Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars by Justin-credible in 2:56:32 - AGDQ2019

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all right good evening everybody welcome to Super Mario RPG legend of the seven stars I'm just incredible the current world record holder seated behind me we have declawed the router for this game has had some new changes over the last few months we have Pidge the queen of super mario RPG most of the stuff specialists and to my left we got Verni the former world record holder give them a round of applause everyone and our commentators so I won't be playing a whole lot so I'm gonna let my team behind me take care of most of the commentary this run has gotten a lot a little riskier than what you saw two and a half years ago when lack ran this so we'll come to those changes when we get there so all right everybody ready is timer ready you ready alrighty so 3 2 1 go alright so starting off in this game we just kinda are going through the regular motions of Mario and peaches a typical relationship in the 90s left she's being captured by Bowser and he's got to go and rescue her one of the first things that justin is gonna be doing here is what we call the Terrapin manip it's one of the few RNG manipulations that we do in this game well you're gonna be seeing him doing is he's going to be attacking each of the four Terrapins in the mandatory battle inside Bowser's cape on certain frames of their animation for those of you not sure what frame means it's it's the smallest unit of time measured in this video game there's about 60 frames per second and that's about the rate at which it can detect an input or show an animation so he's gonna be attacking them on certain frames to minimize the amount of attacks he gets from their random attacks yeah ideally he's only going to get one punch here and addition to also being the fight as quickly as possible he wants to power up his jump power every time you jump in this game you make your chump attack a little bit stronger and these two buddies threaten threshold for some bosses later on in the run there's the one punch that might be early but we'll see alright we're good alright he got it good stuff yeah doesn't make a huge difference at the end of getting multiple punches but it's always much times Kim it's good morale for the start of the run to get them in it correct exactly so now what you're gonna see here he's about to fight Bowser this is kind of the first boss battle of the game if you're Mary plain this is a kid the trick here was that Bowser becomes I believe invincible after a couple turns so attacking him is a waste of time you want to attack the the chain that's supporting what he's standing on kind of like you're playing SMB 1 and Justin is gonna be continuing to use his jump attack instead of his physical because his jump attack has a special property that no other attack in the game has every time you use it it to a counter and the counter is factored into how much damage it does over the course of the game that counter does not reset between battles it's permanent so you'll see that number that his jump attack does actually increase in the same battle where use it multiple times that's not RNG that's a result of the attack becoming more powerful from being used more often he does that um just to kind of power it up for some fights that happened later in the run yes polls actually have no damage range in this game it's just player physical attacks that you yeah if you have a weapon equipped that is the only RNG that will come from your text everything else comes from timed hits and since we're kind of in a cutscene here I guess we can kind of explain what time hits are if you've played this before you probably remember what timed hits are at least vaguely when you do a physical attack and you press one of those face buttons during your attack I'll do an extra animation for a little bit more damage the way that it actually works is that there's kind of a seventh frame window in which you can double your basic damage and surrounding that you can do one and a half times well getting it perfect is like a little tough but not really that difficulty perhaps did a bit for blocking your enemy attacks there's a five frame window where you will take zero damage from their attack that only applies to their basic physical moves and some of their skills but for specials this can't be done and for some of their skills there can't be done and you'll see this kind of an action when he fights croco in about ten minutes or so all right I think it's a good time for a couple quick donations absolutely Justin we actually have one here from Antilles 58 $35 it says Justin I am so proud of you but forgetting this stage this is a beautiful speedrun and I can't imagine a more perfect couch than the one you've got and not just this but running Mega Man x3 again tomorrow just incredible you've been a great speed friend and inspiration for so long and it's amazing to see all your hard work pay off I'm looking forward to you finishing up at GD q so you can resume beating me to a pulp in our chest matches all right thanks fun you've also got a $50 donation from dr HHS says get comfy folks it's super mario RPG time we have a 35 dollar donation from a golden that says mario RPG was my favorite game in my childhood played over a dozen times can't wait to see you fly through it so fleeting we have a $50 donation from maginot that says get hype for super mario RPG Justin actually trying to walk out there and gang reminder to save by tote is actually faster than if he had made of safety same so we're not gonna safeties name we started the run yeah and previous versions of the route you actually would go say because that's what Austin's tested but Ellen M actually ended of timing it was like one second faster to just not save at all and we asked talks about it asked for this game he's just like I was just too lazy to time itself there you go yeah speaking of safeties names there will be quite a bit of it in the first half of the game there's a lot of new stuff that's pretty risky and it's pretty important for a few things later yeah some bosses just have a a chance to kill you flat out with nothing you can do about it they're coming up now we have the hardest tech in the game the tutorial skip first we get some trades though [Music] Mario's pantomiming is probably one of my favorite parts of this game after this cutscene or this tutorial skip but Justin's gonna be heading into the mushroom way where we'll see the next boss battle and that's kind of where you can see the importance of powering up the jump move for the first time we'll kind of explain that when he gets there [Music] so unfortunately toad is just gonna have to keep begging for help it's Florida rescue him Justin can kind of jump on the side of that flower there as a platform is just a little bit wider than the collision box from the Goomba so he doesn't have to fight that Goomba to grab that flower the flowers are important too because those are kind of your MP equivalent in this game that allow you to do special moves like Mario's jump attack yeah and unlike another RPGs MP is actually shared between your entire party so it's just like a group is good pool for how much IFP you have so because Justin did five jumps at the start of the game he was able to do 43 damage to the left hammer girl with junk and he's gonna do 45 to this one that's just once again in effect of the power of the hammer bros only have 50 health and he's attacking them one by one instead of killing one immediately because as soon as you kill one the other one doubles as defense so justin is able to do an untimed hit which has no randomness at all for exactly seven damage and that takes out that first hammer bros total HP reserves and that kind of saves him having to do the time paid animation because his jump is powerful enough to make up for the rest of it it's the nice quick fight [Music] the first of any boss battles will have you got a flower jar from that fight that'll be sold immediately actually for 300 coins and be used to finance is the initial purchases coming up in the first menu here so I just equipping the hammer there is important he's most likely not gonna be actually using it it's just to skip a item to a quick tutorial in the castle yeah the reason why he has to do the menu there rather on the way back cuz you're gonna be going that pack that way anyways is because if he went there with Malo in his party I was going to be a longer cutscene which he wants to avoid it's good there rich is Mario yeah that's what that hidden chest that he just grabbed at the top that was probably one that kind of troll do a bit when you were a kid it that is the only point in the game where you can grab that hidden chest it's a later on it's blocked by an invisible wall so if you walk in there with a signal ring it'll tell you there's a chest in the room but you can't ever find it the frog coin is significant that's the form of currency that allows you to buy some different items that regular coins can't buy in the speeder in particular he's gonna be buying a couple items from the tadpole pawn shop that'll just increase his power and put a later boss to sleep and later on he's gonna be buying the exp boost her from seaside town which is incredibly important for routing the exp in this run yeah save the mushroom there in case we need it for Krakow one normally you would sell all your items there I guess this is a good time for may one or two donations absolutely especially got a joke here a thirty dollar donation from PAC attack that asked what's Mario's favorite musical Mamma Mia we also have a $100 donation from capo that says a friend of mine was recently diagnosed with cancer I love what you guys do this is for her oh really I didn't get it bummer that's alright just in the movement that you try to do coming out of the castle is just manipulate the camera manipulating the camera really usually just saves a couple seconds but every second counts of this run it's actually more like a few frames if anything but you know it's like all the camera management over throughout the course of the entire runs probably five seconds worth here we have our first ally in the adventure this is mellow he's kind of like he has some healing magic and some offense magic and he doesn't get used for very long but you'll see him being used up until around mobile I think old versions of the any % run used to use mallow later in the game but ever since the skill slot glitch was found he's just completely outclassed by peach but you'll see what that glitch is about halfway through the run so you guys that's we got that to look forward to jumping in this thinner walk aways also for camera management not just for fun popular blonde coming up I hate when I leave my bazooka at home same it happens [Music] so here we have bandits way this is just kind of another platforming area we're just gonna be chasing croco into a dead end here you're gonna see the first exp star coming up in a couple of rooms the exp stars each have just dropping quick safety save here yeah I'll wait till he's done this funny because obviously in an RTA once they've there but uh seems that the enemy blocks your path to be decided safety save apparently Justin will actually intentionally be jumping on the left side of those flowers to make immediately face bright so here he's gonna grab a hidden character cola test and that heals your entire party's HP and flower points but he's not actually gonna be using her for that those sell for two hundred coins which is very very important later on for inventory management in the next room coming up here he's gonna be getting an exp star there's a couple of these scattered throughout the game it's an invincibility start unless you run around on the ground and just knock every enemy out of your way it doesn't matter what enemies you take out they'll each give you the amount of exp guaranteed by the star so this is one per dog nice large oh nice flower jump that's the two to four frame window depending on where you stand on that where you land on the dog that'll make his proper fight possibly a little more optimal and allow him to skip a flower and the cure of sewers later is about three seconds [Music] he's taking a special attack on Mario there because he wants to make sure his chump power is as high as possible for the next boss fight so Crocker was the jerk and stole Mel's allowance money so Mario is just gonna take a break from rescuing peach and help this little kid out beat up a crocodile tomorrow we'll be doing all the damage in this plate Malo will be used but just to use a honey spirit or replenish the flower points tomorrow you can jump more he'll be using two honey syrup in order to have enough jump power to defeat him so you're saying Justin takes zero damage from that attack that's what I was mentioning earlier about timed hits he's pressing the face button within a 5 frame window in order to take exactly zero damage the window for when you need to block depends on the attack it's different for each block that you can do in the game there's a 66% chance that Krakow will do a physical which is what you want because you can perfect block it and a 33% chance that he'll throw a bomb and you do not want to see the bomb because the bomb is unblockable Mario can survive the bomb with one hit point but Malo will just die straight away unfortunately he's not as important as Mario of course that uh he'll move that Krakow just do the scripted that just signifies that there's only a handful of turns left it also makes them skip his next turn bottles wow that's awesome yeah that's a really good luck always lucky Bure we got his coin back except this plot point is gonna go mostly abandoned cuz we're just kind of gonna forget about it until about an hour from now I'm gonna be taking attack on Malo here previous threats actually took special on him but uh due to a change in the Blom one strategy it's actually better to have more physical damage on Malo in order to make me stronger during the Mulville mines so coming up next here we have a major sequence break in the first major glitch in the game which is called the max Kip you'll see Justin performs some movement in the Chamber room of the Mushroom Kingdom to jump past an invisible wall and triggers a cutscene that signifies that he's defeated max the first star piece Guardian in the game we take us a few stayed there because if if Justin doesn't perform it perfectly then there's a chip then he might start the battle very nice excellent first try max [Applause] in um in previous gdq runs I think in 2013 and 2015 by sniper checkers I believe that a different Mexican setup was use that made that jump need to be performed in a two frame window the setup that Justin just did was found a couple years ago by Elenin which makes it a lot easier it's uh we have some extensive tutorials on it and is something that you can probably actually get in a few tries if you're interested definitely recommend fighting Mak believe it's like a five minute fight and it completely messes up your experience route and all that it's a very orangey heavy fight at that yeah and he tends to spam fire moves that you can't block and also that Mario takes a ton of damage too [Music] [Music] next up will we go into the acara sewers it's gonna be a little shorter than it used to be in previous routes because we were going to be skipping a an optional mini boss called panda right that's pretty much the main reason why this route is going to be so different compared to previous routes because we'll be saving like 36 seconds or so by not fighting panda right we're going to have less experience last jump power and less coins compared to previous routes but all that's been adjusted for to make this current route come together yeah skipping Panerai is significant because he drops a flower jar and like Claude was saying that is like that's 300 coins that is that is a lot of money to be missing when you get to the menu later on where you're buying a ton of bombs so the most of the early game had to be routed around that difference tomorrow is going to be a one level lower here compared to previous routes so he's going to be doing less damage to below one which beasley going to have to go an extra turn with the boss so unfortunately as bosses we're going to