Super Cafe Compilation - Volume One

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so then what you do, oh The usual made sure they put luther away made out with [Louis] for a little bit flew into space smiles with the camera. sweet. yeah! You know what else? Turns out Luther had this chunk of kryptonite. That would have totally ruined me if he was just whipped it out Really!! yeah, But for some reason instead He just told me an evil plan first and then tried to trick me into finding the kryptonite myself What's up with that Villains are stupid? [I] know right. You know what I was done I'll be thrown a batarang at him then time up and What about the missiles? Oh? I have some kind of bat missile defense niche on my belt sure it wouldn't be a problem [dude] I wouldn't come on you use that utility belt scenario for every situation. What's wrong with my utility belt Oh, nothing. Nothing's wrong with it. Just Whenever you get a fly so fast it reverses time itself gadget on your belt let me know Bet I know you want to I know you say that all lots and carry things on my belt. Come back dude. It's cool What the heck was that? Peter Parker just did a Saturday night fever strut across our window. I know but Why? I'm not sure. I was afraid something like this would happen What do you mean? Have you seen this? oh You just killed him yeah, I mean it was either that or have pepper do it for me So I just decided to take all the credit that's sort of arrogant and thought Paul, but still you just killed him off That's pretty dark. I mean you knew the guy almost your whole life He tried to kill me twice and haven't you learned yet, if you put your super villain in prison They just vow revenge and break out again Yeah that that never happens. So, after you killed him what happened? Well after that I had a press conference and told the world of iron man. What? Dude, you can't give away your secret identity. Why not because I did and I'm awesome so in your face You just can't I mean you're not supposed to. Yeah, I like the attention you mean to tell me you've never revealed your secret identity before. Uh no, ha try every girl you've ever dated. What? Oh, I'm bruce wayne, and I like you Let me tell you my big secret. Oh, you're one to talk? Mister mind eraser. [oh] don't even I will freeze breath your face off. No, you won't You're right. I won't I love this guy up top But you know I could high-five you into the ground just now right guys guys It's not a contest because I think we all know who would win if it were Me. Oh, whatever. I'm Batman. Let's arm-wrestle right now Hey, how come you guys never asked me to hang out? So I just lifted the entire island out of the ocean and I was about to throw it now to stop talking This [is] my turn now. Well it is about time wait. Is that your new stage voice. Yeah? What about it? Well? I mean, are you like gargling Marbles or something I could barely understand? Lana whoa hold on a second you hit him yep you hit the joker Uh-huh, you ran over a human being sure did but What about your rule? Didn't kill him You Wanna know how I got these scars [Hmm] from Batman from Bad man hey. He said he wanted me to do it you sir are bold all that Gotham loves you now when uh turns out that Joe Girardi had a son being able plan [a] Lot of people died and he's now the city hates me what they hate you How is it a good story? It's because I'm the hero Gotham deserves, but Not the one it needs It's complicated, but it's pretty awesome when you think [about] it Yeah, I don't know what any of that means, [but] [dude] you know what I would have done. I don't know [brother] Marley's past saving everyone from the Bullets and explosions Exactly yeah, well I can't do all those things because I'm not a super bulletproof alien from another planet that can Defy gravity But you know what I can do What's that make it Incredibly awesome movie? You know why because you're bad because I'm Batman So we just gonna pretend like those guys never happened Now we're doing yep So you just abandoned everything cool wouldn't you know yes dude? What can I say chicks on my kryptonite? Yeah? I'd probably leave it all behind you yep, but still what about your brother? I mean only destroy that ice road. [yeah], if he does. I'm sure my father will take care of it when he wakes Bradley I've done it father [I] destroyed all of the [odin] [line] we were sleeping and that is why you're also [banished] [Wanna] take from you your power [Nicastro] all right, giant Your dad is [sort] extreme. Well, I suppose he's a little strict but everything he does he does for a Reason like stealing a baby is raising that baby [and] your brother and making him believe he could be king so then he goes crazy With Jealousy and becomes your lifelong enemy. Yeah way to go dad yes, well that [may] be true [but] at least I have a father. [oh] burn [you] So we're