MCU HISHE Compilation Volume Three

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well here we are the location of the soul stone is right in there i guess you better go in and get it is a lake of acid lava i know crazy right well hop on in and get that stone you need so bad it's all the way at the bottom crap you and your stinking bubbles you lied to me again what that's crazy you must have turned into bubbles i mean i wouldn't lie to you your sister will pay for this oh my gosh thanos the sister has escaped damn it you guys had one job this does not put a smile on my face [Applause] [Music] oh no why why would you do that too soon [Music] strange you all right i just went forward in time to see all the possible outcomes well how many do we win five [Music] oh yeah you're much more of a thanos i take it mars dead then at least he accomplished his mission local levitation and wow that was awesome nice job sherlock did we win already [Music] he is very strong and baby thanos [Music] who's gonna take care of him we can't just leave him here [Music] hey honey remember that dream i was talking about having a baby say hello to our new son thanos oh come on this is not the weirdest thing i've brought home before [Music] tell me you didn't do it no you didn't is there anyone else not using their hands at the moment that could shut him up i'll kill you thank you he's almost there [Music] [Music] the power of the gauntlet now rests on new shoulders anything i yearn for is within my grasp you know what i yearn for dear day thanos sweet okay i'm done dibs no no no i don't think so i'll be taking that thanks [Music] this will be the end of wakanda then it will be the noblest ending in history don't worry everyone i've got this mirror dementia and god yes [Music] you die for that you should have aimed for the head you know i was thinking the exact same thing but then i thought nah the art is good and so i defeated thanos because i am truly awesome i have this amazing new axe the rabbit gave me a new eyeball from his buttocks and i'm the rightful king of asgard which is now earth by the way i forgot to mention that so i suppose that makes me your new ruler so you're welcome what did he say is he talking to the whole table because i wasn't listening can you speak up i said i'm your new ruler yeah earth doesn't work like that i'm afraid well me and my new infinity gauntlet beg to differ i will follow the majestic pirate angel man anywhere well i won't hey jerkface my girlfriend died for your precious gauntlet oh you mean this girlfriend whoa where am i awesome there is gamora okay i take it back that thor guy is pretty great well you guys we finally made it what an achievement right look at us everyone's here the guardians spider-man sure even made a new vision thank you vibranium yeah everyone's here except hawkeye and the netflix avengers and ant-man my bad guys siri didn't know how to get to wakanda okay except those guys we're all here though and we won the day what are you talking about we always win this is like every summer for us can you imagine if we actually lost oh well thanks to us but mostly me we didn't lose so a toast here's to the greatest team in the whole universe to a couple of tagalongs who are pretty awesome as well yeah yeah are you talking about us i'm not a tag along i was here first yeah if anything you guys are all my third wheel [Applause] wow i really thought that was gonna come back to me he's a teenager he didn't care about anything right now well i guess i win then because i'm batman i'm steve rogers please stop hey remember when we had that civil war and wanted to kill each other for nothing i got paralyzed you were all arrested remember when rhodey had a different face remember when bruce had a different face i remember when black widow made me believe we had a future together remember when i saved the world from dormammu without any of you don't make up story strange i'm not making it up remember when i killed tony's parents i'm still not 100 okay with that you one-armed jesus two arms you wait what i told you i'd get that arm silly rabbit tricks off a wizard guys happy endings are so cheesy sometimes hey man my name's cool and this is my very good friend here meek we're gonna go to that jig box over there and play some music wanna come zero night and then i was all take missile remember when star-lord used to be immortal remember when i was frozen has anyone else been doing the uncertainty anybody want to buy a robot arm what about the spider does he need a robot on oh i like this has a nice beat what did you just do you lost i did does that mean i won the bet guys i feel itchy like really weird whoa oh no this is different something is happening on your feet old man this is no place yes oh no no no palpatine are you happy now thanos i thought it was the only way joker i don't feel so good i don't know what's happening i don't i don't want i don't want to go i don't want to go joker please it's okay no seriously i've flaked away once before already i don't want to go through that again maybe this will help stab why did you do that because it's funny do you see me laughing i hate you guys [Applause] watch out where is it where is that plastic i'm going to regret this here is hello everyone i'm back have i got a story for you i faked my own death again what is this where is everyone why don't you pick on someone your own size that's such a you thing to say go get em tiger don't you know who i am i'm a juggernaut what again you repeating jokes that's just lazy writing can someone throw that back please i'm used to those coming back i'm gonna tear you in half now uh-oh you better run cap it gets a little handsy [Music] if i could save time in the bottles of time i [Music] bet you didn't see that coming well actually the music