be a little bit slower and a little bit more left dependent but it's not too bad just amounts to one extra turn [Music] so most of Balaam is actually scripted he only has a couple of non-scripted turned he's lying on the first turn and he will always attack mallow here and then after that he will either attack one of the two you or put one of you two to sleep and depending on what he does on this turn right here kind of determines how the rest of the battle will go it's a sixty six percent chance for a physical 33 percent chance for spell that's what you don't want see oh wow oh my goodness what does that best percent chance like ten percent five percent it's something like that yeah it's tiny classic Justin if that Krakow fight taught us anything yeah so this scarecrow event is also scripted it's actually fortunate that it happens because it will make Mario immune to sleep and the Scarecrow effect doesn't really have any negative effect in this battle it only disables your items in your physical attacks but we're only going to be special attacking with Mario anyways the forward a mighty dude with matter with the start of his fight is actually very important for killing the ring - wasn't just very fun yeah I think you end up with either exactly 500 501 or 500 - damaged and he has 500 health at least we won't get this place all safe in it so in that case would would have time to get four three damage still be fine or with that messed up the threshold for the events I think it would mess it up I'm not sure it's very precisely righted yeah all right the world alright awesome nice bite yeah consider up tunable ohms lock considerably with the world one infinite so come in now we have the Midas River minigame which is just he's gonna be falling down a waterfall then doing some barrel jumping in a river essentially what Justin's gonna be doing here is collecting a couple frog coins in the waterfall area and collecting sixty yellow coins to exchange her frog cone at the end so I think he's gonna be getting five frog coins in total here yes you'll see him most likely go for 13 coins in the waterfall section and then do a pattern in the barrel section that gets him exactly 47 so that way if he has exactly 60 frog coins he skips a text box at the end I say this is probably a pretty good time for donations because this is a pretty uh autopilot minigame you've got it we've actually got donations pouring in so let's dive into those we have two hundred and fifty dollars from lilyc that says a long time watcher first time donating I knew I wanted to donate for the first time this year and when I saw this on the lineup I knew just what game to donate during Mario RPG was one of my absolute favorite games as a child I still have my cartridge safe and sound to this day but luck on the run and put my donation to runner's choice we have $15 from the gato as I hate Justin and couch Sookie here wish I was there just wanted to wish you on will wish you luck on the run it'll just be just incredible I'll donate $5 more for each set of dropped at chumps in the run oh you've got a $20 donation from wolf Fang that just gives a hearty Mario you also have a $25 donation from a squad that says first agdq I can catch lies and an octopus incentive shut up and take my money and prevent cancer I would like to remind you all that we do have an recently opened octopod traveler bonus game incentive all about $44,000 out of the way you can get there I know we can make it let's make it happen so at the end of the waterfall here Justin's gonna get his last frog point and grab it on a shelf for free which isn't actually gonna be used that's gonna be sold Justin's gonna be getting the mega Globes shortly in móvil and much more oh that's right the punch book so coming up is tadpole pond which doesn't really have a whole lot to say about it just cut scenes in one menu so promise is also a good time for more donations yeah we have a one hundred dollar donation from dr. disp that says hype about mario block always look forward to donating during it we've got a one hundred dollar donation from bob says thank you for these wonderful marathons and the good cause it's for i wish i was in a place i could donate more right now last august my dad was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and is currently in his last weeks possibly days this marathon is a welcome and fun distraction money to announce his choice we have another $5 donation from Keith achoo which is another mario wahoo we have a $50 donation from a thunder oh no that says agdq is one of the highlights of my year and I'm stoked to be able to donate again it's great to see such a positive push in gaming and I love what you all do keep on doing great things we have a ten dollar donation from Aiden's brother that says my brother seems to think you don't read donation comments with loved view to prove him wrong we have a generous 250 dollar donation from war Tech that says super mario hi EEP another $250 donation from Srilanka manza says been watching gdq for a while just wanted to donate to a good cause $50 donation from wild night that says octa pass traveler was my favorite game last year so this is going towards that because I'd love to see how it could be speedrun willing to bet it's awesome [Music] we have 250 dollars from mr. D s thank you for this wonderful event and everyone involved so now we've revealed the Mel's tragic past that I don't know I don't I didn't see this coming but he's actually not a frog really yeah I don't know I was talked to UM but Justin's gonna be kind of leaving for our future to be sad while he goes here to spend some of his collected frog coins on just a couple of items that we're gonna need later on the Energizer is gonna be used in a boss battle and a forest maze which was the next major area of the game and the sleepy bomb is actually gonna be saved until the very end of the game but it's faster to get it now than it is to come back here later to get it mr. grab on that coin there and the coin rod it's actually gotten tight enough to the point where missing that can have a huge detriment on how many items we'll be able to buy about halfway through the game s4 he's gonna need to grab a couple more coins from these chests than was necessary to do before oh my gosh look who it is I was close to hitting that shot out there very close in the in the next area which is Rose town justin is gonna be going into a shop and a house to pick up some frog coins some flowers and buy two fearless pins we used to buy to wake up pins but the fearless pins are the wake up pins are not really necessary for the knife guy great guy fight anymore which is the fight and boosters Tower later on so he's gonna be getting fearless pins instead which are useful for preventing the fear versus the boss that you sandstorm which are Punchinello and blunt and that's significant against blunt because that way as you're gonna see about the about the hour mark is pretty awful without it yes the fear actually does two things it reduces the players damage and also causes your player to take more damage a versus bunt you want to minimize the damage taken because you're afraid of dying because you won't be able to get out of the candle phase as fast as you want but during the Punchinello fight you're just worried about your own damage not necessarily about dying so the fearless Ben comes in handy for two reasons for those two fights this is a another good time for some donations because this is the longest no input cutscene is just coming up right after Mario lies to the small child about his identity to save a couple frames he's too busy playing with his amiibos right now yeah [Music] for reals oh saying no there's just a little bit faster Mario just bought the farm so I don't recognize this amiibo so does that mean that Gino's in Smash now I don't remember when me Bo's doing that either yeah it's been new future so this is a good time for one or two donations we have like of 90 second cutscene sure thing we have a $100 donation from Vic foam balls that says that just needed to shout out my speed heroes Albrecht and pitch good luck Justin thank you I feel bad for Claude I don't understand I thought it's not picking our friends we also have a 15 dollar donation from a Serpico HL PC epic game epic runner epic commentary and couch shoutouts to all especially the pitch zero one and her excellent commentary the true 4 Horsemen of Super Mario RPG thanks Serpico [Music] also have a $25 donation frodan as in Daris long time donator first time watcher wait no that's not right the reverse isn't even true well we also have a $50 addition from kalmo chloro I won't be able to stay up for the Super Mario RPG run tonight but I am so stoked for just Incredibles run of my favorite game of all time love the people in the community they are so whelping welcoming and helpful very cool to see Justin's hard work and dedication paying off over and over again with new world records and a chance to play on the big stage so in this cutscene here Justin's not just jumping around for fun here he can't actually leave the room until they're done talking so he's just threatening going back up yes the next thing that Justin's gonna be doing is the detect wiggler chunk which is one of the more intimidating texts to do if you're learning the game there's a wiggler that runs around in the second room of the forest maze and you want to bounce on him 10 times before he goes back underground and you get a frog coin this is slowly been he has 22 frog coins by the time he gets to the seaside town if you the hitbox is on wiggler that you can jump on or just kind of like trailing behind each other and if you land on the middle strange way you're gonna get into an encounter and you can kind of kill you it's really not good so the safety save there good idea yeah there's a 50% chance to run away in this game each time you choose the runaway command so it's just possibly you get stuck there forever potentially [Music] [Music] the patterns are random and some are much more difficult than others [Music] he has to get seven frog coins here in order to afford the experience boosters soon as he gets to Seaside nicely done no drugs that was awesome [Music] [Music] [Applause] we livin all right the run stops for no one yeah you're good you're good no safety safe here yeah it is possible to get a pattern on Boyer that's so bad that I you can just game over so it's very very low odds but it definitely wants Dave there so Justin's gonna be chasing Gino through the maze part or the forest maze Gino's pattern is always the same if you just memorize this this room in particular you can't see him just go right you're fine the ball your friend is interesting cuz them after the first turn he'll drop three buns on the ground labeled YX and a and he'll shoot an arrow on one every other turn and it'll make you not able to use that bun so if he locks the extra can't use items why you can't use specials so on so forth that's his selection is actually not random it's based on a summation of points attributed to actions that you've used in the last two turns so if you're attacking them a lot with a he'll probably lock a if you talk about with why a lock why if you're not attacking very much he'll assume you're using a lot of items and lock it with X the strategy for the Boyer fights actually changed a bit compared to previous iterations throughout but I'll get into in more detail and to actually get into the fight [Music] we have time forum a one or two donations during this cutscene you got it the other $100 donation from Castle Soros Super Mario RPG is an amazing game I grew up with and octa pass travelers am i absolutely love playing with my wife so this goes to seeing that shout-out to Chelsea I love you also have a 250 dollar donation from Shelley terrible at video games myself but I love me some gdq you guys are amazing at what you do I'm a family medicine doc and I love I can donate to something I'm cashing it about that is this much fun to watch good luck just incredible on your super mario RPG run thanks for entertaining us and fighting cancer I think we probably have time for one more before the play starts we have a 250 dollar donation from Mac who also wants to approve this comment is here's to prove to my brother that I can donate shout out the bacon shake Zam a G and all the other Jackson boys so there's genome of the probably the Basque out of this game fan favorite character he's pretty powerful you grabbed him at level six Mario and mallow are definitely not level six yet Gino is kind of the primary damage dealer in this fight he's gonna be kinda spamming Gino beam a lot this the energizer that we just bought in temple punch for a frog coin is gonna increase his attack power by 50% so his first you know being here is gonna do sixty and then when Mallory uses the Energizer on Gino is gonna start doing ninety per turn that is the same as using Gino ghost it doesn't stack with Gino boost but it's kind of like a kind of a that's awesome 25% chance yeah it just kind of is what we do to increase our damage to start so that freebie is significant because generally freebies you have a 25% chance to live they're pretty pretty important in the second half of the run at the start of the game having it Energizer's nice because it can make the croco and Punchinello fights a little faster everybody in this game has a 25% chance to freebie well every item used in the speedrun rather the except for the red has been through stage 4 percent chance for the most part more freebies always appreciated there are some desert wastes time but they can always be sold for coins later on yeah what a freebie actually does if you're not familiar with it is it just gives you a copy of whatever item he just used so he has another energizer in his inventory now even though he only bought one and he used one that's the best what freebies dude there is a bus fight later where he's actually gonna be manipulating freebies to get an extra rock candy which is gonna be really cool you'll see that coming up later going through a little bit more detail about this fight on previous iterations of the route Mario and Malo do a little bit more here than what they're doing right now which is absolutely nothing beyond a mall using the honey syrup and the energizer early on that's because they're so low level at this point in this route that they are not worth doing anything with whatsoever so Shido carries the fight entirely on his own yeah it used to be that Mario would jump to supplement with damage but they barrio Malheur just not strong enough to do it now all right this has to be a Gina would die from a bolt it's actually optimal if Mario and Malo died here because oh there you go because it's their turns and skipping a turn by being dead is obviously faster than defending with them so he keeps blocking X like I was explaining earlier because justice is not performing that many attacks on him there's some bad luck with the spell animations here it's possible that boy will either do a physical attack which could be perfect blocks oh well that wouldn't have killed but I was still nice nice yeah [Applause] he's taking an HP upgrade on malo here because with the addition of The Fearless pens if God's mentioned this earlier in addition to preventing fear the fearless pen also gives five extra defense and combined with that HP upgrade on malo it will allow him to tank one bomb from Krakow too which will be the next boss fight in the run which actually increases consistency in the fight by quite a bit yeah my my current PB I think I've free be the Energizer or for Toms imagine that this is a good omen this is probably good time for a couple more donations sure thing we have a fifty dollar donation from Jen my mom was diagnosed with cancer this past summer she's fighting the battle and winning good luck to the runners let's help more people continue to win the battle against cancer I would like to take a moment to remind people exactly why we are donating here we are donating these funds to the prevent cancer foundation PCF is the only us-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection their mission is saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection their vision is to stop cancer before it starts they were founded in 1985 and they carry out their mission by focusing their work on research education