New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe | The Completionist | New Game Plus

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I loved this episode. It is what I love most about the show and it didn't have all the unneeded extraneous stuff. It talked about completing the game, why you enjoyed it, and without an ounce of pompous BS. Great job!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2019 đź—«︎ replies
just about everyone has touched a 2d mario game classic mario practically created the platformer we know today but there's another type of 2d mario that while beloved by critics is not often mentioned by fans the new super mario brothers series and i'll find out why it's so often ignored again when i recomplete new super mario bros u deluxe hey everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist new game plus a show where i take a second look at games i completed from the original completionist lineup more on that in the description box down below i feel like i was one of the few people out there that was really genuinely excited when they announced that new super mario brothers u deluxe was coming to the nintendo switch more specifically because one i love the original game a lot it was my first embarking partnership relationship with nintendo and two i never actually got around to playing new super luigi u uh when that dlc pack was released so today we're gonna take a good look again at new super mario bros u deluxe for the nintendo switch let's begin oh yeah mario time now new super mario bros u is a game that is near and dear to my heart when i first started putting out completionist videos this game marked a turning point both creatively and professionally the original episode marked my debut relationship with a little company known as nintendo anyone who knows me can tell you that i love nintendo and almost all of their games mean so much to me i love smash brothers zelda pokemon and i love mario and when nintendo sends you a copy their newest console and a copy of the newest mario game you heed the call at the time we as a team entered into a competition to create a commercial involving the nintendo wii u and any of their launch titles and we worked really hard on that commercial unfortunately we did lose the competition however nintendo still liked our video and that's when i took it upon myself to decide that i'm going to complete new super mario bros u for the wii u and this cemented our relationship that's continued to this very day it just goes to show you that even when you fail there's always an opportunity there's some advice from your friendly neighborhood completionist when i first completed this game i did it in record time releasing the video only a couple days after the wii u launched now that i have even more time and i'm used to those challenge levels thanks to mario maker i'm honestly not that worried at all but there is one big change new super luigi u a dlc game that wasn't out when i first completed new super mario brothers u however in the deluxe version for switch both games are included and since it's essentially the same game i decided to knock out both while i'm here first off i'm gonna have to beat the game this includes beating up all the koopalings as well as the king koopa himself at the very end beating bowser at the end of a mario game what a twist from there i'm going to finish collecting all of the star coins there are three star coins per level totaling up to over 200 star coins in the game after this there are some extra things i need to find one being the secret exits and the other being nabbit some levels have secret exits that link to hidden levels so if i'm gonna get everything i'm gonna have to find those too nabbit is a bandit rabbit who stole from the toad houses you gotta catch him in each world and bring him back however these are real short and happen while you're playing the game naturally so i will knock them out as they go along finally and what may be one of the most difficult parts of the game i'm gonna have to complete the challenges the challenges are separate from the main campaign and are small levels that feature time trials coin gathering and other similar challenges i remember this being the most difficult pain in my ass thing to do in this game so i'm really not looking forward to this but overall this is standard mario fare the only things that can be mildly frustrating is the fact that i have to do it twice thanks to new super luigi u then again that's kind of the theme of new game plus overall in that sense new super mario bros u deluxe is the perfect metaphor for this series as a whole god i love symbolism new super mario bros u deluxe has everything fans have come to love from the new mario brothers series just with a little bit more polish this polish can first be seen with the story bowser flies in with the koopalings kicks everyone out of peach's castle kidnaps her and takes control of the mushroom kingdom okay so maybe the polish isn't necessarily here in the details of the story that's been the same since the nes days but the way that the game reminds you what's at stake is better than in every 2d game before it every time you get about halfway through the world there's a shortcut scene reminding you of what bowser is doing peach's flags will change to bowser's flags a mysterious fog will surround the castle so on and so forth this keeps the overall goal of rescuing peach constantly on the forefront of your brain smart stuff nintendo this type of extra detail can be seen in the levels themselves while the music is great as always the highlight remains in seeing how the enemies interact with the music itself koopas turn to the camera on beat