Spider-Man HISHE Compilation

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[Music] we combine the genetic information from all three spiders into these 15 genetically designed super spiders there's 14. i beg your pardon one's missing huh i guess the researchers are working on that one here's a bright idea why don't we make sure and locate this extremely important genetically altered super spider instead of just assuming someone else has got it taken care of while we walk a bunch of unprofessional teenagers through this insanely expensive research facility hmm oh fine there it is giant web towards the ceiling and everything you really saved us great job new guy you keep that up you're really gonna go places [Music] i need that money i missed the part where that's my problem hey peter how was it no time to explain uncle man hey peter did you steal some money man i earned it just drive try peter we need to attack her you little pug get back here shoot that guy all right here we go i'll kill you stop that kid from taking what's rightfully here hey wait for me what the heck was that peter parker just sped by in some kind of getaway car i know but why i'm not sure but it doesn't surprise me let's just say he's been making a lot of poor decisions lately what do you mean uh have you seen this that's a cute outfit did your husband give it to you i think i have a superhero stalker i was in the neighborhood you sound exactly like my neighbor peter parker who i just talked to like 30 seconds ago that wasn't me i mean who's peter what about my generous proposal are you in or are you out it's you who's out gobby out of your mind oh crap you know i was gonna throw these new unpredictable twirly boomerang played things at him that he could totally avoid and dodge but then i thought nah just vaporize him like i did all my previous enemies [Music] finish it finish it though this reminds me of a long boring story about the day ben taught me how to defend myself maybe you should say your prayers [Music] it's time to choose spider-man save your bouncy girlfriend who's been interested in at least three guys in this story alone or the innocent children who you've never seen before a day in your life [Music] we are who we choose nope how about i just wet those hands there if you don't lose your grip save a little mj i was gonna drop those little more webs for safety and now let's get that pesky mask off mr osborne yeah yeah it's me well that explains thanksgiving but you're too late spider-man since you won't join me i'm gonna make you and your loved ones suffer so if you just unweb me that'd be a huge help yeah that doesn't sound so good for me let's just stay here till the police arrive you'll never win spider-man i think i already have oh really did you know he's peter how parker oopsy now she knows i'm sorry mj uh i wanted to tell you but my uncle made this whole speech about responsibility you're a great kisser oh thanks so are you both of you shut up now stand real still while i tell you more things you might be interested in hearing why so you can sneak that glider up behind me pay no attention to the spiky glider behind you what are you gonna do with that grammy wouldn't you like to know that looks painful even if i don't jump out of the way which i will wouldn't this plan also kill you in the process you're right in the path man stop trying to talk your way out of this spiderman almost like being a villain and knowing my identity causes you to make deadly mistakes that's not gonna happen watch i'll show you oh no peter don't tell harry oh i'm gonna what am i gonna address you so he doesn't see you in your suit that's just weird plus i think not telling harry could cause real problems for me later i'm really sorry but your dad was a green goblin i'm also spider-man and nj loves me more than you this is a lot to take in dudes [Music] what about the spiderman guys who cares they'll just have an unfortunate accident if they know peter parker's identity oh no i did something bad now i fell out of my window because i saw peter parker's face i'm spider-man y'all you've taken your eye off the ball avenge me no thank you i don't think i will you are so fired you can't fire me you're dead ha ha that's mary jane watson boy do i love her i want to tell her that but she can never know how i feel if anyone ever found out i'm spider-man she'd be in real danger so i have to protect her because you know responsibility but i sure do love her but no one can ever know that i'm spider-man pizza time oh my gosh are you spider-man [Music] happy birthday it's my birthday i totally forgot who forgets their birthday i do i'm forgetful i'm a forgetful genius so what are you guys doing here we're we're here to celebrate your birthday what it's my birthday ladies and gentlemen fasten your seat belts here's a bright idea why don't you ask all these people not wearing safety goggles to step back to a safer distance before you just turn on a tiny sunball for the first time with never before tested robot arms ugh fine okay is that safe enough for you here we go in three two one one of us