A way too long analysis of Super Mario RPG's first trailer, plus some speculation

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[Music] so Super Mario RPG is getting a remake in 2023 on the switch I could not be more excited and as someone who spent most of his life making Super Mario RPG content now that this game is coming back I felt like I needed to make some more and so that's what this video is it's going to be an overly detailed breakdown of the trailer that we saw for the remake now I've seen so many takes online that this game is essentially a one-to-one recreation and is extremely faithful but I'm not sure it is after really digging into the trailer so we're gonna go over some of the changes and also some of the things that they've kept the same and we're gonna start at the beginning of the trailer and work our way to the end just a quick note though guys I will be making some comparisons with the original and because of that I'll probably be talking about some stuff that did not appear in the trailer and I would consider those spoilers so if you haven't played Mario RPG and you're gonna do so for the first time with the Remake this is your warning there will be some spoilers in this video all right let's get started with the first change and that's that Mario's house is now actually called Mario's house it's no longer the pipe house not entirely sure why they needed to change this it's not that it was to reflect the original Japanese release because it's also called pipe house there but I do have a guess and I think that's because they wanted to make it more consistent with Paper Mario in the first two Paper Mario games they opened with cutscenes of the brothers at their house and that house is called the Mario house in those games and is even designated that way with a sign at the top of it so I can see from Nintendo's perspective why they might want to keep this consistent even though Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario are technically two different series change is that the game is just called Super Mario RPG not Super Mario RPG legend of the Seven Stars there have been a ton of theories floating around the internet as to why the subtitle is dropped and I have my own but let's put a pin in that for now until we get to the last scene of the trailer because I wonder if that's where we can link this change together in the first couple of scenes where we see Mario running and jumping around there's not too many changes to each of the individual areas but there is a global change here the camera angle has definitely shifted to be a little bit lower and it actually results in more of the play area being in Focus the camera is not quite as top down as it used to be and that should actually make it easier to control Mario in any sort of isometric perspective when we get to the scene of Mario and Karo sewers we can see that Mario now has a new swimming animation and that's awesome because in the original Super Mario RPG he doesn't it's actually kind of funny how they did that back in the day because Mario's head just sticks out of water and he just kind of slides through it there is no swimming animation to speak of the trailer then cuts to the cloud part of bean Valley and what's interesting here is that in the original game the whole background was filled with those clouds with the smiley faces on them but in this shot from the new trailer we can only see one cloud this is one of those changes where I'm not sure it's necessarily a good one because the background now looks far more generic but my guess is that square and Nintendo wanted to change it just for visibility and readability climbing those beanstalks in the original was probably the hardest bit of platforming in the entire game especially for people who are going back to play it now because of the limited technology and perspective and camera angle and all that kind of stuff and so having less noise in the background probably makes it easier to line up Mario's jumps on the beanstalks so I'm guessing that's why they made that change after those gameplay Snippets we kind of enter a totally new realm of Super Mario RPG and these next two scenes combined with some of the ones later on in the trailer are absolutely fascinating so first up we see a cut scene of mallow falling down the stairs in Mushroom Kingdom before it shifts over to Geno taking his doll form and not only do I love these scenes but they are very clearly cut scenes and cutscenes didn't really exist in the original there were a couple of scripted scenes that used the original engine but not full-on cutscenes and of course yeah that's a limitation of the technology in 1996. but it seems like they've made completely new movies for introducing your party members because these are the two spots in the original game where mallow and Gino are introduced I think this is great because the developers are gonna get the chance to really show off characters individual personalities as soon as they hit the screen and I love how mallow falls down the stairs gets up and then kind of looks tough it's a nice little twist to his crybaby Persona where he's you know trying to put on a brave face now and I think it's just great it looks great it fits mallow I'm sure they're going to do a great job the animation looks solid it's gonna be great but it looks like we do have intro cut scenes for when people join the party after those two cut scenes we do see our first look at the Battle system and this is where I gotta bring back the whole is this a faithful Recreation of the original Super Mario RPG because this is where the bulk of changes seem to be so bottom right and with a slight camera angle change like the one we talked about earlier this allows players to see more of the field of action when they're in a battle characters now have HP bars in addition to their plain text numbers and that is a great quality of life usability feature because it makes it really easy to see how much HP you have left without