Every Character We Might Get In Super Mario Bros Wonder!

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Super Mario Bros Wonder drops within just a couple of months which is absolutely crazy to think about and we don't know much about this game but one of the things I'm most curious about are the brand new characters making their debut in this game I mean think about it we got Mario Luigi Peach and Toad which I guess is kind of standard but then we got Yoshi who's a playable character in their own right and has special moves like the flutter jump and all that but then we also have Daisy who appears to not have any special character specific moves and just be the same as the other four characters but then why would they add a fifth character that does the exact same that none of it makes sense I truly believe that we'll definitely get more characters than the characters we've seen just so far in that initial trailer because why would they show off all playable characters in the reveal trailer for the game because of that today I want to list off every character that I think could be playable in this game imma give you not only the percentage chance I think they are to actually be playable whether that's like a 10 chance or a 50 chance but will also give you one special move that could be that character's kind of signature style for example in Super Mario 3D World Rosalina had like the spin jump that would be her signature move or Peach's hover with her dress or something like that all right let's jump right into it with the first character being Wario despite never making a playable appearance in a Mainline Mario game unless you count Super Mario 64 DS Wario is one of the most likely characters here in my opinion for a couple of big reasons for one I always see Wario kind of on the same level as Daisy in the sense that you rarely see them in the main Mario games but they're everywhere in every single spin-off they're like a staple on top of that there's a brand new WarioWare game dropping mere days after Super Mario Bros Wonder literally I think it's like two weeks after we get a new WarioWare game it just seems like with Super Mario Bros Wonder Nintendo's really trying to lean into what the fans want and if we're gonna get another character I think Wario would just be so cool to see so imma give him a solid like 40 chance he's pretty likely All Things Considered and for a special move he could just have a more powerful ground pound maybe it sends out a little shock wave that stuns enemies and can break through stronger brick blocks before we get into our next character here's a word from today's video sponsor this video is brought to you by pocket camps in Pocket Champs you have one goal become the best Camp trainer in the world you do this by Training Up Young talent to be the best Camp possible you collect hundreds of different gadgets and you can even upgrade them to give your Champion the best possible Advantage for their Race by consistently winning races you'll climb the leaderboard unlock awesome new customizations from ever growing 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so hurry up and thank you pocket chance for sponsoring this video alright we did Wario now let's move on to Waluigi unfortunately I just don't see this happening at all because there's no Universe they add Waluigi and not Wario so Waluigi is only added if Wario's in it seems like he's always so disrespected by Nintendo that I really can't imagine he goes from like not playable in Smash Bros to a playable character in a new 2D Mario game it doesn't really make sense it seems like waluigi's just slightly too irrelevant although if Nintendo wanted to lean into like the meme angle then they should totally make them playable because he's one of the most iconic Mario characters like to the general public just because he's in so many memes and whatnot but yeah Waluigi honestly I think has like a five percent chance of getting into this game I would be extremely shocked if he ended up being playable but I guess a Never Say Never and B if it were to happen in any game Super Mario Bros wander is already looking so weird that I guess it would make sense for it to be here in terms of a special move to set while Luigi apart I would say if you held the Crouch button for long enough he'd crouched down start shaking really fast and then you could jump out like three times the height of a normal jump out of like a Charged ground pound if that makes sense Waluigi has such long legs and is so like wiry that this kind of makes sense in my head all right next up we have Rosalina Rosalina is pretty likely to be in this game she was obviously playable in Super Mario 3D World and of course her special move here would just be a spin jump but in 2D Rosalina honestly seems pretty likely I think she's one of the more likely characters this video so far I would put her in at a solid 50 chance the only reason she's not higher is because we've already gotten Daisy revealed not that Daisy directly contradicts where Rosalina or anything but I could see Nintendo not wanting to add in too many princess themed characters after all to my knowledge I don't believe Rosalina and Daisy have ever been playable in the same game before obviously not counting spin-offs like Mario Kart or anything I'm talking like Super Mario 3D World there's Super Mario run like that sort of thing but yeah Rosalina's sitting at a solid 50. Pauline on the other hand slightly less likely but would be way cooler if she got added in imma put Pauline at a solid 25 but that's the least confident I've been in this entire video and will be for this entire video in terms of like a ranking 25 doesn't seem like I'm you know all in on her being in I I'm not I could very well see this game come and go and no reference to Pauline at all is included but at the same time Nintendo is something kind of pushing her to be clearly the new Rosalina as in after Super Mario Galaxy came out and Rosalina was in that game Rosalina then appeared in like Mario Party Mario Kart all the Mario spin-offs and then eventually she worked her way up and was playable in Super Mario 3D World a Mainline Mario game Pauline had a massive surge of popularity when she was at NPC in Super Mario Odyssey since then she's been in a bunch of stuff she's been in Mario Kart tour a bunch of Mario sports games and even the Mario movie but she's yet to make the big jump into a Mainline new Mario game granted there haven't been many Mainline new Mario games I guess the only one technically being like Bowser's Fury so if she was going to make the jump and become a normal Mainstay Mario character this would probably be the game to do it if Pauline was added I would love to see her hat be her main ability I know what you're thinking there's no way they add an entire capture gimmick to one character and I agree they don't do that but what I could totally see happening is she has hat from Mario Odyssey and then she can throw it and then jump on it kind of like you can jump on Cappy and whatnot but it's not like it captures enemies or even probably damages them it's just like a portable trampoline she can kind of throw out and about and then jump on to get some extra height all right Toadette I'm putting her at a solid 70 I think she's probably the most likely in this video Toadette was in Super Mario Maker too as a playable character she was in new Super Mario Bros U Deluxe and led to the whole Peach at meme in terms of special abilities maybe she gets