Ranking All 42 Gizmos In Super Mario Maker 2!

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super mario maker 2 has a lot of different course elements to help players create levels there are obviously ground elements items and enemies however there is also a fourth group of items known as gizmos this group of items contains all course elements that don't really fit in the other categories their uses all range from being practically useless to being near essential for levels so today i thought it would be fun to rank all these gizmos from least to most useful they'll be judged on how easy they are to use well and how helpful those uses are there are 40 gizmos in the game but i decided to separate two items from their 3d world counterparts since they act quite differently between the main four themes in 3d world bringing us a total of 42 gizmos to rank this list was extremely difficult to put together as the gizmos in the game all act so differently from each other i'll try my best to explain my reasoning but don't be surprised if my list differs from yours i will be ranking them numerically but i'll also separate them into tears since many of the items i feel are just about on the same level as some others i'll also be somewhat short with each of my segments as i don't want this video to go on for too long that means i obviously won't be able to go through every single use an item has but i'll still try to go over the main ones especially the ones that influence the ranking if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like and since only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are subscribed to the channel i'd greatly appreciate it if you subscribed as well but with that said let's jump right into ranking all 42 gizmos in super mario maker 2. [Music] okay i'll be honest with you all this first one might not be very fair but i don't care the snake block gets last place it's the only item in the entire game that genuinely upsets me whenever i see it they move either tediously slow or way too fast you never know where they're going to go and they basically act like auto scrolls and as i'm sure many of you know i hate auto scroll levels i can't think of a single good way i've seen these be used i'm sure that there's some way but i genuinely can't think of one at best this item is decent when used by a talented creator but at that point just don't make a level using these don't even get me started on the levels that have fast moving three block long snake blocks for me this item is just so horribly insufferable and is also just a way to make auto scrolling levels without the auto scroll i should also mention that any gizmo's secondary forms will be ranked with the original so both the slow and the fast snake block take this spot this item to me is just unforgivable with how you can never know where it's going to go and also the speeds are either just too slow or too fast i'm sure this isn't the most useless item in the gizmos tab but to me this is probably the most infuriating item in the game it's like nighttime underwater levels it's something so hard to use well that why would you even bother with it not saying good uses for this don't exist i'm just saying that there's like a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance i'll ever like a level using one of these prominently which are by the way impossible odds so with that said for being such an annoying item the snakebug will take 42nd on the list and will also kick off the three items in the near useless tier the bonsai bill is a really weird item first off it being in gizmos at all is already kind of weird i get bill blasters being in gizmo since it's the blasters themselves you're placing down but i think it'd make more sense for banzai builds to be in the enemy tab since you're placing down a solo bonsai bill anyways this is one of the most useless items in the game it interacts with nothing that's right other than mario himself the bonsai bill doesn't interact with any other elements besides like shells coming at it which doesn't really count this makes the thing pretty much useless to the point where there's almost always a better alternative there are two forms the normal banzai bill which will just fly in a straight direction you send them in while the red ones will track down mario the only very very very niche uses for this item are letting the smb2 mario right on top of them and also having a big enemy which if i'm being honest isn't really that helpful plus if you even want a big enemy cannons usually do the trick as well not to mention that the bonsai bill hitboxes are pathetic now i'm sure a lot of you are screaming at me right now about the 3d world bonsai bills and you're right those are much more useful which is why i decided to separate them for this list so you'll see them again later on but the bonsai builds and the main four themes are just one of the most disappointingly useless items in the game so for this it's going to have to take number 41 on this list alright the final item in the near useless tier of this video also happens to be the absolute without a doubt most useless update item the on off mushroom trampoline first off why separate this from the normal mushroom trampoline they could have just done the same thing they do with the conveyors where their on off functionality is an option rather than being an entirely different item but anyways upon activating an on off switch you'll either be able to turn on or off the ability to jump off of the trampoline which is cool the reason it's down here though is because you can literally just cover a normal mushroom trampoline with on off blocks and it works pretty much exactly the same the only slight difference from doing it like this is that the platform is a semi solid so you can do some unique things with it but honestly nothing with this item is all that impressive and it