Captain Toad Treasure Tracker | The Completionist | New Game Plus

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over the years many of Mario's friends and enemies have gone off and had their own successful franchises Luigi had Luigi's Mansion Wario was in Wario Land and Wario Ware and Peach well she got a pretty awesome DS game and then there's toad a lovable mushroom man who's appeared in Mario games for almost as long as Mario himself although he was playable in many of Mario's outings over the past few decades it wasn't until 2014 when toad finally got his own game captain toad treasure tracker it's been a few years since the game was released on the Wii U and since then the game has been re-released onto the Nintendo switch and the 3ds in hopes of giving toad a second chance to try and shine in his own game and so I figure now would be the most perfect time to go ahead and re complete captain toad treasure tracker for Nintendo switch everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist new game plus a show which I am recomputing the first 120 games from the original completionist lineup for more information on that you can click or tap the link in the description down below so I don't really have a toad hat or a captain toad hat or anything that resembles toad but I do have a Mario Odyssey hat and that kind of resembles the change with what we have with captain toad treasure tracker on the Nintendo switch and 3d as now today we're playing Nintendo switch version as that is the closest that represents the Wii U version and I thought you know what why not dressed for the occasion because there's now Mario Odyssey levels in the game whatever we're gonna jump right into captain toad let's begin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] even before captain toad treasure tracker was released this headlamp wearing toad had quite the following captain toad was originally the leader of a sine curve of characters known as the toad brigade in the super mario galaxy series despite the fact that he helped Mario find a couple of power stars throughout the games his role was pretty minimal when compared to the other characters in the game in 2013 Nintendo had announced that their flagship Mario game for the then console the Wii U man that feels weird to talk about the Wii U in past tense would be known as Super Mario 3d World they also had announced that there'd be four playable characters Mario Luigi peach and toad but if you thought it was this speedy blue toad that would steal the spotlight and get his own series then you my friend would be dead wrong Super Mario 3d World contained a series of side challenges known as The Adventures of captain toad throughout the game there'd be puzzle based levels in which a player would solely control captain toad captain toads levels were based on a similar design philosophy to that of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine the levels were known as Hakone wah or mini garden worlds you'd explore a box-like structure in search of collectibles until you eventually located everything at the time fans praised these levels so much to the Super Mario 3d World Development team joked about the idea of making a game based exclusively on these levels and then just one year later captain toad treasure tracker was announced the game received praise upon its release but unfortunately due to the poor sales of the Wii U the game did not sell too well of course this was during Nintendo's Wii U era and it was a pretty dark era nowadays Nintendo's in a bit of a renaissance with the Nintendo switch and with this new era came a new Nintendo when in doubt give the game a second chance on the switch Nintendo knew that captain toad couldn't be so quickly defeated on the Wii U and so much like several other Wii U games captain toad treasure tracker made its way on to the Nintendo switch as well as the Nintendo 3ds but today the version that I'm gonna be recompete Ihnen Tendo switch I initially completed this game back when it first came out on the Nintendo Wii U and at that time I remember enjoying the game although I did have a few complaints about the overall presentation of the game I found it to be a fun and relatively easy adventure so suffice to say I'm expecting things to be a breeze this time around as well first off like any sort of Mario game I'll need to get from point A to point B on each of the game's levels I need to save toadette on some adventures but sometimes I need to save toad as well I'll need to go through dozens of levels before I'll be able to actually do any of this so don't worry toadette I'm coming for you secondly I'll need to collect any and all treasure along the way each level contains three gems so I'll need to make sure that I collect each one in every level in order to ensure this game's true completion ideally once I rescue toadette will be filthy stinking rich we can buy gold fountains and golden chain chomps and Wario ain't got done any of that next up each level has a bonus challenge that must be cleared these challenges consist of B levels without taking a hit or defeating all the enemies on the stage finding the golden mushroom getting certain coins so on and so forth but I think it's safe to say that I'll be playing some of these levels quite a few different times in order to successfully clear each mission and lastly new to the Nintendo switch version but in addition to the Wii U version via amiibo I'll have to find an 8-bit toad in a game of hide-and-seek on each and every level so in addition to having to locate three different gems on each level I'll have to rotate the camera and find some sort of pixelated toad somewhere on each of the game's maps by comparison this objective doesn't sound too terrible and huh yeah that's not bad at all find an 8-bit tone in the game of hide-and-seek I can do that they may as well call me Gerrard toad finder Khalil so that's what it takes these days to become successful well if my life's anything like captain toad I imagine that my own road to success should be pretty simple too step 1 play as captain toad step 2 look for treasure step 3 step 4 profit captain toad treasure tracker is still as joyful as I remember at peak completing the game never felt too tiresome as each level still stands out from one another due to consistently clever ideas and very fun mechanics the story of captain toad is about as simple as any other Mario game captain toad and toadette are out treasure hunting together when all of a sudden a giant bird snatches toadette away after she clings onto a piece of treasure it's up to captain toad to say both her and the treasure now the idea of a Mario games plot getting started by some random character getting kidnapped is not unheard of however more often than not the average Mario character tends to fight back almost immediately the problem with captain toad however is that he