The Greatest Show You've Never Seen

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[Music] I sure do love being a puppet behind a news desk I just wish I had a higher budget so this didn't look like a middle schooler's last minute art project um I'd say we're on air but we can't afford to go live you're you're ruining the immersion Jared [Music] here in America puppet representation isn't all too good when you say puppet to an American I can guarantee that almost every single person's first thought will be the Muppets this isn't to discredit some of the incredible work that has been put on by the people behind the Muppets whose characters are ingrained in our society as if they're actual people tell me the last time you thought about how Kermit the Frog is a human hand with a voice actor and not just an actor in the same realm as any other [Applause] however outside of Jim Henson's work puppets aren't really all that well respected now hear me out I think that there's better out there than Muppets and childhood trunk and that's why I wanted to share what I discovered a little over a year ago hi I'm Melody no surname and today I wish to take you all on an adventure to the country of Chile and learn about the greatest kids show you've never heard of our journey begins in the year 1990 when University of Chile students Alvaro Diaz and Pedro pirano met while both studying journalism they didn't click at first but did eventually make friends with each other since they had similar senses of humor around 1995 the two worked on producing the sketch comedy show plan Z and the documentary series alfactor Humana which talked about how people acted after the end of the dictatorship in Chile I should also apologize in advance for how poorly these are going to be pronounced I'm American please be patient with me I did really well in high school and the only class I almost failed was Spanish in 1999 the network that they worked for Canal 2 Rock and pop shut down in order to avoid being unemployed the two along with Juan Manuel egana founded Apple plaque appla plaque a plot plaque Apple plaque their own production company from there they worked on a few more projects like to my Spanish viewers I'm sorry for what you're about to hear songs a documentary series focused on Sports and a show about Chilean Heritage now you may be saying to yourself angrily shaking your fist that none of these shows have any puppets but we're getting there in 2002 the cntv held a competition for funding small Productions lavaro Pedro and Juan entered in the children's television category with a new project called el gabonet Del doctor mojado which translates to the wet doctor's cabinet which featured a fish presenting news in a fishbowl in one segment there was a get this puppet talking about how [ __ ] was handled in water treatment facilities Apple plaque won the contest and were signed on to create 21 episodes and throughout the process the show evolved into a full-on puppet newscast with the name 31 minutos which was derived from the fact that the projects entered into the contest had to be at least 30 minutes long the idea was to create something that the team would have wanted a watch when they were younger so they started Gathering a team to help Define the show's Unique Style in every aspect from art to writing to help get that realized along the line the idea of Music being shown during these broadcasts as if they were billboard charting singles came into play Pedro brought along Pablo ilabaka the guitarist for the band chancho and Piedra who gave him a disc of instrumentals songs throughout the first season of the show were either born from this CD or born out of the creativity from the crew the show's intro which does have a lyrical version was picked from this fabled CD foreign [Music] the show first aired in Chile on March 15 2003. it wasn't immediately a Smash Hit but after a while the show found both its footing as well as its audience causing it to receive an award the same year it was renewed for a second and third season with a fourth season coming later on proving that the people of Chile and later other parts of Latin America were absolutely loving it its success comes from many things ranging from its play into more adult topics as well as its parodying of current Chilean events we've seen plenty of things like this in American cartoons as well where the show is aimed at children but it doesn't necessarily stop the writers from throwing in a few silly things here and there that the average child won't understand for like five years which leads to compilations like this the standards for what is appropriate for children varies by country Regular Show may have been able to get by with saying piss but three woman minutos was able to get by with saying [ __ ] breaking news nowadays most people don't know what a news channel even is since they're too busy on their God dang iPads and using that net tuber or you flicks we here at wmel NewsChannel 15 believe everyone should know what a news channel is so maybe we can get more attention from demographics outside of 65 plus 31 minutes has many segments realistically all of which rely on their hosts so we'll dive into as many of the segments and talk about their respective hosts I can't immediately think of any character that lacked their own segment or major role in the show so I doubt we'll miss any the host of the whole show is Tulio Trevino a sock monkey but like full he's the first thing you see from the intro and for a large majority of the rest of the show you see new shows have what's called an anchor and that's Tulio being the frontman of everything fits his personality being that of a stupid [ __ ] idiot with a superiority complex and an ego bigger than Chile is long he is not the brightest in fact I'd say quite far from it in many episodes he's shown to lack any care for his co-workers who are otherwise shown as his friends and boy is this guy gullible now don't take this as me he's saying I hate Tulio he's the face that you see from more than half of each episode the way they portray him as a bumbling fool who's bad at his job sometimes and only cares about himself is great it's silly and I love it his ego is showcased even more in a series of live shows that the 31 minutos crew has done since the tail end of 2016 called the tremendo tullio tour where Tulia performs self-tribute songs not only there but also in the 31 minutos movie I'll talk more about that later but I'll do my best to avoid spoilers for it just know that tulia's ego is on Full display here in the first few episodes Tulio was essentially an outlet for all of the other segments and he had no real personality there was nothing really to him aside from introducing people giving here and their commentary Etc it was until a few episodes in that they gave him that aforementioned prick attitude that suits him so well he's the star of the show he feels important and therefore he loves when things can revolve around him 21 Harry is the producer and coordinator of the show a small silly and has no eyes I cannot think of any other character that cares more about their work and it