Yoshi's Woolly World | The Completionist

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tfw no black yoshi

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lechzemmer 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

When I heard DJ Jazzy Jeff, I immediately thought of Jesse Cox and TB's adventures in Terraria. Fun episode!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/StoopKid241 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2015 🗫︎ replies

that's probably the cutest game I've seen in awhile. Nice review, Jirard!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/KitKatMasterJapan 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

I wonder if Jirard and Alex would play this on SBB.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hyoushou 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2015 🗫︎ replies
yes you hey everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist so we've been waiting as Americans a little bit longer than the Europeans out there on Yoshi's woolly world I'm happy to say that it's out today and we could finally play it but me and Yoshi games tend to have a really weird history I am really bad at Yoshi games more specifically Yoshi stories so I'm hoping that with Yoshi woolly world I'll have a completely different experience or else you're gonna see me suck really bad at Yoshi today so with that said let's take a look at Yoshi's woolly world a few years ago a company named good field created what I consider to be one of the most boring experiences on the Wii Kirby's Epic Yarn in my opinion Nintendo consistently creates solid games but when I played kirbys epic yarn I almost fell asleep during a lot of my playthrough who can't really die in the game and it's severely simplistic the graphical aesthetics however were really something special look how cute it is two years ago at e3 we were shown Yoshi's woolly world for the first time and I had never been more enamored with how a game looked the amiibo alone being made of yarn is worth the price of admission one of the art directors of the game ami Watanabe made the yarn Yoshi for her fellow developers to cheer them up and it ended up becoming a part of the amiibo strategy the yarn Yoshi plushie amiibo series yet with all this said I've got Kirby's Epic Yarn still burned into my brain I do feel a little cautious about Yoshi could this game change my mind about the yarn style of gaming all I really know is I'm ready for a yarn --is-- adventure if you've played Super Mario World to Yoshi's Island Yoshi's new island or Yoshi's Story you'll know exactly what to expect from the plot of Yoshi's wooly world it's not a complex story and it gets straight to the point everything in this game is made of yarn every single thing in our woolly world of yarn the yarn based Yoshi clan is trotting about in their little community when suddenly yarn kamek shows up and turns all the Yoshi's into bundles of yarn he wants to get as much yarn as possible so he can powerup yarn baby Bowser to an ultimate powerful state meanwhile a few of the Yoshi's managed to hide in the center of the yarn egg shrine when chemic starts to flee a few of the oh she tried to stop him and he foolishly starts dropping bundles of yarn all over the different worlds in the game there's 66 Yoshi's that have been dismembered well no not actually dismembered remember they're all made of yarn so they're just kind of taken apart kind of like the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz it does not hurt them at least I hope so anyways either way it's up to us to save all the oshi's and stop chemic and baby Bowser from their cute but evil plot to absorb the world's yarn for a game like this the plot is appropriately simple no Baby Mario or baby Luigi this time around and that's totally ok because we've got nearly 66 Yoshi brothers we've got to save and that's not even cluding all of their amiibo brethren either simple is as simple is for Yoshi's woolly world but one thing is for certain this game looks really freaking clean like like look at it there's not even a spot of dirt anywhere if there's one thing to take away from this review it's that Yoshi's woolly world is one of the best-looking sounding and feeling games on the Wii U and I know that's a big statement but I've never felt better while playing a Wii U game before and my smiles are a direct result of the games entire presentation being clean polished and basically perfect from the minute you boot the game you're hit with wonderful visuals that are utterly captivating hell even before you boot the game but box art is already drawing you in when was the last time you've seen box art that conveyed everything you needed to know about a game's art style exactly as intended if you're window-shopping and you come across this game it's already in your shopping cart baby look I may be a grown man but I'm chilling with these Yoshi's for hours hours at first I thought the main musical theme of the game would get old real quick but there's actually nearly 