just [gonna] do this every time a superhero comes along probably feels like we always do He'll be fine. He just [gets] really moody when Captain America throws his mighty shield all Those who supposes you Matthew? Unless you're a plane were a bomb or some ice [they] [need] to take a nap because the ice seems nice when Captain America throws his ha ha ha ha You're hilarious. Hey, I'm captain America. I can stock old hitler on the job Just make sure someone else pilots the plane to get me there right, [ha] [ha] you remember hitler right the other guy you were [fighting] before you froze yourself Hey, I had no choice okay, ha ha don't crash [the] plane in warmer waters. I wanna swim when I'm chasing submarines. Oh Like you two could [have] done it any [better]. Are you kidding dude? [I] catch falling planes in Midair like every other week, I? Bet okay, okay fair enough But wait, [huh]? You guys hear that You what is that the Justice league calling I? Don't hear anything [get] me exactly So now I'm in a wheelchair. I'm not neto and I are old friends that still play chess together from time to time but we're also kind of Mortal enemies, Laura [Penny] and Sometimes we play chess with real people's lives in the balance That doesn't seem like it would help your cause at all well Take it up with this guy, [Newton] saw the future. We can live in [peace] [no], we can oh my gosh We have been arguing about this on [dearly] 50 here Wow X-Men are stubborn tell me about it So what you doing over there? Just posting an update yeah We need to talk [about] your status updates. Why? Because they're coming across a little Arrogant arrogant, [what] do you mean? Well? See you look here [Shelley] [ball] your profile Here we go. Just save the day just save the day just got back from saving the day here I go to say today just save it it twice. I'm Taking today just save the day tagged with one woman Just [save] [the] [day], and you just posted something new or does it say just save the day yeah I just rescued these people while you're reading that well. That's my point what you're floating everyone's updates with the same message [I] think [you] can tone it down tone down the Earth constantly needing my assistance [no], I don't think I can because I've been at it for a long [time], and it doesn't seem to be letting up well Maybe you shouldn't post your victories online every time some people might take it the wrong way. Are you jealous no? I'm not jealous my opinon sick it out Okay, well that is a debatable definition of awesome, but how is that not arrogant because [it's] the truth Well, so is what I post I [save] the day all the time. That's what I do save the day I'm probably going to save the day tomorrow, and I'm gonna be Batman tomorrow Because I'm Batman Haha, I need to tweet that real quick I'm starting to think you started this conversation just so you could say because I'm [fat] [man]. I'm starting [to] think your honor Hi, how come you guys won't accept my friend request [uh] we will As soon as you make a good movie Man, I am so addicted to this phone. It can do anything anything except survive splash of water exactly it has one weakness It's like well, it's like me, but it's a phone and it's made out of breakable glass Which is really two weaknesses, but it's still awesome. You should get one. I don't need that Everyone knows I have my sweet bat phone I can do anything here pumpkin [too] Except mine looks like a bat and I made it myself That sounds so exhausting why don't you just enjoy the feature someone else designed for a change? Because I'm rich and I can afford my own network yeah. Yeah, but the time it takes you to billow of stuff You could just okay fine, but dude my phone talks to me it can remind me to do stuff Tell me where I'm at on the map Siri is cool. It's like Jarvis and Iron man. [no], what is it? Yes? It is not even close. Yeah, I don't need a digital assistant. I have alfred check it out Alfred yes, is it going to rain today? [ah] one moment that I'll check In the going to rain today There's no rain in the forecast for today now Master Wayne. I don't believe it going the right tonight Thanks, alfred see I'll need a song I have a backbone. I can do anything [you're] fucking - but alfred just used the same just a good Sherpa all right Do you know why? Because it's a back there Call me Batman from now on I'll call you Batman, okay? So I said you have plenty of time for that in prison [hahahaha]. [oh] my gosh. There's a little man next to you what I'm not little with that. Oh It's me Mario See this guy, no, I saw it. I could see everything what uh what are you doing here Mario a lot I'm gonna hang out with my people, [but] no heroes doesn't like everybody else. I don't think that's how this works Yeah feels really forced. I'm [just] [a] lie [to] you. Ha ha ha ha wait, what I'm a superhero No, no, you aren't