shows in his recurring joke being that he always has to remind Julia that the show is live and on air which the person helping me write this who introduced me to the whole show over a year ago told me that they see him as something of a dick rider to Tulio I think it just boils down to hunting loving his friend not being a dick writer also in case you viewers at home thought the show was missing some gay characters Juanita is absolutely the guy for you in season 1 episode 9 due to everyone but Tulio and himself taking the day off he premieres a segment all about recurring characters called the muscle men who are buff ripped dude figures this is the gay rep you need for carpo avondeno is both the Gossip Girl as well as the music guy of the crew curating music to show off in his segment of the talk music [Music] ranking top where music spreading over a surprising range of genres and styles are played it's crazy how many songs the show has made to present in such a short segment and I think that it shows the dedication and love to the craft that they had creating this little guy who suspiciously only finds music from his rather large Inner Circle is one of the reasons I love this show so much Mario Hugo is an odd one I'd compare him to the awkward kid in class who either had undiagnosed add or undiagnosed autism it's really your pick on which he does a lot of the odds and end stuff but one of the more memorable segments is the beautiful and unknown Dimension he's a big animal guy and being a Chihuahua himself owns a lot of dogs who all name in one take without retrying copy copy Elemento adjectivo Mente and Blanco chowcha yo soy kalugoso Reina coliforme Temple you'll know Fiero Malo almarita and I can't roll my R's that's awful etc etc maybe reality Chester Palmera Senor refrito Pescador chamoyo calendario James Bond Ratta Cabeza de Chaya nuematico rapidio repudito repetito Gonzo Chino Cortez and albertito now being a dog who owns other dogs brings a lot of questions how are there both civilized anthropomorphic dogs who can report on the news as well as pet dogs why does he own so many is it moral to own your own kind this is like in any Show featuring animals where there's pet versions of those animals it hurts my brain and I hate it but I shouldn't think about it this much and just understand that it's a silly dog who likes dogs now this little guy has a crush on someone a crush so big that when she doesn't reciprocate those feelings he has for her he commits foreign [Music] swings from an inconspicuous rope that he hangs from the ceiling this is one of many many moments where the show proves that standards for children's programming are dramatically different across the world so who is this woman that's so up this little doggy's alley that he'd be willing to swing from a rope live on air due to a rule from the television National de Chile stating that a female character was mandatory for the show we got tulio's niece patana she's the heart of the cast being the most caring of anyone on the show at least to most characters Flores foreign s random stuff however hers feel a lot more well-rounded and produced and that she loves what she does just like how she was kind of shoved into the show by the network she was also shoved into the cast by tulio's sister who was pissed off that he had never come back home ever since he made it big he didn't want her on but then she reported a home invasion live and the rest is history isn't a main character like all the others I've named and will continue to name but he's one of my favorites Dante torbellini is a magician who quite simply just wants to do his show by any means necessary [Music] foreign [Music] until his final Act where he drinks a bunch of nitroglycerine with the trick being that he won't explode Ma maestros becomes a failure and can't hold a job and comes back to save the world even got his own song I love this little ticking Time Bomb no sir the most important character in the entire show is none other than the one you've probably already seen a million times especially if you've been around me a lot Juan Carlos badoke the little guy I couldn't get anyone on Twitter to help me bring to America he's a deep voiced gambling addicted woman loving Red Rabbit who has not won but at least two episodes that I can think of off the top of my head where his addiction to throwing money at pure chances ruined everything for his co-workers his segments are all about the environment he learned something about the world around him usually revolving around pollution health and safety for the betterment of the earth however in the lore of the show this isn't exactly how he wanted to be on he had initially signed up to be the host just like Tulio is now clearly he didn't get the job he wanted but he did get the one where he gets to learn and teach us about real world issues once you know this little bit of History it begins to make a lot of sense with how as you watch the show both Tulio and badoke are shown off as good friends but they kind of flip here and there of course I'm just reading a little bit too much into this but that's besides the point but okay is oddly the highlight of the show for most people including myself at some points though I guess when you consider the sheer power and impact that an anthropomorphic rabbit with a deep voice and a crippling addiction can have on the Youth of Chile let alone any group of people really I think it's safe to say that I can understand why jokes hit harder when they're presented in the form of a Chilean monotone man's involuntary persona ah niseko I find it interesting to also note that of all the segments featuring live-action people and animals in real world environments Juan Carlos's green note is the most prominent one that actually gets shown there's a few others like lost titles presented by polycarpo where it was like a soap opera and there's a bunch of children watching it was only present for the first five episodes but I am so glad it stopped kalu even falls asleep during it I don't know if this is foreshadowing his character becoming what it did later on or if the show writers knew they were making a boring segment the only other part of the show with a lot of real life children that I can think of is minitos deportivos featuring velon van Bola the soccer ball and Raul cuantasio the boxing glove in the studio with another personal favorite character mine Tenison Salinas out in the fields foreign there's a lot of other characters that deserve a mention but just have less about them so this will be the speed run segment where I try to go over as many characters as I can that I deem important to mention in only one minute the rest that I neglect to mention will have to be brought up randomly later and my American viewers will have to be confused because I think that this is funnier than giving each character a proper amount of time to be introduced ready Pico the microphone who's in charge of conducting surveys around the streets Joe Pino a dog who looks awfully similar to all of the other reindeer who really likes giving his opinions his name is very close to yopino which means my opinion as