was just a waste of an item slot they could have made something better but they decided to go with this which is pretty much useless so to round out this tier the on off trampoline gets number 40. now we're on to our next tier of the very niche items these all have their uses but they're very rare or there's better items than them for those uses our first one here is the spike block from 3d world now this list doesn't include the normal spike from the main four themes as it's not classified as a gizmo rather it's in the terrain section of the menu so we only have to talk about the 3d world equivalent as many 3d world equivalents go this is the worst version now that could be controversial so let me explain why i feel this way first off the good things it has on off block functionality which is always a plus along with a variant that has a built-in timer to turn on and off that's all good but they don't have a version where the spikes are always out that's something that should definitely be there sure you could just use the on off variant if you have no switches in your level but that just kind of limits what else you can use in the level additionally these take up two by two tiles which in my opinion is worse than just making it one tile big this definitely has its uses don't get me wrong here but i think it loses a lot of points for not having a permanent variance and for being this big it's nice to have a block that's just a big hitbox so i really wish 3d world would just have kept the normal spikes however this is still a decently helpful item so i can't put it in the near useless tier so i'm going to be giving it 39th place the track block was extremely hard for me to place this has two variants one that moves on its own and one that moves when you stand on it this is sort of like the snake block but since you actually move with it this time it's way better since there are no tracks for 3d world it's nice for being able to move things but honestly i just don't know enough about this thing to use it well best thing i could think of was making a timer setup where it pushes an enemy onto a p-switch or something the only reason it's above the snake block is because i'm sure it has a ton of decent uses i just don't know them i still don't think it has enough uses to take it out of this tier though so for now i'm going to place it at number 38. for our fourth 3d world exclusive item in a row we have the normal mushroom trampoline this of course lets you jump high off of it and it has two variants one that moves and one that remains still you can also adjust the length of it as well and it can also go inside of the ground it's certainly a decent item but it's just not incredible it works very similarly to the spring there are of course a few differences that make it worthwhile like it's different variants and such but it's not super helpful like the other gizmos so i'm gonna have to give it the number 37 spot the twister is a very hard item for me to place it has a unique use that no other item really has but i don't know i guess that use just isn't that great getting stuck in a twister can be somewhat annoying and overall its use of blowing stuff is just very niche so while it has unique uses it's kind of hard to use well the best examples i could think of are levels where you have to move them to a certain spot to blow the player or an item still though it has its rare uses so it can take number 36. well we've already covered the normal banzai bill so let's go ahead and jump into the 3d world variant the main differences here is that they can shoot in from the background providing a source of an infinite supply of them like the bill blasters and they can actually interact with things this time they'll killer her enemies they come into contact with and they'll even explode which can be used to break several blocks or activate things for example here you could use a boomerang one of my levels to hit a banzai build to activate out of reach exclamation mark blocks simple uses like that make this item way more helpful than its original you could also turn them around with the catsuit which can also be helpful combined with its explosion now i've been praising this item a lot but again it's still not the absolute most useful thing i'm just saying it's significantly more useful than its original counterparts there are still several more items i think in general are more helpful here but these changes make it far from useless putting it at 35. the final item i have in the very niche tier are the claws like the twisters these definitely have their uses and they are very unique from any other item they're able to pick things up including items enemies and mario himself they allow for some unique platforming with being able to gain momentum while swinging the reason though i still think they belong in this tier is that they can be hard to use outside of platforming i definitely still think you can base an entire level around it heck i have as well it's just that it doesn't work great in levels that don't center on it it's sort of weird to just throw in a claw jump and a level not based on them plus for me the claws can be really finicky with grabbing items sometimes they usually work well for mario himself but they can be weird for other items so the claw is going to end off the very niche items tier at 34th okay so now we're moving from the berry niche items to just the normally niche items i need to work on these tier names anyways kicking it off we have the seesaw platform the center of my first mario maker 2 level these platforms have a good amount of uses as the name implies this platform is based on weights if one side is heavier than the other it will lower down and it will raise the other side up it's also pretty good for platforming as well as it gives mario a unique type of platform that moves based on how he does i also think that the seesaw