Splatoon Part 1: Single Player | The Completionist

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This is a awesome review and it makes me look forward to playing the game.

But I have to admit I feel over hyped online games like Titanfall and Destiny has made me quite cynical. They are over hyped so much that reviews are actually afraid to be negative. "Yeah the single player sucks and is short but.....10/10".

When Splatoon came out I saw that same style of review. "Here a bunch of negetive stuff but we still going to rate it as a perfect game". This instantly had me backing off. Afraid that reviews are lying to me, being just another hype piece. And fully expecting game to die after a few months once online becomes repetitive.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Emelenzia 📅︎︎ May 29 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'm not really excited to hear that the fun parts of the game are locked behind amiibos.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Nogrid 📅︎︎ May 29 2015 🗫︎ replies

It sucks that no one can get an amiibo after 5 minutes of announcement.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/terretsforever 📅︎︎ May 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

For someone who doesn't have a Wii U right now (been saying I'm holding out for Xenoblade Chronicles X), I'm glad to see that this is a good game, and it's making me more so consider moving toward getting a Wii U. Hopefully when I inevitably do the game is still going strong on the online, and that it isn't too imbalanced where a new player is still able to play.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/aaronman4772 📅︎︎ May 30 2015 🗫︎ replies

Man, maybe I should go pick it up now since it looks like a ton of fun after all! Thanks Jirard your awesome, and your the inspiration for my channel just like Jesse Cox and Dodger were yours!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lockedontargetshow 📅︎︎ May 30 2015 🗫︎ replies
yes you hey everyone and welcome back from episode of the completionist yes my beard is gone if you want more information on why give it a click right here this little video will not only tell you why maybe it is gone but it'll give you my schedule for all the conventions of going to this year so if you plan on going to any conventions give it a click right here to see which ones that I'm going to be going to today splatoon is out I've had several weeks to play it both offline and online with other youtube friends and journalists which brings me to a very important point I'd like to make for this week's episode you may have noticed the title of this review says part 1 that's because I decide is for this review into two parts today we'll be focusing on the single-player campaign only and the second part will focus entirely on the multiplayer now the reason being is that there wasn't enough people who received review copies in order for me to max out my character and really get everything in the game to give you an idea most of the lobby's ended up looking like this too long don't watch I can't plan online games there's no one to play with I've been secretly saying it under my breath for years Nintendo has been needing to make a new IP one that takes advantages of the current hardware and pushes Nintendo into new territory we know that Nintendo has perfected the platformer the brawler the racer and sometimes even the RPG so to me the next best genre to ink into is a first-person shooter but in this case splatoon evolved from the ideals of an FPS and turned into a refreshingly unique third-person shooter game starting out as a mini demo made by Shintaro sato of the Animal Crossing team splatoon has gone through several revisions as to what exactly the game is one moment we are human boys and girls around the age of 14 or so and the next we know we are the squids that look like the bloopers from the Mario series these two different identities combining into one was a great way to synergize the Nintendo flair into a new genre they've never really toyed with before and just one more time as a reminder due to the lack of people playing splatoon during the review period this review will be split into two parts with today's focusing on just a single-player aspect we're going to focus mostly on the story the levels from the campaign the amiibos and more but don't worry I'll be doing community game day streaming on Twitch as I work on part two and hey you guys can probably play with me during my journey to maximum level edge when you turn on splatoon for the first time you'll get to build your virtual inkling U and pick things like your gender and skin colour shortly after you'll be thrusted into a quick tutorial which is much appreciated as it's short straightforward and very helpful everything you need to know from how to play the game is right here in this short tutorial in the world of splatoon there's two factions divided by race the Inklings and the octarians what the hell are either of those you might ask well both races are sea creatures / human hybrids and the customizable little avatar will be controlling and playing the game with is known as an inkling they're kind of squid based and they're friendly you're looking while the octarians are a bit more conniving and evil and weird the war between octarians and the Inklings have been going on for many many years but the most recent war the great turf war of a hundred years ago ended with the Inklings as the victors now 100 years later the octarians have stolen the great zapfish the almighty being that powers the whole city of inkopolis the capital of the inkling race it's kind of funny that the great turf wars is the main