64 original tracks in the game meaning almost every single level has its own music and all of it is awesome there's a few tracks that are reminiscent of older Yoshi titles and there are some that reminiscent of other Nintendo titles too like Mario Galaxy and Zelda recognizing these auditory illusions is just another way this game's impressive presentation makes me smile from ear to ear there's so many different styles of music included in this game there's country jazz tracks jazzy jeff tracks alright that last one I made up but look if DJ Jazzy Jeff had a song in this game I wouldn't put it past Nintendo this soundtrack is killing it let me reiterate everything is made of yarn every single thing is made of yarn and I love it aesthetically it all works freaking look at poochy poochy the dog is way too cute I want a dog made of yarn that just cares about me a lot I'll name it Kratos the yarn of war weight dog of yarn of war there we go the overworld is so colorful peaceful and serene the insane level designs make you feel like you're just a part of this bigger playset almost as if we the player are kind of like an amiibo in a master hand playset whether you're being attacked by a large fish in the woods on a waterfall made of fabric or you're in the clouds hopping on reappearing rainbows or if you're just eating everything in sight and turning it into a weapon Yoshi's woolly world reminds you the player are just as mortal as the environment around you and that's not a sad or a depressing thing it's a fun realisation and the crowning glory of the games overall design the hard stages legitimate difficulty there are challenges to playing the game and it feels great to overcome these challenges the deeper and deeper you get in short there's plenty of high stakes I don't mean food I'm talking about personal investments and conflict on every stage although I am hungry Loki I know this state doesn't exist I know that when I put it in my mouth at the core of the gameplay Yoshi woolly world handles like a lovely blend of previous Yoshi titles but also brings a lot of variants with regard to gameplay to keep the game plenty fresh and challenging there's six different worlds of the Yoshi's must travel - with eight main stages and one unlockable secret bonus stage ik waiting to fifty four stages total this may not sound like a lot but since this isn't really the kind of game you can just blow through the game provides plenty of content to keep you busy there's different stage environment hazards and secrets everywhere to be found so you're gonna be here a while let's talk basics she can jump flutter round pound eat enemies turn them into eggs or yarn balls in this case and toss them at enemies since Yoshi's also made of yarn he transforms depending on his actions instead of having a simple running animation yoshi turned his feet into wheels while fluttering he turned his feet into a mini helicopter propeller the flutter mechanic and woolly world is so tight you feel like a badass when you're about to die and you recover just by the thread of your feet while we're on the topic of transformations Yoshi can morph into different vehicles based on the obstacles he encounters in the game these transformations temporarily change the gameplay drastically which provides a fun minigame experience maybe he's a speed bike maybe he's a mole or an airplane maybe he's a big version of himself destroying everything in sight like Godzilla maybe just maybe Yoshi becomes a mermaid yes you heard me right yo she becomes a mermaid and you know what Yoshi looks awesome as a mermaid mermaid yarn Yoshi tearing up the charts since 2015 I'm in I'm in every single stage features 5 bundles of yarn these bundles once collected and after beating the stage will unlock a new playable Yoshi that means between beating the game and going above and beyond to complete the game you can get up to 66 different playable Yoshi's and these costumes are so wonderful and diverse I couldn't tell you my favourite one because each one I unlocked made my heart flutter guys I might be in love with this game a little bit or I might have a heart murmur and that's not all just about every commercially available amiibo is compatible with the game using one of those amiibo will unlock a fully playable Yoshi in the game with the design that matches the character all me amiibo itself but not every amiibo works this way sadly the Pokemon amiibo don't unlock a unique Yoshi they just show a generic amiibo that says Yoshi amiibo it's a green Yoshi with a Meebo logo on its stomach that's my biggest complaint about this game as this was also the same issue I had with Super Mario maker speaking of yarn amiibo there's three specific character yarn amiibo for the game yoshi blue yoshi and pink Yoshi there will be a mega green Yoshi later on this year which is basically a big yarn Yoshi doll these Yoshi yarn amiibo add the same effect as the cherry powerup from Mario 3d World where you'll get multiple Yoshi's to control on screen it's kind of useful but it's