works way better than the claws and levels that aren't centered around it which was the main reason i decided to separate them into two different tiers you could throw a seesaw platform into a traditional level way more easily than you can a claw in my opinion i also find the seesaw's different contraptions more useful as well which is why i'm giving it the 33rd spot on this list the crates were another item that was really difficult for me to place they're relatively simple being able to hold coins and keys and they also have the ability to be picked up and moved they also float on liquid which can also be quite helpful generally they're good for simple puzzles secrets and they even work for nice decorations i doubt the game would change much if they were never added but they do have some uses to them so they're going to get 30 seconds the skewer is a good obstacle but it doesn't really work in many level types for traditional levels it really only makes sense to be placed in castles or maybe underground levels it does do its job of basically being a thwomp on a set timer very well though they can also be helpful for timer setup since it's able to break and activate things while it may not be the most useful gizmo ever it's definitely a fun one to throw in every once in a while so i'm going to give it the number 31 spot these next two items are fire related being the burner and fire bars these both work differently but have the same general uses being obstacles and levels that you would have to be patient to avoid the fire bars will spin in circles with adjustable lengths and the burners will turn on and off along with obviously damaging mario they can also melt frozen coins lipo bombs and yoshi can even get fire from them and spit it out at other things these aren't too incredibly helpful for contraptions but i think they work fairly well as obstacles they're quite similar to skewers and how you have to use patience to avoid them but i thought their fire uses put them above it all three of these are helpful for specific obstacles but they aren't super helpful in other ways like many of the other gizmos in terms of separating them though i think the fire bar is the worst of the two the fire bars are nice for some obstacles but the burners work really well as decorative bottoms for things like spaceships so for that the firebar will take 30th and the burner will take 29th for its improved aesthetic capabilities i do want to stress again that these gizmos are all very helpful in their own ways to just because they may be somewhat low on the list does not mean that they are useless just that most other gizmos are more useful the past three items were all great for obstacles but not much else and the same goes for our next item the canon these work very well as projectiles to dodge and they even have a fast variant as well they do have a few other uses since they're solid objects so they can be used to make mechs or have things like elevators since they stick to walls these users are what put it above the other enemy gizmos we've had so far but there's something similar to this item later on that also has a lot of these useless which makes this item here a lot less helpful still it's a great item for levels like airships and being able to stack with things is super helpful as well landing it at the number 28 spot two more for this niche item tier first being the dash block this is exclusive to 3d world and upon touching it mario will instantly start running at full speed these are quite helpful for speedrunning levels or just sections where you have to go fast the only real downside is that that's all it can really do there's no contraptions that really work with this since you'll mostly be using it for speedrunning sections but they're still useful for those scenarios so it's going to take 27th also i would have liked the ability to extend or shorten these but that's just me the last one of this tier was really hard for me to place as i think it may belong higher on the list but in the end i decided the icicle belongs here it's another one of the items i think only really works in certain themes though unlike the others i still do think you can get it to work in a few that you might not expect there are two variations one that stays perfectly still the one that will fall off mario is directly on top of it or below it these damage mario of course when he comes in contact with them but they'll also damage enemies if they fall on top of them which means that they can be quite helpful for some boss fights using them as decorations and platforms and snow levels are perfect as well the only thing that's really holding these back from being in the next tier is that they only really work super well in snow themes honestly this may belong in its own tier between this and the next one also they removed its ability to be global ground which significantly hurts this item's uses and contraptions meaning that it's going to have to take the number 26 spot to round off our niche item's tier this next here are the pretty helpful items which act as the mid tier for this list this is tied with the previous deer for the most amount of items so this one starts off with the tree i could see this one being a bit of a controversial choice so let me explain sure they may not be helpful for too much all you can really do is climb up them and get some items but they're perfect for adding in some more decoration into your levels 3d world lacks a lot of good aesthetic options mostly due to the semi-solids being bad and only having one look per theme the trees help levels feel way more complete when used well and they even have the added functionality of climbing up them and getting items that means trees are good places to hide secrets and you all know i love those in levels they also update their looks between the different themes so most of the time they look good