he likes to express his opinions quachimingo a wild creature a wild creature turn newscaster who after uh who after uh the Latin latido Latinos Hermanos brother Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Brothers uh burned down his how his Force um uh a hose guy um he's the owner of 31 minutes uh Constantine calls Roberts man uh sock with a rhombus pattern um um he he protects children he's Children's Services um um um gory Polo the favorite character of the children of 31 minutes uh Tio pallado a recurring uh villain throughout the show uh especially against Juan Carlos and no no no no no no no no no no this wasn't good moving on just like any other news program on the air this one had every important feature that we've discussed so far interviews Sports local stories about a real life superhero complaints no weather though according to my research there are a total of 13 segments throughout the show Each of which being hosted by one of the aforementioned characters in season 1 there were a total of eight segments that I'm aware of we'll start on one of the most obvious ones for a new show being interviews Tulio would often have guests on the show usually presented as scientists important political figures and really anyone who would be relevant to that episode's main plot for example in season 2 episode 12 we learned that Tulio had lied to a girl we previously saw she found out the show he hosts is an educational all and gets pretty pissed at him after a bunch of less than informative segments Tulio invites this person someone who's there to teach the viewers about endangered animals Julio just ends up getting attacked by a bunch of them at the end and doesn't really prove his point at all oh foreign I just wanted to mention this completely off script but this episode probably has one of my favorite jokes in the entire show and I just wanted to share that with you before we continue [Music] yes proposito okay in his very first interview he talks to Mr invisible mute who is both invisible as well as meat the interview went pretty poorly with Tulio offending his guest who got pretty worked up though it seems they didn't attach a mic to Mr invisible mute so we never really got to hear his answers pretty rude of Tulia to act like this under such professional circumstances usually at the beginning of many episodes or somewhere early on we'd seen Nico doing the surveys around the streets asking various puppets toys and other odd sentient things in the 31 minutes Universe serious hard-hitting questions like in the first episode with what do you think about food this being the very first segment we see in the show is really interesting it shows the uses of literally anything to become a character there is of course hand puppets and finger puppets but there's also vegetables squeaky toys a sealed doll this is also the introduction of many recurring characters such as Carlitos lechuga who shows up after the credits and also Miron whose only purpose is to kind of just stand there and creepily watch Miko interview people I found it incredibly funny that while doing my research I found a page for 31 minutos on a website that points out warnings for things in media like for example if the dog dies in the movie or not or in this case if someone is stalked to which the answer provided is the little blue bear that appears in Miko El mikofono's holes is a well-known stalker what later in the show Tulio ends the surveys and cuts Mikko from the show because he thought the interviews were [ __ ] this is pretty evident throughout and I think the best example of this is in the very first episode where after the interviews he says in a very sarcastic and bored voice Mikko did come back later but it was really just more of the same apparently even repeating old questions one thing to point out with Mikko surveys is how they amplify the Show's real world interactions the intro for it alone shows off people awkwardly looking into the camera and this happens all throughout the show whenever there's a part with the puppets and the camera outside one of the earliest segments in the show's history as well as the first one to end this one goes as far back as the pilot episode made for the competition where it was featured the claims Club was run by a small doll named Carlo Rubio who would present people who had problems followed by the solution to their problems it only lasted through the first five episodes before it was cut entirely as the character was fired for being boom she later came back to try to screw [ __ ] up in an episode where the show's image consultant and stylist wanted a female co-host Juan Carlos buroke the deep voice rabbit presents La Nota Verde or the green note every episode being a segment where he goes into real world scenarios all around the country of Chile and experiences the effect certain things have on the climate and nature as a whole this can range anywhere from biking and how it declutters the streets and obesity all the way to stray dogs and Arachnophobia which I have so I will not be showing that giant spider on the screen if any segment I truly believe that this one features the most memorable moments of any one that sticks in my head the most is in season 2 episode 1. the group is asked to present what they did over the summer and Juan Carlos went on into nature as he's out there he's playing the harmonica and gets interrupted by a woman saying that he should just enjoy the sounds of nature while camping and what is one of the single funniest moments that I've already brought up in this video he says it's none of your business old [ __ ] it was a recurring bad guy as mentioned before being Teo palato or bald Uncle he seems to show up most throughout a few green notes committing crimes like poaching of course Juan Carlos stops him but he always just comes back in the end not to go too off topic but I really do like the inclusion of Tio pilado just an [ __ ] who's out for a couple extra bucks wherever he can get it regardless of the legality something I found on the 31 minutes was Wiki while editing this part is that it lists everyone crimes some of which I don't even remember or just probably wasn't able to watch due to the fact that some episodes are missing subtitles if you want to know something about this character these use child labor attempted assassination threatened nuclear warfare actual murder and a whole lot of garbage jumping the green note was yet another thing that came from the contest submission and it was a big reason they won too the idea of teaching kids about the environment animals and the health of themselves as well as the world around them must have really resonated with the people watching the submissions I love thinking about the dramatic difference between Juan Carlos Here and Now glow up of the century Constantine conrombus man is the local superhero he's a sock with diamonds and goggles who heads out to help the youth who are in trouble like gloves being racially targeted and small Tom Sawyer dolls being beaten by their mothers once he helps them with their situations he transitions onto a stage where he presents basic human rights