outreach and advocacy so next up Justin's gonna be heading to Melville he's gonna be performing a quick menu to get some better equips he's gonna be buying the work pants item here which is really important for the run it's actually one of the only three types of armor that are used in the run the first one is the shirt that we just give them so you can survive bombs on Krakow and the work pants is the only purchasable equipped that increases your attack power and your speed so and it can be equipped on everyone so they're very very important for the speedrun it's also going to be doing a quick sell menu here you actually used to do all the selling in Seaside which is about a halfway through the run but in order to actually afford these fearless pins that we got earlier we have to do another menu here actually works not to be the same amount of selling but just splitting up a little bit differently he's also buying them in mushroom which is used for a boss about halfway through the run so now he's equipping those fearless pens that he bought back in rose town which is gonna be useful in Punchinello punch phil has a small percent chance of using sandstorm once which isn't really that bad anymore now that we have the frailest pins it used to be very annoying because the men you had to waste a turn healing yourself from fear but don't got to worry about that now yeah Mario is now the only character that's vulnerable to fear and even if he gets bit by sandstorm as long as it happens later on the fight really doesn't impact too much so the vulval mines is a kind of a fun little platform area but the significant parts about this area is that there's two bosses Justin's going to be fighting croco again which is the kind of a difficult fight if you're doing it casually but in the speedrun it's quite easy once you get into the second phase and after tonight's gonna be fighting Punchinello we're also gonna be seeing another exp star which has some interesting movement on it [Music] so I don't really know what the logic is behind jumping on a trampoline and a mineshaft but I'm not really sure what outcome Mario expected there but now he's lost all his money there's a trampoline you have to jump on it nothing else to say yeah I can't argue with that logic but now Krakow is the kind of man that he forgot his bums in the first fight that we fought him in so he's gonna steal our money as revenge and Mario is just gonna track him down and fight him again to get all our money back yeah the trampoline looks really attractive with that big smiley face [Music] [Music] all right so there's two phases to the Krakow to fight the first phase is actually more difficult than the second because the first phase contains unblockable attacks whereas the second phase you can perfect lock everything there's about a 66% chance I believe for crocodiie use a bomb in this fight he can one-shot Mario with the bomb but Malo will be able to tank 1 and Shina will be able to thank beliefs 3 so we're the fearless pin and the HTF pray come in handy you can see lives with exactly 1 hit point he's also going to be punching croco here instead of jumping on him that's a holster something that's new to the sprouts that's because Mario's drunk power is lower compared to previous versions because he didn't jump on Panda rights and also because he's took a tack at level 3 which will make his physical text auger it is also slightly risky or just because drunken has evasion yes that's true there's a 5% chance to miss croco there's actually a 1 in 256 points to miss any enemy in this game of the physical attack but there are a few bosses such as this guy and a few others where you just have a much higher chance to miss this attack is the sorry this boss fight is going faster than it normally would because the Energizer are creepy used on Gino is making as attack power much more significant so a trump is one of the skills that you are able to perfect block you can't block perfect block every skill but that's this one was you can that was a nice point Krakow to fight very nice plate Wow oh my goodness unbelievable unbelievable always lucky that flower box that Justin just got from Krakow is a 25% chance of dropping and that's very very significant because once he gets the seaside town he can sell that for 2 extra ice bombs and ice bombs are extremely important in the second half of the run there are all sorts of busses that have different strategies much better strategies if you have a lot of ice bombs to your disposal so that is definitely gonna help him later on yes Super Mario RPG has a lot of luck in terms of the speed runs though one most important skills you can have is just being lucky and Justin definitely knows how to how to do that yeah the lure is I am the luckiest player in this game I would argue that I think anyone watching this run so far would also agree this star is pretty risky with all the enemies that we've got to kill so we're gonna move right to the next phase and make a safety because it will be a little bit important for later and we get to save the flower box too [Music] so we have to kill nine enemies here on the star and these bombs pay really truly in previous iterations to the route you would kill at less than amazed so this is kind of where the exp route equalizes a bit yeah your movement on the stars has to be very tight because if you're like running around really sloppily all over the place it's just gonna waste the time that you have on the star and make it run out before you can hit all the enemies so Justin did a great job there so this is the Punchinello fight that we've been talking about a little bit Punchinello just he summons the different tiers of bombs every turn they just run into and explode but they all have the same perfect clock timing before their explosions so I'm just in time as well right he's not really gonna take much damage unless punch and Oh throws out a sandstorm and even that's not really scary anymore it's just kind of a pain if you use it early because then Mario might have to able juice themself but later on we don't really care yeah and this version throughout this is pretty much one of the most straightforward fights you can get just attack with all characters until he's dead for the most part in a casual playthrough this is a scary fight when you get especially into the third phase because the exploding bombs do a ton of damage but if you know how to perfect block the bombs it's pretty easy all right now it's clobberin time oh we're not gonna see fence torn even if he wanted to use it that's because he sent all the bombs out at once so he's going to use his next turn to summon more bombs so he can't possibly use sandstorm her physical attack always lucky none of them launched I'm surprised now's a good time for some more donations absolutely we have a $25 donation from Siberian bull that says our and Jesus is with Justin so far in this run now that I've jinx it the rest of the run there's $25.00 to make up for it we have a thirty dollar donation from jumbles miss donating from Mario Kart but gotta show some love for Super Mario RPG shout out the turning off the lights yeah ten dollar donation from G to one one already donated tonight this is a tip for them excellent Mario RPG commentary agdq keeps getting better every year I'm so happy to be watching so the next segment coming up is the minecart minigame generally a good time for the mine current minigame is under two minutes and as is the tradition when I apply speed around this game and also when lackattack run this for the finale of sjq 2016 you'll need to throw down a $5 donation if justin gets sub - I'm sorry I don't make the rules that's just how it is I'm not much of a honker so you're gonna hear the honk once and once only we should do co-op hunting honking like during my Limit Break run I want I want that sub to my heart I I generally can't hog because like my knuckles aren't that good so whatever end this that Limit Break Daniel ran up and mash the old button on my controller I was doing so in the minecart um it's a the route if you just memorize where to go it's it's all right as long as you brake at the right times and use the mushrooms at the right times you could actually use mushrooms going around the corners like right there and you won't go off the tracks the fuse at the right time mushrooms just give you a little bit of a speed boost you kill like that you can collect them as backup just think knows the rail we have tutorials about this and maps on the correct place to call me minecart there's a couple shortcuts you can take and Justin's really good at my carts though most like we'll be seeing a pretty good time here hopefully those are going to be some coins in this reckoning screen as well as the fourth screen those are actually added into your coin count and yes those lose to matters for being able to afford all the bombs later on the run so you guys have to get those very nice look good so far that's probably the hardest part of my cart in my opinion [Music] [Music] looking like a fresh sub to to me I have 156 oh my goodness that's gonna be exciting yeah I've only gone to 156 twice I think this thing that mushroom doesn't matter at all here's the plane to finish the course Wow amazing 50 five I think that deserves a couple donations we're down those five dollar donations right now I'll forgive the lack of honking now speaking at a time like that [Music] does better than my mine cart PB I have a 156 80 yeah I never never got that I'm that good yeah lack lack put some pressure on me to beat his mount part time from his run I don't know if I did it I forgot what he scored he said he did [Music] [Music] we actually have two of the three previous gdq smrpg runners on the b couch today like attack and safer both here [Music] slifer's the original router for this game as well pretty much everything I use to construct the route was juices spreadsheets that he made a long time ago booster is probably best character in the game gasps me [Music] the next segment of the game is gonna be boosters tower where we're gonna be recruiting our next party member who's Bowser um Mario and Bowser probably first time they worked together I believe what's coming up we have to get a quick item here called the rock candy the rock candy is by far the most important item in the first half of the game used to be fade until about 2/3 of the way through the run for a difficult boss but we're going to be using it about an hour into the run now for a new strategy that involves RNG manipulation we'll get to that probably like five or so minutes so boosters tower Mario's gonna be recruiting Bowser who has been kicked out of his castle by the giant sword that fell through the sky and they're gonna they're gonna team up to achieve their own purposes boosters tower is the very fun platforming segment where Justin's gonna be collecting a bunch of frog coins and items and just doing some movement that looks really cool there's a there's a boss fight at the end of the tower I'm not talking about booster we don't fight him because instead we're gonna complete the curtain minigame and get the amulet which is a very very important accessory as it helps to manipulate turn order and cuts magic magic damage from elements in half and it's all just great for stat boost in general and then he's gonna be fighting knife guy great guy which is a very very interesting fight now that Lynch has found ya switch found the manipulation for the knife got great guy fights so with any luck we'll be seeing how that looks you know I'll go into a bit more detail during that you're probably doing the curtain game yeah usually every year we get new runners and if Justin had accidentally selected yes for a tutorial the game would have done a glitch where it actually does the item tutorial instead of the switch tutorial because the star piece menu is missing from mech skip and the game doesn't know what to do here comes the hype train we're getting a few items throughout the tower that will be sold for coins such as that flower tab no we don't get the masher and no we don't go to booster pass yeah hitting that switch is what allows you to go to boosters past secret which you used to do in order to get an extra care of Cola which we sold to buy an extra firebomb but uh I do that when you can just get lucky yeah tricky room coming up the checkerboard room yeah it's going to look very simple but he's actually jumping in a precise way in order to avoid encounters and if he happens to get into encounter thee it's unavoidable her unescapable I should say so he has to fight the encounter not only wastes time it also messes up the experience route [Music] take a bit safe there but uh working that um the in that room any swearing that is touching a coin or a key is safe and there's a couple other spaces that are okay to land on but we actually have a map of where all the encounters are in that room pretty much just gotta follow the coins don't be fine and he's gonna grab those frog coins once again to help him was a seaside town ESP booster shot us to everyone who didn't know that you could just run out of that cutscene instead of hiding behind the picture frame it's a few I was here they will be grabbing but not just yeah yeah he's actually going to be backtracking after he does the curtain game in order to save and he'll be grabbing the items done can we just like talk first thing about how good the boosters tower music's that's my favorite song in the game now it's probably a good time to discuss the clown minute while we're doing this so everybody knows what's going on all right sure so as I mentioned earlier this was found by swings when she's been putting a lot of time into the route of this game and finding a ton of cool strats and one of which is the orangey manipulation for knife a great guy coming up I'm do my best to explain and try and give it justice so what Justin's going to be doing here is he's going to be backtracking and saving and then resetting and that's going to set the RNG back to zero and the way orangey works in this game is that if an attack is scheduled to happen on a certain frame it's going to happen regardless of anything else that comes before it so let's say if the great guy was going to use a spell on frame 1,000 he would always use this bill in frame 1,000 regardless of anything else so he's going to do is he's going to be using audio cues first he's going to end his fight frame perfectly and then he's going to be using audio cues throughout the fight in order to determine when certain events were going to happen and that's going to allow him to manipulate a few things throughout the fight the first is going to be terrorized is going to hit both clowns whereas usually it has a 10% chance to miss that will allow him to do 50% extra damage to them and more importantly he's going to be guaranteeing freebies on the rock candy which will be using twice the north of Steel 600 total damage to the clowns and a perfect fight with RNG manipulation will be about as fast as a perfect fight without it using alternate strats because you can't possibly just throw the rock candy without being sure that's going to free be because it's too important of an item to just throw away not about covers it in this the curtain minigame here these guys will always do the same pattern no matter what so you're not like really at any risk of randomness here they also have very bad eyesight so you can get pretty far out of the curtain yeah I like to do the anti-v or attack and just jump the whole time so of course the boosters a little upset that Mario's come to take his bride away but all is forgiven because he rescued his doll is amiibo it's very important yeah he means that it's the it's the rare Mario amiibo when I play with this play block I need to land password is at the LCC all right and I need to land on this night block at the very top of the oscillation to get them in if correctly yeah just even how you jump on save box matters it's pretty funny because it actually seems Mario's coordinates so if you save a too high up which is you actually wants to do for this particular manipulation he's going to take one frame Landers to blah longer to land back on the ground so this manipulation is largely based on audio cues so I'm just gonna request quiet time so that Justin can execute this boss battle and just doesn't do you want