actually having to read the text a really nice touch here is that character portraits in the battle UI actually reflect their original artwork for those who haven't seen it all of the original artwork for the main party members has them standing straight up looking kinda to the left kind of to the center of the screen it's super super awkward it was early CGI but it looks like they're actually using that original posing just with updated models which is a really really cool touch we can also see that to the left of all of the character information flower points are here which is another really nice quality of life change because previously in the original game you could only see your team's shared flower points if you went into the specials command to use a special move where it would tell you this way players can do a better job of planning their strategy and deciding when they want to use special moves and all that kind of stuff because they can see it at all times in a battle I find it absolutely fascinating that while square and Nintendo showed off a ton of different things in all the battle scenes they didn't show simply selecting an attack or action the battle UI in the original Mario RPG is Iconic with the Super Nintendo controller face buttons being around a character and each one of them corresponding to a specific action one of the reasons why that UI works so well is because each set of two buttons X and Y and a and b have two different colors so it visually breaks it up on screen and in the Japanese version the Super Nintendo controller has four different colors red blue green and yellow so it really makes it easy to visually parse what you want to do however the switch uses all black buttons and if you just had four black squares surrounding a character I'm not sure it would be as clean and neat and convey what it needs to and it might actually make it more difficult to use than simply a standard list menu select I can't believe we didn't see the battle UI given how standout it is from the original and how recognizable it is but my guess is it's probably because they're changing it and I wonder if that's also why the character information stuff had to be moved from the top left to the bottom right [Music] speaking of UI and big changes the biggest one so far that we see in this trailer is the percentage meter in the lower left corner of the battle screen this is almost certainly called the action gauge because in a couple of scenes later when Mario lands a timed hit in the list of Buffs that that timed hit gets him and we'll talk about that in a second we can see that it also mentions action gauge so I'm pretty confident that this is what that percentage meter is called and honestly I'm not entirely sure what it does but if I had to guess I think square is reaching back into the bag and pulling out a system like the tech system from Chrono Trigger and this meter allows any combination of teammates that are on the field to use a one-off special attack the reason why I say that is because if we fast forward later on into the trailer we see a whole bunch of different cutscenes we see one where Peach is in the Middle with her umbrella and Gino and Mario are to the side of her we see one where Bowser and Mario and mallow are riding in the Koopa clown car and then we see one where Geno is just going crazy and decides to light up whatever's in front of him with a whole bunch of bullets and other you know shooty stuff none of those cut scenes exist in the original game and in the case of the Bowser Koopa clown car with Mario and mallow that one is fascinating because Bowser does use the Koopa clown car in the original game but it's literally for the first five opening seconds and he never touches it again until we see it in the ending scene mallow at any point in the game would have no reason to interact with Bowser when he uses his Koopa clown car it's not even possible and given that Mario is there with him since you can't change him out in the rain I wonder if this is a Super Attack where the team is Bowser Mario and and this is just one of the super attacks you can do with that configuration same thing where peaches in the Middle with her parasol the background of this suggests that it's around the yardovich fight because it's Sunset and during that scene in the original game Peach has no significance whatsoever like yeah she can be in the party but she doesn't have any significance jaredovich only talks to Mario and so I wonder if this is them getting ready for an attack the move that Geno uses does not correspond to any of his specials it's definitely not Geno beam or Geno world or genoblast or Geno Flash and it kind of is one of his regular moves but there is no way that that animation is used for a regular attack because we see what the normal battle screen looks like I'm fairly confident that you build that meter up by successfully performing time timed hits and from that you get a Super Attack and if that's the case I cannot even begin to describe to you guys how hyped I am for that because it does a couple of things one it rewards you for timed hits and that just means that the game becomes more skill focused in general but two if that's the case it also rewards players for experimenting with different lineups nowadays whenever I go back and I replay Mario RPG I purposely use different lineups but as a kid no matter how many times I played through it my lineup was always Mario Bowser Gino I thought it was the coolest lineup it was my favorite set of characters in the game and I never ever strayed from it and that meant that a lot of different playthroughs kind of felt the same with this not only do you get cool new cut scenes for these super attacks but the party configuration matters and I would want to see all of the different attacks I would want to see their effectiveness how strong they are I hope that my read on this situation is right because I think that would be a super cool change going back to the battle scene we can see a