as something every child should have but the since it's usually starting with there's two important episodes of his little show that I remember the best the first being a three-parter that spanned over the last three episodes of the first season of 31 minutos where he fights with his brother I won't spoil it since I think it's the best Arc in all of rhombus man's segments but know that it's some good drama the second one I remember super well was where they took ramus man as well as his opponent for the episode and turned them into Kaiju this whole scene let alone the whole episode is more proof to me that they put a lot of effort and love into this it's phenomenal every news show needs its sports segment hosted by either an overly enthusiastic weirdo or some old dementia patients and from the very beginning thirdio minutos had picked the latter who else to talk about sports news other than a soccer ball a boxing glove and a tennis ball I'd compare these three to really old men who are best friends one that keeps falling asleep and the slightly leaner one that keeps waking him up these are ballon Raul and tinison as shown before Balon and Raul are the in-house hosts while Tenison is outside experiencing Sports now while outset the one who showed me 31 minutes thinks that balloon is quote Daddy I disagree and we think that the role of daddy belongs to Tennessee but that's just me Mario Hugo finally has his own segment with a Twilight Zone parody called the beautiful and unknown Dimension where he talks about things that are well beautiful and unknown so the topics are pretty normal and known things looking for things is one of the shortest live segments in the entire show it featured a character that for my knowledge was never on the show before the peak was never on the show before the two pieces were shown this one was about missing persons type cases it had a much darker tone to it than most of the other stuff the show had to offer and as I said it didn't last long which is a bit of a shame I think they could have expanded on it quite a bit have you ever wanted to be gaslit by a puppet watching Mingo finally gets his own segment due to the aforementioned latidos tinos urbanos emergentes hip-hop Hermanos Brothers forest fire that kicked him out of his house and into the show a little bit more when being a journalist I imagine you needed to be truthful respectful and honest stick to the real stuff and never lie to your audience watching mango does the exact opposite and just blatantly lies to every everyone with stories about his ancestors that he claims are true when in reality he's just lying there's no sources no works cited page at the end of his presentation no nothing also this is another time where the show references something else I love references this time is Ripley's Believe It or Not the television show that collected the weirdest happenings in the world I don't think huachamingo's segment was entirely based on it though more or less just the presentation this one is a reality show based on the food in batana's fridge called patana's refrigerator I find it odd that the open Yogurt gets its own dedicated segment before patana herself I'm pretty sure that this one as well as batana's refrigerator were in the episodes that at least when I was watching them uh had no subtitles I remember at least one fridge episode but I do not recall this one whatsoever the only segment in the show that I've neglected to mention at least from what the Wikipedia accounts is of segment is ranking top where polycarpo tells us the hottest songs in the episode the music in the show is phenomenal there's something about how they were able to take the wackiness of the characters and scenarios in both design and visuals and put them into songs about some really silly and interesting things the music was such a big part of the series that there was a music awards ceremony where polycarpo showcased everything as usual but with higher Stakes being these beautiful trophies Made In His Image each song has its own puppet character and music video to accommodate it I think this is just one of many many examples to prove that the creators didn't cut any Corners when creating this show there's so much personality in these singers and the topics they sing about are just so silly I think it's also super cool how they were able to cover so many genres here there are some hip hop raw and of course a load of Latin American sounding songs courtesy of its place of origin no matter the song though especially common in the first three seasons there's this certain deal and Vibe the songs all have regardless of the genre style that makes it feel like a 31 minutes song and I'd like to walk you through some of my favorites now throughout all four seasons of the show there are somewhere around 40 to 50 ish songs played each season sees highs and lows at least personally something I noticed while watching is that each season has its own one word song with the best one being the first [Music] comparison here's Boeing from season two [Music] from season three [Music] just trying so hard to be Lolo and the other good one [Music] Ferrari rarrow from season four I don't know what it is about these other ones but they just don't hit as hard as Lala it's just so goddamn funky foreign it wasn't until I was looking at the subtitles for the top top awards that I learned what this song is even supposed to mean so in Spanish Caesar is a name Caesar notice that little accent over the E there is the word for stopping so the song is dance without Caesar but Caesar thinks they're just not wanting to dance with him his response to not being invited to the little dance party is as natural as anyone's eating this [ __ ] out of the latidos Latinos orbanos emergentes hip-hop Hermanos brothers or my spiritual balance in English is another one I really like this character helped spawn that really funny biking clip that I've shown like two times already which has also been an emo in my server for quite a while now I don't actually have much else to say about it but while researching and writing for this video I was informed that the singer Freddie turbina is actually based on the soccer player Diego Maradona the song's great but I only bring it up because of this clip please [Music] foreign [Music] titled yo Pino or I think due to his previously mentioned love of expressing opinions has a music video featuring a lot of odd imagery I recall watching this for the first time and I don't think I could ever emulate how I felt after seeing it before I left this place so you can see it for yourself I want to make a few things clear in case you may have forgotten this is a children's show for children this music video would have absolutely not flown by an America with its imagery now let's see this music videos [Music] yes that is the KKK who are briefly followed by Adolf Hitler don't worry as shown by the subtitles I provided this isn't a racist dog or anything it's a little odd to think that this was on for kids but hey I'm American censorship is iffy for all I know this probably could have been greenlit over here as well and it would have been a