might have died but i want to date girls uncle ben it's not fair empty flirts with me the landlord's daughter likes me and betty branch i don't want to be spider-man did i have a girlfriend peter you gotta just be spider-man it's unfair i like girls they're so pretty raindrops are flashing on my face keep on splashing [Music] what the heck is that peter parker just freeze-framed after doing a dorky walk outside our window why i'm not sure it looks like he's waiting for a transition are you waiting for a transition yeah okay i hope this dorky strut thing doesn't become a thing for him punch me i bleed do you love me i um uh don't spidey sense look out what the kisser you dummy what's happening who stopped that car i threw with that kid that i was trying to talk to just a couple of amazing friends of spider-man [Music] hey i know you i thought you left well i was going to let you stop this train and then catch you right after but then i thought now's good anybody got any other bright ideas here's a bright idea every man you killed my father prepare to die dude your dad was the green goblin he died trying to kill me liar it's true i can't let this go on set any longer harry i never wanted to have to tell you this because i was afraid it would hurt you too much there's no question your father died by his own thank you so much for telling me i was about to kill my best friend dude these things have turned you into something you're not listen to me now listen to me now they didn't listen turns out my arms are really really mean i think you mean evil look at what's happening we must destroy it the river drown it i'll do it you mean you want me to move out of the way so you can do something that will make you kill yourself what why would i do that because you know my identity now and it creates a huge problem for me if you stay alive after this point it's this whole thing i have to deal with every day what are you talking about no it's because i have these robot arms what are you gonna do spray webs at it you go save your girlfriend and keep me from sinking mj still here yes oh okay you're spiderman hey whoa that looked good okay i'm ready let's get out of here thanks peter no prob doc now you promise you're not going to tell anyone who i am right i won't and you're going to turn yourself in for all the bad things you did uh sure if that's what you want to hear okay see ya mj i've come to rescue you it's me your fiance why are you making out with spider-man why are you making out with spider-man spider-man ruins wedding this guy just gets worse every day first he wreaks havoc on new york city then he sets dock free now he's stolen my son's fiancee which actually ended up saving me a lot of money but he's a menace a minute i tell you isn't that right peter oh yeah he's the worst [Music] spider-man peter parker wants his lady friend yo go get him tiger that's what she said but keep it secret oh she'll be dead well guess what he's willing to risk it that's spider-man he's willing to risk it he'll risk it for the biscuits he's willing to risk it for the biscuits [Music] [Music] hey there it's me peter parker your friendly neighborhood you know i've come a long way after being bit by a spider before nothing went right for me now people really like me i keep the city safe i'm the top of my class and i'm even in love with the girl in my dream spiderman will you stop narrating please what you're narrating it's kind of unnecessary unnecessary but how are people going to know what i've been up to all this time spiderman we're not idiots just go and do your thing oh well all right then but but what if i need to tell the audience something about narrating i'm gonna ask mj to marry me oh that reminds me of a long boring story about your uncle that will only make you feel guilty and make the wrong decisions in life [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a change in the silicon mass yeah it's probably just a bird here's a bright idea why don't you make sure it's a bird before you mutate the crap out of something just because you were too lazy to safely run this nighttime sand mutation experiment yeah fine that is a big bird down there kind of looks like a guy oh wait there is a guy down there you you don't understand i have a daughter she's sick that makes it okay for me to break the ball i'm not a bad [Music] oh person it's gwen what what's she doing up there she's trying not to fall to her death you idiot why don't you show a little concern what is it with fathers being completely brainless in this picture [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] because i'm batman dude it's cool [Music] what the heck was that peter parker just did a uh saturday night fever strut across our window i know but why i'm not sure but i was afraid something like this would happen what do you mean uh have you seen this ah the night your father died i cleaned his wound the blade that pierced his body came from his glider there's no question your father died by his own hand you are so fired what you've known that all this time and you picked now to tell me i thought