Super Mario 3D All Stars LOST BITS | Hidden Content & Upgrades Explained [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on tetra big gaming the series where we take a look at the unused scrapped and unseen content in gaming in addition to a bunch of stuff this year like shoes that sold out in an hour pins that sold out unless lego sets that well you get the idea we also got a switch collection containing three not four but three of mario's main series 3d platformers and unfortunately for whatever reason this game is going to become a lost bid itself come march 31st 2021 when it no longer is gonna be up for sale now while this quick video won't be covering the cut content of the original releases don't worry 64 and galaxy videos will happen eventually here we'll be more so focusing on some hidden things in the games as they're presented in this collection and really quick if you're enjoying these videos remember to subscribe only about 30 of the people that watch my videos are subbed and new subscribers help the channel grow every day and i really appreciate it and with all of that said let's go and find some lost bits alright so first before we have a look at any of the games in particular there are a few interesting text strings found left over in the collection the first of these is a set of text strings referencing several other nintendo 64 games found in the content archive for super mario 64. these games include kirby 64 the crystal shards mario golf mario story what paper mario is known as in japan mario tennis perfect dark as well as pokemon snap and some fans are already speculating that these could be strings that were meant to be deleted and that they could hint at potential future nintendo 64 ports for the switch maybe even in a form like we have with the nes and super nintendo libraries but on the other hand it's also likely that since these are all games that were supported on the wii u virtual console these strings might just be leftovers from the developers testing nintendo 64 emulation as similar configuration to the wii u and 64 emulator is used here with super mario 64. either way i'm definitely still holding out hope and crossing my fingers for an n64 library on the switch though next the game's code also makes references to some vr pikmin stages now personally i'm not exactly sure what these could be for but as i'm making this video pikmin 3 deluxe is just on the horizon so maybe there's going to be some vr mode attached to it like we saw with mario odyssey or breath of the wild or if you really like getting your hopes up this could also be hinting at the next true installment in the pikmin series who knows next up some time stamps have also been found indicating the earliest known time development on this collection had started ecumber here found that a save file for super mario sunshine in this collection is dated to february 19 2020 or about seven months before release also apparently metadata for some cutscenes in the game dates as far back as december of 2019 so currently as we know it development time for this collection was roughly seven to eight months which is kind of interesting considering wind waker hd's much more impressive overhaul only took about six of course that was without a global pandemic anyways we're moving on now let's get to the games first since it has the least to talk about let's start with super mario galaxy so unlike the other games in this collection galaxy is the only one to not be completely emulated although the graphics and audio are emulated the game code itself runs natively on the switch's hardware which i thought was pretty interesting alright and now winding the clock back to super mario 64 this is where things get a bit more spicy so first off the file for super mario 64 is straight up just a regular rom just like any of the other ones you can totally legally play on a pc emulator but there are changes in the game i can already hear you typing but i say nay all the new changes to super mario 64 in this collection are actually done on the fly when running the game using certain scripts so changes such as the updated textures the press plus instead of the press start text on the intro are all done on the fly this is confirmed as if you extract the rom from the game and run it in any old emulator without the scripts running like i said it's just a regular old rom of the shindo version of super mario 64. furthermore all the upgraded textures that are swapped in on the fly are found in this texture pack archive and can be also easily converted to png files so if you wanted to i don't know stare at peach's hd eyeball you could do so to your heart's content then another thing that many people myself included weren't super happy with was the decision to invert the way the camera normally controls in super mario 64 and sunshine i'll let melon speedruns who actually brought a lot of this video's information to my attention explain how this change was made hey guys melon here now many people believe this change was made natively in each game though the truth is this is just a product of how the games were being emulated basically the controls were configured in this inverted way in both the nintendo 64 and gamecube emulator that the collection uses so let's say you were to extract the mario sunshine or the mario 64 roms from the collection each one would play exactly the same way they used to and sunshine even has the analog controls that were removed from the collection now i don't know if this inversion was intentional or not but in any case i think it would be nice if they gave the players an option to switch it back alright back to you mr lost bits now moving on to super mario sunshine interestingly if you extract the game file from the collection and run it in any old emulator the game works perfectly fine but you'd be quick to notice that in place of all the game's cutscenes is just a black screen the reason for this is just like the textures in super mario 64 the new graphically updated cutscenes are two loaded in at run time separately so basically the regular cutscenes in the game were removed in order to save on space so they wouldn't be there twice in the game's files sunshine also swaps in a few updated textures just like super mario 64. and here they use a folder literally titled i kid you not lazy texture replace to do so say what you will about this collection but if the developers are calling their own methods of updating a game lazy then i don't know just seeing the missed potential of a wind waker hd treatment stings that much more for me anyways next a bit more info about the sunshine game file that this collection uses so first for every regional release of this collection nintendo decided to go with the pal regional version of the game likely since it already had support for several languages and then another pretty interesting bit is that by default if the iso of the game is run in any old emulator some of the button textures are actually shown as keyboard keys a prime example of this is the zr button is mapped to this key pretty weird lastly although the game was upgraded to run at 30 frames per second from the normal pal versions 25 it's still pretty strange why the developers didn't unlock it to run at a solid 60 frames now i'm no game dev but apparently this is a pretty easy change to make changing only a few lines of code can apparently disable the game's 30fps lock which can result in a smooth 60fps experience i don't know they just went through all this trouble of working on modding the game to run in widescreen so i'm just surprised they didn't make this change that the emulation community has known about for years now at first i thought maybe the reason for this was that the developers weren't confident if the switch's hardware could handle it but galaxy runs pretty steadily at 60 frames per second and that game is much more resource intensive than sunshine so i don't that's the reason could be laziness could be ignorance but i'll leave you to be the judge on that one i know i've probably seemed really critical about this collection in this video and although admittedly i do wish it got a little more love from nintendo i do think it's really nice to have all three games available on the switch now either way i hope you guys enjoyed this lost bits video if you did check out some of the other ones i've made and as always thank you all so much for watching today and i will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 315,138
Rating: 4.9164071 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario, Super Mario 3D All Stars, Super Mario Galaxy, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Super Mario 3D All Stars Lost Bits, Super Mario 64 Lost Bits, Super Mario Sunshine Lost Bits, Super Mario Galaxy Lost Bits, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Lost Bits, TetraBitGaming Mario 64, Super Mario 3D All Stars cut content, Nintendo Switch Mario, gaming, video games, super mario 3d all stars gameplay, super mario 3d all stars secrets, super mario odyssey, super mario 3d allstars, mario
Id: Y-FvhUfy5Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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