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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and welcome back to another episode of cursed gun images [Music] i know so soon thing is as much as i loved looking at your cursed internet dog [ __ ] there's one thing in particular you guys have been sending me over and over just flooding and i mean flooding my inbox with so of course we're going to have to cover that or else you guys would be horrifically disappointed almost as disappointed as cincinnati fans after last night's game plus we figured we might as well give you some content because let's face it you guys aren't doing anything else on valentine's day too harsh so let's start with a video that you guys cannot seem to stop talking about and honestly i think this is something we might have covered a long [ __ ] time ago at some point but it's coming back up mostly because of course it is it's going viral on tick tock and we may or may not be able to include the audio because [ __ ] tic toc music youtube they don't get along but don't worry you don't need audio to see how [ __ ] bad this is it just gets worse and worse cry emoji introducing the world's first bullpup belt fed and you know where this is going if you've seen it lever gun so as i'm sure you guys know i'm not exactly a big fan of bullpups i do however like lever guns in fact i own one in 44 magnum and of course no if you know i've always been a fan of belt feds but the idea of a belt fed bull popped lever gun in 44 magnum makes all of those things worse this is going insanely viral on tick tock and i have been sent this no joke i'm not kidding through through twitter through instagram through email all over probably a few hundred times in the last few days and i get it i do have to give it to the designer though i know i know i probably yeah i hate to give credit but i gotta give credit where credit's due this doesn't look easy making a gun that's supposed to feed from a tube magazine feed from a belt that's pretty [ __ ] hard top that with completely changing the lever design the thing that actually loads the cartridge and pushing the lever further forward all the way to the front of the gun and having to run a linkage system to actually make that operate you sir are a man of terrible taste but excellent craftsmanship i remember this floating around the internet like at least a year ago year and a half ago something like that but thanks to tick tock and it's back and apparently a bunch of people did not see it if you're like me and you don't like tick tock go ahead and subscribe we actually do good content here all right we're okay and if you do like tick tock go ahead and subscribe anyway because you're clearly entertained by anything so go ahead and give it a shot but still as a whole this con goes against my uh personal constitution and therefore i will tolerate it no more again impressive it's like dirty harry's wet dream i don't remember if i fired five rounds or all six doesn't matter though i've got a goddamn belt i'm feeling pretty lucky but now that we've gotten that out of the way moving on away from bad impressions we've got some actual cursed gun images for you guys saw's been floating around the last couple weeks when you have a re-enactment at one but you want to violate the nfa at two this appears to be a an 1851 cult navy called army i don't know i've got a reproduction of one anyway it could also be referred to as the classical looking griswold and gunnison pistol it's a civil war revolver at least it would have been had it not been for this uh janky ass optic mount up top and the addition of an ak underfolding stock this would definitely be an illegal sbr would be however a i don't know the persons who posted this their tax stamp status or anything like that and frankly i don't want to know it's none of my [ __ ] business you hear that internet nobody's [ __ ] business it's ugly because of a little bit of a loophole this isn't actually a firearm because it is a black powder firearm that was made or designed prior to 1898 including replicas of those firearms because of that this is not technically considered a firearm therefore adding a stock to it is adding a stock to an object that is not a firearm it's not a problem please consult your attorney before taking my advice as law i am an internet reader and speaking of older handguns up next we have what appears to be a modernized cult single action army aka this of course the only thing this one has in mine doesn't is the red dot on top and the tactical light on the bottom for when you want to accurately nd into your cinematographer at night jesus christ i can't even finish that sorry any chance we get to dunk on alec baldwin is just gold which reminds me i needed to take a moment to thank acre gold for making this video possible they're paying for all the therapy acre gold's an old friend of the channel they're an awesome sponsor with runaway inflation in the states you know it's nice to park a little bit to the side and something that's actually you know tangible plus they came out with some new merch which is actually pretty damn neat i don't know i think it's just kind of neat something you can buy from them you know support the people who support us and uh not have to invest in gold although i don't know i don't think it's a bad idea at this point without going on a rant about the federal reserve we'd like to thank anchor gold moving you can check them out on the