kind of gave it away but thanks anyway i'm lucky you're in i can take the form of your greatest fear well you're in i have double sun power oh you are definitely in and i'm batman and what are your powers again my power is being awesome all the time we already have a no powers guy and i'm putting together a team of people with special abilities no i'm putting together a team of people with special abilities i was doing it first i think you tried putting together a team and it didn't work out i don't think that's true i think it is you're probably wrong do you want to be on my team or not yes please cable now that i'm having this winnie the pooh moment here it's got me thinking if you're trying to stop russell from becoming evil why don't you go back and stop the ones responsible for driving him to madness instead of this whole john connor terminator knockoff story thing hmm who are you my name is cable and i'm from the planet vulcan i'm just kidding but i am from the future and i'm here to tell you that your methods cause the death of millions and i'm going to kill you if you don't change the way you treat mutants okay okay [Music] i can't trust you i can't trust anybody wait i have one more idea there's a better place we can go come with me hello russell my name is charles xavier welcome to my school for gifted youngsters and that's how i saved russell from cable's wrath well temporarily saved him he's still not convinced i fixed him but at least i taught him not to kill people just because they are mean to you and that's what's important except that we still murdered everyone at that orphanage they were attacking us our actions were completely justified except that you can't die okay let's not compare my actions to my words here people i'm trying to be a positive influence here tell them dopinder i want to bathe in the blood of my enemies just like udp okay we really need to tone down your level of anti-hero you are seriously pushing the boundaries i'll be right back and we're definitely naming our kids cher welcome to the big leagues kid why isn't this working who are you oh i see what's happening i can't shoot myself because if i did that i couldn't actually go on to become this deadpool who wants to go back and shoot myself silly paradox what's that my time pager now who could be contacting me at this hour well well well looks like i've got a few more timelines to fix i told you you die for that you should have aim for the head you know i was thinking the exact same thing but then i thought nah the arm is good ooh neat glove i love a bedazzler if i wasn't wearing a mask you could see that this puts a smile on my face peace out cable what's wrong with your chin and that's how i saved all of you from disintegration that sounds highly unlikely well it was either that or go on a quest for revenge killing the entire marvel universe which although it would have been really fun it would have taken way too long to animate so i just grabbed the stones and stopped it all from ever happening hey you got any more chimichangas don't worry i'll just whilst them into being this club is awesome you see that thanos i needed some more resources so i just made them you should consider that an option it was my time you wrecked my time you can sit and watch the sunrise any time you want thanos you don't have to kill half the universe to do it yes i do no you don't so anyway no need to thank me i got all the thanks i need right here i think i'll call her betty white well i think i'll be on my way you aren't going to leave the gauntlet here oh the evada cadavers i could dish out with that device yeah let us keep oh no no no me and this golden girl aren't ever going to part i'm afraid are we girl she says no you're no fun what's that oh betty we can't say that here we'll get demonetized classic betty then tread lightly wade wilson i did not sit in that chair for ten years for nothing i will have what is rightfully mine you loudmouth sad excuse of what's that one-armed willy i didn't hear you all right you guys be good now hello everyone i'm back have i got a story for you faked my own death again he knows he was there in order to take the stone you must lose that which you love you love nothing no one really tears they're not for him they're also not for you wait what forgive me well you had a hulk all fathers let the dark magic flow through me one last time [Music] it is now time for you to take the next infinities what [Music] great this is just great now what are we gonna do [Music] that was a close one thanks heimdall where did you send them to a place where they will never be so found new haircut i see you've copied my beard is that a new weapon this thing oh yes it's great it's got a good weight to it you can summon the bifrost it's going to help me defeat i am good yeah demon axe handle i'm sorry little one did you do it yes what did it cost everything [Music] tell hope i love her no wait oh no she went subatomic and saved everyone everyone accept me time for my trusty convenience save me ants oh yeah this missile travels faster than ants can fly well dad are you seeing this hope get out of there okay oh can you not fly that's too bad you guys probably better get the lab out of here i'll just catch up later yeah okay good idea we'll leave a hot wheel for you hey man i got the serious problem with this pointless security system job that's happening tomorrow morning why don't you tell me where you're at so i can come over there and you can help me fix it i don't think that's such a good idea man it's a it's just not a good time right now no no no no you gotta help me out bro this is like a serious part of the story for real i'm sorry i gotta go bye where is scott lang literally speaking that's what i've been trying to tell you he wouldn't tell me i think he