this would be the best time to tell you the truth i took a grenade to the face dude [Music] [Applause] hey parker eddie wait why do you have that scary venom face if you're just gonna peel it back when you talk because this way i get more face time that's lame you're lame and i'm gonna kill your girlfriend oh there's a big surprise out of all the dastardly plots you could put together you want to threaten my girlfriend just like every other villain i've encountered hey if it ain't broke don't fix it seriously you rush in here like you can take me this is my third movie spiderman press amigo you think they're gonna kill me off no look do you know of any movies where they killed a title character off at the end donnie darko old yeller romeo and juliet yeah i didn't think so hang on pete i'm coming for you old buddy old powell friend i'm just saying there's only one way this is going to go down it happens every time we'll fight for a bit you'll tear my mask but in the end i'm just going to leap out of the way and you're going to do something that makes you kill yourself or maybe i'm going to kill you and your girlfriend cause i'm awesome and you've met your match fly away pretty bird no sand mutation for you tonight oh i can't wait to help my best friend in the whole wide world i promise you things are already in motion you still have a chance to walk away here here i come pete i'll help you save the day no matter what i'll help you quit talking like you're in control parker you're just a bug trapped in the web oh dang he was telling the truth [Music] yeah happens every time you punched me in the face earlier [Music] make it [Music] that's why he's a spiderman [Music] you've taken your eye off the ball avenge me groovy this room is full of spiders why did i even come in here so peter in conclusion responsibility and choice importance and things and stuff you understand what i'm saying are you saying with great power comes great responsibility yes that's it that's it exactly thank you i couldn't have said it better myself good job good good talk somebody go get me some eggs already [Music] you saved my boy thank you who are you i'm spiderman so you're gonna go down there and save those other cars now i'm actually um kind of busy all of a sudden but i'm sure they'll be fine well that completes the animation of my evil plan i'll now set it to luke in case anyone should stumble by and is curious about what this is all about what's that oh you're right i probably shouldn't leave this thing running for everyone to see thanks little friend i'm glad there are hundreds of you following me around to tell me these things wow this is incredibly perfect how all these trains are lined up for me i couldn't have asked for a better sense of oh no i run out of web oh peter parker no father no mother no uncle all alone actually that's not true i'm sorry i'm not alone yes you are i just named off a bunch of people in your family who are gone so you're alone not really i still have an aunt and a really foxy girlfriend oh peter not even an avenger probably gonna be friends with flash later nope i'm really smart no probably gonna do really well after i graduate nope maybe even become a photographer or peter parker you're all alone says the full grown man who now wants to live in the sewers as a lizard poor peter poor dr connor not me poor poor peter poor lives in the sewers wants to be a lizard doctor connors no you're the you want to be a lizard i'm a spider or whatever poor peter parker you're all alone no he hasn't just promised me one thing leave gwen out of it so that she'll be safe okay i promise don't make promises you can't keep yeah but those are the best guys what you did not say that why are you guys laughing oh man stop laughing at me okay i promise i won't laugh don't make promises you can't keep why those are the best kinds man if that were true anyone could get away with anything i know right you guys i was trying to be sweet for my girlfriend yeah after you made her suffer through her father's death all alone yeah you're in the doghouse dude yeah but she'll get over it right sure good luck oh man you know what i would have done thrown a batarang at him probably but i would have also used that antidote immediately on dr connors when he was temporarily frozen then gwen's dad doesn't have to die at all but what about all the other cops that were turning into lizards well they would change back to humans after one day right oh you also had that lizard formula in your hands before captain stacy died why not give him a little dose maybe its regenerative powers would heal his wounds wow i did not think about that you are totally right well i'm bad man i would have just reversed time saved everyone i can't believe this i'm so embarrassed don't worry kid it could have been worse [Music] could have been a lot worse what the who the heck trashed up my library was it you stark thor hulk i'll bet it was you wasn't it we aren't even in this story generalissimo i've got my eye on you we all lose the people that are important in our lives and that's okay because today we