I rescue the princess I'm sorry, but just because you rescue a princess from an unlocked castle does not make you a superhero [alright] No, hero we decide Super Mario in the game. You are superman. Hey, I'm Super Mario It did you say we have a [date]? We are not the same I don't have to eat crazy plan to get powers I can throw fire so I can be invincible for some any time yes, I Can swim underwater right now? We are not the same dude. Then I'm just like [18] I have no power, so I wear got to let us not get carried away Mario. [I] don't wear raccoon ears the tail Because I'm Batman [is] the difference? Look, we are the same oh Yeah, no no no no I do here sadly step aside, red plumber what oh? Thank you. Hey Mario get out of here. You're in our seat We're Gonna need a bigger booth I'm Batman [how] am I I'm Batman? I'm a mile This place serves food. Yeah, you never had for me either. [oh] Why do I have to sit on all flattened over? Hey, I'm Batman You want to know my secret identity? Why? So you guys had quite a weekend That's an understatement first you guys were all against each other then your buddy [got] killed so you're suddenly friends Come on. Oh Yeah You kind of missed out on that part, but luckily you still wanted to be friends later Oh, yeah, right a few cell from this guy conveniently learn to control your rage and did you steal a motorcycle? [drove] more important details like Odin being able to send solar back to Earth [walk] quite a Professor to be easily making a way to close the portal I don't work out well for you guys or the chitauri all dying phantom menace style after the nuke yep unconvenient [thing] after another Hmm kind [of] like Your utility bill [oh] Barry you know what I think [I] think [you] two are just jealous that we knocked it out [of] the park [oh] [land] [Rovers], oh Shaggy I'm not jealous Okay, I guess I would be jealous if I wasn't like all of you combined if I couldn't fly or shoot lasers or catch missiles See really far smash through buildings where red and blue. What's that you're fading out? [oh], [we] broke it you man you record you [charge]. [do] [you] do all of this boss [gophers] water? So you go to [comic-con] this year? Comic-con I mean that super crowded thing at the convention Center Yeah, why would I want to go to that because it's fun dude you get to celebrate the popular arts? There's so much to learn and see yeah see things like thousands of people standing in line We're thousands of other people bumping into one another [it's] like [a] massive ant farm except the ants wear costumes and carry giant bags everywhere what's wrong with costumes not design the Cosmonaut since when it's always you dress up like a bat all the time. I just like a bag you can unpack Still I was lunch away too. Huh not for me if I want to see an exclusive trailer in Hall H, I just float comfortably from outside and for X-Ray vision super-hearing watch it with [Ease] I Don't think you're supposed to do that Well line the place and let if it means that much to you are there going to be any good movie promos this year Let's See Iron, Man 3 Avengers on an iron Man 3 pacific rim. What is that some about Giant robots and aliens? [ok] the hobbit lord of the rings prequel not exactly a pretty cool [pie]. Yes, and yours truly the man of steel So why don't you want [to] be there because I'm a movie [comic-con] deserves But not the one it needs You know [I] mean what like the twilight movie. Is that what it needs? Maybe get your butt to [the] con right now. Yes, I can How can you make your costumes look so real just on Batman? I Still can't get over how no important Gotham characters died in that story. No. It's pretty hot. I mean like nobody Even you even me you had your back broken your heart broken your bank account even broken You even got stabbed dude yep? How are you still breathing right now never mind. I already have you know what you're gonna because I'm Batman walked right into that wish you did you did not Laughing at me. Okay. I promise. I won't laugh okay promise. You can't keep why those [are] the best kind? Man, if that were true anyone could get away with anything another right you guys [I] was trying to be sweet [for] my girlfriend Yeah, jackie you made her suffer to her father's death all alone. [yeah], you're in the doghouse dude Yeah, but she'll get over it, right Sure, good luck oh, man You know what I was done thrown a batarang at him probably that would have [also] used that antidote immediately on Dr. Connors when he was temporarily frozen then gwen's dad doesn't have to die at all What about all the other cops turning into [lizards]? [I] would change back to humans after in one day right? Oh You also had that lizard formula in your hand before captain stacy died Why not give him a little dose? Maybe its regenerative powers would heal in whoa. Whoa. I did not think about that. You