must be in some kind of trouble or he's trying to work it with his girlfriend you know otherwise he for sure tell me because me and him are like best friends you know but i asked him and he's like hey louise you're my best friend and i tell you everything but i can't right now so i'll tell you later bye girl goes [Music] change of plans ooh are we gonna go like on an awesome car chase through san francisco even though we have a critically small amount of time to save your mom not exactly what the where'd she go what the heck is she doing i can't believe it's really you yeah pretty crazy right how did you survive down here i mean what did you eat how are we even breathing right now or did you make these clothes where did you find these clothes you look so beautiful are you wearing makeup where did you find makeup oh you know science molecules convenience just like my convenience no hank you understand what i'm saying [Music] oh and don't get stuck in a time vortex we won't be able to save you okay going subatomic in three two guys i i don't feel right about this what do you mean uh oh i don't know maybe because the avengers weren't you watching the news today i think something huge is going down and the guys could really use my help we could use your help scott yeah this is important research oh is it there are aliens attacking the city research but i'm not under house arrest anymore i really feel like we're wasting really important time with this siri where are the avengers right now the avengers are currently fighting thanos in wakanda oh crap you see what i'm saying who is thanos we gotta help him siri where is wakanda the location of wakanda is currently unavailable guys this is serious i feel like if we don't do something like right now something really bad is going to happen oh i knew it see oh you're dead [Music] i thought ant-man and wasp would have been here by now what the heck was that ah nick fury just turned the dust in front of our window we gotta do something um bruce this is different girl speak to me what's going on oh no oh no not today because i will avenge you superman i mean i will unite the league you superman oh never mind his dust is rising he'll be back [Music] control it i am controlling it i'm making my fist glow so i can punch you really hard you're not as strong as you think i don't know i think i might be stronger than you and that's why you don't want me to use my powers that's not it careful veers what was given can be taken away why didn't the supreme intelligence give you or anyone else powers um i mean if i have powers and you don't have powers then why are you the one training me how to use my powers ah-ha doubt makes you vulnerable fears you know what fine just take them if you think i'm so unworthy i'm just going to pop this thing out right now no wait oh you lying she is blowing up everything oh thank goodness she stopped we're safe let us retreat so that we can holy crap she's headed right for us wow nice work you saved the earth you flew out into space you know what's next right now all you need to do is smile for the camera did you just tell me i needed to smile i didn't know that was offensive let me batman's playing this to you you don't just tell girls they should smile it's like super rude i thought she was doing the superman endings i just want to show my support she stopped a missile she flew out of space you know i thought smile for the camera it's okay i understand you weren't trying to be disrespectful yeah i mean it's not like you erased her memories without her knowledge or anything you wouldn't do something like that what nothing he's just being out of context hey batman don't you want to ask carol if she'd like to know your secret identity yes as a matter of fact i do but i don't get the feeling she's interested well how embarrassing that must be for you it isn't because i'm totally secure with it um cat just ate my coffee mug yeah he's like that sometimes it's okay i got another one right here you have a full cup of coffee in your belt i carry all sorts of things on my belt because i'm batman yeah that isn't a normal cat and it has a tesseract inside it do you know that oh i know and that's why this thing isn't leaving my site so the crew are pretty much done for and now the earth is safe what's next you can start building a team of superheroes nah i figured i'd wait at least a decade it's weird but okay you are super chill by the way i expect you to be way more upset the way that thing took your eye oh i am very upset i will never trust the living thing ever again after the betrayal that has been bestowed upon me and i will speak about sad betrayal for decades goose until i am fully satisfied it happened again why goose why i don't mean to sound like i don't care about any of this but do you think we could get back to helping my people find a home sure so i'm gonna be gone for a while but i gave fury this pager in case you guys need me again but only for emergencies oh i know i know only for emergencies [Music] holy crap this is an emergency i got your page what's up aliens are attacking the planet okay i'm on it who the heck was that oh that's uh that's captain marvel she's kind of the first avenger i thought i was the first avenger okay you're good thanks carol call me again i'm not sure how i feel about this oh come on how do you even know how to use this technology i'm really smart okay that that's enough of that is anyone home i don't know if you remember me ant-man is this an old recording i got real bad at the front door yeah that's me can you buzz me in sure come on in well that's one more on our side hey bubs it's wolverine i'm here too all right hello it's charles xavier with the other remaining x-men get in here x-men i wish to avenge my children as well say no more hi it's the