fever dream for all the kids who would have watched it another odd fact about yopino is that it's actually something of a parody of the song by Trio unlike the music from minutos this song is copyrighted so I'll play what is realistically the only part you actually need to hear to get the joke foreign [Music] a lot of the songs in this series did this referencing other songs for their sounds and or lyrics one of my absolute favorites in the whole show is objection dinagata or objection denied in English Juan Pablo sopa here is like Saul Goodman a really good lawyer but he talks like an idiot [Music] [Laughter] it took me a while to hear it but it samples a bit of the song by El general which I am sad to say is also copyrighted so I'll do my best to make something of a comparison [Music] very rarely would the show ever have any English in it but when it did it would always freak me out one of the songs I recall having English randomly thrown in it was Mr guantacio a song by two Daft Punk inspired computers who see Raul as an idol his last name sounds a lot like want to see you and the song and tells you to listen to the chorus in English [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but rather a mention of it after the ranking top segment in season 1 episode 4. I remember the pure fear I had in my chest when I heard polycarpro speak to Tulio about the artist attempting to break into the English [Music] Markets in English they could wrong my hair oh thank you polygard for your information and goodbye Dracula Caligula tarantula is a pretty good song the artist's name is coagula espatulo now you'd say this puppet is particularly feminine no well the voice isn't [Music] it it hasn't been confirmed that this is a non-binary character or anything but as far as I can tell everything points to it the name is coagula which is the Spanish word for coagulate but feminine this isn't anything new either this is a season four song this is not the first or last time that this show had some form of LGBT stuff in it either but more on that later I believe that the definitive best song in the entire show is probably pronounced very wrong but in English it's my mom knits me everything it's another wacky silly scenario this one about how the band's mom knits so much stuff for them despite it all not being perfect [Music] thank you [Music] at one point in the song Through the mother's words she says that she knits them so much stuff because she loves them [Music] and I feel it may be a little bit cheesy to say how heartwarming that is to me there's something so genuinely sweet about the imperfections in something created by a loved one everything about this song from its sound and lyrics to its visuals and the music video are just so perfect the two performing the song Are knitted puppets their instruments are a knitted drum and guitar the backgrounds have a lot of string all around and if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure that several things become knitted over the course of the video there's so many knitted things around them including a human in a full knitted bodysuit whose knitting which is their mother it's kind of like the story is that they're just their mother's creation like she knitted them it's just so good everything about this song this show basically circulates around the music at some point the end of season one sees that music awards show that I talked about this time polycarpo isn't just ranking the songs he's giving out Awards to the best ones there were now for some reason I thought that every season had one of these but it seems that I'm very wrong and it only happened in season one if you ever felt like owning the music yourself instead of looking through the YouTube playlists there's also physically released albums as recently as last year season one's full list of music was re-released on vinyl one of these even has the karaoke versions of each of these big hit songs from season one if I was willing to pay three times the price due to shipping to own one of these I do it but I'm currently too busy making 15 an hour to pay my electric bill so that'll have to be something I live without for now even though the show is no longer getting episodes spoiler alert sorry they do still have musical releases that are uploaded to their YouTube channel the most recent one I saw was an ad commissioned by a science museum that slaps so hard I highly recommend you listen to it [Music] in fact just give the whole catalog of songs a try though if you're low on time I'll list all of my personal favorites right here hey guys welcome back to my sticker opening Channel called Melody super cool stickers where I open up packs of stickers and show them on camera for your enjoyment now I regret to inform you that I as a sticker fanatic got a little too excited when I saw the thesis finally arrived in the mail straight from Chile and opened them about a year ago only recently remembering that I should have opened them on camera for this one-off joke that I'll never do again for a video that I didn't have planned at the time now as I've said before I don't speak Spanish on top of that I don't remember the references that every one of these stickers is going to make but regardless I do believe that it's about time that we get right into it to start us off we have the hose guy whose name I'm a little too scared to pronounce I love his design it's just that his name is spelled weird and I don't think I'd be able to say it right I gotta say I really like these stickers they'll fit in perfectly with the ones that small band camp artists send me when I buy their limited 25 print cassette tapes that I'll never play actually of the stickers I opened I got three vertical ones but the last one is on the back and we'll get to see not only is this one in Spanish but it's also in cursive which is just another language in itself for anyone under 25. while I'm flipping through these I'd like to take a break out of my sticker opening Mirage and say thank you all for the recent support I've been doing this as consistently as possible this year and it turns out that when you pick a video about something you have a lot to say about you say a lot about it and it ends up being a super long video If You Could subscribe or like the video or share my dumbass with a friend that'd be unbelievably appreciated I don't show like this normally but this is my longest video and probably will be the longest one for a very long time so thank you uh I think I remember this beekeeper guy from a green note segment I'll try my best to pronounce this so feel free to laugh at me for how poorly I do Hoy gron inauguration I finally got monetized about a month ago so I can finally say that this hobby is actually making me money genuinely uh thank you all I'm not gonna keep going I'm going to give up and we're going to continue [Music] oh I just love but okay I love getting another sticker of him and there's our final one both vertical as well as holographic and it's of a character who I cannot currently remember I'm positive that I'll put this character's name on screen while I'm editing since I'll totally look it up