links down in the description the pin comment onto more cursed gun images this one's from mr guns and gear homemade 12 gauge used by the burma people's defense force or pdf somehow when your teacher tells you to convert a pdf i do not think this is what they're talking about this is a downright garage gun this this actually just looks like a 12-gauge lootie which by the way if you don't know what that is or you haven't seen the video yet we did a video on the ludi a couple days ago we actually made one it's pretty cool neat little part of firearm history and you know kind of gives me a little freedom tingle i think my favorite part of this is that they felt it necessary to incorporate a carry handle as well as i guess the sights in the nsaid carry handle um interesting i also do not think that stock looks very comfortable to shoot but hey if you have nothing else you do it you can right next up mom can we get a vss ventures no we have vss at home this is bss at home this appears to be and i'm guessing here maybe like a a ruger 10 22 like a semi-auto 22 but it has what looks like i probably airsoft conversion uh vss integral suppressor tube and sights uh on the front of it also looks like it has a zenico pt-1 like if the the zenitco folding stock on it that's interesting got a pretty intense scope considering it's a 22 and uh you're really not gonna get that kind of distance out of it but it's okay top it off with a an a2 pistol grip because you know can't let it be completely free of ar-15 goodness honestly i don't hate it i don't hate it does that make me the bad guy this almost fits into the blurst category i don't know what do you guys think i know i just wish i could have a vss on the channel it would be really cool if we got a vss on the channel this month it would also be really cool if this video got a hundred thousand likes because i just this weird feeling that this video got 100 000 likes then we could have a vss on the channel you know the thing that nobody else has been able to get their hands on yeah hundred thousand likes that should do it feels right oh i could do a video on a vss excuse me don't know what came over me there well ball's in your court now onto more cursed gun images speaking of vss this is this is vss at home the magazine indicates 545 it's like ak 74 caliber and it's a bolt action gun it's like a redneck gunsmith tried to imitate a vss after only seeing it once and tracing it by hand gotta love those just ugly ass soviet era optics too the receiver almost looks like an an94 oddly enough but yeah no bolt action bolt action 30 round magazine jesus so is this some bubbed abomination well maybe but what it's commonly known as is the armenian k11 yeah this was actually production gun uh this was i was available in 545 and to my knowledge it was just 545 and 7.62 by 54r same as like you know psl svd that sort of thing mosin pkm the soviets like their 762 by 54r so 762 by 54 r almost makes sense you know it's you know long range dmr sniper rifle you want something that'll reach out and touch deliver a lot of energy five four five um you might be asking you know why would you do a sniper rifle uh with 30 round magazines and 545. that's a good question because i'm asking that too maybe they just had a shitload of it laying around i don't really know you'd have to ask the armenians in the 70s 80s whenever the [ __ ] this came out still is it cursed i don't know you decide next up it's time to get cranky with a crank that's right we've got the crank aks70 for you with a riser a couple of risers yo dog i heard you like risers this really only seems practical if you're trying to i don't know aim while you're shooting it from like low ready let's uh it's actually gets harder to look at the more i look at it and i love cranks so that that's a little difficult too i need a refill so next up we have the phalanx surface to air weapon system is it cursed [ __ ] no it's awesome taxpayer dollars hard at work what is cursed when you slap a [ __ ] minion on it i don't know who did this or why they did this but you just turned lethal r2d2 into cringe minions were cursed when everybody's grandmother flooded them on facebook and they're cursed now enough said when you max out the starter weapon jesus christ i think that's a i think that's a 22. i point out that it's a 22 while completely ignoring the [ __ ] hubble telescope on top yeah the suppressor the laser mount the uh the vertical grip there as well as an interesting method of mounting the scope at least you can't say it's not in line with the barrel this is obviously an intentionally cursed setup but what's even more cursed is how stupid uh gun laws can be sometimes had this not been a super [ __ ] long barrel like this because this this looks like a 16 inch barrel to me uh had it not been that long this would have been an illegal sbr you can't put a vertical grip on a pistol without that being an sbr or at least a violation of the nfa now brandon that makes no [ __ ] sense you might say why would it be a short barrel rifle just because you put a pistol grip on the front of it well jimmy that's because the people that write gun laws don't know a goddamn thing about guns and so these are the kind of laws you get anyway hashtag repeal the nfa moving on speaking of horribly decked out 22s jesus christ looks like an ar-15 this is just an ar style 22 no buffer tube because [ __ ] that i guess you really don't need it on 22. looks like a 10 22 style drum super