fantastic three oh did you lose someone in the snap kind of looks like there's more heroes out there than we thought uh steve let's ride oh yeah hey i'm ethan hunt i hope you don't mind i let myself in uh yeah you have three seconds to bust me in hey it's uh deadpool and i heard that wolverine might be inside so uh can i come in and you want your language i'm space ghost this is getting really weird roger roger uh hello it's donatello i lost my family oh no i have nowhere else to go could you buzz me in oh thanos is gonna pay hey it's us we're here too is there any way we can help actually you guys have the most important job of all what's that we're gonna need you to save us a booth a really big booth unless i get left back in time in which case i'll save the booth sweet this is gonna work steve i know it is because i just heard about the new spider-man trailer he's not dead [Music] what are you doing here i'll meet up with your niece in the future i'm really sorry what he knows thanos nose oh no i'm being captured if only i had a device that would allow me to magically escape back to my own time oh right oh my gosh thanos the other nebula has escaped you guys whoopsies i'm gonna do it let me die no i should be the one to go let me you have kids you are way more attractive i never get to do anything important let me jump guys no let me guys i grow weary of listening to your argument actually i grow weary of pretty much everything about this whole place i have been here so many years i am bored out of my mind i will jump i shall give you the stone really yes i will do it wow oh my gosh thank you so much i love you that is all i needed to hear well all right then guys i think it worked are they dead no mighty thanos senses indicate zero casualties really what the farts you guys what kind of missiles are we using here shoot them again and do it right this time yes my liege he's just sitting there and he doesn't have any infinity stones let's kill him properly this time you could not live with your own failure where did that bring you back to me i thought by eliminating halfway talk too much not worthy get this hammer off me yeah you get it you have a lot of heroes [Music] excuse me one second mr captain mirror dimension oh come on sling ring and cup yes [Music] you took everything from me i don't even know who you're [Music] honey i just blew up his entire ship all by myself don't worry she's got help okay ladies now let's get information oh sorry i don't really need your help but thanks girls you all look great call me i am inevitable i am i am inevitable i am inevitable i am inevitable how does it feel like it belongs to someone else [Music] it doesn't [Music] thank you there's just one more thing what's that so unless you're a plane or a bomb or some ice or a brainwashed body or spiderman or tony stark or a version of yourself or just play thanos [Music] are you done now i could do this all day it's okay tony you can rest now can't somebody do something is there a doctor in the house if only there was a device that could reverse things that were damaged okay [Music] you just wanted to see me die didn't you i'll never tell so you use time travel to save the earth and someone special who died yep and cat put back the stones and we all lived happily ever after well everyone except natasha she still died for the soul stone oh yeah that's true who's natasha i'll do you one better why is natasha there's got to be a way to save her right nope she's gone forever that seems stupid you have a time machine i mean yeah guys we can just go back in time before natasha died and then bring her here we can do that apparently what are we waiting for see you in a minute wait you uh you don't make it huh yeah you um you die yeah so come with us okay what just happened now black widow i think the consequences of messing with the fabrics of time are getting really loose here yeah it doesn't bringing her back before she dies for the soul stone mean nobody ever got the soul stone in the first place oh okay well that clears up everything thanks hey wait what about old man rogers cap is still old yes yes i believe i am we can fix that too we can of course we can i'd rather ask cap some questions about him sitting back and letting history play out exactly the same way would he go to another dimension so many questions no let's make him young again okay here we go wow i think you just invented immortality time travel everybody [Music] you're loki no i'm not i'm you from the future you're pointing at my butt i'm not pointing at your butt you're pointing at my butt stop pointing at my butt it's rude to point it's even ruder to point at butts [Music] guys there are three infinity stones in new york if we pick the right year shut the front door well all six stones are at thanos's garden if we just go back there and get them before he destroys them shut the other front door i'll go back to the garden i would very much like to kill thanos the second time uh i don't know pal i don't know if you're in the best shape to do this i think we should just do the separate timelines plan nonsense we have a time machine there's no rush all we need is a fitness montage and i'll be fine one fitness montage later see okay i'm ready let's go get this son of a language time travel [Music] half of the universe had to die so i could have these plans oh oh it's too easy hello again thanos it is i for son of odin you probably didn't recognize me because of the beard and the hair how anyway i didn't miss that time you jerk oh man i was gonna like go up his butt and make him explode why because it would have been really funny sounds disgusting i mean it could go through his ear or his nose but his butt would have been hilarious [Music] [Applause] [Music] no one's ever really gone [Laughter] welcome back