can't really well fight in fact captain toad can't even jump oh what you thought it was the headlamp that separated this toad from all the other toads in the universe nah it's really the back pack that makes him different than everyone else according to the developers the reason captain toad can't jump is because his backpack is just too heavy the gameplay of captain toad is very simple you can walk around and occasionally pick up and throw items he's not a very quick character but I'd like to think that that's just because he's taking his time to look for all that treasure otherwise that's it that's actually it it's the same basic controls as a Mario game - a jump button but I think that works for the better because the game's main goal is to have players solve puzzles and locate treasures and the game's minimal variety and captain toads movement seems to work in its favor sacrificing a jump button me the developers and designers were allowed to be more creative with their puzzle designs granted the levels would be far too easy if I could just jump over half of the things there but it just makes me wonder what captain toads true motivations are if he won't even take off his bag when one of his friends are in danger all I'm saying is maybe this guy shouldn't be your role model at home and unlike the captain toad levels in Super Mario 3d World these levels don't have a time limit sure there are some time-based challenges that occur later on the game but the main goal of the game should just get players to think each level ends once captain toad obtains a Power Star but before captain toad collects the Power Star a player must navigate each level and locate any extra treasures and collectibles each level has three collectibles known as super gems and each level has a set objective that must be cleared in order to achieve 100% completion these objectives are pretty straightforward you know breed level without taking a hit to fee a certain number of enemies but the problem with this game is that you don't get to see what the objective is up front in order to complete the game you need to beat a level at least once first ideally with all of the collectables and only then will you see what a level secret objective is then after you clear the objective you will then be given the opportunity to locate the 8-bit toad in a game of hide-and-seek so essentially I'm playing these levels three times a pop in order to complete the game luckily these hide-and-seek missions are super easy it was almost a joke how easy it was to find this pixelated toad each and every time I mean I didn't really think that these missions would be difficult but they were way easier than I thought they were for the most part the game isn't difficult at all and once you've solved the puzzle once replaying a level again isn't too tedious but I do wish that this structure would have changed I made the same complaint when I completed the Wii U version and I still stand by this it's just a shame to see that this did not change and folks there are 79 levels in this game 79 I normally commend a game for having so much content but this just feels like such a cheap shot to extend the game's playtime like this the Wii U and switch versions of the game are mostly same the game did get upscaled in quality quite a bit but the levels are the exact same that is except for four new levels that have been added to the game these levels are based on Super Mario Odyssey and they're supposed to help tie and Captain Tubbs adventures here to his cameo appearances in Odyssey but unfortunately these levels actually replaced for other levels that were based on Super Mario 3d World initially there were four extra levels in the Wii U version that connected captain toads personal adventures to his appearance in 3d world but those levels have since been reckoned with these Odyssey based ones so even though these are new levels they replaced four other levels I don't really get why they couldn't just add these levels on top of everything else especially when I feel almost certain that Super Mario 3d World will probably be ported to switch at some point anyway it just feels like such a weird unnecessary trade-off I love both of these Mario games why does Captain tonot to choose one and friendzone the other another significant change which is good or bad depending on how you choose to play the game was the controls I'm obviously not using a gamepad to play this game anymore so Nintendo had to get creative with the way that touch controls weren't corporated into the game and I gotta say just for the record this game was not meant to be played with the Nintendo switch pro controller considering that this game was originally meant to be played with the Nintendo Wii U gamepad it makes sense that the switches handheld mode would be the most optimal way to play the game but in order to capture footage for the game I played the game with a pro controller and let me just say that was a big mistake with joy cons this idea plays out much better than it sounds however the pro controller and motion controls don't really mesh that well whenever I played the game with joy cons the reticle in the screen was usually responsive if I wanted to move an object I would just point at it and press a and the idea of using a joy con as a Wii mode without the need to hook up some sort of motion sensor bar is a novel idea to me it's just a shame the pro controller doesn't quite translate this idea as well especially for me because I find the pro controller to be the most comfortable option for most switch games the games overall presentation is that of a story book and each level serves as a chapter it's a fun touch as everything kind of feels like an adventure log or captain toad and each objective just feels like you're checking off captain toads to-do list as I completed more and more of the game it was pretty cool to actually flip through the pages and see all the levels that I completed and you can really see that the devs and designers really want captain toad to take off levels are still bright and colorful and the game still managed to get me constantly smiling while I solved all of its puzzles although each level is based on a boxed garden it's still really fun to see some of the games other themed levels that break the game's conventions a bit the boss fights were also still as fun as I remember them being it is kind of a shame that some of the games shock value to me is gone as this is my second time completing it after all the game has a lot of those moments where you think the game is over but in reality it's revealed you're not even close to completing the game normally that's fun but it's kind of unfortunate that I already know the twist but I do have to say rediscovering and relearning this games puzzles was quite joyous and mirthful but don't you think I forgot about the time trial challenges once you've