a louder audio on your headset please okay that might not be it I don't think that was it better make sure yep alright here we go and I'll give this a couple of tries because I think it deserves to be seen so [Music] [Music] please don't talk until the end [Music] now you can applaud okay thank you everybody thank you he needed to there is not one more parlor minute but it's a pretty easy infant doesn't get it doesn't matter just guaranteeing bars punch damage there you go that's it very well done very well done yep that's not for everybody favorite game call you are what I want to start here is some numbers from the crowd guess the number from 0 16 how many flowers is Justin gonna get on booster Hill [Applause] alright that that is definitely a number let's see who is right I'll stay eleven because that's all you actually in order to complete the rest of the game I have faith he's gonna get sixteen I gotta say thirteen because it was wrong yesterday during practice thirteen my lucky number Justin actually made a tutorial on this section which is very good the the positioning of the barrels in the second and third phase is random and is very annoying as are the hitboxes of the snippet and funnily enough with time you'll probably start to recognize a few the parents just due to the manipulation curing over [Music] stop baited [Music] day the cloud tried to get in the way on that one [Music] 14 flowers very nice nice we were all wrong yeah who gets 14 in the crowd all right all right we got a couple of winners here you win an all-expenses-paid trip to Mary more where it is truly we chose diet your fight so the fight that is coming up here is one of the most annoying fights in the game and is kind of a wall for new runners but it's a little less scary now that we have the fearless pin went is a three-phase fight the first phase is just when you're being attacked by the chef's and the cake isn't really doing a whole lot the chef attacks can be perfect blocked there the blocks are kind of hard to learn for new runners but you get used to it after a while and then it becomes not so bad and that turn you're mostly just setting up a red essence on Mario because he's too weak just survive the magic otherwise but once you're in the second phase once you do enough damage to the cake you enter the candle phase the candle phase is not HP based the the cake has five candles light up on his head and a physical attack no matter how much damage it does even if it misses well knock out a candle and every turn the cake regenerates one candle so it's just like a three steps not one step down a kind of kind of logic puzzle so in because of that it's absolutely dire to not have anybody die because if you're spending a turn healing somebody that's one turn you're not spending blowing out the candles that is one turn that he gets regenerating candles it was dangerous before because the lower half of the cake can use sandstorm which decreases your magic defense defense and the cake use the top half of the cake use is very powerful on black ball magics so we were experiencing a lot of deaths here because the Bowser and Gino are both immune to fear and Mario has the red essence which blocks them from all status ailments for 3 turns sandstorm is not really as big a deal as it was before it can it's still a bit of a scary fight but at least that one factor is taken out of it yeah this curious part now is actually the lullaby attack in previous routes you would be immune to sleep and now Bowser and Gino are both vulnerable to it and it's well LaBonge Gino is pretty much instant kill on him because not only you're not gonna get his turn you also have to spend a turn waking him up so you just lose out in two turns that's right that's the what we used to have to do when Gino would die Bowser would have to least return using pick me up on him it's a it's the worst one happens to Gino because his turn is first in the order so he just got skipped altogether [Music] now in a practice run that Justin did yesterday he only got physical attacks on every single turn of the cake which is completely ridiculous as something that every runner I think is kind of jealous of I know I am you also had a great countdown fire right perfect that cutscene will change depending on how long it takes for you to grab the items as long as you get in a reasonable time you'll always get the peach kiss yeah the only did I get the perfect cut done fight in the practice run I also got to rock candy freebies along with it one of the donation prizes for this run is a cross-stitch actually that I made of the booster Bowser kiss which is what you get if you do like the absolute worst possible part of like the worst imaginable movement in that minigame and you just take forever to to it so we're not seeing that cutscene here but it's stole things [Music] it's like picnic pitch mentioned out the first half or the first phase of the fight is very straightforward just attack with all character no no luck whatsoever yeah what's good about this phase of the fight is that even though um with Mario and Gino's weapon damage still has some random damage range on it the range the minimum range is still enough to kill went in the right amount of turns it's also very important to have perfect block those have to do all the damage that the K can do can possibly kill Geno so on this turn he'll be using the red essence with Mario and this will make him invulnerable to all damage and all status ailments there's a chance to freebie but it's 12 percent so likely not going to happen do it oh my god we got the bugs drop and the ransoms freebie a wise man once the this guy's looks insane so the red essence freebie is significant because Justin can also spell that in the seaside menu for an extra firebomb yeah why couldn't this be in Japanese I'd be on world-record pace yeah Japanese knee we're in safety saving I think you'd actually be a record face energizer freebie box throb reticence previo my goodness yeah all right now is another serious part so you don't want to see this ones you know we need Mario Mario hey Mario hey barrio Wow oh okay it's not lullaby it doesn't matter it doesn't matter so as you see there the candle is regenerating the cake is just regenerated a candle but a little too late what's all the camels are blowing on he gets it it's phase 3 time yeah all three characters will be survived until the fall phase and this one's much easier especially because you have the fearless pins you can no longer use the Lola by attack there's a good physical anyway always lucky mater hey even if this kills do you know Koopa and Mario can take care of it by themselves but she knows a lot of anyways yeah there's only one more boss left in the run where jump power will actually come into play so doing that last jump there will actually does help one fight that was awesome this is probably good time for more donations we're kind of entering cutscene city right now that is perfect I didn't want to interrupt your incredible commentary but you guys started a crazy train of five dollar donations after the minecart track you know that's awesome show toes to all the donators you got five dollar donation from crow you heard the lady cough up to five dollars five dollars from anonymous ask and you shall receive five dollars for under two minutes on the minecart five dollars from tear and until filling my contractual obligation to donate to sub to which mine cards five dollars from pets of things I'm a simple lady I hear $5 donate for sub two minutes I donate 5 dollars for sub two minutes that's what I like to hear 500 dollars from eco rads [Music] oh no my finger slipped after I hit the five key and one hundred and fifty six dollars and fifty five cents from sake I know it was supposed to be five dollars for sub tune minecart but I might as well just donate the actual time good luck with the rest of the run it's gonna be taking HP on Moll Adair mall is actually not used throughout the duration of the rest of the run so you're just going to take HD up because it's the fastest they love to take right now and if he's watching and he's probably going nuts right now I said sure if the char is one of the other primary routers of this games had a lot of stress for this game in the past two years so after Justin leaves Mary more he's gonna be going back to the Mushroom Kingdom which is a mandatory visit but also he's gonna be addressing a plot point that we forgot about at the start of the run which was Mel's and missing frog coin he is gonna be turning in the Frog coin in the Mushroom Kingdom shop to get the cricket pie for his grandfather which is something you normally do at the start of a casual playthrough but it's actually faster to do it during this mandatory revisit instead of going out of your way to do it at the start of the run since all you get out of it as a froggy stick which isn't really that useful for the speedrun we got a big long cutscene coming up here so I guess this is a good time for more donations we got a good one we have two hundred and fifty dollars from rasslin bomb Liske Rocko one max skip that missed on Balaam one seven clutch wiggler jumps energizer freebie the box on croco - sub - minecart godlike couch commentary and incoming 100 super jumps good luck by the way what a run so far blessed RNG shoutouts to the Super Mario RPG disk for community thanks for getting me into this amazing game PS predicting 12 plus flowers on booster he'll prove me right I think you've done that quite soundly have a 250 dollar donation from Travis amazing cause amazing game so easy to donate during Super Mario RPG these events are some of the biggest highlights of the year for me keep running strong and let's kick cancers butt $25 from slim Kirby hello everyone slim Kirby here donating during my first gdq audience experience best of luck to Justin on the Super Mario RPG run I've loved this game ever since I first played it more than 20 years ago and it feels amazing to be watching this run some great friends who have found even more enjoyment with this game through his super mario RPG randomizer let's kick some cancer but alongside smithy $30 donation from demo straight love that audience participation goes along perfectly with such a great run and wonderful commentary [Music] as everybody join the run so far so so we've gotten through the rng based part of the run now we're transitioning to a game of skill so hopefully you'll get to see my true power now I'm going in with a two extra ice bombs that one extra firebomb dude is that lucky box dropping red essence freebie is makes a humongous difference for how the rest of the run can can turn out I guess before we get there I'll kind of explain those items do a firebomb that deals 120 fire damage to everyone on the field and ice bomb deals 140 ice damage everyone on the field ice bombs cost 250 coins fire bombs cost 200 coins they're quite expensive but quite useful because they are boosted by things like energizer and genome boost and so when you toss a firebomb with us you know boosted it'll do 180s to 120 but on top of that the elemental weaknesses on bosses are also accounted for so if you toss a firebomb Geno boosted at Berto for example it'll do 360 sorry not bertoldo no it'll do with 360s to have 180 so you can get a ton of mileage out of one bomb on in the King Calamari fight you'll actually see it do 360 damage across the board on all the squid tentacles say the same with the ice bomb it can do 140 and then 210 or 420 actually it's a they're very very very useful as many enemies in the endgame are weak to ice and if Justin actually gets a lot of freebies that's really good now I hope he doesn't accidentally open any menus here heard no reason it's actually not faster to do this Way's times fast we go back in the door they're landing but stairs just gonna cut off her head Erin thought you did at this point but it is floor much Laura Claude is unhappy about this turn of events [Music] [Music] [Music] so frog fusionist has been said for the last hour so but we're gonna make his day no two new speedrunners don't forget to talk to him the second time here like I've done in very very many of my runs if first he gives you the froggy stick then after that you have to talk to him a second time to unlock star Hill which is the next part of the speedrun if you don't do that then you got a backtrack all the way here and talk to him yeah very common mistake to make when you're first starting out and and when you have some free so good thing we didn't hit the switch that opens up those paths maker because no need to go there we have plenty of bombs [Music] broke out your bjwmuku stand chat nothing too interesting going on star house is probably one of the most movement-based portions of the Rhine just has to hit all these stars in a certain order nor it's open up the path to get a mandatory story trigger one of the weird things about star hill is that it looks like a wide open field but there's actually a bunch of invisible walls in here which are kind of strange maps that up but it looks like he almost got into encounter with that bandit there but that's as long as you buffer the data input it's impossible to get into an encounter do you guys have them on for a quick donation here sure go ahead because we have a one thousand dollar donation from Genji love my wish on star road is for everyone to beat cancer forever thanks agdq yeah it's possible to talk to some of these little stars here to learn about people's wishes I think one of them says like I want to grow up to be big and strong like my brother Mario I have no idea who that's by degree befitting of a Mega Man X runner I guess we have time for another quick donation wall did you get the star face sure thing you got some more people here amazed by your incredible luck we have $10 from psy both three I'm sorry is anybody else seeing this crazy luck freebies no damage defenses and more just incredible read demand you show off your four-leaf clover collection the Leprechaun and gold you've stored and every other lucky trinket you possess [Music] we still have donations pouring in from the minecarts by the way awesome different dollars from Wisie five for the minecart 45 more for nine other people who couldn't donate which will be a little slower since I got all these extra items that's right just a little bit yeah the seaside menu is where he buys all the bombs as this is the only point in the game where this shop is accessible this is the hardest and most complicated run of the game which is a sentence that I'm sure all the ff9 runners are gonna laugh at but you'll see exactly like what's so cool about it when he does in a minute but first he's gonna pick up the exp but we've been talking about for a last hour and a half exactly 20 minutes all you need good idea every time the route changed it's always fun to redo this new side menu try and make it as optimal as possible [Music] very nicely done actually even money actually had to adapt to not having or to having the flower box in the residence but you normally wouldn't have because those are luck based drops and here he's switching on Malo and peach in the menu in order to set up the star ability swap glitch oh yeah if this isn't able to kill all the star slaps it will greatly mess up the experience right yeah yeah definitely reset there this beep adds a little wanky in places but you get to see this bad menu again yeah whoo that's our pandemonium menu [Music] now I'm gonna save this time just do that again so what Justin's about to do here like Claude was explaining is the second major glitch at the speedrun he's doing what's called the skill swap during when you're running around with that star normally you can't open the menu but they didn't lock out the menu while you're opening the box which still has to start active so everyone is kind of locked in place to receive their HP at the end of the star but you can still switch them around which confuses the game so you see Mel is currently a level 6 in peach a level 9 yeah go one more stripe yeah thanks for the experience Rose that's good it could be like I paused when I dropped the experience route is pretty tight in this it doesn't matter a huge amount in the grand scheme of things but it will cause some oddities rather avoid so keep with me if he if he chose to continue he'd have two ways the other firebomb that's great keep in