are graduating but someday we won't be here someday we are all going to die especially your girlfriends geez talk about spoiler alert [Music] this is a perfect hiding place yes unless someone throws my calculator against the wall ooh i hope it's our sun [Music] retrovirus hyperplasia i never told you it's genetic you've known that all this time and you pick now to tell me you think i care about you look at my fingernails my skin is peeling off like a goblin ugh gross you know what i'm not even gonna overreact to this you've lived a pretty long life plus we have like tons of money goblin disease it's coming for you you're really weird dad i hate you son here have my life's work [Music] thanks full of heels you close the lid for the weekend yes it's probably all right here's a bright idea why don't you make sure the lid is closed before someone falls in from three stories up and electrically mutates the crap out of themselves just because you were too lazy to safely run this electric deal power plant oh fine hey it's got like a guy up there [Music] hey look someone did almost fall in the day [Music] i need your blood man it could save my life i don't know it seems so unsafe it could kill you oh my gosh dude i'm not going to inject it straight into my arm i've got a team of expert scientists that will work your blood into a cure oh all right then i'll meet with your scientist it's not like i want you to die or anything of course you don't we're best friends peter what who's peter you're not even disguising your voice wow that's actually really impressive what have you ever considered dubstep you're upset yeah it's upset man kids love that stuff i bet you'd be great at it [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Music] you're my first time right now whoa what's going on i did not see this coming did you do it man you you used time travel to save your girlfriend now you use it to save mine i i haven't done that since the 70s dude i'm i'm trying to not do that anymore i'm not kidding man you turn back time right now and fix this i'm losing it she was my everything i i know but i just can't change i lost my parents my uncle died now this i even thought i saw my dad at gwen's grave i don't know what's real anymore man okay just but just calm down okay look at yourself this is not you i will shoot this mortal man in the face easy there let's not i mean you couldn't shoot me if you wanted to and why is that because i'm faster than a speeding bullet no because i'm batman if you stop you're not helping come on parker the city needs you i know this is hard but but this is what defines you yeah plus there's this giant rhino conveniently terrorizing the block right now for you to make your comeback nobody cares the cops can handle it i am dear i know and you turn back time i can't it's just dude really turn back the time i can't yes you can it's not that simple do it now not right this is so stupid i miss it so much take it so we're moving to london [Music] you reverse time didn't how did you know that because i'm batman [Music] looks like we're done you sure we got all the alien tech yeah that's probably the last of it here's a bright idea why don't you make sure it's the last of it before you accidentally lose a truckload of alien technology to a potential super villain just because you were too lazy to safely run this department of damage control extraterrestrial salvage operation oh [Music] oh look there is a truck gun accounted for you don't understand i have a daughter that makes it okay for me to break the law i'm not a bad person [Music] can i be your guy in the chair oh come on let me go in the chair i'm the guy in the chair there can only be hey one bird that doesn't belong to you lady what was that you said to select the ideal web shooter configuration for the scenario so i activated instant kill why is that even a feature i'm 15. [Music] no no no karen what's going on up there the shatari corps has detonated and caused structural damage to the elevator my friends are up there don't worry ma'am i got this i'm just going to climb up to the side and hope there's a way in at the top or you could just go in the entrance and catch them from the bottom oh yeah sure that'd be way easier you're really smart you sound just like peter parker who went missing earlier what who's pete i don't know who that is thanks for the advice but i'll see you later [Music] never mind we're fine [Music] how we doing karen great job peter you are 98 successful oh okay you are now 100 successful wow great job kid don't mess with me kid i'll kill you and everybody you love i love liz does that mean you're gonna kill your daughter you win this round spider-man i'll kill you and everybody grab your arm hey do you have like super strength because i do the goal me it appears that you don't i mean that's too bad cause that must be really embarrassing for you i said let go this man has a gun and he's driving my life don't mess with me kid why because i'm back man [Applause] okay we got all this super valuable avengers gear packed up and ready to fly now let's just hit the