except in some of the indoor levels like castle airship and ghost house they look really weird there the only reason the trees aren't higher is because they don't really have any uses outside of looking nice however they do so well at their one job but they might as well go ahead and take number 25. another one that's more for looks rather than using contraptions are the arrows these are extremely helpful in pointing players in directions that they need to go in for more complicated levels these are super helpful as you don't usually want to confuse your players and have them get stuck the reason these aren't higher on the list even though this is an extremely helpful use is because you can't place them on semi-solids seriously why can't they be placed over these this basically makes them useless if your level has a semi-solid background luckily though you can use coins or other indicator blocks to direct players which are sometimes more helpful anyways this semi-solid issue though will always be so incredibly annoying to me giving this only number 24 despite how useful arrows can be the blinking blocks are the star of my personal favorite 3d world level beatblock skyway at least at the time of making this video 3d world bowser's fury looks absolutely amazing by the way but anyway let's get back into the main point these blocks will turn on and off on a set timer based on their blinking noise these are good for platforming and since they have built-in timers they're also good for making actual timers they can be really good for speedrun levels where you have to go through them as quickly as possible to avoid getting killed by them not being there there are a few other items that i feel like do the uses here better but for being such great platforming items these will take number 23. the cloud lift is a weird item they basically act as 3d worlds lyft but they're worse in just about every single way they can't be made faster with wings there are no tracks in 3d world to attach them to and they don't have a second variant that just falls or only moves once mario steps on it these are still helpful to have i mean moving platforms are good for platforming but just why did they not just use the lift this cuts down on the number of uses it has a lot it's so good for platforming in some contraptions it's just missing a lot of the things that make the lift so useful for that reason i can only give it the number 22 spot which means we're halfway through the list the lava lift or the skull coasters as i like to call them were by far the item i moved the most around on the list i had such an incredibly hard time figuring out where i should rank this thing it was originally right next to the twisters but i decided to keep moving it up and now i don't know if i've moved it too far up but anyways let's get into the item itself these platforms will activate once mario stands on them the white variant will move very slowly and break apart after a while whereas the blue one will go incredibly fast and will never break apart these are really good for levels where you have to stay on top of them while they're on tracks to avoid obstacles now this doesn't seem all too special but the reason i decided to move these so high up is because they're really helpful for aesthetics being able to place gold coasters under platforms or inside of rooms can make your levels look really nice especially in the pixelated styles both colors work well depending on the level theme and they just provide a very unique look do be careful though because if the skullcoaster is placed at the edge of a platform like this then mario can activate it no idea why this happens but as long as you put another block you should be good so while its uses are nothing too special the aesthetic qualities of this item push it up to number 21. the exclamation mark block was another one that was very hard for me to settle on it's a very unique block allowing for many different blocks to come out of it upon getting hit which can be useful for platforming and complex contraptions add on the fact that explosions and ground pounding fully extend them though we have a pretty decently helpful item honestly it's just a pretty solid item that's helpful for a few things i'd say it makes sense to be in the middle of the list as it's not really too bad at anything and it doesn't really excel at anything either especially after 3d world got dotted line blocks that's why i think it belongs at number 20. vines are like skull coasters we mentioned before where they have good functionality and aesthetic qualities first off vines allow mario to climb up them which leads to unique vertical sections for levels these could simply be part of the level itself or work as gateways to secret areas vines are also the first gizmo on this list that can be placed inside of question mark blocks and other container blocks kind of dumb that the twister can't but anyways they're perfect for hiding inside a random brick in one of your levels for these secrets through blocks they can also be attached to tracks in order to have mario need to stay on a vine and avoid obstacles blocks with vines in them also respawn after being destroyed and reloading the room which are the only type of blocks to do this on top of that finds are extraordinarily helpful for adding in some decoration to your level just adding in short vines on the roofs or occasionally floor of your levels can make it look a lot nicer the only real downside is that nothing besides mario really interacts with them so they aren't as helpful for things like making contraptions still though like the skull coaster again it's super helpful for unique platforming and decorating so it's going to take the number 19 spot the final item for our pretty helpful items here are the grinders these work really well as obstacles for mario to avoid since they do damage on all sides unlike normal