mind when you see the level ups at the end that peach was level 9 and mallow was level 6 tomorrow's going to get a whole bunch of levels here as well the other characters yeah before every star they're nervous to know if this character that looks like peach is actually mauling this character looks like Malo is actually pshh so that character actually just learned chakra which is peach and that will come in handy for a boss fight in about 15 minutes or so that's right the game just got confused and thought that mallow was the one that hit level 10 when that was actually peach so what it just said was malice level 10 skills shocker and mallow gets the bunch of stat boosts at that level as well all of that including the special attack was attributed to peach so Justin just swapped a skill onto peach that she cannot normally learn and that's very important because peach being such a high level and having such good magic power is is able to do massive damage with offense magic but normally she doesn't learn an offense spell until level 18 or so so giving her mallow spells early on is gonna vastly vastly change how we play the game er yeah it is possible to actually have shocker for the boss play coming up if you on Malo but you have to give him the experience booster which means less experience for Mario and Mario is the more important character overall [Music] this is a pretty straightforward fight he's just going to be using a few fire bombs jumping once with Mario he does want these fire bombs to free be more bombs is always appreciated no matter where you at what point is a thief run you are so now you just saw the power of the fire bomb in action 360 damage across the board when it normally is only supposed to do 120 flauta care remember wasn't used I found the skill swap glitch I was the one that found it when using it from an invincibility star but not the first person to find it overall that that was incorporated into the road a couple years ago there we go got a got a good amount of fire bombs for the run [Music] okay having a Caracara Cola here he no longer has to sell the colas for money because money well a little bit important not nearly as important as it used to be when you have to buy a bunch of bombs so he's grabbing that coal because he actually have to has to use it in a boss fight coming up so what uh if you're paying close attention during this feast are you may have noticed that Mario learned a very important skill he learned super jump at level six you're gonna see that in action very soon super jump if you remember from your childhood was that movie would always get a 13 and then drop Justin's gonna be doing a hundred in order to get the super suit item and also because its massive DPS which is very important for a lot of the speedrun for anyone out there who's about to say $1 for every Super Jump be ready to donate almost a thousand dollars over the course of the run the super jump ending window is always the same over it always has the same rhythm but the start of the frame window gets later and later until it tapers off at the 13th and then it remains at a constant 3 frame window for the rest of the jumps so you have about one-twentieth of a second to land a super jump after number 13 and it's the adjustment and myself never on this couch we and on the beat couch 2 we can all do that just it's just it's really just practice and learning the frame data it looks a lot more intimidating than it actually is I say that I say that now but I'm not the one that has to do it in front of thousands of people yeah Ellie's not this time one more easy fight with the band Anna Rose coming up just gonna use another firebomb here he would like this to freebie but he has enough bombs to be set for the rest of the run but you know more freebies always good freebie do it [Music] so the Johnny fights actually changed a little bit the bandana blues are going to get an attack no matter what just used to the way the experiencer out it worked out and the way the characters have to have their accessories and as far as influencing turn order goes so he's going to have to block those so probably boost Mario's defense just in case he takes the bad pierce through something like that and then after I was going to do 100 super jumps we're going to have to ask that everyone be quiet until he's done jumping the magic number is 8 that's it first price super jumps that is just incredible [Applause] so now that he's done a hundred super jumps he is guaranteed to get the attack scarf and the super suit when he gets to monster town those are some very very important eclipsed afford the remainder of the speedrun the super suit gives you a massive improvement across all stats if you thought the Lazy show was good the super suit is like the lazy shell but a billion times better it also makes you immune to all elemental damage and all status effects the attack scarf also gives you a huge boost but unlike the super suit can only be worn on Mario the super suit can go on anyone so you see it switch around a whole bunch later on and it also makes you immune to instant death so if you'll just new pursue any attack scarf it I'm sorry but just nothing can touch you except maybe collects his physical attack so coming up is another fight that heavily realized on audio cues if you could be quiet during that as well yeah well I'll be using the Shocker ability that we put on page shockers a sixth frame window in order to get the maximum amount of damage it's also very nice for this fight because your diffic has very high defense and magic defense videos weeks of lightning so we'll be using shocker and accommodation stim bombs becomes bombs to ignore defense in order to defeat it as quickly as possible and you order to fight is those two a fight that's changed significantly in this route nor is to consume less bombs which means even though it's like a little bit floor I think it's about 13 seconds slower the fact that you're able to do it with 500 coins less of bombs makes the skip and array we're out what it is today the chakra move is one of the hardest ones to time because there is no visual cue for it uses a somewhat non distinct audio cue and it's kind of one of the time - it's that newer runners struggle with but just like anything else it just takes practice to get used to it's got a bigger frame window than every time block so first turn he'll be boosting page because peach is going to be the primary damage dealer and your DivX first turn is always descripted to be watered blast which is why we bought them in mushroom actually so we can heal gino afterwards in order to make sure he survives for oncoming turns 237 is the amount you want to see [Music] so far so good that animation is a little bit unfortunate it's one of the longer ones he can do but no matter what your diffic does here you cannot kill peach or Gino Mario dying is unimportant [Music] that's a good freebie actually guaranteed to go into the Mirage phase his not didn't used to be the case in older iterations of the routes but this is a necessary sacrifice very nice very nice also as a side note for anyone who may be curious how Justin knew which one was the right one your cursor automatically targets the 'really rid of it if if that wasn't the case that fight would be a lot harder but you don't have to really do anything just attack them if you feel like that little tidbit and if you want to learn more about the speedrun you can actually visit our speedrun wiki which is SM RPG speedruns comm where this road is actually incredibly well documented all the time hits are documented all the frame data everything there's lots of extensive tutorials it's kind of an intimidating game to pick up but there's a lot of support for learning it if you have any interest in running this game it's a really really fun speedrun they're also completely up to date as of two weeks ago so it's a great time to pick up the game if you're interested and actually just here at at agdq Justin and Albrecht have helped me update the wiki to match claude spaceman gonna be fine buying a few more items here after stealing the few items in order to afford everything he needs it's going to be some weapons for gino and bowser and yeah make sure he has enough coins for a few things coming up as well there's a little or cloud enemy that can show up really in any room in Lands End Dutch treasure boxes stupid yeah I hate that one - most of the stuff it's actually faster to fire straight into the dog pit there but it's random when the dogs come out with their patterns would be so definitely a lot state was just make the platform and fire onto it through the spinning flowers our turn justin is gonna be jumping on the bottom of the flower platform to immediately face up which is the quickest way to make himself face the right direction okay now we got still one more yeah it'll be for fights against the ants each one is a chance for a freebie dance will be taking 280 damage here as peach is not boosted but d ants are weak to ice normally they would be doing 140 it's also specifically routed that P chooses the bombs because each character this team actually hit has a different item use animation which he knows being the longest and I believe Bowser's being the shortest peach is definitely up there is being one of the shortest though not getting ice cream easy stuff that I'm used to he's getting some pick-me-up drops though which will come in handy if he gets bad luck on some of these later bosses it'll also save him from having to buy them in witness land well you actually end up selling all your pick-me-ups through the steep side menus to have as many coins as possible buzzing you ended up wanting them back in the second half of the run can I get a spirit bum from the audience for this next ice bomb freebie I think I used up all my luck in the first half of the game oh no we didn't have enough power maybe next time there's still play more opportunities the don't worry just needs a winch to finalize that an spin up yeah yeah all right another crucial start very nice barely so um Justin you you saw that when those poor dogs were forming that wall in the second room he hit two of them ran through and ran back and hit the last two that was actually done on purpose there's a really strange property of the invincibility star where if you hit two enemies too close together that each give you a level up you actually Mario actually pauses until the level up animation finishes before it can move again and that wastes your star timer so the lands and star was rerouted to avoid that and be able to maximize the number of geckos we can hit because the first star lens then gives you 11 print and the second one only gets you 6 from if you miss any geckos with the first one your ESP route is a little bit thrown off and has to be accommodated for later in the run quick purchase to the trampoline here and this will help us get back after we defeat the next boss yeah much faster than dodging calls geckos yeah I don't want to see my fortune I already know like all these freebies your fortune is ice bomb freebie owns our dragon [Music] so in order to get to the next boss he has to make sure he gets good luck on the fortune coming up 50% chance to be able to proceed in order to fight him and that's the one you don't want so if you start to get a lot of these in a row like this you lose a lot of time unfortunately there's nothing you can do about it there we go so Balaam coming up is another super job boss it's a it's important to kill and mostly was super jumped out to UPS him so he doesn't summon the clones I guess no DPS was the wrong word to you is there but I'm sure you know what I mean also gonna use a fright bomb here as Balaam is vulnerable to fear so he's going to take a 50% more damage nicely done nice no clothes somebody the clones would not only waste time but also impact the experience route if you get 4G no clones ten extra experience and he gets the peach clones actually three less experience mario clone doesn't impact it though so so far we've seen a hundred and fifty seven super jumps so here's where I guess the attack scarf and super suit to a most awesome eclipse in the game but the first user of the super suit is not actually gonna be Mario it's gonna be genome it's kind of weird the way it works out just has to do with how the Magus Maya likes to fight his structure ignored to make turns line up more favorably earlier I was saying that there's only three armors we used in the run super suit obviously I'm sure you guessed by now is the third one it's work pants is like dollar store super suit in a way [Music] now's a good time for a couple of donations we actually have a break now that's great because if you guys thought the five dollar donation train for the minecart was crazy we've been getting a lot of $100 donations because of 100 super jumps got a $100 donation from skyward Lee here's $100 per wooden dollar for each successful super jump on Johnny amazing job that the luckiest runner Eliza much love from the cheetah cue discord $100 Dacian from donate oh 134 it's so awesome to see 100 super jumps done live amazing work keep up the great run and let's work towards super jumping canceller away $100 from John forced 100 jumps $100 let's go $100 from Cosmo here's $100 for the 100 jumps I've never been able to do love gdq love's super mario RPG $100 from mr. Jack Skellington $100 for each complete super jump of 100 I'm glad everyone is specifying $100 per super job after what I said during Johnny then here we have another minigame the triple climb if justin scales the cliff in under 12 seconds and he gets the turbo pin terrific pin is a very good equipped it it's basically an automatic energizer it's a gives you the attack slash magic attack boost immediately and also increases your speed so if you later on we'll see a trip open user that tossed it is like a bomb will automatically get the attack boost on the bomb and so on and so forth few enemy dodges here on the straightens to the next boss see a box boy there's a power of supersuit Troopa pin 294 damage here's this one we typed next to my likes or twice as long as he properly at times the attacks we just did it's pretty much impossible to not have enough damage to take them out if you get the bare minimum rolls on both attacks you won't kill him but that's like 1% chance or less I believe here we'll just be using an ice bomb because faster than manually attacking all of them again more freebies are always appreciated there we go that was all you guys now we're covered for accent Rangers our has always turned into a mushroom there at the puddle blast is a scripted attack he's the only one who's not in the entities fast ailments in this point of the run she knows immune because he has his super suit and Bowser is immune because he has the safety ring which also prevents all status ailments the safety ring is a very good equipment prevent status ailments and elemental damage like this new pursue but it also makes you immune to instant death which the attack scarf does as well also gives you a slight speed increase now I'm not the best donkey runner so don't expect the vans to be too well I'm not on the level of voidable I'll try shadows to avoid [Music] jumping up the vines is quite annoying as you have to hold away from the direction you're trying to climb that while you're jumping in order to advance them faster so Justin's kind of doing this a little more safely as you can tree grab the vine if you're facing the same way this nice we got a few of those coins they do give you ten each but again money isn't as important in the second half of the run as it is in the first half we don't have bonds have ladders so we don't even use the ladders in those games anyway yeah so Nimbus land is basically cutscene city so I think this is probably also a good time for more donations oh I've got donations we have a thirty five dollar donation from lady see I figured I'd make my first donation while my buddy page is on the couch your commentary is on point and I'm absolutely digging this run shears you have two hundred and ten dollars and 35 cents from mark this is the first time catching gdq live from my brother and I I'm so excited to see super mario RPG live if we can make octo path traveller happen this would be the perfect gdq I'll donate an additional $40 if I can get a good mario wahoo from the couch or