have gmt and utc so again this was a problem that didn't really need solving nevertheless this was the turn of the millennium it was the dot-com bubble and people love stupid like this and were happy to throw money at it and somehow they were able to convince a few sites to use it including apparently it was used as a time reference in icq and apparently php's date function as a format specifier b which returns the swatch internet time notation for a given time stamp anyways the reason i bring up this little oddity is because sega actually used internet time in a few of its games it can be seen in sega rally 2 and most notably in fantasy star online on february 4th 2000 swatch and sega announced a collaboration between the two companies swash was developing a new watch called the swatch access which would contain a microchip that could record and store data and they intended to make this watch able to communicate with the dreamcast using a controller plug-in that utilized rfid technology this accessory and a swatch dreamcast prototype were shown off at a press conference however these would never actually be released i don't think they ever publicly announced why the project was scrapped but i think the reason is probably because the dreamcast was clearly on the way out at this point releasing a new accessory for a discontinued console probably didn't make that much sense however this collaboration wasn't entirely fruitless swash would release a sonic the hedgehog theme to watch in 2001 model sqk101 so what happened in the swatch dreamcast no one knows but i find it hard to believe they would just like throw it in the trash it probably still exists somewhere out there only sega of japan and or swatch group knows now before we get into the rarest stream cast let's go over some honorable mentions some cool variants i arbitrarily chose not to include on this list usually because i just didn't have that much to say about them first up is the sakura wars console personally i dig the pink controller console on vmu it also comes with the sakura wars mail program only available bundled with this console as well as a sakura wars 3 demo there's also a super rare variant of this variant the sakura thai sen specialty store console this was made to commemorate the opening of taisho ramondo the shinsaibashi branch of the sakura wars store yes there was a store in japan that just sold sakura wars merch actually there were two little stores located in sega's iconic ikebukuro arcade but unfortunately it closed down in 2008 next up is the sega dreamcast rental kit system pack apparently when the console sales were declining one of their last desperate efforts to convince people to try the console was to arrange for certain places like department stores to carry these game renting in japan is like a whole separate can of worms i don't have time to get into right now basically it's illegal except one done by the actual copyright holders it's kind of weird the sega dreamcast nomura holdings console in 1999 nomura securities and sega announced that online trading customers would be able to place orders on the console supposedly this was the first time an online stock trading service was offered through a video game console in order to commemorate this partnership some dreamcasts were made which say nomura on the front the design isn't really the cool part i just thought it was another neat example of them trying to branch out into the business world with the dreamcast like buying stocks on a console is just so weird the sega dreamcast csk kenpo console this one is odd the csk health insurance group would load out these consoles which came bundled with a dream eye and a copy of visual park so people could video call their doctors from their home they also had a custom web browser called dream passport 3 for health insurance which could be used to go online and view health related info like dietary recommendations and the availability of recreational facilities also the service held exclusive events which apparently included a baby photo competition at one point sega dreamcast r7 console which stands for regulation 7. what is regulation 7 i'm not entirely sure but it's related to the pachinko restrictions on gambling supposedly these were originally used in pachinko parlors from march 2000 before seeing a limited public release in september 2001. i think the black design looks pretty cool again another example of them trying everything to get people to use the dreamcast the sega dreamcast infogrames game planet edition console so what's the deal with this one i don't know that's why it's not on the list but it seems cool though it was possibly distributed through a lottery it's a european console obviously you can tell from the blue swirl if you happen to be a dreamcast lore expert and you know what the deal with this one is feel free to let me know in the comments if you were wondering if instead of one of these crazy themed variants it was possible to just get a regular ass dream cast but in a cool color well in japan you could order some of these variants exclusively through dreamcast direct there was black metallic silver pearl blue and pearl pink all of these are very cool and stylish but they're just a little too basic to make the list honestly i do think they look great i really enjoy a nice solid color okay this definitely shouldn't count as like an official variant or anything but of course i have to mention the infamous dreamcast autographed by fred durst of limp biscuit yes back in the year 2000 sega thought it would be totally epic to sponsor limp bizkit's tour in order to promote sega net in the dreamcast there are a number of these signed consoles there are some signed by the whole band and some just by fred apparently at least one way these were distributed was by beating fred durst in a round of ultimate fighting championship winners of local radio station competitions were given the chance to fight him and got a year of sega net free as well as an autographed console so you might be wondering what exactly is this thing on the left here well it's actually from part of an advertising campaign by sega of america called the sega dreamcast mobile assault tour for 22 weeks this big ass truck would drive around the country visiting major cities like new york and la and find high traffic venues like outside of a mall or skate park then it would park the truck and set up these little atvs with four playable dreamcast would roll out and inside of the truck was also set up with dreamcasts they would hold contests and tournaments and stuff and they would set up these little kiosks outside so other people could play it seems like a super rad time and now for number one the rarest dreamcast console is my dreamcast that's right what were you expecting like a fancy gold console or something no it's my childhood console autographed by me it's one of one you can't get any rarer than that sure all those rare japanese dreamcast variants were cool but they don't hold a candle to the sentimental value i get from this one so many fond memories from my youth just kidding can you seriously imagine if i ended the list like that holy that would be so annoying okay for real the most rare console is number one sega dreamcast gold console variant not much is known about this incredibly rare model it was given away in a pro-yakyu team de esobu net contest so what the hell is this game well it's a japanese exclusive entry in sega's let's make series and it's basically just a baseball game what interests me is the console itself it's unknown how many models were even produced sega retro says it might be five but it's unconfirmed this mythical gold dreamcast is so rare that the only confirmed pick has a watermark which is a website that doesn't even exist anymore it's just some gambling and this one is also a real pain in the ass to try and look for because if you search for golden dreamcast you'll get plenty of hits but they're all just airbrushed custom consoles and i'm looking for the real deal so i guess this is my public plea for more information and photographs about this mysterious golden dreamcast people love lost media right well this is like a kind of lost media in a way now of course it's not like the console is actually made out of solid gold or anything however technically unless more details or pictures emerge you can't actually prove it isn't made out of solid gold okay technically console variations actually lists one other dreamcast as being rarer than this one but it's total i say this one doesn't count for the release of rage 2 there was a promotion where bethesda announced they're giving away a custom dreamcast which could play rage 2. this of course is just a custom pc crammed into a dreamcast shell which i mean that's pretty cute all right i actually do like this it just doesn't count as a dreamcast so i don't know why the hell it's listed on this site man i read a lot of random while making this video a special shout out to sega retro sega bits the dreamcast junkyard sega dreamcast info and of course i'll have a pastebin link of sources in the description now you might be thinking to yourself it didn't seem like a very focused video just kind of seemed like you wanted an excuse to talk about a bunch of random dreamcast related having made videos for many years now i found that with the right ending even a somewhat disjointed scatter shot video can feel like a cohesive little journey if i just tied it together in a nice bow with a solid conclusion this video could really be something special so i thought it would be kind of funny to not do that [Music] you
Channel: Cybershell
Views: 655,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WOgIOoneG-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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