short barrel with uh no stock no pistol grip other than what appears to be like a sawing off shotguns pistol grip drafted on to be able to fit on an ar style weapon system who did this for when you want to dump a shitload of 22 with absolutely nothing in particular it's a good thing they included the carry handle i could imagine this gets heavy after a while considering it's like three pounds of nothing hey tony why are you putting all that pikatini on the gun and not putting nothing on it okay i'm done with this no i'm not the skeletonized mag well just does it for me um and i would say this it doesn't deserve the battlefield pickup look it's got but who knows this thing could have you know seen extensive use in the hood okay now i'm done now have you ever thought to yourself you know i'd really love to use a sword but i wish it would have the ergonomics of a japanese nambu handgun well i don't know who thought that but apparently somebody did this appears to be in some like museum or collection or something japanese officer's sword pistol captured by us forces the pacific believe that the owner fabricated it himself that has got to be some of the most weeb [ __ ] ever i'm issued a handgun but i would really love to just charge in with a sword might have been a reason he got captured or killed the sword got captured oh japan you were weird before the bombs huh not gonna lie kind of takes balls though kind of impressed one thing's for sure is that officer was going places probably a pow camp but that's a place the things you see when you visit austria arms jesus this looks like a it looks like somebody merged like an mgl grenade launcher uh with an ak with like a striker 12. or a street sweeper if you will what's funny is that for some [ __ ] reason i actually know what this is this was like a uh this was like a multiple uh cylinder revolving polish i think it was a flare launcher like a 26 millimeter flare launcher i don't remember what was called the wz something i don't know all the polish [ __ ] starts with the wz it's wz something damn no i was wrong [ __ ] yeah it's usually wz okay it's the rga 86 it's a revolving flare launcher i was right about that part what an interesting little piece and of course it does take the uh the ak pistol grips i think that's a nice touch so see sometimes just because you don't know what it is doesn't mean it's cursed sometimes it's still cursed not gonna lie about that part maybe just laid awake at night and thought i really wonder how i could make the mini 14 worse anybody can think this guy he put his thoughts into action behold the bullpup mini 14. i don't know how you're expected to use those sights considering i'm pretty sure that part of the stock's supposed to go over your shoulder i don't know if you're supposed to train your neck that way [ __ ] it maybe you're not supposed to use sights maybe it's just uh you i don't know [ __ ] use the force luke i don't know two things at the bottom that appear to either be a joystick or i don't know maybe the uh rubberized bottom of a flashlight with a nice little trigger linkage that pretty much says yeah this trigger's gonna suck don't let your memes be memes kids this two could be you now the caption on this was cursed rpk from iraq yeah yeah i can get down with that that's it's at least got a lot going on a lot of contradictory things going on here actually 762 by 39 not exactly a great long-range cartridge even with the longer barrel of the rpk so they've got kind of a janky dust cover mount with a big-ass scope on it uh i'm not sure how that's gonna quite work out for you but all right good news is if you miss them you got 75 more rocking that nice little drum on the bottom a little bit of accuracy by volume i respect it and to top it all off we've got a grenade launcher m203 down on the bottom or what looks to be which begs the question if one was to shoulder and try to shoot it as as far forward as that grenade launcher is um you're gonna have a bad time it's at least not gonna be comfortable this is one of the this is definitely this is definitely a mall ninja set up not sure what else to say about this other than it's no wonder they fell to isis so quick i realized i've started to sound a little bit bitter so maybe it's a good idea if we just cut this episode of cursed gun images right here thank god i never couldn't take much more please remember to subscribe if you like this kind of content we've got a lot more coming up we've got some really good content coming out the rest of this month including if you guys can [ __ ] get us there you get that like goal we'll do a [ __ ] vss video maybe allegedly we'll see anyhow that's about all i've got for you guys i appreciate you staying to the end and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] [Music] what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and to [ __ ] right off the bat i'm over here trying to give editing directions to my [ __ ] editor let me do the thing i realized i've started to sound a little bit bitter uh maybe it's a good idea just to cut this episode of gun meme review [ __ ] me what the [ __ ] is wrong with me
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,606,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The ak guy, Ak guy, cursed images, cursed gun images, gun meme review, Lever action, belt fed, bullpup
Id: vUdXUR9bi8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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