Super Mario Maker | The Completionist

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Love the 30 minute Completionist episode. I also really enjoyed hearing Jirard gush about Mario. You can tell how much love he has for this series.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/wcrb15 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2015 🗫︎ replies

I mean that in the most positive way: Jirard is just absolutely insane. The lengths he goes through to complete games was always impressive, but he unboxed nearly 1000 bucks worth of amiibos for our entertainment and to show us what it can do. If that's not true devotion, I don't know what is. I just hope he doesn't get sued for the hundreds of heart attacks he caused by unboxing them.

Another great review and something totally different, mainly because this game is so different. I'm currently struggling with what I should get, a Wii U or a PS4. I only ever saw trailer and promotion videos for Mario Maker and didn't know how it will end up being, but this review might just decided what I should get.

The Mario reviews usually tend to be my favorite on the channel. Many people love Mario and have fond memories, but Jirard shows a real passion for the franchise and I enjoy that a lot. This video could be 2 hours long and I wouldn't get bored.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Tom_Dynamite 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2015 🗫︎ replies

Honestly, this episode I think maybe my favorite of the year. It was such a wonderful experience, and it felt like I was celebrating something so precious to me that I got to show everyone.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/thatonevideogamer 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2015 🗫︎ replies

I just noticed that when he was unboxing the amiibos that he had his watch on his right hand. Is Jirard left handed?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2015 🗫︎ replies
yes you 30 years 30 years of shaping the lives of millions of people all over the world for 30 years a plumber his brother a princess who somehow keeps getting kidnapped and a dinosaur each fire-breathing monster have been revolutionizing the way we play video games welcome to today's episode of the completionist where right now I complete what may be one of the best Super Mario Brothers experiences of all time and the best part is that experience is the one that I created for myself this is Super Mario maker Super Mario maker is one of Nintendo's breakout titles this year we've been playing so many Mario games from 2d platformers to 3d platformers to kart racers sports and role-playing games and then there was that one time where Mario danced his way through stuff look sometimes Mario has to just dance fight his way out of a situation now for those of you who don't know I have a let's play Channel I've had a let's play channel for almost three years now it's called super beard bros with my buddy alex and last year we played a game called kaizo mario and since then we've played kaizo mario too and we're just finishing up kaizo mario 3 the kinds of series is known for being really difficult rom hacks of super mario world my point is the idea of a difficult mario game has been around for quite a while but Super Mario maker isn't just about letting people make a hard mario game it's about empowering the user to do something great it asks the player what do you know about Super Mario uh-huh yeah well show us and as I say this with all smiles I can answer that question every single time I play now before we do begin today I just want to point out that this whole episode is a massive spoiler to the entirety of the game I'm going to be explaining a lot of the ins and outs of the game spoiling a lot of the surprises inside why because I'm a completionist this whole video is a gigantic spoiler I'm going to explain everything I find there's your warning enough blabbering let's begin for the first time in a long time here on the show we've got a game that doesn't really have a story as far as the plot goes in the game but what we do have here is 30 years of Nintendo history it wouldn't work well to go over all of that but the legacy of Mario is huge on the completionist over the course of our time here we reviewed almost every main title in the Mario lineup Super Mario maker focuses specifically on for Mario titles that I've already discussed in great detail Super Mario Brothers won three world and new super mario brothers you Super Mario maker does not include Super Mario 2 mostly because it wasn't really a Mario game but rather a reskin of the game Doki Doki Panic in my opinion I love Mario 2 it's a fantastic game but it doesn't quite fit well into the Mario mythos they do include some Mario 2 assets though in the game so there are some definite nods here there the story of Mario saving the princess has been a plot that's been going on for decades but to me it was literally about saving the princess it was about exploring the wonderful landscapes fighting the hard bosses learning more about your abilities as a player to overcome obstacles that were blatantly in your way the journey was always the focus in the destination when it comes to Mario and with Super Mario maker we're celebrating 30 years of the journey by creating our own Super Mario maker flows well in terms of user interface experience everything is straight forward you can easily navigate your way through menus and nothing is too overbearing with regard to nostalgia for newcomers as you guys may or may not know I love Mario Paint it's one of the most underrated games out there it inspired me to kill flies paint within the lines create music and use stickers to do weird things hell the first ever Homestar Runner video was made in Mario Paint true facts Super Mario maker has many nods to Mario Paint the little dog the guys working out - one of my favorites the fly game sometimes while you're making a stage or even if you go idle from leaving your console on for too long three flies appear on the screen now this was something that was hinted at in the trailer for the game many months ago if you kill all three flies the fly