focal point as that's the mode you'd be playing online a lot all of this is explained to us by captain cuttlefish the commander of the squid beaks platoon he explains the importance of the situation agent 1 & 2 of the splatoon have gone missing so it's up to us the newly appointed agent 3 to find and restore the great zapfish the thing to take away from this in splatoon is that inkopolis is your hub world everything you do in inkopolis is a different aspect of the game local multiplayer online multiplayer the amiibo booth the shops - even the black market shops everything is centralized in the inkopolis hub and the hub includes the sewer point that takes you to the main story the plotted single-player mode while incredibly exciting to play in my experience isn't required for the main game because the main component of the game is online multiplayer what we're about to play ultimately has no effect on your status ranking or weapons that we will discuss in the next part of the review its simply its own entity and you know what it kind of works a single-player experience that stays in its own realm I dig it far and away splatoon shining achievement for me thus far has got to be the overall aesthetic of the game everything reminds me of the late 90s early 2000s with things like Jet Set Radio skate parks rocket power grind rails graffiti art and essentially splatoon hits that right on the head guru a guru named goo lily Runa visually the game looks great on the Wii U with the simplistic focus on solid colors being the main focus for the game while you don't get to determine what your color is for the level or character it does keep it interesting and fresh in the single-player mode all the levels you play slowly get harder and harder which is great for a game like this the design purpose of the single player is to prepare you for any and every obstacle you'll encounter in the multiplayer field while still giving you that bit of compelling story to motivate you to play when you get to the end of a section in a level you soar in the sky very similar to Mario Galaxy it makes the game feel so much bigger than it is which to me is great making the world seem as big as it can be is critical to a game like splatoon and as you get further and further into the game the levels not only teach you more about the game but they build upon what you already know it slowly gets more difficult and I love that now this was something I mentioned briefly in the height video we did a few months back and I hope that would stay true and I'm very happy to report that the variants in these level designs do not get stale hell even all locking levels in the mini hub world is an adventure of itself you'll need to find the sewer entrance for every level and fill it with ink I will say however that splatoon is a little bit too systematic with this level designs as well which I kind of dislike here's what I mean in any one section of the hub overworld in the single-player if you decide to play the levels in numerical order you'll for sure encounter the same level types every time the first 1 2 3 levels are the awesome linear building block type levels we'll need to use what you've learned and roll with it levels 4 & 5 tend to lean towards the turf war type levels which gets you used to dealing with enemy players and obstacles level 6s will tend to feature you battling against a large octopus monster that sends a bombs at you while you're trying to reach the end of the level and then you must defeat the monster now there's nothing wrong with these levels in fact I love the varied styles they're really well designed however I tend to play things numerical order when I play games and I guess it was just too predictable for me by the end of the game the soundtrack for school tune is great overall but depending on what mode you play the music quality fluctuates the music and the multiplayer experience is completely different than that of the single-player one and while both are great in their own ways the single-player tracks tend to get stale really quick as the tracks start to repeat after a few levels and with those tracks repeating they don't feel like they match the level that's being played on screen it's like hearing the Mario one-one theme at the beginning of Mario 8:1 I mean yes that does happen in Mario 1 but I think you get my drift we've come a long way since Mario 1 there generally is a new type of track per world but it goes back to what we've heard dozens of times eventually and that kind of does bum me out aside from my stupid qualms trust me I know these qualms are nitpicky and dumb splatoon creates an overall excellent visual and audio experience then all the stuff I just talked about will hopefully just kind of go in one ear and out the other oh and last but not least I gotta give it up to the anyway localization team all their translations are awesome and funny the dialogue feels very modern without pushing you too much now the basic concept of splatoon's gameplay has been discussed a lot already with regard to multiplayer and for the most part the same applies to the single-player while sprinting ink everywhere you may run out which means you'll have to transform into squid form in order to refill and while in squid form you can move faster play dead teleport etc a lot of strategy comes from learning how to balance between both forms and for the single-player mode you'll learn how to effectively use both there's something so satisfying about grinding up a wall in spin form to reach a brand new area and don't worry if you get lost captain ko fish will help you every step of the way since you're rewarded with cash for each round you can upgrade your character