really just chaotic on the topic of chaotic the coop in yoshi will knee world is a ton of fun it's pretty great to use your friends as bait to kill enemies while you kind of trample each other left and right but that kind of gets old real quick if you're just trying to actually beat the game I am a bit competitive so it was hard for me to focus on the task at hand when my friends kept eating me but it's still very very well done like the steak I'm about to eat ignorance is bliss let's shift gears here and talk about those steaks we were talking about earlier not the food steaks leave other steaks in traditional Yoshi fashion we've got to collect five sunflowers beat the levels having full life which means not taking a hit and getting ten hearts to fill your life bar up and find the five yarn bundles in every single stage the yarns get more Yoshi's the sunflowers unlock the one bonus stage per world and the hearts are just more of a checklist thing to do but since this is a wii u title we also have to find the twenty hidden stamps in every stage these stamps are hidden collectible cute gems you get in every stage finding these can be pretty difficult as you'll need to check for every secret question cloud you can find or try and find certain areas that are push Abul maybe they're just a literal secret to give you an idea of how big Yoshi's woolly world is let's do some math here okay forty collectables per stage times eight stages per world with an extra bonus stage so that makes nine stages per world at six worlds total you're talking about collecting 2160 things in the entire game yeah up but we're not done yet killing enemies and beating stages unlocks access to the scrapbook feeder which has 64 music tracks and 73 enemies in it hey completionists you've got your work cut out for you you can do it you can do my job let's talk about some more stuff shall we bad the gems that you collect in every stage act as currency for you to spend on these temporary power badges these badges as you beat the stages in the lock them kind of break the game incidentally enough most of them are fun little bonuses you get but the best one I've used the most was the secret revealer badge which shows me any and all secrets in each stage and you know what I still couldn't complete stages in one run as it doesn't reveal every secret that's that you know the game is well designed even it can't help you when it says it will the levels in this game are not only fun but they tend to make you think you may need to defeat a certain enemy with a very particular trajectory of your egg toss there's a platform that has a wireframe that needs some yarn so toss a yarn at it a Chain Chomp made of yard is just a rolling platform but eating it makes it a playful wireframe chain shop that you'll have to lure around sometimes these small details of using yarn make every single level so diverse it's the best thing about this game every level is so drastically different you'll never feel like you're repeating a level now this isn't a complaint so much as an observation but the enemies look so damn cute that you don't want to murder any of them look at that shy guy just literally chilling doing nothing just being him how about this family of puffins their parent is expendable and you can just use them as eggs to create cloud platforms sometimes it's hard to distinguish what's friendly and what's foe the boss fights are pretty straightforward nothing too crazy here being patient is the key but your patience is definitely tested when you're trying to do a full life front of a stage it's not that bad but you just got to be quick you got to react accordingly the last nine stages in world six will test everything you've learned from the game from using new mechanics like velcro conveyor belts to fluttering and throwing eggs at the same time while avoiding a bunch of scary ass enemies one of my favorite levels in the game is the final level as in order to fight baby Bowser and chemic you need to find the four colored shy guys in the level and shoot them at their corresponding Bowser statues it feels kind of open world-ish as you got to explore all four corners of the level to find all the shy guys running into old enemies is fun enough it's a tiny micro trip down memory lane with some of the design work after restoring the four Baby Bowser statues it's time for the end game you'll need to out run an autoscroller chemic portion to get to the red Bowser door Bowser comes out dopey as ever and you got to do what you got to do take him out do your stuff after a pretty straightforward boss fight chemic super juices baby Bowser to become a huge baby Bowser no big surprise here for you Yoshi veterans but this boss fight is one of the more awesome moments in the game it combines what we've loved about the yoshi island bowser boss fight with a 3d mario boss battle and it works very well fluttering around and tossing large yarn balls that super yarn bundles has never been this fun before granted no one's really done that before but hey