to do so our final thing that we got is this queer character we talked about love the song they made now on the back of these I was expecting an explanation for the references these stickers were making but it turns out that it was just a set number and a totally not shady link ought to think that these are numbered but I do feel like buying more of them so I can have them all sadly I can't find them online to buy so I guess the final order of business is to visit the Shady link this is concerning but I trust that I'm not going to be killed by the Chilean equivalent of the SWAT team by going to the league anyways this is disappointing anyways uh thanks for watching yet another sticker unboxing please join back in for the next episode in November 2024 where I open up a pack of Joe Biden I did that stickers I bought from an Amazon return store for three dollars last year I've made a lot of good uses out of these see as with most television shows 31 minutes has had its fair share of special themed episodes like the Christmas special where Juan Carlos bets all of his co-workers gifts away in a horse race for example of something like a holiday special is included in the episode list at least somewhere here I want to talk about an episode that doesn't appear in the episode list that aired during season 1 all the way back in November of 2003. starting in 1978 Chile has had a yearly telephone where several shows are invited to make something to air during a 27-hour marathon to help raise money and awareness for children with disabilities there's Live Events and a selected poster child to be the face of the event facings are quoted as bringing the country together for one single objectively good cause they've raised hundreds of millions of dollars since they've started doing this back in the 70s and it's quite admirable or is it in 2003 the wonderful folks behind thirdo minutos with their first season about to end and their show finally being enjoyed by the masses all across Central America were invited to be a part of the 27 hour event and they agreed but something was off with their 10 minute short everything started out fine with stuff that fits in just fine with the normal 31 minutes wackiness everyone's tired from a party but Donna tries to break her piggy bank to give her whole life savings to the event since things were going awry pretty quickly they decided to quote sing the account song which is where they advertise the way to donate the money foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so they bring out the guests which is presumably a fairly normal thing to do at a Telethon first is a very wealthy guy who donates a bag of sand everybody [Music] next is a musician that no one has ever heard of not even polycarpa [Music] Peter [Music] look get foreign he tries to rob them all by gunpoint until it's found out that he's that briefly aforementioned Tio palano Tulio is stressing out but juanin informs him that there's no need to worry as the founder of the Telethon is coming Don Francisco everyone's excited here comes the moment they can finally meet one of the richest people in Chile a man worth over 200 million dollars this is actually the introduction of Gloria Polo the favorite character of the children of 31 minutos then the final big reveal of Don Francisco AKA Mario Louise fruitsberger blumenfield [Music] cardboard who starts bullying Tulia is [Music] he then proceeds to shout out his bank account again Tulia corrects him and they start singing shortly before everyone gets crushed by the cardboard [Applause] now they shouted out the correct account at the end and had a lot of jokes that are indistinguishable from the standard ones in the show but it turns out that there is a meaning to as to why they did this this is them making fun of the Telethon for how poorly it handled what is set out to do bringing in artists and people that no one would recognize therefore meaning people would be less excited the fact that the guy running it is incredibly rich and I believe in poking at the possibility of it being a scam entirely obviously this charity event does help but it's apparently overall poorly done according to what I've been told about it and I want to say I know anything about what's going on here no I have to go buy secondhand accounts I'm American and the comment left on the official upload of this event to the 31 minutes YouTube channel someone had asked how this was led to air in its entirety remember they shared Juan Carlos's account number and made fun of the event a lot before even saying the numbers remotely related to the donations and it was put through fully it didn't cut halfway through or anything in response to the comment the official 31 minutes a cal says in English believe it or not no one from the Telethon reviewed the a video until it was broadcast on TV it is easy to understand why we were never invited again during my proofreading stuff with a group of fans of the shows that I've been in talks with off and on for a bit now I was informed on a lot of really interesting things though there was one in particular that stood out to me the most you know how a lot of popular TV shows and movies used to get their own video games I talked about that a lot in my last video which you should go check out but the show as beloved as 31 minutos wouldn't it make sense to have a video game or two yeah sure would which is why there are two the first is a series of Five CD ROMs called secret files released in 2003 that are pretty interesting all five of them are pretty much the same containing clips and music and other small things the idea is that you're on each respective character's laptops containing music pictures emails and little mini games at first I thought that this was kind of boring until I realized just how interesting it is to have personalized each character's private files at first the folks I had brought to my attention thought it had come in cereal boxes but it was later mentioned that they were most likely distributed through newspapers or magazines alongside quote a jigsaw puzzle poster thingy while super cool and obscure pieces of media from the show they don't provide much of a whole lot of entertainment however the other 300 minutos game was a mobile app for Android phones aptly titled 31 minutos I had over 50 mini games where you could play as various characters from the show old and new it has original art voice lines and music it's interesting and I'm surprised that it's still up in some way it's shocking that there's no like slightly bigger budget console game though every popular franchise from this era needs a PS2 game in a theatrical movie well good news actually they did in fact have at least one of those and you won't believe which one the 31 minutes video game for PS2 doesn't exist I made this cover just believable enough to where I was confident that I'd be able to pull at least a few people yeah get pranked uh in 2008 between the Airing of season three and four the 31 minutes theatrical movie was released yes this puppet show was big enough to have its own movie something about it existing really increases the amount of questions