game from Mario Paint will start using the gamepad to kill flies has never been this easy although it will be tough beating this game will unlock something but we'll get to that in a bit I can't really judge Mario maker for its level design because well it's a game about level design you become the developer of this game as you customize your dream levels or nightmares one of the best things I love about Mario maker is that it honors and remembers the rules and boundaries of each Mario game for instance in super mario world mario has the ability to spin jump as well as through items straight up into the air these features are almost exclusive to every version of Mario Mario 3 has the p-meter Mario Yu has the wall jumping in the jump spin glide and Mario 1 has slow jump descent physics yeah you know the one I'm talking about yay while you're building your level you can choose the various backgrounds from each of the Mario games you've got your regular plane variations your underground your water level your ghost houses the airships the castles each equipped with the music you've grown to know and love the ability to simply transition from layout to layout is awesome it's instantaneous and they added new music for assets that never existed before for instance there's no ghost house or airship in Mario one so new music was made for it I will say that we aren't able to match the level designs from game to game for example you can't make half of a level of Mario 1 and then halfway through a pipe that makes Mario you although that would be pretty tight now just because this game is level creating game I have to point out we haven't even scratched the surface for what truly awaits for us the meat and potatoes of Super Mario maker comes down to building and playing levels most of the time however the big big big time constraint on your designer dreams for Super Mario maker is that you've got a waiting mechanic from day to day now this does sound horrible but it's actually quite useful as it gives you time to learn how to play the game and design levels as you go so I thought to myself hey why not treat this kind of like a vlog talk about what I did and unlocked each day hey guys so welcome today one of Mario maker everyday we unlock more content across the board of the game and you know there is a way to unlock all the amiibo costumes through various Mario maker things however I didn't want to wait and since I have a very large memo collection I thought to myself now is the perfect time to show off what all the costumes do so I'm going to give you guys a brief little time elapse of me unboxing on my amiibo and if you want you can check out what all the outfits do in this video right here over on slash Super beer Bros we have a let's play channel Alex and I and we've been doing kaizo mario which is a big deal for us and we have a new series called road to mario maker where you guys can make levels for us to play each and every week head on over to slash superbia bros to check that out with that said let's unbox all the meme I've been collecting for the past year let's do it Ike first start with Ike feel so bad I'm boxing this you see it okay so I just unboxed all me bow that I have uh a nose very long video for some of you and that's why I don't flog let's just scrap that idea altogether each and every day that you play Super Mario maker will unlock more and more content for you to use to create levels you'll start with the basics recreating Mario 1:1 and learning how to place enemies each day will require you to test out your new assets and use them for up to 5 minutes from when you do you will unlock the next queue for the next day informing you of what's to come and even at that depending on the announcement I usually get pretty super excited maybe it's starting backdrops like the castle or ground levels maybe it's entirely new physics-based level like the water levels each big unlock was a step into me finding myself as a designer I will admit I was a little bummed that I didn't get access to the Super Mario world or Mario 3 assets right away what this does overall is create interest for you to become an expert at designing a level and sometimes your level may have a theme and the themes are really what make Mario maker so interesting oh they patch the weighting system well I still believe in what I said the enemy's terrain and power-ups you unlock from day to day vary through expertise the first few assets are pretty simple and get more complex towards the end and yes almost every major mario enemy and powerup are in this game the sky is practically the limit well I guess I should show you how to actually build a level all you have to do is take your stylus here pick what you want to build and lay it down simple right let's get a bit more creative first let's change our pointer here I like the mario hand more now let's say you want to lay down some Koopas but you only have the green ones well if you shake them they'll change color most power-ups enemies and overall assets have secondary assets attached don't believe me let's take Bowser here shake him up and we've got Bowser jr. better yet let's make Bowser scary let's make two Bowser's at the end of the level with wings a mushroom surrounded by lakitu x' and hammer bros you know let's keep going let's make the level scrolling add cannons that shoot wigglers at high speeds big boo ghosts a bunch of them a walk with a mushroom and a few saws for good measure Mario maker as you start to make your way through the bottom of the barrel for unlocking assets you'll come across the newly introduced sound assets you can add sound effects or visual effects that change something on screen you can even add your own voice to the mix but that only works locally not online ad with good reason ah so for you season 2 Mario players out there get ready to have endless hours of difficult Mario fun see here's the thing I loved about Mario maker all levels created whether they be easy or hard must be beatable if you can't beat it it ain't going online so no level is impossible however if you come across level you don't like after playing it time and time again you can just tinder it and