autopilot mode and trust it's going to make it to the new base without any problems here's a bright idea why don't you make sure someone keeps an eye on all of that gear instead of assuming nobody would want to hijack and steal everything on this ridiculously expensive cargo plane uh okay fine [Music] oh hiya [Music] i was wrong about you i think with a little more mentoring you'll be a real asset to the team to the team yeah to the team so when you're ready why don't you try that on and i'll introduce the world to the newest official member of the avengers spy heck yeah man this is what i've always wanted a freaking spider-man let's go so now i'm an avenger can you believe it it's so awesome isn't it awesome tony this kid hasn't even graduated is he uh dropping out of school to fight crime he can't just live with the avengers can he sure he can i gave him a suit and said he's part of the team so he's part of the team yeah you gave a teenager a weaponized super suit am i the only one that thinks this is weird you didn't even like talk to aunt may about it peter is a minor this feels like kidnapping i'm i'm gonna have to take you in tony iron man v superman now that's a billion dollar idea but i wouldn't want to publicly destroy you so i politely decline you you can't you you couldn't destroy me do you think i don't have kryptonite tank missiles up my sleeve do you friday put kryptonite missiles on my to-do list please yes guys listen he deserves this he's coming home this is his home and i'm a great father figure for him you are luring a minor to the avengers and making a replacement iron man yeah he's got the iron suit and everything no one is replacing anyone oh really then how come you put a parachute in the new kid's suit but not my suit that's actually meant to fly huh what's up with that that was a design flaw it didn't occur to me until spider-man do you have a parachute in your suit uh you're replacing me aren't you again oh mr stark i don't want to replace anyone you know that would just suck yeah it does suck being replaced sucks a whole lot now you know how i feel guys i'm really sorry i i guess i just feel so lucky you know there's been all these reboots and do-overs but i made it i'm finally home now and now i know they'll never replace me yeah don't be too sure about that [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay let's go through this one more time my name is peter parker i've had several spider-man movies and for the last 14 years i've had a few how it should have ended i jumped out of the way of some grenades i argued with a talking lizard i decided to become an avenger i uh i even did this i will shoot this mortal man in the face that one that one got dark i'm not gonna lie but hey at least i predicted the marvel and sony deal so there's that anyway for years i've always had a second chance at how it should have spiderman will you stop narrating please what wait are you that same kid from forever ago yes wow now i feel old you were narrating it's still kind of unnecessary but it's not look kid it's kind of my thing i narrate i'm sorry it's just what i know narrating okay fine let's just see how spider should [Music] mr morales you're late again einstein said time was relative right maybe i'm not late maybe you guys are just early i'm sorry it just was really quiet wait a minute you're not one of my students who are you uh swing up there push the key and blow it up there's not much time i don't know how to get up there don't worry it's taken care of take this all we have to do is kill a couple of spiders and then we can bring your family back as many families as you want tomorrow my collider here's the bright idea why don't you just do the thing now instead of giving the good guys time to figure out a plan to stop you good point not tomorrow let's do it now i'll see you at the collider so i got my wife and kid back well they're not really your wife and kids you stole them from a different dimension yeah what if the other you get super pissed and vows revenge that's not gonna happen you i'll kill you [Music] you know i have normal vision right i can see you play dumb no you can't not that dumb [Music] i'll clear it please prowler what are you waiting for finish it spidey-sense save your life that's not nice you all right kid oh thanks miles you saved my life you're welcome mclaren but you're still going to prison oh man you took my family now i'm gonna make sure you'll never see yours again kingpin smash get up spider-man [Music] you took my family now i'm gonna make sure you never see yourself thank you for your bravery tonight [Music] miles got a minute we forgot to do your cafe scene yeah facing it's like a tradition hey nice job kid is that batman and superman yeah they just sit here all the time and pass judgment on people's work it's kind of sad but it's all they've got so just go along with it hey fellas did you hear about how we saved the universe yes we did congratulations i mean it's a miracle you and your dad survived that explosion without a scratch but whatever i don't think that sounds weird yeah sounds