couple of small visual tweaks and the first one is that there is a visual indicator now for when you should block an attack and when you should do your timed hit next on this to be perfectly honest with you because yes modern sensibilities say that we should absolutely have a visual indicator for when things should be blocked and timed without that it could be a little bit difficult to really figure that out but at the same time Mario RPG uses a simpler Timing System than something like Paper Mario or Mario and Luigi it's just one button and I always felt like the original animations for both enemy attacks and your attacks were so intuitive that you could figure out the timing yourself still think this is a positive change I think it needs to be there it appeals to Modern sensibilities I understand that but given how simple the battle system and timing was I'll be interested to see how it feels when we actually get the game in our hand and we can match up our actions with the visual indicators but that brings us to two big big changes what happens when you actually successfully pull off those timed hits so we can see here that when Mario uses the knock knock shell correctly on the left side of the screen it says that his chain attack went up from two to three I am pretty confident just like many other takes that I've seen on the internet that nailing consecutive timed hits builds up your chain what's more interesting is that it appears that players get perks or boosts for nailing timed hits we can see here on the left side of the screen that magic attack attack and speed are impacted I'm assuming that this means that they go up for the party maybe it's for the individual character but my guess is that all of these boosts would go up for the party in the very next scene Peach uses a timed attack but instead the Boost seem to be defense and Magic defense so I wonder if nailing a timed hit with a certain character impacts which boosts the party gets this would be another change that makes this battle system fundamentally different from the one in the original version of Super Mario RPG but if it does emphasize [Music] all for that the game it's a skill element and I think emphasizing that is always a good thing what's super interesting about that previous scene where Mario uses the knock knock shell is that not only does it damage the gorilla he's attacking which by the way that is the actual name of the enemy in the original game I know a lot of people online have been like why is Donkey Kong chained up but it is just gorilla it is an homage to Donkey Kong it's spelled g-u-e-r-i-l-l-a not like the original way of doing gorilla but when Mario attacks him rants aside he also does spread damage to Wiggler spread damage is an interesting concept because Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi do have that but Mario RPG never did it only had area of effect damage when you were using a special move I don't know how I feel about this to be totally honest with you because again if it's a reward for hitting a timed hit great because we're emphasizing skill but Mario RPG was also a very simple game easy to understand but also easy to play it never really had a lot of difficulty and I just wonder if that's going to make it easier however I'm kind of baiting you guys there because if we look at the damage numbers done here they're actually noticeably different than what you would typically see from a playthrough at this point in the forest maze now we didn't see it in this trailer but in the original game when a character levels up you can give them a boost to one of three categories the first one is physical attack and physical defense the second one is HP and the third one is Magic attack and Magic defense obviously that changes your damage received and damaged dealt but I went back and tested this and I watched a couple of Let's Plays and typically you would not be doing 60 plus damage to a gorilla at Forest maze if you were following any sort of standard level curve and later on in the trailer when we see a glimpse of one of the boss fights specifically when it's Mario Bowser and Peach fighting jaredovich he does in a move called water blast for those who have never played the original game yertovich is a huge difficulty spike it is often times where people experience their first death and might have to do the first and only bit of grinding in Super Mario RPG but he always leads off with water blast he's hard-coded to do that I again went back and tested it and I watched a bunch of Let's Plays and long plays just to make sure but it appears that water blasts damage from yertovic has actually been toned down again impossible to know because we don't know what character bonuses have been selected as they've been leveling up but typically on Bowser it does over 80 if not 90 and in this trailer it does 60. this makes me wonder if the entire game has been rebalanced because not only would they have to account for the introduction of super attacks but they have this chain system they have spread damage it seems like there has been a fundamental rebalance to the games enemies and bosses and even the player characters to account for all of these new mechanics and this is why I don't think the take that this is a faithful one-to-one Recreation of the original Super Mario RPG is accurate again I'm just speculating I could be totally wrong on what these mechanics do but I feel fairly confident in what I'm telling you guys and even if I am wrong I think it is clear that there is some sort of change if the game is rebalanced I think that's great I think Mario RPG actually could stand to be a little bit harder there is a difficulty Spike or two like I mentioned earlovich is definitely the difficulty spike in the original game but in general if it is a little bit harder I think that's actually going to be really good for the player experience I hope that if the game is indeed rebalanced I hope that square and Nintendo give us options so play the game with