swipe it away to the next level what I did learn for my day one experience of vlogging is a few things one I really don't know how to open my own amiibo boxes and the world will judge me for opening my own collection thanks world to every amiibo you own is compatible with Super Mario maker in ways that will genuinely make you happy and I mean every amiibo thus far will work with the game ones that aren't even out yet in fact I knew about some of the new amiibo that were announced a few days ago because I unlocked them in the game but what did the amiibo do so in mario 3 you've got the raccoon leaf mario world we've got the cape and yoshi and a new mario bros you we've got the propeller hat well nintendo decided to give the original super mario brothers a special mushroom they called the mystery mushroom this mystery mushroom awards the player with the costume but there's practically a hundred costumes in the game all of these costumes are reflective of the amiibo that you have now this is just so much fun to play around with as you can make themed levels based on the amiibo you own and most of the amiibo have a unique upward taunt pose sound running animation jump animation death sound and victory sound so much fun stuff so yes no regrets with opening my own amiibo collection personally in my case i own all the amiibo currently commercially available but I'm still missing about half of the costumes available in the game so eventually I'm going to have to fork over a lot more catch for the amiibo or find something else I can do in the game to unlock all the costumes hmm there's something so riveting about creating Mario stages using palettes of your childhood as your canvas transitioning from playing to creating levels is seamless the more you build the more you want to play to test certain enemy patterns or secrets but with Mario maker making levels is only half of the game the online component is pretty large when it comes Super Mario maker this isn't so much a component designed for multiplayer but to simply play people's levels the social elements of online is great you can follow your favorite creators play whatever the current featured level is search for levels at random people can even play the levels that you've created leaving comments and levels can encourage players with feedback or warn new players about trollers hazards that exist ahead and when you're playing online you'll see red axes for every other player who's died in the levels so when you die you don't have to feel as bad or alone and making mistakes the community will determine your relevancy as a creator when people like your level they can award you a golden star the more golden stars you get the higher your community ranking is and with the higher ranking you can upload more levels now this right here is actually the only thing I couldn't complete because it requires a massive support system from the community so one day all of you guys at home can help me do that and then we can add this game to my list of update videos needed for the channel up there with Hyrule warriors mother3 link between worlds and splatoon ok so tuned part 2 is coming I heard you they just keep adding stuff and when they stop with the content that's when I'll make the video cool cool I'm sorry then there's the 10-man Mario challenge the 10-man Mario challenge is a mode in which you must play through eight levels made by Nintendo developers with only ten lives so what if you mess up well don't worry these levels have enough coins or one of mushrooms to keep you going every time you beat a level the level you just beat will become a playable level in the core spawn which lets you play it at a different time beating all the levels in the 10-man challenge will unlock the Nintendo World Championship levels from the 2015 World Championships these levels are so hard but God dang are they fun from here we've got the 100 man Mario challenge now this may seem a bit daunting and well you really have no idea there's three levels of difficulty easy normal and hard and you'll have to play between eight to sixteen levels at random what's random the levels themselves this mode pulls from all the levels created online by other users this essentially becomes endless mode kind of because well so technically speaking the review part of this video is now over what does come next is how to complete this game yes there's a lot to complete so I'm warning you right now there's no final level section of this review there is only completion bonus and struggle I'm going to share a lot of stuff with you guys right now so again this is your final warning be prepared to be spoiled so let's talk unlockables first up that Mario Paint game conquering this minigame will award you with the special amiibo costume super builder Mario this is a costume the little paddle card Mario we've seen on the boxart and everywhere else but hey it's a secret nonetheless on the topic of costumes you may have noticed throughout this video once or twice that there's a weird looking thin Slenderman version of Mario that is known as the weird mushroom you have a random chance of making any normal mushroom turn into the weird mushroom when you spawn it in mario 1 however there is a way to permanently unlock it and add it to your palette once you've unlocked all the Nintendo World Championship levels beat them all to unlock it and when you're building a level shake the normal mushroom to make it the weird mushroom and yeah it is pretty damn weird so there is a 30th anniversary Mario amiibo for this game in fact there's two 8-bit retro and 8-bit modern Mario's Alex and I waited all night and morning to get these amiibo literally hours before this video went live yes I know yes I'm insane and I'm probably taking a nap right now good job passed you future me whatever you want both of these amiibo give you access to the mega mushroom it'll make Mario big and he can crush all kinds of blocks and enemies that stand in his way all the enemies now look like the Mario Brothers with hats and mustaches and the TV screen gets warped like a CRT TV now why am i bringing this up because thanks to Pro Jared we actually found out that you