Super Cafe Compilation - Volume Two

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[Music] [Laughter] you wanna go get some coffee yeah [Music] what went wrong here I mean we are superheroes and master builders I don't well there we all were in cloud cuckoo-land listening to Emmitt when bad cop shows up and suddenly we're all taken prisoner just like that not on us or captured you're telling me Superman the Man of Steel is overwhelmed by a bunch of micromanaging drones and then stopped by a piece of gum a piece of gum Musudan kryptonite gun I guess I mean I should have been like what is this jump ha ha well why don't you choose [Music] [Music] Superman save the day Wow why didn't you do that I don't know so many heroes were just knocked down like to have no abilities whatsoever makes no sense Wonder Woman gone and Michelangelo take him down your lot read a cool freakin Dumbledore and Gandalf thanks magic yeah tell me about it as yours were so misrepresented right guys yeah totally well see you later you know I think I think you're just jealous no I'm not you're so jealous first of all please don't say jelly that is so weird you're upset that you didn't get to help me save everyone from our business help you yeah dude Emmitt is the hero in fact he's leading the charge against it whatever this baby block invasion thing is just happening right now yeah yeah panting sighing no no you're not hey fellas hey see you're jelly I am NOT I don't think he's ready to pitch any thought I think he's ready oh dear he's not bad you better this is for your care I'm just gonna go home try to not step in any gum so you saved the day yeah we did yeah none of us were really worried for you excuse me Yuri almost died yeah and then he didn't I'm sensing a pattern here go up and start Loki you thought they were gone and then they weren't you should be careful with that be careful coming back to life what about even me didn't you faked your own death well sure but I can get away with that sorry do not ask him why he has a point though you keep dying and bringing people back to life nobody will accept it if one of you actually gets killed someday none of us are gonna die a silly talk okay well was he so what's next just cleaning up the rest of Hydra talking offer to take care of it hail Hydra hey hi I got you up me I'm just gonna take it easy for a while go on some day what is your deal with my love life no I'm gonna go find my friend Bucky and convince him he's not evil so we can be towed Betty tell it to besties yeah start told me about so you refer to best friends now cross that off your list sneaking a Bucky I have a question for you tapped shoot remember that one time on the roof when Captain America threw his body really you're bringing up my own theme song again yes I've heard that all those who choose to oppose you look you well did the Winter Soldier yield when you threw your mighty shield no what did he do trot it with this super arm no unless you're playing for that or some ice or a brainwashed bunny with a robotic God doesn't even run you don't necessarily have to yield you guys are weird well this has been great you'll excuse me I need to start looking for Bucky poor girl let me go I mean you reverse time right now I know what's going I did not see this coming do it man you you use time travel to save your girlfriend now you use it to save mine I haven't done that since the seventies dude I'm I'm trying to not do that anymore Marcin man you talk about time right now sixes I love it it it was my everything like I know but I just can't change look my parents well uncle dad does it I even thought I saw my daddy Quinn's grave I don't know what's really more managed but just calm down okay look at yourself this is not you I will shoot this mortal man in the face easy there Janet tonight I mean you couldn't shoot me if you want to do and why is that because I'm faster than a speeding bullet no because I'm crack man stop you're not helping come on Parker the city needs you I know this is hard but but this is what defines you yeah plus there's this giant rhino convenient again right in the blood right now I'm a girl and nobody cares the cops can handle it I am dude I know and I will turn back time I can't it's just you really turned back to town I can't don't you care it's not that sad or down not right come on take it easy we're moving to London you reverse knocking how did you know it was unfit [Music] wait who's the good and who's the bad hey on that man you want to know my secret identity do you want to fist to the face never mind he's the bad hey if anything I'm the good and you're the bad or we're the good and they're the best oh you're the bad and we're the good and bla bla bla the conversation boards my brain so welcome back you're very sighs this is awesome there's so many things I miss out on I got this new thing called iPod there's like a bazillion songs on it you guys cling a lot about butts now why do you do that I don't know is it got weird so anyways you guys save the galaxy a lot of pilots died but hey you all held hands at the end and sort of made it