audience thank you for doing that so I didn't have to [Laughter] Nimbus plans pretty interesting there's been some changes here as well and I think flawed sure in previous ferrets who would buy the wharf and which would be useful smithy and potentially axe and Rangers depending which track you're doing but that's kind of been obsoleted and we're also going to be quickie equipping the amulet on Ticino in order to give them a bit more damage that will help out for Berto and potentially Valentina in previous routes the amulet used to be sold but we're cutting out that menu now because we don't really need to see money to afford the wharf and anymore don't make countdown very happy now's a good time for more donations because we got about another two minutes here before some more action absolutely we have $30 from the Vladimir Steel first time watching gdq live loved a super mario RPG as the kid but never watched anyone run it before just had to donate for the fantastic execution by just incredible just incredible [Laughter] we have $50 from Akai Mont didn't get my $5 in for the minecart so here's that times 10 also Mario dying is not important completely cracked me up true still got some lingering $100 donations for the super jumps hundred dollars from anonymous $100 for 100 gems I don't make the rules great run Justin keep up the great luck two hundred and fifty dollars from legend Harbinger long time watcher first time donating this GDQ this super mario RPG run is super lucky and super fun to watch donation goes to octopod traveler because I don't have time to grind and I want to see that game destroyed five hundred dollars from I'm lander the couch crew wanted five dollars for the minecart time so I figured I would offer five ish been getting more and more into this event for years but always keep missing it live and just watching the vods this year I'm finally watching it live so it seemed like the perfect time to catch up on some missed out donations keep up the great work runners and staff one hundred dollars from Brandon see 100 bucks for this great run and great commentary thirty-six dollars and 38 cents from Maj caboose hey just incredible 83 had to donate for my favorite game here's to a three hour six minute and thirty eight second run $5 and that is the incorrect number fifty five dollars and a fifty five cents from MacGyver for life a 5-4 the mine car rock candy flower box and awesome luck keep up the run and fantastic commentary one hundred dollars from wind slash one hundred dollars for one hundred jumps let's go one hundred and five dollars from anonymous here's the donation I was gonna make plus five dollars for the minecart time $100 from Jigglypuff Super Mario RPG is my favorite RPG during my childhood and watching this just incredible to watch keep up the amazing work and let's prevent cancer this minigame we have coming up here it's kind of funny it's it's where a dodo has to polish his statues with his beak and Mario is trying to disguise himself a statue he does not want to get a fall and beak to the face so he's gonna try to jump out of the way when dodo smacks his beak at you and it kind of looks like donut was kind of dumb and doesn't realize that he's not picking anything but what's actually happening is if you look closely at his supporting his helmet is covering his eyes when he pecks Mario statue so that's he gets a little confused but this minigame is pretty easy I think I've only ever seen Daniel rgt fail it Daniel yeah and from succeeding at this minigame Justin gets the feather which is a nice little accessory that gives you a plus 20 speed boost that's good for termination [Music] [Music] Oh sneaky strap dodo so serious about pecking statues he breaks the fourth wall for it yeah we should good tell us how to go out of bounds save a lot of time you learned that from the near automata speedrun hey yeah alright now this area is a little bit movement intent there's encounters everywhere so after all that he gets caught by these birds but they don't care enough about their jobs to tell Valentina about it I'm gonna try the fast first troop that I kind of figured out it was a visual cue on the floor yeah enemy movement for the most part is mostly the same but there is a little bit of variance it can cause you to get any kind of you're not expecting it this Shaymin in particular and sometimes get you dirty nice very nice very fast to have you troopers get justin recorded a video of that for the wiki the other day if you want to see how the moment for that works [Music] vertifight is pretty straightforward he's going to be doing some untimed attacks here in or to break the shell just matters how many times you attack and not the damage you do for the most part I'm also going to be boosting Mario's attack here for the second part of the fight where you actually fight Berto compared to previous proud tomorrow's going to be doing a bit more damage any otherwise normally would be would be doing and combined with the amulet on Shino giving him more attack damage it's possible to defeat bird or without using the bad mushroom which is both faster and allows us to potentially do a faster strat on dodo coming up to be enough very nice I really got that fright bomb freebie from Yoda Vic yeah just don't be able to do these second fastest strat for dodo now involving a fright bomb a bad mushroom and also just defending playing the poisoned damage we're out oh good good skip stairs is walk as well after this cutscene here he's gonna get another exp star Nimbus land that's kind of a really nice star to get as it gives you five exp per bird you only have to get six sorry seven hits but there are nine he can get in total so if you messed up earlier in lens end you can actually make up your missing exp here by hitting extra birds but Justin didn't do that so he won't have to do that yep it's still an experience right [Music] we got time for one quick donation before the next fight absolutely we have a $500 donation from phantom SVT one hundred dollars for one hundred super jumps and $5 for the minecart wait did I do that correctly anyway I'm loving this agdq so far best of luck to just incredible and all the rest of the runners here also just say no to cancer [Music] I'm gonna make a quick slave here probably don't need to but it has been a while since last two so it's a good idea fun fact about the star you actually do have time to go to the previous room and hit more birds it looks like a really short star puzzling because the timer forcibly has zero ones who enter the room with dodo in it it's actually quite a long start otherwise [Music] [Music] [Music] it's coming up on the Valentina fight which is a three-part fight it's actually pretty interesting the way it works out because for the first phase your middle character was taken so he has to defeat dota by himself and dota actually has 1,000 hit points but you only have to deal 400 damage in order to make dodo be even go on to the second phase but because he has 1,000 total HP you can use the bad mushrooms could inflict poison on him which is based on maximum hit points it's what he's going to do here is he's going to use a bad mushroom indoors and let the poison tick down twice and then he's going to cancel the effects of the poison with the fright bomb because dodo is also vulnerable to fear and the fear will cancel out the poison and make it so you don't have to watch a tick down into the third phase when they fight together which just way stun that's a really interesting strat that X the char found recently I beforehand it was either toss a firebomb toss a bad mushroom or just attack but that one's really cool yeah second fastest way to beat dodo Valentina can either use that physical attacks or spells here and as is the theme throughout the rest of the run you always want to see physical attacks because they're faster it's because they could be perfect blocked Valentina using physicals is nice because she has I think the widest array of spells in the game she has nine spells all together yeah you won't ever see the last three in a speedrun though because it'll the fight will end too quickly yeah it may be possible to us skip one of Valentina's turns here if we get good rolls only losing a bit of time for going for a turns good Valentina's defeated if you're wondering why he's only using physical attacks that says super jumps just because Valentina's magic defense is very high compared to a regular defense though it just ends up being faster do physicals [Music] it's kind of a not common conditional but it does help and will definitely make the countdown fight much faster if Bowser ends up surviving I think this is another good opportunity for donations we have a fairly long cutscene coming up here you have a one hundred dollar donation from noodle one hundred more jumps towards conquering cancer here's the research and octo hi 75 dollar donation from all God first time donator long time viewer what better time to donate than during a speedrun of my all-time favorite Super Nintendo game I do a yearly playthrough but it takes me a bit longer than a couple of hours to finish Thank You Justin and all the runners for doing what they do to help a good cause and kudos to the wonderful commentary during this thus far solid run $35 donation from patches Mike I'm learning so much about one of my favorite games 100 jumps is only 97 more jumps than I ever had the patience for $42 donation from kikiwaka when skill and luck comes together the universe opens the path to perfection let's hope this donation will open the path towards a cancers butt so we can kick it three hundred dollar donation from MVP Go Go games done quick one hundred and five dollar donation from anonymous I missed the $5 mine cart donation so I just added it to the $100 super jump donation thank you for the awesome show and great run good luck runners [Music] another $100 donation from bag Strax 100 bucks for the 100 jumps yeah the abilities fall coming up we'll put Gino blast on peach which is currently only used at the very end of the run just to give you a source of powerful AoE magic damage [Music] barrel volcano coming up is the really fun platforming section it's one a little more exciting parts of the run very first star [Music] there weren't really heats up in the volcano figuratively and as some difficult enemy dodges and as Justin mentioned he wants to kill my enemies with the star as possible in order mixtures on experience route also to get a Gina blast on peach very good no unfortunately even though he took out that gigantic enemy there it gives just as much exp as little tiny ones because of how the stars work again that character it looked like Gina is actually peach so he's on experienced route so patients learn Gino blasts and you'll see what kind of interesting graphical effects that has very soon [Music] I don't know them I think I got it's random the way in which the spine is drop when you're trying to fight the court the dice we just got bad luck there check this out I made a pearler of pinky don't forgot to bring it [Music] [Music] so now justin takes special at level 15 instead of text to make up for taking attack at level 3 so that his super jumps will do the same amount of damage at the end of the game yeah Mario's that's when I equalize compared to what it was in the previous iterations of the route okay fortunately able to dodge the stuff but the stump it is an unescapable counter so very good to dodge that one so justin actually changing the order of gino and bowser there is significant um the order in your party actually determines what breaks the speed tie between two characters and that's uh is that so important for some of the fights later yes it's important for countdown in order to revive Bowser in case he's fallen explanations are smart dragons a bit of an obnoxious fight definitely better in this route at compared to previous iterations of the route especially if you're using multiple ice bombs if you're not using multiple ice bombs you have to do a lot of super jumps super jumps on this guy or no joke else the education alright games starting to fight back after all that good luck yeah super jumping on Star Dragon is quite annoying as the the time is between jumps I believe our breakfast thing actually does change on floating enemies which is also problem for Culex who luckily is not part of the speedrun but who you will be seeing later as the incentive one of the rare times you do want to see a spell yeah water blast looks very sloped the alternative is for him to do a physical attack which always summons four orbs which will attack your characters and waste even more time or we can possibly use a fear effect and also some in the orbs wasting even more time claim wall is also good okay this yeah now we're gonna get a more weak heart I think I miss played that a little bit yeah difficult to react to a missing star dragon again it's only about a 5% chance but I can probably go ahead and save the other ice bomb for later actually yeah not a bad idea yeah that'll be useful for gun yoga actually it's like rephrase the zom-bone he always almost opens up the folder he's probably going to be doing a to physical attacks fear followed by a few ultra jumps the ultra jumps will skip one of Zombo turns which just increases the consistency it would be faster just punched him throughout the entire time and hope you don't get counter-attacks that's unlikely that's a counter [Music] the Bowser is gonna be taking this new pursuit here so that he can survive breaker beam and also for more consistency in the damaged roles since Bowser is unarmed and he doesn't he does the constant damage yeah the Hurley gloves just waste time because if it's longer animation you don't actually need the extra damage from it so it's just faster to take it off we will be putting it back on later on the run [Music] yeah I'm thinking ahead about the gun y'all fight and saving the second ice I could have thrown odds are that will make for a potentially a fast track for Gallo if we just get a couple more freebies later yeah for the next play coming up we're hoping for another rock candy freebie the first two we saw a knife fat guy were of course manipulated this rock candy will just be pure luck if you can get it he'll be able to say both a firebomb and an ice bomb which we'll be using later on in the run as well as just making the fight faster because it will be immediately using the raw candy he just free bead in order to deal another 300 damage to the axon Rangers yeah and if I don't get it then I've got the ice bomber for backup [Music] [Music] all right one more good freebie it's okay there's lots of different strata can use in this fight yeah lack up the rock a new freebie in history so now we get to see an alternate strategy as the beak using a bolt the rock candy ice bomb and the fire bomb Joe Austin every accent ranger once in Greenwich is being a little difficult there it is of course random which enemy you land on with the ultra jumps period of course super jumps which only target one enemy and if you go past it bleeds 17th ultra jump the frame window becomes two frames which is a 1 frame less than the super jumps between three front window nice I think we have ourselves three ice for Gallo excellent that's gonna make a later boss fight a lot better here comes a Phase two of actual Rangers where you'll see the breaker beam attack which is a pretty terrifying in a casual playthrough but if you have this super suit is not really a big deal and she knows no longer necessary for this fight a thousand mario will be able to take care of it by themselves [Music] the HP looks a little low but the accidents take a turn to recharge and this thing only has 99 health and it's gonna be dead before condition another breaker beams so in pretty good shape here yeah you're guaranteed to kill the accident ship as long as you time all your attacks correctly unless you miss of course but that's the one in 256 because the this ship has no actual evasion unlike Krakow sewers are dragon all right we have time for maybe two more quick donations before the final stretch sure thing I promised I haven't been sitting on these we are still receiving donations for the super jumps and minecart a one hundred and five dollar donation from je lui Castillo the luck on this run has been insane here's $100 for each super jump on Johnny and $5.00 for