The Beta of Super Mario Maker 2

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now I personally really enjoy learning about games and their development money maker 2 has been out for a little bit now and looking back an old footage there's actually quite a bit that's changed like levels in story mode item icons and even item models from back when we first saw it in February until today so today I want to go through the development and beta of Super Mario maker 2 now I'm doing all of this research by myself so if I miss anything please let me know in the comments also I've worked really hard on this video so if at any one point you enjoy the video please make sure to drop a like both that being said come and join me as we look at all the small and major changes from the beta of Super Mario maker 2 now luckily since Mario maker 2 is of course making game I'm able to easily recreate any scene and spot the differences for our first difference but you can see that the radial menus each have a slightly different coloring when compared to the final game interestingly the Yoshi egg isn't featured in the items menu like it is in the final game despite not being unlockable to me this could mean that it either belonged to a different category like gizmos or was originally supposed to be unlocked the change on Brender is also slightly different with the posts being moved closer to the main body in the final game in the terrain menu the normal turn block and question block have switched positions then we see that we would have been able to scroll from the terrain instantly to the gizmos which is impossible in the final game for whatever reason kind of a negative change in my opinion then we get to the main UI and boys there a lot of changes sorry got 2 left we can see that the Frog has a completely different facial expression we then see that the ground icons Hill is slightly higher in the final game compared to the beta the icon for the custom scrolling is a feather while in the final game it is just some squiggly lines the clear conditions icon has also completely changed in the type of flag and the color the play icon also has a little slit that you can see right here that isn't present in the final game shifting to the top of the screen we see that the ground render is a little closer up to the top and the beta we also see that instead of remaining where the magnifying glass is when selecting an item the item automatically moves to the hotbar speaking of the magnifying glass the color for the handle is different in the beta the hand icon looks a bit different as well in the beta and it doesn't have the red outline seen in the final the shopping cart is also a different color in the beta being white here while it's much darker in the final the last dy change that I saw for now is that the undo dog looks slightly smaller in the beta however this might just be me there doesn't appear to be any changes for the rest of the scene so moving it to the next one we see the change that inspired this video being the original look for the twisters the way they look here is completely different than the simple one seen in the final game I'm definitely happy they changed it as we will get to see the luck in New Super Mario Bros u later and it is not pretty I'm very happy they changed it to the new simple design the shot also seems to come from a beta version of the story mode level climbing twister cave a lot of the levels seen in the trailers were in story mode so that means that there will be a lot of design changes to analyze from what I could tell there is no difference in the level the stage is missing for coins but the player has already collected for two so that's why I think there are four missing also this takes place in the editor as we'll see with most of the story mode stages coming up which is just interesting since you can't go into the editor in any of the story mode stages this next level is a beta version of the under the angry Sun stage from story mode interestingly it's in the Super Mario Brothers 3 style instead of Mario you like the final since a lot of the puzzles revolve around the propeller suit I wonder if this level was pretty different in the beta next level could possibly be the level snake box in the sky however there are tons of differences like the coin placement the snake block type and the game theme however it is similar so I thought I would mention it however it wouldn't surprise me if these are completely different levels now the snow icon here has also changed a little bit with the snowflake placement slightly changing the next level shown is River fish in the forest there are a few changes such as the yellow mushroom being replaced with the pipe with Yoshi's in the final game and a few new coins being seen in the final the next level is - on and - off and it doesn't appear to have any changes the next level is coin collecting on an unmanned air ship ironically this level was used to show off the new custom scrolling despite not having any auto scroll in the final game speaking of the custom scroll the birds look completely different in the beta compared to the final now we finally move on to the brand new 3d world mode and this is where most of the changes are now there are a ton of different renders and there seems to be two big things connecting them there are usually either from Mario use that they were changed to be more unique in the final game or they were to 3d and made more flat in the final the Koopa Troopa and question mark blocks were changed to be separate from their renders from Mario you the Goomba hard blocks bricks and Piranha Plants all seem to have been changed to make themselves more flat images the pipe has pretty much had the opposite happen with it becoming more 3d in the final game inside the radial menus we see that the ice block invisible block star and hammer bro all use their Mario you renders but we switch for the final game the semi solid does this as well but it's more interesting as this semi solid isn't even used in the 3d world theme the cloud donut block pink