spikes though mario and other objects can go right through them mario can also bounce off of them depending on if he has something like yoshi or a shellmet the reason i put these so far above the other enemy gizmos we've seen so far is that i find that these work way better as obstacles generally they're easy to place anywhere you want to they're perfect for needing to move around them not to mention that they can also be attached to tracks to provide some more danger they can also work as tires for vehicles which is neat so the graders will be wrapping up this tier at 18th now onto the more useful items section starting off we have lifts i was hesitant to put these here as i thought they may deserve higher but i think right about here is good obviously lips are great for platforming as they have many different ways of customizing them normally they move back and forth between the direction of your choosing they can be made longer or shorter to make the platforming harder or easier they can be changed to blue platforms which fall once mario steps on them they can also be given wings to make them move differently or fall slower the biggest thing you could do though is attach them to tracks which make them follow a set path with normal versions constantly moving in the blue ones only moving once mario steps on them wings will also make them move faster on tracks when applied with just how many different ways you can customize these things they're perfect for all types of platforming levels they can be used in all sorts of different scenarios and the only reason they aren't higher is because all of the other items are able to be used in more contraptions however i think the lips do a perfect job of what they're trying to accomplish which is why i'm having them kick off the useful item tier at 17th the conveyor belt is pretty helpful for several different types of machines unlike the dashbox we saw earlier they can actually interact with things other than the mario this lets us move things to different places slow down or speed up timers and they're even decent for platforming as well since you can customize if mario gets slowed down by them or sped up mario maker 2 gave these the ability to be sloped and also the ability to switch directions when an on off switch is hit they'll turn off in response to p-switches as well so there's quite a few complex things you can do with these they may not be as good for platforming as lifts were but they're more helpful when it comes to making contraptions so they'll take number 16. we've made it to our final item that has its 3d worlds and normal counterparts separated the pal this one was genuinely super hard for me to place i've used these in quite a few levels but are these really better than a lot of the other items well their main use is to kill everything on screen and also drop down any coins that may be there as well this use is honestly just okay nothing great and honestly really hard to work into platforming levels when used in this way the reason i decided to put them this high though is that they can be carried and act as solid platforms this makes them very important in puzzles as you're able to move them around and place them wherever you would like so maybe move something across a gap weigh down a seesaw or maybe just make a platform for yourself these also act as surfaces you can stand on that are affected by gravity so you can actually use them decently for platforming levels if you use them like that this is overall just a pretty flexible item which is why i decided to put the normal version at 15. the 3d world variant gets an additional red pal which is able to activate more palettes with its blast along with destroying bricks this did have the unfortunate side effect of basically creating refreshing special levels though and we all know how garbage those levels are but in actual good level craters hands they're quite a helpful addition so i'm going to put them at number 14. pals may deserve to be a bit lower but i've always been a fan of them so this is where i think they belong for me the p-switch block is an item that's really grown on me i don't know what the general thoughts on this item are but when it was first announced it was a bit disappointing i thought it'd be near useless since we already had bricks and coins to act as two-state blocks for p-switches but boy was i wrong sure they aren't as good as dotted line blocks but they're still helpful in many different scenarios the fact that they can't be collected or destroyed makes working with p-switches in levels super easy beforehand we had to worry about if the player would collect the coins or destroy the bricks however now that isn't an issue these also don't interact with anything when they're turned off so they work extremely well as indicator blocks these just have so many uses when using complex machines and even a few outside of the p-switch so for being a surprisingly really helpful item this will take 13th this one here is probably the most controversial choice on the list but i think the bumper is the last item for the useful tier some of you may be confused as to why it's so high up on the list shouldn't it belong with the items like the seesaw and claw well if you look at its uses in a super basic way then sure the only real thing the bumper can do is bounce mario away from it depending on where he hit it this can be helpful for platforming of course but that isn't really enough to put it this high so why did i well the bumper can only push mario back this means that every other item in the game can go through them essentially that means that bumpers can act as walls for mario but not for anything else there are so many different applications for this as you can maybe have a spot where you need to drop an item but you don't want mario to go down there you can have enemies attack mario from the bumpers before