the original difficulty play it with hard difficulty if your experienced go on this veteran mode something like that I think that would be really really cool I I wonder [Music] original mode whatever the percent does the spread damage all of that kind of stuff those are huge sweeping changes to the battle system I really can't emphasize that enough and it just makes me wonder if something like that is going to be there what I'm hoping for what would be the actual best timeline is that these changes are so surgical with a Precision that really makes this a great new experience that there is no definitive version of Super Mario RPG after this that there's the original which does this really well and there's this remake which does this really well that would be great because it would basically be like getting two wonderful games that take place in the same universe the same characters but they're almost not spin-offs of each other but more so alternate versions of each other that would be the dream but we'll have to wait and see more footage till we get people previewing it or until the game's in our hands however they're going to handle the marketing for this game but it does appear that there are some big changes another thing we can see from the trailer is that peach is now called Peach which for all the newer players some of the younger fans that probably seems a little bit weird but in Super Mario RPG she was always toadstool fun trivia fact in case you didn't know Super Mario RPG was actually the last game where Peach was called Princess Toadstool the first game where she had her new name that now has stuck Princess Peach is actually Yoshi's Safari for the Super Nintendo which quick rant incoming Yoshi Safari is a great game if you've never heard of it it is literally a fever dream it is an on Rails first person shooter where Mario uses the super scope to Gun Down enemies none of the last two sentences that I said are an exaggeration that is real you had to use the super scope to play it it took six I think C batteries which was obnoxious it had a special sensor that you had to plug into the Super Nintendo but oh my God busting out the giant super scope putting it on your shoulder like a bazooka and just firing away at the screen was such a fun time as a kid if you ever have a chance to play it play Yoshi Safari but yeah in the Super Mario RPG remake she is Princess Peach that is a hundred percent expected there is no way they were gonna re-release this game ever and call her Toadstool but it is a change and it is one that I wanted to note we kind of talked about it a couple minutes ago but bosses appeared to have intro cut scenes which again all four really show off their character their zaniness their craziness the differences between the two but we do see three of them we see Croco we see Berto and we see Valentina now the interesting thing here is that birdo's cut scene I'm assuming happens mid-battle in the original game you actually fight the eggshell around Birdo first and then it breaks open to reveal Birdo and I'm assuming they're keeping that the same and it happens mid-battle it would be a really interesting change if they decided to just forgo that first phase where you're attacking the shell and go straight into Birdo right away because the first defer the original Super Mario RPG you just beat up on the shell it doesn't counter attack it's nothing special it's just to crack it open and reveal Alberto so maybe they did make that change I'm not sure I can't tell from the cutscene itself speaking of Valentina these are probably the changes that you've already seen but she has two changes that we should go over so the first one is the one the internet can't stop talking about but in Super Mario RPG for the Super Nintendo and also for this game we can see that Valentina is you know well endowed but in this Super Nintendo version of Mario RPG when you attack her let's just say that realistic physics for women characters were not quite where they are today and instead you get a hilarious over-the-top depiction of what would happen if you were to attack someone like Valentina with her physique and you know she took that impact now in the remake that's not a thing and honestly probably for the best but I'm sure a lot of people will mourn the loss of of the jiggle physics that we will no longer be getting a more subtle change to Valentina is that she is now holding a margarita in her hand which can we talk about Nintendo allowing a Mario character to hold an alcoholic drink in 2023 because there's a history with that believe it or not in the original Super Mario RPG she does hold an alcoholic drink but it's a martini and that was actually a Sprite error because in the Japanese version her name is Margarita and that is why she is now properly holding a margarita and they've made that change in the remake but there is a history for those who don't know about alcoholic depictions in Mario games one of the most famous ones is that in Super Mario Kart for the Super Nintendo Bowser and Peach have celebrations when they win a Grand Prix where they have a bottle of champagne but those were heavily changed in all versions of the game outside of Japan because Nintendo didn't want alcohol to be associated with Mario so the fact that Valentina not only gets to keep her alcoholic drink but they actually made a change to it so it's intentional that is awesome and super surprising because realistically if you're a kid playing this you're not gonna know what that is and if you're adult playing it it's like okay cool who cares like it's not a big deal so I think it's cool that it's in there though and I like that they've changed it to reflect her original Japanese name which is Margarita and not martini in the Valentino fight we can also see that the visuals for mallow's Thunderbolt have changed in the original game the Thunder would come crashing down and hit the ground and then when you time the hit there would be a white flash however in this game it