the sub to minecart off to path height I'd also like to remind you guys that we are making great progress on the octopod traveler bonus incentive we've raised about $10,000 alone during this run just a little over 30,000 to go I believe we can make it we have a $100 donation from striking darkness just wanted to donate during well it looks like a run better than I could have done you got this just incredible we have fifty dollars from Locke donating for this fantastic commentary this has been the best commentator Super Mario RPG one I've ever seen thank you guys for these fantastic technical explanations we have $100 from Aaron Keeling hey Justin just wanted to watch your and all the other great speedruns let's make this agdq just incredible we have $30 from Mishima long time watcher first time donator loving this super mario RPG run and had to donate I've lost both my parents to cancer so hoping this can help prevent others from going through this pain that cancer causes [Music] justin is about to do another audio based rng manipulation so I'm just gonna request a quiet from the room yeah much like the knife guy great guy manipulation he will be saving first in order to set the RNG back to zero not safe to save and he'll be going for a fairly tight frame window in order to manipulate the Bowser doors so they won't get any Bowser battle doors once he's inside to keep yeah if you remember checkers did Nimbus manip two runs ago and lack did Mario's pad and now English manip is back yeah it's a bit faster than when checkers did it those years ago [Music] so look for the on the on the bus driver look for the blue cap and then look at this bill we're gonna look at the tail end of the cloud as you see in there the little point you speed the little trailing edge there when it passes what it fully becomes visible behind the cap from behind the cap you want to press and there's a five frame window and the bowser doors or there's no orangey tree that you have to deal with here okay that may be only like the first or second frame but I think we got it hopefully it's good you can either use an audio cue or a visual cue here just depending on where the clouds are in the background so door two should be a coin box for door 5 as quiz and then door 6 will be either platform it's actually important that you do the doors in a correct order now because there's actually a wrong warp coming up in the abyss about like 20 minutes or so doesn't stay at that much time it's only 7 seconds but it's dependent on the order in which you do the events contained within the doors we'll explain that a bit more later yeah the wrong Wharf was found by accident and we'll cover that a little bit more detail [Music] well I forgot to jump that's on me ooh first turn Runaways always like a brief [Music] okay we're good so we're going into that Goomba doesn't actually affect anything because they'll like these guys were saying the doors are set as soon as you enter Bowser's cute no 1 wonderful pattern fortunately yeah the unwinnable pattern is pretty rare but as long as you cancel your coins on a multiple of 5 you're good very easy puzzle also a very easy puzzle if you know the optimal pattern just a kerchief recurring the algorithm that determines exactly how you should do this puzzle for it to be the fastest it can be caved or five is nicked that will be the quiz [Music] because he did the two he's doing the two top topper doors first that means he will be able to do the wrong warp in the factory Jonathan Jones star well I'm glad we didn't see the wiggler question that makes me mad there's definitely a lot harder in Japanese Japanese I'm not sure if we mentioned same it's about eight and a half minutes so that's uh everyone at this point if they're doing our T's pretty much runs on Japanese alright 46 [Music] Oh 4700 I've only seen that pattern once yeah the rare 47 I think it wasn't a randomizer - if anyone's playing a GQ bingo I'm not sure if that's a square or not [Music] that's two that's three and one even though this is random listen actually one of the easier parts to do in the Japanese part of the run because you don't actually have to know any Japanese characters to determine which is which I think I hit the first frame actually the the most optimal nimis minutes I'm gonna get this error up here the t's due to grab this one compared to the one at the end yeah so we're amending the the wrong warp a bit earlier this is actually what determines the coordinates for where you're going to warp once you're in the correct section it's determined by how Mario jumps off of the cannonball here he jumped off it in a very specific way such that when he gets to a certain section in the abyss he's just going to run off the platform and then jump back on the trampoline when he comes back up it's just going to work into the end of the screen saving about seven seconds [Music] yeah I'll probably get that more once we actually get there but it's a it'll be a 50% chance for these fireballs to actually save any time whatsoever it's one of the newer strats [Music] and I have to pick up both fire bombs because I didn't get the rock freebie it'll stay about five seconds per firebomb you have in your inventory if you win the 50% chance on the final boss well there we go not getting that chest because it contains these nanak symbols from allah who is no longer used this is the second of the two fire bombs you want to grab this one's a bit faster to grab will we see the prestigious donkey skill [Music] that might be a nice Hey saves a few seconds [Applause] now that we got that all the way all right coming up is a magic kuba is the very straightforward flight just going to be using a fright bomb off the bat because magikoopas vulnerable to fear causing do 50% more damage then just attack with all characters the only thing that can possibly go wrong is magic we'll be using a longer spell yeah since he has the fright bomb blast is only doing half damage and or at least significantly less damage with Geno's not really taking much from that see you later chemic so once I get control I'm going to set up for the next fight I'm also going to enter my item inventory to automatically sort my items for easier searching for the in-game [Music] [Music] coming up is boomer just another straightforward fight that involves super jumps it's going to be jumping off the bat and then boosting Mario and then that'll be followed by about a 40 super jumps or so in in boomers red form he's weak to magic attack in his blue form he's lead to physical attacks so he starts off red super jumping him is the right move especially a boost head with the super suit 1760 is what you want to see very nice for boomer or boomers [Music] it's kind of weird that Mario is just teetering on the edge of that chandelier it is hanging on to the counter burr I think [Music] thousands not a fan of the new decor now it's time to dance so the next boss might we have coming up is exhort and if you remember playing this game as a kid you may remember this fight it was quite difficult um the way that the the trick to this boss fight is um the hilt of the sword is its main HP Reserve that's what you have to eliminate in order to progress through the game there are three other parts of the sword that can be temporarily disabled and then regenerate after a couple turns if you disable one of the two eyes then the hilt of the sword will be able to take damage and you'll see how that works when Justin does is fight in a couple seconds yeah the strategy for this battle has been the same for as long as I can remember it'll probably remain the same forever it's hard to get much faster than this [Music] shut us the dragon rage UK only guy ever no to miss this and a PB attempt yeah to impede with it enormous frame window get the Gino world time therefore 9999 damage I think us nest Chalmers has done that to showers to those guys but yeah we did say you could take damage when he disabled and I I'm sorry his new twitch handle is Smith her gone but that's his former twitch name so now we're at the final stretch of the game where things really heat up movement and the final rng depended boss fight in the game wrongs have died to this to this o'clock so we're hoping for a good can down fight the countdown fight used to be a lot scarier than it is now but it still is is quite scary as the two of the two bells just can deal massive damage to you and countdown can be a little rude when he throws nice rock on Bowser yeah of course not I'm talking about the boss and not the guy sitting on the be couch right there a few platforming sections before we actually get to that boss oh man okay this is possible to punch him and instantly defeat that enemy but then it messes up the experience route plus it's slower Elston see across the board I like to see so you like pijl I mentioned this bossfights definitely a lot safer than it used to be especially if you chooses to boost Mario's defense well he's going to be do doing is he's going to be ultra jump and land on each enemy once and then he's going to be throwing three tol rock candies followed by another set of ultra jobs it does not want to see any character dead or disabled in order get the fastest possible fight what happened during my RPG loop break run this is a very very very bad pattern because both characters are disabled he's going to have to win the fight just with Mario which means it's going to have to score jump on the ding-a-lings to prevent them from getting more attacks off which just could potentially be devastating very nice super shrimps on the dingaling safe to say you don't practice those much a bit of improv here this is not a typical pattern by any means it's the time marching on toys going to be spending a lot of spells you don't normally see in the run hopefully I've heard by a doctor and countdown Claude you happen to know offhand what the chances are going double time is marching on I do not it seems incredibly low yeah it's definitely under 5% to marathon runs in a row what I get for getting the perfect cat down fight and practice so I get to deal with the best and the worst it's high noon that know he said that in English of course the world here around the world to one o'clock Korona is a fire attack so Justin more time taking damage from it anyway but it's still funny about it missed instead of just doing zero well we got all the bombs we need since I didn't have to throw just the one Rock yeah that's true that does conserve a lot of rock candies so we will see the optimal gun y-yeah for ice is technically faster although we might see that anyways to get a freebie I'll probably all right now here comes the wrong warp yeah it'll be in the screen with a lot of conveyor belts and booze he's just going to run off the screen immediately it's not coming via mistake as you'll see shortly that is the that's not the screen but uh yeah touch those guys Ricky here we go my deep Adam failed me there you all right here it is just hold up and we're gonna go to the end of the screen yeah stays about seven seconds that's the wrong warp yep all right it's all execution from here despite that justin's about to do here sorry actually after this if you have enough rock candies in your inventory faster oh nice Wow are you kidding let's move against the drop - I want to see the drop yeah let's get the drop no job yeah it's faster drop super jumps then use rock candy it's more DPS than just doing that point has a 25% chance of dropping or our candy as well I'm in this fight here Justin's gonna take out a domino there there are two possible endings despite you either fight a giant snake which this physicals or a giant snake that doesn't magic we're gonna do the one that does physical because it's week two magic attack and we get super jump it super jump is a little strange in this fight because I'm not sure why this is maybe one of you guys know but the frame timing between the super jump size I think a look two frames longer so was a three frame window that can mess you up a little bit but it's not too bad to adjust getting the endo bubble on bow that's actually the Horus possible looking is pretty much the only thing I could go wrong in this fight wonder if I just will choose to use the rock handy here so we can end the fight anyone hot okay just going to go an extra turn then yeah and normally you'd be able to defeat Domon on this round of attacks but because the Bowser is feared we'll be doing half damage so that won't be possible yeah I want I want optimal Daniel is understandable we don't get to see it often so it's a good time I think the last time I had optimal going up was my first 249 that was ages ago having to know conditionals for all the possible bomb freebies you can get in the run is one of the hardest things of being able to adapt to and do properly meanwhile knows to know 100% category my notes say I will never wrote this because we just have too many bombs to work with that's the number you want to see basically done so that's no drop super jump so far correct yes graph I believe Justin city hasn't dropped super jumps in like what nine months or something almost a year now Wow that is a consistent streak ISO putting teach back into our party it's used to unit blast as we mentioned earlier the magic damage is needed to take out all the enemies for the forest fights in the factoring I'll amend that I haven't dropped from super chops on runs that matter okay just what count as a run that matters I would hope so you gots the pinching a little more we probably got time for one quick donation now that we got a little bit of a break we're think we have a $100 donation can we mean the giant Claude is a great gamer a speedrun of dis commentary on the dkc trilogy relay race at agdq with such a funny and knowledgeable guy good luck to Justin credible hope you get a marathon PB you also have a very quick one hundred and five dollar donation from Pro tato octo jump kart traveler hype get yet another rock candy here how did so make it all the way through the factory on his own remember bazooka this time uh yeah explain it our final two uses of Gino glass coming up looking for a hundred and fifty two damage or more here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay the final menu of the run very easy to forget Oh first the high kill one of my favorites yeah very easy to forget this menu actually especially if you're on a very good run yeah I believe a dark mass reflected that in his club 3pp I've done it a couple of times too on record pace not a good feeling it's gonna be looking for I believe thirty nine super jumps here on the director followed by rock candy to deal an additional three hundred damage as well as take out all the other enemies [Music] we have no rock-candy count just for a minute okay dropping jumps on director can be kind of scary because he'll increases the tech power in his defense on his first turn after that we're gonna have to use a three one hopefully one of the ice bombs will free beam you'll be able to do these for Isis a gun yoke strategy which is the absolutely fastest both the three I used to plan rock candy and three I used to rock candy strategies will flow into the four ice bomb strategy in the event of a freebie yeah gun yoke is the if you remember the breaker beam attacked with the axe from Ranger strip use that is a devastatingly powerful attack and GaN yoke is the second boss in the game that can use it however if you remember all the way back to tadpole pawn to the start of the run we have a little item that's going to help us there it is jumped around okay rock candy was an odd spot now we don't have to worry about breaker beam yeah thanks to the sleepy ball yeah whenever you use an item the items in the menu do not Autosport so if we get any freebies they jump into any empty slots that are in your item slot the item inventory never all candy should be useful for smithy - all right end of the line only one boss remaining one more save a little bit longer [Music] let's have a rock candy I would need to do either 71 or 72 super gemstones if you wanted to ping on the role that I get here I want to see a 198 or higher and that'll translate to 71 super jumps otherwise I'll have to do an extra to ensure that peach can finish well smithy one with a rock candy and that'll make for the first round of the funnel phase I can get a full round of attack that way or ad appears