all better yeah no kidding you also left an infinity stone in a city that barely has any protection left did you see where I got the stone the first time there was like nobody guarding it you guys in your infinity stone so you're like half human and half something else I are you not the least bit interested in knowing who your own dad is what sorry I didn't hear you did you know they made Transformers movies they look so weird he asked - your father is a ninja turtles into a movie - several time villages convenient to touch topic you wonder what sparked that pod man who was your father oh I'm not talk dad I just dressed like that because why did you trust like rat to strike fear in the hearts of my enemies yeah bats are not scary bats are tiny mammals that's a tennis game you should be called normal and who dresses as bats I'm not just a normal man I'm Batman I want it I'm Batman I am I'm Batman I'm Batman I'm Batman could still run for a while I'm Batman oh oh oh in the hiccup GI Joe got a movie - man the future is awesome I need to see these movies right now we basically use time travel in Quicksilver and that pretty much fixed everything Wow well my fixed you mean erased all your previous adventures you right Logan what is he talking about timey wimey I don't know I don't remember anything who are you people I just look under that guy's mask he's Bruce Wayne no I'm back then get out of here kid fine this place is dead anyway he could I did it well I loved it move really fast reverse time save everyone that sounds groovy I'm going to try that someday yeah except for it to work Kitty has to stand hold that pose for like days I have to pee so bad I didn't even think about that poor girl anyway great for you guys but you know what I've done if I had time travel save Kennedy seems like having a mutant president would have solved a lot of your problems probably without it done is over sent Logan back to the 60s - the first time you met Charles and Erik then Adam tell him everything right then in there oh that's a great idea Logan do not let me forget to send you back again 50 years from now excuse me I'm Erin Charles Xavier go far Eric's going to kill Shaw and get Charles paralyzed guys deaf I'm from the future I have so many things I need to warn you about hey fellows just outside and join my legs so GT war show yeah I guess Hollywood really hate superhero movie well I'd say they should stop starring it if it bothers them that much I mean who hates superhero movie we make millions of people happy over and over again what's wrong with that I don't understand or sure it's always which actors cried the most amazing me or which person transform their voice the best and I'm just like I do that every day you cry every day no change my voice Oh what is your normal voice it doesn't matter what my own voice sounds like but if I did it try every day it would still be amazing do you know why because you're gonna Batman yes oh well give this guy a trophy but why all the hate what did we ever do to them we crushed their box office and how is that our fault beats me so anything else going on okay that's pretty much everything I think total fans in universe did you hear oh girl free in the universe everybody is in the universe you goof not this universe yeah boo well he did just finish two-thirds of his last series he's like it's time for a reboot oh I hope it's not a reboot why because I'm so over eboo you you just had a reboot I'm gonna reboot with you and we get mad fight for Q hour okay I want to reboot did I get all padded up and wear guyliner sure okay alrighty then well you later everybody gets a reason well that seems weird to me too many reboots cannot be a good thing I mean where does it end do we reboot Indiana Jones do we reboot Lord of the Ring do we reboot Harry Potter you sure face maybe Hollywood is right maybe we aren't original anymore maybe we do just make the same stories over and over and over maybe doesn't matter because we're off and besides some of us actually do need a reboot okay I'm back and the reboot goes to Fantastic Four with nobody like oh did you see the new trailer yes I watched it like a thousand times pretty awesome right awesome is not even enough to describe yeah and nothing with the music and voiceover yes and the original lightsaber one and when Han and Chewie came out I teared up super tears man that was me such a great trail I'm not talking about Star Wars trailer why not are you talking about Jurassic world No Ant Man no Terminator talking about doctrine oh yeah I thought so what'd you think I think you were trying to sound like ol Tron I am not totally are with that robot voice there's nothing wrong with my robot boy I mean you might as well said I'm going to curl you apart from the inside I asked do you please that's totally different whatever well the answer is yes because everyone saw me bleed in Superman - did you not notice that I noticed but now I'm going to make you bleed so now it's like whew look out oh well I hope that makes you feel better oh it will because you know what you really should be hoping for what's that