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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter welcome to sundays at the chateau and today we're on another boar can't trip i've come with maggie to our local charity shop mark's about to go on we're going to see if we can find anything maggie you're looking for a tall mirror yes yeah i'm looking for a wardrobe so for once i'm actually here with a specific plan but that never works out because you come here with a specific idea yeah we just end up finding something else absolutely with an open mind open mind okay let's try what you're looking at i like these bamboo um is it nightstand people yeah in my mother's house in south africa we've been buying these from charity shops and then painting them so we have like those in white in the whole house it's just quite fun there's a matching bed with that one hey look at that that's so cute yeah and the sides in bamboo well mavi and i think we might have spotted the wardrobe this one is 100 euros and the nice thing is that it's got these two huge mirrors on it which would be lovely for the tack room and the wood isn't so intricate that we can't paint it i'm looking for something fairly simple that we can paint blue to fit in with the room i think that's really pretty yeah i do can i get that one let's go and have a closer look we'd need a rail so that would have to be added yeah but other than that it's in lovely condition yeah it looks very clean yes i wonder if there's um anything in the base sometimes there's a drawer in the base oh there is but we can't open it look it needs a key oh but there's definitely another drawer there and i think 100 euros is a good price for that absolutely i mean i don't think you could buy a wardrobe in ikea for that i like this one though you can um take away this shelf and could give roland yeah that could easily be made into and you have more hanging space i prefer more hanging space so do i because i'm a girl for long dresses as well but i think that the mirror is swaying me i thought of having a full-length mirror in a room yeah this way way better and i think it'll be pretty in blue i've just phoned michael and i've shown him the wardrobe and he likes it he thinks it'd be great for the tack room we're going to paint it probably blue and then it will fit really nicely in there hani's renting his apartment at the moment and she's having to use the sofa in there as the wardrobe it's not really working well so we must get that sorted out what treasures have you found well i'm a bit torn between this beautiful mug which obviously it is it's really nice a jug which i obviously use for flowers yes and this beautiful candle stand yes for two euros right and then linen napkins beautiful because obviously wow 10 euros for what um yeah they're lovely i love them they're so beautiful so what do you torn between because i they all seem like a good price or is it one or the other we get all of them if you don't get the jug i will because the kitchen always needs jugs so not for water i think that answers your question you're getting them all in the meantime i found this sofa all right what do you think because you weren't with me last time i found it i was here with hash yeah and the others yeah and i think it will work for the marquis apartment i know that i probably will recover it one day but it's in very good condition in the meantime and the thing that swayed me is that it's 40 euros so if i decide that okay it's not quite right and i replace it eventually yeah then i can just bring it back to the charity shop and it should be sold for charity all over again and it's quite yeah but it's very nicely sprung yeah wait pretty good you look very nice in it oh that's very important try it with me mahi all right settle down with your jug oh it's very comfy right she just has some lemonade now yeah a little lemonade on the sofa and they reduce the price of the wardrobe to 70. hey so for 110 i have a wardrobe and a sofa well done what did you do how does it feel matty this is where marie found the beautiful napkins i just wonder where people get this stuff because it's so gold look at all these napkins so many napkins you could have a summer party for any occasion yes with exactly the color that you need absolutely i actually like almost no expense i mean that entire pile is three euros it's insane these are really pretty these blues it's kind of like little lineny ones striped blue have they stocked up since last time because they have there's so many but if i go home with more napkins mommy will just evict me from the house i think well i'm getting these because i'll buy them in the studio i know what those those she would have gone for because they are amazing quality you've got a really good finder that's a nice taste with flowers or f all right so rosa and flowers oh rose and flowers yes meant to be the yellow charger plates are quite fun for a garden party because then you just put other plates on top so you can use them as a good background color for adding a summery touch to any party actually i really like those what do you think of the yellow charger plates just as a background so if you take a normal white plate yes for a summer party that's too small so you can see the rim but you know what i mean why do you love these i do know that you love yellow yeah yes well we don't have that many of the underplates really no we have very few under plates an embarrassingly small number of under plates and how many are they 11 11 is a funny number no i better be good because of mine it's just look how pretty they look with another plate on top yeah yeah yeah it's a bigger one yeah wow suddenly pops yeah let's try a pheasant on it you have something similar i have loads like that easter coming up soon do you know what i'm not gonna do it because mummy will be so angry until we have storage we have to be good but oh oh oh oh hang on hang on hang on wow to match the spoon set look wouldn't that be nice well where is it from it's from the english iron stone tableware stratford shire well there we go oh yeah that's pretty i looked a bit like the house i grew up in where she did this oh okay i think we can allow a little jug to just add to our lovely beautiful spider set that was sent okay it says wake us place sussex only two euros 50. so sweet right we'll take that anything else i keep finding