just that she could turn into Peach head again although that doesn't make sense because Peach is a playable character realistically she'd probably just be a different skin for toad maybe a little bit faster if that's even a thing but yeah Toadette I just gotta put it in here Toadette seems like all right if we're gonna get a new character it's gonna be Toadette it just makes me confused why they wouldn't have shown her off already like if Toadette was in the game I feel like it would be a lot more smart to show off Toadette right away and then save Daisy for later on because Daisy's like a really big reveal whereas toadette's just gonna be like ah yeah okay Toadette is playable that's a that's real fun sorry Danny Toadette fans that I just brutally pissed off all right next up we have Captain Toad I would put this at like a one percent because I don't think they're gonna add in Captain Toad because if they did well he can't jump and this is a 2d platformer making a jumpless 2d platformer would be crazy but I could very well see like a Wonder stage or like one one little small stage or like you know side mode thing with Captain Toad in here that's what the one percent you know signifies I could very well see them add in some sort of puzzle maybe you have to rotate the entire level to like move Captain Toad around this game just seems to be kind of trying every single idea it has and Captain Toad was something that was kind of started out just like this I mean in Super Mario 3D World they just made some Captain Toad levels and then he got his own own game and now he's one of the more important characters in the Mario movie like Captain Toad has kind of had a massive Spurt of popularity within the past couple of years so I could kind of see him be included in this as like some sort of side mode but I would not hold my breath if I were you all right here we go Donkey Kong I would absolutely kill to be able to play as Donkey Kong in Super Mario Bros Wonder Donkey Kong Country is one of my favorite series of all time and we haven't gotten a new Donkey Kong game in so long since like 2013 I think Tropical Freeze was absolutely amazing and I completely feel like Nintendo is just wasting away a great series do you know how many companies would kill to have a character as recognizable as Donkey Kong in their lineup Nintendo has one and then hasn't made a game for him in almost like a decade that is absurd I don't think we're gonna get a Donkey Kong game even on the switch anymore we'll probably get one on the switch too subscribe by the way for all the coverage of that brand new console the rumors are starting up and so far it hasn't been anything super credible but we'll let you know if anything massive drops so hit that subscribe button to stay in the loop but anyway I don't know man Donkey Kong it just seems so crazy even imagining him as playable in this game maybe that's just me he just seems so unobtainable but I would absolutely love to see him in this game he could control just like in the Donkey Kong for games like that could be a special move he could like roll and pluck stuff out of the ground and whatnot at least add like a mine cart level that would be such a neat reference I don't necessarily think it's gonna happen but I would love to see it anyway Donkey Kong I'd give like a five percent chance to maybe if that and then these next three characters are all getting like .001 chance Diddy Kong Dixie Kong and Cranky Kong I just had to include them because they already have move sets from Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and I know it sounds so dumb to just take a completely different platformer that's probably a different whole style of platformer in a different series and be like oh yeah put these characters in it'd be like if I was asking for a playable Sonic in this game but the fact that Nintendo just refuses to do anything with the Donkey Kong Country label that is why I'm asking for these characters to be in here like I'm conceding if we can't get a dkc game at least let us play as the characters in a 2d Mario game obviously I know it won't happen just let me have my moment all right these last two characters I could actually see being pretty likely the first one is gonna be Nabbit NAB is one of those characters who who's like who invented this who likes Nava I feel like it's just like the most bizarre side character of all time but Nabbit was playable in new Super Mario Bros U Deluxe functioning as that game's easiest mode it was weird but basically Nabbit couldn't get hurt by objects the only way Nabbit would die is if you jumped into lava or like a pit or something I think there will definitely be some sort of easy mode in this game whether that's Yoshi or a completely different character or just like a mode it refuses to be seen but it's a Mario game there will be some way for Nintendo to sell it to you know little kids and them still have somewhat of a good time with the game so yeah I think navit has a somewhat decent chance I'll say like a 20 chance which is not bad at all for a character as in my opinion obscure as Nava I mean I think that's decent let me know what you guys think about navit though down in the comments below let me know obviously about all the characters like which ones you think are most likely but specifically mabbit it's just such an oddball character but the more and more I think about it it's like oh yeah I could totally see Nabbit being playable in this game and last but not least either Bowser or Bowser Jr this would definitely be an unlockable after the fight final boss my only logic is that in this shot here Bowser Jr looks like he's like corrupted or something by some sort of Wonder Flower Magic imagine you get to the last level beat Bowser and then end up somewhat saving him kinda not too dissimilar from Bowser's Fury when you beat Fury Bowser and then normal Bowser just comes out and is kind of a lot more chill and less like I'm about to destroy everyone you've ever loved I feel like that makes sense for this Game's plot the Wonder flower is clearly making things act strange so maybe Bowser took it is a lot more menacing than normal and then you beat him and then he's just kind of normal and maybe you can even play as him or at least Bowser Jr in the clown copter I think that makes sense I don't think those are very likely though I'll give him about five percent chance each and with that out of the way let me know down in the comments below what characters you most want and what characters you most believe will be in this game thanks again to pocket champs for sponsoring this video you could download the game using the link in the pin comment and description also sorry for the slower uploads this summer once September hits will really be getting full swing into things so thanks for sticking around in support the videos in the meantime I'm Thomas on the switch top signing off peace
Channel: Switch Stop
Views: 98,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo Direct, Switch News, Super smash bros ultimate, Switch Stop, nintendo switch games, Nintendo switch review, best nintendo switch games, mario odyssey, switch games sale, animal crossing switch, animal crossing new horizons, super mario 3d world deluxe, super mario bros wonder power ups, super mario bros wonder, super mario wonder power ups, super mario wonder, mario wonder power ups, mario wonder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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