and the baby yoshi sing along which let's be clear that is the best part about this game now i just want to see pauline singing a song with the children's choir of baby yoshi's behind her can you imagine someone please make this happen most people say that the levels in new you are bland and boring but i disagree i think up to this point this is the best version of the new series we've got the problem being that we've had several games before in the series that makes all this feel all too familiar so in the end that does kind of make sense i do want to add though that the backgrounds of each level are fantastic they really add a sense of depth to the world and make the mushroom kingdom seem like more than a set of lines with flagpoles at the end the best set piece has got to be the starry night themed background in one of the ghost levels it is mesmerizing and honestly wouldn't mind if the whole game had a similar art style like this da vinci will be proud or rembrandt i don't know all of these great details are seen once again in new super luigi u the levels are greatly shortened each level's time has been shortened to 100 seconds and adds a lot more jumping that's because all of luigi u is based off of luigi's higher jump and slippery traction you have to remember this was a part of nintendo's history the most important holiday of their company the year of luigi plus he's still got the runny feet you know like when he jumps in the air and his feet go all crazy i'm glad to see a whole game designed around it high five luigi there is so much attention to detail in every aspect of the look and sound of the game that you can't help but smile while it's not perfect i loved everything about the presentation of this game how's the play the gameplay still feels as tight as ever your running and jumping is complemented by a spin jump as well as an additional spin you can do in the middle of the air to extend the length of your jump however one of the weirdest additions they added to the game in this new deluxe version is the fact that the jump button and the midair spin are on the same button so sometimes when you're jumping you might accidentally do a mid-air spin it's kind of frustrating to be honest now the only new power-ups in new super mario bros u is the acorn collecting this puts you in a fly suit that makes you glide adds a little bit of a double to your jump and lets you cling to walls it's super cute and a lot of fun but it's kind of not enough every other power-up had been seen before and frankly it was kind of disappointing it seems like it took some aspects of other power-ups like the tanooki suit instead of adding new gameplay elements however this changes with new super mario brothers you deluxe deluxe not only introduces a new power-up but new playable characters as well the first is nabbit that rastly bandit rabbit i mentioned earlier nabbit is essentially the beginner mode of this game a character you give to your younger brother or sister while nabbit can't use power-ups or ride yoshi he can't physically be harmed by anyone now nabbit was playable in new luigi u and he's now playable in both versions of the game the other new character is toadette while naba is beginner toadette is just easy and is cute as a button plus she gets the best power-up in the game the super crown the super crown takes toadette and transforms her into peachette a princess peach look-alike with peach's glide and the ability to survive a single fall into a pit this raised a lot of questions in the video game community is peach just the toad wearing a crown is toadette the rightful heir to the mushroom kingdom throw what happens if someone else picks it up now this last question introduced the internet to the character of bowsette and while i'm tired of this character it raises even more questions like what would a girardette look like or a faciana yet or a bret at either way please send any and all fan arts to the topg headquarters this is per request of the writer and not on myself i do not want to see what i look like as peach jeremy put the dress down and get the out of my office there's actually some controversy surrounding the toadette character besides the bowsette stuff you see introducing toad at caused one character to disappear from the main four lineup and that is poor old blue toad but you want to know secret come here lean into your computer speakers i got you come here listen blue toad is still in the game blue toad is now a palette swap of yellow toad because that is honestly what they both are the same character with just different colors when the game first came out people were mad that nintendo only used two toads now they're mad one of those toads is now gone for me i really like toadette and the super crown power up i think this can lead to more interesting opportunities in the future while nabbit and toadette make the game easier that doesn't mean completing the thing is any easier if you try to complete the game with just playing as nabbit the color of the beaten level will appear purple instead of blue letting the whole world know that you took the easy way out so if you really want to get that completionist cred you've got to stick to mario luigi and or blue yellow toad the only annoying part about completing this game is that you can only save after you've beaten a tower hidden level or a castle why not make saving available the whole game that seems pretty standard at this point but once you beat the game you get the ability to save anywhere you want on the world map now being the game and collecting all the star coins is the easy part even having to basically do this a second time on new super luigi u isn't that hard the real hard