coin pork a puffer piranha creeper swamp pop chop spring sting B and skip squeak were all changed to be more flat images for the final game some others that were changed but don't really fit into any of the themes I laid out where the slopes vary slightly the 10 coins which look awful originally but this is pretty obviously a beta model but still happy they were changed the cheep-cheep the bloopers the spinous and the and troopers again slightly also a lot of the items have been shifted around in the final game the cat Bell switches places in the items the poor Kappa furs moved out of the main enemy menu the orders all mixed up in the second panda meas menu with the bully also been moved to the different one in the final originally there are also only three menus but now we have four this is likely done because there are less enemies per menu now instead of there being more enemies in the final we then see that the menu to change enemy's status has been completely changed from the beta for one it has a completely different background the fire piranha plant wings and parachutes renders have completely changed and in the final there are all in one row while here they're separated into two rows also instead of a blue arrow a blue X is used in the final game to get rid of something we then see them place a cat bow which to me looks a lot more orange than the one seen in the final game this doesn't hold true for the menu one just when you place it down the levels seen here is Hello 3d world and the only difference I saw is the gloom possibly being placed slightly farther back in the final and this piranha plant having a larger detection range in the beta the beginning also doesn't have an ant trooper but it's a sting bee instead the cat Bell is also a progressive powerup in the final game our next shot seems to be part of the same level at the underground section now this is quite different from the final game such as the brakes at the side and most obviously it's in the desert instead of underground this makes me think that this might have originally been its own level but was changed to be the underground part of Hello 3d walled the next level appears to be an early version of the underground Menace with quite a few changes for one the floor here is missing in the beta and the roof is missing a few blocks in the final our next clip is again from Hello 3d world it has no noticeable changes the next one is from 100 coins under the sea and while the level itself doesn't appear to be changed the amount of coins needed being obviously 100 in the final was lowered from the banner requiring 113 which shows that this level was slightly altered at least somewhere the next clip comes from Banzai bill ambush and while again the level itself hasn't changed noticing the ground here has a completely different texture than the ground from the Finals 3d world airship the ground that's one block thick also has a different pattern in the final game words too blowing docks well here in Nevada there were arrows this is likely done to stop any confusion on if the ground working bears now I wasn't able to find the next two stages so if they are story mode levels let me know but if it isn't then I bet these stages might have been scrapped or they might have just been made for the trailer the closest level I found to the next one was red Yoshi's Highway of flames the changes for this level include the game style changing and the removal of Bowser in the clown car the final level is one I believe wasn't seen in story mode and seeing how chaotic it is I Bale was created for the trailer now that's it for the first trailer but we still have the direct so just later on in development there will be a lot less to go over however since it is longer its has about the same amount of information something interesting of know is that this direct is taken from at least two different builds of the game because at one point we see the original twister model and the new one now I'm only going to cover scenes with changes as with the previous trailer pretty much every scene was changed but the direct doesn't have as many changes but either way let's jump right into it so the first change for this trailer actually has to do with the slopes as you can see this slope is able to be placed over ground decoration without destroying it like in the final game this is a really weird thing to cut and this feature probably could have been used to decorate some levels we don't get to see a little bit more of under the angry Sun stage before it was turned into a new Super Mario Bros course our next level is a near complete version of snake blocks in the sky however these blocks here are replaced with coins in the final game speaking of these blocks they are actually gray here while they turn brown in the normal game I think this is another unfortunate change as the gray just fits the snow team a lot better than the brown blocks do and would have gone a long way to make the snow theme more unique we next get to see the level on/off switch research expedition and there are a few changes during the change out part in the final the box is much bigger and contains coins and the beta the on/off switch is attached to the wall there aren't any ground decorations in the final and finally the ground up here is higher we then see on/off rail switch and while the level itself hasn't changed we get to see the original twister model from Mario you and yet I am glad it changed we then enter the level swinging claw ropes course which in my opinion contains the most interesting change while the level itself isn't different look at the color of the ground it's orange instead of the normal blue like it is in some Mario 3 levels now since we had already seen the underground for Mario 3 I wonder how this orange color was originally planned to be used it's obviously not the nighttime theme since it would be upside down if that were the case it's also not a vertical sub area which sometimes changes like the ghost house in mario world this is very interesting how they had originally planned for