I have on how no one outside of Chile or other Latin American countries has really heard about it genuinely surprised that I'll be the first American to make a video about 31 minutos at least from what I can find it begins on tulio's birthday where it really seems that juanin is doing everything for him like I said plane loves Tulio that's his best friend not just his boss and it's obvious that the feelings are not reciprocated Theo palato who we talked about earlier makes his appearance as one of the villains he messes up the big surprise that juanin worked really hard on it [Music] [Music] oh um which pisses Tulio off so much that he fires one in who is then subsequently kidnapped by Tio pallado and it's on the rest of the 31 minutos crew to travel by boat and save their friend as well as make it up to him I won't say any more of the plot to avoid spoiling it I highly recommend watching it after seasons one two and three obviously this isn't something you'll want to watch without having a bit of the show under your belt because a lot of the jokes and references will go completely over your head I love how this movie shows us the lore between how juanin Met Juan Carlos and Tulio it really makes his dedication to Tulio even Saturn knowing how much disrespect he gets from him in case you forgot Mario Hugo is in love with batana and he tries his absolute best to get her attention but it's always cut off or ignored foreign [Music] things for a quick Buck the role was perfect for him I think he's an incredible character this movie only makes it clear that this show needed a good recurring antagonist interesting note this movie was supposed to be a parody of super high quality High budget movies known as super Productions you can tell with all of the effort in some of the shots the CGI may not be perfect but it was definitely costly I think the imperfections with it fit with the 30 minute show style regardless how much did these cost well according to my searching 2.5 million dollars now that's not much compared to the average American super production but for its time in 2008 this was the most expensive movie ever produced in Chile essentially making it a super production how much did it make though surely with a budget like that combined with a beloved trans they had to make their money back right not at all barely even half of it so a little story here I struggled to find the movie anywhere online I could have ordered a DVD but I couldn't find that anywhere either it took me a while to even find it let alone get it to work I had to download the movie download the subtitles which I didn't even know was a thing I could do at first all I could find was some Hebrew subtitles on a particularly Shady website which I'm finding this show leads me to a lot of those are just subtitles though are there any dubs apparently there were rumors of a Japanese dub of the movie though of the show itself is a partial lost Brazilian Portuguese dub among others having been talked about but what about an English dub I as an American love this show 31 minutos has kind of shaped my personality a little bit over the past year and a half I think I'm lying look at how much of the video you've watched so far look at that video length I'm not kidding I have more to say about a silly little red rabbit in a black and white striped shirt than I do about literally anything I have ever made a video about and I'm unsure if that reflects positively or negatively on my mental health now the only issue I had with the show is that there is a language barrier no [ __ ] I mentioned it a bunch of times already but it is what stopped me from watching most of season three and four I couldn't understand what was being said and there was no way for me to be able to read what was going on roughly half of the episodes that were uploaded to YouTube I wonder if I've mentioned yet that all the episodes are free to watch on YouTube uploaded by the official channel are not translated into English via subtitles see I don't mind the subtitles but there's something about having to read what's being said that kind of ruins the experience I'm trying to look at what stupid quip Juan Carlos is saying to Tulio after a green note man when watching anime I prefer dubs entirely sure the voice acting can be awful at times but I like being able to watch with no big box of letters on the bottom center that I'm forced to read to understand what I'm unable to watch because I'm reading oh learn Spanish I tried remember I nearly failed maybe however there's a dubbed version of 31 minutos if they can dub over a Japanese cartoon what's stopping them from dubbing over a Chilean puppet I must not have been the only one with this idea as in 2012 there was an attempt to dub through minutos for an American audience now you may be saying oh wow that sure is Nifty surely this led to great things I thought the same thing the first time I heard about it but then I watched it The Following preview is a trailer some guy with a production company did in an attempt to sell the train Tay and minidose format to the U.S American Gringo people some years ago it didn't work that market is just not ready for our arrival anytime soon I agree I don't think America is ready even now 11 years later if it were dubbed and aired somewhere here where would it Go a kids network well no an adult network Maybe deals never see news like this [Music] 31 minutes I hate this voiceover it's so reminiscent of an ad that plays before the movie when you pop in a VHS there hasn't even been a dubbed over voice yet are we ever going to hear one an international fashion hair disasters they added sound effects and all of these random scenes cut together don't really show off much when 30 minutes of news just isn't enough thank you my God so this dub of 31 minutes is either lost media and was never shown outside of this little teaser that features no voice or the guy with a production company got shut down fast and was never able to get to that part regardless of if either are true I'm not surprised this was never picked up this showcases very little of what makes the show great there's no characters being introduced or interesting moments shown off I don't think that this would sell anyone on the show at all and it pisses me off why do we not get to hear an American Juan Carlos imagine being able to finally understand what this beautiful man of a rabbit has to say to be honest I feel like I with a budget of zero dollars and a production team of none could do better than this watch I'll do it right now hello Tulio my boss and friend hello badoke my friend who has a crippling gambling addiction that has affected our friendship more than once I secretly hate you for taking the job I wanted I tried to date women to hide my homoerotic feelings for you shut the hell up we're live on television I am also homosexual [Applause] after a nine-year Hiatus when season three ended in 2005 the show came back for season four in late 2014. this is where some great songs stem from as well as a lot of stuff that I as I said haven't been able to watch due to a lack of subtitles the official 301 manoto's Twitter