by getting more guns and such but progression and single-player is more about getting to the end of each level to find the zapper fish in turn that brings you one step closer to finding it's all great mighty big brother however single-player and multiplayer points and rewards do not cross over cash and experience from both campaigns do nothing for one another and are only self contained within their game modes upon starting the single-player we are given the hero suit a black and yellow tracksuit that will protect us against the octarians and with that we are given the splatter shotgun not splatter shotgun but splatter shot gun there's a space in between shot and gun guru I only complain with the single-player is the fact that we are stuck with just one weapon the whole time personally I would have loved to have the paint roller on some levels and the charge gun on others however playing devil's advocate I can understand why they force you to use the same gun the entire time because you have to build each level individually to match that of the gun or build each level to be suited for all weapons in the game which considering how the focus of the game is multiplayer it wouldn't work out so well but even at that this problem I had actually was rectified with amiibo I'll explain that in just a little bit throughout each level we can collect the orange experience orbs to level up the guns firing speed the amount of ink your ink container can hold and the effectiveness of all the sub weapons such as the grenade the mouse bomb chew ink splatter thing and the ink balloon in the single-player campaign there's 27 main levels and 5 boss levels while this does seem small each level will take a fairly lengthy amount of time and for us completionists out there there is something to find in every single level the sunken Scrolls 27 sunken Scrolls are hidden in the game each detailing the secret origins of the Inklings and the octarians and sometimes these Scrolls kind of don't make sense just give you random information about both races or they're kind of like random tangents sentences that don't bridge together or make any sense now some of these are shown in plain sight but most require you to think outside of the box in a really cool way and when you finally find them you feel so awesome and knowing where they are it really do give you that extra challenge you'd want from a game so back when I met Cory from Nintendo treehouse I had asked him a few questions regarding splatoon amiibo to which he remained silent about well I think his reasoning was because here we are splatoon amiibo you know I did notice with the splatoon amiibo they're definitely better quality than some of the previous Mario Party or Smash ones I think with enough time Nintendo has finally figured out how to produce them at a pretty good standard of quality the splatoon amiibo in my opinion may be the best use of amiibo thus far in any Nintendo game to date there's three amiibo is currently compatible with this game but orange inkling girl the green Inklings squid and the blue inkling boy when you put an amiibo into the game it'll offer you a total of twenty separate challenges each challenge is taken straight from the single-player campaign however each amiibo offers different modifiers playing with the orange inkling amiibo lets you play a lot of the single-player mode using the charger rifle playing with the green Inklings squid it creates time challenge rushes for each stage with a few stages that will require you to use limited amount of ink per run and playing with the blue inkling amiibo allows you to play with the pain roller which is my favorite weapon thus far completing three stage challenges and then a boss challenge will grant you a special item only available if you have the amiibo and for each challenge you're beat you're given cash which you can use to buy new weapons and clothes for the multiplayer and they give you a lot of cash per challenge I'd argue that if you have all three amiibos not only can you get a lot of cash for your online play but you can almost certainly max out your character in the single-player mode too this to me not only adds hours and hours of gameplay but it gives a more satisfying reason as to own the amiibo if future Nintendo titles follow this model amiibo collectors like myself will be so incredibly thrilled the boss fights in this game while there's only a few are fantastic breaks when you're getting a little restless from the levels none of them are too challenging but one of the great things about each boss fight is that when you beat the bosses you are given a blueprint for a multiplayer are gone you can then buy the gun from the stores in inkopolis however in order to use these guns you need to be the appropriate level in the online mode these subtle rewards from the single-player that cross over into the multiplayer side of things are fantastic as it encourages us completionists out there to do our job complete it all towards the end of the campaign our pal captain cuttlefish gets taken prisoner by the very octarians that we are fighting a few levels later we find ourselves in direct communication with agents 1 & 2 and with their direction they help us get all the way to the final boss fight which interestingly enough is ladies and gentlemen the boss of the game is named DJ Octavio holy crap he takes up almost the whole screen look at this guy this boss fight is nothing to joke about even though he does make comments about remix in your face the entire stage is you chasing after DJ Octavio as he's trying to punch you to death the entire experience of this boss fight is incredibly hard the DJ actually is the hardest thing you'll