this color scheme to be in the game and would have been nice to have but alas some things aren't meant to be personally I like the orange color the better than the blue but what can we do our next change is something from the original teaser where the coin collecting on an unmanned air ship still autoscrolls despite not doing so in the final game if I were to guess this is probably done because they didn't want people to get stuck without collecting a coin and then have to go through the whole level and realize they forgot a coin we then see on off rail switch again and the only change I could find is that the color of the track needed to get the big coin is red in the beta while it needs to be blue in the final we then see the level shoe stopper and it has several differences for one in the final the section is in the snow and also the sound effect is at present in the final we then jump into story mode oh we see a downhill battle the first course there are a few differences such as there not being a mushroom dispenser in the beta and there's a ground decoration in the slope at the start which we said earlier is impossible to making the final interestingly though there is still one under a slope later on in the level which is very curious we then see on/off switch aru with a few blocks missing in the beta afterwards we see molten rain with the small change being the ground decoration has a stem in the beta as opposed to being floating in the final game I took it seriously when I'm really trying to find every small thing we doesn't see ancient seesaw fortress which is quite a few block changes along with one ways added in the final game and the arrow and ten coins being moved the second bridge is also slightly bigger in the final game what's another coin being added we then jump into the themes and we see that the Mario 3 theme was originally a lot closer to Mario 3 but they decided to add clouds in the final game which in my opinion is a good change to liven up the theme we then enter the 3d World section and our first change is to the level master of trees quite a bit has changed like the objective not being existent here and same with the sting be the bully being replaced with the red Koopa and the beta and the theme of the level being changed for the final we then see Goomba clubhouse which has quite a few changes such as there only being four pink coins in the beta as opposed to the five in the final and this mushroom not being present the clear pipe going to the pink coin scene created here is also not present in the final level the next level we see is target a single pom-pom and quite a bit has changed such as the clear condition not being present in the beta and the room you warp to is nearly different in every way not even including the fact that you fight kamek instead of pom pom we then see the level threat level pork a puffer that has this warp box changed from being a normal one to needing a key in the final and the next room is also different with the ground being turned into spikes and there being a star in the final version of the room our next level is blink Blanc Blanc in which the sub area changed to having both types of blinking blocks on the same row and in the beta you were able to go where the ant troopers are there locked off in the final we then see treetop fireballs which has the tree switch sides and doesn't have the clear objective the first track block also missing in the beta we doesn't see piranha creeper squash with a small change being this pipe turned from being blue to green in the final game we that get to see skipped squeak towers and we see that this semi-solid actually changed colors in the final where the top is white and the border is red in the beta while the opposite is true in the final we then jump into underground coin collecting where a decent amount has changed first off you only need to collect 28 coins in the beta and the bricks are arranged differently between the two versions we then go into the online portion and when downloading a course we were able to see two changes the first one was likely done just for the trailer where the world record holder doesn't have a me and the second one is that instead of view comments like in the final it says see comments I think view comments sounds better so I'm happy this was changed we then see something interesting while showing off maker profiles we see that the player has three hundred and fifty maker points but no levels uploaded as far as I'm aware this can't happen in the normal game so wonder if you are supposed to start out with a certain number of maker points we then see endless challenge and we see a black bar here which I'm pretty sure because stunts for the trailer to block the rankings which is a pretty funny way to avoid showing it like five seconds early but anyways that's all the changes I can find through the beta and development of Super Mario maker too if you made it this far and you enjoyed the video then remember to please give it a like as i worked extremely hard on this video so it would be much appreciated a youtuber by the name of beta 64 makes a lot of content on the betas of games and he was the inspiration for this video i don't know if he's working on a mario maker to video but i'm excited to see what if he does if I miss anything then feel free to let me know in the comments but anyway that's it for this video bye [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 585,837
Rating: 4.9117422 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, super mario maker 2 direct, super mario maker 2 new features, Beta, Mario maker 2 Beta, super mario maker 2 beta, beta super mario maker 2, super mario maker 2 beta gameplay, nintendo, switch, mario, smm2, smm2 beta, super mario maker 2 themes, super mario maker 2 all course themes, Super mario maker 2 story mode, super mario maker 2 story mode levels, mario maker 2 beta levels, mario maker 2 development, smb3, smw, nsmbu, sm3dw, smb1
Id: OiEG5s99_O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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