retreating where he can't hit them there are so many uses for this and i use them in this way all the time in fact i can't remember a time where i actually used bumpers for their intentional use their only real downside is that the bumpers are circles so you can jump into the corner but that's not really a big deal and can be even helpful sometimes i'm not sure if i've been able to convince you all but i genuinely think it deserves to cap off the useful items tier at 12. also they can be used to make dry bone shell gates that you can only get through with the dry bone shell dry bones for smash [Music] now onto the very useful items here we have the other bouncy item the spring this will obviously let mario jump higher if he times it right or just simply bounce him in another direction if it's sideways unlike the bumper though these do actually interact with other things which means they can be helpful in making machines and such they can launch enemies or items at mario instantly make him turn around etc springs are also able to be picked up and moved by mario so they can also be great for making secrets new paths or just clearing the level in general they can also be used for spring jumps which is basically when you drop a spring mid-air and bounce off of it before landing on the ground for some extra hides like the pals the sideways springs are also gravity affected flooring i do find these to be slightly more useful than the bumpers overall as them being able to interact with other things creates more possibilities but they really are used in different ways the spring is much more with its intentional use of just being something to bounce on which is really helpful so this will take the number 11 spot kicking off our top 10 here we have yet another one i was very mixed on that being the workbox the uses are very self-explanatory mario goes into the item and teleports to a new section of the level with the workbox being destroyed in the process meaning that you can't go back these can also be locked with keys if you want to so why are they here on the list well obviously this is super helpful most levels would just simply not work if there's no way to travel between different rooms even platforming levels items like this are near essential so why isn't this in the very top tier well that's simply because i just kind of think it's a worse door they both have similar uses but there are a few differences that the warp box does have like not being able to go back and being able to enter them in the air the door though just has more things you can do with it with the p-switch variant and i think being able to go back is usually more helpful than not being able to as this could lead to a lot of soft locks obviously though having these as an option is really really nice and they also work on a separate counter from the doors as well meaning warp boxes have their place i may have underrated this item but i think the number 10 spot is good enough the one-way walls are an item i'm sure everyone can get behind they're able to be placed in four different directions where things can go through one side but not the other that applies to mario but also pretty much everything else unless it's on a track or something these are great for preventing cheese and not allowing mario or items to go somewhere where they shouldn't at that moment they're also good for giving mario an item but not letting mario or the item go back where it came from i don't really have much else to say here other than these should really be in 3d world for its easy applications in very useful applications this will take number nine another obvious choice for a high placement was the p-switch these are great for many different scenarios like timers puzzles etc these can even be activated by things that aren't mario which expands their number of uses greatly now p-switches can be activated without mario needing to be nearby or maybe mario's goal could be getting something to activate the p-switch for him they can also be picked up and moved for even more puzzle scenarios the only reason this isn't higher is because there are better two state blocks in the game however there are still a significant amount of uses for the p-switches so they're gonna have to take number eight our final enemy gizmos are the bill blasters their most basic use is that they fire bullet bills which can damage the player if turned red the bullet bills will be able to track and follow mario the blaster's heights can also be adjusted so why exactly is it this high well it doesn't only fire bullet bills but also pretty much everything that can be put into items like question mark blocks this makes it infinitely more useful it's able to shoot different types of enemies for mario to avoid it's able to spit out shells from mario to ride on it can also be used for timer setups as they can fire spike balls it can even give mario items and coins that's not even the end of its usage though it's once again another surface affected by gravity but since its height can be adjusted it's the best one in most cases you could even make a blaster spit out coins to prevent them from shooting out anything really significant these could also be stacked on top of enemies which means they can protect their heads or maybe even be used to fire more things out to the player the red blasters will also fire anything inside of them faster than the normal version that's not even really scratching the surface as there's just so many things you can do with these which is why there's no way they could be any lower than number seven the final item of this penultimate tier are the tracks i think this is one of the most obvious choices i could ever make they allow for pretty much anything to be attached to them and you can customize how items move on them they can be made into any shape pretty much and allow for a ton of platforming and machine