normal to me i survive explosions all the time bruce what'd you think i don't know felt like you copied a lot from the bat universe if you asked me what copied how uh spider-man's bat cave plenty of heroes have a secret leg family member dies in an alley that's like standard hero motivation nor guy you can't tell me he's not a batman knockoff you're my favorite though by the way thanks big man i don't know you remind me kind of like looney tunes so wp close enough and i'm not sorry you three well i can't really think of anything yet but i'll think of something why is batman so grumpy is it because he's batman should i offer him some candy shh i think you're just trying to find reasons to be negative no i'm not yes you are okay you got me i am i don't mean any of it what what do you mean are you are you saying i'm saying i think you guys are the goat i don't think it's cool when he says that greatest of all time that's high praise wow really when miles tells peter you gotta go home man and it sends him back to his universe i'm just like he really is the best of all of us wow batman really liked our movie it's so inspiring okay let's turn it back a little there batman what's up danger he's going through a lot right now he's kind of in a transitional period ugh i know those onions i swear you sound so familiar i don't know so this is gonna be like a thing now you guys keep teaming up with other spiders in the multiverse works for me i don't have any plans i mean i hope so we have to see where this is going right what where what's going hey oh hey hey great job kid you didn't get your hands stuck in her hair this time what how do you guys know about that what do you mean how do i know that everybody knows like my hands is all right let me try to explain this to you this french fry is my universe it's awesome perfect you can do anything your fries are different this one is vintage and retro it's kind of silly that's yours your french fries exactly what everybody wants delicious yours your french fry has nipples it's weird it's gross we don't talk about your french fry i have nipples on my chest because i'm batman no i say because i'm batman why do you get to say that i am batman because i'm batman i too am also batman chum you're all batman but i say because i'm batman i also say i'm batman because i'm no it's me because i'm bad man i'm batman no i'm bad because i'm bad i'm pretty sure i'm all so bad stop kicking his arms this was a huge mistake okay show me one more time hey so it's like this hey what's up no it's not what's up it's just hey hey i'm batman no no it's just hey you wanna know my secret identity this is gonna take a while hey i'm that bad we have a job to do and you're coming with us there's gotta be someone else you can use what about thor off world captain marvel unavailable black panther he's running the country hawkeye he's got a family what about hulk he hurt his arm he hurt his arm plus he doesn't like smashing things anymore what kind of hulk doesn't like to smash it has to be you you're the only one who can do it what about bucky he's got that cool metal on peter or captain america he retired what yeah he went back in time so he's super old and he gave a shield to falcon so call him then you are coming with us you're going to be the next iron man and that's that what about that that's it no more butts got it yes mr fury all right let's go to the what about ant-man and wasp oh my gosh they're too far away what about doctor strange then he can teleport a war machine or scarlet witch she almost killed thanos all by herself they'd be way better at doing this job than me and what about valkyrie she literally has a flying horse did you see that thing i even wrote it i'm still a high schooler fine you don't want to do this we'll call somebody else woohoo vacation time behold my power beneath me buckles about no [Music] so you're saying there's a multiverse yep actually we like to call it the spider verse [Music] hey okay finally done equipping my glasses with access to all my state-of-the-art technology for peter in case i die now to just write some vague instructions to turn them on and give them to nick fury who will hopefully just hand them to peter one day here's a bright idea how about you don't give military grade death drone controlling 80s glasses to an easily influenced hormonal teenager just because he has a foxy ant oh dang you're right here you go rody [Music] gone but not forgotten five years ago half of the world blipped out of existence but thanks to the acts of these mighty heroes those who blipped away were saved well everyone who wasn't on an airplane or on a boat or people in high traffic area okay i think they get it it's really nice to have someone to talk to about this superhero stuff anytime thanks what the uh oh why are you a ghost gotta go [Music] now that is some bull crap fury wouldn't say crap dang it girl you're going to give me away oh man i'm out of webs i really wish there was a multiverse well lucky for you there is what who are you we call it the spider-verse but yeah the multiverse is totally a thing hey