The Haunted shoe we actually make it through the first act of episode seven they'd never killed huh well I hope you're right because I have a bad feeling about this you're a bad feeling about this what does that even mean it means I'm always right because I was your Batman don't interrupt my catchphrase well maybe you shouldn't make your catchphrase so easy to see coming well maybe you shouldn't watch your back or else what or else I'll make a bunch of gadgets and teach you in less well that sounds like I'll learn something and become better than I was in the first place oh you will well thanks for making me more amazing he might write the Star Wars trailer is better dude we're just fight I'm so gonna fight you why because you're Batman because I'm better than you dude I will hug you too you're great no you yes I will we are friends oh yeah you're too dangerous you've got to be stopped stop me from saving people okay detective that makes perfect sense we're done here from here on out it's all oh oh it's off because you're Batman yes because okay can we still have coffee because I enjoy our little song oh absolutely sure that's fine okay good hey did you hear something how in the world never mind we'll talk later [Music] because I'm Batman what's wrong is Ultron was dead so we finished saving the world again hey Joey here to alter our little I wouldn't call it yeah that was more like a week at best like these minor setback a little job right that's how we roll can you imagine if you let the big Ultron get away for just a little bit longer what it was like a babe you does that well congratulations this time you stopped an evil robot by creating a superhero that was pure and good and shoots lasers and is red yellow and blue and flies mmm sounds familiar do you want to ask me if I believe know what this guy's going to he's trying to pick a fight with me it's not going to work oh yeah well you are gonna bleed you mean just like your parents oh no no nobody wants the Civil War right well I think that sounds kind of cool hey you know my secret Elop really girl your acting is so bad you make me want to be good oh wait I already because I'm Way too back black everywhere [Music] so we took the place out shrunk back the tank and nobody understood what the heck happened wow that sounds a little too easy yeah they didn't even really need me when you think about it well we were going to have this elaborate Mission Impossible caper with ants but these two insisted it wasn't necessary you had an actual tank in your pocket - its mission impossible with ants have you seen mission impossible it's got Tom Cruise and everything it's a very exciting picture we didn't need to do Mission Impossible with ants Tom Cruise does his own stunts you know dad last time he hung off the side of a plane nobody cares Hank we could have done that dad but with ants how do you cherry that tank around anyway if the mass stays the same shouldn't I take away like 60 tons Oh science molecules convenient you understand what I'm saying what I don't get is how fast you put on your shrinking suit I mean I could do it sure but I have super speed but no one without super powers to get into that suit that's at I can how because I'm ant-man what the oh yeah that's my awkward I say that you say I'm ant-man that's weird no I say Batman because I'm Batman I'm Batman and I meant me something but I am ant-man I am Batman oh my god don't make me shrink down and run across this table and put you right in the face oh and baby now we've got bad luck Wow I never knew you were such a Taylor Swift fan well we do have a history you do not so you've been chasing about a laptop no way not in your wildest dream well don't you sound jelly you just shake it off look I'll tell you one thing about tunas watch your backs what's that we never your last tile we never go out of style please stop and that's when the love of my life died no thanks to you Teen Titan hey I didn't make you toss her off a 300-foot drop it was my maximum effort and what are you Michael Bay nobody asked you to make a cliche explosion in the middle of my boss battle Colossus needed my help so yeah now I'm alone the only girl in my dreams gone forever thanks to the X now you know how a firefly fans feel too soon Superman so what happened to AJ you mean Francis he died under all that rubble are you sure we better have if not I'm gonna find it shoot him in the head and then use the whole photo op making me uncomfortable why because you're pg-13 or were you gonna say but no I would save the chosen back are we pg-13 I always thought we were a hard peih-gee hooray my dear a star that is a terrible idea uh excuse me copycat we were talking about my dead girlfriend wait please you did not love this woman oh really Oh what do you know about it mr. metal sack I think you only enjoyed her for 60 time what that is not true Vanessa and I also made amazing sci-fi references together I love that girl it was a montage and everything I didn't call her because I'm ugly no that's too bad beef probably would have helped you out if you'd have just called us first I am going