can make that CRT effect happen before you play any level just mash the xB twine a buttons at the same time as you mash the four directional buttons on the d-pad and boom it'll happen pretty neat huh speaking of secrets it's really awesome that you can unlock everything in this game without owning one amiibo yes you heard me correctly aside from the 8-bit 30th anniversary amiibo you can unlock every costume in the game just by owning a copy of Super Mario maker now how does one do that this part is what makes it very fun for a completionist yet at the same time it can be quite stressful remember the 100 mario man challenge every time you beat that mode you will unlock one of the costumes this is really awesome for the conscious consumer and it encourages people to play the game organically ah ah now I know a lot of you are thinking I'll just spam ez mode and unlock them all that way well I tried that there's a cap actually eventually ez mode and normal mode will stop awarding you amiibo costumes and you'll have to only do hard mode from there on well this was very fun for me to do especially since every single level is different every time because the pool of media people was so small I only ended up playing the same 30 to 50 levels over and over and over again so it got stale kind of quickly but I imagine that it won't be the same next time around for you guys for when you decide to complete the game so to commemorate me completing Super Mario maker I made a level on the media servers that showcases every single thing I unlocked in fact if you want to watch the full video right here check it out right now live on super beer Bros here's the link on-screen it has all 100 costumes in their awesome form you guys may have seen this level leaked online and various websites getting coverage most of them not giving me credit don't be fooled I did all the work first and to top it all off the final level version didn't have the two mega mushroom amiibo now they do the sad thing about all my level creations in Mario maker is that they were on a specific media server so all levels you've seen here that I've created aren't playable right now I'm gonna have to recompute the game again Super Mario maker is my anti-drug my anti-stress my anti-anxiety pills wait the game has been nothing but a wonderful ride from start to finish I'll say it I hope there is DLC for the game as it needs just a little bit more more enemies maybe more building assets don't get me wrong it's got a lot in it but I always found myself being just a little bit disappointed and I ran into a tiny bit of a wall when it came to my own creativity with a level for instance I used to be able to spin jump on saws in Mario World I can't do that anymore other than the tiny nitpicks I had Super Mario maker maybe one of the best games of our generation this is going to lead to hours and hours of original games levels worlds the possibilities are endless I promise you Super Mario maker will not disappoint Super Mario maker celebrates 30 years of gaming from one franchise that people claim they're tired of seeing I cannot disagree any more with the sentiment Super Mario maker is so so wonderful by the time you're done watching this video you should be out the door in a car buying it or download it digitally from the eShop completionists will love the challenge of unlocking all the secrets especially all the Meebo costumes and while it seems malicious to take all this time into the game look it's either you're spending their money with amiibo or you're truly utilizing your skill in celebration of Mario to unlock everything in the game so with that in mind guys I give this game my completionist rating of complete it completed hey guys thanks for watching another episode of the completionist today's episode is made possible because of the pixel Empire the pixel Empire is a wonderful website where you can buy high res high glossy artwork and posters from all different walks of nerdom from comic books to films to video games you can buy some really great artwork the site is owned and operated by one person named Dylan West and you can tell that he's incredibly passionate about what he does just by looking at his awesome work show him some love by buying Tzar today and if you use the coupon code completionist you'll get 50% off your entire order and supporting Dylan means you're supporting us so it's a win win and honestly let me know what you end up getting I myself got this Bioshock print right here so thanks again to Dylan and his crew over at the pixel Empire let's show them some love you guys the pixel Empire calm can forget coupon code completionist that's all time we've got for today guys so please as always let us know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the Internet don't forget if you want to see everything in Super Mario maker unlock including all the amiibo costumes links in the description below or click on the boxes on screen right now you can also head over to my let's play channel super beard bros that's super beard bros guys he's a super mario maker awesome it really is now you know what if you excuse me I'm in a level on my twitch channel with everyone watching at home call Gerard's treasure trove and I'd like to show you and it's most evil 4 it's a scary level that's what it means you're going to be terrified yar yar cut out all the parts mark where my stomach is just chillin in front of the camera for three minutes I wasn't gonna do anything but now that you brought it up you know thanks
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,979,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker, Super mario maker challenge, mario maker, level design, custom levels, completionist, super mario maker levels, building levels, mario 30 years, 30 years of mario, mario maker 2, super mario maker, super mario maker 2, nintendo, SMM2, switch, nintendo switch, jirard khalil, mario maker levels, battle square, gaming, mario maker challenger, game review, game reviews, wii u, mario maker review, super mario maker review
Id: SoBnIjpAqeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2015
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