very important that peach has the fight for eternal order purposes if you had a weaker bomb to use you'd have to do more jumps to paying on the role that Mario give get yeah there are asperities outlined for ending the fight with any bomb you have in your inventory ice bomb rock candy freight bombs cetera even though bomb was peaches Supersmile yeah but you hope to have at least a bomb having a rock candy is optimal which is what we have all right here we go this Hong Kong's it's GYC oh my god they just keep heaven that's pretty unfortunately uh does not matter yeah it actually wasted 40 frames yeah all right can you explain yes of course so now we are actually getting to Smithy's news so in previous iterations of the ragweed whan do 200 super jumps 100 on the first round and another hundred on the second but here we're actually going to be intentionally dropping super jumps on these seconds that in order to force smithy to transform into chest head because it's based on the amount of healthy has left a 50% chance for him to actually transform the head and if he isn't able to if he transforms and you are able to use any bombs near inventory you'll be able to feed him faster than you would with the equivalent a super jumps because chest has weak to fire every fire bomb you have in your inventory saves about 5 seconds so your coins who want to hopefully he'll win the the gamble yeah he's not going to sit there and wait for and transform because the knee there's a danger he'll be defeated smithee's unavailable attacks you only use the super slap in the run breathe absolutely free of a 0-100 super jumps using the carrier here to restore all his party members to hit points and spell the flower points oh wow and Gina lived - yeah always lucky crucial block there yeah if you're not blocked that piece of died here and hope that does not target peach yeah peach Goes Down and it's not the end of the world because you will be able throw bombs but you know that freebie does not save time okay alright to me he got it lucky till the end as tomorrow's super flame here will do more damage than super jumps would to tank head all its left is one more Super flame it gonzo [Applause] if it wasn't for those who missed seastar attempts there I would have I think beat likes to run from two years ago so since we used our ta timing which goes together the credits Justin have you decided one time yet it is yet do we have time for credits or just go straight to the Culex fight no it's great to clicks all right so Tom will stop right when the final text box is cleared and that would end our TA and will go right what a run how'd y'all like that that's probably one of the luckiest runs you'll ever see for me that was pretty good so time is coming up here and in just a couple seconds time that was met $25,000 incentive meant to fight Culex now this music that you're about to hear now you're gonna hear a lot more on Friday for FF for free enterprise yes I actually don't know much about the beat Kulik donation sense maybe you just cover the commentary for this pitch yeah sure I actually did this instead of CREB G Limit Break 2017 for the most part you're gonna want to put superjump in a tag scarf on Mario and you're mostly gonna super jump collects but like we were saying during the start dragon it's really really annoying just super jump floating enemies however Justin is really good as super jumping Culex backups say the backup stands here pretty good it allows you to use some of the bombs or same for factory in sludge but for the most part just gonna be relying on collects of gem DPS when I did this I went and got the lazy shell for safety it's really not necessary I'm not even sure why I did it with the super suit and red essences are more than enough to cover this fight he has 4096 health and super gems gold a lot of damage if you just don't drop them Mario is so fast you get to turn before the crystals or something [Music] it's not bad it's just a limit though yeah so he's actually gonna be targeting collects and ignoring the crystals because they die when he dies and as he has a super suit and probably a reticence at some point he does not have to worry about their elemental magic the only one that's even remotely a threat is the earth crystal when the reticence wears off all audio I can't go with her rhythm [Music] yeah it's super jumping on this bed looks extremely difficult there was a there's a partial category we have this game is Culex RTA and you actually finish this plate at level 11 if you skip and skip the XP booster and that is absolutely terrifying you know seven turns to deal 4000 damage to him with two red essences and if you don't get it well good luck adjustment also has the record in that category because super jumping who likes without dropping just saves so much time as you're seeing here from all these the attacks from the crystals yeah most notably it is a single segment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] very nice you also see this fight in the most of the stuff category which is like our 100% category which is way way way easier because your level 18 peach has like lazy shell zero safety ring it's just it's completely free fight this this incentive is like kind of the happy medium between collects RTA most of the stuff fights [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can apply to favor very nicely done just an awesome super jump if you thought that possible is impossible not no more enjoy that victory thing yeah I love it [Music] and with that s Tamar PG is over thank you very much if you'd like to get into speedrunning this game please check out smrpg speedruns comm everything that Justin just did is documented in full detail you can learn you can get a sub 3 and you'll have a lot of fun on this master super jumper indeed have a good night everybody thank you [Applause] wasn't that a fantastic run a super mario RPG everyone that's that's just great we're not doing once we think that we have a thirty five dollar donation from D robot to 49 it says honestly this was one of the most impressive and lucky runs I've seen in this game an amazing commentary as well there's a $50 donation from Clark on my girlfriend and I beat Super Mario RPG for the first time tonight just in time to cash this run it's been so fun to see this awesome run and hear all the fantastic technical knowledge from the couch now I am going to throw this for a quick ad in just a moment yeah [Applause] [Music] Magfest it's great I was just there recently Magfest holds gaming events year round with the flagship event happening every winter in Washington and that flagship event pulls in 20,000 people for four days for non-stop gaming and video game music concerts they're also bringing mag West back to California coming in 2019 if you wish to find out more information about Magfest you can go to the website at HTTP colon slash slash Magfest org we do have a few last couple donations coming in from the Mario game we have $100 donations from extra char hey Justin a company runs looking good a little too good so this money goes to paying off countdown to give the crowd the never lucky experience they deserve with this game only joking of course you've done a phenomenal job showcasing all the tricks and quirks in the new route your execution consistency is unreal it's a G no blast to see my favorite game at gdq again and a super mario RPG crew on stage good skill in the final stretch another $100 donation from Diggle danger awesome super mario RPG run my favorite game growing up being destroyed always makes me happy here's $100 for 100 jumps 105 dollar donation from Canadian Phil I've watched the vods for a couple of years but my first time catching agdq live is now my grandma died to cancer end one of my friends is going through it right now this looks like a game I'd love to learn the run for one of the best games ever 100 for $100 for 100 jumps and $5 for the minecart and with that I'm gonna hand this off to our good friend covert muffin thank you so much for having me I'll see you around good evening gdq viewers my screen name is covert muffin and i'm gonna be covering the hosting station for the next run i'm very excited for this but before we get into some more donations we are going to be playing a quick twitch ad see you folks in 60 seconds Ahava right and welcome back we're kicking things off with a $100 donation from anonymous that says gdq is making my week I love you all thank you so much anonymous we love you too we also have a 250 dollar donation from sy Bev that says can't get enough speedruns both entertaining and fascinating and for a good cause the booed well you know what sy Bev this next run is going to be amazing because not only are we going to be running trauma center but that's right the ambidextrous Wonder Trojan rabbit is going to be running with two styluses which is going to be insane to watch so definitely stay tuned for some really excellent speed running action all right we also have a thirty dollar donation from shrew that says give octo pass well you know what through it's pretty incredible because we've already raised $28,000 of that sixty thousand dollars that we need to be able to bring in that extra bonus game for octo path traveler so that's right if you enjoyed the amazing OST of this game and you want to see some really excellent speed tech and speed run action we only need to raise just under 32 thousand dollars to make that oh excuse me very close to $31,000 to be able to make that happen so keep those donations coming in folks and make sure that you put it towards one of those donation incentives we have $25 from - gee that says don't you because covert muffin is my favorite so happy he's the reader right now X Oh X Oh hugs and kisses to you - gee I love you too I'm gonna take a moment to shout out one of our sponsors the Yeti the Yeti is gdq's official shirt sponsor providing tees and other merchandise for nearly seven years they've donated almost 1 million dollars towards gdq's and partner charities and you can visit them to check out their sick gear over on / agdq to be able to check out that excellent agdq collection thank you so much the Yeti Wow and we have a pretty hype donation we have five hundred and five dollars from steady 90 steady 90 says amazing super mario RPG run have 500 coins and five more for the minecart thank you so much 30 90 here at agdq we are also very fortunate to be sponsored by world mind gaming from pcs that are Kaizen consoles old and new world mind gaming aims to provide the highest quality video gaming experience to events in the Midwest and beyond with their dedicated staff tournaments expertise and expansive collections of games and consoles world 9 is ready to take your event to the next level for information on booking and upcoming events check out world mind gaming dot-com thank you so much world mind gaming your awesome you know folks here at the event we also have a chance every single time you donate money this puts you in a raffle to be able to potentially receive a prize and so we have lots of really exciting prizes for you even starting at the $5 level that Mario fireflower Perla perler and magnet flash stand yep that's right you're in the running if you donate five dollars also Mario Kart pearl or set the smb3 mix wart perler as well as many other exciting prizes then things only get better from here as the money goes up so $10 is going to potentially get you a smw autom map canvas as well as potentially a super mario one two three cross-stitch so keep those donations coming in folks as they could potentially get you some excellent prizes how exciting Wow I'm looking at this we still have more donations coming in thank you so much for your generosity we have $10 from anonymous that says hey covert muffin I'm glad you're back at gdq you're a staple of the event for me now good luck on the mic and I'll see you in your Warcraft 3 run thank you so much anonymous and in fact there are so many exciting runs that are currently showing up on the schedule immediately coming up next after setup is complete we're going to see none other than trauma center under the knife to you run by none other than Trojan rabbit himself I'm so excited for this run and if you would like to see the schedule yourself and maybe see when your favorite speed games and also just games in general are going to be running head on over to games done 'quick calm /schedule and this is just gonna convert automatically or to your time zone and it's updated live as runners end up finishing slightly behind her setup might take a little bit longer or people finish ahead of time because that's right were speedrunning these hacking games Wow and we have a really moving $35 donation from Topher tu-16 that says as many have said I'm donating donating this year because it's personal last year my mom was diagnosed with cancer in her eye fortunately it was caught very early thanks to the latest retinal imaging technology her treatment has been going better than expected I love my mom's so much and she's fighting and winning I hope this donation helps other prevent detect and fight cancer - that's so great to hear Topher you know we're so proud and happy that we can just all come together to be able to raise money for prevent cancer foundation during this event thank you so much for your donation all right and we are also fortunate to be sponsored here at this event by none other than devolver digital devolver digital is everyone's seventh favorite indie game label at least it's in the top ten and proud supporters and obsessive viewers have games done quick - on over to de devolver done quick calm once again that was devolver done quick calm for a selection of gdq run games and upcoming releases at up to none other than 75% off thank you so much devolver digital you're awesome thank you so much folks for being so patient as we're getting set up for our next run I promised you the hype is worth it and in fact we're getting some pretty hype donations coming in as well from none other than beef wah we have $10 that says hashtag games bun quick heck yeah beef wah you yeah folks that being said we also have some really exciting bid wars in fact coming up in this next run for trauma center we have a bid war for the healing touch shape right now butterfly is in the lead with a total of one thousand two hundred and twenty three dollars and fifty five cents but that being said star is in second place with one hundred and eighty five dollars i I mean if you really want that star shape folks get those donations in because less than twenty minutes into the run and that donation incentive is gonna get cut off for the bid war so if you really want to see a shape other than butterfly make sure to send those those donations in right now speaking of donations we have $10 from Derrick 196 that says covert muffin your Warcraft some use of the highlighted gdq as a good old peon say work work love from Ontario Canada hey Derrick thank you so much for the donation all right and speaking of bid wars we also have a bid war for the guacamelee to character choice and my goodness this one is quite close the tostada is in the lead with seven hundred and fifty one dollars but the ex tibay is indeed very close behind with an inverted seven hundred and fifteen dollars being within less than forty dollars away from being able to make ex tibay that their character choice that's right get those donations in keep this race close and make sure you get your choice elected let's do this folks once again folks thank you so much for being patient while we get set up for our next run for your entertainment that being said we have some really exciting bid incentives especially that semblance hand can buy half coordinated bid it's definitely going to be the runners choice as well as my own hosting choice so if you would like to send in a donation for a really really amazing added feature to enhance your experience with watching half coordinated breakdown an excellent speedrun that's right the semblance hand cam definitely should have your eye
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,623,388
Rating: 4.4805264 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2019, AGDQ2019, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 44sec (12584 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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