i'm spider-man whoa and i'm the amazing spider-man awesome what makes you so amazing i i can ride a skateboard okay and we're all here too hey awesome let's do this does anyone have any extra webs what's up [Music] all illusions are terminated peter are we sure about that i say we poke him with a stick ow stop him dead yeah he's not dead dang it [Music] you got me i got you holy crap that was close well at least i didn't die oh nothing more he just terminated all the drones i'm sorry i can't do that peter why you have not been granted control from quentin beck sorry pal oh my god so the drones got him which was kind of sad but now i can continue to manipulate the masses because i'm a master illusionist oh you think you're a master of illusions don't make me laugh you're a ripoff of syndrome at best exactly hey bubble boy why don't you take a seat next to the mandarin over there and come back when you're done copying me i'm not copying you if anything you copied me you wish you guys are just jealous because everyone finds me most attractive i mean i am obviously the most attractive everybody shut up i'm preparing for my return [Music] i wish i could quit you edith yes peter i'd like to transfer control to quentin beck quentin beck former stark employee developed hologram projection technology and was fired for being unstable are you serious multiple hologram drones detected former stark employee there's something wrong do you still wish to transfer control peter no cancel that request edith give me those glasses hey do you have super strength because i do my guy my plan after that nick fury took mysterio and his gang away i made out with mj for a bit told her my secret identity what dude you can't give away your secret identity peter tony would want you to say well i did and i'm awesome so in your face now edith what's the big deal i thought you tell girls your secret identity all the time of course i do do you know why because i'm an adult and i can handle it you're just a kid he didn't tell me it was actually pretty obvious honestly i'm embarrassed the whole class hasn't figured it out by now you're like always missing when spider-man is around you both sound exactly the same that's not obvious we don't sound the same does anyone else know your secret identity not really just a few people like aunt may and ned and happy and nick fury and maria hill and dr strange and well actually all the avengers know but but they're all good guys and that's it i guess i i did tell mysterio my name and i hung out with him in what i thought was a public bar without my mask on i'm pretty sure the vulture knows your name too and he's still alive yeah you're screwed no you guys are being paranoid i've got this under control that's not all folks here's the real blockbuster brace yourself you might want to sit down spider-man's real name is disrupt this transmission spider-man's name is jj jameson what that's not true i'm jj jameson i'm not spiderman spiderman is being framed by mysterio what is happening people look here's this photo the real spider-man is an old sand and a true hero you are all fired [Music] hey what's up hey just calling to check in so i think it went well they they don't seem to suspect anything did you say because i'm batman no you gotta say because i'm batman why because i'm batman i'm sorry the opportunity didn't really present itself i seriously doubt that well i don't know what to do they're all gone now don't forget next time do you think we should head back no they got this you don't think that will create confusion make people question who's real or not no or how long they've been scrolls no you don't think sending scrolls in our stead makes it look like we didn't care about helping spider-man deal with his problems on earth you guys are ruining my space vacation where the heck are the avengers you ready yes nice knowing you spider-man here's a bright idea why don't you take a minute to make sure you're both 100 on the same page with all the details before you just kick off this wildly dangerous spell that taps into the multiverse just because you were too stubborn to take the advice of the sorcerer supreme hmm uh fine okay so essentially everybody that knew you before can still remember your spider-man yeah oh except for vulture i don't know the vulture hadn't been a problem really so yeah go ahead here's another bright idea why don't you just make the spell to forget mysterio and everything he ever said yeah let's do that that sounds way easier done [Music] you can read all about it in my new book flashpoint or you can skip his book and read my older more established book flashpoint what are you doing man get out of here stop trying to steal my thing first you stop stealing my shut up you lose bro what is that oh this it's nothing it's just uh it's just a magic box i need for something unrelated to this no big thing i don't even know why i brought it in here for you guys bam and they're all gone [Music] norman was right he got it from you that pathetic sickness you tried to fix me and now i'm gonna fix hey wait what are you doing over oh