The DC HISHE Compilation: Volume One

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Love Hishe!!

Also seeing how their animation has improved over the past 10 years is amazing!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was the guy who followed hishe from lord of the rings videos.amazing animations,funny.i was devastated when they destroyed the cafe.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yourstroll-y 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] the other one there are two of them yes Superman double jeopardy even you with your great speed couldn't stop both well I on the other hand could stop them with my detonator wait what did you say about me I said even with your great speed you couldn't stop off yeah that's the part well hang on just one second what we have to around the earth view time but these are the only tire missiles like it fine you said it can possibly catch boat so he lost those are the ones all right you win please and get them out of here maniac so then what you do oh the usual made sure they put Luther away made out with Louis for a little bit flew out into space smiled for the camera sweet yeah you know what else turns out Luther had this chunk of kryptonite that would have totally ruined me if he had just whipped it out really yeah but for some reason instead he just told me his evil plan first and then tried to trick me into finding the Kryptonite myself what's up with that villains are stupid I know right you know what I would have done oh they thrown a Batarang at him then tied him up and what about the missiles oh I'd have some kind of bat missile defense gadget on my belt sure it wouldn't be a problem dude I wouldn't come on you use that utility belt scenario for every situation what's wrong with my utility belt oh nothing nothing's wrong with it just whenever you get a fly so fast it reverses time itself gadget on your belt let me know I'm Batman I know you are it's what I do I know you say that all Lots I carry things on my belt because I'm Batman dude it's cool [Music] easily 200 pounds how are you able to reach him who's just one huh I don't know I think it's because I'm back there [Music] [Applause] if that train reaches the main hub it's all gonna blow how did you know you stole this weapon from my company did you think I wouldn't figure out how to turn it off you won't overlord we got just one second I made another call enjoy what was that I said did you find the off switch mr. Wang not that alright did you find the off switch mr. Batman yes I did thanks Lucius oh yeah this is also my dad's train emergency shut up are you all just turn it off oh yes oh man I needed that they're so stupid yes they are you're lucky that microwave emitter didn't vaporize every living thing standing nearby oh I know that would have been more realistic and terrible so where are Ra's al Ghul in the Scarecrow now oh they're locked away you're not gonna say we won't be seeing them again so the two of us broke out and he still thinks we're locked in our where haven't we felt any effects must be a compound that has to be absorbed through the lungs that explains why my wife flipped out on spaghetti night so I just lifted the entire island out of the ocean and I was about to throw it now to stop talking this is my turn now well it is about time wait is that your new stage voice yeah what a valley well I mean are you like gargling marbles or something I could barely understand how about a magic trick I'm gonna make this pencil disappear it's gone that wasn't the magic trick I saw the pencil just went up into his eye this is lame very poor choice of words about you you all right I'm okay I don't know how though we completely smashed this car so you gonna go back up there and catch the Joker yeah I'm sure everything's fine [Music] oh whoa whoa hold on a second you hit him yep you hit the Joker uh-huh you ran over a human being sure did but what about your rule didn't kill him you wanna know how I got these scars mmm from Batman from Batman hey he said he wanted me to do it you sir are bold I'll bet Gotham loves you now yeah turns out that Joker already had this unbeatable plan a lot of people died and know that city hates me what they hate you how is this a good story it's because I'm the hero Gotham deserves but not the one it needs it's it's complicated but it's pretty awesome when you think about it yeah I don't know what any of that means but dude you know what I would have done I don't know probably just party's past saving everyone from the bullets and explosions exactly yeah well I can't do all of those things because I'm not a super bulletproof alien from another planet that can defy gravity but you know what I can do what's that make an incredibly awesome movie you know why because you're bad because I'm Batman so we're just gonna pretend like those guys never happened so we're doing yep how are you even speaking so clearly it makes no sense I should be like hey how come you guys won't accept my friend request we will as soon as you make a good movie hey it's Kyle you wanna know my secret identity is it Bruce Wayne how does everybody know but you're having a baby [Applause] you just made a serious mistake not as serious as yours I fear hey let's not stand on ceremony yeah mr. Wayne sounds good to me what's this emergence yeah I always get Steve over there then I thought now veins hiding in the tunnels well then get every cop in the city down there now off-duty on duty I don't care no matter what they're doing gather them up and March them underground and smoke about I don't think that's such a good idea sir I mean what if something