are totally right Well a Madman. [I] would have just reversed time saved everyone can't believe this I'm so embarrassed. Don't worry kid it could have been worse A lot worse so You had a pretty sweet trailer recently I know Wasn't it awesome. It's just like yeah I Gotta say I cried a little bit yeah, I mean when I saw Christopher thomas name on the screen I got a little look like myself Jazak noted I need to tissue that's not why people are excited about it I'm pretty sure no you know. That's not [a] good Batman The only reason he didn't even direct this one well Then why did he put his name in the trailer? They put producer credits and trailers all the time in the movies you need any more most [a] name you help it sound more exciting That's not one of the maker no of that one movie You know in this case [movie] table becomes this other movie That's in no way the same and we want you to think it will t. I could throw you into the sun What sort of trailer would you have preferred would you rather just been a bunch of clips of destruction with a soundtrack going? Well, [I] can now we're gonna rip off from [Mr.]. [Miller's] as well listen [I] just think it was an exciting and meaningful trailer and people are tired of seeing the same old thing There people [are] excited because you haven't been in a great movies in 1980. Oh girl. Climb out of a wishing well Oh, hey, I almost forgot what? [Knock-knock] Seriously yeah, come on. Come on knock knock Who's there beak beak ooh? Oh movie jaws? I'm Batman You gave up on which one Pretty job, you gave up on your girlfriend. Thanks. Oh, so now. She's [your] ex she was always my ex yeah, right [I]? Wanted to go out with the cat burglar you uh Tearing yourself up about Rachel for six months now your happily ever after with his catwoman Huh? Well bruce saw bite, italy I didn't understand it either It's all so hard it. Hit me on the way over here. You know [like] a ton of bricks. It's just so simple when you dude wait a second I'm getting vibed in like a really weird way here This girls looking at me like she knows me a little bit. You know recognize her No, I don't think I've ever met her before I would definitely remember this one She's got a lot of confidence man. She's doing like Wow God bruce. Stop stop. She's playing like a little fun game with me come on. You little party girl That's it fun. Little game. You want to play fun little games [come] on. You cute little baby He doing fufu stop amen she's smiling at me. She's playing these fun little baby games. She don't know me She doesn't know my address. You know my address you little [bitch] because she's coming over here play cool She's like a wild looney, but I threw like a great vibe at her like the funny vibe you'll see It's crap yeah, we're going to go bye-bye now. We're going to go bye-bye. Yes, we're going to go see Daddy So he calls it catwoman girl up, right? Didn't go. He didn't get in college playin color blue You know what fucking me? What what the president is being held hostage in the iron [Patriot] suit the [suit] [is] completely useless But when Rhodey puts it on it suddenly works completely fine That's what bothers you yeah, it does me. Well, you know what bugs me How you got all the way back to Gotham city after climbing out of that prison on the other side of the planet? Why don't you explain that why do so many people have a problem with this? I said it's because I'm Batman we get back to the story please find continue So you retired now or what? I don't know are you retired now? Well? I know I'm not retired. I'm just getting started Here hang on to these for me. Will you what's the [clothes]? I'll be right back reboot I Am Wow So you actually saved all of them. Well yeah, I mean, that's what I do. [I] save the day well villains are stupid remember nice How didn't what you do well? I did what everyone was expecting I've made out with Lois for a little bit flew out of space and snoppen camera sweet Can you imagine okay to fight those [guys] on land? [oh] my gosh thousands of people might have died but billions of dollars in property damages I can't pay that kind of debt on a daily planet salary. [I] mean you could because you're in the back man I was gonna say rich I am also rich I'm rich Batman. Oh my God. You know some might think that's getting a little annoying. [oh], are you gonna? Do that snap my neck I could if I wanted to We are going to be in a movie together now good. Yeah, I have so many questions. I need you Do you think there will be a cafe? I got it. What's the premise not sure you're making everyone believe it to [versus] movie versus Like who would win in a [fight]. That's weird What are they going to call it was only one thing you can call it I see the dark Knight rises again, and then beats up superman Whatever sound like the appropriate title to me come on Let's be honest if that's