appears that lightning just happens throughout the entire duration of the attack and that the timing happens sometime in the middle looks a lot more visually striking pun intended and so I think this is a good change we cut back to the forest maze in the trailer and we see a scene of Bowyer and this is cool because he has now fully animated crazy eyes he always had them but they would only actually animate when he was talking or when he was doing an attack but it appears like they have found a really nice animation Loop and his crazy eyes are moving all the time I know we've talked about cutscenes a lot and speculated on their implementation and usage but I cannot get over this next one of mallow falling in the sky or I should say stars with Gino surfing on a rainbow not only is it one of the sickest visuals I've ever seen not only is it matching division depiction I have in my head just about how cool Gino is but I have nowhere to place it I have no idea where it go in the original game there's nothing like this at all there is only one possible spot I could imagine where this cutscene fits based on the events of the original game and it's towards the end of the game so kind of a spoiler like I mentioned before but when Mario and the party are falling into the gate slash Factory after they beat exor I wonder if this is a stylized version of them falling to really emphasize their character personalities [Music] like xer opens his mouth mellow Falls because he's kind of clumsy but Geno's cool he's calm he's collected he uses the power of a rainbow to you know surf down it gently descend all that kind of stuff but even then I don't think this is where that would fit but it's the only spot I could possibly place it makes me wonder are we getting new story cut scenes is this potentially one of the super attacks if it is a Super Attack would mallow be falling like that I have no idea if anyone has any speculation or guesses or anything like that where this cutscene would fit let me know in the comments because not only have I re-watched it more than any other part of the trailer because I think it's the coolest thing in the trailer but I am so confused by how this fits into the original Mario RPG that I will take and accept any fan Theory because I got nothing I have absolutely nothing but it is pretty sweet again we've already kind of talked about the next couple cut scenes we see the one with Bowser and mallow in the clown car we see the one where Peach is holding her umbrella with Gino and Mario to the side there is also a desert one where Mario does some running and peaches holding a superstar that's really interesting because Stars aren't in the original game as items they're not something a character could hold they are found in Treasure boxes and allow you to beat enemies on the Overworld and gain all the experience and coins from them so I have no idea if this is just a new item or again if this is lining up for some sort of super attack and it's a cutscene I don't I don't know we also get Geno scene where he's in space and he is firing on something with both of his arm cannons again don't know where this takes place think it's a Super Attack but the interesting note here is that Gino moves his mouth and so I wonder if we're getting voice acting I don't think it would be much if we get full voice acting but I could understand them wanting to implement it for special moves especially for genos because all of this have his name and he like in my head at least visually pronounces them when he says that I think a lot of other people get that vibe from the original game but I wonder if we're getting voice acting we also see mallow kind of glowing with yellow electricity again could be to use Thunderbolt could be to do some other move like shocker but it's in a cut scene so again it feels like a Super Attack now that I say that though I do wonder if maybe there is a tutorial for timed hits that you could access at any time and these are like little opening cutscenes for it or if these are little opening cutscenes for when someone learns a special move because if Malo learns shocker and it's introduced to you this way by this big flashy cut scene you're going to want to use that special move I still don't think that's the case because it does not explain Peach with her parasol and the other characters on the side and it especially does not explain Bowser and the Koopa clown car with mallow still holding on to the fact that they're super attacks but I don't know it could be a whole bunch of different things the trailer Cuts back to the battle scene once again and we can see that super jumps and Ultra jumps from Mario now have a counter that is going to be great for anybody who is trying to do the 30 or 100 super jump challenges in game and that is awesome big quality of life change Harry Moore we can see that Mario can still be a jerk which is awesome because again if you've never played Super Mario RPG Mario is a jerk in this game or at least he can be I mean he can be a real jerk a super jerk no exaggeration he can do some pretty terrible things in Super Mario RPG which is one of the things that made it so fun and this scene in Marymoor is probably him at his jerkiest where you're supposed to take Toadstool back I said Toadstool you're supposed to take Peach back because she's been you know missing and everyone's worried about her and Mario's just like nah nah I'm not going back and everyone chastises him for it they get in his face they're like What's your deal why are you being you know this way to us let's go back we have to take her back and this cutscene again somehow survived in 2023 five years ago with the sterilized Mario brand all the new Super Mario Brothers games all that kind of stuff you would never see this but it's here and I love it the trailer shows off that Boshi is back on yoster aisle that's great but she's a great character he's no longer lost in 1996 but we haven't seen our little fat boy yet who's in the egg I'm sure he's he's