happened we'd have like zero cops left holy cow you're right I think these drugs have me talking crazy baby just block all the exits sittin in there like a SWAT team to smoke now good good call look here have some money okay I'll just scan my hand here oops I seem to have activated the emergency flood chambers I suppose this will put a hiccup in whatever and the steel in the reactor wouldn't it I do apologize well get busy swimming or get busy dyin prepare yourselves my father's work is done worst death ever I figured it out over the bay aren't you crazy you are bleeding all over the place yeah of its dead I might be bleeding out but it's okay because because I'm bad well poop I guess this means we're screwed [Music] hi Alfred sorry Bruce made you cry I still can't get over how no important Gotham characters died in that story I know it's pretty awesome I mean like nobody even you even me you had your back broken your heart broken your bank account even broken you even got stabbed dude yep how are you still breathing right now never mind I already how do you know what you're gonna because I'm bad man I walked right into that yes you did [Music] oh hey no I'm not wearing that goodbye my son my hopes and dreams travel with you wait but what was that what did you just put in the pod oh I just copied my consciousness into the control key so that I can communicate with our son you know later when he grows up did you make one of me Oh dad did you want one tip I am his mother I'm sorry baby it's just it's just too late there's no time sorry to those of you who know of his location the fate of your planet rests in your hands to kal-el I say this surrender within 24 hours or watch this world suffer the consequences he sounds serious Clark yeah he does if only there were someone I could turn to for guidance about this situation mean like a random priest no not a random priest someone who would actually know something about Zod specifically someone who actually knew him oh wait MySpace dad oh yeah sword is a complete monster you you have to stop he will kill every last thing on earth well can you show me how I have less than 24 hours to agree that's plenty it's all here's what you need to do how much time is left on the clock grow tired of waiting 23 and a half hours sir the clock is right there curses I knew giving him an entire day was far too generous general sensors detect a small ship approaching with trying to ship it appears to be jorelle's baby shuttle and how I was with it ha shall L already surrenders and he's bringing the Codex with him which may be easier than I thought wait why would he bring the codex with him he should have no idea what we're looking for it's a trap Wow so you actually saved all of them well yeah I mean that's what I do I saved the day plus the villains are stupid remember nice so then what'd you do well I did what everyone was expecting I've made out with Lois for a little bit flew out his face and smile for the camera sweet can you imagine if you had to fight those guys on land oh my gosh thousands of people might have died plus billions of dollars in property damages I can't pay that kind of debt on a daily planet salary I mean you could because you're he's a madman I was gonna say rich I am also rich I'm rich bad man oh my gosh you know some might think that's getting a little annoying Oh what are you gonna do about it snap my neck I joined if I wanted to Hey hey Clark you thinking about your childhood you look like you're thinking about your childhood well I'll be over here if anyone needs me Justus what did you do today this mother's name is Martha yes there's a world my mom sees Martha oh no way what are the odds who knows well this changes everything you were like hang out go get some coffee well that was a relief sudden change in attitude but yeah sure I actually don't have a lot of friends sweet I know just the place so what's up we should probably go save my mother now oh yeah I totally forgot we'll come back [Music] we need to get everyone out of the building now I mean I was gonna stay here and work but since you given us to go ahead I'll stop to respect the fact that aliens are attacking the city and it might not be safe up here look out what is your deal [Music] cherry stop so can I have all those things I asked for uh no I don't have that kind of clearance I'm just a senator excuse me you've stolen something it doesn't belong to you who are you are you saying you want to know my secret identity no Batman Kara I mean [Music] so me do you have insurance you better technically you hit me also I just saw you murder a bunch of people so I'm kind of gonna have to take you in Oh Alfred is there I've got you master Wayne what only by working together can we doing it [Music] this man has a bomb in his chair super tickles listen to me rotten tomatoes what the heck is happening right now you've got here you head but an hour now it's less oh snap an hour I better hurry then this mother Lex what yes I mean I feel around the city a few times he's my x-ray vision I got to make sure is this the mother of mine that you threatened to murder in front of my face yes I said that's that's the one okay you win you diseased maniac you're I am Bruce you have to listen to me Lex Luthor is behind every group tonight bullets I win [Music] because I'm faster than a speeding bullet I win sir he's taking the creature into space I mean he's saving us it looks that way sir Nukem anyway No are you crazy just let him take it to space are you here to help fight the monster [Music] no no Clark you can't you [Music] so how does this work you talk first I talk first you stole my