account said in a thread about their biggest moments in the Years 2010 to 2020 that it got pretty low rating but hey it's in HD and it feels less like a YouTube skit show and more like an actual broadcast throughout the years before and after season four they had been doing so many odds and ends things ranging from new music and live shows to small ads here and there this thread is really helpful in finding more about the stuff that I otherwise wouldn't have known about and I'd like you to take a look at the important ones with the help of Twitter's translation on February 27 2010 a strong earthquake with an epicenter on the coast of the biobayo region shakes the whole of Chile they made a campaign to reassure people that things were going to be okay at the end of the year resuscitando un Estrella premieres the first 30 minutos live show that makes a free tour of the most earthquake-ridden places in the veil Bay the live band hasn't debuted yet because all of the audio is pre-recorded on December 15th of 2011 Toyota monotos had their first presentation with a live band and an unrepeatable performance with the well-known musician Jorge Gonzalez at the gam g-a at the gam there weren't very many people because it was a part of a surprise campaign from a clothing store at the end of March and beginning of April 30 minutos officially plays live for the first time with a real audience at Lollapalooza the stage is so small that the audience overflows and is left wanting more in July of 2012 thirdo manotos premiered the world tour which is not a world tour but a series of concerts in Santiago de Chile and a couple of other cities with almost their entire repertoire in November of 2012 the thirdo manoto's fat book goes on sale the Bible of the religion of thirdo manuto's Fanatics it is presented that month at the book fair in Guadalajara Mexico with moderate success on February 27th of 2013 through minutos performed at the Vina Del Mar Festival reaching a historic rating in June 2013 the show radio gwari Polo is officially premiered a musical show in which guarapello presents his radio program of telephone pitches and includes new musical arrangements for the classics as well as a brand new song the one that I love a lot the one about the mom knitting everything in November of 2014 thirdo minutos makes their debut with a live show in Mexico the reception was tremendous and since then they have returned almost every year in December of 2014 caloroso navitad premieres in Santiago a live Christmas show that adapts a classic Christmas television special to Stage the 31 minutos crew still presents it at the end of every year with new settings in May of 2015 thru minutos released chaotic pendulum a new song that they released in tribute to MIM in January of 2016 Torio minutos premiered the play Romeo and Juliet their free version of Shakespeare's classic tragedy notable for its complex set design and for including only new songs specific to that show on August 28th of 2016 the Mexican singer songwriter Juan Gabriel passed away they performed A Life Tribute to him by adding to one of their classic songs this isn't the only thing that they did to pay tribute to Juan Gabrielle either they even did a parody of a bit where Juan interviews himself by placing Juan with Tulio on March 10th of 2017 many Lola's premiered a new song for women's day KO song and co-written by Fran fear hockey on April 19th the 2017 census was carried out in Chile and baloche participated in the training campaign in April of 2018 30 minutos presented themselves for the first time in Argentina in the city of Buenos Aires as part of b-a-f-i-c-i in July of 2019 minutos performed for the first time in Colombia in the city of pagoda as part of the rock al parque festival and finally from this thread in October and November of 2019 31 minutos released two brand new songs rhythmo sidaril and feral Chico there's a lot to this that really shows just how much this show has ingrained itself into Chilean culture sure I can't really say that much since I don't live there but I think seeing a sign of Juan Carlos in a protest about journalism and batano screaming gay rights as well as all sorts of other random things tells me that it's culturally important in some way the amount of Art and love that you can find online that's just hiding under a different language is fascinating official story of my notice accounts will often share the fan art and projects done by those who love this show one of my favorite labors of Love dedicated to this whole thing was the 31 minutos reanimated collab where roughly one second-ish from each episode was animated by a different person there's some genuinely incredible art here and I really do recommend supporting these artists skimming through the posts on the theroumanuto's Instagram account for example brings a lot of really well made art that fans have made of the show I'm just a silly little American who discovered this show as an adult in 2022 so my perspective might not be the same as those who watch the show for years and years some of these people who make this art watched it on television as it aired I could only wish to be able to have those experiences hell even I myself was inspired to commission my channel artist to make a puppet of myself just because of this show look at her look at me I mean I'm real if it wasn't for the show I don't believe I'd have nearly the same amount of creativity flowing through my veins there's a lot to 31 minutos that I didn't even bother to mention in this really long video I could have talked about the commercials they made I could have talked appeared on a television show to promote the movie where baroke gets a smooch from the host perhaps the loads of merch releases ranging from t-shirts board games CDs vinyls DVDs a skateboard and puppets of fan favorite characters I could have talked about how one of the test recordings was remade in the first episode there's so many moments in the show that I neglected to talk about that I wish I focus on more but I don't want to spoil some of the best episodes thank you all for watching this and have a good night now word two specifically only the people who work for 31 minutos please send me a Juan Carlos puppet or really any form of merchandise please no one ships to America and when I get lucky and find a few people who do they cost like thirty dollars for shipping I'll do anything please
Channel: Melody Nosurname
Views: 1,380,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 31 minutos, juan carlos bodoque, tulio trivino, juan juanin harry, trans, commentary, video essay, furry, gay representation, the muppets, mr. meaty meat, regular show, censorship, dub, 31 minutos la pelicula, Alvaro Diaz, Pedro Peirano, Plan Z, El Factor Humano, Juan Manuel Egaña, Aplaplac, Mira Tú, puppet, puppetry, El Gabinete Del Doctor Mojado, Pablo Ilabaca, Chancho en Piedra, musica, Canciones, Mario Hugo, Patana, Maguito Explosivo, La Nota Verde, Guaripolo, Teletón Chile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 56sec (3716 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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