things that would look really nice on the yellow plates but i'm not getting the yellow okay um not today yes oh but look everything's a whole set of platters i know oh look at all this glassware this is always useful because we get three glasses quite well i don't know what you're talking about don't be silly it's always nice to have glasses yeah it is all different shapes as well yeah i feel i've got to be fairly good now because i've just got a wardrobe a sofa yes yes there is an entire chateau to furnish which does give me a constant excuse still after 13 years unbelievably do we need it [Laughter] interesting she's so strict i'm just saying we do have milk jugs i'm not only for buzzes you're in charge of we don't have enough vases can never happen suddenly suddenly we don't have enough absolutely is there anything you see i like things like these old liquor bottles and then you can put flowers in them yeah that's a really good idea loads of them and um it's not too bad six euros no that's not bad at all there's more verses they look good in the chateau actually those crystal ones do look pretty and you can also use oh i hadn't thought of that decanters yeah decanters as glasses as well well actually if you want to show everyone what that would look like we have a lot of um older counters at home so you can do something with that i quite like this one well this yeah 12. it's not too bad no it's not bad this is looks really great though oh it'll be beautiful yeah the winter will happen will we yeah what's arriving in today's order lots of goodies roses and obviously a lot of filler flowers yeah which i love so you'll have to see when they get home yes you're probably seeing the lights just falling on all these crystal vases mummy asked me to look for a small teapot for her apartment i'd seen it the last time we came but i didn't think we had any need for it but now she's asked for a little teapot and it's still here i think it'll be really pretty for her apartment yeah it'll go well with all the sort of terracotta pinky walls as well she gets us some tea maybe you should get this one yeah i'll get that as well and then she can keep sugar in it because she's naughty she has sugar in her teeth yes she does not know i thought she was sweet enough there's also a big outside area with some of the things that are even cheaper than in the main area but often it's quite fun coming here especially before christmas we usually all come and look for random little fun things for each of us to open on the day [Music] these very shallow terracotta dishes are very interesting in fact i have some at home i'll have to unearth to show you but basically they're for clem catalan which is a kambouli but it's made very shallow and then you have a hot iron in exactly the same shape as the pot that you make very very hot and you use it to caramelize the sugar on top and i have that at home somewhere so i'll try and show you that one day i've spotted a tray i like we've made a little cocktail station in the salon at la land so that we're not cluttering up the kitchen when we're trying to make our cocktails in the evening and someone's trying to cook and i think that this is kind of a fun cocktail tray that would work really well though let's see if it's in an okay state trees are always useful at la land actually always looking for trays yes i quite like the art deco feel of it i think we'll be lovely with a cocktail shaker on and some really pretty martini glasses so i'm going to get that one [Laughter] we thought it was ten but it's two so okay wow okay good that was brilliant yeah like probably brilliant yeah i didn't get what i wanted but i did for once i actually walked in and got exactly what i was looking for a wardrobe so that's amazing um and then i got other things that i didn't go to get as usual don't look at me like that like that you'll be the first to have a cocktail from that tray oh i hope so i see see i know the way to marry his heart he comes for you i don't know what it is it cats always come to me even though i can't pay them any attention because i'm allergic he doesn't like me anymore he loves you and you know it look at that you and mommy and selma are his favorites he's a nice cat oh i think this is yours uh that's mine and i've got a bag of goodies that has your things in so let's go through this all right excellent right i don't think that i know that's me no it's truly good actually i like it if anyone is looking for a good book set in a beautiful stately home which talks a lot about the garden in it but it's also a really fun read i recommend this i'll be hiding these why why would you be hiding them maddie because um i don't want isabella think they're you know her yes because you get she's very particular about the use of the napkins yes yeah exactly if she thinks that they're hers no one will be allowed to use them absolutely so i'll keep them in the studio that jug is a fantastic find isn't it yeah i would have definitely grabbed it if i'd seen it before you it's a really really good size right and is this all mine now nope i've got this one what was that one again the little candlestick yeah no i don't know okay there is a candlestick somewhere in here oh yeah you know me i like these little things now you just need a candle yes right i'll set up a good cocktail tray for us and then i'll make us cover my teeth at this time of the day well by the time i finished faffing and setting it up it'll be mid-afternoon mavi you know me should i make a little flower posy for your cocktail tray yes you know the way to my heart yes i would love that day no yes flower day and cocktail day i'm loving today good like i get cocktail you get flowers it's a great swap win-win i've come up to mommy's apartment to give her the new teapot and she's not in here so i'll quickly wash it so that everything's ready when she comes back and then she'll see it in her kitchen this is the teapot she's been using it's her favorite fleur-de-lis set from spode which my father bought for her decades ago and she says she panics every time she uses it so here is the new teapot that she can comfortably use it was eight euros for those two objects together she can put her sugar in here and then oh i see she grabbed the ginger blended black tea ginger and peach we received this as a gift last week and i've been really looking forward to