to kill you little girl does not do you think the studio could afford B you can't just murder your enemies Wade chili is wrong what why Superman does it I do not just murder my enemy you all right not everyone in that destroyed city was your intimate gear shots fired the dental kit are we really going to do this again I saved the earth Bruce save it you can't be stabbed I feel like you guys need to be alone excuse me no don't get up wouldn't want to have to animate you in a different position for a game yeah where are you going I'm gonna go find a place with a little more trouble good lord look at those cars what is this 2007 so what's up we should probably go save my mother now oh yeah I totally forgot we'll come back so how does this work you talk first I talk first you stole my victory Bruce yeah the thing was statue we have to like go to your funeral instead I wouldn't have died I would have just been gone for a while yeah but you probably have to come back hole or something make us fight you all over again so I just went in go through today all I know is that was exhausting yeah like we covered so much ground you'd almost have to go through it multiple times feel like it made any sense right not for me I pretty much just checked my email and then fought a monster what were you guys doing the whole time we were sort of fighting each other fighting in the new term I was feeling bad about saving people for some reason and this guy went down a serious dark path I may have killed a bunch of guys no and bulldoze them with my dental bill that is dark yeah but I feel bad about it now so that makes it okay that doesn't seem right but whatever so what were you two fighting about it's so complicated he thought I was going to kill humans so he decided to kill me first rather than just talk to me about it you are going to kill Superman he was going to try I oh I beg to differ I seem to remember you lying on the ground crying out for your mother and what was her name again Lord look Martha I'm sorry I am I am so confused our moms have the same name he's really sensitive about it what did you don't know your mom isn't the only Martha in the world dude like my mom's dead what is it all been okay I'm good yeah well this was certainly not what I imagined hanging out with you two is going to be like it's normally not like this yeah we're supposed to be a cookie what happened to uh uh he killed people and you forgot to smile oh my gosh the Amazon goddess is right of course I am I like you Wonder Woman would help us on a team like the Avengers no this is totally different why would you think that I'm saying like a league that serves that just yeah and then we can be like you just got served some justice okay maybe this is a bad idea I vote reboot don't you dare I just got here I want to join cabby in the league yeah my joint you yeah the more the merrier and me too I'm just kidding I'm not doing that anymore hey great job murdering people Batman killing your enemies is wrong Oh gonna be a while because your family whatever you thought my catch me oh that made you mad those fighting words just dumped me we let biggest critic you mean they Martha why did you say your name it's just too easy now I was jus dated kill you and so God's emo found out he was the real person who bombed the UN and we never went to Siberia what was in Siberia oh who knows yep oh no that's kind of anti-climatic I was kind of hoping you guys would fight each other or something you know the whole she was a side trend oh we're still split Tony's still assembling his team oh we've already assembled the environment is where is that baby any you Joker's want to join we've even got our own Batman and Superman I believe that would refer to be on Team Captain America what I thought you were all about the Accord nobody is about the accords Tony not even you yeah you'll sneak behind their back second you need something without their consent yeah but we've got spider-man mr. sock I'm really excited to be here but I gotta ask you a question are you going to date my aunt because I don't know if I'm ready for you to be my my dad uncle no no let's not get ahead of ourselves oh okay my dad is he even old enough to vote he's old enough to steal that mighty shield and you know what that means so unless you're a plane for $1 am i sore brainwashed buddy who is that a man they don't get to really stop for the law of God huh never woulda guessed cafes music what are you Hydra or something no why would you think that well beefy you're not with us then I believe your seat is over there it seems very childish yep move or you will be moved not a chance Catman do you know why why because I'm bad oh my gosh she can have my seat thank you crowded anyway oh thank god I thought he was never gonna move how long have you been hayah see you well that was weird unexpected wait well I for one learned something today it doesn't matter if we don't see eye to eye on certain things sometimes we are going to fight but that doesn't mean we can't all join together to try to destroy a powerful mutant with a god complex because at the end of