victory Bruce yeah that thing would have stabbed you and we'd have to like go to your funeral and stuff I wouldn't have died I would have just been gone for a while yeah but you'd probably have to come back evil or something make us fight you all over again so I just went ahead and killed doomsday all I know is that was exhausting yeah like we covered so much ground you'd almost have to go through it multiple times to feel like it made any sense right not for me I pretty much just checked my email and then fought a monster what were you guys doing the whole time we were sort of fighting each other fighting is a loose term I was feeling bad about saving people for some reason and this guy went down a serious dark path I may have killed a bunch of guys No and bulldoze them with my Batmobile that is dark yeah but I feel bad about it now so that makes it okay that doesn't seem right but whatever so what were you two fighting about it's so complicated he thought I was going to kill humans so he decided to kill me first rather than just talk to me about it you were going to kill Superman he was gonna try I sort of let him win oh I beg to differ I seem to remember you lying on the ground crying out for your mother and what was her name again you're the Martha I'm sorry I am so confused our moms have the same name he's really sensitive about it your mom isn't the only Martha in the world Dumas days like my vows day what is it oh man okay I'm good yeah well this is certainly not what I imagined hanging out with you two is going to be like it's normally not like this yeah we're supposed to be the cool kids what happened to us uh he killed people and you forgot to smile oh my gosh the Amazon goddess is right of course I am I like you Wonder Woman would help us form a team like the Avengers no this is totally different why would you think that I'm saying like a league that serves out justice yeah and then we can be like you just got served some justice okay maybe this is a bad idea I vote reboots don't you dare I just got here I want to join cabby in the league yeah I do I do yeah the more the merrier and me too [Music] I'm just kidding I'm not doing that anymore hey great job murdering people Batman killing your enemies is wrong oh man it's gonna be a while farther this town because you're Batman what'd I tell you about my catchphrase the bill cannot be unrung he has found us and he is coming what does the letter say [Music] what if Superman flew into the White House and kidnapped the president who would have stopped him Superman is dead but who would have stopped him Padme would we call Batman what are we talking about I think we should use bad guys I've assembled a team of misfits that can do some good I'm holding them hostage to do my bidding that sounds really dangerous let me demonstrate go get it girl [Music] this an artifact telling it I should preserve this so it as an ever damaged or broken because I'm a good archaeologist there we go I want to be the very best that ever was you get me laid out punch you back man I would advise not getting killed by katana her sword trapped the souls of its victims oh that sounds exciting do you think we'll get to see that happen no what did you even bring it up man I've already lost one family I'm not going to lose another way family yeah you know familia yeah family seems a bit premature we just met today yeah and you like just started fighting with us as a team a few hours ago and only because Deadshot yelled at you maybe friends how does that work will you fight him for your brand new friends yeah sure okay friends no work maybe acquaintances yeah for our town we can end this hey croc hey you mind if I give it a throw I throw it's sort of my thing and I haven't really done anything on okay sweet thanks mate one favour a explosion coming Reuter how are you not dead I was saved at the love you know what never mind now she's dead they're gonna be a problem nope actually I'm glad well let's just fire so you know Plus everyone else got to live so we're not right well I could use another drink me too oh I know just the place [Music] started a chore what's his problem they cut me out oh my the cutting room blue no I finally see that was me how I missed you sweet song of a voice thanks I missed you too if she was gonna have us executed if we didn't do what she said that shot here put one right between her eyes and now we're free how wonderful for you except you seem to forget one part of that story part where they still have explosive devices in their heads no the part where you chose to save the world do you know who does that who does that hero yes how are you feelings exactly we were in jail and so that makes us the bad guy I'm not a bad guy yeah me neither and I'm just too sexy and I'm not comfortable with this palps this is supposed to be the epic hive for scum and villainy the key word being villainy oh you're the magic bloke right look here magic bring back in chances she was a real you know who was the real villain in that story who you know I'm barely in that story once you're paying attention the real villain is Waller oh yeah that'll an evil woman Devon yes and you killed her right after you save the world the outside [Music] well what do we have here [Music]
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 2,376,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aquaman, HISHE, DC, superbowl, avengers, parody, comedy, entertainment, how it should have ended, animation, batman, superman, wonder woman, harley quinn
Id: bIh_xgJ8GuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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