gonna be there look that's part of Super Mario RPG's Legacy on the internet already with big Yoshi he's gonna be there he's just not there in that scene don't worry that makes sense with the gameplay he's gonna be there but hoping that we get to see our little fat boy soon and hope we get a nice new render of him that would be fun when we're in booster's Tower we can see that booster's toy box still has all the cameos which again can't believe this is in a 2023 Mario game I thought this would be sterilized but we see discon we see Samus and now we can finally see that he also has one of the stunt race FX cars it was always speculated on in the original version but the Sprite work just couldn't handle all of those little cameos it was a little bit too muddy and noisy and messy but it is a stunt race FX car and that's great because stunt race FX is a great Super Nintendo game I think it's on NSO I'm pretty sure it's on NSO you should totally play it it's absolutely garbage by modern standards but back in the day it was so cool to see a 3D racing game like that and then we cut to the final scene and there is so much to speculate on here so we see a pink star piece it does its little animation Mario grabs it and the rest of the parties watching him everybody's happy it's a good time [Music] there's no no star piece in the original game is this a new is this an eighth one is this just a recoloration of a different one I have no idea and why is it taking place on a white background that appears to be a void in the original game every time you got a star piece the screen would darken up a little bit but the background of where you obtain that star piece would remain it would just be there it would just be darkened out a little bit I have no idea what's going on here I've seen some internet theories that say this is why they're dropping the legend of the Seven Star subtitle because maybe there's eight Stars maybe there's Nine Stars maybe we're getting a whole bunch of new content I don't know I'm not sure if that's happening but I also have a hard time imagining that every single cut scene from when you get a star would take you to a white void and completely just drop the background especially because we've seen in other shots like this one here of Marymoor where they've done some work to get rid of the whole void Concept in backgrounds in the original version of Marymoor in this scene this little Pathway to exit it just goes into a blue void but now they've actually added trees and other visual decorations to make it feel more like a real place so I don't think they would just use randomly a white void here's my guess and this is gonna age terribly so come back after the game is released but here's my guess the closest star piece to Pink in color is the purple star piece which is the fourth star piece in the original Super Mario RPG you get the fourth star piece on Star Hill and anyone who's played that game the original version will tell you that that star piece is a little weird it's the only one in the game with no boss it's the only one in the game that just kind of appears there is not a whole lot of talk from NPCs or the party about it you do have to go back to frog fuchsius just to unlock Star Hill because he's like oh yeah I heard a star piece is there and it's like a one-line dialogue kind of thing I wonder if this is a slight recoloration of that star piece but they've added content there if they've added a boss fight but they didn't want to show the background and so just for the trailer we have the white void it's the closest In Color it's the one that felt the most incomplete if you ever go through beta stuff in the original Super Mario RPG for Super Nintendo star Hill probably has the most removed assets of any location in the game I wonder if that's what we're getting in the remake hard to say that's such a reach I understand it I just have a hard time imagining we'd be getting an eighth star piece and that the animation for accomplishing such a milestone in the game right getting a star piece would be done on a generic white void I just I just can't see it especially when it wasn't that way in the original some science going on with this scene whether it's edited for the trailer or it is brand new and there's a reason for the white void or something like that something is going on with the scene and that makes it really really exciting because I think there's going to be a change here and I have no idea what it is and I want to experience it which means I want the game [Music] the release date scene we see for Super Mario RPG remake I promised you guys an overly detailed breakdown of it and I hope I delivered I could probably talk about a million more things if you really really wanted to but these were the big changes or big confirmations of the original stuff that we got in this trailer before you go please somebody tell me what you think that Geno rainbow surfing cutscene is and this last one with the star piece because I need all the fan theories I need to obsess about this until November 17th I need to know what people think more and more information about this game comes out I will try to stick with it and cover it because you know I've kind of found that reignited spark for Content creation because it is Super Mario RPG but no promises but I'll try thanks everyone for watching and please please let me know what you think those cutscenes are for I just can't stop thinking about them and I just really need to know thanks everyone thank you foreign
Channel: Super Mallow
Views: 49,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario RPG, Super Mario RPG Remake, Super Mario RPG Legends of the Seven Stars, Smrpg, Mario, Mallow, Geno, Peach, Bowser, Toadstool, Star Pieces, Stars, Nintendo, Switch, Nintendo Switch, Square, Square-Enix, RPG, Remake, Nintendo Direct, Culex, Forest Maze, Beware the Forest's Mushrooms
Id: v6lM_c83w70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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