fellows now plunge with all of your hatred this place has been a disaster these toilets aren't going to clean themselves [Music] remember you have to return the stones to the exact moment we got them clip all the branches don't worry three two one [Music] returning in three two i forgot the scepter what loki's scepter for the mind stone did you just want me to throw the stone on the ground no get him the scepter there you go okay let's do this three two one [Music] here you go thanks agent one and here you go that was fast thank you you know it i bet they're all going to be this easy from now on really i need to tesseract you guys oh come on all [Music] [Music] ow ah i can't touch the power stone you guys well that's because it's supposed to go in this ball thingy the ball thingy yeah the ball thingy well thanks for letting me know about that now okay now we just got to put you right back in this is there anything else i need to know or take with me on this mission from heidi's nope oh wait yes you've gotta inject thor's girlfriend what three two one zap get away from me i'm really sorry i just need to put this in your oh hey thor loki what tricks are you up to now you guys i really think we should have discussed this before everyone left you've only got one more man it's fine you got this [Music] stephen rogers son of sarah red skull son of them uh uh language captain what really you're here too what did you think you were the only one with a magical time travel wristband thingy that is adorable that is so you plus didn't you hear about the fox disney merger we're all gonna be one big happy family soon like brothers ugh that's it i'm done here's your stupid thestone i'm going back to my girlfriend that's right you really should go to her go to her you sexy man go to her and never look back hey i'm back we have a job to do and you're coming with us there's got to be someone else you can use what about thor off world captain marvel unavailable black panther he's running the country hawkeye he's got a family what about hulk he hurt his arm he hurt his arm plus he doesn't like smashing things anymore what kind of hulk doesn't like to smash it has to be you you're the only one who can do it what about bucky he's got that cool metal on peter captain america he retired what yeah he went back in time so he's super old and he gave his shield to falcon so call him then you are coming with us you're going to be the next iron man and that's that what about the that's it no more butts got it yes mr fury all right let's go to the what about ant-man and the wasp oh my gosh they're too far away what about doctor strange then he can teleport a war machine or scarlet witch she almost killed thanos all by herself they'd be way better at doing this job than me and what about valkyrie she literally has a flying horse did you see that thing i even wrote it i'm still a high schooler fine you don't want to do this we'll call somebody else woohoo vacation time behold my power [Music] so you're saying there's a multiverse yep actually we like to call it the spider verse [Music] hey okay finally done equipping my glasses with access to all my state-of-the-art technology for peter in case i die now to just write some vague instructions to turn them on and give them to nick fury who will hopefully just hand them to peter one day here's a bright idea how about you don't give military grade death drone controlling 80s glasses to an easily influenced hormonal teenager just because he has a foxy ant oh dang you're right here you go rhodey gone but not forgotten five years ago half of the world blipped out of existence but thanks to the acts of these mighty heroes those who blipped away were saved well everyone who wasn't on an airplane or on a boat or people in high traffic areas okay i think they get it it's really nice to have someone to talk to about this superhero stuff anytime thanks what the uh oh why are you a ghost well gotta go bye [Music] you're up kid all right fire try this on for size what the heck what is happening here now that is some bull crap fury wouldn't say crap dang it girl you gonna give me away oh man i'm out of webs i really wish there was a multiverse well lucky for you there is what who are you we call it the spider-verse but yeah the multiverse is totally a thing hey i'm spider-man whoa and i'm the amazing spider-man awesome what makes you so amazing i i can ride a skateboard okay and we're all here too hey awesome let's do this does anyone have any extra webs what's up [Music] is this is real all illusions are terminated peter are we sure about that i say we poke him with a stick ow stop him dead yeah he's not dead dang it you got me i got you holy crap that was close well at least i didn't die oh nothin [Music] terminate all the drones i'm sorry i can't do that peter why you have not been granted control from quentin beck sorry pal oh my god so the drones got him which was kind of sad but now i can continue to manipulate the masses because i'm a master illusionist oh you think you're a master of illusions don't make me laugh you're a ripoff of syndrome at best exactly hey bubble boy why don't you take a seat next to the mandarin over there and come back when you're done copying me i'm not copying you if anything you copied me you wish you guys are just jealous because everyone finds me most attractive i mean i am obviously the most attractive everybody shut up i'm preparing for my return [Music] i wish i could quit you edith yes peter i'd like to transfer control to quentin beck quentin beck former stark employee developed hologram projection technology and was fired for being unstable are you serious multiple hologram drones detected former stark employee there's something wrong do you still wish to transfer control peter no cancel that request edith