if there was a competition for it Yoshi woolly world would be the first and so but the defeat of Chemical Baby Bowser our happy clan goes back to normal all united once more collecting everything in the game actually does a lot of things to keep the content fresh long into the endgame let's break it down a bit beating all eight levels with collecting all the sunflowers unlocks the ninth secret stage in every world these stages will test your skill as they're really hard to beat getting all the yarns in these stages however will get you a console themed Yoshi from Wii U - whee - GameCube - the 64 the Super Nintendo and the Nintendo Entertainment System you get a pretty nostalgic with these costumes once you've beaten the game you'll unlock lost challenge mode beating all the bosses again on a harder difficulty will unlock bronze silver and gold Yoshi's they look so great with their shinies and sparklies the big reveal of collecting all the sunflowers in the game is that it will unlock the last stage in the center of the world map at the egg shrine called wonderful world of wool this is the equivalent of Champions Road from Mario 3d World where you'll need to play the whole level get all the collectables and beat it without getting hits being the level and getting all of the yarn bundles will reveal the shiny platinum Yoshi when you complete each level you'll get a star on the overworld hub and a faded flower in your world list menu when you complete them all excluding the amiibo at the time of this video I have every amiibo commercially available with me missing out on Falco and mega yarn Yoshi being released for later on this year but as far as I can tell getting all the stamps and beating the stage without getting any hits at all goes towards unlocking badges and simply acts as another thing on your checklist for completion Yoshi's woolly world is wonderful so damn wonderful I wish I could have taken my time with this game because it's so imaginative and thoughtful it's going to be one of the most underrated experiences out there this holiday season I cannot recommend it enough and no I wasn't paid by Nintendo to say these words the thing to remember about Yoshi will the world is that it's about the overall experience is the gameplay different from previous Yoshi titles no but it's like taking a lovely walk in the park and all you hear is mellow music birds chirping and there's yarn things everywhere I want my yard of war dog really want that you guys Yoshi's woolly world was a delightful experience I wasn't expecting to have going into playing this game in a world filled with FPS and free-to-play games left and right here we have Yoshi woolly world stuck right in the center with its childlike aesthetics and wonderful gameplay and you know what I cannot recommend it enough so with that in mind guys I give this game my completionist rating of complete it oh hey guys thanks for watching today's episode of the completionist be sure to hit that subscribe button right there and today while you're at it if you want some more Yoshi content check out Wyatt the nerds awesome artwork he did for this episode there's a little speed art video right there in the corner you can see a time elapsed of him doing the artwork and if you missed last week's episode and you want to see the train wreck known as Pepsi man give it a click right over here in the corner now back to me that's always such a weird thing to say that's all we've got for today guys so please as always let us know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the internet all fun stuff you got your Facebook's your Twitter's your edits your tumblers your instagrams I used all those things guys thank you for today thank you for always thank you for watching I'll see you next week with another brand new episode now if you excuse me mark I don't know surprise me put something with the ocean any anything that you want be civil though I always get nervous when they give marks typical Liberty they had always been hi Yonny it scares me sometimes he's laughing right now you can't see me he's like chuckling to himself now I'm nervous I'm very nervous about what you're about to see also I don't know why my hands you can see my hands but I'm like I'm like pooping her half like yes I don't know why go cut to the footage because I you're the worst marks fired you guys
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,063,811
Rating: 4.8917694 out of 5
Keywords: Thatonevideogamer, Yoshi (Fictional Character), Yoshi's Woolly World, Video Game (Industry), Nintendo (Video Game Developer), Wii U (Video Game Platform), yoshi woolly world, woolly world, wooly world, wolly world, Yoshi's Story (Video Game), woolly world review, yoshi's woolly world review, Kirby's Epic Yarn (Video Game), yarn yoshi amiibo, yarn yoshi, the completionist, thatonevideogamer, completionist yoshi's woolly world, all yarn yoshis unlocked
Id: ZPmE4kjWpsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2015
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