trying it and look she squirreled it away up here so i think when she gets up here i'll make a pot of that for both of us but first time to hand wash it for 8 euros i think that that looks really pretty on the pink marble of mummy's kitchen and i like the copper color with the green hello mommy hello do you want to come up i found a little something for you in my use oh my goodness i cannot be quick enough it's because you said you wanted a little teapot yes so what do you think there it is oh did you find that in your mouth yes eight euros for the two it's from staffordshire it's just an old little teapot but i thought it was perfect for you it is adorable because i'm using my i know i explained that and you're scared no oh that's lovely i love it good and you can put sugar or yeah oh wow and i see you've washed it and i see you've stolen the ginger peach tea yeah i wanted to try it and you can have it back it's delicious actually i had it this morning hence the teapot well as i'm here and you have a new teapot maybe i could try some now of course with great pleasure okay let's put the kitten home and that's not the only news i got a wardrobe for michael's apartment so honey will have a wardrobe yes and that will be delivered next week and i've bought a sofa for the marquis apartment so we can get rid of the old yellow one and replace it well did you tell a music and i built one yes i told them that was a good day yeah very good excellent right we've got the tea in there and we'll leave it to brew for a moment and give the ginger peach tea a try mommy has a couple of really pretty cups that she brought back from south africa and i think that goes pretty well right um do you have a tea strainer mummy no is the answer so you just have it with bits of tea yes i didn't i just was very gentle with that that's not the same tea no but there's still a strainer within a little one that's not too much coming through we have to do it the old-fashioned way yes read the tea leaves off oh that's delicious it is delicious the warmth of the ginger and it's delicious that's i think it is a little too much for me first thing in the morning i have decided but wonderful in the afternoon the restaurants your afternoon tea i like something punchy in the morning i needed this for fortification because i've got a big afternoon ahead of me mummy cat and i are going to make the new la land cocktail station in the petit salon we bought a new tray and we're going to use the current printer cabinet we're moving the printer we're making that into the cocktail cabinet excellent it'll be nice there because at the moment it's in the area cuisine and so the people making drinks in the evening get in the way of the people cooking and it's good to have it separate definitely we'll make it much tidier and i will not see bottles all over the place which i promise absolutely it's time for mary's monthly flower delivery we live for this moment ah here we go [Applause] oh they're beautiful oh that's why you wore that shirt this is free bouquet as well look at the color of those roses with the orange on the inside and the pink on the outside i love them i think they might be the nicest yet maddie and as for the hydrangeas oh did you wear the shirt to match them yes i knew they were coming i was not so prepared beautiful let's get them involved stunning studios it's just idyllic yes is that your florals with maggie apron yes the one i got from miranda and it matches your shirt as well oh yeah all planned would you like a tea marie oh i would love one thank you i'm gonna get fizzy now i'll show you some clips of how we took the inspiration of the two euro tray from emius and turned a whole old cabinet into our cocktail cabinet for la land and it took every single person in the house to come together to create something magical i will show you the full behind the scenes of all of that in tuesday's video [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] so [Music] and maddie i think one of the prettiest things about this flowers what is that what are they and they're two different roses and a this is called happy piano which is really funny what we're listening to right now and we've got uh scabiosa which is one of my favorite ones we got dried poppy capsules from the garden no way beautiful eucalyptus and snack dragon some croissant no um deantes and um and i love what you've put yeah yeah how pretty that is they're gorgeous hang on can you zoom in on this because i really like the pink with the oranges perfect they bring it to life yeah they do we'll just need flowers on that every day now because we're going to yes every day no problem excellent we live with the florist exactly but here's an exchange we said we were bringing cocktail corner into here so that we would never be in the kitchen when marie's in fact this is all in honor of marie yes she has a nice quiet kitchen and also we can take her a cocktail while she's making dinner exactly and in return you give me those flowers and dinner it's another la land win-win and i go at cocktail and we get dinner yeah a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen anna brandon and john michael daniela dan banda lauren barnes vince barone denise behrens linda c bradley veronica castillo zoe dork sakura dennis jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari l fine caroline first to brenda gibbons abigail grant brenda harris delane holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson jacqueline holmes helen jacobs jimmy kemp david and summer lalland victoria lepine janet huff lombard frank martin kim matlock meredith nina messick robert miller cathy nuri jc award mp maureen palmer tamara price tonya renee yvonne and peter richards rjb bettina roject hani ross elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty suhu susan stevens jenny stevenson sarah thornton colleen troyer jessica walker brandy walton laura watkins greg wood david young and ludovico zordonatso and thank you to all of you you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 121,105
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Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau, chateau renovation, escape to chateau, brocante, emmaus, charity shop, finding treasure, antiquing
Id: tU0Af3Z12Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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