give me those glasses hey do you have super strength because i do my guy my after that nick fury took mysterio and his gang away i made out with mj for a bit told her my secret identity what dude you can't give away your secret identity peter tony would want you to say well i did and i'm awesome so in your face now edith what's the big deal i thought you tell girls your secret identity all the time of course i do do you know why because i'm an adult and i can handle it you're just a kid he didn't tell me it was actually pretty obvious honestly i'm embarrassed the whole class hasn't figured it out by now you're like always missing when spider-man is around you both sound exactly the same that's not obvious we don't sound the same does anyone else know your secret identity not really just a few people like aunt may and ned and happy and nick fury and maria hill and dr strange and well actually all the avengers know but but they're all good guys and that's it i guess i i did tell mysterio my name and i hung out with him in what i thought was a public bar without my mask on i'm pretty sure the vulture knows your name too and he's still alive yeah you're screwed no you guys are being paranoid i've got this under control that's not all folks here's the real blockbuster brace yourself you might want to sit down spider-man's real name is disrupt this transmission spiderman's name is jj jameson what that's not true i'm jj jameson i'm not spiderman spiderman is being framed by mysterio what is happening people look here's this photo the real spider-man is no sense and a true hero you are all fired hey what's up hey just calling to check in so i think it went well they they don't seem to suspect anything did you say because i'm batman no you're trying to say because i'm batman why because i'm batman i'm sorry the opportunity didn't really present itself i seriously doubt that well i don't know what to do they're all gone now don't forget next time do you think we should head back no they got this you don't think that will create confusion make people question who's real or not no or how long they've been scrolls no you don't think sending scrolls in our stead makes it look like we didn't care about helping spider-man deal with his problems on earth you guys are ruining my space vacation where the heck are the avengers give me the case please come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got incoming tony looks like the fight is coming to you all right they're coming in hot what's the play don't worry about it boys i'm still at whiplash's terminal okay yeah save a few for us hey natasha heads up you got another drone incoming this one looks different all right now time for some real action never mind shut that one down as well you're still hacking yeah he really shouldn't have left his computer like this [Music] oh crap tony these thrones ricky blow we got to get out of here man okay one last chance to be the hero let's go i got him oh come on wow without a certain someone it sounds like that whole story would have went sideways all in a day's work i mean that's just the price you pay when you're iron man not you you mean roadie i'm talking about her oh you mean the assistant yeah she's the real hero hey what's up i'm batman i see you like to wear black leather and beat the crap out of bad guys yeah i like to do that too oh i can do a lot more than kick the crap out of bad guys oh really i can kick the crap out of good guys as well she is awesome what's her origin story are we gonna learn about her next nah but you just introduced her why wouldn't you i don't know just doesn't feel like the right time you know yeah because hello i'm the star remember i made a new reactor from my dad's disneyland map i'm more awesome now remember my story nobody is interested in the new girl you are so interesting you want to know my secret identity you're bruce wayne billionaire fights crime from a secret base under your home with a bunch of unlicensed weapons and gadgets and single how did you know all that because i black widow oh my gosh i love you i think i'm seeing a lot of interest i think you're wrong i mean maybe if like 10 years go by or she dies or something then we can get around to it unless there's a global pandemic then it'll have to be after that unless there's some sort of online streaming option in which case still no but after all of that then we can tell her story cool then she can be the first girl avenger no we'll probably just give it to captain marvel or something before that sounds like a huge missed opportunity sounds great to me anyways i gotta bounce i gotta see about another potential leading man this one has a hammer yeah that sounds fun and new oh it will be by the time we get to the third one but one thing is for sure there is absolutely nobody alive who is interested in more black widow holy crap she's flirting with the competition i told you there is tons of interest this is just to bad bad man you are so amazing your cheekbones so good you kick butts so good we gotta split them up do your mind race thing on them or something what why it's adorable let them have their fun i will leave jc for you okay i'll do it [Music] you erased my memory didn't you how did you know that because i'm black widow i mean batman because i'm batman pay attention to me [Music] bye
Channel: How It Should Have Ended
Views: 1,789,068
Rating: 4.9454336 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers, Infinity War, HISHE, Endgame, Marvel, how it should have ended, Loki, Spider-Man, compilation, cartoon, animation, parody, movies, Disney+, comedy, entertainment, alternate ending, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 21sec (3381 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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