possibilities without tracks it'd be very hard to make super customizable and unique creations as they allow you to control how things move they can even work as indicators as well the only problem i have with tracks is that they can't be adjusted by one tile at a time so the track will always be an odd number long which is annoying if i want to have a track go across the entire top or bottom of the screen since that's an even number but for its phenomenal number of uses other than that it ends the very useful items tier at sixth place we have finally made it to our top tier the five items that i feel are near essentials which is funny since only one of them has been usable at mario maker 1's launch most of these are pretty much tied together in fact these are the only reason i decided to use tiers in the first place none of these are significantly worse or better than the others so if your number one choice is in this tier we pretty much agree starting with number five we have the face of the gizmos themselves the keys these are key items for any level with a boss fight but seriously i have no recollection of how we made boss fights before these were added in mario maker 1 as an update keys are obviously used to unlock doors and they can be placed inside of enemies or just in the level meaning that they don't just have to be for boss fights there really isn't too much more to add in fact most of these top tier items are pretty simple so their sections will be pretty short so for allowing boss fights to really be a thing in mario maker the keys will take number 5. next up we have the checkpoint upon touching it if mario dies he will respawn there this use is obviously so incredibly helpful at making mario maker way more fun to play than it would be without it i think pretty much everyone agrees that it should be high up here so i don't think there's much more i can add it'd be nice if they worked in clear condition levels and it'd also be nice if there was a restart from checkpoint button but that doesn't stop them from being one of the best items in the entire game i'm still shocked they weren't in the original release of mario maker 1 but boy am i happy that they got added in later in update so the checkpoint will take number four now these decks three are even more tied than the other two without these i can't imagine mario maker 2 would be anywhere near as good as it is starting off we have doors these are essential to being able to have rooms in your levels without doors i don't know how we would even be able to make complex levels at all doors also have locked in p-switch variants to make them even more helpful for levels doors were the only one of these five items to be a mario maker one at launch and of the five i think that was at least a good choice these are just super essential to making any level all level types benefit from them in some way it's super simple but i just think it deserves to be at number three and now the top of the top items pretty much work together so we'll cover them at once my top picks for the best gizmos in mario maker 2 are the on off switches and dotted line blocks these are without contest my favorite addition to mario maker 2. having two state blocks opens up so many possibilities that it's impossible for me to cover them all here they can be used for platforming for interesting machines and pretty much anything you can think of the switches can be activated by items like shells and bombs which mean you can have them be activated separately from mario i think this is the easiest choice for number one and i really can't see many people disagreeing with me here almost every level can benefit from these blocks i'm not sure if they're used as much as doors or checkpoints but their use is just so huge that it opens up significantly more possibilities than any other item that's probably why the dotted line blocks were the only 2d exclusive item to eventually be added to 3d world really weird that they weren't there from the start but i'm happy they made it in regardless so for being some of the most if not the most useful items in the entire game the dotted line blocks will take number two and the on off switch will take the easy number one spot as the best gizmo in super mario maker 2. but anyways that's it for this super long video what gizmo is your favorite and do you think it was absurd of me to place the crate so low on the list let me know in the comments sorry if my explanation seems short at times this video was turning out to be way longer than i thought it was going to be so i left some of my thoughts a bit short in some places but hopefully you were all still able to understand my decisions the gizmos are almost all very different from each other which made it very hard to put this list together but i still had a lot of fun here i've had videos with more things to rank than this before but there's just so many things to talk about with each item here that made it pretty hard if you enjoyed the video please make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more mario maker 2 and anything else nintendo switch links to my twitter and discord server are in the description dry bones for smash and i'll see you guys next time [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 254,270
Rating: 4.8256731 out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker, nintendo switch, 3d world bowsers fury, super mario maker 2 rankings, tier list, super mario maker 2 best items, super mario maker 2 items tier list, smm2, super mario maker 2 checkpoint, super mario maker 2 boss fights, odyssey central, super mario maker 2 all gizmos, super mario maker 2 banzai bill, super mario maker 2 ideas, super mario maker 2 tips, super mario maker 2 story mode, super mario maker 2 tips and tricks
Id: jyhMwmCEylo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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