defeated an entire chapter the game adds another reason to play the other levels with the added content that means you're playing each level four times that equates to three hundred and sixteen levels this time around once again these time trials aren't that bad one or two of them may be an issue for some but at the end of the day they're not really worth it and also hey devs just pointing it out there if you're gonna have a challenge maybe you should use something to brighten the font on the screen that's supposed to be a challenge time luckily the star indicates that you did in fact beat those time trials if you take all the original content of captain toad combine it with the amiibo content for the Wii U a days attract the Mario 3d worlds and Mario Odyssey levels and what you have is a very fun package but with a lot of extra unnecessary padding I had a lot of fun replaying this game once again but some other things kept popping up that reminded me of and liked this game a lot but this thing is just kind of weird and out of place coins why am i cooking so many coins I can't use them to buy anything I just hoard it give me live sure but I have a limited lives anyway there's these little mini games that have all of you getting more coins for lives or whatever and while they aren't a great break the coins are for nothing at the very least I hope this game sells well on the 3ds in the switch I would love to see a sequel to this game and I'd love to see captain toad get a full on series like Luigi or Wario it'd be cool to see captain toad - or captain tude now whatever it is I'd love to see it [Music] after you've completely got everything in the game the true final challenge awaits for you in the endless mummy Mays challenge which actually isn't endless 50 floors of play time baby random procedurally generated levels appear in this game and while the enemy patterns can be familiar every few floors every layout is in fact different but honestly doing this wasn't too bad it only took about two hours for me to get a handle on it but I did have a pretty big problem here that stopped it from being a fun time the pro controller I'm telling you it stopped me dead in my tracks several times it was so hard to use I turned on the two-player joy Khan mode and beat it that way some will argue that was easier to do but honestly I thought I was more difficult but still very much fun it was a more exciting way to play it because it's kind of using the joy collins as a left brain right brain function doing that challenge once again reminded me of a rush that you can only get when doing something as big as a marathon like that for when you finally beat it you are knighted with the king's crown and any level you play going forward with toad or tonette will have them wearing the crown it is kind of a fun completion bonus but it's kind of like bragging rights I guess bragging rights to whom at least you do get something for your troubles however it's also kind of weird that having everything overall completed including the new edition of hide-and-seek 8-bit toads and the Mario Odyssey levels leads to nothing new or exciting you just have a nice crown in a pretty long book of your adventures ultimately there's just not enough major additions to the switch version to warrant any Wii U owners to purchase this game again while the Odyssey base levels are fun they're merely substitute for 3d world levels but that said if you don't have captain toad on the Wii U this game is definitely worth it it's only 40 bucks and having the option to play the game on the go is definitely a bonus especially considering that the game feels like it was meant for a handheld mode anyway while I completed captain toad treasure tracker there were 79 levels explored at least four times each four episodes cleared including the bonus mario odyssey episodes 2 197 super gems collected 45 hours of total playtime 50 floors conquered in the endless mummy maze challenge which led me to one golden crown and one backpack that captain toe just refuses to let go come on man what's in the bag a couple of tools another toad I'm pretty sure that some things are more important than your backpack captain toad treasure tracker was a delightful game to re-experience and if you did not pick up the game on the Wii U then I definitely recommend it each level just gleams with creativity and innovation and I got to imagine the designers had a blast putting these levels together with regards to completing the game however I'm not sure if the game is worth completing fully yes the game would only be about a third of its overall length without them and the game is already pretty short as it is and the rewards that give you at the end of the road just aren't worth your efforts I guess the risk of completion varies based on what type of treasure hunting you like do you like actual treasure hunting or do you like the story of getting to the treasure but at the very least captain toad treasure tracker is a game I'll always treasure anyways [Music] captain toad treasure tracker is an excellent game through and through it plays fantastic on the switch however I'd only recommend playing it in handheld mode playing at them too no switch pro controller was not the way that I intended to do it and the joy cons yeah definitely go that route or play at the front the co-op is an awesome time as a completionist though the rewards just weren't there to satisfy my needs for going all the way with this game last time we played this game on the show we gave it the rating of fin up eat it we no longer do half rating so with that in mind guys I give this game my new completionist rating of finish it [Music] that's all time here of today guys so please as always let me know what you thought of today's episode somewhere on the internet if you like the show you like hanging around with me do me a favor hit the like button hit the subscribe button click or tap that bad boy right now on screen and day if you want to go last week's episode of the Colinas you can click reset that right here on the screen as well guys I've been Gerard let me know which one's next on the show I'll see you next time for the brand new episode bye [Music]
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 497,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain toad treasure tracker, captain toad: treasure tracker, captain toad treasure tracker switch, nintendo switch, 3DS, switch, captain toad, treasure tracker, nintendo 3DS, toad, jirard khalil, completionist, the completionist, new game plus, captain toad treasure tracker gameplay, captain toad treasure tracker review, captain toad review, gameplay, review, game review, video game reviews, captain toad treasure tracker 3DS, nintendo switch captain toad, puzzle game, wii U
Id: sYwcJzSADtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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