how we're naming this movie Then we should name it man of steel the punch from space that exploded Batman internal organs Not odd or did [it] no way I could wipe you out like a meteor to some dinosaurs Please I survived an atom bomb [you] mean you tricked everyone into thinking you were in the atom bomb Dude, you got stabbed by your lady friend when she was right next to you You punched the joker over and over again and all he did was laugh bane broke your back You didn't even defeat him that was catwoman, technically and alfred even saved you from your own burning house one time yeah I [might] [do] all that and I'm still standing just call it man of steel Total Pownage or Because you Batman your ultimate get-out-of-Jail-free card dude I would envy the way you're too much of a boy scout. [I'd] have the upper hand Easy Boy Scout Huh, that's a funny comparison boy scouts are always prepared sounds like a certain person Utility belt I know a lot of all sorts of tricks up my sleeve. You'll never see me coming, okay, Mandarin Why don't you lose the gadget take off the gloves and punch me in the face and see if I even blink? You sure you wanna back prison now. There will be no bruising. Oh, yes a bat breeze. Maybe here comes you ready I'm ready you sure you want this no dude. I'm not scared. You sure yeah, [go] wait In a steel, what's not inspiring Now that's just hurt. You linked [lose] [them] out. I'm Batman I really don't understand if you couldn't stop the guy in the top hat [before] how does Clara jumping into your time stream suddenly fix The problem yeah, he just does I don't know she's the impossible girl, so do you two just sit here every day How do you not get bored? [so] what are you doing here [mister] doctor well being a time lord. I've saved entire planets time and again I'm basically a superhero for the universe so I thought to take a little break drop on by and say You're welcome. Gentlemen you [save] planets all the time. Yeah my planet exploded. What's the deal? oh, yes, Krypton Sorry about that six point in time. I couldn't interfere it's very difficult to explain convenient yes, yes, it is Just like your utility belt as they say just like your magic wand [there's] not magic It's a sonic screwdriver, and I bet you'd love to have one I got a bad screwdriver What would a bat do with a screwdriver [you] could have saved Rory and amy what they lived happily ever after you've been in America [is] he always like this, maybe? I will go back for you Because I'm bad Sorry, he's kind of passionate. She's so hot attractive companion Yes, one more item on the superhero comparator as I said you're welcome. So what's next Doc Oh, I don't know more of the same I suppose always running always saving I'm going to get a new body soon Big adjustment period Really well let us know if you ever need any help with a dalek or something Oh, I don't think that would be necessary Why not you see it's hard to snap a dalek neck when they don't have next to begin with oh snap more like no snap Listen to what I did there. You're all right Hahahaha [ah] seriously go back and save me Hey, you want [to] know my secret? I do know how how did you even get in [here] cuz I'm perfect You guys stood me up, didn't you? Know your microwave better Thank you, and you just turned it off hahahahahaha [oh], man, I needed that Because it's so stupid yeah, you're lucky that microwave emitter didn't vaporize every living thing standing nearby oh I know that would have been more realistic and careful. So where are ra's Al ghul or the scarecrow now Well, they're locked away in arkham, asylum. We won't be seeing them again So the two of us broke out, and he still thinks we're locked in our Heroes are so annoying Hey guys, it's Daniel here I just wanted to say thank you so much for watching we hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane Just like the longest video we've ever posted you made it all the way to the end of volume [one] You deserve a prize well, how about the option to purchase a brand new Super Cafe [t-shirt]. I like that We're having a limited time flash sale on our new super cat face shirt, so if you want one You should click this little box here to go order one right now Or if you just want to watch part two of the compilation click this button right here Or if you want the mega playlist with all of our [superhero] how it should have ended then click this playlist right Kim Okay, thanks again for [watching] bye
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 3,865,072
Rating: 4.9534502 out of 5
Keywords: Super Cafe, Batman, Superman, HISHE, DC, parody, comedy, entertainment, cartoon, animation, super heroes, coffee, compilation, marvel, captain america, iron man, spider-man, avengers, thor, hulk
Id: wAkbCGNbvw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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