part comes with the challenges challenges are split into four different categories time attack coin collection one up rally and special the first two are exactly what they sound like move fast and get coins respectively the other two are a bit more unorthodox one-up rally is all about bouncing off of enemies heads without touching the ground after a while you'll start collecting one-ups and your goal is to reach a certain amount of them in the time limit special contains a bunch of different challenges that just don't fit the other three categories like dodging fireballs while beating these challenges isn't hard in itself getting all the gold medals is really tough however with enough practice and a lot of gumption you can get this done completing new mario brothers u deluxe is an absolute pleasure the addition of toadette keeps things fresh for me and i had a ton of fun the entire time through it honestly brought me back to the challenge and charm of the older mario games and really isn't that what every mario game is trying to achieve and also just being real uh a message from me and not the writer of this episode please do not send fan art of people who work at this office in their toe dad forms no one deserves to see that i don't want to see it just please don't [Music] so after beating bowser for the very first time you'll notice that your save account has a gold star on it not only is this how you relive your glory days in elementary school by bragging but this is how you keep track of your completion process if you beat bowser you get one star for unlocking and beating every level you'll get a second collecting every star coin will get you a third one doing all of this will unlock superstar road a new world with access to eight more levels for you to complete now these are really tough but they are a lot of fun collecting all the star coins here will grant you a fourth star as well as give you access to the ninth level of superstar road get all three star coins on the final level and you'll see that you still have four gold stars that's because you need to still catch nabbit seven times one in every world fortunately this is rather simple congratulations now that that's all over do it again in new super luigi u good luck fortunately the challenges are only on the new mario brothers side of thing so you won't have to do those twice so what do you get for doing all this hard work for getting every single gold star well again you can now save whenever you want a feature that should have been available from the very beginning of the game but you know great and there are some cool easter eggs for example every time you beat a level and the time ends with a double number like 77 or 22 you get to see fireworks totaling the number you paired up plus toad will give you a bonus power up thanks for looking out bro but overall the only gift you get for completing the game and getting gold and all the challenges are the 5 gold stars and a gold medal for each category while that's not really anything tangible to gloat about having i have to admit that the gold stars are incredibly satisfying to earn and besides the game was so much fun i didn't really mind doing everything in it even though i had to do it twice when i completed new super mario bros u deluxe there were 67 gold medals obtained in the challenge modes two campaigns beaten that each had 81 main levels beaten including nine superstar road levels 243 star coins collected 12 secret exits unlocked seven times i caught nabbit all those numbers now double them 34 hours of total playtime and a bunch of art of the tovg ads that i absolutely do not want to see don't send them to me it's weird to me because new super mario brothers u was only like maybe five years ago maybe a little less and i feel like i recently replayed it even though i didn't i think that just comes down to uh since new you got released we got super mario maker and that just kind of put mario back on everyone's mind and then this year just not too long ago we got announced that mario maker 2 is coming so i think at the end of the day now is the perfect time to play new super mario bros u deluxe i think it's the best definitive edition uh it's great to play on the go uh p-jet is a fun addition to the game toadette is really cool uh playing as nabbit is fun the challenges can still kiss my ass those things suck i don't care what anyone says they're difficult they're tough they will make all of your hairs turn gray at some point in your life so with that in mind guys i still get this game my completionist rating of finish it that's all the time remember today guys so please as always let me know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the internet if you like the show hit that like button hit that subscribe button to keep up to date we got wednesday videos and saturday videos uh and i believe this marks the end of the remake month for us on the new game plus side so stick around on saturday we take a good look at resident evil 2. have a good one guys i'll see you soon bye
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 675,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe Review, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, Mario Bros U Deluxe, nintendo, nintendo switch, super mario deluxe, super mario bros u deluxe gameplay, game review, game reviews, switch, platformer, mario, mario game, new game play, completionist, jirard khalil, New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, wii u, super luigi U, new super luigi U, luigi U, super mario, luigi, toadette, nabbit, peachette
Id: 9YnkDSXfQrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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