there gosh that was a close one yeah one of us might have died show me peter parker [Music] well well you want me to fix this no everything is fine maybe you should start carrying a backup sling i don't want to hear about it [Music] i love you guys thank you whoa do you not love me back no it's it's not like i can't say that exactly you gotta say i love you back i'm sorry wait who are you hey i'm spiderman hi i love you are you serious [Music] [Applause] so there i was finally swinging alongside my two new spider friends peter one and peter three i felt ready to face the world dude are you narrating yeah you guys don't do that huh [Music] oh i'm so bad at this [Music] hold still so i can stab you no thanks well you're playing peter tingle is really good what so cast a new spell make everyone forget who peter parker is we can't do that everyone who knows and loves you we we have no memory of you but it would work yes what's going on up there we're gonna cast a spell to make everyone forget who i am what i don't agree to that hey i have a question before you do that um are we gonna be forgotten also because we're peter parker too it's gonna be just him i think well he thought the spell was gonna work the first time but then something totally different happened so i'm sorry if we're just a little nervous about this plan what is it with spider-man getting in the way of all my spell casting we're just gonna have to think this through a little more okay fine so i sort of brought everyone who knows peter parker to this universe and you need me to reverse time i can do the reverse time thing if you want no that's not how time travel works all right you guys invented that fun excuse i just want to remind everyone that i might be bleeding out so i probably need to go to a hospital are you guys going to order any food i'm kind of hungry after all that rehabilitation so this is what it's like sitting at the good guy table i have to admit it's kind of boring why are they here again because we cured them of their super abilities and so they're nice now but they're still criminals right i just killed his aunt i don't know what is going on so like why can't you just wish everyone back to their homes and then do the forget mysterio spell because we have to reverse the crack in the multiverse you mean spider-verse multiverse you want me to take a swing at it i'm totally magic now no so there's no undo spell no no spell to heal a cracked spider-verse multiverse no the only way is to make people forget who peter is why does that fix the cracks it just does i can reverse time right now time travel isn't an option yes it is i could do it i could send you back to the former stereo if you want no you can't it has to be magic okay strange sheesh the longer we wait the more we are interfering with everyone's timeline you guys are way overthinking this just cast your forget peter parker spell but add a fairy tale ending option fairytale yeah you know like when the princess kisses the frog and breaks the spell wait so am i the princess yeah are you calling me a frog bad example but at least that way peter gets to choose who will remember over time by kissing them yeah i'm okay with that you'd probably have to kiss a lot of people though i know it'd be hilarious i've got an idea why don't we just live here come on shut up connors nobody cares what you think i have a better idea how about we all just live here yeah i like the sound of that we should do what osborne said yes i think that would make a lot of people happy this feels more like home for some reason anyway i can't stay here i have to get back to my daughter my daughter there's no time too many who know a peter parker have come through the cracks this must be reversed wait does that mean gwen could be out here let's just stick to one adorable spider couple for now don't you dare send me back if quinn is here oh no not this again do not make me forget my boy [Music] [Music] so we did the kiss happy ending thing and you guys are the last on my list wow nobody wanted to use my reverse time ability yeah okay so batman your turn no it's okay i know you're peter parker and spider-man and all that stuff what how because i'm batman also you probably could have just kissed people on the hand or something because we never specified the where oh great now you tell me hilarious [Music] so i was gonna go uh hide or swim or something i don't know but then i thought nah who are you oh my name is peter parker i'm also spiderman and have i got a story to tell you spider-man spider-man three spiders [Music] [Applause] you reverse time and save aunt may right now thank you [Music]
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 7,515,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man, HISHE, Marvel, how it should have ended, No Way Home, Far from home, homecoming, Amazing Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Magquire, Tom Holland, parody, animation, cartoon, comedy, entertainment, Super Cafe
Id: zEn4y_ZUoYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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