ever come across in the entire game it's one of those bosses that's way harder than it needs to be and I am perfectly fine with it there's a very large difficulty spike on the last level but this challenge is awesome the whole time you'd be conflicted with rocking out and having a good time to being incredibly frustrated of how hard the bosses and with the defeat of DJ Octavio we rescue the captain saved all the mighty zapfish and restored everything back to normal time to paint the credits weird thing about splatoon and it's completionist task is how you're not really rewarded when you've completed the game beating the game regardless of how many the sunken Scrolls you've gotten you'll unlock the hero suit and the Octavian suit for online play these suits are awesome you can mix and match and it's a great way to tell everyone online that hey you beat the campaign however with the 27 sunken Scrolls I found that you actually get nothing that does kind of disappoint because they do such a fantastic job to raise the stakes with collecting these little Scrolls these Scrolls really help build and flesh out the world in Lauro splatoon but other than that no rewards for getting all the scrolls I will say though that beating all 20 amiibo challenges per amiibo gives you great incentives for being the first 12 challenges you'll unlock full suits orange inkling girl gets you a school uniform blue inkling boy gets you a samurai suit and the green Inklings squid unlocks this awesome spacesuit this thing comes straight out of destiny or predator or something again the amiibo this time around are so worth it completing challenges 13 through 16 with the amiibo unlocks another arcade game for you to play while you wait for your online matches to start in splatoon when you play online you get to play this little minigame where you hop with the splatoon inkling all the way to the top took a fun little waiting game and now you've unlocked more you can play them anytime on the arcade cabinet in inkopolis and finally beating all twenty challenges gives you the hero suit variation blueprint for a weapon wow you really do get a lot of bang for your buck with these amiibo and the extra hours of content they provide is kind of the best thing in this game I really wish that for today's episode I could rename this section the joy because I had a blast every single step of the way I know that in the beginning I seemed very critical but I was critical because platoon has one big thing working for it heart it's a bit of a bummer that the 27 sunken Scrolls don't really give you a reward but the amiibo make up for it and let me tell you that being the boss of the game which again it's already really really hard was awesome when I got to use the paint roller and here's the kicker to everything we discussed so far in this review I haven't even begun to tear apart the multiplayer so at the very least from a single-player standpoint the game has a ton of content and the longevity is aimed towards multiplayer the quality of the game may not be as something as huge as a mario title but it succeeds in areas the Nintendo has never been to before and I think that was the main purpose of the game to branch out a new IP and I am very glad to say that at least from a single-player side of things this game is fan-freakin'-tastic so splatoon may be marketed towards children and teenagers but I guarantee you that people my age and older are going to be picking this game up and from when I played so far of the game it's been an absolute pleasure and it'll be very exciting to play this game with all of you guys at home now I don't really know about the longevity of the multiplayer online game but I can tell you at the very least with all this in mind the single-player portion of this game gets my completionist rating up finish it that's it hey guys thanks for watching today's episode on splatoon hopefully you liked the video as much as we liked making it let us know in the comments below and while you're at it see that big blue button right there it says subscribe and if you hit it you'll see more of my videos and hey maybe check out one of these two videos right here they are awesome at least I think so what do you think so maybe Steve doesn't think so that's all time we've got for today guys so please as always let us know what you thought about today's episode somewhere on the Internet I'm not really sure when part two is going to be coming it kind of depends on Mike on schedule and one and my ability to play the game and timing and such I don't want it to be too far from now hopefully in the next two weeks or so but I'm not gonna make any promises there so guys enjoy splatoon have a lot of fun play with your family play with your friends it's a good time I guarantee it and if you're still here hashtag splat let me know you're still here hello hi mark do an end bit for now you could you excuse me now if you excuse me something that mark R creates sometimes I'm not funny rated everyone tanning up
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 680,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon review, splatoon, review, gameplay, splatoon 2, splatoon gameplay, multiplayer, Video Game (Industry), amibo, squid, all weapons, game reviews, Nintendo, Wii U, playthrough, splatoon amiibo, splatoon walkthrough, splatoon wii u, completionist, TOVG, jirard, thatonevideogamer, splatoon single player, splatoon 1, splatoon part 1, splatoon online, splatoon multiplayer, squid sisters, callie, callie amiibo, marie, marie amiibo, walkthrough, nintendo wii u, guide, part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2015
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