the day that's all that really matters isn't it diverting your hatred for each other and directing it towards a mutual hatred I'm not sure if that makes things better no it does so you guys are going to disagree anymore oh no we will ride this merry-go-round to our graves just before that when you talk trouble and start it all over again oh he's probably right hahahaha never-ending reboot whoa look you got a Bulbasaur on your shoulders are you playing that stupid game hey Bulbasaur how's about you getting this pokeballs got him oh wait he broke out dang it give him some berries now getting that pokeball getting that pokeball getting that pokeball simply getting that pokeball getting the poke ball hey getting that poke balls got him hold on for just a bit longer and yes got him good ha ha I can you go perfect you're small you are otherwise you'd be playing this game well I want to play that because it's fun and it's free you get to go all around the city and catch these little monsters you never know what you'll find I already do that every night you play pokemon every night no I go all over the city hunting monsters zipline on fuzzy little cartoon they aren't all fuzzy under actual evil criminal so we're really weird they're a danger to society my problem is I am too fast for this game I can't ever get my eggs to hatch I mean if the game keeps thinking I'm driving at fast speeds what am I supposed to do I'm sorry I fly too fast the hatch your eggs Pokemon so frustrating do you even hear yourself you should join we could be on the same team I'm team valor because strength and you know the red cape uh Who am I kidding you'd probably be team mystic wouldn't you why are you always got to be different because I'm bad dang it I knew you'd say that I just drinks alone no someone's attacking my gym here at the cafe come on defend it aah I lost to someone on team and stigma so sad it is I mean who picks the yellow team right dang it Diana well you enjoy your kids to really fun you should get it I told you how'd you get me out Batman go check it out there's a boomerang throbbing a big your guy if I hurry I can catch you well honey in the back you all haven't thought old I ran out of pokeball I'm not gonna pipe what it would look like you forget to stay aware of your surroundings speaking of which hey what's up I'm back you wanna know my whole Joker got a kitchen [Applause] [Music] that's a nice gate just like that yep just like how come back you didn't have any help so nobody nope just me you know whatsoever well that was quite a story yep and all the bad guys got away well I don't think that's the important issue I think the important thing is that I escaped and I still know where the secret hangout is and I can still catch them all you need more of us to go with you next time don't you oh my gosh yes please so I resurrected the agent hello hey I'm Batman heard you like to dabble in the Dark Dimension you want to dabble in the Dark Knight dimension oh you poor man I'm not tor so you reverse time to save the world and someone special who died yes yes I did and I also fixed London and I fixed my hands I even rescued Batman from being devoured by a high-pitched talking Shawn know what that did he never mind I see yeah this little infinity thank you sure there's a lot I love turning back time to rescue others it's so convenient and now that you've got that magic necklace you can pretty much save everyone you can take Quicksilver yep all the people who died in sokovia you could say vision when you get that gym ripped out of its head what did you think oh nothing with magic you can save everything oh I'm afraid they are great consequences when one messes with the fabrics of time like what though the bill always comes due that'll be 12 15 Bordeaux what what are you doing waiting table do many and obviously I had to get a job after I quit not being a sorceress sucks don't worry please let me baby oh that's right I have so much money do you know why because your parents were rich because I'm president hey guys it's Daniel I just wanted to say thank you again for watching the super cafe compilation we hope you enjoyed it you made it all the way through volume 2 we're right for you you watch the volume 2 that's dumb sorry if you do enjoy super cafe we also want to let you know that we are having a limited time flash sale on our new super cafe t-shirt so if you want one you should click on this little box order one right now or if you want to go back and watch part 1 of the compilations click this box right here or if you want the mega playlist with all of our superhero how it should have ended then click this playlist right yeah ok that's all for now thanks again for watching ah
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 4,349,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Cafe, Batman, Superman, HISHE, DC, parody, comedy, entertainment, cartoon, animation, super heroes, coffee, compilation, marvel, captain america, iron man, thor, hulk
Id: j9xtdm-GQ4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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